When you engineer planes to ILLEGAL EXTREMES...

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to Trail makers yes it's been a while since I played this game but there's been a brand new update with a whole heap of new stuff that I'll probably be playing some of that on Twitch so check out my stream archive or my twitch Channel if you want to see any of that stuff but yeah there's loads of new stuff to build with and a lot of them are based around like flight so we've got like different helicopter blades balloons which I think are new now there's no weapons like mini guns and cannons and all sorts and there's lots of like airliner stuff that we've got airplane Windows you've got a large jet now as well and I'll tell you what looking at these large Jets Power 800 perhaps we could Precast speed record because we use these Dragon Jets before which the powers were 300 oh we might have to have a go with those for an important news announcement this video is sponsored by Ridge wallet and there's now a limited edition wallet that they've just launched with Travis Matthew inspired by Southern California's surf sand and Sun there's three brand new designs available with Travis Matthews signature patterns on Bridge's Flagship wallets these limited edition and distributed in both Ridge stores online and are over 30 Travis Matthews retail locations head to ridge.com forward slash engineer and use code engineer for 10 off that's ridge.com forward slash engineer thanks to Ridge for supporting the channel but let's get back to today's video so let's check out this new large cockpit it looks very helicopter-ish then we'll put these airliner windows down do we have some sort of roof block I mean yeah if we use the rounded two by four I'm pretty sure yeah that goes on the roof nicely so we'll just copy a couple of these about and then copy them down here and then just fill the gaps in like that all right so that's looking pretty passenger plane like can have these new Landing wheels under the front oh man there's so many types of wing this is awesome so let's turn on mirror mode and then I can build all this at one side so I think we want modular Wing then we've got a flap wing wing with integrated flap so yeah if we shove a couple of these next to it that should give us the the Turning force that we need then back to the modular Wing So that looks pretty good for the wings let's get some engines under here it's a large yeah oh my goodness they are absolutely monstrous they were really not joking with how large they are what is that all about right I tell you what we might have to grab these wings and move them up there then just move these windows down then move those there there you go so the the engine's almost higher than the front let's just move that down yeah it's just how we get more Wheels they're gonna we're gonna have to go on like a stick or something like maybe we could get away with that at the back I feel like these engines they're gonna scrape though aren't they I don't know let's put a tail on this thing so we've got something like that at the back so I think I might move these engines forward a little bit around the wings so that looks pretty good then we just want a tail fin so we'll shove that on there and then I think we want these elevator fins I think I can shove those like that so that actually looks very very plainish uh do I need to do I just click to configure it so if I want to take off I want s to go uh so that's going to be red okay so they're set up right that one's the same wait does this tail fin not have left them right oh okay not entirely sure I'm going to go left and right then what do these ones do so Q makes the flap go down which should lift the wing so Q would make me steer I feel like that's what that wants to be an e doesn't it what's this one yes those ones are key okay so I think these ones they want to be E's right well let's get in this thing and looks really small down here look how small it is I thought these engines were like huge all right well let's take off oh my goodness the power the speed yeah this really does fly fair play the question is can I can I land this thing so on a bit of forward momentum not that much oh my goodness um okay not the most successful flight ever but not the worst something I did notice these these steering things they're on toggle we don't want those to toggle we just want them to Flap when we steer so now if I do left right yeah look at my wings flapping okay that's exactly what I want so I reckon time for a little speed test yeah looks like we sort of cruise at about 150 miles an hour yeah with our new Wings we can do corkscrews very nicely right I'm trying to do a more successful Landing this time just dabbling the throttle yes yes no there goes my engine okay not bad though no explosions so we'll take that next up the classic what if we what if we add some more engines look at it look how cool it looks look at the engines I'm not gonna lie I'm worried about the wheels they look like they're going through the ground to me it might be a bit weighty but let's see oh my goodness the power the power 300 miles an hour so we've got four times as many engines oh man it's very very hard to stick oh wow easy to do a backflip like look at that now actually this thing flies really well yeah I like this a lot this is decent right okay let's try and land quite a hard Landing but I'm sort of tempted now can I get this so that we can copy these easily so with mirror mode back on if I were to copy those will that leave a horrible Gap oh no that's good that's actually good okay let's just keep adding engines and going wide look ridiculous size of this thing oh I don't know why I'm laughing so much anyway oh my goodness the speed we're going straight up over I'm not even steering all right pull back pull back okay well somehow this is successful this is actually flying 260 miles an hour look at the engines oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no no I'm sorry Mr bad I'm gonna try and save you wait what if I turn off the engines there we go there we go all right we're good we're back we're back back in business look at all those engines and the thing is I'm pretty sure we can go wider so let's fry and again land this thing oh that's not bad that's actually my best landing yet there were some Flames that time that's fine so let's just grab all of those and then copy yeah that's getting close to the Limit 472 out of 700 pieces I guess I can't copy it I can't copy again I can't even see the middle of my plane but that looks good look how long this thing is that's