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This french guy Alex, he make whole series about fried rice And he said he want to make it better than Michelin star Cantonese restaurant I've been trying really hard to make perfect At the Michelin star cantonese restaurant level Restaurant level egg fried rice? But he looks so nerdy he looks less like Chef More like guy who fix my computer Let's see how he do Niece and nephew, remember to go check out nephew Nigel podcast Rice to meet you Sometime on the podcast You can even hear Auntie Helen roasting Uncle Roger Take his pants off And like, where is it? That why uncle roger like rice so much Because they the same size Link in description Hey guys, salut! This is Alex. Welcome back to the fried rice series whereI'm trying to master chao fan Just learn how to make fried rice No need to learn how to write Chinese letter for fried rice Wasting time, this not going to make your fried rice better I'm trying to master fried rice at a restaurant level That is very vague Because restaurant can be Michelin star restaurant or it can be Jamie Oliver restaurant So far in this journey I've been over hills and valleys Buying gears, tasting real fried rice, making my own stove Oh nice I've been learning the theory So many things he do Making my own stove. I've been practicing the technique I've been learning the theory I think this guy very obsessive He got OCD or something No need for theory, look at the diagram Are you making egg fried rice Or are you trying to rob bank? If this nephew rob bank and we make movie about him That movie should be named ocean one because it look like he have no friend Uncle Roger think this a little bit extra Egg fried rice so simple 3 ingredient Egg, fire and rice I hate to be this guy children Daddy, I hungry. Can you make me some egg fried rice? And he go: fuck off, I'm building my stove In a few minutes, I've got the Chef Samuel Lee Sum The chef from Shang Palace in Paris Michelin star Chinese restaurant He agree to evaluate my skills Drama! I don't think I'm going to be able to impress the chef with just a regular fried rice I wanted to add more me personality in this dish No no no don't add your personality to dish Uncle Roger don't want to know what French hipster taste like I went to the market , there's an open air Market nearby Artisan, butcher and a chicken Rotisserie I've been buying local and seasonal produce Local produce Why? France no grocery store is it? Haiya Also don't just use local produce Because French Market not gonna sell MSG Uncle Roger predict this nephew not going to use MSG in his fried rice He's gonna make Uncle Rogers sad Keep watching to see if I correct Haiya, shoe in house, what wrong with French people Hello chef! What is that? What is that? Nephew Alex why you put paper on wall like that So ugly, Just get Post-it note Post-it note very cheap See No need tape It's good to see you chef, come in, welcome! Nice space This is the stove Nice space The place okay at best I love this, really professional You want one for yourself? you want me to build another one for your Garden parties maybe? This stove it goes from medium low to medium high Okay Who's that in the background? This nephew living with two women Hmm, Uncle Roger underestimate him This nerdy guy got two women with him? How much you pay for them How much? It's good idea With this stove, it goes from medium low to medium high Surely you should go from Off to medium-high Let's go let's go Okay let go My mom used to hit me with that Coating the wok, good Oil go in Egg into oil okay Look very good stirring motion on the egg It look better than in his first video Back then he stirred like a baby learning what a spoon is Rice looks nice and dry, that's good Punching rice to loosen it, not bad Nice wok toss Sugar Salt Haiya no MSG, see what I tell you Spring onion, good What is that? Uncle Roger don't know Pea? Haiya In earlier episode when Chef Samuel go to local market Today I going to Market to choose The fresh ingredient He gets scallop shrimp and asparagus But this nephew Alex go to local market And all he gets is pea and weird meat haiya Why don't you just get that shit from grocery store No need to go all the way to market to get pea Pea tastes like shit anyway But the wok hay so far look very good, point for that Just trying to wake it up Thank you, sir Soy sauce, ok uncle roger thought you forgot This music so epic Okay and now a few words from What happening? Haiya sponsor message Don't interrupt uncle roger enjoyment Grammarly why you sponsor him? You should sponsor Uncle Roger, My English grammar so fuiyoh! So weird how this nephew read ad He look like he podcasting Skip this bullshit Fuiyoh, this looks so nice Look at this, all the rice Individual grain Little bit wok hay charring on the rice Nice bright color and look so light and fluffy The fried rice look like good Cantonese fried rice Thank you chef This is the moment