Is a Real City Planner Any Good at Mini Motorways?

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[Music] hello welcome to city planner plays where we are playing mini motorways and i'm really excited about this game uh if you're new to the channel a little bit about me i have been a planner a professional planner certified for about 10 years and in that time i've worked everywhere from local governments as both a city planner and a transportation planner all the way up to a state department of transportation as a transportation planner so in theory that experience would help me in this game i'm not sure that it actually will we we are about to find out so let's play the game and i think we're going to start in los angeles and we're gonna do that because i used to live there and i could see that right here this is the basin there's the l.a river seems awesome so let's give it a shot so the whole purpose of this game is to get people from their house to wherever they're going and it tim it looks like everyone is going to a factory or or a place of employment so i just built a road i'm wondering if roadway hierarchy is going to help me at all in this game so basically right now this is like a i'd say it's a an arterial with a collector right here and a local road between the two homes we're going to see if i can maintain hierarchy and if that's going to help me to really succeed in this game or not so i have a tendency to speed through games if you've watched any of my city skylines content i will inadvertently leave the game at the highest speed now i can change the speed by clicking here and and speeding things up but i'm going to try my best not to do that so i now have a home over here oh it's loading what we're gonna do is make a little neighborhood with these red homes and we'll have a collector or an arterial right here rather that all of the cars can use to get to where they're going let's speed things up i'm not a patient person okay so you can see that there are these little things showing up above these buildings showing how many people they need to show up so i don't know if that's they need two employees and only one's there and oh okay the end of the first week so now we get some choices do we want traffic lights or bridges and it's a really small town so i'm going to say the traffic lights aren't warranted at this point and we're gonna go for bridges instead because if anything crosses the la river i want to be able to uh to go over there and so far everything is going well all right so we have another business loading over here and got a neighborhood forming up here all right so that's built i think that we're in a good spot things are laid out pretty logically we could try to separate this and have all of our residential in one location but i'm just gonna keep forming these small neighborhoods so we could have all of our red uh folks coming up here i don't like that that's gonna use a lot of roadway tiles and it's gonna really segregate things i hate the idea of thinking of this as like a whole bunch of segregation okay so now we've got blue over here we're making a little neighborhood pod and uh you know they're not gonna let me lay this out logically they're gonna keep spawning randomly so i guess this is kind of like la all right so now another option another bridge or some traffic lights and i just don't think we need traffic lights yet but bridges are always handy and we might need them at some point because we're loading up this arterial we've got lots of access it's got to turn into a strode but you know we're going to do what we can oh so maybe that traffic light would have been helpful because we have a junction here now so i'm gonna call a mulligan and if you've watched my videos i love to call mulligans i make mistakes and i fix them and this game encourages it and the mistake that i've made is i'm taking this arterial and loading a bunch of stuff onto it now it's good now it's good i like this all right so now we need to figure this out looks like we leveled up this building here now it's a super building um let's slow things down because i'm going a little fast and things are going to get a little bit unwieldy and i don't like this yellow building right there already ah but it's okay we're gonna we're gonna make it work all right so now we can either get 30 roadway tiles or a motorway oh it's la so freeways but i think the roadway tiles are going to be really helpful throughout the game so we're going to go that route we do have another bridge if we want to use it part of me kind of wants to i think it could be helpful to have another arterial so we're just going to modify this just a little bit so i will use the right mouse click button and delete that and then we'll have this be another arterial hopefully this will get these blue folks to their business quicker because we got three people loading up there already that's not good so we're gonna load them onto the arterial that's a terrible spot for them what might work better would be to actually call another mull again yeah we'll have that diagonal road right there and now at least if you were going up this way you wouldn't have to co-mingle with these folks over here now if you see up here it says 124 of these pins so that's the number of people who have successfully made it to their destination you can see the traffic is is flowing pretty good right now so one of the things that i think i could do in this game is i could try to control demand uh or not to van but where development occurs by adding roadways uh proactively that said when i go down here at 19 roads i don't know if i want to do that okay new red one up here and what's this guy doing just way out here on their lonesome okay we will extend this arterial out to them and load directly onto it it's like this is a gigantic driveway only for this house so i guess this is rural-ish all right so we don't need any more bridges we've still got a lot of road tile so i think we're gonna have a motorway even if we don't use it now i think that we need to keep an eye on it because i can see that right here for instance we've got these blue folks and it's kind of a long trip for them and in fact why don't we use the motorway right here oh put that pin there and that is terrible i hate that but it's okay it's okay so now it's like a bypass and these people will have a highway going over the house can we make it any better nope no way to make that better it just is what it is and that's la just lots and lots of highways so truthfully we're seeing some issues with these blue folks i wonder if it would make sense to have