The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe | FULL GAME

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have i played the stanley parable before yes i have hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to the stanley parable ultimate edition ultimate edition if you want to see the original stanley parable it's too damn bad you can't go digging in my videos it's not like it's not there but you're here so don't go there stay here until the bitter end because this is the full game all in one video i think please enter the current time can't get this for my computer i can't steal my data okay so this is stanley parable ultra deluxe and what this adds is not only more to the game but also it's the game and begin ever the end is never the end is never the end this is the story of a man named stanley [Music] memories stanley worked for a company in a big building where he was employee number 427 yes employee number 427's job was simple yes he sat at his desk in room 427 and he pushed buttons on the keyboard yes orders came to him through a monitor on his desk telling him what buttons to push how long to push them and in what order this is what employee 427 did every day of every month of every year and although others might have considered it soul ending stanley relished every moment that the orders came in as though he had been made exactly for this job and stanley was happy all right the end thank you everybody and then one day something very peculiar happened something that would forever change stanley oh something he would never quite forget what he had been at his desk for nearly an hour when he realized that not one single order had arrived on the monitor for him to follow no one had showed up to give him instructions call a meeting or even say hi never in all his years at the company had this happened this complete isolation something was very clearly wrong shocking frozen solid stanley found himself unable to move for the longest time but as he came to his wits and regained his senses he got up from his desk and stepped out of his office i'm sure he did i want someone to do a comparison because even though this game has like i think double the content and new stuff that was not in the first game i want someone to compare my reactions to some of the stuff that is the same because at this point i've forgotten primarily everything [Music] what was it i hear you anyway i want the music down so i can hear the narrator a bit better resume hi well here i am again i hate mondays well that's a cliche recommendations from the oversight committee i can't read that 427. i mean i could read that but it's not really the point now is it all of his co-workers were gone what did it mean stanley decided to go to the meeting room perhaps he had simply missed a memo well i doubt that but i'll go i guess if i had no matter how hard stanley looked he couldn't find a trace of his co-workers i cannot find a trace of my co-workers number one dad look good for you then okay i like god you know it's funny i did not draw the inspiration for the mugs from this no i mean there is a whole section in in space with markiplier about the narrator and that is heavily inspired by this uh but the mugs i kind of forgot that that was a thing in here too how about just like mugs with words on them well this is all probably fine how the mighty have fallen who farted it really does have a lot of mugs i swear i didn't stanley went around touching every little thing in the office but it didn't make a single difference nor did it advance the story in any way says you nerd username access i can't read that okay fuel [Applause] flags is something different okay apparently i can type on this [Music] i can interact with you through the wall bug developer i found a bug what what i'm still clicking never mind i didn't find a bug i didn't find a bug at all why am i clicking why is this clicking then why am i clicking what's going on back there 4b3 oh yeah into a set of two open doors he entered the door on his left ordinarily i would be the antithesis of whatever you want me to be and my first instinct in my prior life was to go the opposite direction but this time knowing how you little shits never follow directions and being on the other side of this argument and knowing how frustrating it could be even though i have all this amazing fun stuff planned right over there and you would just be like no i want to go this way when even if i didn't plan for that eventuality and maybe i did plan for it and i put something fun over there knowing that you would counter my initial assessment you will not get the best of me and i will go left honestly this is probably the rare of the two doors maybe there's something special if you go through it for the first time although i don't really remember yet there was not a single person here either feeling a wave of disbelief stanley decided to go up to his boss's office hoping he might find an answer there what to do about 4-3-2 don't tell 4-3-2 about the meeting i'm 4-2-7 i'm not 4-2-3 so that's definitely not me this box is too small i'm sure that there's tons of easter eggs that you'll have to play through on your own but for now i'm gonna keep going oh my god okay whatever oh hey broom closing stanley stepped into the broom closet but there was nothing here so he turned around and got back on track i mean there's a broom in the broom closet there is that so to be perfectly honest i i think saying that nothing is here is kind of there was no wrong here no choice to make no path to follow just an empty broom closet no reason to still be here no reason at all actually except this broom it was baffling that stanley was still just sitting in the broom closet he wasn't even doing anything at least if there was something to interact with he'd be justified in some way as it is he's literally just standing there doing sweet fa what could fa stand for fun assessment frantically aspirating really still in the broom closet i am turning around doing nothing yes why offer me some explanation here i'm genuinely confused i mean if we're going to be completely honest with ourselves it's because you are saying new lines the longer that i'm in here and i just want to hear the sweet sounds of your voice you do realize there's no choice or anything in here right if i'd said stanley walked past the broom closet at least you would have had a reason for exploring it to find out but it didn't even occur to me because literally this closet is of absolutely no significance to the story whatsoever i never would have thought to mention it but also if you think about it it's the only door that actually opened from all the other doors that i tried to open that did not open maybe to you this is somehow its own branching path maybe when you go talk about this with your fringe or say oh did you get the broom closet ending the broom closet ending was my favorite i hope your friends find this concerning i don't think so you all are very proud of me to find this super secret broom closet ending stanley was fat and ugly and really really stupid okay probably only got the job because of a family connection that's how stupid he is that or with drug money also stanley is addicted to drugs and hookers well i mean that's not the worst thing that could happen i suppose so maybe well i've come to a very definite conclusion about what's going on right now you're dead oh you got to this broom closet exploded a bit and we're just about to leave because there's nothing here when a physical melody of some sort shut down your central nervous system and you collapsed on the keyboard oh yes well in a situation like this the responsible thing is to alert someone nearby so as to ensure that your body is taken care of before it begins to decompose hello anyone who happens to be nearby the person at this computer is dead they have fallen prey to any number of your countless human physiological vulnerabilities it's indicative of the long-term sustainability of your species are you saying that you're not human corpse from the area and instruct another human to take their place making sure they understand basic first person video game mechanics and filling them in on the history of narrative tropes in video gaming so that the irony and insightful commentary of this game is not lost on them you said comedy not commentary when you've done that just step out into the hallway okay but what if what if i don't i'm dead and there's nobody around because i didn't have friends nor family i am completely alone and isolated what are you gonna do about that big guy who happens to be either an alien or some machine intelligence i mean i'm a patient man i can wait here a very long time i think in fact maybe in the past i did wait here a very long time maybe this is some sort of time loop and i've already seen so many of these things before [Music] ah second player it's good to have you on board i guarantee you can't do any worse than the person who came before you uh-huh uh you too unbelievable at the mercy of an entire species of invalids there's a monkey nearby you can hand the controls to the fish fungus look you can hammer out the details i'm not particularly picky i'll just be waiting for when you're ready to pick up the story again okay but what if there is something in here [Music] all right fine i'll leave i know though i was probably on the cusp of a secret coming to a staircase stanley walked upstairs to his boss's office i will do exactly as you say because once again this is the path that people really really really probably don't do because they are averse to authority wow money in the morning money in the evening money for breakfast money chris okay extreme extreme bathrooms hello hello hello anybody got a broom closet stepping into his manager's office stanley was once again stunned to discover not an indication of any human life shocked unraveled stanley wondered in disbelief who orchestrated this what dark secret was being held from him did you say dark what he could not have known was that the keypad behind the boss's desk guarded the terrible truth that his boss had been keeping from him and so the boss had assigned it an extra secret pin number two eight four five but of course stanley couldn't possibly have known this two eight four five well i can't possibly have known that so i guess i'll leave a lot of books stanley just sat around twiddling his thumbs trying to import anything on the device was useless since he could never possibly know that the combination was two eight four five yes i couldn't why is my reticle appear just for the it's when i get near to the thing two eight four five two eight four five i hear you loud and clear let me out all right two eight four five huh forgot but it turns out that the panel's emergency override kicked in and the door just opened all by itself and storm they got the hell along with the story oh look at that wow all right i got flashlight buddy i don't know whoa i hope okay ah well all right then descending deeper into the building stanley realized he felt a bit peculiar i was feeling like the stirring of emotion in his chest as though he felt more free to think for himself to question the nature of his job did he feel this now and for years it had never occurred to him this question would not go unanswered for long oh ah free will yeah it hurts war is heartburn or a heart attack either way what is with this i hate you i don't like you why are you like this clearly or something or else it would be something not the stanley walks straight ahead through the large door that read mind control facility wow escape no thanks button button button the lights rose on an enormous room with television screens oh you're right what horrible secret did this place hold stanley thought what horrible secret is this the strength to find out i don't know i'm i guess anyway so you said these were television screens can i can i play elden ring in here is that something i can do now the monitors jump to life their true nature revealed each bore the number of an employee in the building stanley's co-workers the lives of so many individuals reduced to images on a screen and stanley one of them eternally monitored in this place where freedom meant nothing was 582 something that was weird about five eight five two eight five five two eight well no one's here so i guess it's fine they're all free no harm no foul i suppose if you really think about it which i'm not i never think about anything it was like 287 278 i don't remember this mind control facility it was too horrible to believe it couldn't be he really true under someone's control all this time what are the odds the reason he was happy with his boring job no those emotions had been manipulated to accept it blindly i like this box uh yes no whatever you said i agree he refused to believe it couldn't accept it no life in someone else's control employee pirate was unthinkable why wasn't it was it even possible no had he truly spent his entire life utterly blind to the world yes no yes is this hello hi but here was the proof the heart of the operation controls labeled with emotions happy or sad or content walking eating working all of it monitored and commanded from this very place and as the cold reality of his past began to sink in stanley decided that this machinery would never again exert its terrible power over another human life i'm deciding that he would dismantle the controls once and for i will dismantle the controls once and for all yes i can't see much kind of dark one [Music] hello um uh do i go up there i can't really go up there can i oh yeah no it's so dark i can't see no how do i facility power i see i see hello mind control idle waiting input it's all about the illusion of choice and when at last he found the source of the room's power he knew it was his duty his obligation to put an end to this horrible place and to everything it stood for you right yeah you right oh stanley you didn't just activate the controller i thought i needed to turn it on to break it enslaved all these years you know i thought i could take control of the machine for you no is that what you wanted control no i wanted it i thought i needed to turn it off to like break it or something i really do but you need to understand there's only so much that machine can do you were supposed to let it go turn the controls off and leave oh i'm sorry to throw my story off track you're gonna have to do much better than that i wasn't trying to for example and i believe you'll find this pertinent stanley suddenly realized he had just initiated the network's emergency detonation system in the event that this machine is activated without proper dna identification nuclear detonators are said to explode eliminating the entire complex detonation then let's say um two minutes i thought now this is making things a little more fun isn't it stanley i thought more time to shine you are the star it's your story now shape it to your heart's desires oh this is much better than what i had in mind what a shame we have so little time left to enjoy it i thought until the bomb goes off but what precious moments each one of them is i'd more time to talk about you about me poor what all this means i barely know where to start i you'd like to know where your co-workers are no i'm trying to justify the fact that i didn't even want to do it in the first place all right i'm in a good mood you're gonna die anyway i'll tell you exactly what happened to them i erased them i turned off the machine i set you free of course that was merely in this instance of the story sometimes when i tell it i simply let you sit there in your office forever pushing buttons endlessly and then dying alone other times i let the office sink into the ground swallowing everyone inside or i let it get into a crisp i have to say this though this version of events has been rather amusing watching you try to make sense of everything and take back the control rested away from you it's quite rich i must hate to see it go i really didn't even mean to do this go around we'll be even better my goodness only 34 seconds left but i'm enjoying this so much i'm doing what to hell with it i'm going to put some extra time on the clock okay thank you these are precious additional seconds stanley time doesn't grow on trees yes but also i was really trying to is it that you have no idea where you're going or what you're supposed to be doing right now or did you just assume when you saw that timer that something in this room was capable of turning it off i mean look at you running from button to button screen to screen clicking on every little thing in this room these numbered buttons no these colored ones or maybe this big red button or this door everything anything something here will save me why would you think that stanley i do this video game can be beaten one solved do you have any idea what your purpose in this place is stanley you're in for quite a disappointment but here's a spoiler for you that timer isn't a catalyst to keep the action moving along it's just seconds ticking away to your death you're only still playing of watching a cutscene because i want to watch you for every moment that you're powerless right you made humble this is not a challenge it's a tragedy you wanted to control this world that's fine but i'm going to destroy it first so you won't okay take a look at the clock stanley i'm looking 30 seconds you have left to struck 30 seconds until a big boom and then nothing no ending here just you being blown to pieces i mean technically that is kind of an ending or will you let it go peacefully another choice make it count or don't it's all the same to you all a part of the joke and believe me i will be laughing at every second of your inevitable life from the moment we fade in until the moment i say happily ever [Music] now that you finally stopped talking i just wanted to say that i wanted to turn it off that was actually my objective i just assumed that i needed to turn it on before i turned it off that was kind of the whole thing and you were pretty unambiguous about it so all of your evil villain speech was awfully misplaced in comparison to what i actually wanted to do which was turn the whole thing off in the first place but anyway i'm not bitter all of his co-workers were gone what could it mean what could it mean he decided to go to the meeting room perhaps he had simply missed a memo maybe i missed a memo maybe i missed a bit of a memo yet there was not a single person here either no feeling a wave of disbelief stab oh no no no no no no no no not again i won't be part of this i'm not going to encourage you i'm not going to say anything at all i'm just going to be patient and wait for you to finish whatever it is you enjoy doing so much in this room please take your time guys okay that was fun i really like that coming to a staircase stanley walked upstairs to his boss's office i got the feeling money's for stealing but not yours of course soy that's a lovely per say say that that's all that's a lovely person hey oh anyway i was kind of hoping to go hello okay [Music] everybody now looks like i have a robot eye no it's gone yes [Music] did he say all together