I Found God & Made Them My Pet In Stellaris Toxoids | Full Playthrough | Stellaris Gameplay

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greetings you hosts of toxicity also known as the common internet users and welcome back to Stellaris with me lathrix and of course Welcome to our newest full playthrough using the brand new DLC and the brand new patch today we'll be testing out the Knights of the toxic God a very heavily thematic origin with lots of events and probably also a lot of reading ahead of us because there are just so so many things which happen even in the 20 minute test I did earlier centuries ago this species Homeworld was visited by a toxic entity the ecological catastrophe that followed ruined half of the world but allowed an early unification of the survivors in their reverence for the toxic God an order of knights has been created to search for the toxic God and although many things have changed the quest continues we start off with our unique habitat above our Homeworld which will contain the Lord Commander along with a handful of knights and a lot of Squire positions the squires can buff up the knights and the Lord commander and as you continue the quest to find the toxic God itself you will buff up the knights and get different options to improve the habitat and draw Empire as a whole now in my very quick test I've got to be honest it seems like not the most powerful origin at least to begin with not a particularly good start with everything but hopefully as we continue the Buffs and the story will unfold and become far far more powerful so to do this we are the house of Decay fnatic militarists originally a warring world before the entity blessed us with its toxic embrace but now join the spiritualists All in reverence to the toxic deity we are eye dictatorship but we have the newer mutagenic Spas Civic which means every industrial district will give us additional population growth if we build the mutagenic Spas this civilization engages in ritualistic mutagenic bathing with professional attendance overseeing the use of Highly dangerous substances this invigorating process night a Paul uninitiated onlookers it decreases happiness but increases population growth and that's kind of what we're going with though with this Empire it's going to be incredibly industrial so lots of Forge worlds lots of factory worlds we're going with masterful Crafters as you can tell by the portrait here they really do need all of this Machinery to simply survive now on this putrified world and because of that they're very good at making everything they need even getting engineering research and trade value from it I also think it'll make the Empire flow a bit better gameplay wise later on as soon as we start really warring with other Empires we are going to grab the other new Civic which is scavengers it allows us to get the odd ship and additional resources when we research debris which is honestly something I'm really bad at doing so that should hopefully make me get better at the game which is really needed with me as for the ships we are using the toxoid ships of course and after a first glance of these things I absolutely love them it may be a bit premature to say but this might be my new favorite ship type I love the very scavenger look of these things I love all the little details I've got I really really like it to be perfectly honest the only ship I don't like is the colony ship normally I love the colony ships it's the only one I'm not a massive fan of I don't hate the thing but in compared to some of the others it's not my favorite but everything else I absolutely adore even the colony ship is passable so with that and of course using the new toxoid voice We Begin our journey to Decay the Galaxy I don't really have a lot to tell you governing the universe is actually quite easy if you keep a clear hand now with the new crisis type I won't be doing it for this video because in the future I will be doing another full playthrough using the other origin which I think I've kind of came up with the idea of a very very powerful Empire which could min max a bit more which then can fight off all of the crises so for now we are going to be doing random our mid game and end game is our standard which we always use but then our scaling difficulty has been changed along with the difficulty adjusted AI modifiers so with the scaling difficulty it used to just be on or off but now you can also have it set to Mid game which is more powerful than the standard scaling difficulty but of course weaker than just having it off now I really like the idea of scanning difficulty but I've always found it a little bit too easy all scanning difficulty means is that the II don't get all of the bonuses straight away from Max difficulty they get it over time and then once we hit the end game then they have all of those cheating bonuses with the mid game scaling difficulty the same happens but much faster with them getting all their bonuses by the mid game instead so that's what we're going to be trying out today we are also activating difficulty adjusted AI modifiers this just makes everything better for the AI things like the 20 extra mining will now give 40 extra mining if it's on Grand Admiral so their end game should still be very very powerful apparently the AI has been approved once again with this patch which I'm very curious to see as well and that is it so then time to begin our Quest and do a lot of reading in order to find our toxic God glory to nurgle hey everyone future laprix here just decided that this video is going to be a bit of a different one despite being the normal full playthrough format I am going to be reading a lot of the events going forward and I've decided to read every single event from the knights quest line from the origin we're currently testing out and there is a lot of text and after almost five days of gathering all this footage my voice is almost broken and my mind is too because I'm dyslexic I have a speech impediments and there is a lot of speaking in very interesting ways throughout all of these events now thankfully it was really enjoyable I adored every second of this origin so I really do hope you enjoy it as well and make sure to stick around till the end because we find something really weird on the outskirts of the Galaxy 2 once you think everything's over we find even more weirdness now before we go back to the past however I do need to briefly shill for the video itself because these videos sadly still remain absolute algorithm poison on YouTube and at the moment with YouTube trying to push shorts and all the shorter format videos without interaction these videos get absolutely buried but these are the videos I love making they're the reason I'm still on YouTube the reason I'm still making videos so if you enjoy these then likes and comments help out so so much and Show YouTube that these videos still have a place on the platform so with that thank you so much for watching thank you for the continued support and now back into the past where we begin our Knights quest to find the god of plague and some other weird things too and so we begin kind of near the bottom of the Galaxy long ago our planet was divided Petty King squabbed constantly in our population bled for their vain Ambitions but with the coming of the first High King all of this changed their inspired leadership forged a kingdom without equal Above All Else the high King was Pious war was waged against any who denied their God but still the Heretics persisted the king's prayers were answered when the toxic God visited our world though its time Among Us was brief its baneful influence poisoned the lands of the unbelievers any who survived pledged fealty to the high King for the first time our world was unified the toxic God soon left us but the king determined to find it founded an order of knights for centuries these Valiant Souls searched tirelessly but to no avail the toxic God had long since departed from our world the next chapter of the quest would be written in the stars apparently twice with the use of powerful relics it was the order that built our Empire's first orbital station a mighty keep it would become the springboard from which they plunged ever deeper in to the cosmos so we instantly have the situation quest for the toxic God this is reducing our Alloys and our energy quite severely every month we can make that worse to increase the speed of the quest or we can dial it back at the cost of influence as well but for now we'll just leave it as it stands to form and we're going to massively focus on the economy for a very long time we are not really going to go into anything except for just really really immediately focusing on any resource we can get our hands on so research is going to struggle for a while we're also going to make our lovely Corvette it's a little bit more Scrappy there we go nice chunk of alloys did we not just get Alloys to that have they finally changed that so you don't get resources back from scrapping stuff like that if so I'm glad I know now oh dear well weakened ourselves for absolutely no reason because apparently I want it to be a challenge foreign extra research I was hoping for some of the more economy-based ones but that's fine so we'll get started now and I'll be right back once something happens it's gonna be a while before we start getting these events I think but then there's going to be loads of them so expect a lot of reading throughout this playthrough well we have at least one of my favorites of the precursors my second favorite in fact this is the psychic one which you have all of the different ruins for as you find new world that is glorious because it guarantees that you get the psychic Tech the psionic theory which means we can go down the psychic route for our ascensions which I think is very very fitting for this Empire so taking a look see at our Fortress station here we have the Lord Commander which is producing is it producing any navy capacity yeah plus six Navy capacity and plus five amenities and also a nice chunk of unity we then have our Knights producing Unity as well along with some research and once again Navy capacity then we have the squires which produce a tiny little bit of amenities and also increase the output above the Lord commander and the Knights themselves I don't know how to get more Knights I don't know if it can get more Lord Commanders I don't think we can but maybe if we build more habitats we can because the amount of nights is improving how fast we upgrade this so I'm hoping I can somehow get more nights they are very powerful jobs and I would like more of them we also have the nightly duties policies the questing knights increases survey speed and anomaly Discovery chance which I kind of really want right now it also apparently benefits the quest which is something I really want to do we have the Knight commanders which improve our fire rate by 10 and home territory fire out by 20 which is just such a nice passive there and then we can also have more diplomacy but that's probably never going to be chosen by this particular less friendly type of Empire although we're probably not going to be hyper aggressive for a while situation as so right now we're getting plus 14 from incubators that does go up to plus 30 so it's only about half the bonus we're meant to be getting so I guess I should probably increase the max housing here don't want to add more industrial districts not just yet okay so let's go with housing let's see if that improves so yeah 14 right now let's see what happens when we get more housing found oh okay so I was a little bit off here then so right now over here we have plus 30 on our Fortress station and only plus 13 has gone down even further on the home world so it isn't so much the crowding it is just how many population are actually there okay that's gonna be really awful then on really big worlds because it's going to reach a percentage really quickly and then loads more are needed to fully populate it and that's going to be a negative yeah the system really good though when you're getting new worlds so on colonies you're going to get the full plus 30 then for a while okay maybe I should have made them adaptive and I am going to grab consecrated worlds I think it makes sense for the Empire honestly I find it more fun than just one vision as we get more worlds we can turn them into our holy worlds because of course the toxic God loves worlds so we should love worlds as well or maybe we should get both one vision and consecrated worlds you know what that's what I'm doing we start with one vision and then it consequence of Worlds lighter once we have some more uninhabitable worlds we can deem as holy and eventually to be plagued risking it quite early and I've changed our quest for toxic God to generous funding to increase the speed of the increase it is going to be so long before we get these events and I really really want to find the toxic God in time to benefit from whatever we actually get from that I can only assume it's good foreign also we need more consumer goods the reason for that is I'm just now realizing how good the monuments now are they've been changed so they now produce culture workers like they used to and these are really powerful though not only do they give you a lot of unity as you'd expect where are you there we are they also increased your Navy capacity which is really nice and reduce the amenity usage on the planet that is such a good combo of things so I kind of want this on every single world and of course the monument also increases Unity output from all jobs as well so I've also put one on our Fortress station because the knights produce Unity as does the Lord Commander okay so we can terraform toxic worlds later on awesome the detox the detox Ascension perk obviously we're going to get that we're also definitely going to get the Colossus so that we may get our lovely diseased glossus as well our industrial Colossus okay we have an event this is like attempt 10 I cannot read this type of text very easily okay night elimony thy Reckless Behavior almost brought death upon five of your fellow Knights Thou Art of pure heart and thy goals aren't Noble but transgressions against the order cannot be overlooked the night Commander was Stern and severe talking in a way that dyslexics would find very difficult around him all the knights were present either in the flesh or via Hollow comes they stood silently as the commander spoke by my Powers I strip thee of Knighthood and banished thee from the order my fate have mercy upon thee elimani bowed deposited the Insignia of the order on the Hanger's floor then turned without a word and climbed aboard a small ship lighter Chronicles would report that the banished Knight knew the sentence to be fair but it did little to ease their grief when one's whole life has been in service of the order to be cut out of it is like losing a limb as I had done so many times before they flew out of the keeps Hangar and into the great beyond this time there would be no return good luck out there it's a very depressing start there construction complete but of course more instantly that was way faster than I expected in banishment elimani was left adrift stories tell of an aimless errands across the Stars until at last a message came from their Squire master I hope fight treats Thee Well I have sorted through data from thy Last Quest as thou commandeth thou shall find coordinates attached to this message I know not if thou shall find this useful now please be careful thou were a most righteous master and I hope to see thee again moved by these words elimani was spurred into action if they could return to the order with something of value their honor might yet be restored the coordinates LED them deep into a nebula nestled in the ambient Mists was a lone station a fortified structure that seemed pulled out of a dream elimani stepped into a derelict interior haunted by the bones of long dead life forms and protected by a Phalanx of Sentry droids hut-headed and impatient they rushed to meet the metal Guardians three times they charged and three times they were driven back the droids motion sensors proved an airing but strength is not the only weapon of the night and that and though elimani often overlooked cunning impatience this time a plan began to form in their minds any guesses how many times that took for me to read alone in a long abandoned station beset by Sentry droids ellamani devised the plan knowing if they could somehow avoid the detection of the droid's motion sensors eventually they would need to recharge the machines were formidable but not cunning patience nut strength would be the way to Victory this day slowly with long stops and fitful starts elimani progressed through the station at last they reached the charging stations with careful deliberation al-amani severed the power cables in the same moment they became aware of a towering Droid in the entryway detection would mean that the rest of the filings would join the fight and in such a confined space death was certain elimani stood by the door motionless as the machine placed itself in a charging station the red eye of a detector's glowing menacingly it would eventually run out of power but that would take time one by one the other droids returned to their stations the Chronicles tell that the Knight Elemento stood immobile for 7 days and seven nights until the last Droid deactivated with the station's Droid reduced into lifeless statues elimani was free to pursue the object of their quest for location of an ancient ship that once crossed