another connection here oh that's that's an ugly junction that is an ugly junction but i know that we could make another neighborhood pod here and maybe improve things just a bit another mulligan and maybe we cut this off and now we've got these three homes serving this business and these two this one okay almost made a mistake there yes i actually really want this highway to get the blue people over here now we have another one oh and these people are loading onto that street that's ugly oh not nearly as ugly as this we have these green folks over here and i guess they don't need to see anyone else they can just exist over here oh we have a bridge oh no now out of roadway tiles so luckily they're uh they're okay going to this place back and forth nowhere else to go um hopefully that that's good enough i guess we could steal this reorient it okay motorway or traffic lights we definitely need traffic lights anyway where any place we have a four-way junction could probably benefit from that um like this right here is gonna be a four-way junction maybe it would make sense in that location if it gets busy we do have a lot happening here too but it seems like it's flowing okay so i hate that this is loading on the side i wish that we could snake this around but we need a bridge for that i don't have one maybe in the future that's an improvement that we can make we also have this place which is sharing its access with a bunch of blue people oh and i was gonna go call a mulligan and change the direction and it beat me just beat me to it maybe i could take most of it off from there i don't like this that this is sharing access at all that's really circuitous but it works all right so now we're getting a few more and no this is bad i don't like the way that this is laying out but it's la that's we're just we're getting random development but we're at least we're making neighborhoods now i find it really curious this is the concept uh you are in this red building and the only place you'll ever go is this red building you don't ever need to go to the green building that's okay though oh this is an ugly neighborhood oh and i'm out of tiles again well there is a potential oh and this is loading directly onto that arterial i can't stand that oh spread it out breathe and i'm gonna make it even worse at some point once i get to the end of this week so close let's speed it up so i can get there okay i'll get roundabouts finally that is wonderful so we're gonna go for a roundabout no questions asked and we've got this blue building over here let's just connect this up directly here and i think this is an excellent spot right here for a roundabout now we've got these connections that we haven't been making and you see them slow down at the junction i hate that that's not going to work long term it's an excellent neighborhood design right there all of these houses but now we can have that cut through again i think we have enough roadway tiles to justify it we've got some more things happening over here but i think we're all connected up so i could serve this blue house directly under the roundabout that would be horrible we'll have a neighborhood here that's integrated and has lots of different people good i like it i like it a lot so where oh as soon as i think i have a moment to breathe i don't so let's see where we have backups this red building here is still a problem oh it took us some landscaping so this red one's a problem it's not surprising there's a lot of red over here and it's i guess going down here we've got all these folks and i'm not sure that what i did was helpful by adding this road here because now we are diverting some of these people away from this business so it's a hard life you go to work you go home you go to work you go home your boss complains that there aren't enough employees so they hire more all right then we got a random blue guy over here this actually this road would help again so we'll do this ugly thing where we have this road kind of meandering through here we've got a couple of those now where it's just ugly terrible all right so we get bridges or traffic lights we've got traffic lights still and i haven't used them it's like bridges are the way to go i don't know that there's a oh there is right here oh that's helpful that's really helpful so we've got these yellow people i think that what we're going to do is remove this road and then force all of these red people down so we've taken this arterial and really cut it up now it's not as beneficial potentially as it used to be i might get rid of this too so now we just want these yellow people to come down here and serve these two businesses get these red people over here serve these businesses and we're gonna separate it so this is it's an interesting setup i think it's gonna work very efficiently oh yellow person what are you doing there you too oh i trapped you but look at this now we've got all of these red vehicles just funneling down here so we're deviating from the principles of good roadway design to do whatever this is having a bunch of cul-de-sacs of factories so in my profession this is a no-no we need to have connectivity in the game i think this is really good really really good truthfully this road here i don't know if i want that one either i don't know that it's helpful yeah we don't need that we need another cul-de-sac that is something you'll never hear an urban planner say and we've built a weird tentacle thing here and that's working oh what do we do with this why oh that's not gonna work in that neighborhood oh this is terrible we're gonna give some separation between these two areas and we'll rotate that to bring it into the neighborhood to keep this higher capacity road oh and look at this the roadway design is absolutely horrendous [Laughter] but it's functional and what is this we've got this okay another motorway or some traffic lights i still haven't used traffic lights so i might as well just keep up with this and if i have any places that are really screwed up and i do so what i'm gonna do is add this highway here and connect it directly to these people and now we have another the two goes oh we got it over the roads that's better that's much better oh and we have this oh my goodness this is in a terrible location i've only got eight tiles there's not a lot i can do about it okay so i need oh yeah this is bad i'm out of i'm out of tiles is there any place where i can cut back i'd love to have another way into here and i know that another building's gonna spawn here oh well let me do it i can gain one here at least get that over so now i just need to be efficient