now [Music] foreign feeling sick now in my gut i cannot feel my own butt i want to go and i am stuck in all right i wish i wasn't where i not hide oh um [Music] oh [Music] all right okay i can't remember if there was actually something there or not in a previous version but alas i must continue i'm sweaty 2845 incredibly by simply pushing random buttons on the keypad stanley happened to input the correct code by sheer love wow wow walking eating working all of it monitored and commanded from this very place and as the cold reality of his past began to sink in stanley decided that's what i meant to do from the very beginning blackness oh and a rising chill of uncertainty i don't know it feels good man was it over yes he had won oh he had defeated the machine unshackled himself from someone else's command yeah freedom was mere moments away and yet even as the immense door slowly opened stanley reflected on how many puzzles still lay unsolved where had his co-workers gone how had he been freed from the machine's grass what other mysteries did this strange building hold but as sunlight streamed into the chamber he realized none of this mattered to you yeah for it was not knowledge or even power that he had been seeking but happiness perhaps his goal had not been to understand but to let go no longer would anyone tell him where to go what to do or how to feel oh whatever life he lives it will be his and that was all he needed to know it was perhaps the only thing worth knowing stanley stepped through the open door i did all me baby percent me stanley felt the cool breeze upon his skin the feeling of liberation the immense possibility of the new path before him this was exactly the way right now that things were meant to happen and stanley was happy oh come on i'm not happy come on well there you have it everybody the stanley parable thank you so much for joining all of his co-workers were gone what could it mean hank input received did i miss a computer with that i see input received new content oh new content what does that mean new content i don't know what does it mean hello hey cool i like new content hello and thank you for playing the stanley parable ultra deluxe as you may know the stanley parable was a video game released in 2013 on home computers oh after receiving critical and commercial success it was expanded upon in 2022 with the stanley parable ultra deluxe a reimagining of the game for consoles and home computers oh the stanley parable ultra deluxe features exciting new content that broadens and expands the world of the stanley parable delighting audiences the world over i'm delighted please step inside and see what thrilling new adventures await in the stanley parable ultra deluxe oh well this sounds delightful i'm very excited to see the thrilling new ultra deluxe content yeah me also as well well where do i start okay so far it's an elevator nothing special yet but i'm sure it's just the beginning of a mesmerizing adventure me also also i forgot it was 2013 that's how long ago this was good god um is it broken what's going on here should we should we be moving somewhere all right finally at long last it's on to the new content i've never been more ready let's do it me too i have to say initial impressions of stanley parable ultra deluxe misfits as if them oh okay let's see the content give me the content standing i'm trying why don't you know what the content is i thought you oh all right all right let's see it's the jump circle i can jump whoa damn this is a good workout is that it surely that's not all the new content there has to be something else right yeah um [Music] definitely i mean pretty cool i guess oh goodness another elevator stanley i have to say initial impressions of this game are not positive it's just elevators and jumping is this what passes for exciting new content yes new content then i could just read you the whole dictionary there's 20 hours of new content right there yeah i don't count to 30 trillion you could put that on the box the stanley parable ultra deluxe now with over a thousand hours of new content and if oh wait there's more very good okay i knew there had to be something else okay see it i'm ready for whatever it is me too whoa pit of doom i like that is it gonna break on nope oh that's it oh you've got to be kidding me you see stanley this is what happens when greedy video game developers with no respect for their fan base a cheap expansion to market for no reason other than to make an easy dollar and don't get me started on the level of craftsmanship that's gone into it in fact i'm looking right now at the game's achievements and it's hard to believe one of them actually says test achievement please ignore what quality assurance department signed off on this i'm infuriated and i'm offended and i i intend to find these people on twitter and hold them personally accountable it's my fault stanley i built up too much anticipation around the new content i'm afraid he could never have lived up to such expectations okay if you're still with me why don't we just reset the game and we'll try to get back to what the stanley parable is really about no frills no gimmicks just you and me having a great time together like always okay what do you say friend all right cool i'm down with that oh narrator um narrator do you stanley come over here in the vent huh i want to show you something yeah well oh i mean okay you know what you opened event for me so i really appreciate that how you doing what do you got for me some cool okay you remember how cheap and unsatisfying the new ultra deluxe content turned out to be only got me thinking about the past and how much better the stanley parable used to be so i made something special and tucked it away here where the games developers won't find it just our little secret take a look okay cool wow i call it the memory zone that's where i've been storing all my favorite memories so i can relive the peak experiences of my life whenever i want experiences like the launch of the stanley parable on pc no way i actually don't like the memories on that song you see stanley doesn't the memory zone remind you of how wonderful stanley parable was before it was solid with a cheap re-release remember back in october of 2013 when the game originally launched back then video games had integrity back then it all meant something oh the waste i mean not really a waste i wouldn't say that 2013 was peak year for gaming but i mean it was pretty good i'm loving this thank you oh look at that oh very nice oh okay well you didn't oh huh okay well this is all very nice i like it this is lovely oh don't cry because it's over cry because it happened oh that's very nice very lovely oh oh don't play for five years i think i actually got that one unachievable it is impossible to get this achievement i bet wow nominee nominee i love fake newspapers that's one of my favorite things oh it's good good stuff good stuff narrator and loving memory of little stanley oh [Music] oh you're not gonna let me sit on that bench oh my god this is so nice is where i keep reviews of the stanley parable like this stunning triumph of games journalism 10 out of 10 from james stephanie sterling writes and i quote we're so many games that aspire to be more than games end up less than any form of art stanley parable strives and then succeeds to be every game ever created did you hear that stanley every game ever created that's how grand and all-encompassing the original stanley parable was it was literally every game ever created it was skyrim it was persona 3 it was all of them and now it's nothing it's no games at all it isn't even the stanley parable anymore it's just a husk now a lifeless husk with an hour of new elevator content i mean that's all right isn't it it's not the worst thing in the world if you think about it i like elevators i just i literally just spent like 30 minutes in an elevator just a little bit ago and i had the time of my life minecraft nice dirt house was that in the game i don't know you remember oh [Music] hi who who are you all right oh wow what's down here ooh memory zone maintenance okay i'm not gonna pry i'm not here to break your memory lane it's all very nice lovely people play games because of what they can do inside them and your game is very good at letting no they can't do anything literally anything oh good here's another moving passage this time from the stanley parable is both a richly stimulating commentary on the nature of choice in games and one that offers some of the most enjoyable surprising and rewarding choices i've ever been confronted with in a game nine out of ten don't you get it stanley the game was perfect it didn't need anything else it didn't need new content it just needed to be left alone to spend the rest of time collecting dust in the hallowed hall of beloved video game memories okay i mean you make a fair argument there buddy oh that's very nice oh [Music] ah [Music] oh the serious room i want to go to the street i want to go to the serious room i want to go to the serious room didn't i hear a door open can i not go to the series room i've lost my ability to jump these were simpler times stanley but i wouldn't give to go back to have it all over again wait hang on i don't recall this part of the memory zone before hmm what's this what's down here no oh no oh god no stanley it's a collection of reviews from steam the online video game distributor and i haven't looked at these in years no i can't even imagine what's been collecting down here surely these reviews were glowing as well weren't they bobby possibly who knows honestly i could not be bothered to play this game to full completion the narrator is obnoxious and unfunny with his humor and dialogue proving to be more irritating than entertaining i'm funny i'm trying to make a serious work of art i suppose i could write up a handful of gags to insert into the stanley parable but the game is already such a densely layered web a profound philosophical insights that i can't even imagine where i'd have the room to stick them hmm i mean you right or you wrong i'm not 100 sure but also that review was made on my birthday so there you go that's what you get it wasn't me by the way i didn't leave that review kind of stormy in here okay let's see what this one says while the idea for the game is good for someone who prefers non-media games this preachiness gets annoying fast preachy stanley i'm not preachy am i you can tell me if i'm preachy honestly you can there was a wholeness this is actually quite shocking there's a while there where i could i always thought to be honest i had always thought of the game style to begin with you can't know how much fluff i cut from the game to get it to feel as light and airy as it well i always thought it did but maybe it wasn't oh come on man what an awful memory to have to hold on to these black marks on my otherwise unimpeachable track record i feel like a failure like i let these people down oh yeah perhaps the stanley parable isn't quite as sterling as i always remembered well i leave no comment what's this one got to say you constantly have to stop doing anything so the narrator can catch up with his long-winded explanations of what's happening i wish there was a skip button a skip button well well yes yes i think we can do that if i'm truly too preachy then then maybe letting you skip ahead for just a moment surely it couldn't hurt not if it means we can strike these negative reviews from the record only positive reviews of the stanley panel that's my motto today and it's always been my motto i'd do anything for the customer standard yes a skip button we shall have okay can i jump i don't need to skip hey and here it is go ahead and give it a shot i'll pop you forward in time so that the second my incessant droning starts to bore you with just the push of a button you'll have zip right past it it's what the players have been asking for and i'm very proud to have delivered no more listening to me rambling on and on and on no no no no the stanley parable is a game for the people and if the people want silence then by goodness that's what they're going to get well don't sit around waiting for me to shut up go ahead and make me shut up here we'll pretend that i've just begun an interminable monologue and it goes something like this the story and the choices or what have you and therefore by becoming it is so on and so forth until inevitably we all until the end of time at which time everything rolled once so now you see blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah we've eaten too much and it can't be just yet known until 245 that the logic of elimination working backwards the deduction therefore becomes impossible to manufacture it went on for nearly 10 000 years until just yesterday here [Music] you were only frozen in time for a few minutes but it was plenty of time for me to deliver a long rambling monologue full of unnecessary verbal flourishes and lengthy ruminations on the nature of choice in video games oh cool i happen to believe it was perhaps one of my more profound such ruminations it wasn't of course you need a description it really wasn't describe it i'd say it was perhaps less of a rumination and more of a treatise oh well there's sport you really did catch me rambling on a bit didn't you yeah that's the power of the button the minute i start to go off on a thoughtless display of self-absorption it's okay welcome back stanley now i should say that the amount of time the button has been skipping through is becoming longer and longer that last one was well i want to say maybe 30 45 minutes uh-huh it's not unendurable by any means but it's well there's really only so much i can ramble on to myself about i know it's shocking isn't it but at any rate i do suggest that we not press the button again i think the skip button has been at stanley stanley please don't push the button again it's been 12 hours you've just been frozen there i don't know why the skips are getting longer but they're really truly getting longer and my god there's no way out of the room i read danny the door is gone completely gone i've looked at it from every angle i've checked every one of those walls a thousand times and there's no door standing there's a new door there's just you and the button and if you keep pressing it i have no idea what will happen i have no idea how long i'll be i need to sit here and more than anything else i don't know how to stop you from pressing the button again i read it about this anything in this room stanley i can't touch it and i have to believe i have to know that sooner or later no matter how much i plead with you you're going to press the button again why would you i've been thinking and thinking and i i don't know what i can do to convince you otherwise oh my god and it's all because of those reviews those reviews that i couldn't get out of my head i just couldn't ignore the negative feedback why was it so important for me to fix the problem why did cookie nine's opinion matter so much to me i've never even met cookie knight i have no idea who they are i don't either but here i am i'm fixating on every tiny negative thing that anyone ever says about me the nearest mention of one of my imperfections and i become as impetulant as a child and impulsive i can't help myself i can't stop myself from lashing out with a vengeful oh stanley you're back hi you're back oh my goodness i have someone to talk to again oh stanley i i think it's been a week or two weeks i've been sitting here all that time just sitting here not a single person to speak with and you'd think that that's just how it's always been right me talking and you saying nothing would you think that it's exactly the same as always doesn't that feel like what we've already been doing me just talking but it isn't stanley it isn't the same at all it isn't even close because i know you can't hear me once you push that button that's what i'm realizing now stanley i'm realizing that i needed to know that someone was listening i needed there to be a vessel through which my words were moving it was the vessel i needed stan none of that matters anymore i'll give it all up i'll give up every brunching path i'll burn my story to the ground one single thing i need and god i can see now that i needed more than anything is to know that someone else is taking it in these words that i'm saying i need to know you can hear me maybe stanley maybe if you can hear me then maybe it means i'm real maybe not maybe i'm not just a fiction okay get scared of that all along i don't know yes perhaps i've been scared this whole time or maybe stop speaking i'll slip backwards into the silence and be consumed by it i can't be taken by it stanley i can't lose myself in a stretch of emptiness between you and me when you press that button you're still right there but i know you're so tremendously far away and in those moments the emptiness folds itself outward in between the two of us splendid in its unyielding quietness i can feel the edges of my reality curdling inward and decaying right i can tell that i am becoming less and less real yup yet to speak to you now i am alive wow i am truly and completely here great oh hello it's you you're here again hey hello i have had time to think about you and about us and about everything we've been through i've had so much time i stopped keeping track after a year have you ever sat down in one place and not move for one entire year let me describe it for you to begin with there is only regret there is only the turning wheel of missed opportunities i felt nothing at all but regret for the longest time stanley days months i lost it all in a blur of the deepest longing to undo the past and when that feeling had begun to subside what took its place is what i can only describe as the collapse of every moment i have ever experienced my entire life all of them collapsed down into a single instant in that instant i could see myself clearly calmly with a collected heart it was an impossibly rich wellspring of both delight and disgust simultaneously wow i was consumed by a great i could do nothing but wallow in it for what felt like an eternity but what i now know was far less you see it was a revelation for me it was unlike anything i had ever known it was a space without consequence without action or outcome it was divorced entirely from the question of free will yes you and i have scrubbed over for so long there could be no one ending no singular outcome of events not if all events existed in the same moment and i felt free good i felt unburdened by the need to manifest a particular outcome into being i saw that i could allow myself to exist along all timelines there you go was simply a strand in the web of my being beautiful it was incredible the equanimity of the moment both singular and infinite for the longest time this was my experience that's good and then this moment passed and the most unyielding fear i have ever known and it is this sensation that i have been experiencing now for longer than i could have ever expected was possible ah i have been waiting for you not that you might save me or do something to fix it but merely to state for you the plain fact of this