the path of the toxic God only two attempts that time and the funny thing is this is actually different to the first attempt I had of this playthrough when I just did a 20 or 30 minute test I did have this first event that was the only event I managed to see and that's not what happened it was something else so I love that the fact that apparently there's more than just one set of things happening potentially is really cool more replayability always very very welcome well this one I did see so maybe I'm just going mad or maybe there's a mixture of events that can happen towards the end the information led elimani to an asteroid field anchored to one of the largest rocks was the damsel an ancient Corvette next to it another of the order ships betrayed the presence of a knight worryingly its distressed Beacon was active elementi entered cautiously stepping into the theater of a brutal fight weapon impacts both ancient and recent littered the walls and fragments of robots were strewn around a little further in at the lifeless remains of a knight of the order and a trial of a wounded playing guard beckoned elimane deep within the banish Knight found a body and stasis their Squire's body monitors show that the young I'm not even a try with that was wounded but stable however when alemani approached the ship's security systems word online a chilling voice echoed step back Marauder Thou Art not welcome aboard for I and they Blobby Blobby robot night sayeth thou were thou related if so except my condolences and another apology I thought the Intruder to be a Marauder when I asked that they leave the ship they became highly aggressive several of my maintenance droids were destroyed trying to stop them and my squire like Squire made me realize the mistake I'd made they had been wounded in the fight and lost Consciousness soon after I placed them in a medical stasis field so that they may heal ever since my crew was abducted by Marauders I have been very lonely here I think at this point I have to say I'm gonna have to start summarizing some of these rather than reading them in their entirety otherwise this video is going to be many many hours long rather than just a couple there is a lot this is the first event of many so although I will be reading some of them in in their entirety I will also be summarizing some as well for instance this poor fellow was hacked he calls it a hex and then by the time he came to all of his people were gone and it seems like his memories are still locked away we are looking for the toxic God they have multiple records of this encounter and they wish to join us you know what they wish to atone for their sins just like the Knight who found them they are bringing them back I'm assuming to The Fortress although cinople the ai's memory is still mostly blocked it does know at some point it might contact with an entity very similar to the toxic God and as a reward for bringing sonople back and risking their lives of course elimane is once again a knight so now banish no more rise a night this increases the unity our Lord commander and Knight to produce or we can make some more Tech from them I'm going to go with unity for now it I feel like we're rushing Unity quite heavily in this Empire and I'm gonna stick with that theme for a while so banish no more rise a night so our Knights are now more powerful yeah that's a good chunk of unity it's 10.8 Unity each and of course we are also traditional so that's increasing the unity further and we even have the monument there so lots of unity very very welcome foreign we can continue trying to get a precursor it looks like we're going to be just fine with the regime next to us they are very similar to us except for they are authoritarian where we are spiritualist but other than that we're very very similar cultures so we'll continue on another one of the random Quest rewards just popped and this time it gave us a plus two the situation so just sped up our Quest a little bit situation very welcome now let's test my luck I've just finished off expansion and we now have consecrated worlds we have three worlds we can use this with so oh that is beautiful okay that is the best one you can get and the least likely that is the worst one you can get outside of a tomb world and okay so too bad one perfect let's try that again it just got 500 to remove it then 500 to do it again I can do it one more time and apparently all of our luck was used up on the first one still even with two bad and only one good we still get there we are plus 16 monthly unity plus eight percent amenities on all of our worlds and extra spiritualist ethics attraction I'll try and re-roll them later when we have more Unity to play with that is kind of annoying but at least we've got one of the really good ones there's also venerated which is the one between the two and then there's the Unholy World which I can't remember exactly what they call it I don't think they call it Unholy world but it's not good but because none of these are tomb worlds we wouldn't be getting that anyway more industrial worlds must be produced glory to the pollutant God uh well this was by accident but I actually think it fits the Empire I just had the old gods event where you need to find all the little relics of an old God and I clicked the wrong button which made me fanatic spiritualist so that's what we are now we're no longer fanatic military automatic spiritualist if anything I actually think this makes complete sense so far the law of the Empire so accidentally I agree with what I've done because we've set out we've instantly found these Ron which are the psychic old spiritualist paprika sorry then found another God elsewhere we are very spiritualist at this point and of course we are after a toxic God so sure we are now fnatic spiritualist our military might has been somewhat diminished but our Unity is even stronger and honestly I need to start selecting some of these edicts because we're gonna have just a lot of discounts yeah minus 20 which is really nice so for now I also have veneration of saints I don't have too many of them but that's fine later on I'll probably pick something else it's all well and good I might go Harmony next getting stability in our worlds would be really nice though Discovery would be good as well Supremacy to make up for the weakness we just had I was actually planning on ambushing our allies because we are just doing very well economy wise the minerals are struggling a little bit right now but not for long our Alloys are going through the roof we have the ability to make a military very easily I think we need to go Supremacy no longer can we allow their heresy to exist or something like that has been found you know good guy reasonings have holy worlds always looked like this surely not all of icons created worlds are currently glowing have they always done that I legit have never noticed that holy will radiant is that new please tell me that's new and I'm not going mad that's a good chance of getting mad also this rural world is really being a rural world it's gonna have one of each at the moment probably not the best uh we don't have that many worlds I've been quite unlucky with habitable worlds actually only getting the three another reason why I'll probably have to go to war at some point foreign remember as well when I say we're doing well for Alloys that's taking into account I'm losing 15 of them every month to this I can always reduce that before we go to war build the bath Fleet power the tale of knights Raza and Hannah Kona departure worry not for I shall soon return and if fight five is me I shall bear with me fresh news of the deity the night Raza left us many years ago and is now long overdue her return thought that perhaps maybe she is alive after finding a crumpled parchment with the milvanius cluster circled the Knight Commander approved request to pursue her and see exactly what has happened what is her fight foreign ER to locate the milvanus cluster certainly it was not on any map known to the Theocratic dictatorship the Chronicles tell of how they traveled far and wide until at last they came across a people who recognized the name they gave directions and let them know that there has been no traveler there in living memory the cluster is Barren and bereft of life if thou scoest there then good fortune be upon thee if we do not know what you shall find and so hanakona set off post haste I'm probably pronouncing every name here horribly wrong but you know what I'm trying and that's the important thing when they arrived at the cluster they found it was indeed empty and for the first time they felt despair this had been a most promising lead but now it seemed as if all had been for naught then as if emerging from a dream census revealed the planet shrouded in darkness its orbit entwined in the space betwixt the Stars bestowing upon the name shadowed princess so so far I've had a princess and a damsel an anomaly has been found and a robot named after a color I believe similar to our Homeworld the shadowed princess did in fact have clear evidence of the toxic God's presence however it was sadly even further back in time than our own Homeworld by centuries that the Old Guard had arrived here and further we found the corpse of the night rasa so a pretty sorrowful ending to all of this but at least we got some more samples of the deities toxins and so we get a new bonus either we can continue with more Unity continue with some more research or we can use this to improve our Weaponry adding pools most venomous to the Cradle of puterfection which is our Homeworld giving us extra research from all jobs and a Empire modifier of plus 10 ship weapon damage that's to everything considering I'm probably going to be warring soon that is really tempting but I like the idea of buffing the knights over and over again so at the cost of not becoming stronger I am going to once again go with unity the knights unify our Empire once and forever one interesting new portrait hello there Union seems like everyone around this is actually incredibly pleasant we are about to be boxed in though so war will begin soon I've also sent a spy over to the regime and we've just finished off Supremacy as well so now we can do our war doctrines I think yep just rapid deployment is probably what we're going to stick with I do need some more upgrades on our Fleet so I probably should start moving to Tech which thankfully this is going to help with we found a relic world that's pretty useful as the incubator bonus is now decreasing I finally put down the mutagenics bar and that's giving us a plus 26 population growth speed bonus at the cost of minor six percent habitability which thankfully not really doing anything on their home world and almost minus 20 happiness that is a really severe reduction which is really severely affecting our stability so not too sure what I'm gonna do there I don't know if the mutual X bar really is worth it maybe it is in small amounts and a couple of Worlds just focused on getting more pops into the Empire but that's a really brutal negative I think I could tone down the happiness modifier there it's fairly extra dream well unfortunately for our neighbor they're currently at War about looks of things losing us being the toxic chaps we are going to take full advantage of this our Corvettes are on the move our ground forces are being created and are being mobilized I recently conquered a world and liberated its people over here which is going to become our food world and perhaps mineral world as well because I'm now realizing we're using up a lot of minerals to to maintain our consumer goods and alloys and we're about to grab their capital because how close is this is our goal foreign okay hopefully then oh wait yeah wait a little bit longer and then I might climb there as well we'll grab this entire section what type of world is that anyway please don't be tropical or something Arctic perfect a cold world so we have a cold population we can start grabbing some of these worlds I definitely have yet I have Alpine and Tundra down there this is everything we need wonderful also on another note our archaeologist is doing really well not only are they the archaeologist but they were also psychic so they have a plus one to their archaeological skill they are very rapidly getting these done also it's a holy world didn't realize it was the holy world which had been chosen for this but all is well mind over matter has been picked hence the psychics this is probably going to be a very one-sided War oh they are fighting these guys back but as long as um as long as they're fighting on both sides they're really not gonna have a chance here the system has been surveyed which scientists to start please don't be the one who is nope lovely as long as he's the one who's currently doing all the archeology stuff I don't really mind so something else happened I've finished off the precursor this should have made a new system and it didn't I've checked for the name it gave and I've checked my situation log it just didn't finish the precursor which is actually really bad because that means I'm never going to get the Relic along with the rest of the resource and the zero well found a bit of a bug unless it's spawned somewhere where I couldn't see it but it never does that it's meant to spawning your territory or near your territory odd on the upside we have just won that war of course because well we're kind of being very mean with that and because of that we can now start to inhabit some of these other worlds which originally we didn't have a chance to because they were too cold for us did I not send a colony ship to you oh I thought it had whoopsies I'll explain that oh yeah I thought that Colony ship was going over there whoops but you don't like us very much right now only suspicious surprisingly I thought you'd be a little bit more upset than that and now to fix your worlds we're probably gonna need a lot more industrial districts and such it'll be fine hey there future laughworks here just to say that past lathrix was not quite correct of everything you just said it was not a bug it was definitely not bugged out it was simply unfortunate the system was spawned into enemy territory next to a nebula so I couldn't see it I couldn't search the name and I had no ships nearby during the war and there was no indication that this little system here is in fact Saran it's on my search for it it simply didn't appear now I should have noticed that this hyper line was created but I simply didn't Serana beard and was ignored and the neighbors took it and once they took it and they took it incredibly quickly I simply didn't check any enemy territory for this system I eventually know this almost 50 or 60 years into the game later we found our neighbors and what a beautiful species they are up until we can no longer expand or someone actually gets in the way of one of our things either our precursor or our Quest we're not really going to be hostile we are chivalrous nights after all we're here to defend the weak and plague the strong or plague the weekend protect the strong not too sure just John our Creed but either way we're not gonna fight them wait I want all my resources elsewhere I want to be able to keep up the generous funding right now so I don't want to have a massive military presence the quest comes before all else and right now there's no real benefit of fighting these guys would you like a favor five is now worth a lot more in trade so I'll give you one maybe that'll stop you from ever going against us which would be great okay so there's our next Colony I'm hoping I'll find some more worlds because that's the only place those colonies can form the Shroud can reveal many secrets to thee if Thou Art willing to pay the price in the year 2241 so the chronicle State a holy visitor came to the shelter I figure shrouded the mystery of a species hitherto unknown to us he called himself simply hod and offered us a bargain in return for a price yet to be named he would send the Knight into the Shroud from an entity within the night would at last glean the knowledge we sought I don't trust this but at the same time I guess I am currently hiring these people so maybe I do trust them I don't know I don't really know research complete oh this is okay for a second there I thought somehow I just pierced the Shroud like the unity ambition no this is something else okay and by ambition of course I meant to say Ascension book we're actually very close now to getting that as well glory to our psychics so susuration apparently it's Whispering or rustling so this would be the Whisperer of Secrets or the cause of Whispers of Secrets it's a whispery person the visitor whispered this being took A4 mikovar could only later describe as Beauty Beyond Compare give us the scent of the first day of summer the satisfaction of a challenge overcome and the warmth they love has embrace it spoke then shall I reveal to thee what thou wish okay I know exactly what it's saying there it's gonna take that from us so it's gonna make us depressed um I can't remember what sci-fi has done this before but this has given me nostalgic Vibes I can't remember where from but yeah so if we agree to this I I would bet a potato it's going to make our people less happy but of course I do want the information anything for the toxic God the price of memory I was right on the money so now we know the exact moment of when the toxic God Unleashed its gift upon the Cradle of putrefaction it's just a matter of the cost is basically apathy we are now all horribly apathetic it's difficult to get