How I reached 500+MPH without any engines...

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to Trail makers today we're continuing to use the new parts of the recent Airborne update in unusual ways and as I've been playing this on a live stream which you can watch live at twitch or catch on my archive Channel I've noticed the new weapons have a fair amount of recoil and it got me thinking can we use that recoil to break the sound barrier well today we're gonna find out so let's head into the build menu then let's have a look at these weapons I mean we've got a minigun we've also got various types of Cannon and I mean we definitely know Canon's work just think about GTA The Recoil you used to get with that yeah I guess for now let's just shove a go-kart seat in We'll add some Wheels like that actually if we had a block behind let's spread the wheels out a bit then I feel like I've made like a Mad Max Carly weapons on the top actually what was that game I used to play as a kid vigilante eight What a wicked game that was anyway this time rather than shooting forwards we are going to be shooting behind us and so there is our little car thing so if we start shooting don't know what the shoot button is hang on oh it's just click it's just click so whoa okay yep that uh that very much shows you how much reek over there is so we know miniguns will definitely work what about some of these other things like well this large Cannon give us yep it does give us recoil a different weapon the tank cannon on the back oh yeah oh look at the guy's neck like ah Whiplash whip flash I'll tell you what let's just shoot this and see what sort of speed we can get up to with just one I imagine we'll probably need quite a few of these so speed we're up to about 40 miles an hour I mean Fairplay does appear to be the limit though I don't think we're moving anymore but yeah it's not the most aerodynamic vehicle and I don't even know if the go-kart tires are the best ones to go for with this still 45 miles an hour with a tank Cannon good to know let me just check these other two types so we've got the tiny Cannon and the gum powder Cannon so four tiny cannons on the back like that I mean it's it's not great is it three miles an hour maybe you won't use those but then gunpowder Cannon boost wow okay so a lot of these just flips over because they're so high but uh it's good to know they work so I guess you just need to come up with a layout that means we don't just flip constantly we also want to consider aerodynamics as well so let's start with the inline cockpit let's turn on aerodynamics as well well now we can see the nice green lines which is a good thing in this game so most of these weapons they sort of can you see like they're they're attached underneath and got four blocks under there which means slightly more diffic oh wow look at the look at the aerodynamics on the midi gun how is that considered super aerodynamic I do not know and let me just check is the back of it like that I'll tell you what that ain't bad that is not bad let me just compare that to you because there's two well there's a few different types of aerodynamic blocks so we've got the very aerodynamic block so if we shove that in yeah so comparing these side by side it looks like very aerodynamic can you see the arrows are actually moving faster than those ones so I'd imagine they're less than Verio Dynamic but if we get the extremely aerodynamic block yeah so we've got the extremely one at the bottom so you can see the arrows there are moving faster than the ones above but they're moving faster than the minigon ones okay so we do actually want to cover the miniguns got it so the next step I guess is how do we cover the the miniguns but still have them attached so we need to point back records like that they only attach underneath so we can go there the trouble is I feel like the higher we go the more likely we're gonna like flip forward although maybe a longer vehicle will prevent that don't know I guess let's try that for now I've put slim wheels on there and oh hello hello okay that works okay so the minigun does overheat as you can see but in terms of speed it looks like we get to 115-ish looking at that so there's a couple of things I want to try first off let's try different wheels so I've got racing wheels on this time now these are bigger they're wider which means top speed probably hampered by the old aerodynamics there's a lot slower acceleration as well I don't know if yeah we are still picking up speed so let it run a little while yes it looks like we sort of maxed out about 90 mile an hour good tonight go-kart Wheels proving that smaller does not necessarily mean better we're sort of we're just under 90 mile an hour uh drag racing wheel sounded like the best wheel to go for in this thing but uh looking at them not too short yeah slowest by far but then they do weigh the most so maybe later on as you get bigger and faster they might be better but for now Nats so motorcycle wheels I thought they might be better than a bike wheel but they're sort of capping out 110 not bad then finally we have the new aircraft Wheels The Landing Wheels the not gonna light they look a bit like they're through the ground I'll tell you what though speed is not too bad like considering every time we shoot we're lifting up presumably because of the weight issues and we're getting to like 105 so they're not the fastest of the wheels but I feel like they might have the most potential actually we will stick with the bike wheels because they are the fastest for now and what I want to do next is see about