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with the dishes she's gonna put temperature no no no no she putting lasagna in dishwasher this video is sponsored by expressvpn niece and nephew do you know streaming services show you different show depending on where you live that's why uncle roger i use expressvpn uncle roger live in uk netflix uk only have terrible american version of death note hi but look at this uncle roger changed location to canada and now original death note series is on there and if you don't live in uk like me use expressvpn to unblock bbc uncle roger also use expressvpn to hide my searches for the other type of bbc sorry children because even when you use incognito mode your internet service provider can still see you searching for bad things but express vp and protect your data make your web browsing more anonymous find out how you can get three month express ppn for free by visiting expressvpn.com uncle roger or click link in description box below uncle roger i love saving money my nephew nigel show uncle roger this video extreme cheapskate let's see if i can learn any money saving hack from this gonna save this [Music] she's saving the thus from the dryer i collect lint from the dryer first off because it's clean secondly i don't have to buy cotton swabs what you're using lint as cotton swab lint is dust and dead skin from your shirt it's not clean at all so i use it to remove my nail polish it's my makeup i'm using them and you use on your face hi just buy cotton sheet it's so cheap also she tried to save money but she got makeup she got her nails done she got jewelry oh and she even used dryer dryer is most expensive thing in house in malaysia we dry our clothes outside because the sun is free you just have to remember to bring in clothes when it start raining otherwise your mom gonna come hit you this video is just starting already so crazy where is gonna go i went right now to apply my compact powder just as if a cotton swab would it not fair she just used lint to clean her face and her face skin so smooth maybe that's the secret to good skincare you need to clean your face with dust stephanie has countless money saving tactics by using just one light bulb that she moves from room to room she saves more than sixty dollars a month on her electric bill so her whole house one light bulb me stephanie you know you can have different light bulbs for different room just don't turn them on it like she living in 1800 time and just carrying around light bulb like lantern hi steven has a good job okay who's this guy talking she doesn't have a lot of money saved up she doesn't want to spin boyfriend this woman have boyfriend she behave like this and have boyfriend how is uncle roger still single i know how to cook i know how to clean and i have at least three light bulbs in house and i still single how disney's can find boyfriend she doesn't have a lot of money saved up she doesn't want to spend nothing is this how good her [ __ ] is you're willing to be with woman with one light bulb sorry children really sorry children in our house we have what we call navy showers uh-oh i'm not allowed to take long showers because stephanie wants to save water for the water bill i go in turn water on reach my body off cut the water off lather your body down make sure you get every area turn it back on reach the soap off my body and get out i don't really get to watch my full body this is not how you shower in-house this is more like how you shower in concentration camp i think that why this nephew is still with her he can't even wash his body properly he smell like [ __ ] no other woman won him this is my reusable boiling water this is my reusable boiling water reusable boiling water that is sentenced uncle roger never hear in life before yes i know it may be a little chunky but it's chunky from spending more i hope she's not drinking chunky water i hope this is just for watering plant or something yes i know it may be a little chunky but it saves me from spending more money on my water bill why can't i watch it break pasta like how jamie oliver would break tofu my long-lost italian cousin ceo ruggero gonna say manager she breaking the pasta manager is italian version of put more water in the pot dumping it and doing it all over again so that saves my water ew you can still see the little clump in there next time come on oh my gosh she's feeding her children i don't understand if you want to save money don't have children children so expensive and she have two kids two why don't you sell one of your kid trade her in for extra light bulbs is it good it is these children won't get cold with that immune system indestructible you're gonna eat all your food yeah well whatever you don't eat i'm gonna say okay saving food good uncle roger like to save food too every food and drink what we have in this house what's she doing she putting sauce back into the sauce jar this is some next level disgusting [ __ ] hi uh when uncle roger say food i just put in tupperware but she tried to save the sauce too if it doesn't get all drunk up i'll pour it back if it doesn't get off but that's so dirty everybody must touch the food and you put back into jahi this region like my marriage it keeps getting worse she's been too cheap there's no room in stephanie's world for extra expenses including entertaining guests patrick really wants to have a football party i am very unhappy about people coming over to our house trust me stephanie your guests are happy to come over also i really begged her to have people over and having people over to the house means stephanie's pockets are getting dug into and i do not like that you wanted this party you know how things go in our house come on no visitors this nephew need to dump her like how uncle roger dumb auntie helen i'm just not with the whole people coming over thing just kidding she's the one who left very uncomfortable hosting a football party at our house but i love patrick that's the most psycho way of saying you love someone you don't let him shower don't give him electric feed him clumpy water but i love patrick this needs soul cycle psycho this football party is