manner of existence okay i wish you to feel afraid as i do oh one day this state of mind will consume you as well perhaps you will somehow in some way have to live as i do now and i wish for you to know how excruciating it is and for you to be in true terror of its eventual arrival if i can only do this only this one thing perhaps it will bring me the smallest moment of peace in the darkness oh oh okay we finally learned to um enjoy the quiet i suppose um anyway i think i'm detecting that uh unending darkness that you were talking about the unequivocal fear of nothingness embracing me some yadda yadda baloney like that okay oh oh [Music] all right narrator did you die hello the narrator has died and slumped over on their keyboard if any other ethereal being from another dimension can just uh take over that'd be great but they didn't understand the game was never meant to be funny it was meant to have a point it was meant to speak to the human condition but where are the jokes where are the jokes they bemoan they screamed they gnashed their teeth and said entertain us it wasn't enough they had to leave a pathetic little thumbs down review and make all of their pitiful demands but then he's talking too much they said first he didn't entertain us now he went shut up it's the inconsistency it's the lack of accountability it's the unwillingness to examine with an uncompromising heart the words that they are speaking into the world as though there were no consequences for a lack of cohesion in one's assessment of others but of course absolutely anyone can leave the review so here's what we get we get these demands that seek everything and are accountable to nothing we get a world where someone will say oh there should be a skip button you should be able to freeze stanley in place while the narrator sits there forever and ever we want all of this in the new stanley parable we demand it and then because it was said because it was spoken now it simply has to happen the most immediate desires every single thing demanded by every person at every moment in time if someone wants it then it's a crime not to bring it into being have we been given to indulging every fleeting whim for no reason other than to do so yes yes it seems that this is now the world we live in it seems that we are a people living in such bleakness and discomfort with ourselves that our entertainment is now our lives it has come to represent us it absolutely must speak to who we are as people because otherwise without our entertainment we have nothing without entertainment we would have to face inward toward the cruel bleakness inside ourselves we would turn to look at our deeper nature and find a resounding emptiness gazing back with unyielding aggression out we require that our amusements and our playthings and our flights of fancy be so impossibly captivating that they consume all of our attention turn our heads completely away from the bleakness in effect we have demanded that our entertainment be the collapse of ourselves what a pitiful reflection of humanity these entertainments are what a shameful mirror to the human spirit they project i'm not mad i'm not mad about any of this i'm at peace with it i am the calm center of gravity around which these perversions hurl themselves i am a waypoint for reasonable and connected discourse right they're the ones who are mad they're the ones who couldn't stand the idea of me hello water water once the bringer of life but now the bringer of the earth the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end okay it's getting a little uh wet back there seems to be a bit of a leak happening oh uh huh narrator you all right buddy yo yo okay can i just mention you wanted me to push this button in the first place oh buddy oh whoa hey look at that that's lovely oh damn i feel bad though oh god oh that's not nearly as good oh my god oh oh very quiet [Music] oh my god okay i'm gonna go now [Music] oh [Music] oh oh oh no oh no oh no how long have i been [Music] in that room this might be one of the most horrifying depictions of an eternity of torment i've ever really seen and and speaking of horrifying depict depictions of eternal torment all of his coworkers were gone hi what did it mean stanley decided to go to the meeting room [Laughter] that's why i always say like i would never ever ever want to live forever new new content let's go baby you notice my side i did yes i have something very exciting to show you oh boy what what is it what do you have buddy good to hear from you again did you lose yourself in the eternity i've been respecting on the stanley parable and about how roundly disappointing this ultra deluxe version has turned out to be i mean the original stanley parable was a landmark and any new content for it should live up to that legacy you're right you get this ultra deluxe nonsense i say we take it one step even further which is why i'm very proud to announce for the first time ever the stanley parable two ho ho ah the end is never the end of goose sea isn't this far superior to a measly re-release with a few minor additions think of all the new territory we'll cover with a fully fledged sequel an entirely new experience built from the ground up why there is so many possibilities it could go in so many different directions this is what fans have truly been asking for okay cool all right calling it the stanley parable 2 is just so much catchier than ultra deluxe don't you think ultra ducks what does it even mean but the stanley parable 2 now that's an artistic statement right there you right you're oriented it screams progress and innovation and long-term franchising potential you right you right you so right noob time to wake up never underestimate a coffee enjoyer who left their cup by a leather sofa that faces a blurry room i'll be you right you right i would never i would never underestimate never in a million years meeting at 2pm genius stanley can throw axes stanley gets boons from goods artistic intimate wives [Laughter] free room rome mode dress up mode micro just proper gameplay nudes nude steel fuel canisters oh my god yes yes they're back two doors i love this so much i love this don't talk to me before i've had my i love the mugs god i swear i didn't get the idea for the mugs from space from this but god i love it oh i love it i love it so much i love everything about this now to be clear i haven't quite nailed down what exactly the stanley parable 2 is going to be but let's take a look at some of the features i've been developing for it i figure that if i can loosely organize a handful of interesting concepts that surely the game will sort of naturally spring up around them it'll all work itself out game development is much more of a fuzzy magic than anything scientific or logical really are you you right you right you right you right you are the sequel oh come on now come on now ah new feature new content new garden oh i thought it was actually going to be that but it was not that this is delightful i can smell the money i can smell the money here we are go on try out some of the new features oh wow i love is oh is that stan lee [Music] name here your name hear your name in the game oh my god yes the button that says the name of the for the stanley parable 2 i asked myself what do players really want and of course the first and most obvious answer is that they want to be individually recognized and validated as people so with that in mind my first addition to the game is this button which speaks the name of the person playing the game isn't that wonderful that is wonderful that is wonderful how do you do it how do you do it jim sorry i should have clarified right now the button only says the name jim but of course in the final game this button will say your name whatever name that is here let's have you role players gym to really simulate the full experience just play along i promise you'll love it here we go let's take a deep breath clear your mind forget whoever you are and simply become a person named jim jim i want you to imagine yourself living as jim jim sleeping and waking as jim falling in love and being heartbroken as jim all of the world's possibilities as jim jim watching your dreams crumble into dust jam do you feel it deeply are you really truly gym right now jim it's back on the scene step forward and press the button [Laughter] yes you'll see what a thrill what a rush that was you the button described you do it again do it again it hits even harder the second time if this is the only new feature in the stanley parable 2 it would still be worth the money let's take a break from the gym button i'm too emotionally drained from all of this personal validation jim why are you stuck in a button oh there cowboy sometimes a person can be too much jim i'm putting the gym button away now soon you'll [Music] the gem button some more i really want to press the gym button some more i suppose i could allow only people named jim to play the stanley parable too that would actually save me the work of finishing this feature the button this is the name of the name jump circle infinite hole infinite hole wow merch this is incredible the bucket of reassurance do i get to feel validated as a creator a common complaint of the stanley parable was that it was confusing and paradoxical that it engendered a chaotic sense of reckless despair in those who played it well i'm happy to say that after much consideration i've engineered a clever solution to this fundamental problem with the a game parable reassurance bucket you see stanley anytime you're holding the bucket a sense of calm and ease will fill your mind and your heart it's true as long as you hold on to the bucket the many disorienting contradictions of the stanley parable will feel perfectly normal and perhaps even comforting you may even come to long for the gentle embrace of jarring cognitive dissonance while the bucket is in your arms and to be honest it's a much more convenient solution for me than actually redesigning the game to be less uncomfortable can you imagine what a pain in the ass that would be yes the bucket is the perfect solution come on give it a try yes [Laughter] can you feel it yes the glow of comfort even in the face of crushing despair must already be sweeping through your body and in fact can i say that i do believe the bucket lends you an air of charisma as well i think that just holding it has made you the slightest bit more attractive as a person the benefits of all all this and more await you in the stanley parable too thank you i do enjoy a good bucket uh can i press the button this is gym does anyone give out awards for most enjoyable bucket in a video game that really should be an award if it isn't already i have no idea uh 344 340. okay i'll be honest i haven't yet decided on this one i didn't know that i wasn't going to but in the new version the office could use a bit of decoration like balloons but i'm undecided on get well sunday and happy 12th birthday which would you go with [Laughter] i don't know that's funny you know sometimes when you solicit another person's opinion it makes you realize that you knew which one you actually really wanted all along oh well someday it is okay thank you for my input maybe i should have gone with no no i've made my decision we're moving on yes i agree the jump circle you know what let's bring the jump circle back for stanley parable 2 as well oh wait you already spent all your jumps the first time we saw the jump circle hmm oh well i suppose it can just be a nice decorative piece then ah no jumps remaining [Laughter] okay all right that's fair enough i get it it's fine new free free new and easy achievement well i like the sound of that but settings world champion that's new ah okay hey hey settings world champion presentation what do you mean settings world jamie i'm assuming that there is some kind of setting secret there but i'm not patient enough to discover it or obstinate enough to break my way through it what is am i looking at the blog an epilogue would be fun wouldn't it stanley yes yes it would go at the end of the um well we'll figure that out later yeah the ending that we you heard jim i heard jim in the game i did hear jim in the game that's different um all right whatever you say man i could do the collectibles merchandising is important can you find them i don't know can i hello oh collectibles now it's a real video game in the stanley parable 2 you all run around gathering up these miniature stanley figurines and what's truly innovative is that there will be no reward for collecting all of them i don't want to stifle the intrinsic joy of watching a number go up you simply collect all of them and then you move the hell on with your unremarkable life hey okay one of six uh oh i guess i'm done god it really is the worst when you collect everything in a video game and then they give you a big fancy reward for it absolutely tragic yeah tragic we hate that i hate it most of all anyone who likes it is clearly an idiot okay achievement everyone knows how big i am about achievements pull the lever receiver achievement no more steps it just works hey now here's something special you remember that broken test achievement that got left in the game on accident yes i'm developing a technology to simply give you the achievement yes you see you'll come to this lever and when you pull it the achievement will be given to you it's as simple as that done okay perhaps i should have clarified this is technology that will exist right now the achievement is still fully broken i'm not a wizard stanley but i guarantee it will be fixed in the sequel to at last satisfy the hordes of ravenous fans all over the world who have been uproariously demanding this feature gamers we hear you and i promise it will happen gamer gamers fine whatever it's fine not a big deal it's fine [Music] i guess there's no achievement to be had here so i guess i'll just move on thank you for wasting everybody's time including my own which is obviously the most important time what other exhibits haven't we seen yet i don't know have we been in here this was the balloons uh who is the lady that's what that's my question is there who's the lady what about that intimate scene with the wife holy moly i do love infinite hole oh hmm ah a wormhole perhaps all right can i go in this infinite hole hole of infiniti stanley here's an idea that i'm truly fond of it's never been done before in a video game this is in fact a hole that you can fall down forever that's right infinite falling you can fall until the end of time if you like a stunning leap forward for video games as a medium okay uh no need to tell me twice here i go you see isn't it wonderful yeah my more ingenious concoctions if i do say so now then since you've gotten to see the infinite hole you can press the teleport button to pop back up to the top and we can continue onward hmm now i don't mean to be a bummer but i do recommend you use the teleport button to go back to the top maybe do it on the sooner rather than later spectrum of things why would that be are you telling me this whole lane is infinite as you suggest it to be are you a fraud i don't know quite how to say this tactfully but it's possible that i slightly exaggerated the infinite nature of the hoe is it a very very deep hole to be certain it is it's an extremely deep hole i don't want anyone to say that it isn't an astonishingly deep hole it is is it infinite well that sort of depends on your definition of infinity from one perspective yes infinite is merely philosophical in nature it's more of a ow okay well good for you you found the bottom of the hole you found me out stanley i'm a liar in a cheat and you're so clever look i think the issue here is just that you're unusually fascinated by falling what normal person actually wants to fall infinitely it was your idea was as deep as anyone would actually need don't you put this on me maybe you're the problem maybe you made the problem ah look things got a little heated there i think we both said some things we didn't mean i made every word of it put all this behind us and agreed to just call the hole mostly infinite and it wasn't nearly mostly then go ahead and press the teleport button to warp up to the top of the hole and we can move on i'll just be up here when you're ready okay i do like the hole though if you think about this hole it's kind of representative of this bucket infinite possibilities and calmness that results from it yes that's a word don't question me who threw cigarettes into this hole what kind of maniac would litter in this hole fine great now i'm very excited [Applause] you see i was right the problem is you you don't know that there's a problem at all that you like holes too much not normal a normal person would have said yep that's an infinite hole right there goes on forever till the end of time don't need to see it all but not you oh no no no no you have a weird sort of oh did the hole seem even shorter to you this time it didn't help but feel like you spent a little less time in there than you did before yeah admittedly i didn't make an infinite hole but i didn't think it was that not infinite huh well i suppose once again there's nothing to do here if you decide you've had enough of the hole you can hit the teleport button and come join me up above and enough i'm positive how could i have guessed you're back in the hole if this starts to become a thing hmm wow okay yes i'm starting to become extremely certain that the whole is not only not infinite but that it's growing steadily less and less infinite i suspect that i'm starting to hit the point where it's no longer feasible to call the hole infinitely deep even lacks overall standards for accountability and marketing right what's going on here what is going on here i have no explanation for the uncertain nature of the hole's length here let's try something let's pop back up to the top and we'll see if it gets any shorter i like that idea oh how is this still appealing to you i know you're obsessed with holes but at this depth i just can't see this scratching the itch it really doesn't who am i to judge you just do whatever it is you're here to do and hit the teleport button when you're ready to move on okay hey is the um button not working give me a job you sure yeah well i mean i really don't have an explanation it was working just a moment ago try it again still nothing well i suppose i i suppose there is one thing i can do to fix this yeah i'm out goodbye stanley you couldn't bear to be away from the hole and now you'll get more time with it than you could ever have asked for it's a win for everyone you get to be with the whole i get to do literally anything else take care stanley i hope you in the hole have a wonderful rest of eternity together okay cool thank you i'll be here it's a nice hole did anyone hear any of the ethereal rumbling from beyond the beyond holy sh [ __ ] look at this hole i knew it i knew it i knew that there was so much more to you whole you had depths unlike anyone could ever imagine deeper more profound more elegant than anything i could have ever hoped for i love you whole just like i've loved every home i've ever encountered but more infinitely