motivation for even the simplest tasks everything is dulled so minus 10 happiness 10 pop reduction and minus 10 from all jobs okay that is worse than I expected on the upside we get a new night or we can have extra Unity from jobs on our Homeworld and plus Vibes and happiness to all of our people okay I mean the obvious choice is this one really but I want to go through the situation as fast as possible so I'm going to add a new Knight okay there we go so now yep so now there's five nights which is a lot of unity being produced on the downside once the month takes over nothing updates we're going to see all of our resources plummet oh that was worse than I thought it was going to be look at my consumer goods that's not great uh let's just do this thankfully again I focused completely on economy this time our Tech is pretty pitiful but our economy is strong and I'm really glad I did that I really am because otherwise this whole thing would have been an absolute mess two of this Empire subjects wish to be released it has three of them amazingly I wonder if that's it's not because the origin I haven't got the origin to have that leader right and it could be so this Empire would fight me this Empire is going to join my side in the fight then who is the third one the associated worlds that's not them okay so it's these fellas oh this tiny little blob here well still got all this corporation on that side and we are stronger than they are though we are behind in Tech and everything else we focus completely on our industry so our military is decent so I'm gonna move athletes over and hopefully we can take over some subjects we've grabbed Transcendence so now our people are true psychics and soon we can breach the shroud what type of strips are those those lithoids no there arthrop boy do I think or mollusks one of the two oh is one set of ships faster than the others yes it is ah well it's fine where are my allies uh they're still trying to catch up apparently we're a bit too fast oh well as long as they're here it's gonna help now back over here of course we do have the problem of Valium might attack us from this direction so I am building up Cruisers now wow our Tech is truly bizarrely bad isn't it I hate not being a tech Empire my favorite builds are always Tech rushes it's just so much more enjoyable type of Empires when harness any more minerals but there's no black uh for now just give me Unity wish we had the scavenger try already but oh well can I climb their homework oh research complete we'll take your people we'll take your world will take your future one day a stranger arrived at the keep as a tournament of Squires was being held and most of the order's Knights were present clad in neutronium armor The Stranger strode into combat grounds the joyful chatter of the crowd died down as the newcomer drew his weapons the challenge was clear and with the blessing of the Lord Commander hag multiple nights answered the call actually a single night I just can't pronounce the Commander's name within moments the fight was over and lift him lie bested on the ground Knight katrilla met a similar fight as did their sibling Knight Carver with three nights down the Lord Commander summoned the orders Champion Knight lathira the Chronicles are full of Mighty Warriors Peerless Knights who have never known defeat and lithira was well on their way to join the ranks of these Legends the champion entered the arena weapons at the ready and saluted their opponent they fought for hours and yet could not make an advance Thou Art of passing skill tarnished the stranger's voice echoed in the arena I see thy reputation is no boast he laid down his weapons I yield to the champion would us thou allow me to return from whence I came the order's code was strict and due to this they allowed the stranger to leave and express Leaf abide anyone from following them into the unstable Wormhole from whencester came not long after the champion was confronted at their post by the Fallen Knights they asked to be let through so they could face the Sable Knight again they wish to regain their honor I'm not gonna let them pass the knight's orders are the knight's orders the Lord Commander's orders are clear Thou shalt not pass there was a long pause before the reply game we're going through and thou shalt not deny us prepare to be boarded spurred by anger and blinded by Honor the knights set upon their fellow three against one they pressed from all sides and with such Reckless abandon that they were progressively backed into the corner of their ship the fight was unfair volathira was careful not to harm the others but in the end with their life on the line the orders Champion had no choice but to fight back with all their might the day ended in anguish and grief for catrilla had been slain in the battle their sibling was wounded and overcome with sorrow and lothiera was Victorious and had carried out their orders but they had killed a fellow Knight in the process it's only one of them apparently walked away without unscathed along with the theater Knights now produce three stability unlocks The Herald lights option in the nightly duties policy I wonder what the other one would have gave me so the build is good but it's only going to work on the station well I guess they are producing a lot of resource so that's still pretty nice yep now maxed out in terms of stability that's lovely need some more housing so what's the new policy then Herald Knights throughout our domain the knights are sent to Proclaim our edicts and Inspire our people edit cost reduced edict upkeep reduces all that's pretty because that's going to stack with our spirituality I found what it is there we go Crystal problem sorted I think there we go yep that was it I completely forgot also grab the world his name is bad luck that's good yeah okay so you need more stuff then at this point I'll build a cycle in a while until then I need more Tech our next war will be with the Union they are equal to us in every single way they do have a minion in the form of the regime the small Empire over here though that's not really a threat to us they have pretty much been broken down a few times now but I would like some of their space with some more glorious worlds I have no idea why but apparently their fleets are down there which is interesting oh let's make sure you're all together right that would be nice uh well two of you are to 14K so it should be a win depends if they've got a lot of um they'll have Point defense because we are focusing as usual quite a lot on strikecraft because I like strikecraft toxic versus toxic here that's all we're seeing I am nuggles chosen not you see now it's without the other Fleet even getting to us yeah I wonder why they're down there for that's an L gate I'm very glad they were split into two because that's pretty bad looking at that our forces are made Planet fall so it's gonna take out that 5K then we're pretty safe I imagine honestly how's over here looking uh they've got some small forces now I can see which are a real threat turning these into that got a couple of Cruisers just to defend the stations I think we'll be okay yeah I think this is a pretty clear Victor hopefully yeah once once this fleet's gone the victory's obviously ours construction completed okay let's take out these fleets here oh that is an interesting looking robot I might take out this uh station here as well that's a fully upgraded one don't particularly want to do that though on the upside looks like the enemies don't have enough fleets over here to really fight back against my station so I might as well move both of these over as reinforcements now back to this after a long and difficult Journey janara arrived at the system cinople had spoken of as if Whiting at the exit of the pipeline to welcome them was a strange automaton definitely strange brandishing its weapon systems menacingly it proclaimed thou who wish to enter the system must answer me this question why asked which this system ath no Ood why don't you have food you okay I'm gonna go for this one I feel like this is a trick nay alas this was not the correct answer the automaton made a tutting noise and jinara was vaporized by an unknown weapon in this moment of Despair the knight's faithful squire timathona showed their worth for they resolved to complete their Master's Quest oh fearful machine they cry thou Hast slain the good night janara but now Thou shalt not best me the correct answer is you ate it all because it's a bloody joke yes ah Thou Art wise for that is the answer contained in my databanks thou mayest pass if that doth please a Thee the automaton disappears in a cloud of smoke onwards then I'm also now moving in my science vessels to grab all this scrap I've just noticed as well it's changed to scavenge and re and research projects and system rather than just research projects because of course we are now scavengers the fact they're not inferior still to us is mildly worrying yeah these fleets need to move over there I'm fairly certain they're not going to get through here this ambulance doesn't seem to have anything of Worth to attack us with but just in case gonna further reinforce these two and keep making more Cruisers because Cruisers honestly just make me happy and so the Squire entered the system There They Came Upon a planet recently visited by the toxic God perhaps even as little as a century ago judging by the telltale signs Left Behind as they entered orbit a signal was picked up from the surface greetings I am ghouls a sub-sentient Ai and servant of the noble cinople whomsday believe thou knowest as my designated liege AI bid me I have surveyed the planet and discovered much about the mighty swarms with which the toxic entity beset of the planet this information I shall now transmit to the a data transfer followed and then under the transmission my purpose is now complete I bid thee farewell and energy pulse was detected on the planet's surface as the Drone self-detonated as The Squire returned home triumphant they were deemed worthy of Knighthood and elevated into the order furthermore the order's Research Unit raised an enticing proposition with just a few more data points and assuming regular movement on the toxic God's behalf they might be able to triangulate which region of Subspace to search for its current location or its normal space if I read that correctly so we can use these swarms as a weapon more food from our Homeworld which is useless to us but then extra strikecraft attack speed the equivalent of two repeatables more for our nights to study plus to research from all of our nights or the knights will remember the ghouls the robot Knights will now produce plus three additional Unity it's a jewels ghouls Jewels Bob uh I mean I have been pushing Unity with the knights and it has been really fun some research would be nice but at this point I feel like I do have proper Tech worlds you know what I'm going to continue with what I've already been doing the knights are now producing over 40 Unity each okay how big is that okay that's absolutely fine so take out those two then finally take up this station then come back you start to move in I want to see how the Scrapper system really works there we are the very first bit of Salvage it's gave us all the usual stuff but then also 621 Alloys and a couple of ships or in this case a single ship a little Corvette that's a decent chunk of Alloys actually I'll keep the Cruisers being built for some time yet now I could make a client here and be pretty cheeky that's exactly what I'm gonna do grab that world as well since we got to fight over there anyway oh no my glorious leader has passed away please don't make the jellyfish Annex leader endless destruction endless Salvage honestly scavengers seems really good once it gets going my reinforcement's almost that good because they're slowly weathering me down it's actually incredibly annoying but as soon as we get status quo we win since we've already taken over the world so it's fine well that was an interesting one we just got uh gas and food from one of these oh you've got a little bit up by that fight but I think snakes quo is finally here oh okay need to make sure we definitely have that system then we can status quo and then all this little track will be ours a victory for the house of Decay some of the Union is now ours oh it's a science world as well beautiful welcome aboard gonna build a station here and there's gonna be a shipyard for the time being just so I can reinforce over here and not move all the way back a lot of my things currently need to be repaired or upgraded as well so let's go to the black hole and get upgraded now what I need to do is check out my minions again hello there minion what can you give to me is the question not to be paying you right yes okay so I mean I could just do that you're already unhappy with us honestly I don't really care if you're loyal or not you're too weak to really help out too much two Holdings will be good yeah just give me some of your resources that's fine oh that's really expensive and you want the weaker one you know what no let's not do that let's go to the stronger one and yeah it's already 30 isn't it so so much I can do right now you know what both just stay as you are I'm happy the 30 from you and I don't really care about the weaker one you can just stay there and hopefully get stronger for the future I'm benevolent that way now I did make a new station just in case we can make nights there and it does seem like that's not the case sadly more glorious industry research complete so I've got to be honest The Scrappers so far I actually think are really good I didn't think that the Scavengers Civic was gonna be that great but it really kept us going throughout that entire War allowed us to keep on making more ships and yeah the extra resource and the occasional random ship just to throw at the enemy is really nice I think it might be better in the early game honestly speaking of course you'll get less resources because it's based on the cost of the things you destroyed or got destroyed on your side but I still think you'd be better in the early game just getting that odd Corvette getting that little bit of resource it just means you can focus more on Warfare without worrying so much about your economy maybe but it's definitely something I need to test out I can't really say that with any real certainty researching debris will grant research and a portion of the resource casts of the destroyed Fleet I don't know if it know if it in Greece and just normal research but almost 500 for a chunk of debris seems pretty nice I've got all my science ships currently over here grabbing all these there's loads of bits of this week so I'm back and forth and back and forth for so long I mean that's just fantastic just here's a chunk of Alloys here's some research makes me very happy please this time give me something useful oh okay the Eater of Worlds no it's the opposite of what I want there that's not I don't devour and Destroy worlds I plague them and make them perfect that does not go with the theme if it went with the theme I would have gone with it even though I don't particularly find the YouTubers in particularly good Covenants damn I finally got government option wasn't what I wanted how close are we to the next thing decently close just two more and then the big end I am so looking forward to that the tale of Knight bemalona guidance of the Fey the order has a mission for the guide pemalona the Lord Commander's voice was imperious cenopol's last data bank has finally given up its secrets and we have retrieved enough data for a speculative model of the toxic Gods trajectory thy Mission shall have three parts first Thou Art to investigate these coordinates second Thou shalt thou test our prototype armor finally some time back one of thy fellow Knights disappeared at the very coordinates now provided by sonopul it is your task to discover what transpired there the order's prototype neutronium armor was magnificent a testament to the skill of its Artisans it was both sturdier and lighter than ever before its powerful Shield generator was adorned with beautiful Engravings but these were mere trivialities compared to the greatest feature the armor could now provide a direct connection to sunopal allowing the AI to provide guidance from anywhere in the Galaxy with this bellamon a keeper saying this name differently every time bemalona felt ready for anything the travel was uneventful but soon after landing on their target Planet they met a stranger cloaked in red and as we know red means dead also I can now build battleships I really need to do that soon look at that big belly it's got him how about the hanger version oh it's a creepy face love it a creepy face love it more have mercy my Lord I am not but a peaceful Pilgrim in need of Aid persecuted for my belief in the toxic God and empty Most Holy I find myself hunted by a Relentless foe I beg of thee protect me and allow me to continue my pilgrimage in peace and we can read its mind our psionic abilities allow us to sense the nefarious intentions of this individual is that so then Thou Art lesser fool than the other Knights I've known I've looked forward to watching thee fight each other but I suppose my prediction won't come to pass regardless it doesn't change of thou soon shall both be dead traitor on God fiend The Stranger removed their cloak and Drew a two curving Blades of arcing light a red glow flooded the field as blyde met blind but only after a brief Skirmish The Stranger superiority became evident they were obviously toying with