Fighting For Our Freedom In Stellaris First Contact! | Payback Full Playthrough & Gameplay

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greetings you fellow Pleasant Primitives and welcome back to Stellaris with Mia lathrix and of course Welcome to our first full playthrough with the new DLC first Contact and of course one of the brand new Origins today we're going to be doing a full playthrough with the payback origin this is one of the two challenging origins in which you get some serious negatives to begin with but it is all to do with the story so expect a lot of reading today as we go throughout the Galaxy and make it a much much safer place this civilization has been visited by an alien Empire who forcibly enlightened and enslaved them they have repelled their Invaders but will they return this is a challenging origin with 10 or fewer pops than normal to begin with which is already such a massive downside we have several texts which we simply don't have we have an infrastructural disadvantage so as you can tell this is a really a really bad start no matter where you are in the galaxy however you do get a special archeology size and there will be your Invaders somewhere in the Galaxy apparently there's also a broken shackles origin which always spawns in as well so if you have one of the origins the other original respawns in if you're playing PV as of course we are today somewhere the advanced Empire is out there who may try and reclaim us in the future I've managed to stay mostly spoiler free for this so we're going to be learning together as we complete this origin now how exactly are we gonna make the Galaxy a better place the answer of course is through glorious Warfare to protect all pre-fdl civilizations we are fanatically a xenophobic after being forcibly enlightened and forced to evolve ourselves over a short period of time we have become incredibly distrustful of all other Advanced life at least any life which has already attained FTL travel we are going to be incredibly kind to pre-fdl civilization so Primitives we are going to be very nice with that's the only reason why I don't go down the routes of fnatic purifier we are authoritarian because of our glorious leader who led the Rebellion to take back our world we are memorialists not because we particularly care about the dead but we like to laugh at them we are masterful Crafters because of course we are without beautiful shells that we shed every few months yes every few months this is a very weird species indeed we actually use them as part of our crafting materials and thus masterful Crafters make sense plus I do want the Homeworld to be a serious Forge World by the end it's going to be producing all of that Alloys and a lot of our consumer goods if not all of them so this is really needed for those extra building slots and we kind of just need a good start because yeah less population it's going to be pretty brutal if I was doing this completely mehfa I think I'd probably go down the ruse of fnatic egalitarian to really pump out those um better resources early on so lots of tech lots of unity all that stuff but I also like the idea of extremely rapid expansion we can't get much from our world to begin with so let's get it all from space as for the torti boys themselves this is where we are slow Learners because they're only in the position they are currently due to their uplifting via Force they are unruly only recently unifying against a common foe now they're all alone it's going to be a bit more difficult to keep that Unity together they are strong and they are relying on incubators this was the process of the Enlightenment making sure there are more of them which of course was the undoing of their captors in the long run and they are thrifty a trade value from their beautiful shells again that's probably what brought the Invaders in the first place everything on this world is worth a fortune at least to the greater Galactic community so that is pretty much it we're going to be going with the payback origin again there'll be lots of reading throughout this run because there's going to be lots of events hopefully and I'm hoping that becoming a fnatic xenophobe won't really stifle all of the pre-fdl stuff because as you can see fnatic xenophile gives you extra envoys as usual and trade value but now also gives you extra insights from a observing a pre-fdl civilizations hopefully that doesn't mess it up because I want to be fnatic xenophile with one of the other Origins so as for our difficulty we're going with the settings we used in the previous challenge run including Iron Man which may be a mistake I have heard some tell that there's a few bugs in the game at the moment which always makes sense huge patch huge DLC there's always a few glitches but I'm gonna risk it and go with um Iron Man I may end up regretting that we're going with scaling difficulty to Mid game but we're having the mid game incredibly early crisis type is set to random I will be doing the all run eventually don't you worry crisis strength of course sets a maximum and then we're going to double how many pre-fdl civilizations there are in the galaxy because I want to make sure we at least get some of the events that's the entire purpose of this DLC so I really really want to see them so we are doubling that which is a bit of a weird one but that's sort of going with and that's pretty much it the end game of course is set 75 years early as well so let's begin hi everyone as is tradition with these four playthroughs future Lifeworks here just here to say that this first of the three full playthroughs I'm currently planning for all of the origins went absolutely weirdly as you can imagine there is loads of new stuff to learn loads of new stuff to do and the playthrough had a lot of reading through many many events I'm still a little bit on the fence about the DLC as a whole I've mentioned this on Twitter and your opinions on the DLC would be very welcome in the comments below just keep it civil overall though I did have a really good time with this full blythro and I'm sure my mind will be a little bit more set as we do the other two Origins so perhaps a review video will be coming soon even though that's not normally what I end up doing if you'd like that again tell me so I really do hope you enjoy this video let us get back to the past and get straight into it time to get some glorious payback and of course likes and comments help out so so much since these long form videos are so so poisonous to the algorithm as the lovely YouTube overlords continue to try and for shorts and we simply wish to wear trousers payback we had a deal when the visitors from the Stars revealed themselves they offered us a fair contract technological Enlightenment to be repaid in installments within a generation our planet was transformed into a so-called Advanced civilization when we read the fine print to repay our debt they insisted we work for them on an indefinite term when the leaders protested The Outsiders turned violent we fought back we won though barely and only after suffering sizable losses now our scientists finally have reversed engineered the secrets of FDL travel from the ships we destroyed it's a big Galaxy out there but sooner or lighter we're sure to meet our benefactors again in fact we're looking forward to it it's time to get some payback so here's our opening world and as you can see it is completely covered in debris we have the destroyed MSI warship I didn't actually see the name of that before mindless self-indulgence Springs to mind and that is pretty much it for the beginning we do have ship debris which will give us some tech if we remove them we have a negative and a positive and that's pretty much all I've seen in the past I just loaded up to make sure it works so I'll be right back with some more events occur oh yeah and as you can see we can't even make Corvettes to begin with yeah let's try and get the basic Tech sorted that would be lovely and let's get a construction vessel straight away because I'm noticing we have a lot of material in our system oh because we have absolutely no mining bases that's why yeah okay we need to really get going then this is a Dreadful start I mean that's the whole point but still the battle against the Alien Invaders left our home system full of debris shattered warships and broken promises the sheer amount of Flotsam cluttering the area has made it harder to develop satellites and to launch spaceships from Enlightenment under the proposed cleanup project specifically designed construction ships will utilize Nets to dredge the spikes in their orbit allowing us to approach the MSI warship situation okay we're gonna need two construction vessels because right now I really really want all this material though give us some resources please the cleanup operation is now complete with our skies free from debris our sign ships are now able to approach the warship okay there's the archeology site mentioned in the origins so let's send in our archaeologist and Source out the aftermath of battle the warship that once threatened our Homeworld still looms over us a stark reminder of the fight we narrowly escaped it is time to take back our skies and Salvage the technological Marvels contained within the wreck block attempt okay we removed some of the ship debris giving us a chunk of unity and a research option we are going down the route of expansion first I don't really do this anymore I don't think expansion is as strong as it once was a long time ago but it just fits the vibe of this Empire likely expansion Prosperity Supremacy that's probably the first three we're going down unless we get one of our ascensions super quickly our sensors cannot detect life signs within the derelict warship and yet the engine still finally buzz and the machines are at work inside the empty halls there is a good reason to believe the ship is still operational and attempts to board it are sure to awaken its security system we must proceed with coercion our construction crews are clearing debris repairing damage and securing rooms turning the warship that once terrorized our world into a base of operations amidst the wreckage we have uncovered the bodies of a ship's crew or rather what's left of them what to do with these remains is a matter of public debate dissect them parade them thoracities or even villains deserve a proper burial oh yeah we are memorialists hmm I'm gonna say that but I'm assuming they're putting them into a museum because that's just what we're like apparently we are going to end illness that's how the Invaders want us over we allowed them to build Gene clinics on enlightenment eradicating most of the worst diseases within a generation now those clinics are breaking down at years of intense use causing the machines within to grind to a halt the proper functioning of the invited technology is beyond us can we reverse engineer it or would we or should we repurpose this poison gift into something truly our own other Empires might possess similar facilities but asking the xenos for help would only bring a shame okay well we're gonna try and repair it because we already have one of the sanctuaries and I assume we kind of yeah Planet limit one of one I can't imagine that causing issues so let's prepare it oh unless maybe we could have got two and that would have been really powerful no I doubt it would have worked okay let's try and repair it the bill a small self-propelled cash just entered the edges of our home system loudly announcing its arrival with a signal Beacon once retrieved the cash revealed is grim contents a lengthy list detangling all of the military assets we destroyed during the war against the Invaders complete