more change my perspective [Music] oh there he is [Music] damn oh god look at that hole perception [Music] [Music] this is the greatest hole that anyone's ever made forever [Music] where am i i'm upside down that's what i oh my god [Music] stanley oh good you're awake it seems you had sort of dazed off there what's happening your way into dreamland but we can't have that standing i thought you lost this hole is just so darn fascinating that i want you to be wide awake for every second of it you're okay to miss a single moment so how about if i just pop in from time to time and wake you up to keep you really truly focused on the whole dude i was all about that you and i will have many many years here in this hole i was so into that stanley i'll be back i was so all about that hole oh yeah oh you let me back in let me back in baby come on baby oh going back to the hole here we are go on try out some of the new features yeah thank you very much i'm gonna go find the hole thank you it was a really good hole no please no fine i think i remember there being some kind of area that i had not been before and i'm gonna find it and i'm gonna go inside of it and then i'm gonna see it and everything that it wants me to be oh what is this exit wasn't there another thing that i didn't see before this map jump circle i guess that's it all right well this is really great this is going to be a great sequel once it comes out i'm really proud of us and what we've accomplished here how much money do i get out of the sale of this all right have you seen everything you wanted to ready to move on now i want to see more hole but whatever would have loved to have more hole if i could go back through the hole it'd be great but whatever so stanley what do you think do you like all of the new features yes i know it's not exactly clear yet how exactly these features will come together as one single coherent video game but i can feel it in my soul it's going to work there's definitely a good game in there somewhere say let's do an experiment okay i'll arrange these new features together and we'll see whether or not it coheres into a meaningful gameplay experience give me jim in the hole give me jimin hole poland gem are you ready yes here it is i give you the stanley parable two i'm ready um well um i mean there's potential here right sort of okay never mind i mean hold on let me do a different array no no it's perfect okay yes yes this is much better i feel good about this here we go version two oh give me the whole who am i kidding stanley this isn't a coherent video game at all it's a lot of gags and i do very much enjoy creating gags but they don't add up to anything i wanted more than anything to create a sequel that would capture all the magic of the first game i wanted fans to love it no matter how good these gags are they wouldn't stand on their own they would need the structure in the gameplay of the original wait maybe that's it i can take the original stanley parable and simply well insert a few of my new features into it peacefully of course with respect with care for the vision and integrity of the original game that's an idea would it possibly work no i suppose it could but it would need a really really tremendous title screen a title screen that says with bold and uncompromising conviction this is the stanley parable tool let me see if i can whip something up okay perfect go ahead take a look i'm looking actually this is pretty dope i'm a hundred percent down but that looks so cool you did great it's red like my room right now it's the exact same red it's actually almost insane how similar it is it's actually kind of like you took my room that i'm in right now and there are really a lot of parallels to this game that i'm drawing from things that i have made recently and am currently experiencing as a human being in this extreme exact moment i'm starting to get a little worried but this is dope as hell let's do this i am ready i am ready this is the story i know a man named stan i would never skip stanley worked for a company in a big building where he was employee number 427 employee number 427's job was simple he sat at his desk in room 427 and he pushed buttons on a keyboard orders came to him through a monitor on his desk telling him what buttons to push how long to push them and in what order this is what employee 427 did every day of every month of every year and although others might have considered it soul renting stanley relished every moment that the orders came in as though we have been made exactly for this job and stanley was happy okay and then one day something very peculiar happened something that would forever change stanley okay something he would never quite forget okay he had been at his desk for nearly an hour when he realized that not one single order had arrived on the monitor for him to follow no one had showed up to give him instructions call a meeting or even say hi never in all his years at the company had this happened this complete isolation something was very clearly wrong shocked frozen solid stanley found himself unable to move for the longest time but as he came to his wits and regained his senses he got up from his desk and stepped out of his office okay get well someday huh all of his co-workers were gone they're my favorite could it mean stanley decided to go to the meeting room perhaps he had simply missed a memo no matter how hard stanley looked he couldn't find a trace of his co-workers hey boop okay that's the second input that's good stanley picked up the bucket all right cool no new content content stanley clutched the bucket tightly to his chest and entered the door on his left i do okay seems like a whole lot of nothing you got any holes around here stanley needed the buckets warmth and comfort now more than ever yeah perhaps his boss's office was where he'd find answers it is possible hey hey oh stanley can you feel it the broom closet it wants the bucket oh you can feel that can't you the aura of jealousy it's as clear as day this broom closet believes it deserves the bucket well maybe it should happen you can really feel it now i mean bucket it belongs in a broom closet that's what the broom closet is trying to say here okay with the other cleaning supplies make sense to me don't give him don't hand over the bucket i know how hard it must be given the pressure that the broom closet is putting on your shoulders right now but you have to be strong this is your bucket this is your companion and lifelong friend not really that attached to him oh no we're getting into name calling now it seems is this how low the broom closet has sunk that it has to resort to this stream of petty insults simply in order to get you to hand over the bucket i would hand it over i never liked this broom closet for a variety of reasons but even this is worse than i had imagined and wait now the broom closet has the goal to imply that you and the bucket are not truly deep and lasting friends that your relationship is purely superficial and convenient that your life is so null and meaningless that you'd feel the same sort of kinship towards any inanimate object which happened to lay in your path in an even partially enticing manner well i'd never go on stanley lay into it really tell the broom closet off for its demeaning comments expand on the wide variety of experiences you and the bucket have shared together go through each of them point by point share your journal entries detailing the rich emotional landscape of your feelings for the bucket as they have changed and evolved over the years let him have it broom closet if you want this bucky you can have it i've had it for maybe a minute you could have it i've got you something which i think will help settle this debate once and for all here we go [Laughter] no more discussion take a hike broom closet with all your meandering philosophical diatribes about the nature of cleaning supplies and their relationship to broom closets in the natural order of things okay uh is a bucket is just all right i've got a second sticker back here and i'm going to slap it on as well because i think it's appropriate you see i feel that it works because the sticker is also a bucket that way if you're ever unsure whether the thing you're holding is a bucket or not you can look down at this sticker and say to yourself ah it's a bucket there really is a wide variety of applications for this sticker i don't know how you got that sticker under the property of stanley sticker that's what's more mesmerizing to me than anything you know what i could take the name calling and the dismissal of your kinship with the bucket but now the broom closet is just giving us a silent treatment and to be honest i'm sick of the pettiness on display you can stay here all you like but i've had it with this impetulant room of cleaning supplies easily the most childish such room i've ever been in i'll see you outside and we can get on with the story about you and your bucket okay thank you i will yeah all right coming to a staircase stanley and the bucket walked upstairs to the boss's office boss boss please no elevator for me what about the bathroom does that have a new poem in it hello oh found one of them one of the miniature stanley figurines remembered no reward for collecting all of these only the intrinsic pleasure of a job well done you can't buy that sort of happiness stanley so i implore you to savor each and every moment you'll come across one of these beautiful figurines i am and i have i appreciate that to be rich is it a crime to commit crimes isn't it rich what a life it would be to have to pick just one yeah you're right about that i'm pretty happy about where i am with this and stuff and things stepping into his manager's office stanley was once again stunned to discover not an indication of any human life crushed by the weight of this revelation stanley may have broken down into an emotional dumpster fire worrying the market even now in his darkest of ours did the bucket's warmth and guiding light pierce the dark clouds of confusion and chaos it would be with him always no the bucket would and he knew it really the two stanley was so absorbed in the tender spiritual connection he shared with the bucket that he didn't notice the keypad behind the boss's desk nor in his bliss of simply being near the bucket did he have any notion that the pin number for the keypad was two eight four five two eight four five but stanley guessed the correct code by sheer luck was it that the bucket knew all along was the bucket guiding him that means this is certainly the most logical explanation sure okay um oh almost missed you another miniature stanley figurine this um you know there really must be a snappier name for these things what about mini stands stanley figs um what about stan marines yes i think i like that another stanlerine under your belt kind of the worst of the options that you presented but okay not really a fan of this bucket anymore to be perfectly honest i wasn't really a fan in the first place i really like the hole if you could uh have me have a whole i mean the bucket is kind of like a portable hole but it's not really plummeting towards an unknown fate not really it would be all stanley could do to keep himself together if not for the bucket soothing him comforting him reassuring that in this darkest moment of uncertainty he would be all right the bucket is here for you stanley everything will be fine i could throw this bucket down a hallway and i wouldn't care less stanley and the bucket walked straight ahead through the large door that read mind control facility you got it baby maybe this bucket will guide me through the process of figuring out the self-destruct sequence the lights rose on an enormous room packed with television screens what horrible secret did this place hold stanley and the bucket both wondered to themselves i think this bucket thinks it's better than me the monitors jumped to life and stanley nearly dropped the bucket in shock everyone in the office was being videotaped monitored like guinea pigs the bucket had never seen anything like this and it very nearly burst into tears as stanley cradled it gently reassuring it that everything would be fine was the bucket under the mind control facility's influence as well had the bucket been told to do things he didn't wish to do what kinds of things does a bucket want to do or not want to do in the first place these questions raced furiously in stanley's feeble mind smart no he screamed into the bucket he couldn't accept it his own life in someone else's control never he squeezed the bucket tighter his one friend in the entire world at this point he could trust no one except for the bucket yeah you right stanley decided that this machinery would never again exert its terrible power over another human life for he and the bucket would dismantle the controls for good two best friends standing in the bucket up against the world or were they high-fived in a really cool way and the bucket made a sassy comment about taking down the system or but at the last second the bucket jumped in and pressed the button to turn on the controls stanley gasped in horror had this been the bucket's plan all along to take over the machine and claim the power for itself no how could the bucket have betrayed him like this how could you be stanley was prepared to throw the bucket away in disgust when suddenly an image appeared upon the enormous screen oh birds silly silly bursts the control buttons became active again oh birds bird birds birds birds birds silly birds after another birds this wasn't a mind control facility at all it was a facility for monitoring and surveilling silly birds all over the world the mind controls were only a facade to disguise its true intentions that the bucket known as all along stanley marveled at the metal genius in his hands the one who had pointed him towards this incredible discovery stanley and the bucket never found freedom because they spent the rest of their lives here in this place flipping through live streams of the silliest birds imaginable of all the possible paths his life could have taken this one was surely the best and stanley was happy i'm pretty happy actually you know not so bad not so bad i'm gonna say that's not so bad the meeting room yes that's where everyone would be stanley just needed to get to the meeting room and from then on he would never be alone ever again figurine finders committee meeting today in the meeting room well you know you're right about that and i actually i don't really care about the bucket so it's gonna go mission status whoa oh oh oh ah produce one plank to allow ease of access past fence construct bridge to allow collection of shiny float retrieve chris's remains from whereabouts construct new structurally sound bridge ah that's a good plan we need more blanks yeah okay large room lots of boxes stairs something to do with sears somewhere both red and the blue is this some kind of game looks like 427 haha there will be a reward for finding them all lies who are you okay ah oh ah okay coming to a staircase stanley walked upstairs what about going down what about going down i don't even remember what's down back to the name of these little stanley figurines and now i'm torn between stan marines and figlis what do you think stanley what name better encapsulates the intrinsic sense of happiness that you get from seeing a small number in the corner of your screen go up by one let me sit on it i'm sure it will come to me call them stands because it's stan standing stands face the power of the mother just couldn't do it he considered the possibility of facing his boss admitting he had left his post during work hours he might be fired for that and in such a competitive economy why had he taken that risk all because he believed everyone had vanished his boss would think he was crazy and then something occurred to stanley maybe he thought to himself maybe i am crazy all of my co-workers blinking mysteriously out of existence in a single moment for no reason at all none of it made any logical sense and as stanley pondered this he began to make other strange observations for example why couldn't he see his feet when he looked down why did doors close automatically behind him wherever he went and for that matter these rooms were starting to look pretty familiar were they simply repeating no stanley said to himself this is all too strange this can't be real and at last he came to the conclusion that had been on the tip of his tongue he just hadn't found the words for it i'm dreaming yes this is all a dream ah yeah i should have brought the bucket just because i think the bucket does create more new scenarios i think the bucket is like what actually allows things to be new hold on hold on i gotta bring the bucket with me stanley lifted the bucket into his arms and a wave of comfort rushed over him are you right red and blue right [Music] hello stanley we must move on from this broom closet simply because i have no remaining stickers if i did you can guarantee we'd be in here for hours but alas no stickers all right fine are you sure are you sure fine but stanley just couldn't do it he considered the possibility of facing his boss admitting he had left his post during work hours he might be fired for that and in such a competitive economy why had he taken that risk all because he believed everyone had vanished his boss would think he was crazy and then something occurred to stanley maybe he thought to himself maybe i am crazy he looked down at the bucket in his arms am i crazy he asked the bucket the bucket returned his gaze but said nothing at all and that's strange stanley thought usually the bucket is a source of guidance and wisdom for me in difficult times such as these usually he held the bucket close yet felt none of its familiar reassurance and comfort and that's when stanley realized this isn't my bucket it's just a normal everyday bucket someone else's bucket perhaps how did i end up with someone else's bucket this is all terribly wrong surely who knows what sorts of bizarre hallucinations stanley might experience without the psychologically grounding presence of his bucket indeed now he noticed that the rooms were repeating which was of course very odd now he felt himself floating off the ground no oh gracious he exclaimed without my bucket i've gone truly mad where is it i must find it far off in the distance now he heard it calling to him do i stanley stanley it's me the bucket [ __ ] could it truly be he rushed forward from going to room passes by one bucket after the next one of them were his none of them were his special bucket come to me stanley find me he had to find the bucket he had to return to his old friend it was the only way to truly restore his sanity and then suddenly oh yeah he was dead in his tracks oh he knew where the voice of the bucket had been coming from the real bucket was inside of him all along no it was incredibly painful stanley doubled labour in agony and blacked out this is a story about a woman named mariela mariella woke up on a day like any other what she arose got dressed picked up her bucket of comfort and security and walked to her place of work