stacking mini guns because this is recoil so my question is do we need like a do you need like a clear line afterwards like if I were to copy this that way so we end up with something like that will the will the lack of gap between those two miniguns will that stop us from creating recoil and momentum so let's fire and oh my goodness 150 miles an hour okay so it doesn't matter if you're not shooting anything you will get some recoil out of these good to know next step I probably want to try and make the front a bit more aerodynamic and I think I can do that fairly easily by pushing the wheels back and then that's four wide if I get an extremely aerodynamic 4x4 wedge then shove that there shove another one underneath right so we end up with that sort of thing I was gonna say is this going to crack 150 miles an hour I mean it's getting close but um the wheels are not on the floor hang on why is it so why is it so bouncy okay so the oh mate what the I swear whoa I feel like the game they've changed how aerodynamics look work like you now get lift if there's like the aerodynamic blocks I feel like that never used to happen let me just check something see these spoilers do I was gonna say do they have the same aerodynamics can you see the arrows are actually moving slower than those okay well let's just really push the game if we were to flip that bottom one previously that would make no difference to the aerodynamics I mean obviously in real life it it really would but uh let's see does this still take off yeah so it doesn't matter what the orientation of the front aerodynamics wedges are we still what is it doing yeah we still just flip over so question do we sacrifice aerodynamics for downforce I mean I could try that sort of thing so we have the block for the aerodynamics and then the downforce on top is that going to keep us more stable no it isn't no it doesn't but if I like gently try and get to speed so I just sort of yeah that seems to be working all right so fairly stable now what if I start holding for a bit longer no I just oh man okay this is gonna be more trickier than I thought maybe this is where the bigger Wheels might come in handy or maybe I should just try and shove a spoiler at the back where spoilers generally belong so the downside is there is bad aerodynamics there although actually if I if I were to move that forward we could lose all the aerodynamics and just have oh yeah that works that does work so if we go for that there's hardly any bad aerodynamics in fact it's no different than before but it could be more stable as there is more downforce so oh yeah look at that look at that and now look at our top speed as well over 170 miles an hour let me just check before we move on do we definitely need the front spoiler what if I swap that with a block are we gonna take off or are we good I think we're good and we're going oh look how much faster we're going over 180 miles an hour with just two mini guns okay so one more test I'm just wondering is it worth covering up the wheels and potentially the glass because can you see well I mean the the wheels are way worse you can see they're moving a lot slower than the front arrows but the glass one's not too bad and I can do that fairly easily I can just rotate this which we know doesn't make a difference despite its looks then four by one wedges can go underneath so the front of this thing looks like that wheel's completely covered so there's extra weight at the front but there's better aerodynamics what does that do to the max speed it's looking like it's made it worse okay good to note so remove those underneath and in case you're wondering I did double check whether that works you see in the 180s with that layout so all good so next up I guess we just make this thing a bit longer that's what she said she said so I feel like this back piece needs to move down there somewhere and we can extend everything back and then shove everything like that okay so that's pretty much the same thing we've just added four more miniguns so let's oh my goodness the speed the speed 320ish miles an hour using just six mini guns out there's the wall oh a moonwalking so I've got two options I could keep extending this however I am sort of thinking I'm not making the most of my aerodynamics so at the front we've got four wide of these arrows and we know that if we stack things really tight we don't get any of those aerodynamic issues so I should probably try and make the most of that actual space so if I go left like that and then copy that way I can do two completely next to each other we've then got two aerodynamic arrows to fix so I can get rid of the bottom one by moving the wheels back but then I gained two with the Wheels I mean the wheels and the miniguns they seem to be moving the same length so it might just be worth if I use these four by ones I can cover up most of this so that's not too bad for the front let's just stack these miniguns side by side a bit harder to do the back because we have the wheels and the weight so I guess the back one will just have one minigun like that so let's see what's the speed of this thing gonna be oh my God that's the speed 400 miles an hour we've broken something what came off we've lost the minigun at the back why did that fall off I mean perhaps because it got shot by all those miniguns I don't know but uh yeah it looks like we're about 400 miles an hour with this one now with this design I'm using quite a lot of pieces underneath these grid blocks I'm actually wondering could I get away with getting rid of them let me just try something out so we'll