Stellaris No Fleet Challenge

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I've mastered the ability of standing so incredibly still that I become invisible to the eye I'm sure I'm invisible hide today we are going to attempt to become the number one power in the Galaxy without building a single ship yes we're going to be doing a no Fleet challenge we're also going to be mixing that with a little bit of role play to keep it fun and interesting but yes we're going to do the one thing you absolutely should not do in Stellaris and that is not build any navy have no military ships whatsoever I think it's going to be quite hard to become the number one Empire in the game by doing this I'm not entirely sure it's possible especially when the crisis might turn up later but we are going to give it a good go and if the complete absence of Warships is leaving a deep hole in your heart don't worry the sponsor of today's video has you covered sail back to the Primitive world of Soul 3 and take command of battleships aircraft carriers or even submarines World of Warships is a free to play PC game with new content released month quickly you can play as a lone wolf or in a division with friendly xenos and until December 13th there is a treasure hunt where you can earn in-game and real-life prizes get World of Warships by following the link down in the description below and using the code Bravo but for now let's look at the race that we'll be trying to complete this challenge with the vernox Mandate array rather interesting nation that went down the path Less Traveled you see this species never develops ships capable of fighting Interstellar Warfare now of course in order to play the game correctly I am going to need construction ships and sign ships but for the purposes of today those ships are not crewed by the malavite people they're actually entirely automated and for that reason because we rely so heavily on the primary methods of automation to get these things working we're simply unable to build any proper Starships to fight any proper Wars we're going to be building massive giant space stations instead to both defend our space and in theory project our power whether or not it's even possible to play with no Navy whatsoever I I actually don't know we're going to give it a real good go and of course we're going to blend this with a little bit of role play so the vernox Mandate are LED here by Frederick higginbottom there is an ironic dictatorship we have a dictatorial leadership structure with functional architecture and a society dominated by slaver guilds with fnatic authoritarian believing in the power of the state as Supreme Above All Else and also we are a little bit pacifist now we're not directly pacifists we don't not believe in fighting we simply are unable to Fathom the idea of living for long periods of time on a spaceship that can move we very much believe we should stay put that is marked very much by our sedentary behavior and our slow learning capability so what are the rules going to be for this uh playthrough where we're also going to be searching for the toxic God as well we'll see how that goes with absolutely uh no ships so the rules are I cannot build any Starships of my own construction ships and science ships are okay star bases defense platforms and of course Hangar Bays with fighters on those defense platforms are absolutely fine but the malavite people cannot even comprehend the idea of building a Corvette a cruiser crikey even something as disgusting and vile as a battleship who would want to live on that sort of thing it simply Preposterous we're going to try and play correctly and we're also going to try and fight the end game crisis we'll see how it goes I've got a lot of faith in Frederick higginbottom but I'm not sure how it's going to go if you want to play at home here are the settings I'm going to be using for this game long ago the planet of thy Puri was divided Petty King's squabbled constantly and our population bled for their vain ambition but with the coming of the first High King all of this changed their inspired leadership forged a kingdom without equal and above all else the high King was Pious war was weighed against any who denied their God but still the Heretics persisted the king's prayers were answered one day when the toxic God themselves visited our planet though its time amongst us was brief its baneful influence poisoned the lands of the unbelievers any who survived then pledged fealty to the high King for the first time our world was thus unified the toxic God soon left us but the king determined to find it founded an order of knights for centuries these Valiant Souls searched tirelessly but to no avail the toxic God had long since departed from our world the next chapter of the quest would be written amongst the stars with the use of powerful relics it was the order that built our Empire's first orbital station a mighty keep it would become the springboard from which they plunged ever further and ever deeper into the cosmos for you see it was this Grand Station this habitat in space that justified our desires to expand outwards into the cosmos we could live out there in space we could live not just on planets like our own but we could construct giant keeps and fortresses and that is simply what the vernox Mandate is all about it wasn't through the invention of the hyperdrive you see we have never discovered FTL technology that fits on a ship instead we use a process of quantum folding to open wormholes into adjacent systems push through our construction ships and that sort of thing and get on with the business of expanding the vernox Mandate within days of beginning an