Designing a PERFECT CASTLE in Becastled!

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hello fellow engineers welcome to the castled so this is a fairly new castle building game had a little garden stream the other day or the other week really fun let's uh we'll start a new game and we're going to see how long we can last so game duration you can choose to survive like certain number of days we're gonna do unlimited and just see how far we can get all right so we're doing a cast on a big hill we're doing a normal difficulty we've got abundant resources because i want to build a big ass castle and uh standard neutrals whatever that is let's go why are those sheep being a human cheaper peed anyway right so this is where we are this is our land there's a lot of trees about blimey so you start off you take your castle down here you can bung it on any of these squares to start with i'm gonna build my castle right here so the aim of this is you sort of you have these weird people that can you see they don't have a face they've got yellow for a faith terrifying but they are they are my kind now we got these little builder ones and we got these night ones which are less terrifying for some reason but they're the ones that defend us right so essentially you gotta build your castle whilst defending yourself each night so you can see this here this is our countdown to when night comes oh and we've got a green arrow so that tells us as well as this blue thing where the enemies are gonna attack from that evening so i need to think about that but in the meantime i'm just gonna start building some stuff so i'm gonna i'm gonna buy this plot of land over here so capture and now i own this i'm also gonna buy that one as well no this one capture you can only buy adjacent plots the ones that you own so this down here is sunstone so if i go on resources and go to sunstone workshop i now can't afford that because it's 300 wood i've only got 280. so i'm gonna instead build a sawmill over here by these trees so they'll start building that and then i can knock these trees down so i can start mining that and sunstone is like well you can see there's army maintenance so i need that for my army guys to survive i need my army guys so i can defend myself at night so i'm going to plunk these down here by this blue arrow and then we'll survive the first night so my sawmill i actually need to add workers so i can add and add now you can see my two little workers are running over and they will start chopping trees timber and that just becomes wood they actually grow back which is cool see that little tree started growing back right so of course we want to build houses so we can have more people so i'm going to build a house or two i know we've got enough wood for our sunstone quarry so i'm going to bung that in you can only bung these on plots that have like the thing in them so i couldn't put this over there because there's no sunstone there i can put it there but people from it will mine this one and like adjacent ones because i think the resources run out after a while all right so five seconds time it's gonna be night time and then if we keep an eye down here we should see people oh they literally spawn from that thing now well that must be an update but yes that was easy we slaughtered those guys you'll notice here there's wolves we have to uh pay attention to these but we can clear those out at some point i'm not going to do it now because i'm not that brave all right so the next spawn point is there i'm actually going to leave my army like here sometimes these people will like walk via the wolves and the wolves will actually help you so i'm not going to remove these wolves now i'm just going to leave them there all right so you can see up here our sunstone is looking pretty good at the moment but this here this is food we're losing 70 food a minute so we're gonna have to find a new source of food you can see like around here we've got like these animals and deers so you can have like hunting which you can put on a deer spot you have farming which you can put on a like sheep or cattle spot and there's also like field farming you know a field which can go in these little flower bed ones and you've also got fishing i forgot about fishing yes i'm gonna i'm gonna buy this one because i haven't i haven't done any hunting yet so i've just bought that i can take this on a hunter's hut so i can build that down there but i'm not sure are they so he's just running so he can run outside of our area which is good just goes down there sweet so up here i built a stone quarry i've actually got a bunga worker in there i've got no workers so it's not actually doing anything so i got to do that click now the other thing you might notice along the top you've got this one which is very important this is mood so if your mood isn't positive i don't think you can have new arrivals so these are just like people that have no jobs to do at the moment you can go around all your things so i can add a worker and one goes to there so i'm gonna send two workers down there to grab my food i think i don't know what he's doing what are you heating up by the way i think your face has got a bit close me oh you can see them just destroying the deer no shame at all now the food's up the old morale's up which means people are respawning again you see that happiness speeds up the arrival of new residents all right so i need to keep building houses to get more residents i can also upgrade houses as well can you see that it costs 15 stone if i click on that upgraded instantly oh and it's night time it's where they're attacking so they're gonna attack from down here oh there's quite a lot of them actually and the wolves are getting involved i'm gonna have my guys ready but i think the wolves are doing everything oh it's a giant wolf it's got no eyes nice so the wolf saved us there but that was quite a big army so we might have to think about upgrading our army so they're going to attack from up there so i'll move my army over in the meantime another house right so we're a negative food so i'm gonna have to increase that and what i can do i can upgrade this i got 20 stone bang on so i can do that quick i can add another worker in there that's