with crew casualties and the estimated value of each destroyed vessel our former Invaders are officially demanding War apparitions this despite the fact that they are the ones who invited us even more outrageously they also claim that all the destroyed ships in our system are still their property and any attempts to destroy refit or retro engineer the wreckage will put us in breach of terms and conditions a debt collection agency will soon contact us to settle the matter okay I'm assuming we're gonna have to fight them so more Corvettes I mean I needed more Corvettes anyway for some more um influence so yeah let's make sure we have a fleet ready yeah as we scour the warship Central database the designs of our former Masters have grown clear the way they approach with Enlightenment only to train us to be better owned pubs they're well-honed plans and protocols they're calculated lies our world was clearly not their first attempt but rather an example of their core business strategy I've got a lovely group of people ah okay so the dream Clinic went boom and we lost the pop and because of that we now have less pop growth and less happiness um yeah let's hopefully fix that in the future but yeah we have lost our Gene clinic and now we have problems and I've already got enough problems I didn't need that as well I would like some more Unity honestly should we try and go down a Unity path to begin with on our Homeworld or just continue to build more and more Alloys and consumer goods honestly yeah just go full-on economy at the moment and then later on we'll specialize this is going to be a really slow build we have gained complete control of the derelict warship systems we now must decide what to do with it depending on our needs it could be a powerful asset for either war or research oh we can either convert it into a flagship or a habitat situation look updated is it just a normal habitat or is it gonna be something special oh man I mean I'm sure everyone goes goes to the flagship option because it's a bloody Flagship it's a special ship I mean that's cool right but would that be a unique habitat like will it have following the repairs this former instrument of death will be fully converted into a functioning habitat devoted to uncovering the secrets of msi's Technology oh I bet everyone goes to the warship and it fits our Empire theme but I really really am curious about the habitat I am terrible choices I kind of think I'm gonna go with the habitat it'd also be a tech thing and that would be great for our Empire and just another world oh okay fine go okay we're going with the habitat we're going with the habitat if you're angry at that tell me in the comments below so there's that habitat kinda pretty that's very pretty oh I love the model oh I really love the model it's so megacorpesque you could see that thing selling stuff okay so to size 10 habitat which already is pretty fantastic we have research districts so so it's classed as being above a research Planet even though it's not technological Cash Plus 10 to all research okay so that's actually a really powerful research World got him still have no idea how strong the warship would have been though so I can't really say if it was worth it or not but yeah let's get our Colony ship there as soon as possible please dear totally interest we are contacting you on behalf of the Minima specialized Industries and that's what MSI stands for mystery solved regarding an outstanding debt being a fledgling space faring Society we understand you may not be in their position to repair you the full amount our aim is to Aid you in selecting an appropriate repayment plan one which will settle any outstanding debts without stifling economic growth accordingly we are happy to offer you a consultation free of charge it is our Ardent wish that this matter can be settled amicably uh uh okay let's let's say we would we would settle oh guys you can't pay the full amount essentially that's a ridiculous amount of energy credits or we can just pay every so many years that's actually not too much honestly but obviously we're not going to oh there's other options pledge two Pops to the debt collectors oh uh no we refused to play to pay Bring It On we are truly sorry we were unable to reach an agreement in this matter is there any chance you would be willing to reconsider according to the terms of the contract if a debtor is unwilling or unable to pay we are required to seize assets on behalf of our client bring it on oh straight away they're bringing it on okay I expect that to be a little while ooh nice design okay well that's worrying complete a Starbucks should win this though especially with the cool Vettel only just though okay so that's a worry they're gonna return I just think he said he's going to return and Aaron just skimmed it yeah in the 15 years they're going to return we need a much bigger Fleet by then good to know finally we've learned how to make Gene clinics so declining Healthcare has finally been removed it was there for a very very long time it wasn't exactly great yeah we're still suffering from just not having many pops we only have 47 Pops at this point it's been a very long time also our military isn't really increasing and we have a neighbor who hates us because you know we are fanatically xenophobic and apparently they're xenophobic as well so together it's just a big old bundle height really so at this point I think it's a good time to talk about the changes they've made to minor artifacts rather than just getting them in chunks throughout the game we now also get them over time from specific locations for instance when you finish off one of these lovely arcology sites there's a chance it will leave a little minor artifact resource so now if I put a mining station above this I'll be getting one minor artifact per month and with that everything's a little bit more expensive as you can see the cell to private collectors are now 50 but I am getting two per month so I can keep on doing the over and over again which I have been but also we can get these random texts so that's a society tech there we go ancient Rampart which is a Starbucks item and this is one of the RKO studies Sciences so we really really want to get as many of these done as possible because some of these are really powerful apparently I would actually love that at the moment so I am going to grab that straight away because we have an enemy over there I am building a Bastion so it makes sense I want to put that there oh dear we found MSI or at least oh no they're not right next to us are they maybe that always happens ah poop if I attack us with his dad because they're an advanced start and honestly does lose a scientist but why why would that happen why does that happen to lathrix not happy if MSI is there that's them we're just dead I mean we do get the plus 15 damage to Superior enemies but still oh that's interesting so the ancient Rampart goes on the module section increases the platform cap okay we also just fought off of the debt collectors again they're pretty easy I've managed to add a gun battery to our main star base here and we're having a flute power to just remove them so we're nice and safe still then we said we'll eventually win through Warfare which I'm hoping will eventually come true we're still so behind we only have 74 people at this point that is horrendous absolutely horrendous the weirdest thing I've also found out is this the ancient Rampart is actually a module not a building on a star base and it adds extra defense platforms which is pretty cool should we build on over here as well so we're probably gonna go very heavy into our defense platforms this run because honestly we need to protect ourselves so I'm kind it's kind of annoying I went with Supremacy I probably should have gone with the defensive version instead we'll probably end up going with both by the end we need to just be very protective and I just don't think that maybe one way to play this would have been inwards Perfection I think that would have been a really good option for this particular origin so such a nice guaranteed start ah how strange are the workings of the universe that we should come into contact with one another again after all that has transpired but never fear on behalf of the board minamar specialized Industries stands ready to assist you again of course we cannot simply Overlook the damages incurred to company property our collection agents will no doubt be in contact with you soon if they haven't done so already we hope we will be able to reach an amicable settlement we live in such interesting times don't you think allow me to be the first to congratulate you on the incredible progress your people have made we look forward to testing how much you've grown huh worrying oh no okay well that's gonna be a problem isn't it when are the debt collectors getting back on the side note because I want to move my fleets over that you know what I'm gonna build the second star by star it's gonna be just a shipyard and we just need to get stuff in this system as soon as possible when we first make contact with them we marveled at the speed at which they deciphered our language We Now understand why oh so these are the broken shackles Empire when our former Masters tried to bend us they kidnapped our people some of these unfortunates wound up on an MSI ship to their lasting credit along with the other indentured assets on board they mutinied crashing onto an uninhampton Planet okay nice nice chunk of view to them we found our first pre-fdl civilization I'm so glad I ramped up how many there were because we've only managed to find one so far admittedly we haven't expanded as fast as I'd hoped just because resources are so limited with this origin is unbelievably slow doing anything but still we found one and because of that we can do diplomacy with them look they're invisible okay so currently in the Bronze Age we're gonna send in a spy because I would love to uplift them okay would love it a lot we're gonna be nice to them remember we trust and love pre-fgl we hate everyone else we've also kind of gone observation Insight going we're investing more into the okay so we can speed that up we get less Tech right yeah okay we definitely want to do this I have no idea what's gonna happen there but that's going to be interesting so let's have a look see then so in diplomacy currently we have how aware they are okay diplomacy stage obviously we're not talking to them yet so they're currently in the Bronze Age oh yeah they've got a unique flag that's interesting secret of fire and the wheel that's what they currently have reveal our presence reveal our existence to this pre-fdl civilization Rising their awareness to full depending on their current awareness they will suffer Stella oh wow for up to 50 years now we'll leave at them for now so hoping events will happen over time with these weird creatures like only doing aggressive observation I kind of wanted to massive honestly um can we not just swap it to passive like I get hmm so where is that interference interesting okay we're gonna change it to active so we can go with a passive just gonna feel like that fits this Empire we don't be too we want to secretly help them and then once they're a true FDL civilization they'll be our protectorate forever and we will protect them against all the threats in the Galaxy while keeping them relatively safe and not really taxing them or anything like that so that's my thinking anyway our Empires share a common enemy The Dot protect ourselves against the dot we suggest keeping that their operatives access to our classified itself sure we can be friends I mean it's the Minima specialized Industries I think it's always