UNBELIEVABLE COMEBACK Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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are you serious yeah it just came off it did yeah well maybe it'll push something which means now it's blocking here we go here we go he said george those aren't towers those are skyscrapers oh and you must be a superhero leaping uh jumping leaps and bounds from the skyscrapers saving all the gold of the world sure is that what elvis told you else doesn't talk to me priscilla does what's the strategy on this one uh you know strategy i'm thinking and go for the center because if i go left i'll lose the gold bar if i go right i'll lose my gold bar if i go center if you go to the middle or left middle or right middle that tower could knock down the middle tower you could kill two birds with one stone [Music] okay so what's the value to going to the to the you know what look at but if you go to the right if you go to the right there's another tower up on the display savings i mean mini skyscraper i'm just saying if it does go to the right you've got something to save it it looks like uh i don't want to risk it i'm gonna go center she's going center i don't even know who she is [Music] you only have 100 excuse me what it's a little loud in here although we have this side of the machine to ourselves so it's kind of nice it's nice for now until someone shows up we can be a little bit more immature when no one's around which we'd love i am a fan it just moved it actually did just move it actually did just move now this might be a target or it might be a terrible [Music] going down the center like this oh it just moved again honestly i don't i don't think it's that good of a move because i think this is going in the fail conversation you only have 25 you're going for a structure instead of ammunition you're breaking your own rule right but i explained why i'm not going for the ammunition on the left and the right i'm gonna lose but all of yours all of the money that you have right now is just getting blocked by a tower you don't have enough to take anything down it just moved i saw two of them move i saw the middle move and i saw the one to the left i don't know this is like breaking all the rules that you set for yourself i don't know how i feel about it all the quarters are getting jammed by the stream the mystery bag is actually jamming for 25 [Music] this is not going well oh and the right just let go this is not going well the mystery bag you can't see behind the tower the strings of the bag the strings of the bag are caught underneath the protective shield and catching the quarters now it's letting some loose [Music] this this is not going well how do you feel about that you just dropped one quarter order maybe three how are you feeling about this i don't know i don't know it's too soon to tell too soon did you just call me amateur um no but i would without hesitation i'll take that as a compliment it is it is you actually have a sense of humor senses of humor i have multiple senses of humors uh you have multiple personalities you've got one son in here [Music] i think did just move again [Music] you know the other danger is if that middle tower actually does fall like you're anticipating and then all the coins fall backwards and then all those coins get pushed into your other towers you're probably still going to lose your gold bars instead of taking a left and a right down [Music] pretty sure you set yourself up for this one i would lose whether i went left lose whether i went right lose whether [Music] when when did it get to 40 that's a little high do you think so i thought that was low really in the grading department that'd be enough well yeah you win about 25 of the time and that's you know what kind of f that is it just moved it all right i'm still in the game it's time to pull i think you only have a dollar down there but let's grab it [Music] that is scary lucky bags holding 350. or you could say unlucky bag because it's only holding 350. well i'm still in the game so yeah yeah definitely definitely you're in the game you're in the game you would never want to discourage me i would never want to discourage you so are you are you changing your battle plan with 350 or okay i see what you're doing there [Music] again it could be a horrible strategy or it could be the best strategy ever yeah yeah that's pretty much the same with everything in life when it comes right down to it that is the same as everything in life look at the look at the tower to the left it's up against the oh yeah the window now all right down to three quarters three left three i gotta time my drops it actually moved george i don't know i don't oh you did get some quarters to fall you did get some quarters to fall and look look you're one in the middle the top quarters are starting to lean in on the skyscraper yes uh yeah yeah so i'm at the sky skyscraper you ready to pull let's do it george 2.25 george it's 2.25 george playing with fire you know what they say just remember play with fire and you might get inspired a campfire and everybody likes a campfire the warmth the beauty the serenity the the asmr qualities of it the crackles the sounds the the heat the food the bacon now