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Kay Cooking, Uncle roger review her before Last time, she cook raw rice And the garlic so burnt it look like it live through Chernobyl Niece and nephew smash that subscribe button now like how your parents smack you Because at 4 million subscriber, Uncle Roger is gonna make my own ramen Is kay gonna make better fried rice this time or is she going to make our ancestors cry again? Let's see This video is sponsored by skillshare Niece and nephew, skillshare is online learning community With thousands of inspiring classes for curious people like you Uncle Roger love being creative Always finding new way to roast auntie helen That is why I take the class: Find your style: Five excercises to unlock your creative identity with Andy J. Pizza If you do creative work but you feel your work not good It's because you don't have cohesive sense of style Stop being disappointment and take this class now You're going to start with a vague sense of your personal taste But we're going to end with your own personal style guide And his last name is pizza, so you know it gonna be good The first 1,000 niece and nephew to use link in my description will gets free trial of skillshare premium membership After that and only around $10 a month $10 to be better at what you doing, FUIYOH That's a good deal, so go clink link now and let's start video Remember niece and nephew This just comedy video Kay actually lovely person Don't leave bad comment on her video Just laugh Don't bully people, it never end well just ask Chrissy teigen Hi people, and I'm back why her video so yellow Is she trying to blend into her wall? Today is Tuesday After making a mess of the special fried rice I'm going to have a go and this time I'm going to do it properly As you can see, I got the rice cooking this time Haiya she cooking rice but still no rice cooker I've also got some peas cooking I don't know if the peas need cooking but I'm just gonna do it Uncle Roger don't know why the obsession with pea in egg fried rice Why people love pea so much? Pea is most annoying vegetable You ever drop pea and it roll under fridge? you can't reach it And then you think Okay I guess the pea live there forever now Niece and nephew also telling Uncle Roger that is not induction stove This just heating coil under a glass pane Haiya uncle roger didn't think there could be thing that worse than an induction stove so not satisfying Why your stove look like Tron? Haiya As I did last time Ok, same wok as last time Three What are you pouring so slow Well these are dessert spoons, but it's supposed to be tablespoons But I'm gonna pour four of it this time Give that time to warm up The rice is still doing No no you can't just leave rice boiling like that You cook rice in saucepan you get the water boiling then immediately cut it down to simmer, to simmer! and also put lid on it Where you lid? Give me your address Uncle Roger send you rice cooker for free Don't torture rice like this anymore White rice matter white rice matter I predict this rice gonna be bad Keep watching video See if Uncle Roger correct I will give rice a lot more time See, even her wok sweating I think her wok scare what she gonna do So first of all Pea taste like sad Put the peas in I know last time it said put ham and the egg, but I'm not gonna do it this time I'm just gonna What is that Ham and chicken That ham and chicken Haiya that meat looks so fake It's suitable for vegan On the same plate Look how white and awkward the meat look Just like the friends reunions Run them in together and I'm gonna drop the egg in No the rest of stuff not even cook yet Haiya The rice is cooked for 20 minutes 20 minute too long I am assuming now it's done Don't assume check properly You can't just assume rice done you've got to see if it soak all the moisture The rice is done, I don't know if you can tell but Oh my God The rice still wet This is painful That's not rice That's still porridge haiya Who make fried rice with porridge? It looks soft Oh my god If your rice too wet you fucked up Also you cannot make fried rice with freshly cooked rice it need to be leftover So many video I make Nobody learn anything It like Uncle Roger wasting my time No more video Uncle Roger gonna quit YouTube now Last time her rice uncook, It too dry Now her rice too wet Is this like some Goldilocks rice bullshit When she going to make proper rice? When? Haiya If you gonna do shit like this, you need to give Uncle Roger warning Oh dear You know what's happened don't ya? Yeah too wet, rice too wet Too much rice What? oh no no This woman think her problem is Too much rice? Is she delusional or something Too much rice haiya Uncle roger can't even say haiya to this This is like next level from haiya Uncle Roger no word for this anymore Speechless Oh my Doesn't matter Oh my god look at that You make all our ancestor crying again Uncle Roger Grandma awake from her grave Just so she can die a second time This is not special fried rice this special sad sludge Haiya I don't know if the rice is supposed to change color or anything If it doesn't, it doesn't Fried rice supposed to change color So add some soy sauce Why no seasoning? The only thing of color in this rice is her spoon I don't know if the rice is supposed to change color or anything She can make her camera change color but not rice why? I think it should Think it might need another egg for that You don't need egg, you need Jesus No, cause it's not egg fried rice, it's special fried rice Why the rice so wet? Is it because our ancestors tear in there This is like torture, stop it, just stop Kay, stop cooking fried rice Uncle Roger will do anything I even willing to get back with that bitch of a woman Auntie Helen Just stop Well if you wondering what number I've got my cooker on It's number 3 Nobody care about your cooker number Kay we not trying to ask cooker out on date As you can probably see, the rice is a lot better than last time Where got better? Uncle roger can't even put my leg back up on chair But that's looking a lot better than last time I mean at least she cook the rice this time but if you hear Take closer listen at what the rice saying You can still see bits of eggs in it being cooked Okay This better than last time Because at least it cooked But just because it better than last time Doesn't mean it good, That like saying Last time you got shot but this time you only get stabbed So much better Haiya last time it was crunchy This time a sludge Who eat her rice You either need a hammer or a straw It's feeling...the texture a lot better than last time Too much peas in again That not your problem See how the rice all binding together Just like how all Asian people binding together against you now I remember this just comedy video, don't attack Kay Treat people with love and respect even if they fucked up cooking Right, as you can see it's all done All done? It don't look any different from when you start Like I said the rice is nice and soft Nobody want nice and soft trust me Nice and soft is exactly why auntie helen left Sorry children That is a redo of what I messed up on Thursday I hope you like what you seen. Like I said, no taste test I know a lot of you have been complaining At least she not feeding this to anyone No taste test I feel bad for her poor son last time Eating the raw rice and the burnt garlic But it's something that I've started now it's a lot better than what the last one was I took what my viewers said and I boiled the rice Ok you cook the rice But where's the garlic? last time you have garlic And where the soy sauce? No seasoning No garnish From now on when people tell Uncle Roger "Women belong in kitchen" Uncle Roger go, no, not kay Kay so bad at cooking she turn Uncle Roger into feminist You wanna ask me to make something or whatever you want me to do If I can make it, I will Haiya, kay Uncle Roger what you to make Asian people happy Two video now, how about this Kay, DM nephew nigel on Instagram, we bring rice cooker to your house Cook egg fried rice together What you think What you think Niece and nephew, If you want to see Uncle Roger collab with kay cooking Smack that like button If Kay see so many like on this video Maybe she want to cook with Uncle roger Let's try to make this happen kay just get rice cooker Don't torture white rice like this anymore because white rice matter Hashtag WRM Oh I'm gonna get in trouble for this, but I'm gonna keep it in As you can tell kay really Cooking up a storm here because this like Hurricane Katrina From now on when people say women belong in kitchen Uncle Roger gonna to say no, not kay Kay cooking turn Uncle Roger into feminist now Uncle Roger do YouTube 1 year now, still couldn't afford air-con Still sweating all over the place Haiya Send Uncle Roger air-con Niece and nephew Don't make Uncle Roger put my leg down from chair Go watch another video down there, right down there, click down there No no no no not dirty like that I don't mean down there I mean click below go click below and watch another video Go!
Channel: mrnigelng
Views: 4,256,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nigel ng, uncle roger, nigel ng comedy, skillshare
Id: n53Wxpfrnzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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