exploration project to explore the nearby systems a habitable planet was found this planet was in the povera system directly adjacent to the capital and as trade began to spring up between this new Colony Hailstone the capital vipuri and the orbital habitat sharermouth above the capital Planet burgeoning Mercantile classes began to emerge Merchants the true power in any economy grabbed hold with this new burgeoning trade industry a policy of consumer benefits was then employed profit and taxes must take second place to improving the lives of the citizens within the vernox Mandate or at least that was the policy of the Serene protector Frederick higging bottom malavite Society prospered cautiously they expanded carefully they found new worlds and began to adapt them to their own purposes bringing them in to the vernox Mandate but this sedentary Pace would mean the malavite people would take a long time before they would discover the dangers around them around the binary star system of shaola the vernox Mandate first discovered signs of an alien intelligence the psy aliens proved somewhat elusive to track down they had already built an orbital Central space station in the shower system but whether or not they stuck to our tenets would remain to be seen of course it is impossible for any alien to pose a threat to any other as there is simply no way of conducting an aggressive assault against another species the quaptilium collective were the first species to be met in interstellar space existing to the north of the vernox Mandate this Hive mine Collective were very very different to our own malavite people but the malavite were a hardy people not one to take easily to bouts of Hysteria and depression they knuckled down and they used their Ingenuity to show these monstrous aliens that they would not be cowed after Decades of research scientists in the Mandate have finally unlocked the secrets of building a space habitat in other systems this will of course be used to spread our progeny far and wide and secure the space we so desperately need for ourselves to the galactic East the biryan collective were the second species that we made contact with again a collective Consciousness vastly different from our own and we have to assume with very alien intentions it wasn't until 22-28 that the Atlantean Union made themselves known to us yes they had some apps absolutely funny and terrible ideas about democracy and Liberty and rights goodness gracious but luckily for us they were led by a king king Wilhelm Alexander Klaus George Ferdinand II making them uh very close to our own political structure overall unfortunately the Atlantean Union would alone they were a subsidiary of the Lavon Syndicate a group of apparently peaceful traders that went on to set up a criminal office and begin constructing a Smuggler's port on sharermouth our great Fortress station with a number of potential enemies around the vernox Mandate swelling the Atlantean Union declaring war on the quaptilian collective things were starting to look a little dire but our true nature and desire to live anywhere and everywhere possible led us to becoming voidborn for almost a decade it has been night impossible for anyone within the the mandate to clearly explain how an Interstellar War could even be taking place but ladies and gentlemen these images from succubus's ball that I bring you right now must be seen to be believed they have constructed a giant space habitats and attached enormous thrusters to the back of those habitats it is an Abomination against everything we as the vernox Mandate stand for the Serene protector Frederick higginbottom has issued some deep concerning statements regarding this and all citizens reminded to stay at home until further notice and if you're enjoying this video please build a fortress around that like button in the year 2241 a visitor arrived at Sharon mouth the orbital Citadel of our people the visitor simply called himself hot and offered us a bargain in return for a price yet to be named he would send a knight into the Shroud from an entity within the night would at last glean the knowledge we sort the night Bruce Abercrombie jumped in with the Holy visitor's guidance he met deep in the Shroud the Saras of Secrets a being that he could only later described as Beauty Beyond Compare in exchange for the scent of the first day of summer the satisfaction of a challenge overcome and the warmth of a Lover's Embrace we had what we wanted revealed to us and with that the source of Secrets gave to our species the memory of the one day the toxic God Unleashed its gift upon vipury but as one the entire population of the vernox Mandate felt a profound yet intangible sense of loss sweep over them formerly Pleasant Sensations were dulled apathy spread like wildfire and afterwards it was hard to dredge up motivation for even the simplest of tasks yet with this a new door in our minds began to open our latent psionic abilities were uncovered little did the malavite people know the dark and eternal path they had laid before them by opening the door in their minds for a door opens both ways and there were Horrors out there in the universe beyond comprehension eager and waiting to slip inside crime has spread across our world like a plague or thanks to the Levin Syndicate and with little in the way of offensive capabilities attempting to expel Corporation may prove rather costly here Port Tamworth our second colony and once one of the largest trading bases in the Mandate also an industrial center has now fully succumbed to Crime not only have they attempted to make a deal with the crime Lords on this world the legal authorities having a mutual understanding