just start with this for now I'm sort of thinking if we rotate like that way then the miniguns are pointing outwards I can then copy these down then we've got double the amount of mini guns and then I think I can attach them to the wheels or if not the wheel maybe these front nodes yeah the wheel the wheel does have a node okay that's good so if we use these flat connectors I've got got various different lengths so I'm pretty sure oh I know that could have worked that could have worked but it's too long I need a 1x5 connector I don't think you can stack connectors yeah you can have two can actors like that and then attach on the back a one by one like that so they connect but I'm pretty sure yeah this front one can you see it's got like that square and because there's the mini guns actually behind it I wouldn't be able to do that oh that's annoying okay well the other thing I could do I could delete like one row of these blocks oh no I can't I can't that disconnect I mean we could swap these grid blocks with like actual like the big Lego pieces like a two by four but they weigh two and a half kilos compared to just 0.6 so 1.2 so it'd be weighing double but you get more parts and more parts will be useful as we get longer with this thing still I guess for now this is what we're doing so let's just move that back let's copy a load more guns down that way then let's see mini guns oh no it's just I lost all my midi guns out the back why did that happen why did that actually happen don't see they actually shoot themselves yeah they're not looking healthy what okay so I think after a certain like length the mini guns do shoot themselves oh that's annoying so let me just check it was probably about that many wasn't it yeah look I've shot my minigun off the back I've then shot my spoiler off it looks like those two mini guns are sort of safe so I think that's as many I can have in a line essentially so we have learned something we can only have that many miniguns uh which means I guess we need to build outwards so since this is our max length you see we're about 380 miles an hour so if I make these four wider I could then use my little flat connectors underneath these because then I can connect them all together without any bad aerodynamics so they're all connected so essentially if I just delete that top row then copy these back then we have that so let's check out the speed of this oh it's fast it's fast 500 miles an hour straight into a warp so with a bit more of a run up oh no we falling over okay so with a bit more of a gentle manual build up we're up to it's not actually that fast it's not actually that fast now that would be because we've got a lot more bad aerodynamics which we might be able to cover up a bit I mean or do we just try and go wider and screw the aerodynamics so if we copy that that way and again why not do the same on this side so now we have that we probably want to make our Wheels wider at some point but for now let's test this thing oh wow okay yep that was pretty fast and it destroyed itself so if we just go a little bit gentler to start with oh you can see it gets a little bit Wiggly at one point oh man it really is not very stable seems to be when the guns stop firing it just like goes a bit mental I take off with smooth and then they stop and I've actually actually we seem good this time for some reason it's stable-ish we are not over 500 miles an hour though that is not good I feel like I want to try let's just add another row of guns just in case because that was all based on Theory and we know Theory doesn't always mean it's correct so extra Rogue guns do the rear ones get destroyed yes they do I went up to 600 miles an hour they they get destroyed in a big way but oh man the speed is so much faster but we completely fail now I guess we need to work out does that matter are we just trying to get to the max speed and then that's it because if so I could just add a couple more of rows so we got this so let's push what speed do we go up to 650 660. not quite the sonic boom yeah 650 660 ish so that sounds good is it worth literally just swapping these out because are these the same size let me just delete the minigun how big is oh they would be a different size wouldn't they so the gunpowder Cannon's smaller and the large Cannon is smaller again okay so you gotta build a brand new vehicle for all of these cheers game so for the gunpowder Cannon pretty much the same thing oh actually actually I just had an idea if this is smaller than the the minigun can we do this layout that I wanted to do so copy that down get the flat connector one by four yes so okay okay so I can connect those like that then I can use that connector like that okay so then we can just copy those this way and then just flat connector down there like that so that means we can add loads and loads of Canon I guess first I should probably make sure the back end doesn't get blown out by this in case that looks pretty good let's get inside this thing and let's oh Poo I thought that might happen so yeah basically the mini guns could shoot through five of themselves with these the cannonballs literally hit each other okay Dad didn't spend too long on that one but there is potentially a block I can use because although these wedges can you see they don't actually have a node like down that side it's just a smooth edge we do have a different way of getting movement in that we can use hinges perhaps so to make it simple to start with I'm just going to use those then I'm gonna shove the steering hinge like I guess like that oh that's going to take up a lot of