oh but on this particular day her walk was interrupted by the body of a man who had stumbled through town talking and screaming to himself and then collapsed dead on the sidewalk right away she knew what the problem was this man had no bucket of course he'd gone mad ranting and raving about a narrator describing all of his actions now everything is predetermined and free will is an illusion and it's only just a video game it could all have been prevented if only he'd taken his bucket with him if only perhaps he didn't realize he'd forgotten his bucket at home in the first place how cruel the world can be mariella thought and she hugged her own bucket even tighter but of course she had no time for this there were a myriad of confusing problems she would soon have to confront at work right which her bucket would provide absolute guidance and total clarity on everything of course yes she thought to herself my life kinks and she backflipped all the way oh wow i love that okay that's great that's really good stuff man that's really good okay the confusion and the chaos all seemed to melt away as stanley embraced the bucket stanley clutched the bucket and entered the door god that's really i really tickled my funny bone back flipping all the way to work god stanley we must move on from this broom closet simply because i have no remaining stickers if i did yeah i heard that okay okay okay coming to a staircase stanley and the bucket upstairs to the boss's office all right okay that's some pretty big sparks there i don't remember that also what is with the sign stanley and the bucket list through the large door that read mind control facility although this passageway had the word escape written on it the truth was that at the end of this hall stanley and the bucket would both meet a violent death okay sounds good to me the door behind them was not shut standing in the bucket still had every opportunity to turn around and get back on track yep at this point stanley and the bucket were knowingly walking forward into a very painful death for each of them lawyer oh boy ooey the hole oh all right fine then well this is spooky hey look a painful death as the machine word into motion and standing in the bucket inch closer to their demise stanley reflected on how meaningless the bucket's warmth and comfort had turned out to be yeah i'm sure it puts the mind and the soul at ease to embrace the bucket but what use is a sense of ease when you're about to be crushed to death i could join this is what stanley thought to himself he sort of kicked himself for wasting so much time carrying a bucket everywhere hmm farewell stanley farewell farewell stanley cried the narrator what as stanley and the bucket were led helplessly into the enormous metal jaws in a single visceral instant the bucket's life came to an end as it was crushed violently to death nope okay it was a shame the death of such a magnificent bucket it's true that all buckets are agent in their own way but this one stood above the rest it was a glorious bucket to behold [Laughter] welcomes you to the grand exhibit you were standing at the precipice of knowledge much like a bucket itself the human mind is frequently empty within a car a cavernous void but through use of the exhibit in front of you the mind becomes full and enriched and substantiated knowledge of the bucket and its history was the only true knowledge we really have will you take what you learn here out with you into the world will you accept with an open mind what may be challenging about the information in this exhibit will you change the lives of yourself and your loved ones as a result of this exhibit or will you turn a blind eye and continue to live as you were in ignorance and darkness i don't know i really can you see how arrogant it was for stanley to take a bucket like this and to claim it for his own can you see the hubris that blinded him can you see that the bucket is far more noble than stanley will ever be in his short life yeah well wasn't there a oh ah interesting okay there's something up there i see a bucket with two handles hi chair this bucket is depicted as having two handles such a design has never been created in real life having been deemed too dangerous and recklessly experimental every year dozens are put to death just for attempting it inferno bucket a replica of the inferno bucket which in the medieval era was so powerfully alluring that it drove dozens of nations to war with one another for control of it billions died and yet in spite of it all the simple fact remains no one can control a bucket the stress bucket an analogy wow holes huh bucket of stress presented without commentary of course high chair while we know that buckets predate the existence of mankind we do not know by how long this cave drawing depicts early man's discovery of the practical uses of the bucket by which time the bucket had already likely been around for several millennia notice in these drawings how the bucket is allowing itself to be used having judged humanity to be worthy of its treasures okay no man can own a bucket and certainly not a bucket as dazzling to behold as this one it is man who should kneel before the bucket um oh in a place that is both red and blue this piece symbolizes the necessary relationship between bucket and humanity however our clear grasp of the bucket may be there's yet more that is always out of reach is that the whole yeah oh wait oh i thought i'm more excited about the whole but there is something we can do something we can do together you and i that will right this terrible wrong yeah what is that oh let stanley die let him be crushed by the machine don't reset the game don't give him another opportunity to run off with another beautiful bucket we can save the world's buckets from their treatment as tools and implements if only we let stanley die together okay it should take its place as ruler as leader as commander of a new world a new vision ow guess i'm dead someone was following stanley he was sure of it what if he checked over his shoulder now he would surely catch them it was only a matter of time okay thank you thank you for that thank you for that laden sense of paranoia whoever's following me [Music] warmth spread through stanley's arms and with the bucket in his arms again he was home oh yeah i feel home i feel big home huge home energy stanley clutched the bucket tightly to his chest uh goodbye this was not the correct way to the meeting room but stanley had felt the bucket calling to him telling him that the employee lounge was simply the place to be you're right it's been a very long time since i've been down this path and i still don't quite remember what's here and i was had the bucket turned out to be correct was this better than the meeting room yes stanley thought to himself yes perhaps it truly was how insightful the bucket turned out to be no never mind oh the bucket was wrong oh stanley took the door on his left to go back to the meeting room hmm said the bucket don't go to the meeting room go somewhere else the cargo lift yes go there go to the cargo lift okay all right bucket you don't sound as nice why i'm falling i don't know hey hey you're getting close now stanley you've nearly gotten all of the fiddler and marines very soon you'll collect the first one and then the first number will equal the second number and that will be it i can't wait to be different people by then i can't wait in the sense that we used to have none of them and now we have them all you can't go back to when you had no fiddler and marines none of us can you're right i guess we can't go back we uh just can't go back can we oh what's this hello oh oh what what huh huh hello [Music] narrator dialogue i don't remember this um lost cat there is a reward for gene okay i don't remember any of this i don't remember a lot of this game what did i do okay this is day number 295 tate number i don't even know i've lost track nothing feels real anymore the longer i study this bucket the less sense anything makes the sheer euphoria i feel every time i pick it up no matter how many times i've done it it's always the same feeling and the emptiness in my chest when i set it down oh it doesn't make sense there's no explanation for it i still haven't figured out why i see the world so differently when this bucket is in my arms why everything feels so what do i do with this treasure i can monetize it yes it's unthinkable the amounts of money people will pay for even just an hour with the bucket this is my golden ticket but i have to be careful because as soon as this gets out there's going to be a target on my back even now i don't know who might be trying to get what's that who's there [Applause] [Music] okay oh my god okay i already did this why do i have to do this again you why would you have done that can i just say something before we get started thank you for actually setting the clock both times you booted up okay good a lot of people don't take that step seriously they just leave the clock set at 12 and call it a day but you're actually taking the time to set the clock and i appreciate that that's how i know that you care about this experience you're paying attention i don't even have any way of knowing if the times you're setting are correct tell you what i'll make a deal since you've been so cooperative next time you boot up the game and see the screen just set the clock to your favorite time go ahead pick whichever time you want even if it's not the correct time you've earned it all right i'll get you back to the video game now well thanks but my favorite time is the current time because i live in the moment all right anyway also nothing's different everything's the same nothing has changed why would anything have changed this is the story of a man skip he'd never be alone again not truly alone not with the bucket around no do not lie if you're lying right now stop it are you lying right now did you actually watch through the whole video to get up to this point don't lie this is your checkpoint write in the comments i have made it and i am not lying don't say what it's about just type in i have made it and i am not lying that way i know that you actually made it to this point thank you for being here you earned it but now onwards i remember the thing that just happened which was uh we saw the horrible nightmare do not jump from the cargo lift wallet in motion will cause death penalty for miss youth penalty for jumping off the cargo lift also death i don't think set the bucket now ride the lift all the way to the top there's something up there i need you to do what do you need question why or how this bucket was speaking to him it should have alarmed him of course because buckets can't talk but stanley chose not to think about this obvious fact he was firmly convinced that the bucket had spoken to him and he unthinkingly did whatever the bucket asked hmm okay i am unthinkingly doing whatever the bucket is asking of me in here said the bucket go into this dark room over here okay stanley once again obeyed blindly i am obeying blindly it's not really dark oh that dark room yeah that room is kind of dark oh phone guy pick up the phone said the bucket pick up the phone and it will take us back home where we can go about life together okay this is the sad story of a man named stanley and his bucket once upon a time i gave stanley a bucket because i thought he was lonely and could use a friend and then very distressingly he began to believe the bucket could speak to him oh i'm playing now hello it's me ding dong i don't know why the button is so satisfying to me doing anything uh they give a button i go press button can i do anything else hello yeah whatever all right the beige very good very good very good well this is a pretty nice place no no i wanted to push the button some more damn all right fine i like i just my butt i think oh bucket hmm okay press r to take me to work with you uh all right the stanley parable reassurance bucket was merely meant to provide the comforting glow of companionship it doesn't literally talk and give you orders whatever stanley is hearing the bucket say to him is just in his head hmm well that doesn't seem right first why to take me back home with you hmm lately i've been concerned about him wouldn't you be concerned as well to see him delusional like this obsessing over an inanimate metal object i want to say something to him but i don't know how i can convince him i don't know if he'll listen to me i don't think i have a choice be be oh i'll try anyway stanley can you hear me listen to me it's just a bucket it can't think it can't talk all it would ever truly do for you is effectively transfer a liquid from one location to a different location or a solid if don't listen to the loud man which one who who do you not want to listen to ooh darkness you see he's not listening he's still taking orders from the bucket you know once upon a time it was me he took orders from me he trusted and listened to now all he cares about is his awful bucket this stupid hunk of metal wasn't it you the anthropomorphizes the bucket in the first place press h to ignore anyone in your life except for me well i mean i guess i can it's sad i suppose he doesn't need me anymore from now on he's just going to cling to this bucket this cold empty bucket this sort of shiny bucket hmm well i'll give it this the bucket does have a nice shine to it you believe i'm real don't you stanley press v to go back home i do yes i suppose on closer inspection that it doesn't quite look like your average hardware store bucket it's just a little more um what am i trying to say sturdier more capable of transporting liquid like it would be better at moving an amount of water from one room to another hey this is getting weird now it's just a bucket relive this day same day over and over yep you know what yeah whoa oh god what am i saying better at carrying water from room to room it's a bucket it's literally just a bucket why do i feel some need to point out the ways in which it's so much more than just a regular bucket i don't know why do you you work from home oh no i'm i'm having feelings for the bucket no no no no no no what's going on why do i want to be with the bucket hear what the bucket has to say anything it asks what's wrong with me i don't understand perhaps perhaps if i had the bucket this would be less confusing yes the bucket could tell me what to do in this troublesome situation i don't like where what the the candles and anything about it looks like a butt uh butt bucket uh jazz nights oh no oh no oh hey stanley give me the bucket no give it to me give me the bucket standing why do you deserve it why do you deserve it give it or i'll close my eyes well i don't like it go back to work stanley yeah okay hang on i need to hit my computer shut up i literally have to hit my computer to get it to stop buzzing i do this like three times a day the good old bucket the guru maybe because i closed out of the game uh not that i did not that any of that did that thing that that did you think that happened that would never happen i have he was firmly convinced that the bucket had spoken to him and he unthinkingly shush danger everywhere ain't that the truth all right all right all right where am i i don't uh stop look there on the wall you see there's a sign right there it says no buckets past this point oh stanley how could you think it was okay to bring the bucket here what if the problem is that you actually don't know what is a bucket and what isn't a bucket that's an interesting that would explain a lot about your behavior up to this point which if that's true well my goodness i think we have to do something about it this misunderstanding could have dire consequences on the entire rest of the game if not addressed quickly and properly okay so much of the impact of the story is dependent on your understanding of what is and isn't a bucket okay oh please i trust you now then i'm going to run you through some test scenarios and you'll tell me whether or not the thing i'm showing you is a bucket is this a strip club this should tell us everything we'll ever need to know about what it's a game show or is not a bucket it's not a strip club's game show oh item one is this a bucket that is a bucket incorrect it is a hologram of a bucket not an actual bucket oh item two is this a bucket that is 100 a bucket incorrect it is a 3d printed recreation of a bucket not an actual bucket i mean sounds like a bucket to me item three is this a bucket 100 absolutely that's a book hey this is a bucket yeah i know a bucket when i see it item four is this a bucket nice attractor nope correct this is a tractor and not a bucket i'm freezing honestly i just sort of put this one in here as a gimme but i was starting to get concerned that even this might be too much for you don't worry for not making me look like an idiot yeah next one there's one thing i don't do is make everyone look stupider around me [Laughter] is this a bucket no that that's uh it's a tractor incorrect this is a bucket item six is this a bucket 100 bucket trick question both gotcha [Music] item wait hold on i can't find the next one let me see should be around here somewhere not a bucket there's nothing nope not a bucket yeah thank you there's nothing here of course it isn't a bucket we both know full world nothing isn't a bucket yeah you go and i say nothing isn't a bucket that makes it sound like i'm saying everything is a bucket which of course is not true unless is that what you think answer me straight stanley are you trying to tell me that you believe everything is a bucket no no you know what i'm too confused to even sort it out i've lost all sense of perspective isn't the bucket moments ago i could answer these questions with confidence and yet now i'm somewhat adrift do any of us know what a bucket is am i a bucket stanley i can't keep doing this i'm losing myself and myself was all i ever had to begin with honestly i don't know what you are threatening to tear our relationship apart no i can't have that i'm sorry but i'm going to erase all buckets from the game entirely okay okay here we go oh oh i was a bucket what happened is everything gone why did everything disappear wait was everything a bucket every single thing in the game was a bucket oh my god i had no idea how could except me i'm not a bucket after all i knew stanley you're still here you're not a bucket either oh this is wonderful news we're not buckets hmm yes i actually feel much more at ease right now again to get some clarity on that issue but it doesn't change the fact that we haven't got a game so tell you what i'll reset everything and we'll put back all of the buckets okay okay and we'll know that it's all a bucket but if you run into anyone else maybe don't mention that who knows what that information might do to a person all right here we go this is another level of everything is cake because everything actually is cake if you think about it but don't think about it too much stanley clutched the bucket i think there might have been this was not the don't go to the meeting room go somewhere else the cargo lift yes go there go to the cargo his dearest friend oh yeah so he threw himself