Mini Metro #1 ►London 2000+ Strategy and Tips◀ [1080p 60 FPS] Gameplay PC Mac IOS Android

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hey guys welcome to mini Mac Pro we're going to be playing on the London map and I'm gonna be trying to beat my high school and for 1886 I what I'd love to get over 2000 on the London map and as we go through I'm going to be giving you some tips and strategies on how to improve your high score so firstly we're going to link these together I'm assuming you know how to play the basic game well we're going to get the clock speed it up so we go to two times speed right now what you do in the early part of the game and I'm when I say the early part the game I mean up to probably about 20 stations kind of doesn't matter a whole lot you want to keep your lines down to you know maybe five or six stations each something like that and you want to try and include on each line one of each symbol Square triangle and circle pretty easy now we got a thing going on here let's put in another line like this now you will notice that I am putting in circles why am I putting in circles why am I not putting in just like you know like end to end tracks and the answer is that mathematically speaking circles are much much better than end-to-end tracks you get about 25% better efficiency okay that's a bit of a nightmare down there okay week 2 we get an extra like - motif what are we going to take well on the London map I always advise get a couple of extra tunnels I'm just going to take two extra tunnels so I've got a total of five I should have what are we going to do down here huh what are we going to do down here we're gonna we're going to redo it like don't be afraid to redraw your lines okay so what I'm going to do I'm going to try and like pick a central point and then draw my circles off that central point and you'll see as we approach the mid-game like why I'm doing that so the problem we've got is this we've only got one square so I'm going to use that right now am I going to use that I'm going to use that as a central point I think like that and then oh yeah we can only really do that that's kind of all we could do it the virus huh but at least that's balanced we've got one two three four five stations on there and four stations on here and of course then it throws us a curveball and look if like four triangles all together the game does this to you and trying to get around this is well you know that's what the game is all about and see we got circles together over here triangles together over here three circles I'm here and we've still only got one square we desperately needed of the square and as we approach the mid-game I'll pick a central spot an old dog I'll tell you all about hubs and interchanges and how you deal with the special symbols and all that kind of stuff we'll hook that up to there for now really you need to get up to employ something around 20 stations and then you'll have an idea of how our we've got a square over here thank the Lord okay for now I'm just going to put in a third line week 3 and week an extra locomotive now do I take a line or tunnels I've already got enough tunnels so I'm going to take an extra line I'm going to put in an extra line up here all the circles just changed to a unique symbol now when you get a unique symbol the squares the triangles circles are not unique you'll get loads of those but these shapes like weird jokes like this you'll only get one of those and we've got we haven't got problems up here so for now I think what we're going to do we're going to solve that by putting an extra train on here now when you add a try an extra train to a track you can orient it by putting it like closer so if I want it to go in that direction if I put it close to this station it'll point to the words that station it'll go in that direction if I wanted it to go in the other direction if I put that side right there go in that direction and the same if I put it close to this it'll go in that direction ok so I think we'll get it going that way we are think we'll get it going that way speed that up good right so mmm ok hardware would you've got a circle that appeared right on that line I was going to what we're going to do is we're going to pick a central spot and then we're going to have all of our circles coming off that central spot like the petals of a flower that is the idea but you kind of need to see like how your map is shaping up with your symbols before you can kind of pick that central spot and the problem with the London map is that it tends to be centered around this area and then you've got all kinds of issues with tunnels riches are beard ever problem ok yeah we'll see like the week four nothing like a massive Paloma gets all interchange yeah now I can tell you about interchanges so right let's take the interchange let's pause this for a sec and we're going to redesign our network based around an interchange and I'm going to explain why you want to use interchanges and what they do and why they good let's get rid of that one and we'll get rid of this one as well bump bump bump bump right now the problem with public like this is probably the center of this cluster of symbols but the problem with using that one is that like everything is going to be going through the river and creating a lot of tunnels and we don't want to have to use millions of tunnels so I think we're probably going to use this one as a center so then you want to try and