the Knight pathetic fool did US thou really think thou had a chance I can read thine attacks in my mind before thy body has a chance to move a series of brutal attacks followed leaving the knight's shield generator depleted in a gloating tone the trickster continued the Shroud is a pathway to many abilities something that the decrepit shroud Walkers who train me never understood oh that explains their portrait then since that's the Shroud Walker portrait in the first place they barely scrape the surface too afraid to dive deep into their rightful Powers the night lunged forwards but the stranger battered it away with disdainful ease to think they would banish me me at that moment San opel's voice echoed in the night's armor brave knight thine opponent might be able to read thy mind but not my circuits surrender thine armor to me let me fight for thee bemalona relaxed as cinople took over the fight was over in moments and opal struck a low merciless blow under the strangest Parry gasping in Surprise The Stranger fell to the ground triumphantly the Knight picked up their foes luminous blinds as they did so the body of the trickster abruptly dispersed in a plume of vivid mist we shall meeteth again no doubt these laser weapons could make handy tools too Knights will now increase the production of Alloys across our Empire well I'm very glad I'm a psychic I wonder how that goes if you're not a psychic then monthly allies plus nine percent so each night's producing wow so each night is giving plus 1.5 Alloys that is a fantastic buff to our Empire currently we're using a couple of our Alloys in the quest and of course the fact that fleet's a little bit too big for our knife capacity right now someone else is trying to attract your attention foreign the first very minor battle via battleships yeah I think this is my new favorite ship set but of course it is also the new ones of course for a while I'm gonna really just like it for the sake of liking it anything new is it is immediately shinier and apparently I didn't need you there which is a shame well I do need to start collecting all this tried value I'm not collecting at the moment this isn't a very heavy trade value Empire but I'm just letting it kind of go to Weiss at the moment which is definitely a mistake it doesn't quite go with the theme of this Empire the whole detox thing but I like the idea of living on a toxic world so although I am turning them into Worlds which we can use I'm going to assume we're still letting them be planky and disgusting we're just changing them in such a way that now we can live on them rather than it utterly destroy us kind of jumping the lore of white size there a little bit just to fit the thing but I really wanted to test out this and honestly it's nice to see so many worlds we can use it's a lot of energy per time though back at War once again with the Union I'm going to just keep this choke point with my star base and all my fleets here and use a smaller flute just to destroy all of these systems and take their worlds okay I might need to send a couple more with them but still get the idea it should be a lot easier than last time fighting for this territory because we have the choke point now anything else we want this behind it over here I'm still not nervous all about this Empire attacking this area so I am pretty good to go more places for the house of decay okay a second attempt here at communicating with a presence and it failed I was so hopeful then our world has truly been made beautiful look at its healthy Green Glow oh here's a question are these still getting bonuses from the factory and Foundry archaeologists yeah they must be because that's definitely above what they begin with okay habits ability is not an issue anymore I mean it isn't really in why it's the home world but even more so now I would like more Founders also I need to turn some of our worlds into just alloy worlds because we are making way too many consumer goods right now they're not heading for me so instead I'm heading for them I have my climbs all the way to the Capitol which is very inefficient because we are in an offensive War which means I have to pay extra can you follow on the slow ones thank you but I wasn't sitting there doing absolutely nothing so we're going to have one glorious fight in their home territory with all their fleets if they don't split up I actually don't no don't split up I want to see a glorious battle also can I get Titans yet please I have I think I have all the prerequisite texts I'm just missing it every time because once I get Titans I can unlock the Colossus and that's when the real fun begins the tile of night carb The Witch of the woods it came to pass that during the travels of night carb and otherwise obscure and disfavored Knight they happened upon a signal emanating from the debris field in the space between Stars they speedily line in a course to investigate closer as they neared The Source they heard a beautiful voice calling from across the ether oh brave knight I have waited for thee for Millennia hoping that thou wouldest come to my Celestial Forest now that thou art here I hope that thou Wilt spare me the time for a visit to my known humble abode I promise yond thou shall find of it worthwhile in the most beautiful voice I can think of a small station had appeared as if from nowhere oh God listening back to that I just recorded another take of that with a normal voice it's up to Future latherx to decide between the two Titian appeared as if from nowhere the years of fruitless searching having made them impatient for a stroke of Fortune carve move their craft to duck oh even by my standards hello you're one of our fellas as Night Guard boarded the station they were greeted by a feminine being of incredible beauty she looked like a playg garden yet there was no mistake that she was an entity far more advanced I'm sorry but look at the portrait oh yeah that is some feminine beauty right there she smiled and Cobb realized their concept of attractiveness had been limited even constrained until now they felt an uncontrollable lust to grow him within themselves of course of course God I've tried to read this like 20 times so I'm calling her simile because that's how I read it first time I am simile Spirit of waiters and vagabonds I has deemed the worthy she drawed she looked carb up and down I worthy forsooth worthy of what simile smiled again inviting Louis this time stepping closer to take car by the grappler I wisheth to partake in Amorous writes with these so that we can make as many fine offspring nay Thou shalt not tempt us and die faith who oh apparently carp has done well so that's good though I did just look a bit of a bit of a spoiler than I just saw a curse in just a moment for the glory of the House of Rock did two of their fleets just move out okay chance you want to give us a bonus to our strength uh ship speed be good nope starving I would have done some serious damage if they'd died yeesh even now a lot of damage is being done without strikecrafters bouncing around every full playthrough of mine I moan about strikecraft and yet I always use them because I absolutely adore them don't know where you're going honestly it's gonna go in a big circle like that uh where are our science vessels move there don't go all the way should probably be in danger glory to our house beautiful all that glorious crap after a very long time and me finally realizing I've missed some worlds down here we now have a complete victory over our enemies towards the right and well we definitely have some issues in fact have lots of issues mostly minerals are really really bad right now but our alloy production is through the roof so yay on one side and doing all the others so our new systems I need some of them to become mining worlds it just needs to happen we'll see what happens once the month rolls around okay this is with the update ah actually it's not too bad then that is with the update that's not too insanely bad I can prop those minerals up honestly with our income especially once I get all the tried value from over here I am now finally able to build a Gateway so I'm going to do is this over here is going to become a trade station I'll build a Gateway there then I can build gateways in my new territory because right now it's basically impossible to get all that tried value from such a distance I thought I could make gateways oh I had Gateway Travel well I'll have it very very soon anyway now I've got Gateway Travel I've clearly been ignoring it so we can grab all these systems because yeah that's gonna be a lot of trade value yep 300 from there we're simply not getting I couldn't really root it through at the moment it goes through my allies territory which will cause problems I have no way of protecting it it'll just be issues so at this point this enemy is pretty much nullified it has two three systems of planets that's nothing so all you need to turn against now is the sovereignty and the state the state is actually a vassal of the solventory I don't know how the Sovereign got so many by the way I'm gonna start moving my forces over to this system start reinforcing up there shroud's not being very nice how long has there been a face right here I think I found the toxic God it's my border Gore so here's the battle plan right now we are superior to everyone nearby though not overwhelming once we go to war with the sovereignty we pretty much go to war with the entire galaxy because my God I don't know how they've done it but they have just grabbed everyone now lots of these are fairly small uh we have the union over here as their defend as well as their defensive pact and as you can see we've just ruined them I'll just moved some fleets over just to make sure I can handle them during the war foreign we have the state which is the only one I'm massively concerned about we have the association who can't get to us very easily right now so again that's what I'm not too concerned about I'm building up a new flute over here that'll defend this section and then we have the regime who are who are you oh when did you grab these fellas oh so once again it's these guys again I have very little cons oh they've got bigger okay I am going to make sure my fleet's built up first they won't take too long for us to build up the fleas it's gonna take a while for them to get to us um yeah I might start fairly soon I want to essentially vassalize the sovereignty if I do that all of these other states become mine well that's timing the final event at least for our situation a legend has returned deceived and betrayed mikovar met their fight at the hands of a dark wizard engulfed in purple smoke they disappeared never to be seen again on yandere we lost the most gentle light one of the founders of the order here end of the history of night mikkabar centuries ago Chronicles wrote about the death of night mikovar who helped create the order and witnessed the toxic God's visit to our world today however an addendum to the Chronicles will have to be written for mikova has returned oh so they're really ancient then the original uh founding of the order of course when the toxic got arrived before we were in space well I can see why this is weird then the order investigated an energy Spike on cradle of put infection and met mikkabar freshly returned from interdimensional travel they were taken in discreetly by the order who will verify their identity and then be told exactly what has happened so he can do this we must tell everyone celebrate plus 20 happiness plus 20 monthly Unity we really don't need Unity at the moment we've actually finished all of our tradition trees we don't have the tech currently to do the Ambitions though I guess that would give us some story to say um everyone celebrate the next happiness I suppose will be a lot of extra stability meanwhile this is madness over on toxico one and that's going to become our gas World apparently okay where are the forces of our enemy I haven't seen them all I do have a spy as well so I should I guess I don't know that much let's run gather some info I would like to know where their forces are to be perfectly honest foreign because currently it's very weird enemy forces aren't redoing much I've had to fight off a couple of small fluids over here but nothing too major I just need to grab all these stations and keep them then they'll be fine over here is completely safe and I have dragged in one of my allies uh the corporation over here is fighting with us today because I changed the sorry I'm just very destructive by the fact that's called burritos anyway burritos sorry just the fact that's so close to being just actual burritos there just really distracted me so as I was saying I changed the agreements of our contract to the corporation they now will join us in any fight even if it's an offensive one greetings I am Squire sebakira Knight mikabar would like to meet with thee they stand ready to face our questions and tell us what hath happened anything to know beforehand they I saw you value then suddenly I have a sneezing film let's try it again they have been brought up to speed with our technological progress and seemeth to be acclimatizing well but their mindset is very different our core values are similar but they have Stout opinions about the way our society has devolved best avoid these topics for now finally at last you Dane to visit me so Thou Art what passes for a king these days I possess important knowledge about the toxic God meant strictly for the king I expect thou has many questions ask them how are you settling in so much hath changed and I thought I was returning home only to realize yondhom doesn't existeth anymore everyone I knew of is long dead and only the Chronicles can enlighten me as to what hath occurred I recognize not this world but at least the order is still there the quest goeth on and mine duty is clear out all these tales about the truthful the Chronicles aren't truthful there are minor variations but the most part of these gents only maketh our mission reports more readable I I diddest Slayer for 100 fiends and that braved many dangers for the heart of a maid nothing matters in the present day the lady is As Dead As the others what happened during thy exile I'm not sure why people told of me I had to travel to another dimension to me it was like a year's Long dream with no Awakening nothing made sense neither would I perceived nor my own feelings all that sought me through the ordeal were memories Recollections of people I had known those I loved those I did not the wizard who sent me there as well as my own wrath and most especially the one who holds the key to my heart it was a chaos but in the end I gleaned some precious Insight in the process too okay to have the toxic God stuff the images he saw were like looking for a Fractured Mirror and of all these images he did in fact see at the Mage who seems to be sealing something toxic using his ship and he seems to know where it is prepare the knights we leave at once the data point recovered with sonopus help has allowed us to chart a path followed by the toxic God and to pinpoint the system where it might have gone next however upon entering the space Knight mikabar reacted immediately he's here I can sense his presence we followed their directions to a forlorn Moon upon Landing our Knights were immediately confronted by none other than the trickster previously encountered by our Knights and mikkabar in the day of old days of old Thou Art persistent the trickster said but this is the end of thy quest mine own Master shall not tolerate thy foolish beliefs to fail the balance of the Shroud any more than they already has there is no toxic God and soon the toxic Knights will be no more as the trickster fell silent we registered multiple signatures entering the system have at the shroud entities the orders Fleet were beset by energy being summoned by the tricksters at the same time on the moon itself our Valiant Knight was set upon by a host of shroud beasts conjured by the Rogue shroud Walker our Knights were driven back until the Lord Commander rallied them for the order the shells echoing across the field of battle the knights reform ranks around the commander and Dove once more into the Fry at the heart of the Malay Knight mikkaba laughed reveling in the purity of combat at least one thing remained unchanged whilst they've been gone suddenly the knights broke through only the trickster stood before them the Rogue shroud Walker Unleashed a blast of psionic energy aimed at the Lord commander in the last moment mikabar Dove to intercept the attack Knight carb famous for their encounter with simile delivered the final blow to the trickster foul Knights may your people fail so full to Woe and all your knowledge be forgotten the trix's last word sizzled with malign energy on the ground mikabar was also about to expire Chronicles would later report their last words rather he slayeth me than my liege for my death shall not be great harm not half as much as his no and because of the trickster running for two years minus 30 happiness minus 20 research feed I wonder if that would have happened if I had kept it quiet so everyone didn't know that mikabar was back I am very very curious in the aftermath of battle the Night Search every inch of the moon at last deep within the southern reaches they discovered a bindful Contraption left by the trickster energy thrombed as cracks appeared in the machine with the death of its creator it was gradually unraveling streams of Sonic energy spilled forth within moments the machine was reduced to Cinder from orbit the