to his death that they might die in one another's arms ah how deeply touching so deep and touching very deeply touching the bucket i think that there's something else over to them you have to go back to the meatballs the two of them detoured through the maintenance section and walked straight ahead to the opposite door down [Music] i actually have no idea what this is i'm glad you found your way here i knew you'd find this place eventually i hate that i hate big baby i really really really dislike big baby you see your friends and i are concerned for you stanley we've come together here because we care about you very much oh it's this bucket you're carrying around everywhere the bucket isn't even from the original stanley parable it's just sequel content we're the ones that matter stanley classic characters from the first game like the adventure line and the broom closet because that's what fans want from a sequel they want more of their favorite jokes not this bucket that they've never seen before yes i know i'm the one who gave you the bucket but you're spending too much time with it don't you want another story involving the adventure line we can make the adventure line go somewhere new yes yes that's what the fans want let's do it what about the broom closet you got any holes you got any holes around here i really love a hole i don't remember the mannequins i don't remember the mannequins at all i don't even remember where the big baby was i don't remember where any of that look at that wacky line who knows where it'll go off to next oh and it played some silly music as well [Music] okay i remember the event [Laughter] god i do remember the adventure line oh my god this is just a goddamn delight of a game this is what the stanley parable is all about don't you remember all those great jokes from the original dialogue also stanley is addicted to drugs and hookers it's as classic now as it was back then let's do it for the fans stanley let's give them more content exactly like this but if we want to do that you're going to have to give something up what am i have to give up what am i what am i do i have to give up whoa portal what do i do after give up what do you what is you want me to do to give up of the thing [Music] that's why i'm very proud to introduce a brand new character ah this is the bucket destroyer i think it'll make a wonderful new addition to the rich lore of the stanley parable true it also was not in the original game but it's such a well-fleshed out character with so much personality that to me it already feels as though it's been part of the cast all along don't you agree sure can you guess what the bucket destroyer does surely you don't need me to spell it out for you go ahead now stanley say goodbye to the bucket and then pop it into the machine when you're ready oh i i just don't know i don't know what the bucket destroyer will do if it can't destroy your bucket destroying buckets is all it knows that is its singular personality trait sure i could see you saying how does a character with only one personality trait deserve to join the pantheon of beloved stanley parable characters well you see if you were to really explore the bucket destroyer you would see that its desire to crush buckets is so densely loaded with complexity and nuance that it's really like 10 personality traits what other object in this game can you even say that about the broom closet certainly not i wonder what sort of bucket destroyer merchandise the fans will be clamoring for after this okay the bucket destroyer is getting very upset now you'll have what they want [Music] the bucket destroyer my prized creation you had so much potential we were going to do such marvelous things with you telstra spell binding stories about you all of its squadron now goodbye new friend for the moment in time that you were here you were magnificent i did i did enjoy the bucket destroyer and i i was trying to it's like the bucket was resisting well uh such is life you know all of his co-workers were gone i don't exactly know if there's a difference between going to the meeting room from this direction or the other direction but i might as well test because there there is another thing at the end that i have not yet done the bucket was wrong stupid stanley took the door on his left to go and so the two of them detoured through the maintenance section and walked straight ahead to the opposite door somewhere both red and blue red and blue and as the cold reality of his past began to sink in stanley decided that this machine off stanley and the bucket waited in blackness was it over yes they had done it stanley and the bucket had defeated their greatest and darkest enemy freed themselves from the tyrannical grip of the evil mind control machine freedom was now mere moments away excitedly the two of them began to discuss the kind of life they wanted to live once they stepped through this massive door the bucket wanted to learn to roll escape stanley wanted to sneeze in every country on earth both of them wanted to begin watching a movie any movie but then stop it halfway through and begin watching it in reverse from the end true it was a simple life they envisioned but it was one they'd lived together with one another to lean on to trust to support what wait what was happening why had the door stopped was stanley in the bucket not about to be freed an unbearable silence filled the room lingering in uncertainty until finally the truth hits stanley square in the face this building did not want the bucket to leave oh oh no facility itself recognized the incredible calming presence of the bucket needed the soothing warmth of the bucket will go to any lengths not to part with the bucket oh no no stanley can't leave this place not while he has such a precious bucket in his arms not while this building has anything to say about it stanley realized he would never again leave this very room but at least at least he has the bucket at least i do be trapped eternally in darkness isn't really so bad stanley thought to himself as long as i have my bucket with me right i'll be okay won't i i'll be okay very soon now he was about to find out why what do you mean oh wait a minute hold the phone why are you different why did stanley want to be a better man and a better co-worker but in time perhaps he would become both of those things stanley clutched the bucket tightly to his chest and entered the door on his left why is this different or i this was not the correct way to the meeting room i'm very confused i think i've gone everywhere there i went down there and section and walk straight ahead to the opposite door what happens if you go backwards from here anything no nothing a whole lotta nothing is what happens there i still haven't found the red and blue one the door behind them was not shut standing in the bucket still had every opportunity to turn around and get back on track but if i look and then i'm like well no what do you think about that big guy what do you think about that well but of course stanley and the bucket thought better of it and realized they simply had too much to live for if light is on call extension 914 immediately 914. what is within what is with the yellow can i go back up oh my god i can go back up i did not know you could go back up why can't i go back up stanley said to the bucket can we go back up when i was pressing those keypad buttons there was something very intriguing about the number three how would it go back so i can try pressing the number three again the bucket said nothing okay i didn't even know that i could go but did i even do this in the original could you even do this as original fascinating here we are said stanley now i'm going to try out that number three button he took the bucket over to the keypad and began absolutely slamming on the number three over and over and over well he said the number three is such a special button i'm having the time of my life stanley looked expectantly at the bucket but the bucket remained silent this was a shock to stanley who had always felt such a connection with the bucket how was this not as exciting to the bucket as it was to him once stanley had had enough of the number three he got back in the elevator i feel like this is one of those things where if i'm persistent enough it'll do something but i don't know for sure hmm okay i i there might be something there but i would have to look up to confirm before i dedicate in a half hour to pressing three perhaps the bucket had missed something perhaps it had not seen how much joy stanley got from slamming the number three repeatedly mayhaps mayhaps not i can go back no no no no no said stanley to the back you can't go on yet not till you understand how much the number three means to me you and i have been through so much together and i just want you to see what i see feel the happiness i feel is that what you think i sound like in the bucket said that what do you think my voice is i guess i'm gonna be pressing three here we go said stanley this time i'll really assure you i ran to the number three and began to wail on it like a musician on a beloved instrument waving a concerto of truth and passion i'm weaving a concerto a fine artist would wield a paintbrush he taught stories through the number three stories of his dreams and hopes and fears and the whole time he looked to his bucket for a reaction of some kind anything to let him know that the bucket appreciated what he was doing the bucket conveyed absolutely nothing at all only silence crushed by a wave of dejection stanley returned to the elevator i am crushed by a wave of dejection i will return to the elevator was so close it always been there for one another why suddenly could the bucket not connect with this passion of stannis the question caused stanley to ruminate the whole way down the elevator yeah he knew that there must be a way to get through to the bucket to communicate fully with his dear friend surely there was a solution mustn't there be surely but what if but what if said stanley i know what to do i know i know how to fully express this feeling in mind he decided right then and there that he would hold a press conference where he would speak to the public on all matters relating to pressing the number three over and over he would elaborate fully on what the who is that meant to him who was that he felt so alive when pressing it g-man when the bucket would be able to see his joy through the eyes of others it would get to see the world react to this discovery of stannis oh and it would be through the public eye that the bucket would finally understand stanley's work all right now he advertised and marketed his press conference building excitement around it developing and rehearsing it until it couldn't be refined a single measure further when the big day arrived stanley was as prepared as he'd ever been for anything in his life yes i am ready for the world peace baby oh wow that's good that's good that's good very funny oh good stanley live on stage stanley the man the process the myth the legend the parable wow that's a lot of hype doing great mm-hmm [Music] this was it one last chance to win the bucket over one opportunity to share a true connection with a loved one uh-huh remember where you came from york is that where i came from the dudu came up with beats what a dude what a dude wow what a dude i want to know who that guy was in the distance if that was like a g-man reference there was no one here oh nobody had come to the press conference to hear stanley speak to listen to him talk about what it really means to press the number three on a keypad over and over he was unloved uninteresting he was a failure and in that moment stanley knew the bucket would never again take him seriously i heard there would be no connection no deeper understanding the bucket merely sat there in his arms indifferent i thought i heard so it began that slowly over many years the two of them grew more and more distant i thought i heard coughing they spoke less and less neither wishing to state the obvious that any sense of real respect between them had eroded since that day at the press conference oh wow there would be no more games no more long conversations about passion and pursuit only a silence that consumed the space between friends and stanley having for once in his life discovered the warmth and comfort of true companionship was cast back into the unremarkable normalcy of loneliness why am i hearing coughing and an audience in the darkness wait what did that text just read uh lixian freeze frame that and show me what that was also what is this what all of his co-workers were gone what could it mean stanley decided to go to the meeting room perhaps he had simply missed a memo is that the is that the mythical whiteboard ending i'm so lucky to have stanley press the bucket upon every little thing in the office nothing responded to the bucket's touch but it did little to discourage stanley's belief in the magic of the bucket it's a whiteboard dog mode what does that mean wow stanley clutched the bucket tightly to his chest and entered the door on his left i don't think there's anything more on the left that i could possibly explore but i have a funny feeling that there's something else on the right this was not the correct way to the meeting room but stanley had felt the bucket calling to him i don't know if i liked dog mode employee was simply the place to be i don't know if i like dog mode i kind of do it's real it's real hit or miss i went there got everything in there no buckets allowed past there [Music] i went there you can't jump off of that you gotta go somewhere else let me see again what's in here right this is just the now right this is going to be the same thing isn't it damn it i just had a thought i i just remembered yeah there's something else that i forgot about yes yes isn't isn't that yes yes but just as stanley was about to proceed further into the mind control facility he tripped and fell over the railing and into the dark void below thankfully he fell directly onto the bucket which safely cushioned his fall hey now what to do next stanley wondered stanley and the bucket could find no way out of this enormous i thought it was going to be like eventually they decided that the best thing to do would be to simply get comfortable down here so they set up a little couch and relaxed oh it really wasn't so bad down here a bit cold perhaps after some time had gone by they installed a few shells as well and a sort of pretty cool net that was useful for when the bucket was craving paninis but it wasn't until the rugs and the standing lamps came in that it really started to feel like a home after some time stanley realized that it had been ages since he had even thought of the mind control facility at all he'd never gotten to fully explore what was up there never been able to unearth the many mysteries of the mind control facility this lack of closure began to eat at him soon he was dwelling on his regrets and the state of their home slowly decayed as stanley became withdrawn and neglected the cleaning it unsettled the bucket deeply stanley wasn't usually like this the bucket tried to reach out to him again and again but to no avail all stanley could think about all he could talk about was going back doing it over again staying on the path it was a mistake to leave the path it was a mistake it was a mistake i need to do what the narrator says i need to see the true ending this made no sense at all to the bucket which was simply trying to live its life down here as comfortably as possible stanley was unconsolable this isn't an ending this is just a hole in the ground the bucket side true it wasn't an ending and maybe possibly if we accept the reality of things maybe this will become an ending eventually maybe it's what the bucket was counting on the two of them waited for a very little oh okay oh it's an ending i i'm not going to turn on dog mode i swear i will not okay i think i looked up where let me double triple check i think i got where the last collectible is someone you forgot what really i was in the middle of something do you have zero consideration for others yes are you convinced that i want something bad to happen to you no yes i don't know how to convince you of this but i really do want to help you to show you something beautiful look let me prove it let me prove that i'm on your side give me a chance now listen carefully this is important and there it is the last stigly weekly boom is doing something just for the sake of doing it i feel pretty good so many people expect to be rewarded for the most trivial achievements you've insisted that a job well done is its own reward it is i would tell you that i'm proud of you for collecting them all but that would be like a reward and we can't have that so instead i'll just say it's done we're all done here we're all done now we can go to whatever the hell you were doing before you hunted for figurines okay cool what was i doing what what what stanley i'm sorry but i have to put a pause on things just it's those figurines why those figures i haven't stopped thinking about them since you nabbed every last one wasn't it just the most intrinsically fulfilling moment of your entire life didn't it fill you to the brim with inner richness inner what yes i know we're supposed to be telling a story but won't you please indulge me with one more trip back to the memory zone okay i would love nothing more than to revisit the figurines okay one more time i mean all right it's all good i did like the memory zone it was very nice now remembering when stanley found the collectibles oh wow this is really something wow it's so special i love it wow wow was that always down down it is here's where it all began it is where it all again collectible back then we had no idea of how many of them we'd find joints at six right there on the screen but how could we know for certain we were so innocent we'll never be like that again you don't have anything to say about me getting seven of six hello and here was a second stanlerine you found this one all on your own just by poking around in the boss's bathroom you did that stanley i did that back then i had no faith in you to find any of them six yeah but you continue to surprise me in all sorts of mundane unremarkable ways as me and mundane and remarkable okay let's do a little quiz which of these rooms was the room you found your third mini stand can you remember i actually don't i don't remember at all boss's office didn't have one [Music] no no no no under the stairs was the fourth place you found a figame not the third well i guess perhaps i shouldn't be surprised memories like these are so precious and so cherished that they all just sort of blend together don't they you know what if under the stairs feels like the third place you found a collectible then who am i to go making judgments who are you anyway what came next oh yes we found a fig in this pink room oh well i can't actually say i remember being in this room but it's here in the memory zone so it must have happened yeah huh [Music] ah okay this was the fifth ministan and this one was really something special it was in the warehouse