divide them up so that you've always got a triangle and a square on on a line so we could have a line going round there for example and then we could have another line going there Square there's a triangle but cool then we can have another line maybe going square and then pick up these circles and then a final line it's going to have to go down to there and then it's going to have to go all across there and then probably there and there okay so you see it's it's circles coming off a central point like the petals of a flower and of course as soon as you pick a central spot it throws you a curveball and you're thinking oh I really should have picked that as my center spot and like I am thinking now I work I've kind of got to move to that as a center spot which is going to make things kind of interesting because I'm going to have to extend that up there so yeah we're gonna have to come into this one I think and oh I like young have to do this one first that's gonna have to go straight into there and then the blue is gonna have to go up there and there okay cap writer hi-yah this blue line um this blue line doesn't really need to go through there it can go straight up there that'll do awesome so what you're trying to do you're trying to balance the number of stations on each line you're trying to balance the symbols that are on each light now if you get problems like this although you had that one that's not it's not going to solve the problem then you're going to need to add extra trains to a line now you it's not a permanent thing you can change it around and when you add the trains you can you can change the alignment of them by pointing at a particular station like like that so I go over there it'll point towards that station I think we want to be going in that direction like that whoo man okay we've got another unique symbol popped up over here which is kind of not very helpful can I have to do that but what it means is like if we if we take where some where's a unique symbol I get this unique symbol we will have there's one right that shape there that passenger is trying to get to that station so he's going to have to go through the central hub but he's only going to have to make one change because all of our train lines are connected at that central point so he's just going to have to go to that point then change train and get onto here okay but that means we're going to be dumping all of our unique symbols onto this one train station well that's going to be a huge problem isn't it well that's where interchanges come in the interchanges have two effects one they increase the speed of loading and unloading by four times so passengers get on and off the trains four times faster but they also increase the amount of passengers that can be at the station before they trigger this gray game over time so if we put that there you'll see and you see it becomes a bigger symbol so that you can see it's an interchange this I think we're going to have to the problem with picking up I'm gonna have to put it on the blue line like that because if we hook that down there we then have one two three four circles in it in a rug I mean you that's what you're trying to avoid as much as possible right we're only up to like 340 passengers it's still very early days now we've got another square over here but of course it's right next to this one which doesn't help us write week five we get another locomotive what do we want do we want a carriage carriages are really really useful no question about it but I think we're going to go for an extra line because we really need to kind of help balance this out a bit because this blue line got one two three four five six seven stations on that blue line that the problem is oh you know what this blue lines not going through a square is it man so that needs to go through that station because it's got to have a square on it that's probably why it's having so many problems that red line can probably cope with that it doesn't need to go through that station that because it's already if we take it off there because it doesn't need to go through that square so you can go through that square and I'm not going to put it through that unique so that reduces the amount of stations that are on there so that's good okay that's slightly better okay well got a few problems down here okay i you yeah we're going to have to put another train on here so let's put a train going in the opposite direction away from this one now I am looking to see could I put another line in and where would I put it and you can see how fast these passengers load and unload at this point thank you a girl I have to put another we've either got to put another line in or we've got to put another train on this line I'd like to put another line in the but again we don't have a square anywhere down in this area which is kind of causing us a problem so I think I think for now what we'll do is we'll just put this this extra train on there to help hopefully clear some of this traffic out oh great look at this one two three four five circles in a line now that is what you're trying to avoid so it makes sense to instead of going through that square there if we go direct in there and we actually put the square in there so that at least it's got a chance to drop off some passengers before it goes off over here although this tried obviously going to skip it this time course and put that in quite early enough okay but we we seem to be kind disorder