Yes -So happy today to see this fried rice -Cheer Who cheer with fried rice This not alcohol Are you gonna down that bowl of fried rice? Let's try it Yes Let's see what he thinks It's really good Okay Fuiyoh The rice are not too dry Okay and one by one separate Separate is correct Good egg fried rice should remind uncle Roger of my own marriage So I thought if I just make for you Fried rice with egg scallions and rice We will never be impressed by my technique So I'm thinking I must bring something beyond that And that's why I've been bringing memories Memory Uncle Roger don't want to make egg fried rice with memory Uncle Roger don't want my fried rice taste like pain This is a reference to a childhood memory of mine For Sunday lunch with my family we would have roast chicken Along with crisp or potato chip and we will have a salad on the side And that's basically what I've been trying to replicate I've bought some rotisserie chicken Oh so that meat is chicken Added peas for freshness to mimic the salad A few pickles just to get the dressing vibe And some super fine potato chips powder He put potato chip in his fried rice What next, sandwich and a bottle of coke? haiya And what he say earlier? For Sunday lunch with my family we would have roast chicken We would have roast chicken along with crisps or potato chips For family dinner all you have is Chicken and potato chip? Is your family divorced or something What kind of mom do this? Are you adopted because that what we feed to people we don't give a shit about Rotisserie chicken, I chopped up the dark meat And then I added peas for freshness to mimic the salad Why would you ever want egg fried rice to mimic salad? Who want anything to ever mimic the salad? Nobody eat salad because we think salad taste good We eat salad because we don't want be fat Some super fine potato chips powder Also he crushing the potato chip into powder That's so sad childhood Uncle Roger grow up so poor But my parents never feed me potato chip powder I always get the full potato chip If I want to make the taste of my home That's how I would twisted without changing it too much Fried rice, egg, rice and scallions is the base, the Ingredient You can have different combination Even though Uncle Roger don't agree with his ingredients I have to say his techniques still very good So maybe we can evaluate How good the dish is From one to ten Oh scoring 0 is bad takeaway in France Okay you know very mushy texture Okay so that 0 Proper Cantonese fried rice, for example like your restaurant is 10 Where is this one? Uncle Roger gonna give this 8.5 Would be 9 if he use MSG Just be honest For me I think Eating because I've got anxiety 7 point Seven I thought I would get less than this 7 This chef so high standard fuiyoh Uncle roger need to check out his restaurant Niece and nephew You just Experience Asian parent If your parent Asian Nothing you do will ever better than 7 Even if you Bill Gates If Bill Gates parent Asian He still getting 7 7, man, cool That's good thank you chef so much Thank you Sorry to interrupt Alex here from the studio but I've got something to share with you we made for the series- a poster The path to fried rice You using Thumbtack? haiya nephew Alex you need to learn how to Put shit on wall First to use black tape Now you use thumbtack haiya Invest in nail or a hammer Or Uncle Roger can even send you a drill if you fancy Also this poster look like a Lord of the Ring poster Only difference is one have weird looking hobbit guy The other has Frodo Baggins So guys how do I feel at the moment Well, I Feel good I've been practicing alot, I've been studying for this moment And the fact that the chef evaluated my skill at 7 Unexpected Good job Nephew Alex Uncle Roger been following your whole fried rice series And see you improved a lot This fried rice look so good and I'm going to call you uncle Alex from now on Niece and nephew My nephew Nigel he going on tour doing stand up soon Tickets for his UK show also out already But he gonna have International date next year America, Canada, Australia, Europe, Asia everywhere he gonna go So if you want to see nephew Nigel perform, sign up to his mailing list below And he let you know when he coming to your town Who know, maybe you see Uncle Roger there also if I feel like working This nerdy guy want to make restaurant level egg fried rice If he gonna rob bank, you should make movie call it Ocean one Because he look like he have no friend I think that works right First he used black tape, now you use thumbtack Haiya invest in a screw First he used black tape, now you use thumbtack Haiya Invest in nail Make sure focus on this I don't know how am I gonna do it Focus on that
Channel: mrnigelng
Views: 3,741,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nigel ng, uncle roger, nigel ng comedy
Id: AlZNZr1lI9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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