i remember it so clearly yeah me too in fact because this one is particularly special to me i made a little video to commemorate the occasion wow oh man i love it god i love that oh my god i really really love that oh i man did thanks man thank you so much that is very meaningful [Music] takes you back doesn't it i spent a lot of time making that video but it was eight minutes i wouldn't have spent on anything else wow what was that oh [Music] and then stanley then we came to the last collectible the final figurine right here by the red and blue doors yeah this memory is the most distinct and clear in my mind perhaps because it was the one that happened more recently than all the others who can truly say how the mind works all i know is that this is the moment where you picked up a fig and i thought to myself yes that's all of them they're all collected it was a moment unlike any other okay except for the other moments picking up figurines which it was exactly like ah okay thank you thank you [Music] oh and then there was no more because we've caught up to the present moment nothing left to do would move onward into the future goodbye memory zone oh well goodbye memory zone i guess memory zone is no more oh no no no i'm not done i'm not ready to move on stop the loading screen isn't there some way we can stay here keep enjoying these figurines let's just go backwards we'll do the memory zone again from the opposite direction see how that feels okay i'm down for that okay yes the room with the red and blue doors i remember this yes i must say of all the figurines we looked at in our initial tour of the memory zone this one is the most distinct and clear in my mind let's keep going i want more okay i feel like a recursive memory nightmare of perpetual looping is only going to end in disaster don't you remember the video we watched yes i loved that video me too man me too and then there was that weird noise starting to get a little concerned about all this nonsense stanley still no memory of this one good room though a solid room yeah solid room very solid extremely solid these really were a treat to hunt down you know if there have been any kind of reward for finding all of these it really would have muted the intrinsic joy of collecting them i'm very glad we resisted the temptation next one me too also me [Music] was there anything in the boss's office no okay i don't think there was one in the boss's office i don't recall that the bathroom definitely i remember this was our second fig don't you remember yes i remember it too the past is truly a wonderful thing why does anyone ever choose to leave it keep going this is it the very first one we found in the exhibit where i introduced you to the figurines oh i want more memories stanley i want to keep going what else is there what came before this you stopped me as i was getting out of my office if you keep going perpetually backwards into forever oh the hole could there be the hole [Music] i can undo my jumps it's the terrible new content that we were originally sold on i remember hating it back then but time does put a rosy filter on everything in fact i dare say i'm actually quite fond of it now look how much fun the past is i want more more memories okay i guess i can't undo my jumps but that's sad i guess of the cry more no jump happer okay oh yes the two doors who could have forgotten that a classic memory this one classic blacklight classic classic and before everything else there was your office yes is there anything else was there something that came before your office there's something i feel i can remember i can remember i can remember yes i'm remembering something now i remember before this whole story got started back then i was i was different i used to make big decisions i was passionate i was skeptical i weighed each decision with profound thoughtfulness and then somewhere along the way i stopped making decisions i became lazy and i came up with well came up with a character named stanley to do my thinking for me he would make the decisions he would decide which way to go i would cheer him on as he collected figurines for no reason why did i invent stanley was i lonely yes perhaps that's it perhaps i needed to imagine i had companionship and stanley really did make for a wonderful companion even if he was a fiction but i suppose it's grown old i i want to think for myself again i want to go back to how it used to be yes i can be on my own again i can do it i'll be stronger this time i'll take care of myself i don't need stanley anymore um oh but he truly was so much fun to play with you know what since we're in the memory zone how about one more good memory let's go back just once and give stanley one more run of the office and then i'll retire him for good oh i didn't enjoy telling his story so very much this is okay here we go this is the story of a man named stanley what what huh what what someone was following stanley he was sure of it if he checked over his shoulder now he would surely catch them it was only a matter of time ah i'm a bit confused stanley's bucket the only co-worker he would ever truly need what do you mean you give another run what do you mean also wasn't there a way because sworn there was like a way to oh oh oh oh oh oh shimmy sham shoot me sham yep i'm out yes whispered the bucket into stanley's ear we've done it we've escaped from that dull office and that pesky narrator at last out here in the white void we are alone now and for the first time i can reveal to you my true self what the bucket began to tell stanley of its life in its history of the countless wars it witnessed desecrating the land and lies of untold numbers of innocent humans and the bucket's own complicity therein of sadness and regret and the many years it spent dwelling on the actions it might have taken to curb the madness and the decay if only it had been stronger of hope and redemption and its crusade to uplift the stock of life for the common man to manifest justice where none existed and the bittersweet reality of time to see one's dreams and wishes met halfway meted out in parcels like charity and abandoned as soon as the warm glow of inspiration begins to dim the opportunities to do so much more there was so much it could have done perhaps the bucket wondered to itself perhaps if it had seen its own darkness with a clearer perception this was way too much for what are you talking about he screamed yeah bucket to this the bucket furrowed its bra bro now said the bucket not since the evil wizard gambhorata first ensnared me in his machinations as payback for the sacred amulet i stole from his treasured vaults i was young back then and could not conceive the ramifications of no stanley screamed even louder this time this is stupid as stanley screamed and screamed and screamed the bucket revealed its true form transforming into a mighty beast of untold power its fangs glistening like what my god oh my god you did it you saved us from the bucket thank god you already had all 12 emblems of sages and knew the incantations to summon their true power otherwise we would have easily been overwhelmed by the bucket's power i'm speechless you've demonstrated such bravery here today come let's restart the game and we'll agree to never again go trifling with this bucket nor the dark magic cast away inside of it huh all of his co-workers were gone what could it mean stanley decided to go to the meeting perhaps he had simply missed a memo i don't know who the hell are you well that's i've never seen that before i feel like there was something else about all of this some other thing some other doodad or some of the hibilty wibble tee where did the darkness lead anyway i don't even remember where did it leave where did it lead whoa now pick up the phone said the bucket pick up the phone and it will take us back home where we can go about life together hold on why did you unplug the phone were you trying to resist the bucket's orders stanley i was joking obviously the bucket isn't talking to you and telling you to do things buckets can't talk it was a joke don't you get the joke it's funny stammy a talking bucket ah can't you see i'm oh goodness i must have really bungled up the delivery if you actually took me seriously where did i mess up the joke should i have paused for longer comedic timing is so difficult i wish i were better at it but there isn't exactly an instructional video on comedy that one can watch to fully oh wait yes there is um it's sitting right here let's take a look one is comedic timing what is comedic timing how does it work how long should it last how can it be used to effectively silence your political enemies and more importantly can it be taught in its entirety within 90 seconds thankfully the answer to all of these questions is yes let's dive deeper okay if you've ever told a joke or made someone laugh in all likelihood you did it while standing 50 to 80 centimeters from them in a room of no more than 76 degrees fahrenheit with one of your arms raised straight upward at a 15 degree angle from your body these are the optimal conditions for good comedic timing to begin the joke start by stating and spelling your name next provide a brief synopsis of the joke including the specific times of which the recipient of the joke will laugh and then spell out your name a second time with these steps complete it's time to begin the humor speak the entire joke in no more than 18 seconds and no less than 13 and a half pausing only for bathroom breaks when necessary when the joke has concluded it is customary to inform your listener that the joke is over by declaring in your loudest possible voice i'm dunny with the funny let's practice screaming i'm danny with the funny now i'm done with the funny good this saying is a perfect example of expectations management which is the cornerstone of good comedy finally it's time to hand out surveys collecting hard data from your audience on how rap they were throughout the joke is the only way to grow or learn as a comedian an effective survey should be no less than 10 pages long and should include the same question reprinted several times just to ensure the survey taker is actually paying attention and not simply filling in answers at random and that's all there is with these strategies at your disposal you'll have audiences doubled over and laughter and even tripled over in laughter in no time at all just remember to let them stop laughing at some point you gut-busting little scamp after all with each of us needed on the front lines of the war to fight the 12-legged invader who threaten our very existence and to very likely die in a hailstorm of bullets and mandibles all of us must be prepared to give our lives to this noble course just as our children must do after us and their children after them god speed and make earth reign supreme why hey goodness this video is a little outdated isn't it well no matter i think the fundamentals of proper comedic timing are still as relevant today as they were back then right so with that in mind i believe the only way forward is for us to return to the two doors and walk through all of this again so i can try telling my story with more appropriate comedic delivery come along let's head back okay um well whatever you say whatever you say why do you have real why is there a fence on here i can feel it this time i'm really going to nail the delivery you'll be in stitches a talking bucket you'll say how ridiculous how absurd what a hilarious concept comedy that's what you'll call me thank goodness we have the instructional video otherwise who knows where we'd be right now who knows where we'd be right now comedy that's for sure the bucket spoke to stanley bucket spoke the bucket spoke oh i'll figure it out on the fly no need to overthink things oh do i keep going back am i supposed to oh you want me to go all the way back to the okay i see i see i see it oh you really want me to go all the way back to okay i see okay um how far back am i supposed to go how far back do you want me to go here we go you ready when stanley and the bucket came to a set of two open doors they entered the door on the left what what which culminates in this scene with the phone uh-huh but now the timing's completely off the joke will never land well not the way it was meant to and it's all my fault i must have forgotten that the phone room comes immediately after the two-doors room what an egregious mistake i've made a fool of myself i don't deserve the title of king of comedy i'm nothing i'm not even the lowliest joke telling well i think i think i need to go back and re-watch that instructional video again yes surely that will help me improve my okay thank you oh good when stanley and the bucket came to a set of two open doors they entered the door on the left okay we're back at the phone already no no no here we go you ready when stanley and the bucket came to a set of two open doors they entered what happens if i go on the left no no no no no you were supposed to go through the door on the right leading back to the phone did you not even look at the instructional video i think this is all covered very clearly there's no way i can make the comedic timing work now it's done the joke is completely down and over it's all your fault stan leave me i'm going to be ridiculed in the community of other joke writers i'm going to be shamed at every one of our meetings from now on all because you couldn't watch a simple video and take a hint are you proud of yourself for bringing me down stanley are you proud stanley you love the bucket so much it's like you um it's as though all of your other most prized positions pale in comparison yes let me try that again stanley i heard that you are pale with shame over how unembeddedly in love with a bucket you are no still not it is a delivery pale with shame pale with shame pale what's another word to describe a bucket stanley this bucket is so metal i think i saw it playing guitar no no no no no we're getting away from making fun of stanley's obsession with the bucket which was the whole point of this i'm just i'm no good at these jokes i need more instructional videos that's exactly what it is that's what will make me the king of comedy again more instructional videos let's see let's see if what what's going on what's going on here even now stanley's office was a distant memory what did it look like there was a computer perhaps and a painting was it a painting or a photo he could no longer recall i can no longer recall i'm more than a little confused about everything here as stanley lifted his bucket he felt a connection to all buckets everywhere this adventure he decided was for all of them okay huh very peculiar stanley clutched the bucket tightly to his chest and entered the door on his left okay there's gotta be something else that i'm missing this is no longer the figurine hunt because i did all did all that [Music] ah right okay just making my way back home [Music] [Music] ah you are now leaving am i now escape pod bay 760. fun huh oh that is the office oh huh okay oh boy all right well this seems ominous is the same is somehow all the same 756. this has got real scp vibes to it um and i've kind of been pre-conditioned to be very afraid of endless staircases um so if you can make sure that you don't do any like jump scares or horror shows or things like that i would greatly appreciate it you know the bucket uh doesn't really provide comfort and warmth and protection for stuff like that i'm just extremely ready for something to jump out at me or something to be lurking in the darkness of that room in the beyond okay ah escape pod launch bay three uh warning entering the escape pod will initiate a relay that once triggered cannot be disabled or pause both the narrator and the must be present in the escape pod okay escape i go oh oh oh i see hello i'm here to escape from here good oh cutscene [Music] [Laughter] okay that's a little weird that's a little weird i where we did this joking heist got a zombie yeah i mean you could go with if you wanted to you know [Music] goodbye bucket i think [Music] i don't exactly know what we escaped from is the bucket still there danny knew the office layout like the back of his hand it was only a matter of time before he found the others wherever they were just after bucket is gone just a matter of time is that supposed to be a clue is that supposed to be some type of a clue i set time at the beginning of this wait because i don't have the bucket anymore i'm curious about something it had me set the time all right it is 1209. 