with the leading crime Lords was meant to prevent the worst excesses of of that organization but a massive criminal underworld now spans the entire planet all trade has virtually shut down or at least all taxable trade everything is now done under the counter so to speak within the galactic Community an Interstellar body designed to I don't know help and do something political well they're trying to pass the ready shield now all of these other nations have apparently managed to develop Interstellar warships and now have large navies these navies uh well they're using them in a diplomatic fashion we don't have a Navy like that so passing something like the ready Shield would be deeply problematic for our people security contractors on the other hand allowing other Empires to build mercenary enclaves would be very useful as we could then hire these mercenaries without having to build ships of our own the Lavan Syndicate a complete Thorn and I side have now gained two additional vassals the baron Collective and the quaptilium effective both hive-minded species now represent between them a large block under the Lavan Syndicate and if that weren't enough the yusra vanaran Consolidated states to our South here have an overwhelming Fleet compared to us though apparently we still have some cordial relations in the midst of all of this upheaval with crime sweeping across our worlds the Great Awakening has taken place the veil has been lifted and our species finally can see into the deep dark of night as the minds of our people have become more attuned to one another and we can finally feel the pain of other sentient creatures around us chattel slavery has become very very unappealing instead we're now going to move over to indentured servitude that way we'll fill it with a complex web of bureaucratic forms that mean it is completely impossible to really know if you're a slave or if you've just got massive massive debts upon reaching into the Shroud we found an entity an Eldritch power of unfathomable purpose and it has seeped into the cracks of our psyche we are going to try to commune with the ineffable oh and also we need to take Eternal vigilance of course we must stand Vigilant forever against the horrors at the edge of our Consciousness and apparently that might help us with shooting down enemy spaceships and the like the presence welcomed us with genial familiarity the composer of strands promises that our biology forms can be improved changed they evolved not only that the composer seems to have a striking resemblance to the most beautiful of creatures described previously by our good glorious night there may be a price to pay but we must form a covenant and find out more oh and we uh we just got the psionic archive a relic of unfathomable power which would help us with all of our shroud-based activities we completely failed to prevent the passing of the Reddit Shield we dodged the agenda for a long time pushing other things ahead in the queue making sure that other nations would support our attempts to deny it but the entire galaxy United to say that the universe is a dangerous place and we need more ships in order for this travesty to never be allowed to occur again the Serene protector Julian Spencer has a decreed that a Diplomatic Corps must be established and a tradition of political malfeasance or political skull Gregory should be undertaken we can summon a psionic avatar we're going to attempt to do that does that mean no we didn't we didn't succeed apparently apparently even when we attempt to summon Sonic avatars to do our bidding we simply can't build any ships it seems the composer of strands has bequeathed upon us a little blessing a mutation we are now resilient the evandarian reclaimers an ancient and decrepit precursor Empire elsewhere in the Galaxy apparently has awoken these decrepit fools are now moving out with again some sort of ship that is propulsed by a means of I'm guessing propulsion simply terrible and they're going to go out and have some terrible fun in the Galaxy unfortunately for the vernox Mandate the ivarian reclaimers are just a stone's throw away from our core systems and our core worlds I have honestly got no idea if we can successfully repulse them if they do decide to attack thus far our metal has not been tested yet our star-based defensive platforms range in the in the large of the extreme with a variety of weapons and defensive prepared to face any enemy The Great and beautiful composer of strands slanesh creeps further and further into the psyche of our people the malabites know that only through building a sanctum on our chief Ford world can we hope to appease this God this is going to grant us bonus habitability extra resources from jobs and amazingly three additional telepaths which when we combine with the two from our cycle will be giving us plus 50 output from jobs on this one world alone which is beyond comprehension finally our manifestations in the psychic realm are prayers to the great gods lanesh have been answered in the form of this beautiful psionic Avatar and Avatar has appeared above our world thus giving us 4 for the very first time in all of our history military combat power that won't quite be enough to push us into Realms of Galactic Council Administration maybe if we can find some uh mercenaries as well we might be able to get something going in 2280 scientists in the vernox Mandate detected a very faint tachyon signal which was being continuously transmitted across the entire galaxy our technicians were unable to trace the signal to its source as it was being bounced between several hidden relay stations aside from adding a small amount of background noise in FTL