what she said all right anyway we take off oh my look at the wit oh my goodness the wings were bouncing over the place so push Full Speed Ahead oh no what happened what the where's the rest of a playing gun I think I've just gotta not pull up too quick oh no it's like I'm doing it's like I'm rowing I'm in the Oxford Cambridge rowing race well I did not think I'd be able to create a rowing machine but I have anyway approximate speed test 200 ish and then it all goes a little bit a little bit funky in the air not gonna light still good to know let's get back to the drawing board because I feel like we've done we've done the widest play now let's try and make the fastest plane I'm just gonna I'm just gonna delete everything we don't want anything right okay start from fresh we know to go fast we want the aerodynamic cockpit because it's super aerodynamic look at the green lines look at them then we just need to work out how we're going to attach these engines for like the least amount of weight possible because ideally you can see out the front on there's like the aerodynamics they're not as good you can see you can see like on the cockpit they're like the fast green ones these are like slower yellowy green so if we move this behind you may think that's not as that's not as good because you're blocking the air intake there's like a gap there but the game doesn't actually recognize that it just just looks at the number of those arrows and now there's less arrows because it's all in the line so that's actually good the trouble is I can't actually connect that but what I could do if I rotate like that then move up could connect the bottom quite easily or if I move if I move that down one I could block oh I could block out a lot of this actually if I move all of that down and come into the aerodynamic parts and if I use here we are the extremely aerodynamic block and you can see the lines on that look how fast they're moving they're just as aerodynamic as that cockpit I could put that underneath that blocks out the bottom ones as well and I'm pretty sure this game works like it doesn't matter what way these go as long as you've got these green arrows it's more more aerodynamic so let's try and find a way to basically cover all of these all these engines okay so that's good the downside is yes we are blocking the air intake but apparently that should be fine I am just assuming actually it might not be but we will see the trouble is can you see the exclamation mark there the block is not connected thankfully there is a way to connect these without adding any bad aerodynamics to this so yeah I think we're going to use these hover blocks so that we well so that we hover yeah the trouble is they don't have a a block on top so what I'm gonna have to do are we gonna have to change the orientation of that I do just want to see first though yeah it falls over so I think I need at least two lines of hover blocks that means moving those that way copying that way and then essentially making everything at the front a bit bigger just remove all those that way and then change the front but then for the engines how are we going to attach these this is the main thing we've got to do now I mean if you're wondering why why am I using the hover blocks well there's no friction on these and you may remember a previous video I did where I completely smashed the land speed record by using hover blocks I'm going to figure with with more powerful engines maybe we can go one step further and go even faster I think my record than that yeah I think we hit somewhere around 2 600 miles per hour so be good to see can we actually beat that with these guys uh but the main thing would be trying to come up with a way to attach these to the rest of the vehicle I'm not gonna lie not entirely sure how I'm gonna do that at the moment like we may oh we may have to go even wider yeah okay let's go one wider so yeah if we just shove a grip lock down there that should sort of glue everything together yeah meaning the front is all super aerodynamic except for those little gaps there which I could fill in with little squares but I want to see first does this actually does this work yellow it hovers it hovers we're front heavy but that's that's pretty standard as to be expected so if we fire the jet engines oh wow look at the speed look at the speed so with just two engines we're up to 376 400 miles an hour oh no we've taken off we have taken off that was not expected why did that happen Okay well that's good tonight I feel like this could definitely be a success so let's copy a couple more engines down and then we just need like something in the middle to stick them all together and I don't know what it's worth going for probably the fewest amount of parts I could use these grid blocks because the weight is only 0.6 kilograms but it's only a one by four so I'll probably need a lot of those oh although actually would I because I don't think I wouldn't need to completely fill it because if I just shove that all the way into where it needs to go so if I just copy that down then copy it back this way then yeah that's all connected there's no bad aerodynamics because there's nothing being blocked at the front okay let's try this out so oh man look at this thing look at this thing I mean I really don't understand this is like the first person view by the way how can he see where he's going I don't know shall we do let's do a speed test so we're now traveling 300 miles an hour and you literally you can't tell where actually are we oh we've gone straight up we've gone straight up this thing wasn't meant to fly why did it Fly oh yeah I don't know where we are in space but we're at like 590 nearly 600 miles an hour but I want to know if I copy that back bit does it stick together nicely oh it does thank you so much okay so let's copy a load of these so oh look at the speed already oh my goodness right we're gonna get a sonic boom we're gonna get a sonic boom ready there it is there's the sonic boom oh we've taken off again no why do we keep taking off we are very very close there we go we've hit a thousand miles per hour I don't know where we are in space or time do I need downforce that is the question I feel like that was something that was never actually a thing in this game you could literally just fly forever I feel like I'm flying forever now I feel like previously this thing wouldn't take off like that but perhaps the new update implemented new physics so we do have spoilers what do they oh they look like that do they AOK I wonder whether it would be worth like shoving a few of