ships reported a strange Subspace phenomenon at the edge of the system gravity itself had shifted to accommodate the restoration of a blocked hyperlane the resulting energies unleash a powerful EMP frying most system systems above the order ships to fully understand what transpired that day we have to dispatch a fleet of Our Own oh I wonder where that was was it here is that it nope where something happened hostiles have targeted our station the toxic God is hostile there he is there's our boy it's an angry jellyfish is it part mechanical yeah it is I wonder if that's the binding though from before actually God toxic God is his name which is interesting uh what happens if we just send a small you know what I'm just gonna send oh I can't see anyone in there uh actually I can I'll send a single transport vessel I just want to see if anything pops up when we enter the system obviously I'll I'll properly enter it later do I have to beat down the toxic God because that is very funny if so I was hoping I'd be able to communicate with it maybe or something the system is home to swirling corrosive Mists and within them lurks the toxic entity we've been searching for a metallic more a chitinous caraphase tentacles and gas sacks this space-faring Behemoth glows with a sickly green light we are not welcome those were eyes on the back of it that's horrifying if so the God is testing us summon the fleet we will after the war so hopefully we can get this war done nice and quickly just lost a large Fleet over here thankfully our allies are pretty much ready to help us that's why yeah that caught us off guard was attacking on the stations hopefully they're going to attack soon are they on the move well please do something soon you're meant to be her allies you're kind of sitting here the weird thing is though despite that they've just pledged a secret felty towards us so apparently they do like us over here has been an absolute bloodbath on both sides it turns out that the association did have a decent fighting force I have knocked them back a few times I've now put a larger force over here so we can start invading this territory they really like their bastions just absolutely everywhere but I do need some more points in this War I don't mind status growing because I really want to go after the toxic God as soon as possible but I do want something in return for this war now I have grabbed a lot of Worlds over here so if I were to status quo right now let's say if it was allowed I would make an Empire out of 28 of the systems here and that would be our new vassal obviously I want more than that so we're gonna keep on going mostly just focusing on taking as much of the sovereignty as possible anytime I see a good fight I'll try and go for it because again more war exhaustion on the enemy's part and less Fleet power is always good ah that was on like plus 15 a second ago but then I lost my flaton yeah foreign the instrument of desire for extra resources but it's becoming more and more or less likely I'm going to get any of those so I'll keep that for now still haven't found my precursor system I just really didn't puff up well I underestimated the association they have like 30 40K Fleet power over here now so that's definitely very very concerning here they've took back their station already over here we've pushed all the way in now they're pushing back I'm cleaning up this area over here very quickly so we don't have to watch our backs anymore what's it always there okay we're getting very close now to a status quo finally so updates really are just attacks have been happening over here finally my Ally rushed in and started destroying some of the smaller fleets of the enemy which is lovely over here I have reinforcements I've lost all these systems back to the enemy though I wasn't really trying to keep them all that much as long as my fleets and territory safe that's all that matters over here we're pushing these fellas back over and over again I've taken this back like three times Polaris will be ours and that's it really what I need to do is get our Ground Forces around and start taking some of the worlds because there's definitely lots of systems where I haven't grabbed the world but I've grabbed the star bases the more worlds we have the stronger and new vassal will be once we status quo plus 20 fire right from the shroud oh that is really good actually that's a good point I should really just buy these things and that should get us into a status quo territory so what weapons are using mostly ammunition sadly I'm not using a lot of cannons but that's the main thing I'm using I'm using a few lasers sure sure so hopefully once that month ends there we go perfect wait I should have checked did I lose anything with that I'm assuming not all fleets please move over here almost all fleets are now here most of them already repaired um oh I could wait until we get one of the excise weapons but I don't think I will we are so behind in Tech where we need to beat it to fight a times 25 end game crisis soon hopefully the Glorious God we've been worshiping this whole time like give us something that might be nice I think I wait until this Fleet gets here and repaired then we're gonna go actually a lot of them repaired anyway since I went back to the station a couple of fleets there we are building gateways but it does take a long time but once these are built it means we can get all the tried value from over here so that's going to be like hundreds upon hundreds more energy per month it also means getting between the sections in our Empire and our creepy face it's going to be a lot easier as well today we test ourselves against the toxic God may he find us worthy of his Blessing oh he's nowhere near as strong as I expected okay interesting so you have two options here the toxic God is defeated and lies at our Mercy analysis reveals that while the chemical composition of its secretions is close to what can be found in our Homeworld it is not exactly the same is this an offspring of the true God could there be others or was this merely a beast of the Void whatever the truth our scientists speculate it could be nursed back to health we could have this thing at our beck and call oh toxic God Smite our enemies or this is no God Slayer fit the trickster was right after all this is no guard the quest continues end the quest take control of the toxic God a Colossus that can toxify worlds oh I don't know I really don't know I want to do both here the toxic God seems to be a bit faster than a normal Colossus just slower than battleships good normal glasses are slow in that right construction completed only can jump as well fantastic Bad Luck Charlie is apparently the chosen one an interesting name for eye demigod uh where is bad luck Charlie there we are bad luck Charlie the mindful adaptable scientist I'm gonna replace ew unsurprisingly the system where the toxic God was having a nice little chill is in fact very very toxic which is worth a good and a bad thing Millennia of exposure to the toxic entity of caused alterations in the makeup of the star though once it was a fairly standard type G Star now it emits an eerie green Haze unlike anywhere else in the galaxy and lots of Worlds to terraform where are they like this one over here that one can be terraformed I believe this larger size 30. well obviously I'm going to do that where's tropical there we are actually turned all those into Continental which isn't what my main species likes because I'm a bit of a dum-dum like that all of these must be terraformed to honor the toxic God is there any two I thought it was three I could terraform am I going mad I thought that one was terraformable apparently not must be too far gone hypnotic I did end up losing quite a few nights by choosing that last event and taking the toxic God as our own so what we're going to do is make sure that we have the orders holding on every single world we possibly can wait wait how is your Capital only eight people can I build it here no it has to be the capital why is your Capital that tiny little system I took so many worlds to choose from and you made this your capital also I did take Polaris for ourselves I like taking home worlds it makes me feel good the toxic God has been found but with this discovery the order has lost its purpose minor quests and errands are not fit for Knights used to Valor and Glory listless and lost more and more nights have begun to leave the order today the Lord Commander gave all remaining Knights the choice to stay or leave with his Blessing many left in search of another life some have organized in small groups of errant Knights looking for new quests to pursue across the Galaxy the orders keep building will now support fewer night jobs and a little bit of unity has been gained help you now four that's a shame because they are producing so much extra Alloys in the Empire that is a real shame but we'll look back fondly upon this time now in four more years I can once again go to war with the various groups I was just a war with I'm going to be taking the union either as a vassal or just climbing all of its territory and after that I will be freeing the vassals from these fellas because the large State over here has pledged a secret allegiance to me so be easy enough just to crush them and force the state into our protection instead then after that I don't really know we'll then have the Colossus definitely at that point and of course we do have nergie who we're gonna see in action very soon then we can decide the Colossus is in the form of the toxic God I love that So currently our ability is shine Divine we can make people believe in our way of thinking of the toxic God I mean we have proved the toxic God exists after all it's not really a particularly powerful um Colossus but I thought it'd certainly fit the bill a lot more than the others I'll leave the rest of the fleets here for protection the gateways must be really close now it's being finished right yeah only a year left so they'll be ready before the war starts so I can jump around a little easier now to our borders everything should be all right that's a Gateway there you know allies territory did I end up building the Gateway over here no I didn't did I not have enough Alloys at the time maybe not but yeah we need gateways here and honestly one over at Polaris would be great as well then we'll build one down here eventually once we have taken all this Union or am I going to a union am I going to make this a vassal and I'm just going to take it to territory I'm not too sure Gateway is now ready and just in time so we definitely needed that energy foreign to our allies And So It Begins so a random side note I managed to miss the first pop-up since that was the second world I toxified the first pop-up read as follows as the awesome stream of venomous substances from the nerdy subsides feverish Flora is transformed from a vibrant ecosystem to a noxious World on which few forms of life can Thrive and yes the first world destroyed was already called feverish Flora maybe I should leave them with some worlds start holy you interrupted me it is nice that toxic God can actually defend himself whereas a normal classes of course has no weapons at all oh only a couple more worlds oh I wonder if I can actually toxify these since they're not technically in my territory no because of these silly system there then I'm guessing there's a uh very annoying climb put there well that's irritating but fine guess we should leave it with one world anyway you know who I should destroy these guys they've been annoying for the entire game okay toxic God get back to a Gateway and then you're going home and then to visit some old friends of mine oh it's complete so our Colossus targeting a station is pretty weird honestly bug-like it has been secure I love that now yeah it's a station that's kind of inside of it not the best to see this but still I mean you'd believe in this thing if it's just devoured your world to be fair I've enforced well done my God that is a decent Defense Force we only just about yeah we're only just about gonna beat that well to stay there so you're defending our border and that's fine I would like one small Fleet though to back off and start grabbing all of these so we have all of our targets territory that would be great engaging hostile I'm going to attack this Fleet and I'm going to make claims here and here this way if we status quo we are actually going to destroy that Empire they're the last two systems which have any of their worlds really hoping I'll win this if the strikecraft aren't completely dumb here we should be okay research complete I pulled up since I last saw them yep there's definitely more Fleet power there than I remember you know what I'm gonna quickly do should have done it before but I didn't think I'd need it okay since I want to keep on doing that you see okay a couple of their fleets just cracked this isn't that full force either I should have just brought everything here I've got a several hundredk Fleet power still near the home worlds wow what a close battle but yeah we are definitely winning now the rest are being destroyed thank you to our allies for joining us there and now we can status quo and because we've claimed this system which has one of their last worlds oh wow look at that ruined orbital ring that looks phenomenal love that and also climb this system which has the other worlds I think that's it I'm going to double check just to make sure there's no other cool there's no other worlds triple checked this should be the end of the empire yeah there we go end of the Union Galactic station is moved is now ours so we've also taken the galactic Market with us do you still want to join us you do that's actually a little bit surprising oh I can go straight to offer this that brings you on our side for the war okay it's such a small Empire over here I don't need mine too much yep let's just move on ah the Gateway here isn't quite yet done we'll be soon okay let's move on over I mean we've seen how powerful the Chim state is and they're about to join us they're actually on our side during this war and it looks like these are the only real Powers left within the sovereignty so yeah there shouldn't be too bad it's at this moment we are now doing repeatables finally a very very late honestly and we need to decide what exactly is going to be upgraded and I think I'm gonna have to hedge my bets and go with Kinetic weapons the reason is I don't have Cloud lightning so using energy means I'll be very specifically against the scourge using kinetic means I'm very good versus the unbidden and I'm decent against the contingency and honestly the contingency is the big threat here if the contingency spawn in I'm probably going to lose and kinetic is good against them because I have so many Shields Cloud lightning would also be good versus them because they are shield and armor heavy but I think it's mostly Shields if I can remember correctly so strikecraft and kinetic it also means I can focus on my shields uh I am using the psionic shields now they are incredibly powerful so giving them a bonus is really good Shields are crap that is the scourge but they're fantastic versus the unbidden and again I think they're very good versus the contingency who mostly use laser and energy weapons themselves so Shields and kinetic that's what I'm going to go with it enables me to use both of my tech types to upgrade our ships so lots of cannons I also think cannons look better with this kind of theme big dirty slugs going towards the enemy rather than Precision lasers yeah let's go with that so we should win this one pretty handling with the chip on our side here who are very powerful in the last battle Yeah in the last fight and with the enemies being honestly a lot weaker than the tune themselves and of course we're fighting we should be fine that is to say if I can balance my economy which apparently I can't despite the fact look at how much we've got stockpiled now we really need to start sorting out our worlds and everything if this was happening to your worlds wouldn't you just submit Service Company glorious glorious disease create Resort World that's not quite what has happened there but you know one more World toxified they basically have until they surrender to see how many of their worlds are going to be played so they really should give up now my allies are actually beating them at the moment I've not really set my fleets to do much nergie over here has been wandering around destroying worlds one how long how long it's jump cool damage so it's still the normal 200 okay we are victorious sadly not quite fast enough to save one more of their worlds which I can't even find where it is but there's a toxical there it is the green glowy one so they lost three worlds worth of population because they wouldn't give up fast enough we now have the gym under our control don't worry they're so upset about them they're the ones who wanted to join us and of course we're adding back the orders commandery the main reason for this is although the knights are no longer helping with the quest because the quest no longer is anything each of our Knights is increasing the Alloys we produce throughout our entire Empire by 1.5 percent doesn't sound like much but it certainly adds up and once we can negotiate the contract we are going to be trying to grab some of their materials as well just like all the others well except for you but you're just so tiny and not really worth it you're eye protectorate aren't you adorable I'm guessing you're that unloyal because you just don't like