Uncle Roger Go on TINDER to Find Love

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Uncle roger has blown the fuck up! good on him :)

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Butt___cuddles 📅︎︎ Jul 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

He is 50? Damn

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/sowydso 📅︎︎ Jul 29 2020 🗫︎ replies
Abi 88 year old 88 year old, old enough to be uncle roger mom. Okay, I like [*ornhub Intro Plays] Hello niece and nephew, it's uncle roger today! Uncle roger gonna go on tinder to find new companion! after auntie Helen left I need to fill whole in heart and many people telling me Tinder is good place to go. If you don't want to die alone, hopefully find some auntie who's very good at making egg fried rice. Okay, opening tinder. A few moments later.. Okay! Now Uncle Roger's profile is ready! I think these photos make uncle roger look good So fashion! "Hallo! I love rice, karaoke and tai chi. If you like asian things, let's be friends!" These are all uncle roger photo. Let me know what you think. First. One is adorable. Second one is cute Third one is smoldering. All these photos taken recently. So Uncle Roger don't like catfish. Leave a comment down below Let me know what you think of uncle roger profile. Uncle roger gonna start swiping Oh too much too much first photo bikini photo Uncle roger don't want to see this too sexual too sexual. No, this is better photo Why don't you open your profile with this photo? You look nice. You nice wear. Nice dress. Why you open profile with this beach photo? Hai Yah~ No, no, no, no tia 24 I'll out cook your mom I'll out drink your dad and I'll out do your ex? If you can't make me laugh within two minutes of talking I would probably unmatch you so Demanding no, no, no kaylee, 19 19 too young too creepy Bea 42 She say she woman but all I see is clump of hair Abi 88 year old 88 year old old enough to be uncle roger mom Ok, I like [*ornhub intro plays] Haiya Uncle roger have trouble finding asian women on this app I think I know what I need Uncle roger uploaded second photo with rice bag because people need to know uncle roger love rice Maybe they see uncle roger big rice sack. They think big rice sack means other stuff big as well. Don't be dirty I mean like big house big kitchen. Okay. So this photo I think will be lady killer natasha 54 I do enjoy 50s dancing vintage shopping theater old films Documentaries days out 40s 50s music why you like all the old things uncle roger don't like 40s and 50s in the 40s There's world war ii in the 50s. There's racism. Sharon 44 Why are all older women all named Sharon? Is Sharon such a such a common name in the uk? Layla, 19, vegan. Haiyaa 19 already too creepy vegans some more No, no, no, no karuna 21, the hallmark of a great relationship is anal Uncle roger I am I am very innocent I just want long walks to the park eat some rice feed some duck. That's it No, anal sharon another sharon. I told you I told you Middle-aged white british women always sharon. Drinking beer on train. Haiyaa, like a drunk. Annabelle, 21. Why you only showing your body where your face? another shot of your body Another shot of your body. Why are you trying to sell me the dress? Meg 23, but all her emoji is drinking is drinking drinking lips drinking drinking crystal ball I don't know. What type of life you lead, but no Cerri, 48 looking for a man who loves to eat out. Cerri, you mean eat out at restaurant or you mean the other eat out? Because uncle roger love both Sorry kids Amy 20 why your skin so orange? What race are you. Chesca 45 looking for someone who will make me believe again in romance? You don't need someone to make you believe in romance. All you need is k drama go watch crash landing on you Isla 33 and she got photos of herself I think drowning in the lake Is this attractive now. Do people like women who are drowning? What is this picture? A your name is a and you 30 year old and you take picture next to? smart fridge Or is this or cctv somewhere why this app showing uncle roger male people? Have I run out of all the female in my age range another sharon what I tell you What I tell you if you see 10, middle-aged white women walking in a row You call sharon. I think five of them will turn around. One hour later So uncle roger been on tinder for like one hour now and haven't met someone who have same interest as uncle roger I think uncle roger destined to be alone Maybe one more swipe one last swipe before I delete the tinder app Auntie jenny. Hello. I am auntie. Jenny. I love karaoke Uncle Roger love karaoke too. I sing so good voice like the angel. Oh my god, and she love rice. Oh my god This is uncle roger's soulmate This is all the fate and all the world come together all the gods up there helping uncle roger so many plastic Oh Uncle roger love plastic bag uncle roger got so many inside under my sink. Oh, yeah She got wooden spoon to beat her kids too. Oh my god. This is perfect women hou ah hou ah so good. So good auntie Jenny is like uncle roger, but in female form, I think uncle roger have found two soulmate This is beautiful my last swipe on tinder and it's auntie. Jenny. Uncle roger's so in love now Wish that I could find the words to Describe you now So if you want to know if auntie jenny swipe right on uncle roger subscribe to my channel Next video i'll let you know if auntie. Jenny replied. Bye. Bye
Channel: mrnigelng
Views: 5,066,363
Rating: 4.9669337 out of 5
Keywords: uncle roger, nigel ng, mrnigelng, mr nigel ng, nigel ng uncle roger, uncle roger tiktok, tinder, uncle roger tinder, uncle roger go on tinder, uncle roger find love, uncle roger auntie jenny
Id: DttZYOB5fmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 12sec (432 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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