this Empire so I don't know how that mistake made it through but okay it's a minor one but it it gave me a good chuckle wait are you a vassal are you you know what let's let's be friends eh let's be friends let's be the best friends that anyone ever has been in the history of the world spaceborne multiple non-verbal communication systems have emerged independently on the planet with conflicting sets of imagery and hieroglyphs the inhabitants are still centuries away from forming a dominant language interestingly one of the writing systems has a similar grammatical structure to our own if the society were to adopt the system they could become culturally malleable in the future uh no their language is their own so I think that was part of this maybe oh that's gone down oh is that because we changed to only active interference interesting we only need more of them we only have one primitive I want more I want more shiny things I honestly don't know how but we are currently equal oh no they have they have the humans I want the humans anyway ooh tombworld oh look they have all of the um pre FTL civilizations in their borders yeah we need to go toward the industry but yes somehow we've managed to be equivalent to them and we've also got a vassal willingly the hegemony has joined us because they were just really weak I think they've been Awards you can see their borders kind of split and I'm trying to befriend these as well because they're very weak it looks like War has been raging all here and if we can get a couple of vassals feeding us we can really fast forward to our war with the industries yeah I'm surprised they're only equivalent to us why is that like they should be way stronger than that I mean yeah we have scaling difficulty to Mid game but still Max difficulty and everything else very weird very very weird indeed because the alliance here has Superior to us just for reference and they're not an advanced star so I don't know what's happened to them honestly I've got another one of these special buildings the ancient refinery it gives one of each of the oh actually that's much better than I thought it was so it gives one of each of the rare resource jobs it also increases all outputs of those jobs like 25 on the planet that is insanely good okay this um Agri world is going to be converted instead then to a Refinery World definitely while I found out what happened the silences over here have been at war with the MSI so that's a fanatical purifier species and their borders connect over here they are now Superior so that's their big threat at the moment so I'm just continually upgrading this really weird station I don't think it's a smart choice just spamming these ancient ramparts but it is a cool concept I think it's improved improving the whole points of the defense plow okay we're gonna do a silly test right now we're gonna remove one of these and see if the hole goes down on that I know there's another way of doing it but I don't really care the link okay good it does work out okay so the Yankee Ram parts are definitely buffing the defense platforms I knew they would but there's a little voice in the back of my head like but what if you're wrong latherx you are such a dumb person oh no we've accidentally built well not accidentally one of our people have built pyramids notice one pyramid on the world so we should probably remove that that does mean killing one of their pups and we really want to be nice to them I am going to remove the pyramid sorry personally we just killed to do that okay speaking which uh how's the Espionage going takes a while doesn't it oh I guess I did just lose some deny because of that event died yeah I really want to do that one soon oh I'm not allowed at the moment okay so policies pre-fpl enlightenment oh so I can't Enlighten them though they will slowly rise themselves okay so I've made a mistake there going fnatic xenophobe um can we embrace one of these and xenophobic militarist authoritarian so if I embrace this okay now we are fanatic authoritarian there we go okay problem averted and let's plan some Advanced knowledge faculty of archaeo studies RKO Engineers turn consumer goods into research points if built on a relic World which I'm about to research speed RKO studies plus 50 whoa minor art and they also generate minor artifacts Empire modifier plus okay that is really really cool Empire limit once obviously we're building here this was again from one of the Myriad of um archeology sites we've got in our territory we're a big old blob aren't we attacking enemy vessels okay so a few things first of all we've just got cloaking which is going to be really interesting especially on our science vessels and I believe it also works on our infiltration right oh pretty the disappointment is heavy as a company specializing in the enlightenment of less developed civilizations we pride ourselves in our expertise yet it has become abundantly clear that we have failed to impart some basic lessons rather than attacking others without cause you alone must bear the responsibility for your failures you're clearly in need of additional guidance let us teach you how to repair debt a mile an enemy has declared a war on us I mean we won't we won't win this but [Music] okay can all flutes please get your butts over there that would be fantastic [Music] see you too really was gonna try and defend ourselves more than anything else we've just started going into unyielding but sadly 38 months before we get the big bonus up which is 33 whole points and damage to our star base thankfully the only way they're going to get through is through there you really want Soul they're currently only equivalent to us again again I'm not sure what's going on with that because the nation here is superior so is the alliance I don't know what's going on with them specifically maybe is just part of the story pack I'm not too sure half their fleets just went into over here the other half are over here so we've ambushed them glorious that was a fantastic start to this war now one thing I noticed which is a bit worrying is you can't actually statist quo this we're either gonna win or we're gonna lose and that is it now I'm hoping my allies will send me some fleets if they can actually get to us which I'm now realizing they can't oh that's great yeah them splitting up their forces just completely undone them they have around about 6K over here and our star base has been upgraded and honestly it's now far stronger thanks to unyielding as well so that's going to be able to weather that storm and over here we've just been able to brush aside their military and we're now landing on their worlds oh MSI you stupid stupid people look at you in your silly hat no no I am jealous of the zeliad it's very Dapper I want one vessels upgraded [Music] attacking enemy vessels remove the Starbucks I need to finally get somewhere to heal okay so Insight breakthrough inside breakthrough imminent we have gathered enough information to create an inside technology to explore further next time we have an observation event that would Advance our insights we will gain a new research option okay so that's finally that finished over here yeah we need to um save up some more influence as well I really want to make a climb on any of these worlds which have an observation post obviously I want Soul more than I think that's funny but yeah need to stop him expanding for a while till we can save up a 350 influence we have helped them update themselves a little bit better update themselves upgrade themselves a little bit okay so they're getting close to the next level I'm gonna just Spam this every time I can't we will uplift this single system I have planetary Invasion commenced all systems will belong to the tortillion tortillion a name you can trust so we ended up getting forced out of their territory because we've got ambushed oriented this system turns out that other forces came back and because it's a nebula I couldn't see anything in the system so I jumped in expecting just a star base maybe a small Fleet and it had like 8K Fleet power there as well my fleets have already returned they just need to heal up and then they'll go back to war we've also built a new Fleet in the meantime thankfully our alloy production is clearly Superior to theirs television Invasion against ground Invasion Force has seized a planet okay there goes the home system that's too small to deal with oh there's too many stations behind me isn't there okay we need to clear out all this otherwise they're going to keep respawning there then we'll go after Seoul since I have my to climb I think once I've grabbed salt and grabbed all these worlds we should be able to get a victory that's gonna be such a big deal the MSI are going to start paying me they are now giving off radio signals they have entered the Machine age ancient driller drones that's weird it's a new type of strikecraft which has armor penetration rather than Shield penetration does less damage versus Shields I mean that's really cool a war has broken out on the planet in recent years certain factions on the planet have managed to accrue enough wealth to monopolize the means of production in turn others revolted against the growing inequity now an all-out class war has broken out it is a dark time for the planet the war is over the oppressive Powers steamrolled the revolutionaries well this is horrendous we just lost a war against our neighbors though the alliance because they have a super vassal apparently I couldn't have even fought it um I just had to give in straight away they had overwhelming Fleet power against us they're instantly in our systems and I've lost one of our worlds because of that I will get it back of course in time oh that's really annoying I will get it back in time after this walk which we're currently fighting is over because remember once we have the MSI we also have their tributary they'll both join us at the same time that will make us so much more powerful I'm so sorry to our people there is nothing I could have done there as soon as the war started it was just instantly yeah that's just over oh somehow it managed to happen greetings you have no doubt taken note of our Ascent from humble beginnings just as we have taken note of your starvation orbiting our star we understand that this thought the star base represents some hypothetical claim on the system we ask only that you relinquish this Holden our space seeding the star base to the beings who have called there yeah sure of course will be not wow minus 200 influence I mean I do want to give it to them but I don't expect to be so expensive there we go we'll protect them forever and hopefully we'll uh make them our vassal as soon as this war is over which should hopefully be very soon so really weird thing we don't actually own this yet but there's currently a infection going on in this planet a zoonotic plague so we're providing eye to them but it's not really ours yet it's very odd very very odd debt extinguished even before we reached the Stars we knew we were not alone for centuries the minamar specialized Industries has loomed over us first as a mentor then as an oppressor and finally as a fallen Tyrant we should celebrate and then perhaps we should lay down our weapons and finally rest free from Strife plus 30 monthly Unity wait is that forever whoa that's a huge bonus if you manage to get to this position so now we oh and I got an achievement with interest oh look how unhappy they are with us shame ey Shame Shame Shame you're never gonna be loyal to me annoyingly because we are xenophobic and we don't really like any of you actually befriend you you know yeah maybe we can make you our bestest friend but the problem is we may