just about okay we just have a 500 passengers are many serious it loves to throw you a curve ball it really does okay we're going to simplify the blue rope then now this is gonna like not completely defeat okay we've got to go through there as we don't have to go through that one go through that one just go straight up there that that's got four in a row that's not good that's not good but yeah it kind of is what it is what I'm gonna do here I'm gonna put in another line oh man I don't have enough tunnels to do it oh that's not good that's not good work like what can I do to her if I simplify the blue line so that it's oh man oh this is tricky this is tricky yeah this is this is very very tricky I don't think I can necessarily make this much better I've got to connect to the square and then up to there so I think I think that's pretty much what I had before isn't it how can I get I I've got one tunnel I'm gonna have to put a line in like that because I can't circular eyes because I don't have another tunnel well is what it is and these stations on the red liner getting I will overload it we get an extra train that's good now do I want an extra line well to be honest not really lines aren't my problem so I'm going to take a carriage now adding a carriage can consult a lot of problems if we look up here we're picking up a lot of traffic because we've got to go through a circle a circle a circle then we can drop off the square passengers then we still got circle circle unique until we can get to a triangle so we've got to go through all these stations before we can drop off a triangle so what I'm going to do I'm going to put that's going to drop off you know what I'm just going to put the carriage on that train right and it should have enough time because it will be empty now then it should pick up everything from there everything from there should pick up a few of those at least yeah now it's full then it'll drop off the squares yeah it's it's struggling but it's kind of getting that right we've got a couple more stations down here that we've got to hook up to which I was kind of ignoring 1 2 3 4 5 yeah it's getting tricky too getting tricky and we're going to be in danger up here I think I'm going to have to put in an emergency trail to solve that are you going to get there in time now it's not going to is it going to get there in time I don't think it is so what I'm going to do I'm going to put an emergency train there but we've got a problem down here I'll just just saved it but this is a problem we don't have a train on the Green Line that's why okay I need to I need to take a train from somewhere now where can I take a train from where we got two trains we've got only got one on there now where we gotten where we got extra trained that we could use like the only one is like the red one but that's that's already occupied well there must be a spare train somewhere let's actually run it see oh yeah we got to on the blue line we can take one of these let's take this one and we'll put that there on the green line hopefully yeah just about saves the day awesomesauce right we've got a couple more symbols up here but look we've got we've got a square and triangle which is really good news so we've got square there we really need that triangle that triangle gets us there a lot faster now I'm just thinking would it be better on this line to just change the order in which we visit the stations see themselves I'm thinking that we want we it would be really good to visit that that triangle like halfway through the journey so I'm thinking if we went like that then Square so we've got triangle Circle Square then circle triangle square circle circle and then back to the triangle that is actually not a bad line we've got plenty of capacity with the extra carriage cool we've got to pick this station oh we can do that with the yellow line I think all right okay all right whip whip we're actually not too bad right we get an extra train now we can either take a line or an interchange at this point we can afford to take another line I think we don't really need another interchange and well at least at this point we may end up having like a second hub I'm thinking it's probably going to be there where we'll bring lines together ah man that's not good I've forgotten about this that needs to get hooked up we do have one train that we could use to help that out that's a bit of an issue um I'm thinking we put it on the red line yeah I think we're going to have to could really do with could really do with a couple of tunnel so that we could circularize the green and maybe simplify this line a little bit the the blue line I don't know or maybe extend it up and help out the red line I don't know I don't know are we gonna get this is when she started going up there so we're going to have to put this over here headed in this direction to disaster awesome ha ha great now we can extend that there now if we could if we add one more tunnel we could actually extend that and that would be like bearable we've got problems on blue line over here that isn't are you gonna get any time I think you just about art isn't gonna pick up a couple of symbols it's still too many we're gonna have to take a train from somewhere else otherwise we're in serious trouble now we've got an extra train on the red line home with yeah I think we're going to have to do that okay there we go so that will just about keep us in the game hmm Crichton does that look at all