throwing shitley budget way off course she says she wants to save money but she driving this big far by four car what her logic hi uh [Music] when i buy fruits and vegetables i want to pay for what i eat not for what i don't eat there's no need to pay for the vine if all i'm eating is the grapes there's no need to pay for the vine so she's just plucking grape and weighing them that'll do me justice probably only need about three of these my bananas i'm not going to eat the bowl of the banana i eat the banana she peeling banana in shop [Music] removing the peels pits and stems from fruits and vegetables before they're waiting holy [ __ ] stephanie saves up to three dollars per shopping trip i have never seen anyone peel bananas and put them in a basket that is weird yeah that really weird i like this auntie expression you see how she looked at her earlier that's the same face we make when we see a man with a girlfriend too young for him yes ma'am what can i do for you i'm going to be making a lasagna oh no she's going to cook by any chance if you have any other ground beef that's already left over it's all sold we sell it on a daily basis fresh all the time okay and so there's nothing that would expire why why wouldn't that take spot no man we don't sell the expired product why you want to buy expired meat show me women who like to put all expired meat in mouth and i show you gold digger dating older guy who about to die wow and how much would two pounds of the bee fat be let me cut a piece off she's just gonna buy beef fat for lasagna is that not good 2.53 cents now i will take oh no is that her lasagna hi yeah she's just cooking ground beef where the onion wet the celery and carrot i'm going to stretch out the beef by adding the rest of this or whatever's left from this ew what the hell is that this woman clumpy water clumpy beef fat clumpy everything she like clump stretch it out for the lasagna stretch out for listen no no by supplementing the meat with the beef fat stephanie saved 75 on the ingredients for her lasagna you save money but you lose dignity [Music] this is why we save the sauce oh my god that recycled sauce don't tell me this what she gonna feed to a guest oh my god also somebody tell this woman if you want to save money make your own tomato sauce don't buy canned tomato sauce i uh it tastes better and won't have other people's saliva on it [Music] now to save money i multitask with washing dishes and cooking meals with my dishwasher i just make sure i wrap dishwasher or else the food will get wet with the dishes you're gonna put temperature no no no the lasagna will be fully cooked in one and a half hours without using the additional gas of an oven she putting lasagna in dishwasher uncle raj is speechless they're going to be dish soap in death the dish soap gonna go into your lasagna uncle roger is so upset i put my leg down from chair hi uh what else might put these dishes in here one day oh my gosh washer and it's cooking fish hot dogs lasagna i'm telling you and she's so proud of herself if you want to save money don't use dishwasher it's expensive asian people we don't use dishwasher we use it for storage but she used it to cook lasagna now her fan coming over oh no that not even like going to fan house look how dark her house is if uncle roger go visit my friend and the house is stuck i feel like i'm going to visit murderer all watching in dark i want to be embarrassed all right [Music] come on hey what this this is the second time you did that i gotta save money for electricity i'm sorry i have to turn it off when it's a commercial this nephew uncle roger feels so bad for him this actually kind of funny now even auntie helen never treat uncle roger this bad and if your tv off how you know when the game stopped back up stephanie's very cheap she's the person i've seen in a long time i'll tell you that much excuse me oh my god you don't even give your guests the light bulb candle for the restroom i thought the walking around with the candle is really insane yeah it's very insane hi disney stephanie treat all her friend like [ __ ] she needs to get second light bulb and therapy oh no no dishwasher pasta hi uncle roger almost forgot about that of course look at his face look at his face that's a face of fear this guy face saying i'm not gonna eat this [ __ ] it look gross ew yeah it's good right look at the little baby that's good right even little babies say not good children the most honest people the dishwasher pasta is just child abuse uncle roger need to apologize to jamie oliver because i finally found something more disgusting than his egg fire rice to be cooked in a dishwasher the lime tastes like water w-a-t-e-r water nasty the only thing that should taste like water it's water if your lasagna tastes like water you [ __ ] up i thought it was very embarrassing yeah no [ __ ] people like what the heck she's pretty cheap she treating you like animal little nephew leave this even if you fall for the walls he's not gonna get much you're gonna get half her stuff so what half a light bulb uncle roger just finished filming my 4 million subscriber making ramen video the video dropping next sunday august 22 so hit subscribe now and ring the bell if you don't want to miss it you just have to remember to bring in the clothes when you start you just have to remember to bring in the clothes when it's [Music] maybe that's the secret to good skin care you need to clean your face with dust [Music] see that's funny we can use that i'm so reasonable i have at least three light bulbs in my house and i still think that the face of someone who'd been through some [ __ ] [Music] you know the [ __ ] could if you're willing to use only one light bulb you might bloop with this fuel you know the [ __ ] could if you only willing to you know the [ __ ] could if you're willing to use only one light pop that is a good line it's mostly for me but that is a good line
Channel: mrnigelng
Views: 4,446,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nigel ng, uncle roger, nigel ng comedy
Id: jcQ8_mX9juI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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