have a rebellion on our hands because yeah they really really do hate us but hopefully over time as we get some trust with them and everything else maybe we can at least make you loyal you I'm basically strangling at the moment so I can stop doing that actually you're really weak I don't really care about you you wanted to join us right so the annoying thing is I need to get shared burdens that I can't get that for ages oh yeah now we're gonna have positive Branch offices aren't we no I'm not gonna fall on Branch officer View I'll just guarantee your Independence and protect you not as a true vassal for a while okay and now we do have two observation posts one of which is salt hello earth oh two World Earth and the humans are high apparently oh dear well that's that uh once again the language stuff's happening so once again their language is their own it's interesting they actually do have an early space station but then only three people so at some point they must have nuked themselves I wonder if that actually happened as an event or that's just how we found them at the start of the game I don't really know our efforts to help prevent the spread of disease on the planet have not gone unnoticed the local population has begun to speak of angels enlightened beings who have appeared among them to offer comfort and deliverance see we're nice from our Primitives you now have this compact living and by a size effect minus five percent available mvoice plus 0.5 I assume once we get to a whole one we'll have a single whole new Envoy rather than just parts of one that's lovely it's actually a really nice effect what wow that is unfortunate so the plague has won on the world winds whisper across the empty blinds dwellings that once housed whole families now stand lifeless and forlorn the planet's population has been eliminated at long last the plague has run its course well that was unfortunate Written in the Stars unsolved the inhabitants are using crudely carved imagery to express and share ideas as samples documented by our researchers indicate that the inhabitants have an awareness of celestial bodies beyond their own planet and have even begun to document constellations their early attempts at charting the stars are fairly accurate for such a young civilization but not so much that they couldn't be improved should we wish to drop some hints no we're going to continue to be hands off and what's left of humanity oh another one with available envoys plus 0.25 lovely so that's interesting you can order science ships to hide in cloaking detection and that's actually a good point none of my ships currently have any form of cloaking detection I don't know if enemy ships are using it well my allies don't seem to be all that much which is good maybe we should start using it it would allow us to get through these systems even if the uh board as a blocked which is good and my blocked ones are closed there's a couple of Gaia worlds here there's one there I think there's one over here which we can soon actually inhabit since we are currently doing the um the special archeology site for that where is it oh it's all over here isn't it once ancient tomb is done then we can grab those without causing War so we should get my ships down here anyway start clearing out all of this there is just so much space we're not currently using there's also the ether Drake which I really should start attacking soon honestly because that gives me a really really powerful Relic and yeah we should be able to do that really soon in fact macro trees these Cannons of gargantuan size deliver relatively slow but devastating projectiles and can fire pretty much anything from scrap metal to asteroid chunks extra shield damage less armor damage not the highest damage though um the actual raw damage still up very cool Arco Engineers combining proven archaic technology with contemporary engineering will give us a Timeless advantage interesting increased weapon damage that would also increase the damage of those really weird strikecraft by 33 which is pretty impressive unlocks additional effects for ancient ship components and buildings we do have quite a lot of the buildings as well okay for now shared Destiny then that then defender of the Galaxy and I don't really know so that's what we're going with right now I'm trying to get strong enough to peacefully vassalize the spoilers over here but it's difficult with the game cheating in terms of tech and just sheer power level yeah it is a tad difficult once upgrade these I'm going after the Easter Drake they should all now have the improved lasers ancient pulse armor armor Shield wow okay so it's armor and Shields and it also increases Shield regen now that looks very interesting 10 vessels technology secured so oh I was hoping the strike craft would have their own unique model but no it looks like we're just using the regular reptile one which is fine but for some reason I expect it to be a bit weirder and there goes the ether Drake it was a nice chunk of influence as well of course we'll encourage that and that gives us access to the ether drag trophy once activated plus temps and happiness plus 10 stability to all of our planets obviously that is absurdly good now is there any others within range of us I guess there is this one I believe that um destroying the main Hub there gives you that little mini Relic so we might as well since we're right here anyway [Music] there we go we've now got leak surveyor passive sensor range plus one yeah I mean it's better than nothing isn't it let's deal with all these actually what else I can finally do is use cloaking for something okay since once they're cloaked the big benefit is they can go and survive systems without worry if we got that earlier I think it would have been a lot more useful and of course we can put our cloaks on our normal ships as well if we so desire at the moment I've not really gone with that but once you upgrade everything we certainly can that'll be interesting during the end game crisis actually now think about it be very interesting that was interesting an asteroid was heading towards Seoul we destroyed it before it ended up causing damage and it caused them to become a little bit more aware of us we are currently at War because my allies wanted to go to war but I'm not actually using this opportunity to take back the world that was once taken from us in addition to all of the systems nearby wow they are being incredibly mean to our people I didn't realize they were that evil oh there's Zenith I honestly thought they were xenophiles okay well then I'm gonna do horrible things to your populations most in the form of orbital bombardment human explorers on Seoul have discovered a previously unknown species of molluskoid on its own each of these creatures barely qualifies as sapiens however when two or more are joined through physical contact they form a semi-conscious node theoretically these nodes should be capable of an exponential growth in cognitive power simply but the people of Seoul have stumbled onto a biological thinking machine given time this discovery could Herald the Advent of an organic singularity oh promoter I have no idea what's this gonna do maybe it'll be terrible humans but I'm doing the thing interesting the nodal Consciousness has reorganized much of the planet's agricultural production increasing crop yields and Rising standards of living already the people are relinquishing their decision-making to the biological machine yeah that's not gonna go bad whoops our cloak broke there because yeah turns out Fallen Empires they can pretty much detect our stealth the camera's been really glitchy as well it's a really weird thing every time I try and zoom in it throws me like to the side for some reason it's the weirdest bug interface with the nodal Consciousness on Saul is reaching a saturation Point all bureaucratic decisions have been delegated to the organic hive mind and the results are nothing short of spectacular the planet's economy is booming and the people have achieved a standard of life that would have been Unthinkable even a generation ago but they're just in the Bronze Age okay we continue that I guess they became a little bit more aware of us it seems should I start uplifting them no I need the influence for uh deal making with all my vassals at the moment sub light speed lost from cloaking minus 50 and again more invoice stuff so this is I believe from that event that just happened Maybe it can be a bit hard to tell exactly where you're getting them from sometimes that is one thing I will note at least according to me the person who misses obvious stuff all the time our work to promote the singularity on soul is already paying dividends by now I said that so weirdly then by now the planet is almost entirely networked with much of the day-to-day decision making given over to the nodal Consciousness however in an effort to streamline processes certain bicycle amenities have been eliminated and is growing increasingly clear to the planet's people that their molluskoid machine may have its own designs I for one think that the mollusk the molluskoid deserves happiness too that's my rationale that I just really want to see how this all ends up that was installing me until just now the singularity is dawned on Soul within hours of its Ascension the hive mind had absorbed more than 90 of the planet's population and the few individuals who remain are already being hunted down we stand witness to the birth of a singular consciousness yay the humans are still there there's now a part of the hive mind I mean that was cool and it's somehow caused the storm but it's cool unless it's just a normal space storm and I missed the event no I believe it's somehow caused the storm which is very worrying ancient Nano missile launcher so Cloud launcher particle charges wouldn't stabilize thanks to ancient technology allow us to create swarms of tiny missiles that still carry a respectable payload they should be able to overwhelm most point defense systems okay so it's just a version of the Swarm missiles the normal ones the go through Shields and armor really really short cooldown oh that is such a fun sounding weapon only size small but okay well for now I need this but hopefully I'll be able to research that again in the future very interesting so I'm checking out this ancient pulse armor it is really interesting so you're losing quite a bit of armor and you are losing a lot of Shield but obviously then you get both which is the main point there it's also a bit more expensive on Alloys and of course it also does cost the um minor artifacts I don't really know if it's worth it or not to be completely honest it is interesting though and it even has less daily Shield regen than the regular Shields I don't know maybe if you've got this really early it'd be like be a lot better similar to the driller drones not sure which I am still using by the way just because I like using them once it goes other missiles that's what I'll be using there as well oh I don't know which one I want to pick now I actually have access to pretty much every single Ascension even though we are super light with this which is something to consider so Mind Over Matter would very quickly gain access to the ability to go into the Shroud and form a covenant so that's fantastic obviously that's ridiculously powerful we can also supercharge our worlds synthetic Evolution will be good it would allow us to consolidate all the different populations we have all of these worlds be completely completely habitable and it'll just be a nice easy power bump the flesh is weak it's just easier than that but not as powerful in my eyes I really don't know which one to pick I'm leaning