Overengineering the LONDON UNDERGROUND in Mini Metro!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to mini metro so this is from the same guys that brought us many motorways it's an earlier game and it was one that was on my list for ages but then many motorways came out and obviously being a highway designer in real life i prioritized that one but let's try ourselves at making an underground metro system so we start off looking down at our empty tube map we've got a river flowing through the middle and we've got three shapes but these are just not any old shapes these are tube stations so we've got the circle the square and the triangle now obviously being an engineer the triangle is by far the superior tube destination but for now i'm going to treat all destinations as equal all right so if we look down at this destination you can see there's a square appeared this is a passenger so basically this little square has walked along the road here gone down the stairs into the underground station he's walked into the platform and he's been like wait i want to get to square uh where's the next train and i'm like sorry mate i haven't even built the line yet but uh that's where my handy mouse button comes in so if we keep this bottom thing locked up you can see we've got three different colors at the moment to play with and a few other things as with many motorways we literally just draw a line to the square now you can see our square has boarded the train and now arrived at its destination and we've got one point so now you can see a triangle passenger has decided to get to the circle station and again he wants to go to the triangle destination but if you look at our yellow line it only goes to the square so we've got two choices we can either extend our yellow line to the triangle or we can build a separate line one other thing to be aware of here is there is a river in the way which means we're going to have to use a tunnel to get under it which kind of makes me think maybe they're not underground trains because they would already be in tunnels but that's not the point the point is we've only got three tunnels so we can only cross this river three times at the moment so i'm gonna grab this little t-bar thing and we're gonna extend it to the triangle so now this train can go back and forth and you idiot train did you see that you didn't pick up the triangle passenger you just went straight there anyway right i'm also going to extend this one because we have a square passenger waiting there and a triangle so this is now a nice little u-shaped line if you rotate it and it should just pick up the passengers required back and forth now we've got a new station appear on the left a triangle there's no passengers for it yet so i'm just gonna leave it for now right so now these two stations need a circle so i'm going to make a new line it's going to be red so essentially i'm just as long as these two stations just keep picking up circles i think this is fine for now any shape at this station can be created with the yellow line alright we've got another triangle there so i am going to extend this line once more this will pick up all three triangles and they will just drive all the way oh we'll pick up another triangle and they'll drive all the way to the triangle station and drop them off nice so it's the end of week two i don't know what happened to week one i don't know if i missed that or what happened but as with mini motorways we get upgrades so we get a new locomotive for your metro so essentially that just allows us to put an extra train on any of our lines very useful and then we also get to pick one so we can add a new line color or we can add a carriage and a carriage just makes your capacity of one train bigger alright i'm going to go with line because i feel like that will probably be more useful i haven't actually played this game at all yet i did the tutorial just quickly it was like two minutes long so this is actually further than i've been in the game but i'm sure i'm sure we'll do fine i think everything's going alright we're taking a square to the square lovely all right we've got another triangle there i am thinking is it worth just extending that and then putting another locomotive on so if we bung him in he'll pick up the triangle look at all those triangles in that train yes five of them lovely look at the score rack got now all right so we've got a square and a triangle required here so what i'm thinking is maybe we could do that sort of thing it's one of each shape so that should be fine but this one down here is a bit tricky if we just pause for a second if we were to extend our red line this square passenger has nowhere to go on that line i don't think they swap stations maybe we can actually just test that now so i'm wondering will the square from this bottom station get on board the train and then get off at this station probably not i assume the squares will just rack up there all right oh they're all on board they are all on board do the squares get off here no they're just all on board oh they got off that one because there's a square okay and now they've got ah okay so it is quite a sensible game cool all right i'm just going to connect this yellow up to there just make it a little bit further like our yellow line's sort of our main line it's got all the shapes but it hasn't got all the shapes because if you look over here we've just spawned a pentagon so we're going to have to keep