room then we can shove a cannon on the side of that then in the steering hinge we can configure to hold position and just toggle so then hopefully with those cannons I can use oh no oh no I should have mirrored them I should have mirrored them hang on so I just need to change one side of these to do the opposite so D eight so now when I press D they go inwards no a they go outwards okay so that means I should be able to get a row of these without them shooting each other and then I can just well literally just make loads of them yes okay this could work so we'll grab the cannon and the hinge we will copy back so let's see do these actually get out the way of each other so boosh yes okay this is good this actually has potential by the way check out the speed we're over 100 miles an hour okay I'm actually liking this can I add more cannons underneath I sort of built it in a way so I would have the space to so we copied down we then have to move the hinges up like that and then we got twice as many cannons down that side nice okay this works like with four cannons speed is getting up way quicker yeah it looks like are we on like 150 miles an hour I'm sort of wondering as well if we click to configure these cannons you can actually shove a delay on them so if I put like a 0.5 second delay I don't actually know how fast these things shoot but I'm hoping that might spread out the shot so basically we end up with a more consistent recoil yeah look at that look at that so if I just add more cannons with like a one second delay a 1.5 second delay then we might get constant speed so basically grab all of those copy that weight then you want to be one second and you back ones want to be 1.5 hopefully the Cannons shoot every two seconds so this will work out perfectly but uh chances of that actually working slim to none oh no the back wheels came off why did that happen Okay let's let's try and see what happens so we're definitely pointing out oh no so I think the yeah look the front Cannon explosions they're too close I need to angle up a bit oh I'll tell you what I'll tell you what what if we just lower the back wheels so now can you see we're slightly tilting forwards so hopefully the cannonballs yeah they go further which means we are move oh no oh no what happened what happened oh so after a certain speed we do just okay I'm not sure what causes that I might put bigger Wheels on the back because I feel like this was working was the constant recoil good as well up to 120 before we get destroyed yeah the trouble with the drag wheels I think they're so wide they'll get shocked by the cannon no matter what yeah so I think let's just go let's just go a bit taller I mean aerodynamics not great under there I can just add some I can add some aerodynamic stuff so that's fine I just want to see can we get to a point where the Cannons don't explode ourselves oh no why are cannonballs so exclusive who came up with this you know so look at these cannon shots why are they going straight into the ground they look like they're being forced down is that like because of the speed we're going okay one final thing to try and that is literally just moving this forward so we're gonna be very steep now oops I forgot to angle them but when we shoot now the Cannons should go further and we're sort of shorter so we're not as close to the death zone still explode still explode one final thing I want to try let's just let's just remove all the delay because if I remove the delay it's not constant explosions anymore so it's probably safer but our recoil is not as consistent so we'll see how that affects things all right yeah much much safer speed we're up to oh 170 was that pretty good if we move the wheels back where they're meant to be yeah not a safe not a safe interesting um I am going to add a few more cannons right just before we mark this one down as a loss let's see that's a lot more cannons oh the explosions are so close to the back yeah cannons it's like they weren't designed for fast speed they were designed for killing and destroying stuff so the large Cannon fires explosive projectiles whereas the cannon fires cannonballs so maybe these will be better for this so let's swap these cannons for these do Quick Test like that to see if they blow each other up or not yep turns out they do so as with the Cannons we'll shove these on the side we've got the angry dangly set up and then oh they are exclusive is that gonna be okay or are we just going to end up in the same position as the cannonballs only one way to find out so we've got 16 of these cannons let's hope it doesn't exclude our rear end oh it did it did I feel like we may have to come back with this and not have ground-based vehicles if we can fly then explosions won't be an issue so for now whilst we did not break the sound barrier with any of these I think it might be possible in the future so for now I'll say peace love and recoil drifting bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 279,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trailmakers, trail makers, real civil engineer, rce, speed record trailmakers, real engineer trailmakers, engineering trailmakers, slowest plane in the world, trailmakers slow, trailmakers slowest plane, trailmakers slowest airplane, trailmakers challenges, trail makers slowest flight, trailmakers hydrofoil, trailmakers airborne, trailmakers airborne expansion, trailmakers airborne jet
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 24sec (1284 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2023
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