with this even though this is horrible design i think it's gonna work as long as i do i should take a brief scan are there any other houses popping up i think i got them all except for these two i really need to connect these some more bad roadway design there we go made the connection we needed that it's a nice little cul-de-sacked out neighborhood it's working oh this red over here is terribly broken come down come to business what are you doing guys i need more tiles it is sunday so i will get some soon i could use it right now because i can see this one is starting to queue up for some reason these people are just going really slow it almost makes me want to get rid of this and relocate the bridge i'm gonna do it mulligan here okay it's like another motorway and some traffic lights and 20 runway tiles we're going for the roadway tiles we've been really struggling with that and this bridge is not there's must still be a trip going there and that's why it is doing this craziness okay oh that's bad that is bad this is bad too we've got issues we've got issues so i wonder what if i just add a back door to this neighborhood maybe a traffic light and i'll make that not a four-way and hopefully that'll improve the efficiency because we are getting some crazy backup here same thing here in fact i wonder if we do something crazy instead this highway connect into this little neighborhood over here that improves things okay we need to pause for a second we've got a lot of things going on i'm not keeping up so i'm gonna pause it and try to connect up some of these homes because i'm seeing that we are having problems all over the place okay and now how about a stoplight no it won't let me okay right there that's good and now these blue ones all need to go either here maybe i'll make one um this junction here is bad it's really a problem okay so i've taken the yellow off from here and i think that it would be really helpful if i had more than eight tiles to be able to connect a yellow up to here because that's a long trip for these yellow people mmm i wonder oh yeah that's gonna do the trick that is what we're looking for all right we're gonna run it and see what happens i don't feel good right now at all but i need some of these blue people to go over oh oh no no no no don't please don't please don't time out i'm surprised that this one hasn't had any problems we've got another issue here blue oh we've got another blue one over here oh no this is bad this is looking bad really bad i don't like this at all you know what i think i see a solution okay so the solution i think oh that's not the solution because i wanted to get whoo okay we're definitely taking a motorway because we've got some issues and i think i can solve it fairly quickly by cutting these people off right here oh that's not gonna work that's not gonna work so i was thinking that i could cut these folks off from going up here that's we just need another highway so i think we're gonna have another highway connection we'll do that from maybe like right here up there we'll get rid of that segment and we'll reorient some of this to try to keep these blue people in this area oh that's not gonna work cause we gotta get up there too oh boy oh boy there's just a lot going on but at least we have a junction here okay and then we have these houses up here we do die deal oh that's terrible but it works and there too okay to get our houses connected i think i think we can run again i think we can do it yellow is disappointed in us down here but i think that we're gonna make it through maybe another signal here oh really another yellow it would have been really nice to have this anywhere else i need a bridge i need a bridge so bad oh the blue come on come on guys come on please oh no we're we're running into problems this is bad this is bad this is bad oh boy oh so much so many problems so many problems i'm honestly getting a bit stressed here this is uh there's there's a lot going on so this is bad maybe that'll help so trying to streamline things here oh i wish there was a way for me to separate this that would would work and this blue is just it shouldn't be here it shouldn't should not be here this this is bad oh we got all these blue up here stuck at the signal we're gonna ah what if we just got rid of this i don't know why i did that okay they're mad they're mad they're mad everyone's mad i'm making everyone upset but at least we've got some things happening [Music] oh yellow yellow yellow i need another bridge i need another bridge oh and the green over here of course we're gonna hit up way over here motorway can't be placed here okay we need another motorway for sure everyone's chirping at me you know what we need a direct route for those yellow people hopefully that does the trick we'll even get rid of this one this road right here this is just to get blue people up there oh oh everywhere everywhere everyone's mad no signals no signals no all right well you know what that's still a lot of fun that is that is a really fun game it's it's one of those games where you kind of just you get sucked in and it's chaotic and yeah it's a lot of fun i'm i'm not sure let's let's go to the main menu and see how i did oh i i did i did i did uh you know 83 000 84 000. what are you gonna do it's it's it's uh it's fine um i had a good time though i hope you i hope you enjoyed this video highly recommend this game uh big shout out to the developer for giving me a copy of it um you know not not something i ever expected but i i really enjoy it uh if you enjoyed this video please consider hitting the like button if you want me to do this uh more of these videos leave a comment and a huge shout out to my patreon supporters who support me as i make this content thank you so much and if you haven't checked out my channel before please check out my other city skylines content verde beach is a very complete series at this point not complete that's not done we're still working on it but there's a lot of episodes and clearwater county is my newer series just started it well at this point a couple months ago so thank you so much see in the next one bye
Channel: City Planner Plays
Views: 458,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mini motorways, city planner plays, mini motorways gameplay, los angeles, mini motorways game, mini motorways lets play, mini motorways lp, management games 2021, new puzzle games 2021, new strategy games 2021
Id: iVqAkEwc-S0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 48sec (1368 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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