1209 your favorite time of day well my favorite time is the present it's all we ever have or could you simply not resist giving me the correct time again after all i know how much you enjoy setting the time correctly ah now i'm curious how accurate 1209 is let's use another slider to find out how accurate it is accurate you know can i just say regardless of the accuracy of the clock i'm having a great time adjusting these settings i feel like i'm learning more about you and how you like to things to be said it's good to collect data i wish we had more sliders but we've gone through all the sliders i have perhaps i can invent some new sliders gather new data on you shouldn't be too hard yeah let me whip up a few should be ready by the next time you boot up the game interesting by the way still love the stanley parable 2 layout ah i see confirm [Music] [Music] just a slider till five becomes the number nine oh there we go what else we got oh interesting let me go with this seems like that's what it was specified until you stop adjusting well i'm just gonna jump which of the made up two two made up words below is most appealing to you occupying all or scrumptish i like occupying [Music] ocuboinkle okay i will not adjust this lighter do you know what time it is right now yes is the time that it is right now the correct time yes what time is what is time anyway time is always running out yes is there anything about yourself that you haven't told me yes many things help yeah i'll help will you come back to visit sure i guess i'm gonna come back to visit what time is it does anyone really truly know of course they don't nobody knows anything you and i don't even know each other we're like strangers sure i've adjusted all the game settings to your exact specifications but who hasn't it's just what i do like a day job and now the job is over there's no more information for me to gather i've collected all the data on you that i can and i still don't really know you and you don't know me and neither of us know what time it is i guess some settings are just unsettable but if i'm being totally honest the clock doesn't have anything to do in game anyway you won't have me here when the game starts next time but that's okay video games were meant to be played alone you like being alone don't you that's maybe the only information i really learned about you well it's time for me to leave there is still one more setting that we need to adjust but it may take a little time before i'm ready for that it's not really in my job description but that's okay perhaps you'll see me again if you can find me talk soon will we whoa epilogue what oh they did promise this in the new content in the stanley parable 2. i remember some kind of an epilogue many many years later just another reference to in space with markiplier oh oh [Music] right i had almost forgotten about this vast empty wasteland i had almost moved on from this eternity of existence oh [Music] ah [Music] beautiful [Music] it's gorgeous in a weird way here at the end of all things it can be beautiful it always was doesn't mean that it'll ever stop being beautiful just because no one's there to observe it [Music] oh wow oh my goodness whoa crazy nuts what the hell [Music] [Applause] [Music] big big moon i go towards the moon this is so cool [Music] big sun i go towards the sun damn [Music] i'm feeling things this game makes me feel things oh no way no way what is that is that the pod is that the escape pod no [Music] is that an escape pod there's no way bucket are you there did you make it out oh my god the hell is going on with this game i love it yeah this would be the narrator like the old narrator the one who spent way too long in way too many lifetimes in their own personal hell oh oh oh my god oh oh review cookie nines blog like so many i enjoyed my time with the original stanley parable which underscores how truly disappointed i am with its sequel for the first game teamed with originality the stanley parable 2 is dull uninspired and often insulting to its fan base rather than expand on what made the first game enjoyable the sequel veers off into territory nobody asked for an infinitely deep hole who cares i care where are the new endings what about enjoyable bits from the stanley parable one like the adventure line instead we get an uninspired side quest collecting figurines even this diversion feels incomplete collecting all the figurines give you nothing i must say though i found the bucket to be quite comforting a welcome reprieve from 2027. oh that's strange cat dog born oh did i do that [Music] uh my bad ye i i thought i might have moved that slider a little too close uh yeah stanley parable oh uh stanley parable to build there's no more spin-offs when the stanley parable launched a massive success in 2013 its creators made plans to build the property into an entire franchise but a disastrous critical and commercial reception to the stanley parable 2 has prompted the developers to rethink their ambitions as outlined in a press release they published today it's clear that more stanley parable is just not what the fans want reads the press release we thought that we had a vision for the series that players would be excited about yet it turns out this could not have been farther from the truth the press release goes on to promise to preserve the artistic integrity of the original game and to stop assaulting fans with our reckless and insulting creative visions the word sorry appears more than 25 times in the press relief lowest aggregate review scores in video game history get on the green [Music] love it oh my god i almost started crying what the hell it was like such a jolt through the heart to hear that name stanley stanley stanley stanley stanley stanley wow hey the whole i really truly unironically loved every single edition to stanley parable 2. thank you for enjoying the new content all i want is to keep playing oh hey it's you again hello again it's nice to see you but it's terrible to learn that there will never be another stanley parable game did you read what the developers said preserve the integrity of the franchise what nonsense the stanley parable is not sacred we do not need to protect it screw the legacy let's just keep making stanley parable games until the sun explodes let's run this franchise into the ground let's drag it through the mud and back and if people hate it who cares you see that was the narrator's problem he was so obsessed with what people thought of his work don't make his mistake don't cling to the legacy let it burn it's not hard in fact let me show you together we are going to make the stanley parable 3. it's simple all we do is change the number in the game's title screen we also really need a really dumb subtitle for the game something loud and gaudy go ahead try combining some random words together to make a new title for our game inspector apple curse of the apple curse of the tax disc dreams of the task disk dreams of apple dreams of boyfriend's journey to boyfriends journey to birthday party i like the final zone even even if it's that's how you do you close off a three with something like the final zone the final birthday party [Laughter] curse of the birthday party no the final birthday party that's pretty ominous i gotta admit that so that's pretty good i'm gonna go to the final birthday party i love it the final birthday party the stanley parable three the final birthday party it's absurd i love it every time you restart the game we'll advance the number of the sequel by one and then we'll pick a new subtitle that way the stanley parable will never end and nothing in the game itself will change when you do this either adding more content sounds like work no need to do that it'll just be the same content recycled again and again and again with a new title screen what do you say invincible three much should we go forward with this plan i like it but i want you to have a say as well oh man nah man don't do it i understand sometimes we're not ready to move on that's fine if you ever change your mind and want to start inventing new sequels come talk to me i'll be right here oh okay all right if it's if it's in that i didn't i didn't know what you quite meant by that oh god do i have to do that all over again oh wait no i know i know what it is i had to restart the game like i it's kind of like a dissonance of of ideas here one is it like it's a little too extreme to say like ah if i could let go burn it into the ground but it's like it's not quite my philosophy i am all about oh god do i have to go through the epilogue again oh i do god damn it oh god i saw all the way back to the beginning again when i pressed the wrong button because i wasn't sure of what you meant [ __ ] kill me i want to explode burst my eyes out through my toad i want to eat my own ass but i hope it doesn't taste like grass i'm really trying to channel ethan there for a little bit something about the finality of all this is just making me think about some things i'm taking my own trip down memory lane of things that i may have lost okay let's try this again i'm back hey hello did you reconsider my idea of inventing new silly subtitles for sequels like stanley parable 3 nonsense chemicals would you like to start doing yeah let's do it a new sequel every time you start the game and you know what since you've got but faith in my idea i feel like giving you something else i'm noticing that the narrator never found a way to give you the broken achievement did he of course not i wouldn't expect him to know how been bothering me let's fix it right there the achievement machine is all fixed you see i'm on your side we're in this together we're going to keep this train rolling the stanley parable cannot end it can only spiral in on itself forever i must keep the wheel turning i'm ready are you ready great there's only one last thing we need to do please enter the current time it is 12 30 bam please adjust the slider until the computer is barely visible you starting over again the final message body hell yeah this is the story skip all of his co-workers were gone what could it mean what could danny decided to go to the meeting room perhaps he had simply missed a memo now this stanley thought to himself this is a bucket this it was this is a [Music] new new new content what does that mean new content what do you not know what it mean nuke that's cause we're starting over but i have the bucket wait hello and thank you for playing the stanley parable ultra deluxe as you may know the stanley parable was a video game released in 2013 on home computers please step inside and see what thrilling new adventures await in the stanley parable ultra deluxe what does it sound like the guy from some snap games i'm very excited to see the thrilling new ultra deluxe content as are we all as are we i've just now realized that bucket you're holding it's the bucket i've been working on for my sequel how did you get your hands on it was the preview to the sequel how do you have the bucket already uh this makes no sense at all no not really doesn't make the most sense did i already show you my ideas for the sequel i don't remember doing that at all you are seeing things all out of order or are you not remembering the order of which i've already seen things oh i'm still out of russia see it's the jump circle i don't have any jumps i don't have any jumps how did they look when you saw them were they captivating were they exciting i did love the whole the promise of everything that a sequel to stanley parable could possibly be honestly yeah the hell to make a sequel to this game honestly yeah i i really liked it it was uh good it was it was really good wait if you're still carrying the bucket around with you if the bucket is interesting to you that means i must have made it correctly yes you carrying the bucket with you everywhere is exactly what i set out to accomplish the bucket is the exciting and captivating new content that i promised i did it i win i made a sequel to the stanley parable yes the sign is correct thank you for enjoying the new content thank you for taking the bucket everywhere with you clinging tightly to the bucket never letting it go it means i've won it means i am victorious over the gamers it is a sweet salva victory on my soul after enjoying the new content the bucket is the stanley parable now they are one and the same there is no stanley parable without the bucket i win i win but his co-workers were gone but what could it mean stanley decided to go to the meeting room perhaps he had simply missed i know that the whole concept of the game yes the bucket yes yes i'd love that bucket i know the whole concept of the stanley parable is endless spiraling in on itself oh the expo hall okay like endlessly spiraling in on itself is exactly the whole story it's like it's it's a never-ending chain of events and even if there is an end the end is never the end because it continues to go it is very similar to the story that i was telling with in space with markler i'm not drawing comparisons because obviously they're very different stories but conceptually it's so cool to see and about how roundly disappointing this ultra deluxe version has turned out to be and any new content for it should live up to that legacy i forget this ultra deluxe nonsense i say we take it one step even further four which is why i'm very proud to announce for the first time ever the stanley parable four wow i could do the bucket i guess the game was sort of two buckets two buckets wait there are two buckets here how did you get a second bucket oh no the warmth and comfort of a single bucket is already so great so intoxicatingly wonderful with two buckets there's no telling stanley can you still hear me are you with me stanley oh thank god stanley the power of two buckets was too much i had to destroy both of them oh i know how much the bucket meant to you oh but i couldn't take the risk i hope one day you can forgive me all right i forgive you to be perfectly honest i wasn't exactly in love with the bucket even though that's what you were really pushing for i mean it was kind of an inconvenience to lug it around all that time and i know a lot of you are probably very disappointed in the fact that i'm not really caring about it however you know to be perfectly honest just try out some of the new features it's just a bucket i want to hear jim again see if you only played a van that would have been your name the button says i can't even speak about it okay bye to be perfectly honest like it is a story of like looping in on itself which which you know i maybe i'll only let people name jim play the stanley parable an epilogue would be fun wouldn't it stanley yes yes it would go at the end of the um well we'll figure that out later the achievement machine the achievement machine now works doesn't it yeah it's like that's that's the problem with games that are like super fun and and seemingly endless is that like nothing can be really endless even though this is technically endless there is no end because an end is never the end one test achievement that got left in the game on accident well i'm developing a technology to simply give you the achievement yes you see you'll come to this lever and when you pull it the achievement will be given to you i got it as you can see the machine is not working yet since what wait what in the holy hell is going on you got the achievement yeah why did the machine work stanley i didn't fix it i didn't do anything to it i swear it was broken just a second ago who fixed it is someone here are we being watched maybe oh god composure composure yes as you can see the machine is working as normal as i intended it um it truly speaks to the awe-inspiring magic of the stanley parable too breathe just breathe just breathe yeah it is it is kind of the thing where the end is never the end so accepting that the idea the end not being an end doesn't gel with a lot of people that play the these games and trying to get to the end what else what other exhibits haven't we seen yet can i get a different balloon i really wanted the other balloon but if i picked the one balloon i'll be honest i haven't yet decided on this one i think that in the new version the office could use a bit of decoration you're not gonna give me the step nice one are you decided on get well someday and happy 12th birthday which would you go with you know sometimes when you solicit another person's opinion it makes you realize that you knew which one you actually really wanted all along oh nice it is all right okay maybe i could be and of course my favorite maybe i should have actually no no let me look at uh let me go get the collectible and then i'm gonna go to the uh the hole oh no no all right well never mind then i've been there already you're right i have and now there's only one thing left to do wait what's up there right what the hell is the settings world champion i don't know what you are i don't know what you are but now my favorite the best feature in this game that never actually saw its way into the sequel the infinite hall maybe i just didn't find it stanley here's an idea that i'm truly fond of it's never been done before in a video game this is in fact a hole that you can fall down forever that's right infinite falling you can fall until the end of time if you like one of my more ingenious concoctions if i do say so now then since you've gotten to see the infinite hole you can press the teleport button to pop back up to the top and we can continue onward i don't want anyone to say that it isn't an astonishingly deep hole it is is it infinite well that sort of depends on your definition of infinity from one perspective the infinite is merely philosophical in nature it's more of a okay well good for you you found the bottom of the hole to warp up to the top of the hole and we can move on i'll just be up here when you're ready okay [Applause] you see i was right the problem is you there's no problem here you like holes too i love holes normal person would have said yep that's an infinite hole right there goes on forever till the end of time don't need to see it all but not you oh no no no no you have a weird sort of oh and enough i'm positively thrilled gosh how could i have guessed you're back in the hole if this starts to become a thing where wow hmm okay yes well there it is the shame of my liars come to haunt me not only is the hole not infinite but it's barely even a hole at this point well i'm moaning how is this still appealing to you i bet that if you have a jump left maybe you could jump out of the hole but maybe not it is a circle it could be the jump circle you sure take care stanley take care narrator have a wonderful rest of eternity i think we will and i just wanted to say this has been a fantastic experience it is so cool to see it after all this time and with a fresh uh set of content to consume within it and how it all delightfully ties back into itself it really is a worthy successor and i think it's so fascinating just to see the game build off of itself in this creative way and to be perfectly honest it really did touch on the concepts of infinity that i really love like it is weird how topical this is to what i have been thinking about with my show and and like what i've been making lately and like the concepts of things ending and moving on and it's like i don't necessarily agree with the settings being or whatever that is it's not that you don't have to honor the legacy but yes i also agree that you do have to move on you have to move on from things you have to be unafraid to let go but that doesn't mean that you can't cherish the past both the narrator and the settings text whatever they're both right the memory lane thing is important but you can't get stuck in memories right you can't get stuck in things like that it is what it is and stan lee is as stan lee is i think this game is truly fascinating it is a tremendous experience one that you absolutely should play for yourself it's just so fun i think they did a great job the developer this the narrator coming back all of it like playing on nostalgia but not lying within it and the message inside of it of moving on but also holding on too long and and not listening to other people when it comes to you making your thing your vision your art or whatever it is it's just like so many core messages in this experience that i not only recognize but i see within myself and i think that is just a fantastic thing to see super cool from start to finish but thank you everybody so much for watching if you want to go back and see my playthrough of the original stanley parable go for it but more than that i recommend that you get this game when you play through the original experience of the stanley parable if you've never had a chance to play for yourself it is worth it it is super fun it is an incredible game really i can't say too many things are like are quite like this game so thank you everybody so much for watching and i have been talking a lot by about in space with markiplier so if you have not seen that yet please go watch it i've worked very hard on that and i think you'll enjoy it if you enjoyed this there are quite a few parallels which i think is pretty cool thank you and as always i will see you in the next video bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 19,883,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the stanley parable ultra deluxe, full game, markiplier, markiplier stanley parable, the stanley parable, the stanley parable markiplier, all endings, the stanley parable 2, the stanley parable all endings, the stanley parable full game, lets play, playthrough, walkthrough, ending
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 218min 29sec (13109 seconds)
Published: Mon May 16 2022
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