these like every so often or something will it keep us a bit more grounded only one way to find out okay now it's taking off no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I just it just goes so high all right so we're sort of halfway at the complexity of the vehicle we are gonna try this basically I've added a load of spoilers just to the front because I feel like if the front doesn't take off the rest of it won't take off right because surely the only thing providing lift are those aerodynamic blocks at the front so we've hit the sound barrier there's a sonic boom we're up to 1100 are we going sideways or is the floor just being weird I don't know we're up to 1300 miles per hour there we haven't taken off though so that is good oh there's the other cut there's the other edge of the map okay so now I am sort of thinking these create downforce I feel like being on the edge though we're getting like so much more bad aerodynamics if I were to replace like if I got rid of that top one and then shove that in there would that be better and would actually work in terms of downforce I mean I could shove one at the front as well yeah let's try that so we're gonna delete all these other ones so we've just got like a downforce goop on the front let's see do we take off and will our speed go faster two questions that need answering all right there's the sonic boom oh no we're taking off we're taking off um I've just I've just ejected I am I'm doing the moonwalk I got the world's slippiest shoes help me so let's compare what we had to having three of these on the side because we know five on either side we didn't take off will we take off with three on either side there's a sonic boom there's a thousand miles an hour okay there you go I think we're good I think we're good because speed we're smashing the speed we're up to 1400 miles per hour okay that's good Okay so we've got three on either side I'm gonna copy a load more engines and I'm gonna hope the extra power and speed won't make us take off uh it might do let's push this thing to the max why are you doing that why are you doing that no don't do that sorry maybe it will stop once we start moving speed is looking good we hit the wall at 1500 miles an hour there let's head up this way so I want to get to the corner of the map so let's hit it and see what speed we can get to so we're up to 1300 everything's gone blurry oh my God this screen's cracking what the heck why did the screen crack right we got to 1900 miles an hour there I am considering trying to make this smaller so it shakes so violently I could actually just delete that part and replace with the single wedges so let's just get in does it vibrate yet it does vibrate okay not ideal do I need to delete some of these I mean because what I was actually thinking I could do it's a little bit cheeky but I could delete like loads of the hover stuff so if I say I don't know like let's just try this so let's just delete like all of those so let's just get in here and see oh look it's more stable as well it is more stable so we'll give this a little go and see how it performs but yeah essentially I'm going to be making a bridge because I'll remove the hover pads in the middle let's just keep an eye on this and see how it gets on it's vibrating vigorously for up to 1500 miles an hour 1600 1700 1800 we have broken apparently I don't know what's broken it's a 1900 oh nearly 2 000 miles per hour yeah literally what I'm thinking we we delete a load of these hover blocks in the middle let's go I don't know to varish say goodbye to them look how many more parts we have now and then we can literally just copy these and just keep sticking them on the back although I'm gonna have to move the entire thing to the right because apparently you've run out of space oh no it's not looking it's not looking good what if we what if we just move straight away now we've lost the ass we've lost the ask okay let's just delete a few of these at a time until we get to a point where it doesn't explode alright well let's give this a bash I know it's gonna vibrate and fall apart a bit but I feel like this is my best chance actually it's not falling apart at all go on oh no it is yeah it is why are you doing this what are you on 1500 miles an hour come on 1700 1819 100. oh what why did I I got ejected got to 2 000 miles an hour and I got ejected all right well maybe that wasn't the best idea but maybe yeah maybe just having the end not hovering could work so you see we've just got hover blocks like I guess for three quarters of it oh this actually seems to be going fast 1500 1600 no we're taking off wait we're doing a corkscrew why are we corkscrewing all right well I've made a few little tweaks we've added a couple more bins at the front to hopefully keep us on the ground the entire time no more corkscrewing hopefully I've perfected the amount of hover blocks to engines what are we up to 1600 1700 we're going for come on we get to 2 000 surely surely 1900 I don't think we're gonna get to 2 000 I think the extra downforce yeah we fit the wall what if I tried doing that just so there's less downforce because then I can actually add these that means there should be more downforce but the aerodynamic is just the like there's three because I put that one so close to the one in front you can see the green lines they're not acting on the second one so that should be just as fast as the previous version but just as stable as this current version so let's try this I got a good feeling about this one a very good feeling we're up to 1900 we got 2 000 yes we cracked it 2 000 oh we have taken off the we have taken off two thousand two thousand one 100 nearly so yeah whilst we can easily hit the sound barrier we couldn't quite hit that previous record I thought the physics may have changed with the update but still a lot of fun um will definitely be returned to this if you enjoyed boost right button but for now say peace love and a crazy amount of speed bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 442,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trailmakers, trail makers, real civil engineer, rce, speed record trailmakers, real engineer trailmakers, engineering trailmakers, slowest plane in the world, trailmakers slow, trailmakers slowest plane, trailmakers slowest airplane, trailmakers challenges, trail makers slowest flight, trailmakers hydrofoil, trailmakers airborne, trailmakers airborne expansion, trailmakers airborne jet
Id: XcsZL4us85Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2023
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