a quick easy way to gain some more food without having to buy other plots i think i will buy this plot so i can do some fishing so that'll be nice all right so this is a fisherman's hut it's just gotta sit in like that and then i can bung a couple people in there and looks like i'm gonna be full then so i'm gonna have to keep building houses or keep upgrading all right it's this military tab this is how i'm going to grow my castle and my army so i'm going to build some barracks once i get enough wood there's like a fish tornado going on in there [Music] all right so i'm going to build a barracks and this will let me increase my army so i can turn normal workers it's like these guys just wait in here i can turn these into soldiers all right so i'm just going to make a load of swordsmen because they're pretty actually i'm going to make knights yes come on knights because i got loads of sunstone so may as well stack that up and then you'll notice my happiness is not good at the moment you know where that is it's a bit like why most of england are unhappy at the moment the pubs are shut so we gotta build a tavern and a tavern will increase happiness by getting people drunk it's going to bung that down there it's not a lot going on down there all right so you can see my knights they got big ass swords i'm going to send them over here because night is about to happen say oh god right we're gonna fall back and just wait for our knights to join yep here we go right quickly attack all the fighting's in the trees we can't see what's going on nice smash them i think we're down at night though i think we lost one yeah we did we lost one we've only got three nights there all right so the next attack is over here so i'm just going to bring my army over to there sweet all right so i'm going to send three workers to the tavern so no one has to queue up the bar ever nothing worse than queuing up for a pint right so everyone's pissed and happy now so in our last battle we lost very unfortunate but we lost some knights we can use this a church and if we plonk a church down that will actually revive our fallen comrades which means my army will never shrink alright so we can put a worker in the church and then and then they have the healing powers which that's that's how it works you just bash that wall a few times smash the window up it will bring back to life our night i'm gonna keep building houses so don't want to run out of workers there you go he's been resurrected so we can grab him and make him join our other troops over here all right so we're 20 seconds away from the next night so i'm gonna take my night a lot of knightage going on here and uh we should be able to destroy these guys pretty easily and then we might start looking at building some walls and turrets and stuff all right so they've got archers i'm gonna have to send my army in cause you just stood there again arrows in the face die nice that was an easy battle not gonna lie all right so they're gonna attack from the other side up there so i might just take my blokes over there i might actually attack this wolf's den because i kind of want to expand to here so sorry wolves i know you were there first but uh i got a castle spilled oh god the mother wolf is coming out it's really oh no it killed someone but it's okay our church will bring them back to life why are you guys not attacking who just stood there like oh look my mates are dying all right so now attack the den yes oh there's another wolf in there sneaky now the wall stone has gone i can buy that plot i couldn't before all right so you can see now my wood is full free my food is full my sunstone is nearly full that's goes up to 2500 so i'm gonna do i'm gonna build some where are they a warehouse a barn and a treasury they allow me to store everything i could possibly on a store can do a treasury there barn there and a warehouse there all right so as we've got excess wood i think it's time to start building up some walls so we're gonna we're gonna use wood wolves we're gonna actually i'm not gonna bother with archers i did i did have a little go with them but i think we're gonna do straight the siege workshop it's gonna put a siege workshop down there i'm gonna start putting wood walls around the main part of my castle right so i'm gonna build a ballista i can shove these on top of my towers once i build those all right so you can see my happiness isn't the best it's only plus two so the other way you can increase happiness is you can just plant scarecrows everywhere why wouldn't that make people happy basically on each plot you can see bottom right attractiveness 60 out of 10 that's because there's quite a few stuff in there this one is just a farm which isn't attractive at all so we can just go around and any that don't have much going on we can just add some scarecrows and that should help apparently who came up with this we can also do fountains and statues why wouldn't you have a statue down next to a scarecrow alright so now we can add towers i'm gonna shove a tower there i'm just gonna i'm gonna shove towers everywhere i think and then on top of these towers once they're finished we can add our ballista which should be a range and then hopefully that will just attack or will i need to add someone don't i haven't actually used these so we'll see what happens i might actually move my people back a bit maybe just over to here and then we can see what that does but i'm going to keep building ballistas and keep adding them to towers i need to add a gate here as well there's no gate on this side i should probably add one there as well gate so let's just keep building houses i might have to put some of these outside for now have a new little village down here by the scarecrows i've just seen as well we're losing food minus 30. i'm gonna have to expand down here there's some sheep so we'll take that once we have enough wood and build a farm and of course no village is complete without a tavern oh there's two towers next to each other i forgot that one was there right so it's about to be night time all of our towers are sieged up with ballistas let's see does this one attack or do i need to put someone in there oh it does just attack well it's like giants oh crap all right