me is that the case because of the whole you know toxifying worlds thing it probably is though I do want the state to join me in offensive Wars and then we can go against things like the entity a bit easy how would they Superior to me that is impressive and terrifying now we do the Colossus so yeah what we're going to do next is go to war with the regime here and we're going to do the total war ability because we have the Colossus is the main reason why I wanted the Colossus outside the fact I like having a Colossus in addition to nergie and we're going to just grab everything so all of these systems all this world is going to be mine in a little while oh this will be the last set of fleets now with these type of armaments just loads and loads of strikecraft from here on out we're going to be using the Giga cannons and the kinetic artilleries with some strikecraft in the middle I'll probably have two versions of our ships this version of the version which just has pure artillery I don't know why I brought nergie here uh nugget go home and be projected thank you toxicgard finally we have Ascension Theory I mean I have so much music I'm basically activate all of this definitely not that definitely want that definitely want that definitely want that anything else I mean I guess I kind of want that that shouldn't be all of our Unity beautiful I've also went with defender of the Galaxy I was originally going to go with the option to build either more Mega structures or unlocking or Galactic wonders and the better megastructures but honestly it's just too light now we only have 22 years before the end game crisis can probably spawn in I think we just need the extra damage the boring option but I can't really see a better alternative here spoopy ghost sorry every time I see at border girl I absolutely love it just for reference about how much I actually own in the Galaxy it looks more like this once you change the union Style on the map so we're about to completely Devour the regime they have no hope we just defeated all of their fleets over here we're just taking these systems it's just a matter of getting my ground forces from one planet to the next all of our lovely clones once that's done we'll go after the association they are currently at War they're actually decently powerful but yeah they are currently oh they're part of a federation interesting send in Ivory Sam of the Spy I'd like to know who you're in a federation with who hopes that one of these two these two are the warrior ones well there we go that is one of the worry ones but less of a worry so actually I think we'll be fine the war is going fantastic but as you can see our economy is completely tanked and that's because I'm finally turning every single one of our species into psychics it's gonna hurt for a while but we've got enough backup it's not really gonna be a problem in every single month that gets less and less of a problem anyway so we're gonna be fine who was completely eradicated all of this enemy was only a couple more worlds left and then everything's ours in the meantime uh do I need to move you anywhere yes I do in the meantime when I can I am turning worlds straight away into pure perfection activating the arcology project but of course not at the moment without minerals looking as they are but we'll get loads of those and for everything else I'm putting down loads of strongholds to finally get our Navy capacity to a more respectable number because we can produce fleets very very quickly we're even building ourselves the mega Shipyard to make them even faster their ships are a lot stronger than they used to be already even if it got too many repeatables they're beating up one of the precursors well that's a problem we probably should do that ourselves now I think about it why am I not doing that exactly why am I going after the okay so obviously this Empire is a worry because they're currently equivalent to us and they don't like us but really getting more Worlds at this point isn't going to help out all that much considering we need to do so much work with them taking out one of these home worlds would be fantastic if we can get the core and Boundary that's a lot of unique buildings a lot of population and the tech for better reactors which means more of our epic Shields probably would be best to do that okay I think I'm gonna have five more years of just prep so I can just Breeze through them then I'm going to rush on over and attack them themselves wish our allies made a Gateway nearby that'd be great but alas sadly not suppose that's cheap no I'm sure climb oh I'm talking about either I have a Colossus I don't need to do claims I had like three separate species to uplift so I got loads of influence and I've just made the climb because I realized the problem of going to Total War here is the borders are next to my Ally who'll be joining me in the fight the systems weren't going to them which is a big issue because I want them so instead I've just made a client on their home world because that's all they really care about I just want these two we'll be going to war fairly soon foreign s so much kinetic damage I don't know where their fleets are which is kind of worrying but at least we go straight for their capital also bringing over my normal Colossus just because I can convert their people into our way of thinking before we conquer them which means well they'll be a little bit a little bit happier they understand the beauty of the toxic God oh they're at war with someone else already I didn't even notice no buffer zone creation oh The Entity grabbed the system well that was dumb I actually like the entity as well I'm hoping to join a defensive pact with them eventually like a kind of East wall here which is all us fighting Fallen Empires is a lot easier when the enemy fleets are apparently non-existent I have no idea where they are well actually I kind of can guess they're still moving in towards the original fight as we just yeah we're here so I'm going to quickly convert these two shine our divine light upon them did I not give our Colossus a jump drive well that's just dumb I have no excuse for that I must have just completely forgot after getting jump drives it's so rare to have a Colossus before getting jump drives for me again I love Tech rushes prepare to have light Shone upon thee the beauty of nergie is revealed to thee oh God I'm speaking like all those um all those nights now there we go and let's not do it to that one I thought there's a negative associated with that as well like happiness or something but yeah so that should have turned everyone into spiritualists right yeah so now once we conquer the world it'll all be housed you know and that guy's shine like there as well our clones and our Xenomorphs have landed on the core the boundary has been shown beautifully Victoria soon look all my allies are here now as well which is great yeah I've so I've Associated I have negotiated because I kind of forgot you can Brute Force pretty much anything as an Overlord because you can tell them I want this from our deal they can say no but it costs them influence so as long as you're out influencing them you can keep on asking and eventually they can't say no that's why I was a bit low on influence when I first wanted to claim this before everything else oh no oh no actually I do care that's gonna be all sarcastic then no I actually really like you I want you to be my bestie would you like some favors favors and a lot of uh envoys yeah come on be my friend I want again eventually I want a defensive pact with you wish I could help you out here actually I might do oh but that's so much bother now the main bit of tech I wanted from this is the Dark Matter reactors shiny from that we can have way more power on our ships which means why more Shields so more soundic Shields wow look at that that's a decent bit of Fleet power together unification of the right of the Galaxy is almost complete oh that's interesting so I've always considered the Divine enforcer this type of classes to be the worst Colossus to be perfectly honest in comparison to all the others it seems to have less of a place really being that useful once you get to this point you can have things like hearts and minds and everything else you can force certain factions away so converting them into spiritualists it's it's okay it's not fantastic but it's okay but the rest I think are fantastic but then I was confused why do we have a hundred percent War exhaustion against this enemy and it's because of this destruction Faith enforced or nano-assimilated planets that counts I didn't think Faith enforcement counted so it's the least damaging of all of the colossi while still giving you massive war exhaustion penalties to the enemy so right now yeah despite not really having a proper fight we have a 100 War exhaustion from the enemy so yeah I can actually see a purpose to it now has it always been that way I mean there's a good chance it has I so rarely use this Colossus oh we'll become sidekick even those who are Nerf stapled do you know what good that's gonna do with them but you know sure fine whatever the Divine Light is also still here it's affecting these worlds giving them plus 999 extra spiritualist ethics attraction basically everyone's gonna stay spiritualist for a very very long time in the core and Boundary and now that we have the core we have all of these beautiful buildings more consumer goods more Alloys or their rare resources and minerals energy energy food food and a couple of fortresses and same with boundary I probably should finish off the Fallen Empire eventually though if they awaken we're going to be their first Target whereas over here the first Target's going to be their neighbors which actually they're pathetic seem to be doing okay I thought they were losing the fight maybe they had a bad start which then just got better I guess that's probably what happened uh you know what I should really uh let's really send a single construction vessel over to fill in this one and fill in this one then the face will be a lot more obvious having this over here is also fantastic because it means we can build a Gateway and it's nice and far away from our home territory we could do the same then with the progenitors over here the other precursor the other uh Fallen Empire grubbing cradle mother and brother not only of course would it be a huge economic benefit it's a really strategic place if we have this in our territory that would be fantastic put down a Gateway here as well then we can pretty much make a weird triangle I just thought there'd be three full name but aha here's the last one oh it's the robots well he's hoping it's not the contingency well he's hoping it's the contingency but they don't turn on us that would be lovely oof that was going on over here as well oh The Entity The Entity is just all wise at War it's just all they do but I love him for it okay the plan now is definitely to attack the progenitors soon this Wormhole here has been now finally charted by us so I know exactly where it is it's nice and close to our territory we'll go there we'll climb the home world and I'm going to use nergie to obliterate every other world which basically will remove this Fallen Empire without the need to take every single world because all the other worlds will be gloriously toxic over in our home territory we have now almost completed the mega shipyards we're making loads of battleships at once our economy is doing beautifully our science is doing terribly because here's the thing 16k Tech isn't bad 16k Tech at this Empire size is Dreadful we're getting very very few repeatables and I think I'm only on the fourth or fifth one at the moment so we can't rely on that we have to rely purely on numbers for when the end game crisis arrives and honestly if it's the scourge at this point we're doomed if it's the contingency it's going to be very very difficult and if it's still bitten will actually be okay because we have loads and loads of kinetic damage but yeah I am very concerned we have maybe like 600 700k Fleet power total at the moment and it's not particularly highly upgraded to LEAP out it's yeah we do have other fleets just kind of hanging around but I'm still fairly nervous right now I'm just waiting until I get ways done over here then I'll use the gateway to move my fleets around and that's when we're going to attack the other Fallen Empire I got impatient the other fleets are still waiting around near the Gateway construction these were the ones which I was building for the last war over here we have some build up over here as well now of course with our Mega Shipyard trying to mix the two types of Battleship a little bit so we have the artillery glass which is just looking at you which is just the artillery as you can imagine then we have the version which also mixes in some strike craft which acts as Point defense now this needs to be changed but currently we're building this ship so this needs to be changed of course to Pure kinetic damage that's what we're currently buffing and honestly probably just want more fire right yeah having both of these up is so nice and Fleet extra fire rate for us let's fire it for the enemy tends to be a good time for us okay I'm gonna just make a claim on their Homeworld and then we go to war M declared war I didn't think you had it once again not doing a total war because it's a lot easier for us here to just do this because of um all that allies bored as being kind of annoyingly blessed nergie could you please follow these people good noogie whoa I think our friends are really winning this war of args yeah the hive has spread well into the entity the Fallen Empire have the funniest II they almost always do this and this is why just going for normal easy Wars is just the best way in my opinion you're just rush in they tend to rush out try and find a weak spot on your territory because most other empires have open borders to them because of the rules of Fallen Empires and then as long as you just have one system you're claiming it's nice and easy and of course this time around we're going to make sure the Fallen Empire has no chance of Awakening probably should have done this with one over here as well at some point I will do the same to the Vestige over here I don't want them to be able to wake up though it's getting pretty light now I doubt it's going to happen oh yeah did no mid game event happen I swear mid game events just the the odds of them happening is far too low no no don't don't land bad bad stay with friends don't let friends land on planets that are about to be destroyed research complete time some toxic love oh there's one gun well done nergie which flute's moving out okay you two moving out together aren't you okay so please follow them along they're gonna take out the smallest stations I think they're not too strong oh The Preserve I forgot that was a thing with this one is it worth taking The Preserve it's a Gaia World which is obviously fantastic it'd be good for mining which we do kind of need um problem is now if I claim it's going to be more expensive because we're an offensive 520 influence it's worth it it was my fault for completely forgetting that was a thing with the xenophile Empire type so just get one of The Fleets which aren't doing anything like you over there lovely that we can go and grab it very very soon a ground forces are probably strong enough they can just land here already right I mean yeah it's not 1K land on brother our forces ah that Holy Green Glow oh yeah speaking of which so enter you don't mind me doing this then maybe you do but you really like me no you do not care at all about me toxifying worlds good you're my only actual friend in this galaxy everyone else is either in under my control or too scared to fight me though I will say the AI has done a really good job keeping up with me this time I think it might just be the option to increase the power of their researchers I think that's really good their researchers their research I think that's really good how goes the ground Wars guys so brother's already taken cradle is now being taken so of all of the end game crisis I will say I would like to see The Scourge or the contingency even though the scourge would actually destroy us because I want to see if you can toxify a Scourge world and I want to see if you can toxify the contingency home worlds because that'd be really cool the war was pretty uneventful I honestly have no idea where the fleet went I kept on looking I couldn't find it either way we've grabbed all the worlds what we're going to do is mother is going to turn into a arcology world cradle is going to be a mining world and so is brother lots of my industry's there and that's where we're gonna get more minerals from in fact you're also going to get some minors by the buildings here we do have some of the dimensional fabric actors giving us rare resources and minerals at the cost of energy though not enough I guess they do also have the auto forges devouring minerals but still it's all well and good that's gonna take a while because I do need to assimilate their population first and destroy their robots over here we have The Preserve and the preservers oh yep another mining World glorious absolutely glorious that's all we'll do so this section over here is going to be all about our minerals so don't have to come back here for a while and I'll put down a hollow theater that should be pretty much all we really need here honestly this should be it and this will be a mining world good building a construction vessel a Gateway will go down once the