towards synths since we have already done the genetic one recently with the hive mind replied during the super run and I went with I think I went the psychic with the one system challenge I think since the way to go let's keep things interesting we're going to be synths I can't remember being since since they changed how it all worked so I think that's definitely the right call while all the sentient population of Seoul belongs to an organic Consciousness the planet is home to several different hives these hives are isolated collections of drones and are competing with each other for resources occasionally conflict are ups between two groups and could sometimes escalate to Total War we are currently witnessing an all-out assault on a hive's capital and it is a gruesome business the efficiency of the drones unhindered by empathy would make any general proud The Defenders are quickly losing ground but by our estimations they should hold for a few more days yet moments later all fighting ceases as the Defenders join forces with their opponents and begin dismantling their capital for anything of value it appears they have been completely and instantly assimilated into the network of the attacking hive did they just eat a consciousness okay another one the Arca studies ship Aura Titan plus five chance to abide I mean that's pretty nice that's interesting uh there's a little addition to the head over here some of the small Fallen Empire Fleet that's what it's always been every activation will increase the size of the fleet I'm actually waiting right now because I'm trying to get the rubric either because we do desperately need some more minor artifacts and yeah that's gonna take Prestons I think hey there Shard how are you doing colonization progress let's see if the rubric right has been changed recently by all the different um changes to the artifacts okay obviously we encourage that and rubric right is a great 500 okay that makes sense oh our arcology weapon damage is increased by 15 percent archeotech architect I don't know how to pronounce that still we do want those minor artifacts but that extra 10 stability is so good no I do really need the minor artifacts at the moment though I'm also tempted to start using this one on cooldown because of the increased size of the fleet uh every time you use this now it increases the size of the full Empire Fleet you get which is just really fun I'm only gonna be able to use it a couple of times though the uh endgame crisis arriving soon I'm gonna do it anyway I'm gonna do it anyway so the First Fleet is 11k which is one battle cruiser and three escorts the confederated sons has been at war with the spoilers and because of that the spoilers have flocked to us for protection of course with our hatred of volcino we're gonna be just siphoning off all their resources for our own game but still in return we will defend our livestock you're really strong I kind of wish I had the ability like a Federation of you but sadly all of my stuff's already taken up now the right to leave our observation of Soul proceeds and we have recently discovered what we first mistook as Rogue drones these individuals live in the periphery of the local Hive settlements and seem to have acquired partial if not full autonomy they have entirely disconnected from the collective and some even seem to enjoy leisurely moments comfortable doing nothing they however appear to still depend on the hive for resources and are basically trading with the collective why the hive has not seen fit to exterminate these Rogues remains a mystery okay also I'm getting really tired at the moment and reading is becoming more and more difficult so I could of course be giving this um some tech but I'm enjoying just seeing what's happening with it at the moment so I'm just I've just been leaving it so at this moment I've got to be honest it feels like I'm 10 years behind where I normally am at this point and that's kind of great because that's to me what the origin should really feel like I know it's a weird thing to say oh I'm doing quite badly whoa fantastic but honestly the whole point of this origin in my opinion is the whole point you are starting light you are not getting everything at the start you are fighting for every inch of territory within the Galaxy and you're not put in a good position because you were light to the galactic scene and it feels like it we have 20 years now until the end game crisis arrive and in previous runs I've been in such a stronger position than I am currently I'm not in a super weak position because we have MSI and a lot of vassals we're actually okay I'm not confidence but I'm not super worried either somewhere in between and because we're getting stuff so light though I'm not really going to go down the roots of megastructure so we're going to have a lot of just base stuff and we also have a really weird set of ascensions I was forced to get Eternal vigilance quite early just to protect myself which did pay off twice um still not sure if it was a great choice but still I'm going to have to get defender of the Galaxy next no because as soon as we get Ascension Theory randomly which we should do soon enough we'll get two of them so I will probably still go with the RKO Engineers I don't know if this is a good essential perk or not again I am playing mostly spoiler free but just seems really fun so that and then defender of the Galaxy yeah we're not really going with much stuff honestly maybe I should focus even more on our economy really go heavily into Alloys at the moment it's a bit of a mixed bag as you can see our worlds are really bizarre I should have specialized them better yeah I don't really know what to do next honestly this may be one of those runs where we lose to be completely honest this may be a losing run because how early we've set our endgame crisis okay let's go full on into Navy uh Naval capacity that we are really struggling with that let's make sure to start upgrading all of our stuff and just hope for the best yeah somewhat worried and our fleets are looking all right but not good enough yet I don't know what type of weapons to specialize in that's the other big problem we didn't manage to get Cloud lightning I simply didn't find any anywhere in time which was a problem run random so it could be absolutely anything but we need to start focusing I could go kinetic because then that's going to be good versus the contingency and the unbidden if we go down the route of energy we have Arch emitters which is decent against everything but but then we must go into into tachyon Lancers which are specifically effective against the scourge so I'm waffling too much it's still really light right now I'm trying to plan my next move right now though we are upgrading our speeches into synths finally it was a super light with that but that will give us a serious bonus I've set I've sent some Colony ships to grab all of these worlds so those will be ours as well so we are going to continue to power up but it is just so light We're not gonna get all that much from those worlds but still that's just what we're doing right now well this Empire over here has been bullied by the orange Empires a lot as you can see they've encroached on their territory over and over again they keep going to war and because of that I am going to be able to get them as a vassal or not you just said you'd accept that that keeps happening that's happened twice now in this run I don't quite know what's going on they accept here they're very much accepting so there's no real chance they're going to suddenly change their their level in time and this costs influence and then they just randomly say no is it just a random chance that occasionally will happen Spaceball there we go that's on the accepted the exact same thing though that is really really weird I am very confused ah probably should have waited a little bit before I started the um okay so once again I haven't played synth really since all the changes the essential perks I didn't realize the next one was the special project cast minus 50 because I should have just waited and then did this I think this will affect it retroactively yeah uh no wow that was dumb that's a lot of tech wise did then I didn't know that should have read them or really shouldn't I know this one's amazing robot output plus 10 less amenities usage extra modification points oh my God please please be the unbidden this thing looks awesome ancient saturator artillery massive damage massive range as we'd expect from a size X 150 extra shield damage 25 extra Hull Ah that's only going to be useful versus the unbidden though against the other two they just the scourge is armor and the and the contingency has armor that wouldn't be great huh we could insult people and gain benefits from it that's interesting but okay let's unlock that first because that looks really bloody bloody ancient suppression field hardening is built in which is great Shield hit points plus 750 loads of Shield Regen projected farther than the regular shield the suspension field technology uses ancient artifacts to slow time at the point of impact to afford the shields a longer opportunity to spell the incoming attacks energy and then once again we have these really cool missiles which I just love the look of full shield penetration full arm penetration extra hole damage and is about overwhelming the target these are what my battleships will use from now on Oh no you're worried that we're robots haha but we're also the chosen ones so you don't actually mind as much as you might imagine anyway yeah our people are now synths I am going to write a little bit though until we have at least this one over here the solid state actuators which will give us more points to spend we're getting even more lighter on they might as well I may as well wait until last because it's going to be very expensive otherwise oh I just thought actually modified species maybe that wasn't the same as the synthetic project which I was waffling on about earlier I'm gonna leave that in because it shows where my mind is right now that being all over the place we're at War because of our allies once again I doubt this bastion's going to stand but let's see there's a lot of Point defense at least the enemy is seemingly using a lot of strikecraft wow never mind Eternal vigilance oh they split that's what happened there wow utterly obliterated I mean we are turtles at the end of the day of course we can protect ourselves in this way my fleets are moving in any way to protect uh the other fluids moving over there sadly I can't have my own oh we're already winning you only wanted one system that really all you wanted how do you have um what do we have in that system let me actually enter please thank you they have two worlds I could grab them couldn't like weaken them even further what I need to do is go to war with this Empire okay we're gonna end it here so the cooldown's on as fast as possible next time the cooldown is off the truce is off I'm going to war myself to vassalize the alliance if that works the other Reliance the citizen Alliance will join us as well and then we have basically the galactic core as our own this cheeky little bugger was trying to get through our system or cloak like well too bad for you now we can see you but good for you um we're actually friends with your Empire so no consequences just have fun that was it next full playthrough I promise I'm gonna focus on the cloaking so much I just didn't this run and that's on me decided since we became synthetic I am now a materialist we've gone through a whole lot of different ethics to this one normally I don't even swap once I've swapped twice now so now we are materialist xenophobic and