Uncle Roger React to Uncle Roger MEMES

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- When we say fried rice, we don't mean you deep fry the rice. Oh my God, you killing me, meme. (bleep) Hello, niece and nephew, it's Uncle Roger. Uncle Roger realized there is this new wonderful form of joke called a meme. Just yesterday, Uncle Roger, don't know what meme is. But I discovered this wonderful page called, "unclerogermemes". So funny, Uncle Roger laughed so much. So today, Uncle Roger gonna react to niece and nephew meme of Uncle Roger. Some are good, some are terrible! I feel sad for your life, haiya! You make unfunny meme, that is the saddest life. Why don't you get a day job, do something that contribute to society. Niece and nephew, make sure you watch till the end of video, because Uncle Roger gonna make my own meme for all of you. I'll show you how to do it properly, how to make really funny meme. Oh, this is classic meme format, the Drake meme. Uncle Roger, I say no to cooking without MSG, say yes to cooking with MSG. Okay, this one classic, Uncle Roger understand. I like this meme because straight copying Uncle Roger, he wear orange jacket. Hmm, Drake got taste, good taste. Uncle Roger, think I am very different from Drake, because I started from the bottom, and now I still at bottom, haiya! Okay, God adding explosion to 2020, Satan. This meme, uncle don't get, why they call me Satan? Why they call Aunty Hersha God? It should be the other way around, not funny, next. (buzzing) Gordon Ramsay say, "this smell amazing", me, "that looks tasty". Uncle Roger say, "that looks disgusting", me, "that looks disgusting". Then my face in a smart expression. Okay, I think this meme trying to say, Uncle Roger opinion, always correct. And that is true, but the maker of this meme, so sloppy. Look at the third line, Uncle Roger, Roger. When you make meme, please proofread your meme before posting. Haiya, now the whole world think you stupid. Uncle Roger, Roger, what is this? My plan 2020, aha, this is good meme. This meme is so simple, on the tray, what conveys so much. To be honest, this is not Aunty Hersha fault. Aunty Hersha only presenting recipe by BBC food, and now niece and nephew, we all know B-B-C stand for, Bad, Bad, cooking. Uncle Roger wanna update this meme, make it more accurate. I will change it to something like this. Good meme, good meme. What do we say to the God of death? Haiyaaa! This meme is okay. I think when Asian people die, we always say haiyaaa. Because we always have thing we forget to do, like turning off the light bulb in house. When Uncle Roger die, and I see Green Reaper, first thing I say is, haiyaaa, I left all the light in my house on. So sad, now my electricity bill so big, Green Reaper, are you gonna pay Uncle Roger electric bill? I want to save money, I don't want to die yet. When you become middle aged uncle like me, your only hobby now, is turning off all the light in house. Niece and nephew, you don't even need lights some time. Take away all your light bulb, save money, get all your shit done in the morning. After 6:00 PM, no light, just sit in darkness, staring at corner of room. This is what Uncle Roger do everyday. By the way, ignore the light back here. I know you see light back there, but that is light for YouTube video. That is not Uncle Roger forgetting to turn off the light. Speaking of YouTube backdrop, Uncle Roger found this new hand waving cat, it bring Uncle Roger good luck and the design so pretty. What you think, niece and nephew, leave comment, do you like this cat? This is my favorite thing I own now. If fire break out in Uncle Roger hotel room right now, this is only thing I save, fuck passport, fuck ID card, this is only thing I need. Next meme. No, no, no, is this what they f.. When we say fried rice, we don't mean you deep fry the rice. Oh my God, you're killing me meme, why're you torturing the rice? Oh no, Uncle Roger heartbroken. Okay, this one, I think this is not meme. This is just poem. How you don't wash the rice, just cook the rice, the rice stinky like you. They just lifted Uncle Roger quote from Uncle Roger on video and you call this meme. Put some effort into your meme, this is not meme. (buzzing) But this is actually good poem, Uncle Roger is the Shakespeare of rice. Shall I compare thee, to an egg fry rice? Thou art more lovely and more nice. Totally like Shakespeare, you can tell the difference. Ooh, this is IKEA advert, using Uncle Roger. It say, "For the perfect egg fried rice, 39 90." IKEA, now you use Uncle Roger line in your ad, you didn't even pay Uncle Roger, haiyaaa. Nobody go to IKEA to buy wok, real wok you find in basement, of Chinese grocery store. Not next to Billy Bookcase, IKEA only good for meatball and free pencil. Uncle Roger loves stealing free pencil from IKEA, that is the only pencil Uncle Roger use. Growing up, I don't even have sharpener. I ran out of pencil, I go to IKEA, so simple. Next. There was Uncle Ben's rice in that house, it's gone now. Yeah, I think this is crime worth committing. Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down. And then a bag of MSG. Okay, this is good meme, Uncle Roger see the concept, very nice execution. My ex wife, Aunty Helen, is opposite of MSG, she gave me up and let me down. I think Uncle Roger got rick-rolled by her. (upbeat music) You know you really fucked up when Uncle Roger put his foot down. That is so correct. In Uncle Roger Asian life, this is most comfortable way to sit. I sit like this, I feel like a king. If you make Uncle Roger put leg down from chair, you know you fucked up. Okay, this one is comic strip. I killed a man, you? I used metal spoon on non-stick pan. Oh, this means so accurate, because I think, using metal spoon on non-stick pan is worse than murder. If you murder your friend, you can always get new friend. Just go do Tai Chi in the park, or go play Mahjong with old Asian auntie, new friend is there. But a good wok, is so hard to find. The wok go all with you, Asian people, we love our cooking utensils, more than we love friend. Uncle Roger, one time, I had housemate who ruined my rice cooker bowl. He used metal spoon on my non-stick rice cooker bowl, nobody know where that housemate is anymore. Uncle Roger playing with Uncle Gordon and Aunty Hersha. Jamie Oliver, dead and left alone, exactly. So many people shipping Uncle Roger and Aunty Hersha, but I just want to say, please stop shipping us. Aunty Hersha husband's so scary, Uncle Roger want to stay alive. "Do you even know what you're doing?" The girl say to the guy. Uncle Roger say use finger, to make man satisfied. This meme is so dirty, Uncle Roger is family friendly character. Niece and nephew, don't make dirty meme like this, Uncle Roger got so many young fans, I don't want to explain what this meme mean. And also, the finger method is different. When you cook rice, you use finger method. Come up to first knuckle, first joint finger. When you use finger method on people, it's not just first knuckle, it's the whole fist. (upbeat music) Sorry children. (bleep) When you're at grandma's house for dinner and you tell her, you can't eat all the food she prepared. So weak, Asian grandma love force-feeding you. And then they also love to complain you fat, they are very mysterious creature. This another comic strip meme. Baby is born, "I have never looked anything as much as I love you, son". And the son say, "I strain rice with colander". Son get thrown away. This is good parenting. If you are adopted, this is why, you told your parent you strain rice with colander. That's why they give you up. If you strain rice with colander, you become garbage. 1.69 million subscribers, noice. Why six nine, noice? Uncle Roger, don't get this meme, I too innocent. Rice guy, no MSG, wait a minute. Haiyaa, when Uncle Roger applied job at Riceguy, I didn't get to see the truck. I don't know they don't use MSG, so sad. If Uncle Roger knew, I wouldn't have gone work for them. Oh yeah, baby, tell me what you want. Talk to me like you're fucking idiot. I use colander to drain rice. Oh, this meme quite funny, Uncle Roger, like it. The nurse explaining that life support has been cut off, me, who just plugged in my rice cooker, my mom. I know what this meme trying to say. So, is your relative in hospital, he on life support, but you want to cook rice. So you unplug the life support and plug in your rice cooker. (sighs) That's what Uncle Roger did to my great grandpa. Next time when I go to hospital, I gonna bring extension cord. Okay, now Uncle Roger gonna make my own meme. When you see this meme, you're gonna say, "Fuiyoh!" This meme is so funny, Uncle Roger, genius meme maker. See, this meme so funny, is a distracted boyfriend meme. He has saucepan as girlfriend, but he see the beautiful rice cooker. So funny, this meme, what you think? What you think? Also Uncle Roger, actually made two meme, distracted boyfriend again. First knuckle, and then, whole fist. (upbeat music) If you like Uncle Roger meme, go on Instagram, follow this page, @unclerogermemes, and submit your own meme. Uncle Roger want to see all the meme, niece and nephew created. And then I want to judge you. Proofread your meme before you post, don't be idiots. See you in my next video, bye bye.
Channel: mrnigelng
Views: 5,504,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: uncle roger, nigel ng, mrnigelng, mr nigel ng, nigel ng uncle roger, nigel ng comedy, memes, meme reaction, uncle roger memes, uncle roger subreddit
Id: n56IWjFk-2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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