transmissions on certain Subspace frequencies the signal does not seem to have had any apparent effect efforts to track down the relay station are underway but until then we may simply have to learn to live with this ghost signal as it has been dubbed by the more imaginative elements of the galactic media reaching into the Shroud we were met with a presence that offered a reward for our greatest Governor Hubert Granville unfortunately that reward turned out to be death and we have lost the greatest governor in living memory who's now been replaced with a lowly David illingworth we'll have to see how that goes but the High Council are not particularly happy the defenses around our core border systems are being upgraded to their highest possible levels now hopefully that'll be the push we so desperately need continued analysis of this so-called go signal has revealed that it is transmitting energy patterns nearly identical to those found in the positronic brains used by synthetic beings it must be assumed that the signal is directly responsible for the mass disappearances and behavioral changes that have been observed in the synthetic population of the Galaxy thankfully this is not our problem though as we have no synthetics whatsoever meanwhile the malavite campaign to achieve dominance in the galactic Community had met with a frustrating end unable to prevent the election for a galactic Council any longer and denied of the right to sit on that Council due to our apparent lack of fleets the Serene protector was left with a very unsavory Choice it is time to give up on our dream of Galactic dominance we have decided to take a place as a member of the quaptillium collective and we will become a bulwark these are troubling times and we need a power with uh flying ships to be able to defend us where we cannot defend ourselves this is clearly a problem that the synthetics need to deal with I mean this entire situation yeah I've spoken to the Serene protector Julian and Julian assures me that this isn't a living entity we have no readings on it it's not our problem and we're gonna say no thank you no thank you the first machine world with 800 000 in Fleet power is somewhere to our North within uh-oh the quaptillium collective this could be a problem but luckily it is quite a way away from us let's hope that it doesn't become too much of an issue a second machine Hub here has appeared in the on attacks kingdom yes so we've got one two so far they're moving around but but I'm sure it won't be too much of a problem it's entirely possible we didn't we didn't become a bulwark early enough and a third machine world has appeared right on the edge of our space I I I hope they go north yes they're going north at the moment we simply don't have the star bases to repulse a Firepower of that magnitude get out of there and a fourth machine world within the sardac nor space up to the north here I'm sure this Divine Empire can deal with that get out of there also and our first loss here an automated signship luckily no scientist died as it was of course automated the price of Alloys in the galactic Market which is entirely within vernox space of course because we have the best marketing tools in the Galaxy well yes the uh the price of Alloys has reached an all-time high but that's fantastic for business probably we're of course going to become the Defenders of the Galaxy from our vantage point in this part of space we are not going to lose a single ship not a single person I mean we don't have any ships so that's partly why we can easily keep that promise we're now voting to form a galactic Council and due to the losses other people seem to have suffered to their fleets we're now one of the preeminent members of the Galaxy huzzah what's up this could be a problem though our entire strategy relies on a wait and see approach hoping they won't attack us and it looks like we're about to come face to face with our very first contingency Fleet the entire military hoped that what we could do is just very quietly be ignored in the corner of the Galaxy nothing really uh exists in our Direction here so so it really shouldn't be a problem oh no here comes 800 000 Fleet power oh wait nope they went to their own space that's fine that's fine well uh We've detected 30 incoming ships from Edinburgh now Bastion intelligence suggests that these ships could have something to do with this contingency we've heard of but we are throwing out the welcome mat here we've got all of our art no they're the contingency that's this is a problem this is very much a problem we're going to see what we could do right there goes the first orbital ring uh gone in a matter of moments the other orbital defenses look like they're going to fall relatively quickly yes and we haven't actually we haven't actually managed to kill any of these Wharf forms interesting hope but they're leaving immediately that's that's nice that's nice they're going straight away right well hopefully they don't come back anytime soon not to worry we are still flying half a ship in response to these threats to the Galaxy and these threats are rather large the contingency is to the north to the west to the South it is everywhere spreading the sardak nor took it upon themselves to become their own version of the crisis they would defend the Galaxy even if that meant they first had to destroy it unlike the evandarian reclaimers the general have now awakened as the second Fallen Empire to awaken in this galaxy but with an agenda to defend and protect space liberty and justice everywhere and I hope that includes our space because so far we would really really like some more protection reaches back to tell us that our