let's try and keep him there attack oh god there's quite an army coming in here oh damn i'm gonna send a couple just to go get the archers oh crap i might have underestimated this come on someone go take the archers out then miller any there you go this one's on it this one's on it go on son on your own killing me a he just stood there doing nothing oh god this is not good oh no they've breached us it's all our new ballista they're gonna destroy some stuff down there i know you might get killed you might be killed god quick one more hit oh that was close so that's my whole army destroyed thankfully i got the church i'm gonna upgrade that and add some more workers right so we have some work to do crap we've got eight minutes till the next one they're gonna attack from down there so i'm gonna up my army and i'll shove another tower there i could just tower up everywhere to be honest all right so ballista on that i'm gonna start making more troops as well i might just do a load of archers actually so i could build an archery range i could even shove this like outside there's no need for it to be in there i could even start like a secondary wall oh crap and we're out of sunstone big time so because i just built so many bloody people oh and the siege machines they both take up sunstone so i'm building another mine down here right next to the sunstone patch i've also got another one here which i've added but that didn't that wasn't enough i've gotta add more all right we've also got these two if we need them i might as well buy them i've got excess wood we're going to start placing arches on this wall and that will help me fight off these people all right i'm actually panicking because i can't increase my army size because i'm not making enough sunstone only making knight for a minute and we got 30 seconds oh god this could be the end this could be a real test for my ballistas you see here we have the support now of our archers behind us i know there's a load up there as well we ideally you want to lure everyone this way if we can oh look i'm trying to sneak around my wall they've gone straight through my wall my wall did nothing let all my people have to go round the wall they went straight through it all right come on guys help out we got these ballistas up here doing some damage nice we survived we survived that was a bit brutal oh we gotta destroy this little thing apparently that still counts just to unmanned catapult die all right so the next attack will be coming from down there so we could have wolves help us this time which could be cool i doubt they will though i think actually i might just destroy those wolves sorry wolves why are you just hanging out in that wolf den kill it your nods there we go i've got a lot of stone so i might do some stone walls actually all right so they're attacking so we got a load of archers we got some ballistas and we've got our a line of army alright can i just send them in this is awesome look how cool my castle is looking this is actually wicked oh no there's more of them there's more of them i might get back to get everyone in range and oh yeah you're in trouble now archers away boosh no chance no chance look at this thing just trying to wheel away sorry mate you're outnumbered ow the cat put him right into me kill him oh look at it rolling away it's off where's it going whoa oh it's gone that was far too exciting all right so they're tacking down here this time i'm gonna move all my arches and shove them on this i'm gonna build the most desirable houses you can imagine right next to a pub a bit worried my uh my food's going down pretty quick we're consuming a hundred more than we're producing not good once you have enough wood i'll buy this one and bang a farm on there as well i think i'm a bit overboard with the arches that's why we're pretty well defended over here they i'm just wondering why these two fishermen are uh i mean there's there's benches there like it's quite comfy actually but they'd rather be oh neck deep in water about to get sucked into the fish tornado why do i feel like fish tornado might be the next cow gang fish tornado t-shirt coming soon right i'm hoping food might be on the mend soon i don't know where my next source of food could be maybe up here oh that's two plots away are there any within range no food could be dodgy soon oh right they're attacking oh god there's a huge army look at that holy all right come on archers all you ones need to move over to here and my actual army needs to fight why you just stood there oh nice that was easy though that was easy all right the next wave is coming from over there it's going to bring my army over and bring all my archers over i might upgrade these all to stone while they're here because i think they support more archers if you do that which is always good all right we do need more food we're only just producing positive food so i might try and get to that fishing village fishing village fishing area yeah we'll capture that and we'll plonk fishman's hut in there lovely jubbly and then we can just move along this way doing all the farming we want sweet oh the blister nailed all right hold hold oh they're guessing annihilated just one guy controlling it you can try to run away come on guy you can surely i was gonna say i was gonna say oh there's more there's more proper battle going on up here we survived all right guys that was the castled and this is my two-tiered castle which i think is getting there it's like surrounded in ballistas and we got a fairly big army and a crapload of archers wherever they've gone they're somewhere yeah if you want to see more of this game give the video a like otherwise i might play on stream again at some point because i am really enjoying this level i'm absolutely smashing it if i say so myself cheers guys peace loving castles you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 595,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: becastled, becastled game, becastled gameplay, castle siege, ballista, castle defense, tower defense, defending castles, huge fortress, stone castle game, real civil engineer, rce
Id: cEROTxCz1Wg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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