the circles up here it's ridiculous the amount of circles we are in a bit of trouble we can do with put in another line in the problem is if you look at this area we've got a square there we've got a square there and there's no other squares in this kind of area so to put a line in here because you need to hook up to a square really man that's not good and that's not good I'm looking at how we could kind of shuffle things around a little bit that could go through that station wouldn't hurt but this is just kind of horrendous idea I can't think of a way of putting another line in which was really gonna help that much so I mean we're just gonna have to kind us down okay the only way we're going to pick that up is with the blue line what are we up to we're just about up to a thousand now which is kind of like I mean if you hit in a thousand then you're not doing too badly but we want to get up to ideally to that sweet got another unique symbol up there that's going to have to be the readily loved to get through another week get another like another train or something to help out oh and there we go so we get a locomotive now do I take another line well I've already got one extra line and I can't put that in that's not helping so I'm going to take a carriage so we've got one more train one more carriage now where are we having problems and at the moment everything is like fairly even okay we've got a triangle in there could really do with a tunnel to circular eyes this but that is what that is I can't extend the green line to really help out in any way no nothing I can do really over here so yeah it's just a case of like keep an eye now and then see which line needs like an extra train or an extra carriage or whatever but like right now we seem to be fairly balanced the red line is getting a bit of buildup oh man and we get a circle right ok well now the red line is definitely going to need some help I think so I think we'll put I think we'll put an extra train and the extra carriage on there yeah now that's gonna add a look of a fair amount Asti over there the blue trains are are kind of okay so they're going in opposite directions and we are gray and we get a triangle now that is actually kind of good news because we could put another line in to cover this little area over here I think we're going to do that I think we're going to do that guys so like if we if we pull the this back to maybe like there and the red line we can simplify yeah yeah yeah that's what we're going to do so we'll take the red line back over here and unhook this now I'm thinking that we maybe take the thing is having the square and the and that's where in that triangle kind of makes the line fairly efficient so I don't I don't think that's necessarily a bad line so like what would we do with it like if we were going to put the pink line in where would we do with it it does mean we could potentially unhook this and Link it into the central hub and like maybe hook that up and then maybe we do we do just a direct line go we'll hook up the square and then just hook these into the central hub for now if we can get into the cert if we can get another circular line in if we can get some tunnels get another circular line in that would obviously be good got problems here got problems here Oh week week night Wow like a motive and a carriage good okay you know what we're going to put them on I think the blue line is the one that's really stressed at the moment so let's put a locomotive going in that direction ah that's carrying all circles so that would actually pick up like four from there so maybe like now what the hell we'll put this on there and we'll give it the extra carriage I'm just looking around to see if there's any other stations that are stressed out we can maybe steal that train onto another line but we're going to clear that and we're going to clear that BRR BRR BRR BRR BRR beautiful all righty how we doing down there we're okay we've got a little bit of stress over here but that's gonna get cleared good okay you can see how many passengers we've got here and this isn't getting the grey circle because it's an interchange hour we can hook that up to there I guess now pink line is getting a bit stressed how many stations does that go through but not a lot I wonder if we Pike I wonder if that would help actually hang on do we I don't think we've got we haven't got a train on that line ha ha ha we have got a train on the pink line so we'll take this blue train I think and we'll put it in going into that direction right there we go I've got another light pick that up this isn't good Oh got a square okay now now now now adding a square e down there it's pretty good but we don't have a tunnel oh if we had a tunnel we could maybe do something over here but I'm thinking this pink line maybe we put in a it's like a just a circle over here rather than taking it into the main hub because we don't have to hook up to that circle anymore which is kind of great news we keep going down to that you would oh you would okay so in that case let's inventor align so we'll go how about if we gum like that so it's gonna be dumping stuff there onto the red line I just wonder if we should hook up to that hope yeah let's do that let's do that see how that works but we're up to 1,500 guys we're up to 1500 just got to keep an eye on everywhere now and like make sure right on kind of do anything stupid and we might be doing kind of sort of okay right we can pick that up