potential has been achieved this potential has unlocked both pain and pleasure for us the will of the flesh is sacred apparently this is going to have an effect on the number of traits we can pick but yes we can't pick any traits whatsoever what a shame luckily we don't intend to manipulate our being we are now a bulwark and that comes with massive defensive bonuses for both our star bases and our defense platforms yes we're now at 200 000 in power and the longer we can maintain our bulwark relationship here the better that will be for us perhaps we can even defend ourselves forever in this way but I'm not entirely convinced an energy Spike detected in the galaxy has brought about another contender in this Galactic game of cat and mouse the cybrex have returned somewhere out there oh no anyways Cyborg's beta has returned to the north of the Galaxy quite close to this big contingency grouping here we'll have to see if they can actually do anything to Aid Us in the defense of the universe in a stunning move that I personally did not see coming in my minor role the first thing the galactic community did after enacting a galactic Council in the face of this crisis was to declare the contingency in fact a galactic Focus and very surprisingly in the face of this constant aggression from the contingency the galaxy has now mostly United in the united genlot Coalition this is a hegemony that we now cannot leave and will be Perpetual members of can't see any diplomatic or social problems coming from this absolutely massive hegemony formed by the awakened Empire the Gen Loft peacekeepers all the way up in the north the general do seem to have fleets capable of turning back the contingency so only time will tell if they actually are able to do that well we found some sort of toxic entity in the degantu system here let's see if we can send just one little side ship and hopefully with our automated signship we might just be able to trigger the event and thus we'll get our hands on some actual Navy Weaponry let's see it's too hideous for words okay we lost it it was just instant death yeah I think we need to actually defeat the darn thing first off I'm not sure slanesh would enjoy us killing one of Papa nurgle's followers here though actually no I think public would love that secondly we don't have the means we can't lure it into another system and therefore it's somewhat trapped where it is I had High Hopes here for the cybrex remnant with a fleet power dwarfing that of every other power in the Galaxy yet they're simply sitting at home in their Ring World on the edge of Galactic space and doing pretty much nothing sometimes my geniuses it's almost frightening the High Council of the Galaxy is going to meet in a moment to decide whether or not this is something of a problem whilst in the middle of that the quaptilian collective are gracious overlords these fellows are currently arguing someone else is a bigger problem and must be denounced I mean the petty politics will they ever end we're now at level two of our bulwark status this is meaning that we can now have Admirals which of course we would never use because we don't have ships to put them on and of course we'll get some other bonuses as well mainly those bonuses being yes we'll lose some mineral energy and food production we'll get more of that from a fantastic trade deal and more than make up for any of these issues with massive bonuses to our defense platform whole points and damage well the great hope we had here for the genlot peacekeepers doesn't seem to have gone so well their worlds are ruined they have been attacked and destroyed their systems are now for the most part under the occupation of the contingency even the great preserve they once had is devoid of any life except the Gen lot and they soon will be gone as well oh no anyway we have a second engagement this time with a much larger star base let's see if we can actually hold off the contingency at all or if we're just going to crumble at the hands of this enemy I've seen quite a few platforms going down let's try to bring those back online by building more and we're losing quite a few here I think we've killed yes we've killed three ships and three whole ships oh my goodness me is that it four four ships yep uh-oh this uh yeah that's six ships it's not going so great not going so great at all I wonder where the contingency are going to go next though for now they're just sitting there deeply I mean actually they're they're kind of inside the outer Corona of the star and now they're moving where are they moving they're leaving maybe we'll be all right the Serene protector Julian Spencer has just been chosen by the composer obviously our fantastic defense of the outer systems has shown slanesh that we are a force to be reckoned with and for that reason he's now an immortal fellow that's granting all of our leaders 50 extra years to achieve their goals we've mutated again and this time we're no longer slow Learners apparently we're only mutating in the fantastically right direction oh and the block of ganvius is built a Colossus that's abhorrent but we're focusing on our inward Perfection here we're now resilient I mean I've done no genetic editing absolutely no genetic edit it's only the will of sladesh and we are now perfect be well we're much more perfect than we were before maybe not completely perfect if we could remove sedentary that would be that would be most excellent yes this is the speaker of the Serene protector Julian Spencer stay calm and remain at home remember a closed border is a safe border there is nothing out there for us and our people remain in your homes allow others to come to you to conduct trade but