an eye on all of our stations and see if any of them are pensions i don't know exactly how the pasture spawning works whether they are just new shapes yeah so if you look at this yellow one we do now have a pentagon so i might extend this red ah and it's the end of week three now we got a new locomotive so that's very useful thank you game and then we can pick between a new line color or two tunnels now i do already have a tunnel but i feel like as the map expands tunnels will be more useful yeah because looking at this map i'm pretty sure we're in london i've watched enough intros to eastenders to know what the thames looks like from above [Music] uh if you're not british you're probably not going to get that reference just ignore me it's a terrible suit all right so i'm actually thinking of doing a bit of jiggery pokery here i'm going to take this yellow away i'm going to send it that way to pick up this passenger and then i'm going to extend this blue one go through there so our blue line has got a bit longer we've still got a light blue one ready which i quite like bit of safety again i'm going to have to play a few more games to sort of work out good strategies but uh we're up to 150 points which ain't too bad i don't think i'll just extend this dark blue one down to the square because we do have some squares on board that is a very full train now luckily they're all exiting so yeah we got three spaces and there the squares will get off they're looking fine up this sunday we've got quite a lot of passengers i wonder if it would be worth because the line's so long adding an extra locomotive i think i will for now i may as well use my upgrades all right we got another triangle here and that wants a circle i wonder would it be worth trying to connect in a new color those two then that's just triangles to circles all the way all right so it's week four we've got another locomotive lovely jubbly and then we can pick between tunnels or a carriage and i'll tell you what i might see how the carriages work i have no idea i assume i just let's pause do i just drag it on to yeah i think i just drag it onto a line so i think we'll leave it for now but when if we see journeys proper racking up we'll do that where's my light blue hang on did did my light blue not come with a hang on what's going on my light blue didn't come with a train do i actually need to put a train on there oh wow that's sneaky i assumed every lion had a train but it doesn't all right let's extend the yellow that way and maybe cross the river and go down to there it's a long way to the square station is my only concern so i feel like you sort of want the different shapes almost alternating oh god and we've got a new shape we've unlocked the teardrop i think it's probably like a quarter circle but we're going to call it teardrop and we'll extend the blue up to it as well right yellow seems to be struggling so i am going to increase the capacity by using this so this train now you can see it's got two carriages you can pick up all the people which is quite useful if any squares get on this end i'm not being offensive like damn squares they're such squares by mean actual square passengers if they get on at this end of the line they should be able to go all the way to the square station without causing too much of a ruckus all right so as we got pentagon i might extend the red over to there it's quite far but uh it is what it is i'm just going to extend this light blue to that circle with a triangle passenger waiting right and it's now week five thankfully you've got another locomotive definitely need them and oh look at this there's a new sort of upgrade an interchange improver station's capacity and transfer speed well that could be very useful particularly at the ends of lines maybe like if we look at this red one at the end the capacity is getting pretty dangerous but maybe that's more of a save for emergencies type thing because i think like mini motorways once the station has passengers waiting for too long and you start to get a timer all right we've got a plus up here so what i'm gonna do i'm gonna delete that line and bring it through the plus so it is an extra journey but uh what you're gonna do i also feel like it might be worth this blue taking it through this triangle because there's a lot of circles there and that's just a quick access to another circle line now this this red is not looking good as there's a lot of passengers out there already and i'm gonna make the line even longer which probably isn't sensible oh yeah look we got we got a timer already so let's pause i'm actually thinking there's so many people there do i include that as part of the yellow line because what i could do come through there and around and this red line like make it short so there's no need to do parallel routes i don't think but that could be just slightly more efficient i need to connect the bottom right as well yellow line is even longer but telling me we've got three trains on there because we've got this added capacity one now what i'm going to do about this square in the middle though would it be worth this light blue going through there so now you've got three different shapes i'll tell you what maybe maybe you want to do that so this square station becomes sort of a hub so i can see there's like a load of crosses on the yellow line and no real route to the cross other than getting off at square going along the dark blue getting off a triangle going