authoritarian Or Glory to our Tech speed ecosystem takeover the Human Society on Soul 3 which as we know is now a heart of Mind have recently started settling new regions of the planet the local flora and fauna initially vastly different from what can be found in the settle territory are being completely taken over by the collective who is taking a radical but methodical approach to regulating the local ecosystem certain animal species are ruthlessly exterminated only to be replaced by others whilst invasive vegetables choke out the life of the indigenous trees the native's ecological Mastery is remarkable yet they cannot avoid certain setbacks in areas of unusual climates where they introduce life forms cannot survive long or we believe that they shall soon find a way around these obstacles and eventually the whole world will be uniform presenting optimal optimal conditions for the collective to thrive in fascinates oh actually I would like more progress please thank you neat I'm also trying to give them Tech now as well since we're getting towards the end of the game I would like to uplift them past Bronze Age at the very least like we did with our allies over here who love us ah who's a happy little feudal Empire yeah you are when it comes to tracking and shooting down missiles these antique batteries are the best of the best making use of a predictive algorithm written in Long forgotten code to weave a fiery defensive web energy Point defense and of course arcology hmm armor penetration armor damage which is an interesting combo there no Shield damage that is interesting indeed okay well we'll unlock it really hope I get Ascension Theory soon I want to make sure I have defender of the Galaxy and the other one so I might have to make a choice which one to definitely get soon and then just risk it and hope for the best we get the second so we should probably make sure to get defender of the Galaxy but I really want the other one because it seems a lot more fun ancient rumination glare tremendous medium range Firepower will enable our Titans to break through Enemy Lines these ancient cannons were once the ruination upon which a Galactic Empire was built interesting yeah it is a shorter range from the normal super weapon the Cairo and again no Shield damage against um I'm really really hoping we Face Off against the Scourge at this point actually no because all the other stuff has been kinetic hasn't it I don't know who wants to fight the problem is I'm not doing any repeatables I'm not sure what I'm upgrading I'm really wasting my Relic activations but I just wanted to test this so there we go there's the second of the Fallen Empire fleets to join us this time it is literally double the first I wonder if it keeps on doubling or just keeps on adding a single Battleship and three of the escorts only time will tell okay so laprix has been dumb I mean has in fact gone with the RKO Engineers I don't know if this is a good choice at all let alone choosing it over defender of the Galaxy first so if we take a look then if you look at the components you can see there are now extra bonuses from Arco engine AS Plus 450 Shield points in fact that's made me really want to use this the ancient suspension Fields these increase your Shield hardening on your ship and for those who don't know Shield Harding essentially means if something would normally bypass Shields they instead hit a certain percentage on the shields instead based on your Shield hardening level now I believe that stacks so if I went like this that's gonna be 30 60 right there so if you have all of them which would make it way too expensive by the way that's a lot of Shield hardening which means that's gonna counter pretty much anything well it's gonna Force pretty much everything to hit the shields which would be great the contingency does like its strikecraft for instance and the scourge love to bypass Shields with strikecraft and missiles and everything else and well the unbidden are counted by Shields so we could go with this that's if the shield hardening Stacks I cannot get confirmation if that is true everyone who I've asked doesn't know so I'm gonna assume it does and hope for the best there then as for weapons we could now go with this because I wanted to go with this and then go with Kinetic this would make us good versus the contingency utterly brutal versus the unbidden and terrible versus the scourge and that's like it's really expensive as well then I'd probably mix a single of the driller drones and a strikecraft remember we do get a plus 33 bonus now to all of these ancient weapons though I think that's only applied um it's not being applied right now here that's being applied once it's actually created in the Overworld I just don't know I think that would be interesting at least how much power usage is this so he could go with a single one of those there yeah just I'm just trying to figure out exactly how I'm gonna set up these ships maybe something like that just really risk it and just go with the full-on artillery I haven't gone down the kinetic root in ages now this seems loads of fun so strikecraft kinetic Shields Maybe yet another new weapon this high energy weapon causes brutal micro collapsing events on impact generating tremendous heat and force inside its Target's armor utterly obliterates armor utterly obliterates oh no it's got armor penetration and armor damage such a weird combo of things I mean it makes sense but still it's just weird please please give me Ascension Theory I need this before the end game crisis we have 10 years we can do it ancient Shield overcharge or increases Shield hit points Shield hardening by a lot defense platform modifier plus Shield hit points Shield harboring plus 25 okay so it's better on the star base than the defense platform interesting still cool though so something I didn't even look at is the new pre-fdl stances over here basically options to decide how the Galaxy deals with them and the bonuses they're in do we seriously not have a galactic Council this is a weird Galaxy yeah so one thing I wasn't really focusing on is this so the ancient Refinery is now increasing all of the resources by 40 and that's because of the change to the engineer so if we go over to our Relic World which is somewhere there we are I can't remember the actual stats for this so this doesn't help maybe it's better maybe it's not I can't remember so what I've done because it's so expensive I've split our ships into two essentially there's this version which uses loads of the arcology stuff which is just a lot more powerful then we have the Lesser versions which are only using the artillery so they're a lot cheaper in terms of minor artifacts so we can keep on making these even when we can't afford the full setup foreign this one technically does more damage until they're created and again than the stats actually apply devolving beam a colossal mind wiping Cannon which unleashes a planet-wide wide of energy returning most sentient life into a pre-sapient stat Socha said Sapient life into pre-sapiens Engineers estimate that with additional tuning it might also be used to wipe clean memory banks and disable robotic units wow well that's horrific I mean I don't have like a Colossus but cool three years until the ending crisis could possibly spawn him every time I can I'm making one of my Relic type ships but when I can't I now have the known Relic type Battleship which as you can imagine doesn't use any of the Relic weapons all because it turns out getting that many minor artifacts is actually kind of above her the difference between the Giga Cannon and the ancient artillery is actually kind of absurd so plus 50 Shield damage but minus 25 armor versus plus 150 Shield damage and plus 25 whole damage at the cost of a full minus 75 damage against armor that is really weird and the range is the same right yeah the range is the same like actually most of the other stats are very very similar this one does fire a lot actually no the same speed never mind I just can't read I'm really hoping it's the unbidden I think that might be the only chance we have for this super early crisis I am restraining sending my fleets out I'm so tempted to grab some of the Fallen Empire stuff but right now we just need to keep building ships I am building a mega Shipyard it's the one megastructure I am building and just rely on our economy to at least carry us through for the first few years of the big fight alien topography yes so now we get one extra District to all non-artificial planets I mean that's pretty awesome interestingly the IR really does love its detection arise I'll just grab some systems for my Rebellion over here I didn't really want the system such as how the game works and yeah they were all just completely packed full of the detection stuff because closing is scary apparently even if I haven't really touched on it this whole run oh my God how many random worlds did you just throw at me okay that's a lot of Worlds with very few people okay you actually have people oh there's far too many of you okay can some of you please be assimilated there is way too much going on in these worlds the mega Shipyard is slowly making its way forward and why can't I write that there we go I've had lots of little bugs like that as well lately I just can't click things I have to remove myself either from the game completely um earlier I was trying to colonize the world and it would just not let me no matter what I did until I restarted the game but also just that then it's only minor little things but I'm noticing them a bit more frequently than usual either way yeah so we have the mega Shipyard our ships are pretty dire to be honest but thankfully our economy is holding um after this war over here I am very likely going to be able to bring the confederated Newton States into our little vassal group as well over here they are currently facing off against the Fallen Empire so let's see how that goes if all goes perfectly we might have two more vassals by the end of these wars the end game crisis so could arrive at any moment and honestly I don't know if I would win right now we do a defender of the Galaxy and if we go up against the unbidden we have a really good chance if it's the contingency I think we might be okay the scourge we are in serious trouble look at this bar oh they like me no they don't yes I do no they don't yes I do no no I have no idea what is going on with this poor Empire as it's at War but it really hate loves me whoa that's going out of hand yeah so the machines are rising against the silences which I kind of forgot we're even there they just kept on losing against every other Empire and just got stuck in this corner and just really suffered the entire game the suns are doing great they're still actually Superior to me in terms of their economy I don't know how but they're super powerful these were doing really well until I declared war on this Empire started to lose then the Watchers got involved and everything went very very bad very very fast I think the reward for someone else as well aren't they moral intervention wait you avoid both of the Fallen Empires oh well that's not great is it why do they hate you so much I didn't think you were a particularly evil empire you're a Divine Empire you're zealots okay so that's not great for a lot of the options I choose but I mean I haven't picked anything particularly brutal what did you do [Music] solar system hard mind lost star system charted well I've stopped over almost all the defense platforms now to kinetics they are doing a lot of extra bonus damage and they are still protecting us from the attack of the ball walk oh whoa maybe not forever okay well my fleets are on the way