once they've left your site well they simply cease to exist and we can stop worrying about them there are unsubstantiated rumors about some sort of Galactic level threat I can tell you as the only civilization in this galaxy there is no one else out there that could even attempt to disrupt our position as the primary form of life Rejoice for the Dark Prince we will have our Glorious Day in the sun in these trying Times Desperate Measures and a fortress Proclamation must be an issued uh not because there's any enemy out there no no no simply because we want to build the nicest and best fortresses that money could possibly buy don't worry of yourself about any of this though just go back home and get back on with the shopping or something everything is starting to look very pretty we now have almost yes almost a hundred defensive platforms established in the kildatha system to the north whereas in the South to the povera system yeah it's a bit less but we're getting there slowly as something of a technical exercise we're now commissioning a clone army with some psionic force-wielding leaders it's going to be perfect and this will not have to be used of course it's simply a technical exercise to demonstrate how of prestige in our abilities out there in the Stars we are of course the biggest best and only nation in the Galaxy after all and before you think the wrong thing let me just Boop yes we're just going to enforce that uh yeah enforce that as a prerogative we're the best Nation with the only nation you cannot think otherwise on a more technical note the quaptilian collective have now lost all of their ships they're doing not brilliantly um if they fall we're going to lose some massive bonuses and for that reason we're now going to prepare to build our own bulwark vassal over here in the corner oh a space storm that's going to very much help with slowing down all this kind of contingency issue yes a bit of a bit of a problem threading its way through the Galaxy there The Immortal entity Julian Spencer previously a malavite but now something far more he has attracted a large and devout following in the vernox Mandate worship by many as the Supreme deity a call has gone out officially to Crown the Serene protector as the permanent ruler of our great Empire now and into perpetuity well we're going to give that a go and see see how that works we've got uh yes we've now got the Divine Sovereign effect because we have a society led by the great demon Prince Julian Spencer watch it overall with a degree of uh I assume banality something like that yes we're now a little bit spiritualist that's not too much of a problem everything will be just fine the Evan Darian reclaimers have met their end at the hands of the contingency that's one Galactic threat out of the way hopefully yeah hopefully I think the other threats already basically gone no the general peacekeepers whilst they're the cradle and brother are still there and uh yes mother does remain with 24 gen lock maybe the only gen lot left in existence all praise the demon Prince Julian Spencer and all praise the Dark Prince himself Port tamberworth has now been encased entirely and is an ecumenopolis and so Falls the Gen lot peacekeepers wants the leaders of this Galactic Federation Federation which now well it's getting pretty fractured the sardok nor are the only independent nation left in the Galaxy along with the kuvab Democratic Commonwealth which do have a single world over here yeah good for them I suppose but between everyone the contingency is pushing forwards on all fronts within the vernox Mandate a mandate by the Divine being himself the Dark Prince lanesh we have not lost a single world there's no war in Boston said what are you talking about where do you think all the refugees come from you can't hide it there's War we've just hit the maximum level of our bulwark status and that means we now have the greatest defensive operations anywhere in the Galaxy not a single propelled ship but row upon row of star fortresses aligned and ready to take on any threat whatsoever we're hopeful we're very hopeful it might not quite work but we are very very hopeful in the high command we've also gained a new component the mark of the composer well we've just been visited by our uh by our garden it turns out we've been getting our God entirely wrong we've actually been devoting ourselves to the grandfather nurgle the rot God yes clearly the mark of the composer which is all about the Flesh and the intertwining of our ship is of nurgle origin we're not we're not slash that's that's a my bad there ladies and gentlemen um that is a complete my bad and I'm not even good we're gonna disappointed history 23 41 we've been sick 60 years into the crisis and right now we've realized we are praying not to slavesh but to nurgle I mean sometimes my geniuses it's almost frightening we're on the search for the toxic God it's a little stupid we didn't notice uh to be to be perfectly Frank oops it is entirely possible that by being the weakest apparent Nation from a military standpoint the contingency crisis has completely ignored us they're not ignoring anyone else with ships and when we had one ship at some point they flew in and killed that one ship for that reason and that that was our psionic entity no forget that wasn't anything anything evil or anything we weren't allowed to have I promise and that's one more mutation let's see where we are at now we've lost our enduring and our resilient and we're now simply conservationist the autocracy of ganvious Prime with apparently overwhelming Fleet power given their Fleet strength of 89 has just been enacted the custodian I wonder how long they will