gateways down then we have access to this territory even easier than before so we can Bounce Around the Galaxy quite easily now just in time as well we have one year until the end game crisis can potentially spawn and if we're lucky we'll get another five ten years I don't think I'm going to go to war again now we're at the point where if we go to war it risks us being really really out of position oh our allies are fighting um the Fallen Empire over here okay we'll just leave that then that's fine if they awaken now anyway they're far too weak they just won't stand a chance between us and our Ally the hive mind look at these little guys go you and won the trailers weren't you I can see why because you're adorable the centralized States here keeps on trying to threaten us it keeps on sending all these claims and everything else but it has so few fleets our allies could probably handle this by themselves and they have some fluids ready right now next to it so I'm going to go to war to turn them into our tributary because why not extra minerals extra energy all is good we have declared war this really shouldn't be too difficult at all honestly approach from different sections we have fleets everywhere we have loads of fleets back at home if they do break through some random Direction it's weird to be doing this so close to when the end game crisis can spawn in but yeah I don't see why I wouldn't do this oh Nuggie killed the scientific but waking up surprise you've just finished a war with them right yeah decrepit fools that's actually an annoying amount of Fleet power for them to have like yeah we would crush them but then being there is gonna be really irritating isn't it should have liked them should have plagued them hopefully they won't wage war on us at the moment I need to deal with these guys first and then the end game crisis is arriving soon so need to be careful make sure nergie's destroying some worlds as well to force loads of more exhaustion and I've also climbed this system because there's a mega Shipyard site here so I can have two Mega shipyards good old nerdy it's a shame the toxic God can't Target stations and fire stations I won't say habitats because there'd be so many issues on here this system is ridiculous I guess I'll have to settle for the home world oh here we are in Seoul lovely what are you done over there oh Saul was a tomb World apparently and they've colonized Mars and turned it into tropical world so everything turned out okay in the end they built so many gateways that's great for us once there are tributary we can use those freely so we have even more access to this section of the Galaxy oh we're gonna have split the Galaxy into two gorgeous there's a lot of ships just chilling here because one of these has take point and I didn't realize oh good to know when the engine crisis arrives we have some backup foreign for instance building a Gateway down here to collect the trade value I'm gonna start collecting some of these smaller systems little bits of energy and everything I'm just missing nothing really matters all that much we might as well do something while we wait and I don't want to go on a full-scale war right now although we are much stronger than pretty much everyone though again they've caught they have stayed relevant hundreds of thousands of Fleet power each easily all the other Empires we are now strong enough to crush anyone we go to war with we don't really want to go to war right now we don't want to be caught out of position regardless of the in-game crisis is 12 years in now since they have the potential of spawning there goes one of their main fleets oh they've got a lot there actually probably should wait until everything's together for this one the amount of lag on my fleet's cause is kind of becoming a problem did we just head put them to death I didn't really see what happened then oh I think they will ran as wife asked and I thought I could though oh unless they just moved down here they could have just moved okay never mind oh the lag is so bad okay nergie thank you like are we in Total War right now yeah we're on in threat aren't we so these worlds will just become mine and if I just land on them okay never mind nug is not going to get much use then today sorry nergie you can go home found out where they've gone I went over here so I'm very glad I've got the Gateway it's not really going to be an issue our forces are made Planet meantime near the forces are just going to take the last of their worlds they have a few small fleets bouncing around about allies should be able to grab those oh that's what's lagging as well I've got all my allies with me of course yeah they're gonna be able to grab a couple systems but they won't be here long enough to grab any worlds that's the only problem really so we should be just fine and this will end the Fallen Empire the likened empire Empire and stay out nurgy's going to have some use because annoyingly these worlds have a insane amounts of protection similar to their normal worlds so all three of the systems was going to be purified through toxicity look at those little swarmers wait are those Scourge swarmers are they using the model for the scourge warmers think they are interesting I do love the fact that unlike a normal Colossus nergie can defend itself against like very light threats but even then a normal glasses you have to babysit it constantly because even a few Corvettes and you're in a real problem I now also have two fully functioning Mega shipyards we have one over here one back at the base our coordination Center's almost done we really are just waiting around now for the end game crisis to finally start I'm still nervous about the contingency and the scourge especially the Scourge the unbin I think at this point wouldn't be too difficult the continuously it depends where it spawns if it spawned like here in the in the random eye which someone has taken at some point then there's going to be a problem because it's so near my bags and everything I won't have time to react but if it spawns even just a little bit out of that I think will be okay and it depends if they cluster together or with a nice and spread apart a lot of ifs and buts with a contingency so here's hoping for the pillow unbidden it's a nice easy end so at this point we're just waiting for the crisis everything's looking good and now that the storm's fast you can see the actual strength of my fleets which is very very big several of them over 200 000 and we just have loads of them we have almost 5 000 flick capacity right now all being used up and of course all their allies which should follow us what is that foreign no it's something different this is I think well I don't want to find out what it is I'm sending in my fleets an eerie glow Lies Over the system the ship has emerged in a sector of the Galaxy surely not visited by any Galactic Civilization for generations for Millennia if ever but wait our sensors are reporting energy signatures most are concentrated on the first planet of the system an unlikely candidate for Life considering its proximity to a neutron star but there are others mobile ones and of course those are the enemies we're about to fight I am bringing way too many Titans because I accidentally made loads of Titans earlier rather than battleships because I was was not paying attention on the upside that means loads it's very cool looking Titan fire which is always nice to see here we are we've defeated the Defenders the system is a curious side there is very little solid matter remaining in it even its asteroid belts have a bedraggled look as if they have been extensively mined a series of it large installations placed at regular intervals around the star and there is a single planet that our reading suggests may be artificial in origin intense energy signals have been detected emanating from it if answers are to be found it is there the broken II world now this is definitely not the one I was thinking of the contingency um one okay so let's survey the system I want to know exactly what's going on as soon as possible it looks like a bit of a broken ring world as well at some point well the system's ours now a little blob outside of the Galaxy and thankfully the very high level scientist here with all the right trades psychic which is plus one skill it's then an archaeologist so it's faster actually doing the job and it's just a high level so yeah we should be able to break through this decently quick I'll leave The Fleets here just in case they're close enough to always hyper lines and gateways we can get back if need be decently fast as long as the rest of our forces is just chilling over here I currently make much more Force right now because it's going to break the game I think I'm gonna give the game until 2375 I don't have already mentioned this because this is the next day of recording now and if a crisis hasn't spawned by then I will force a crisis in because it is taking way too long as far as our researchers can tell there has never been life on the planet they have dubbed the observation terminal but there is no shortage of activity the surface is densely built up massive artificial structures placed upon the bare bedrock in neat orderly rows that cover almost three quarters of the planet billions of mechanical drones maintain them performing tasks ranging from menial cleanup duties to running highly complex assembly lines their exact purpose remains however unclear our researchers are preparing to send a team to the surface to investigate further as our researchers pass amongst them the drones on the planet ignore their presence and continue going about their tasks all efforts to communicate with the drones have failed and even attempts to disrupt them produce no reactions the Drone simply rode over the interfering researchers causing Serious injury since then our researchers have shifted their focus to the programs let's move that steering the drones analysis of intercepted signals suggests there is an overarching system steering them however the encryption it uses is extremely sophisticated and it has proven hard to find out more so we'll completely impervious at the moment while our researchers have been unable to make further progress investigating the planet a team has been investigating the array of objects spread across the system there are over 10 000 of them all told most of them are long and cylindrical devices that still seem to be operating they are transmitting a signal towards the planet given their shape and the fact they all seem to be pointing towards various points in the Galaxy we cannot escape the conclusion that this is an absurdly huge sensor array but who could have built it is this contingency then because I do have to censor the no because they're already in the Galaxy well I guess they'd still be connected to this if this is able to detect what the the contingency is after I honestly have no idea this is definitely new to me so I think it's new with the new patch in a daring move our researchers managed to implant software into an access terminal on the drone's Mainframe in a moment where no drones are nearby the intrusion does not appear to have been detected yet our impression is of a highly sophisticated system Beyond even our own networks probably but one which did not anticipate the need to protect itself no doubt the physical deterrence of the defense fleet was deemed sufficient nevertheless these systems we are infiltrating are vast a term which seems a gross understatement for this planetary system so it'll take some time to find out more oh yeah the difficulties ramped up a lot for this next one it seems the automated systems in the system are older than we can imagine the data systems we have access do not give us any clues as to the Identity or the intentions of its creators but one thing we have managed to ascertain is that they arrive no less than 1.2 billion years ago and departed soon after setting up the system as an observation post to survile our entire galaxy remarkably the system is still operating even after all of these years the array of installations spread across the system are as it turns out highly sophisticated sensors they send a live feed to the planet where the central operating system processes it into information the drones can save and store spurred on by shortages of space and matter it appears that they have improved their data compression techniques with determination the massive structures on the planet purport to contain the sum of all observations ever recorded so over a billion years worth okay then however we cannot test this acetation since the data is compressed well beyond our ability to decompress it disturbingly A reduced stream of highlights is still being broadcast into empty space but surely no one is listening after all this time regardless our programs are poised to take control of the drones we may now shape the system to our imagination if we dare they're looking to knew we can siphon off their readings give the drones to the planets oh well we're not going to do that because we don't want the robots this is an enormous alloy mine plus 25 Alloys and that's it that is plus what 25 allies will get over time I'm gonna let them continue then I guess so that is it I started more of a insane reward there oh and there is a century right if we own the system surely this is hours now right the thing is I could already kind of see everything because between my allies and myself I think the century arise active it looks oh I can just check it the Bice Intel 65 base is 50. would that be with the plus Forte I'm not sure until 50 base 50. that's plus 40. I'm sure you get more than just plus 10 don't you from other things not too sure doesn't really matter one way or another again I can pretty much see the whole galaxy either way we now have control of this I'm gonna give the game a couple of years and then if it still hasn't spawned in the crisis I will spawn in I'm tempted by the contingency they're the ones who can cause us the biggest issues plus we can take we can test out the toxic God I don't want to wait any longer I'm already stalling with my worlds and everything else I could be more powerful it just spawned way too late 25 years too light I am so happy to see that I didn't have to activate it because if you do activate it you don't get all these initial events it just I think at least since I've done it in one of the playthroughs but essentially just gets you to the point where the crisis shows up this way we actually get the whole thing also I really should have moved my fleet back so we have the ghost signal which does in fact mean we are going to be fighting the contingency now I think we're going to have an easy enough time against them I did get to vendor of the Galaxy which I'm now regretting because of oopsy because of just how long it took them to spawn in but yeah we do have defender of the Galaxy we have an economy which is just an absolute beast at this point our military might is ridiculous and we're we're not built specifically to counter them um but we are very close we're not very far off we're not weak to them by any stretch of the imagination especially with our Shields since they mostly use energy weapons they do use strikecraft as well but we have a lot of Point defense so as long as I mix that into our fleets we should be fine but with the ghost signal now it shouldn't take long and we're going to see where the worlds are don't you think I have any synths to disappear but okay it's getting close then I am building up some more ships um honestly I am minorly worried so the only problem is with how we've built everything is that we are really bad versus Armor and I can't remember for the life of me if the contingency follows the rules of the Fallen Empires and more Shields and armor or if it's equal armor and shields I know that they're AI cores and the big boss at the end is basically just a big block of armor which can be a problem against their 10K fleets which guard them because you have to fight them both the same time and a lot of your attacks are distracted so I'm a little bit concerned about raw damage but I think we'll be all right especially since once the in-game crisis starts all of our allies will send their fleets over which although they won't be able to do as much damage as athletes they're still like 70k and stuff all over the place and they will act as fairly decent meat Shields and some of them do have anti-armor weaponry so we should be all right I mean I read so I know for a fact we're going to be able to kill the four mil fleets it's just the bases which I'm worried about so I think maybe the best tactic will be kill the four mil fleets wait around until we have a critical mass then go off the bases but we'll see how we do if we just utterly crush the four mil we'll just go straight off the bike because I'm waffling because again I've chose a very late hour to start recording today they're here okay well let's find out exactly where they are then so yeah honestly as long as they're not in my immediate territory it's fine um it'd be better if they're in Allied territory but far away so like sections like this over here at the very edge of the Galaxy is kind of what we want I also just found a miniature Galaxy which happens sometimes the first machine world oh I can actually see the first machine world yet right over there a little bit annoying it's in enemy territory so if they don't open up their borders which sometimes they don't even win the contingency spawns that may be an issue but it is nice and far away from us that's a low