on the pink line how we do it kind of sort you know I'm gonna I'm gonna slow it down now guys because when you run it on double speed things get out of hand like so fast this pink line how are you doing we got there and there we've got problems too that's gonna get there in time I think yeah that's gonna clear that one yep yeah or we get a new locomotive and now do I take a line or do I take a carriage all the decisions in the decisions I think I'm gonna take a carriage uh yeah I'm gonna take a carriage now you're gonna pick yeah you know what I'm gonna put that carriage on that pink line there we go so hopefully it'll clear that one yes sweet where else is having problems we've got one more locomotive that we can deploy we're up to 1,700 oh I I sense a new high school guys I sense a new high score can we get two thousand right that station is gonna be okay it's just a keeper case of keeping an eye on everything and making sure it's cool I'd really like to circularize this goddamn train station um I'd say I'd love to like hook it up to that square there that would kind of help but I can't because I don't have any down tunnels that's coming back in that direction when it's out that like there's nowhere that like desperately needs help at the moment so I'm going to keep that train in reserve I mean the blue line would be kinda maybe the one that needs better help we're up to 1800 what 1886 is the record where's my record not the record just my record can I beat it the yellow line is getting a bit stressed no but we've been picking those up for RK up here this is coming down to do this okay we've got a triangle up here so we'll put that on the old red line which is at that that's pretty good actually that helps the red point where if we got problems where we got problems a little bit of problem down here but they'll be cleared when that train comes back that is gonna get solved by that train things are just things are just like ticking along at the moment that's gonna get fixed yeah whoa now that's there I'm gonna put this extra train I think on there because this this is worrying me a little bit something else do that that's a little bit of concern slow is this over here that's what a law passes to pick up around here okay week 11 we get a new locomotive that's awesome oh and we get a carriage so you know what now that train is full are there any circles on it I don't think there's any circles on it so tell you what we're going to do we're going around as there anywhere else that's like pointy this is pretty stressed over here as well oh man like there's so many places which are stressed out we're over 2,000 oh we broke it mm you're pleased about ah I'd love to keep this going a bit longer that's the biggest concern but look at like look how many are here I think we're going to lose the well I'm going to lose the game in the very very near future but if I put that on there that is going in that direction unfortunately ah if I put that and that on there okay that's going to fix that okay cool not a problem but I could then potentially maybe steal this train from here and put it oh that's a carriage that's a carriage I want that I want the Train and now when it's in the station they're really hard to grab I need to grab that red train so that's gonna solve that okay so that oh no that is a train okay so we want this there don't we yes we do we've got problems here we got like we've got problems everywhere but there's nothing else I can do at the moment where else could we steal a train from I could take this carriage off the pink train and put it on that train this is gonna get cleared so that's gonna hopefully fix that but this this one's gonna go and that I think that one's gonna go as well because this cos this has got no capacity oh oh oh it was going so well yeah this one's going to be the one that kills us what could we do have we got any trains that aren't like full yeah we've got this red train up here now I know it's they're not delaying the inevitable but we put this over here that will fix that that's going to be the next one okay well come on come on move move are you gonna get there in time oh no this one but we hit we got it we got the two thousand two thousand one hundred fifty seven I'm happy enough with that my target was two thousand so there you go mm 157 passengers traveled on new Metro over 71 days whoo that was fun guys if you would like me to do more of the cities if you'd like me to go on to doing you know Berlin and Osaka and Auckland and Melbourne and all of those cities leave me a comment if you enjoyed it drop me a comment if you've got any tips please leave me a comment cuz I love this game and I want to get better at it so any tips like drop them to me we'll leave it there I hope you enjoyed it I'll catch you for the expo guys peace out
Channel: Skye Storme
Views: 569,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mini Metro (Video Game), Strategy Video Game (Video Game Genre), mini metro, mini metro gameplay, mini metro strategy, mini metro tips, mini metro high score, gameplay, strategy, tips, high score, Skye, Skyestorme, Skyestormegaming, Gaming, game, Puzzle (Video Game Genre), mini metro ios, mini metro android, mini metro london, mini metro guide, mini metro tutorial, minimetro tips
Id: u6Y7C8SSrto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 11sec (2111 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2015
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