anyway so if they can just hold for a little bit longer it's a tiny little bit longer and yes I know I was going to go to all of these guys but this Empire wouldn't accept the change in terms to not go to war all the time and it's just been a nightmare and the second they could go to war they did it was absolutely horrendous so we're at War again because this Empire over here would not accept the change in terms for the whole you know don't drag me into every single War you have and I didn't have the influence for it so I need to save up for over here and it just become a mess and we're at War again this little Empire of it I think is going to stay here till the end of time like fleets are on the way but my defense platforms are mowing things down they are now using kinetics so as you can see they just destroy everything since we're doing only kinetic repeatables at the moment okay this is the fleet I was terrified of I was hoping my fleets will get here in time but I might end up losing all my defense platforms here oh no never mind our defense platforms are brutal wow well done that's it though the second the war was over they joined the Federation okay big old scary orange Federation sure I think most of them no longer hate me yes that's fine that's the main Empire in that group that's absolutely fine the union sorry the Imperium still no one likes you so hopefully as soon as the war is over you'll join me and now I finally managed to make a deal where you can't drag me into war so we can attack the alliance next time since we're constantly fighting them anyway also where is the crisis it's been 10 years now I think I'm ready as long as it's not the Scrooge it's stupid but I've done it again so yeah each time you use the spiritualist Relic it's adding one Battleship and three of the escorts not majorly powerful then really and a waste of my Relic once again if you got that really early though maybe that could have really sorted it oh what is happening here plant knowledge launch cost influence instantly stops I have wasted several hundred influence I now realize I just thought I wasn't getting the notification that it's been finishing why is that happening Enlightenment allowed interference active that's fine none of these have passed so nothing should be stopping me the option is available and it's just taking my influence and not doing anything oh I am genuinely annoyed right now because I was really looking forward to seeing these Advance after all the different events they've had and now I'm realizing this just hasn't been working wow that's annoying after fighting off both of the Fallen Empires and well losing pretty much all of their ships they have now joined us we're making a really really weird little symbol okay so yeah that's gonna be probably the end of our expansion except for maybe going to war with the alliance but that's just so light now we're not gonna go toward this Federation they have pretty much equal Fleet power tours total and it would be just a total Galactic wall which I'm not really in the mood for right now when still waiting for the crisis we're now 20 20K Tech again I feel like I'm 20 years behind where I want to be maybe a little bit more even our actual economy though is doing really well the economy is doing fantastically uh because of that we can uh repair our fleets very quickly very easily if we lose them so we should be all right mostly because the whole economy thing and now 21katex since I am also taking some of their research we're taking 15 research 15 base resources from them just to make sure that pure peace will always rain in this galaxy we have now settled with a research agreement and Commercial agreements with the confederated sons from our enlightened position over here peace has been pretty much attained and the silences yeah they're not going anywhere that is completely stuck there at top of the Galaxy we could get rid of them if we wanted to we do have a wormhole going through but I do like their position because if it is the horror of the scourge as our income crisis I like that there's a buffer here and here to be completely honest in case they spawn near the top I do love the constant missiles just always hitting the enemy from The Relic missiles that is a lot of fun there's currently a machine Uprising one of our vassals so sadly we have had to take action thankfully they did have a uh Gateway in their territory so we just jump straight in and it looks like pretty much everything's already under control still waiting for that in-game crisis well I can't give them more knowledge and apparently I can at least increase their awareness which really isn't a big deal how about now now let's work or is this gonna be another 20 influence is gone I don't understand what's going on okay pause for a second launch operation I want to see if anything else to change Locker cleared if you're unable to give them Tech because of how far back they are they are a uh Bronze Age and they are a hive mind then it shouldn't accept my influence and it should just stop me at the start otherwise yeah Einstein what's going on I'm sure I gave a stone age Empire and a quick test run some stuff but I have no idea so there is now an awakened Empire I'm just kind of sitting there being angry and there's also the gray Tempest because someone decided to open the yellow gate thank you to that random Empire however you were thankfully we are very very light for the great Tempest so not too worried there honestly if I'm gonna get a couple of the large uh fleets together please we can just go and take out the main system that'll be wonderful you'll get your butts over there please as long as we can grab the system that's going to be the Tempest threat nullified yeah it is way too late in the game for the Tempest not a threat in the slightest in fact what I'm gonna do is send one of our science vessels over let's see if we can get a Bastion down there as well then that way we have a proper base of operations in the area one thing I do love about the colloquing is that if there's an enemy in the area they will still head towards it even if they're uninvasive which means you know you don't always have to redo every single command if a single enemy goes through the system does make things a lot smoother so playing tactically what we're going to do is we're gonna leave the Tempest because the Fallen Empire doesn't like it and actually thinks oh there's a threat currently in the galaxy and it's leaving borders open for me and not attacking anyone because of this The Tempest is in under our control and under keep everyone will submit to me as the nominate custodian in fact also do it for the awakened Empire but this way just guaranteed will be custodian that way we can start getting all their extra bonuses as well if the crisis continues to take this long to arrive look at my cheeky stealthy little science ship over here oh how many colonies was just given to me oh no that's on it with only seven days to go I managed to get united front at the front there we go so united front will increase all damage to end game factions by 20 if it passes it was between that and the galactic immobilization where I get that special Fleet from being the overlord happy person and everything else but I think this will be better does a flat plus 20 in addition to defender of the Galaxy we're gonna really hurt things that appear in our galaxy like really really hurt them also yes I still haven't finished building even the coordination Center at the moment now I think about it why am I not building a science Nexus that was a fallen Empire plate so the Fallen Empire attack to humiliate us not the awakened the fool in him actually where's the other Fallen Empire now think about it should be three shouldn't there oh it's the robot on that's what I've heard from wow they're all really close each other like a little line anyway they decided to try and humiliate us I'm sending in my entire fleet except for the ones currently defending against the gray Tempest that's their name and I don't need those soon because as you can see my station is also being built and I've made a claim on their Homeworld so well done Sky Temple's about to be horribly horribly bombarded because apparently all advanced civilizations are the worst and we continue our original ideals because of this I will become the Emperor of everything no one can ever hurt anyone ever again the pre-fdl civilizations will be protected I even managed to pass the whole I should know oh no I didn't pass it did I was going to pass it but then everything else happened oh I was gonna make it so no one could be mean to them anymore so the exploitation is more evil Grant's access to an interference policy okay yeah I should probably try and get that as well by the end anyway Galactic Defense Force is next though this will also be the last time I play an Iron Man for these because it's fine obviously I like getting the achievements but my God I just want to spawn in the end game crisis I was gonna I mere moments ago I was thinking to myself I know what I can do spawning The Scourge because they're the ones we're the weakest against so we'll spawn those in early because they're just not spawning him for some reason and everything will be fine but I can't can I I can't use that console command missiles and strikecraft my favorite things in this game really we do so badly against armor there we go as soon as the armor breaks we're instantly killing them but still and begin the slow bombardment of their home means their own fault also we just don't care I just got the achievement here me raw because we've managed to incubate the egg left behind by the drag giving us a tiny little hatchling and that's pretty much it the pre-fdl hives of Soul 3 have advanced sufficiently in their use of Metallurgy to be considered an Iron Age civilization the tools and weaponry they make use of are becoming more effective and the proximity of their habitation clusters has become more elaborate so the complexity of the habitation clusters several distinct Minds have now spread to cover most of the planet and some of their largest clusters are home to nearly a million drones so the question is will this work and no it still will not work we now have the galactic Defense Force the battleships we're going to be creating for the Imperial Armada are going to be pretty much just ships which are good versus everything to at least a limited extent so we have the cloud lightning the arch emitters and strike rafts we get through Shields all the time and armor most of the time and then we have a mix of Shields and armor with the shield hardening and armor hardening although I do need to play Zero for that okay good so I can that's me absolutely fine then okay so that is what our new Battleship looked like in our super Fleet now what Titan should it have since your story would always really use a Titan in a fleet this big oh we could use one of the new weapons oh it's terrible versus Shields but I would like to see its different coloring uh yeah sure and then the spam Cloud lining after that as for this we'll go for one which will always help out so let's just go with extra fire rate on our Fleet and then the same again let's go with that and also tracking all you know what less fire rate on the enemy as well so we're gonna have two Titans I could have more but this is what we're going with well the awakened Empire is doing something it's attacking our non-allies Apparently one world was just devastated but can't see it oh we just apparently shielded a habitat which actually has no animation to it still pretty brutal Technologies Sky Temple and Celestial Throne are now under our control now what do we do