along the red line that's a long way but this is a nice little shortcut now so we'll play like that for now and yeah so picking up some of those passengers with the timer the timer is going down thankfully i think the timer goes down until it fills back up again oh and if you saw that we've got we got a timer on this and our yellow train was completely full so it went straight past it thankfully there is a yellow train on the way it's the doubler as well but look how many people are in there oh no right it's oh it's week six we've got another train thank goodness we can add another line or do we just want a carriage i don't know what's best i think we'll do another like we've got two trains so yeah we'll do another line i thought that would be useful like let's see this double train will it reduce numbers oh yeah loads of people got on there it's still filling up pretty quickly well now there's a timer down there as well right i think it's time to sort of delete some stuff and think about solutions let's press pause so i feel like the trouble is this yellow line it's a bit too long like if we were to shorten this end maybe to there and then we can do another line down this end we've got a train on this one so the train it will just take all these people to this station but they'll transfer onto the yellow line which remember it has it has three carriages on or does it not anymore what's happened to my other yellow train did i accidentally delete it oh there it is they're on top of each other and then what we'll do we'll make this station a big one look at that so now that should hold more people all coming off the green line yeah so the only shapes that will actually wait here will be shapes that aren't triangles or circles so i think squares will be the most common then some of these other random ones like the crosses and the teardrops all right dark blue will extend that way and red extend that way i think the green has helped i sort of thinking maybe i should have upgraded this stationary rather than that one don't think there's a way to reverse the upgrades in this unfortunately but we've just cracked 700 journeys made which sounds like a lot whether it is i have no idea never looked at the leaderboards in this oh god look how many pluses are on here maybe we need to extend our blue down to there so they've got a direct journey assuming all right i'm going to add a train down to the light blue i think because we got to get rid of some of these people look how close it is okay timer going down and it's week seven we've got another train thank goodness uh we've actually run out of tunnels but while that might be useful the green line really proved extra lines are useful so i think i'm going to go for the line i mean ideally i want to get around this light blue being a tunnel i don't know if i can redraw it or anything oh and hold up did that station just change from another shape into a star i swear there wasn't a star there before so that's something else you need to be aware of the shapes do change over time sneaky game sneaky all right this middle station bit of a nightmare a load of squares are on this double train though so that should start reducing numbers all right here we go there's a there's a blue as soon as it drops this circle off it's got a plus and then it should pick up all of those pluses easily ready ready yes the time's going down six plus is on board decent oh god look at this dark blue one it's not good ah let's press pause all right i feel like i'm gonna have to put another train in just to save the game now could i put a light iron let's see could i do a line first if i did a line from there we got triangles triangles are literally next to it squares down there and plot yeah i thought that is the best route so i feel like just an extra train going in that direction i feel like most people get on board that i just did a little bit of jiggery pokery down this end just to get the extra station i'm also going to extend the dark blue down to that station and now we'll press play and hopefully everyone will board this dark blue train and the time will go down oh not for long though bulls boll x that's game over oh we didn't crack a thousand he lasted 47 days overcrowding at this station has forced your metro to close well to be fair i'm glad they do it it's not like japan where they bloody push people on board but yeah essentially now no one can travel and quite cool unless you have the option to continue in an endless mood and creative mode but let's go back see how we ranked we're just about in the bottom half terrible so i think i definitely need a bit more practice at this anyway guys that was mini metro if you enjoyed the game you want to see more please boost that like button otherwise i'll catch you guys next time peace love and metros bye you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 897,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mini metro (video game), strategy video game (video game genre), mini metro, mini metro gameplay, mini metro strategy, mini metro tips, mini metro high score, gameplay, strategy, tips, high score, gaming, game, puzzle (video game genre), mini metro ios, mini metro android, mini metro london, mini metro guide, mini metro tutorial, minimetro tips, real civil engineer, rce, mini motorways, real civil engineer mini metro
Id: yD0bsGheH2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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