actually be able to survive given the single World they have remaining we're also going to switch over our nightly duties from questing knights we don't need that anymore and quite Frank I'm not sure we ever did over tonight commanders that's going to put them in charge of our stations and beef up our fire rate along with our ship fire rate and army damage even more we've mutated again this time we've dropped all of our negatives and we're apparently now agrarian that this is just fantastic praise nurgle praise grandfather praise the Rock God just as we predicted the autocracy did not last long meaning there is no longer any sort of custodian anywhere in the universe as the contingency press further and further into the territories of every Empire in the Galaxy the unity that has bound together out of great Federation has finally collapsed it's either price of Alloys has crashed I've got absolutely no idea why but we are of course going to take advantage of that and buy as many from the market as we possibly can and use them to further bolster our defenses we've finally finished a megastructure that means we can take Galactic wonders and I believe there's nothing really else here that we possibly want to take at this point nothing we can even do anything I mean Colossus project would be amazing however the Colossus project is simply outside of our Ken so we're going to take Master Builders and begin our final project to cut off our dire need of Overlord subsidies let's research Dyson spheres let's make sure that we are a self-sustaining entity out here in the galaxy and there it is the quaptilium are unable to pay the research subsidy that's the first issue we've run into in terms of non-payment from them but the Shroud has made us all very happy so what's the problem absolutely none whatsoever with ourselves as the preeminent power on the galactic stage and the construction of our Interstellar assembly well underway it is time the Diplomatic core be replaced with a need for ascensionism the quaptilium collective cannot have very long left they only have two planets remaining one of which is already inside of uh the contingency space or it's just been taken I should say not good for them and in the meanwhile we are very close to constructing our own Dyson Sphere and and thus no longer having a massive energy Reliance on that Overlord we've managed to construct a frame there's now only 1 800 days before we can start getting some energy output and that might mean we are very soon able to survive the death of our illustrious Overlord something that I've very just discovered and I say very just discovered right now discovered decreasing ship upkeep well that has an effect on the upkeep obviously of all of us Starbase is so we've now employed the idea of a grand Fleet we've actually got quite a few of these going we are making so much unity all in the name of Grandfather nurgle of course who may or may not be here residing in the degantu system I suspect not but you know let's let's wait to judge but that now is completely solved every and all energy problem we even partially had that's uh yeah that's a bit of an oversight there by the committee we seem to have another Fleet in fact I think it might be the fleet we recently defeated is coming back once more yes here he is they're coming back to the oasia system let's see if we can actually repulse them this time we seem to be doing a lot better we are losing some ships oh no there go our platforms my fingers are crossed that we can actually oh my goodness we could do it we can repulse these fleets that was one entire contingency Fleet defeated we lost about half of the star bases here that that could be a problem I'm thinking when we lose our Overlord what are we going to lose well we're going to lose a lot of Defense platform capacity as well as damage and hold points yeah I'm not sure I think we need to remain an underling not become an Overlord the bell mccose and Marauders have declared that we must pay them tribute we've declined to do that and we're going to see how well they fare with their moving ships this is the kind of hubris you get when you decide to strap a rocket to your home oh look their entire fleet yes their entire fleet has been destroyed that is a shame for them we've got another Fleet which has jumped straight into the system this time into the povera system make sure we turn on all of our edicts here it's gonna be a good shout and then yes well we've taken down that Fleet in its entirety but we did lose the orbital ring this is going to be about building layers and layers of concentric defense as it seems and the one the one frigid we managed to get from an archeology site well that might have been what angered the autonomous cluster 33 they jumped in trying to take out our one little frigate there well I think we've got summer in the region of all I don't know I'm going to to say about three months two months make it left with the one month with a quintillion collective in charge this is going to shatter everything okay there goes the custodian uh this is gonna be a massive problem in our Empire though why is that well we're getting some big bonuses from being a bulwark let's see I have an idea if I can get this to work which I might not be able to but if the demon Prince Julian Spencer is good for anything it's getting things to work it has been decreed that shipminster shall be the garden of nurgle which is great fantastic absolutely amazing hunky dory we're going to establish an embassy form a commercial pact and a research agreement and then release our subject oh and of course give them some fantastic trade deals because they've got absolutely nothing