with these pops we really don't like them they are psychic which is great but I think we're going to either eat them or remove them our Empire is particularly hostile to this particular kind of Empire so this would make people dislike us more though maybe undesirable than just displacement yeah let's get rid of them these worlds are no longer yours they're ours plus we need some more space anyway and some more jobs so all of these jobs will do fantastically then we could replace all of these of stuff as well really migration controls are enabled for our main species that doesn't seem right also we shouldn't be able to assimilate them they're already us has that always been that way I can remember my synths being able to move before is it because I'm authoritarian and that shouldn't really be the case either honestly we settlement aloud yeah but I could be missing something there but that's causing me all sorts of problems splitting on my fleet I'm going to take out the awakened Empire half of their fleets are currently attacking another Empire so I'm sending my fleets over to say hello to them the rest is all saying here and they're going to take out the entire home system that will completely contain the main threat to the Galaxy the gray Tempest is still there but they're not really a threat we still have athletes over here just making sure it's all nice and safe which it is so let's just finish off that and last one um yeah the great gems are never going through that are they no chance foreign okay there's a Gateway there annoying at least they could escape this but let's just take back the space for the other Empire they're at war with not sure where they're going to jump that Gateway come into our territory so they're probably going to try and reinforce their home systems I imagine yeah as soon as the Armor's gone we just melt things uh you're all with them as well lovely it's the main thing I want though of course is their home system as always because their home system is beautiful and powerful and I want it there is no longer a term limit on my custodian ship so this is the point of reached now um we are kind of ridiculously powerful even if we have to swap over to energy weapons to beat the scourge we will have enough time to do so unless they spawn directly on top of us the contingency and the unbidden I would no longer really consider a threat even at Max difficulty we have I think three or four million Fleet powered fully countering the unbidden mostly countering the uh contingency except for their armor value but even that isn't massive because they have a lot more Hull than they have armor and shields the shields are going to be nullified pretty much by just sheer kinetic compartment and their Hull melted The Scourge are all armor so I think I'm gonna do is if I can reach Galactic Emperor and destroy the remaining Fallen Empires that is the remnants of the first over here the Watchers the awakened Emperor I'm currently facing off against and the Continuum whilst being the emperor I will consider this a full playthrough we have reached a victory condition and honestly the Galaxy is all loving me there is no war we have brought peace through our own dictatorship they've kind of become the thing we pledged to fight against which happens a lot I think we managed to lose three or four full fleets early on against two of their 400k fleets I didn't sadly see it but we are now winning this is their home territory as you can see we're just going through a system to system taking over their major stations our ground forces of grotesque Xenomorphs are butchering the population and we are then removing the survivors from their world the machines can can stay their servants but these vile Fallen Empires who didn't even help us when we were being tortured and all sorts of inhumane things by the Minima well they're going to be simply removed and we have learned from their mistakes although we are becoming somewhat like the Fallen Empire somewhat like the Minima we are treating all of our subjects well they're all loyal they are not being taxed too heavily even though it could go much worse right now with them with the one exception of minamar itself Minima we are utterly destroying hence why it keeps on having so many uh revolutions and everything any Empires which remain after this revolution we are gonna actually treat well we just don't like the Minima with very Grudge heavy let's say that if athletes can actually go through together that'd be great but I was not paying attention that's my own fault the shields melt the holes melt the armor is annoying the last of their 500k fleets we're gonna spawning way too close then so our nine weapons are a little bit useless but with this right craft we still cleared it up that is the Fallen Empire pretty much done for now we're just gonna make sure to start bombarding their more tougher worlds around here our Ground Forces will be there straight after I've finished off with the remainder of their worlds in their original territory some really annoying systems around here some of these worlds have up to 7 000 Defense Force it's gonna take a very long time to conquer them uh also when did you grab that you didn't grab the world did you notice the system I'm assuming same over here yeah okay that's fine we don't care about those two then all that much we'll send some backup flights over there soon and in three years we can once again go to war with watches so I've just sent over our Galactic defense Wars which will be more than enough to finish them off and put them out of their misery then we'll move all my forces over here and take out what's left of the Fallen Empire just the single Continuum which is definitely the weakest of all the Fallen Empires my opinions since it only has one system and these worlds have very little in the way of Defense Forces and they have only like 382 000 Fleet power which is mostly Shields right oh actually that oh that equal Shields and Hull uh sorry equal shield and armor I didn't realize that I think that's the same as the contingency in fact which is why we're only going to be okay versus the contingency with the achievement with thunderous Applause we are now the galactic Emperor and we have a resounding support of our friends so we're gonna continuously beat the galactic Emperor only the silencers are here uh as a non-galactic Imperium normal Empire everything else loves us so we shall continue from that of course federations break up you love us right yeah you love us everyone loves us we're just so lovable oh except for you of course we don't care about you oh how did you get your Fleet over there well as long as I don't actually take a world why must you be so annoying you don't actually have control over the system though which is interesting huh deal might need to send a police over but I'm about to do okay we'll do that later right now we're about to take over Alpha refuge and take out the last of the Fallen Empires so we're gonna be award pretty much everyone and then in three years time we can then go to war with the last of the Fallen Empires over here the one we pretty much have already destroyed we can't go to war yet because of the truce and let's give you a good leader there we go our Imperial Armada is ready well we got ambushed by their fleets they were going one way and changed their mind once all our strike crafter out though that'll soon be over yeah we need some more of the normal strike craft I think and there we go the machines are down now here's hoping that's only a visual problem with the migration because this is going to be so so many worlds Super my world's a matter of fact jobs for our people which you do desperately need I've cut down construction on most of our um most of our planets but still oh they don't have the ruined oh they changed it we used to have the ruined um pods didn't they you had to remove huh well that's neater well this is it still no sign of the end game crisis we are taking out the very very last remnants of the Fallen Empire I'm also making some energy-based ships now just in case it is the scourge because as we can see armor is just a real problem so I'm mixing them up the Armada is completely ignoring Shields altogether and mostly ignoring armor the new ships will be just armor melting machines using energy weapon damage because as well with our Tech we can get some repeatables done with that just in case again not really nervous about the end game crisis they have until this last empire is removed and then I'm calling it there's the Armada been in barbarment of one of the last two worlds planetary the end of the Watchers with that all Fallen Empires and awakened empires have been removed from the game all possible mid-game events are now done and the end game crisis is but a potential future which wouldn't be a threat at all remember we are currently doing plus 20 damage from one of our resolutions which is there we go united front we then also have defender of the Galaxy which is another plus 50 and we are now making ships which have the lasers in fact most of these are now carrying lasers rather than our kinetic weapons and we're even doing repeatables for that as well just in case oh and I've upgraded the Armada so the Armada can now carry 800 Fleet size and all of those are once again going to be carrying tachyon lances and all of the energy weapons just in case I am going to call it here because there is no guarantee when the ending on crisis will eventually arrive so with that thank you so much for watching this has been a really fun video to make I really enjoyed the particularly the start with this new origin it really did put you in a weakened position and I did not play perfectly we should be a lot stronger than we are in our current year again we are definitely at the point where no endgame crisis could really threaten us at any reasonable level but still if it arrived earlier we could have easily been wiped out I honestly think for a good chunk of time there if it was the wrong crisis that was a little bit early we would have been destroyed I also probably went a little bit too heavy into the arkio weapons I should have gone down the roots of Galactic one there's another stuff I think maybe focusing a bit more on Tech than I did could have helped out a lot but that's the thing with that almost endless war which kept on almost being lost versus the Minima we just couldn't do anything else just pure economy focusing purely on our military economy and that was absolutely it so I've really enjoyed it I hope to see a few bug fixes in the next few weeks because I had to quit the game and we reload at least 50 or 60 times total and I crashed like four times and loads of other little issues but that is just par for the course at this point for new major uptights and DLC but this may have been the worst I've seen it in a long time so I really hope that gets fixed if that gets fixed then everything seems pretty good I'm hoping the other Origins offer just as much as this one if not more and I'll be returning soon with a new full playthrough but this time I will force spawn learning in crisis if it doesn't arrive within 10 years of our selected time because this was a little bit on the silly side so thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out Channel and most importantly Joseph Stellaris is a series you wish to see continued in the future thank you for watching and goodbye and now to break some chains
Channel: Lathland
Views: 153,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: d0WyTAddWSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 46sec (6166 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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