power a low priority enemy construction completed will we see the next one soon okay second oh yeah once again I saw it lovely to see it's a rare thing but it turns out our other Fallen Empire is actually on our side every time I see this happen normally they get hacked and then try and attack you nice to see them on our side this situation once again enemy territory not perfect for us but low priority again really should have sent those fleets back earlier I started moving them at one point then I jumped them into here I forgot to give the second order so what should happen now is I believe our allies should start sending their fleets over soon I think I hope will we get lucky again this situation has been cataloged oh that's a problem we do have the Gateway there but the thing is I want to stop them getting past this choke point so that Gateway actually isn't all that useful okay immediately everyone absolutely everyone take point over there except for you nerga you can just pretend you're moving and then chill out at Reinhardt damn right next to us okay let's look at their stats though because I am so curious what exactly they are uh 133 000 Shields under 33 Okay so their armor and shields are equal they just have less Hull than our armor and shields that's kind of rubbish for us because we are so bad versus Armor that's something I just get through them how about the AI Core is that mostly Hull or mostly armor I wonder the whole okay so that's fine then there's absolutely fine our weapons will chew through that since we do bonus damage versus Hull it's just just armor we struggle with so it should have a last one at some point I think hello there contingency with that the fourth world is here in the center of the Galaxy that's a little bit more annoying because it can get to our gateways and these worlds but actually we've been pretty lucky we just need to deal with this first one so lucky as I um a relative term lucky except for this one now I need to be careful if I move into this system I'll get everyone here first instead my throat randomly broke while trying to say that for some reason is that a bad sign is it fake telling me not to do this I might have to try and save our planet afterwards yeah they're moving over here yeah very good chance that they're going to grab our planet first in that case everyone here instead please they're sending their Ground Forces on their own to the system I just reinforced what well didn't expect that gotta be honest it's so hard to hit transport vessels for large weapons thankfully strikecraft okay well in that case the original plan is back on defend this world why am I getting no tried value oh they've rushed right to there that's fine just need to be careful and deal with these two fleets this is gonna be a bit laggy okay so military applications extra damage to the armor we need to break the armor down like the shields are gonna break instantly but their arm is going to be an utter nightmare though I guess we did a lot of strike craft with their unupgrided strikecraft most of the things are just barely upgraded okay some of their ships are going down already yeah I think every fight we're gonna have is gonna devolve into these brawls because of the lack of burst damage we have still that's a very clean fight just kind of absorbed them it's like watching an amoeba okay where are you going okay okay I want to take these systems what I would like to do is take all the systems and Destroy This construction vessel really but I also want to stop um you know what no we're going to go hunting for that Fleet take out that Fleet then this area is pretty much nullified for a while they of course will make new fleets over time but it might take a while then what I could do is go over here and perhaps take out the fleets of another group but I really would love to just take out this world that would be nice I like how our allies don't quite know what they're doing most of the time they're with us but sometimes it's like yeah we can go somewhere else for a bit oh they're attacking the contingency by themselves that's that's clever in normal Speed without the lag this would be incredibly quick okay I also need to check what weapons they have so we've already found out that they have more armor than I thought I did I'm hoping they are just energy weapons we don't seem to be losing all that much I'm just watching my uh my knife capacity it's not dropping that much per fight yeah we're losing very little actually so what weapons do they have they have Neutron launchers gamalizers large plasma cannons media plasma cannons okay so pure energy weapons then then I know for a fact they have strikecraft why are you going such a weird way oh this Gateway got taken back well that's annoying fine okay let's take all these systems back for us then we'll see if we can take out this 10 mil I'm a little bit nervous about that just because it is so many things around here I think we'll be all right armor really hoping we take out the station before this Fleet engages because the strikecraft will be very dumb otherwise The Shield smelts instantly on everything we're attacking that would actually to be fair if it's melting with this time struggles being hard countered by air strike craft okay yep The Hub and the enemy are fighting that's weaker than I thought anyway it's less laggy than I thought it'd be too why where are my meat Shields meat Shields you're not in the position I wanted you to be did you not follow me in you did but you turned around at the last second I don't get their orders oh they were at much higher Health than I expected when they got close to us please take her lights messing up all the AI thank you thank you developing that's still active because that's a lot of armor with that chunk through right now I think we can oh yeah we're definitely gonna be okay I have always 200 guys over there it doesn't take forever but yeah that's definitely going through good good good good lost a lot more that time but on the upside We have dealt with the threat so if I just leave two decent sizes why have I done this for Titans I need to use the fleet manager doesn't matter though all of my Titans currently only have one thing with them now you may be asking yourself laugh X why are you only using one of the bonuses it's because Titans get destroyed so quickly in this game especially against crises and stuff like that so I just want to make sure there's at least one alive at all times with this one minus 10 fire right because when you get into brawls like that it's that kind of thing which really really helps all the rest are good but that one is the one I really want online the the reduced Shields doesn't matter for us the extra fire right is nice but not intense I just want to reduce their incoming their damage dealt by 10 percent there's just one dealt with and we didn't lose too much and of course our economy is great so we can just reproduce more wow our energy is now so high because if you have less Fleet so which is the next scary group I'd say this is the least scary this one is of least concern there's no wormholes in here going towards my territory it's nice and far away it's yeah it's definitely the least scary this one is worrying because there are wormholes over here which jump directly into my territory so these two are both problematic I think fighting the four mil fleets first from both then going after one of the worlds is the play lathrix has had a wonderful idea in addition to the Divine enforcer you can research the other options as well in this case the world cracker which means now my Colossus has the ability to break open the sterilization hubs rather than us very very slowly bombarding them all of my fleets are now moving over here wow they got that quick and I'm moving over here and we're just going after the four mil fleets that's what them all taken out so this area safe then I'll probably go after one of the planets although I might need some more reinforcements before that better safe than sorry X if we lose all of athlete they'll take years to recover from that looks so cool I do love this glasses I really do once again I think this might be my new favorite chipset our lovely toxoid one and goodbye III Oh I thought we were fighting something no they're just all leaving because you know the machine world has been destroyed beautiful and I'll take you to the Gateway and I'll leave you there till it's safe there's one there oh God the lag so there's one flute there oh they're both there in fact uh could you please separate that would be great as soon as they separate we'll go for them I've only just realized how insane the Mind weapon of the Titan looks like if you're using the toxoids pack look at that just flinging a disease Beam at the Target weird sentence I'm gonna be honest the hyperline realize make this way more annoying than it has to be enemies jumping around too much and me going weird positioning because of it it's useful for most things but specifically hunting down contingency fleets really annoying or it could just be me not being used to it to be perfectly honest it could be user error I admit there's a very low chance on being a dum-dum okay so oh that's where that Fleet is okay this is one of their fleets isn't it yes okay I've took out both of those fleets actually no I took out three of those fleets because I made a new one oh it's a chance that that's a new one then one two yep that's a third no no so these both are from this one those both from this one okay let's try and hunt down this one then I think we're almost in the position again to attack another of the Worlds second planet gone lost most of my fleet earlier but okay I'm holding off at the moment because of this the galactic Defense Force has just passed and although I'd say it's a minimum size I'm waiting until it's fully operational before we start going on the offensive again I could probably take out a world now I have a decent amount of power just waiting around but I really want this to join us a United Galaxy is there anything more glorious with the galactic Defense Force in tow here we go oh straight away split firing not what I wanted to see straight away but it's fine also now I remember I haven't done this yet there we go he's hoping the strikecraft don't do their dance between these two groups because they're going to be quite far apart which is a major problem for them oh yep kind of doing the dance oh come on if you can take out that chord it's another wave of hits there on the core and it finally goes down then once that's done all the strike craft will have to focus on the thing they're meant to be focusing on though I guess they could try and reach out for the station they tend not to do that as much yeah they're actually in the fight now we're losing quite a lot though actually that's not going as well as last time I guess it was just that split at the start wasn't really great and we didn't take out the station before the fight last time I managed to take out the station then get into the fight this time it wasn't really a way to get over here while still having all my allies as a buffer yeah definitely a victory though not the cleanest of all victories but a victory nonetheless just building up for the final attack against the last planet and this random Fleet really wanted to fight my uh build up half of Fleet isn't here yet but yeah that's fine look at them I waited around for so long we're now the ruler of this galaxy we are officially the emperor because I believe that's how it works if you wait around long enough you will eventually be crowned a monarch only the laziest amongst us can truly rule yeah this is an awful fight because of the positioning of these two systems it's basically always gonna have all three of them attack us at once which means the uh the attacks are being split and the strike after doing their very annoying dance once that core goes down our damage can be a lot more focused there we go return my flock return and actually do things on the upside every time this happens I get a sudden massive influx of money because I don't I don't have a fleet to pay for there's a very real chance we lose here because of all that you know I should just make brawling ships by now okay I'm on strikecraft do the one thing you're meant to do and destroy this one Fleet please okay it's down to one mil yeah we've got this yeah so the mistakes in this Fleet are I'm using long range weapons when clearly we can't pick them up before they get to us I'm not mixing in other ship types I shouldn't just be using battleships I'm just forcing it at this point because I like these types of ships more than anything else we could have won it um earlier but I wanted to do it this way and that was silly of me really there's nerdy where's that other oh I accidentally left them all over there uh could you please come here that'd be great don't actually hit an enemy on the way that'd be great as well you know what I'll put you on evasive just make sure you don't hit anything and then you can break the Hub and upon doing that we then only have to fight the final enemy this situation has been the heart of the contingency is right here normally it's a bit out of the um Galaxy apparently this time it's inside of it I'm also making a really stupid Battleship for this final fight because I want to and yeah the last few battles have been silly I really wanted to focus on the strikecraft still even though they were being really annoying and silly uh but this time I'm being even sillier by making Close Quarters brawler battleships now you might be thinking lathrix why not build Corvettes destroyers Cruisers I'll tell you why because we've got this far being done and we're going to end it by being dumb because that's the kind of mood I'm in today oh slight problem here I sent in this Fleet essentially to be destroyed I wanted to replace it all with short range battleships for a goof the issue is I didn't realize how much of these enemies damage just comes from strikecraft and the strike craft we had even then this minimal Force just kind of tore it apart and really shows the power of strike graph when they do the thing you want them to do the actual damage I can do is oh look how glorious that is ah well I'm sorry lats you had no reason to exist and now we obliterate the final bit of the contingency I swear in the next full play for I'm gonna be really messering it up a bit because I felt really weak throughout this entire video because I was playing I was playing not the best but also I was making some funny choices and I can't wait for my tech Rush build end of the contingency but also vigil's end of course that's to do with the vigil over here I imagine let's have a quick look see at the very moment that the last contingency Machine World self-destructed our instruments detected a Subspace signal in immense strength the signal originated from the iRobot custodian process oh that's our allies who were here and now aren't the Fallen Empire is over the next few hours scattered reports came in of irobot's Fleet Vanishing from sensors entering jump points to familiar systems but never emerging on the other side a scout vessel near their space was set to investigate and reported back startling fines the ancient machine intelligence has disappeared entirely leaving behind only abandoned orbital stations and decaying megastructures where they have gone to is a mystery that we may never solve but one thing is clear the task that the eurobots set for themselves in ages past is now complete and their ancient visual is now at an end you know I've never seen that before so that may have been here for ages and I didn't get lucky enough to have the Fallen Empire like that mean not destroy it before the um before the contingency and then then join us rather than go against us but I haven't seen that but I'm afraid that does Mark the end of this full playthrough the real goal really was only just to do the whole night's Quest and find nergie our lovely pet play God and I absolutely love that it was very different reading so much and my voice actually hurts now but I really do hope you've enjoyed I love this DLC patch so far I love the theme of it I always love the gross scavenger kind of style of things the heavy industrial the plagued glory to nurgle and all the other lovely stuff so I really hope you did too and if you have then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that Stellaris is a series you wish to see continued in the future I will be bringing back Stellaris as a more mind thing on the channel after this full playthrough I still need to do a run with Giga Structural Engineering to do the extra end game stuff there by allying with the blockets along with the other England crisis I've not touched yet there are also a lot of other mods I want to test out and there's going to be one more vanilla run very soon in which I'm going to be very very meta and very very powerful using the other origin within Stellaris and within the new DLC which honestly I think has the potential of being utterly broken if my ideas work which they rarely do so maybe it'll be an absolute potato but there we are thank you so much for watching have a lovely day and do take care and until next time always remember nergie loves you
Channel: Lathland
Views: 263,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, Stellaris gameplay, stellaris full playthrough
Id: tjEszteClq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 28sec (9868 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 29 2022
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