and of course to get their Garden really going we're going to give them a massive stack of zero that they can do whatever they want with there's two thousands row that'll help write to the Garden of nurgle they're the primary power we should respect their Authority and thus we should propose that we become a vassal to the art Prophet Victor the first who is of course a malavite now that we've got them as our Overlord very very soon what will be able to do is we'll be able to convert ourselves into a bulwark will be absolutely fantastic fine perfect in fact because they've got very little power and very little to do against it we simply will need to survive the requisite 15 years or so before we can well do anything about it now massive loss of power here why is that well we can't hold as many defense platforms around these defense platform areas we do need to get those bonuses back as soon as we can let's just hope our continued strategy of doing absolutely nothing and burying our head in the sand goes down a charm because there are some other powers left out there in the galaxy that the contingency do need to eat up once they've eaten them up they'll so hopefully we will be ready with the garden of nurgle will have become their bulwark and then if we power up enough we should be able to continue surviving indefinitely I really really hope that we don't get a problem happening where the uh where they come in and attack us it does seem to me though generally speaking the contingency want to deal with all of The Fleets out there in the galaxy first because yes some of these uh some of these people still have fleets before they'll try to come and attack us now what could be a problem is if our Overlord here the garden of nurgle starts building ships um yes that could be an issue only nine months left before we can begin becoming a bulwark once more and with the garden of nurgle absolutely safely tucked inside the space of the vernox Mandate our position in this galaxy should be assured and now we simply wait another 4 800 days due to our large empire size until we're going to be getting our bonuses back we've mutated again this time we've lost agrarian and now we're industrious I mean this this mutation business is fantastic we've become a much better species than we started the game as I honestly and the garden of nurgle just elected to join the Holy Covenant known simply now as the Federation halfway there we haven't been a tank and we're hopefully not going to be attacked in the intervening time there is the Dyson Sphere complete we also have a finished Mega art installation a completed Interstellar assembly home to the entire Galactic community Unity I have to assume and a fantastic strategic coordination Center primarily adding plus 12 defense platform capacity meanwhile Port tamberworth here has now reached level 10 Ascension meaning that The ecumenopolis Foundry requires minus 95 metallurgist upkeep producing 1.5 000 Alloys every month with a price of only 55 minerals and if we manage to get back into the large Federation which we have had to leave unfortunately then that will go all the way down to zero minerals and there we go we've become a bulwark so that's going to have helped out on all of our star bases now they're back up to plus 50 damage oh goodness here we are yes 400 000 right now I think if anyone were to attack us it would be an overwhelming victory for us now it might not be a victory at the first star base here it's possible we could lose after multiple attacks however we have consent Centric rings of defenses together totaling you know half a million Fleet power and that's that's not just in the one system that's in almost all of our systems we've got star bases stacked with Neutron launchers uh or planetary orbital Rings stacked with Neutron launches as well it's it's just absolutely beautiful and at this point with the galactic Community dying but mainly interestingly under our control here we are the preeminent member and we have an overabundance of the snorty snorty's row which everyone seems to really want to trade we trade two thousands Road for 10 favors and that basically wins anything we need to win in the galactic Community custodians come and go as soon as one jumps up the contingency jumps in to smash them down but overall I'm going to declare this an overwhelming success apparently the sadak Nora crisis an overwhelming success as we haven't lost a single system with the borders of the Mandate secure the malavite people now found themselves trapped forever in a prison of their own making trapped under the rulership of an immortal demon Prince trapped in the service of an immortal god with giant bastions and defenses at the edge of their space preventing any contingency fleets from moving into their space and moving against them but with that they could also not move out any further the rest of the Galaxy had long since fallen and the malavite were now settled in to an eternity of stagnation the composer of strands had a wicked sense of irony after all if you've enjoyed this video and you'd like to see what happens when I challenge myself by attempting to not research a single technology and all the chaos that leads to in that Galaxy click the video on screen now
Channel: Montu Plays
Views: 257,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, stellaris gameplay, montu plays, montu plays stellaris, stellaris challenge, stellairs challenge run, stellaris no fleet, stellaris story, stellaris roleplay
Id: _-WQypbTHcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 35sec (2915 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 25 2022
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