that's what i'm talking about george the bacon everybody loves the bacon from the fire every little buddy yeah who doesn't love bacon as a matter of fact are you aching for some bacon i'm always thinking for some bacon right now you're aching for bacon [Music] bacon am i out of borders um i believe you are probably out of quarters did any fall i think so really because i don't recall anything falling and then there were two [Music] and this is how the casino makes money because 99.9 people do this they go straight for a structure instead of ammunition so we get people making comments all the time how can the casino make money well it's easy you have to pay to play that's why it's called high stakes and once a person goes for a structure they lose all the money george is down to two quarters and i have a feeling you won't see this until december all right let's find what we're doing left right center [Music] you better figure out what your plan is all the bishop just fell wait are you serious yeah it just came off it did yeah well maybe it'll push something which means now it's blocking no no no sticking way are you kidding me are you kidding me you have got to be freaking kidding me and i still have one you haven't got to be kidding me don't worry about me getting excited we're the only ones at the machine right now you have got to be kidding me you did it with two quarters left two quarters and you still have one in your hand are you serious are you serious you're doing some work you're not dropping the last order insane this is most insane thing i think i've ever seen in my life what did i say this is either a good idea or a bad idea this is crazy this is insane this is crazy i don't even know what to think i don't even know what to feel right now do you know who it was this is crazy thanks elvis that's why you're my bff i [Music] got to be kidding me that was the craziest that was the craziest thing i think i've ever seen you ready to pull i cannot believe you're still in this you're somehow still in this [Music] [Music] lucky bag 5.0 is holding 73.75 and that's not even the best thing as we were pulling and counting more was dropping into the shoe i i have to admit this is your greatest comeback ever down to 50 cents you did it with one quarter in your hand and one in the machine what's your plan let's rewind a little bit um no you said that [Music] although we have been talking about actually doing a whole video and we go backwards to forward so the structures actually get rebuilt in a winning game and we were going to take it from the very end you would see the entire game in reverse so the structure of actually going back up as george clooney like a back to the future no it would be a whole thing in reverse if anybody would actually want to see that the whole game played in reverse obviously wouldn't have our commentary but we could always voice over it going in reverse yeah we could do voiceover that would be fun actually she's definitely jammed up bad on the left i think you just need to go to the middle and get ammo now and you got the mystery bag under there too you might as well just get ammo now so you don't lose these these towers they're not towers oh yeah skyscrapers skyscrapers sorry superwoman i forgot skyscrapers that's that's by far the greatest comeback ever i've never seen anything like that down to 50 cents that does not happen that was this one time at the casino i dropped one corner with one quarter remaining the house was about to win and boom shakalaka came through almost came through that was is she's got to keep the towers on the left and the right in her playing [Music] the gold is where the money is shared this before although people ask all the time how much is the goldworth gold fluctuates every single day just like anything else on the stock market gold and silver fluctuates so if you want to know how much daily if you want to know how much a troy ounce of gold is worth on the day you see this you need to ask alexa or gary or you need to google it that will tell you how much it's worth on that day it's worth nothing if george can't rescue it and it's worth nothing if i go straight to the left or straight to the right and i lose it in the other plane [Music] this is intense look at that look at the mystery bag it's right on the edge my heart it's broken my heart is it's cramping i got heart cramps you got a charlie horse in your heart no i got an elvis horse in my heart [Music] i'm cramping that was insane that is the greatest comeback i've ever seen the little girl whose parents immigrated from egypt who knew no english who then one day came to dominate the elvis coin pusher and went to the championships to become the olympian coin pusher with 50 cents left in her hand she blindly dropped the quarter towers came i mean skyscrapers came tumbling down as she vanquished the evil villain the naysayers the trolls that live in their mom's basements she once again she shut them up i laid that hammer down so what you're saying is i was born to play this all this machine i'm just saying you got a gift well i didn't say what the gift was it's your coach you got a good coach it definitely ain't elvis did you know that elvis was your age when he passed away well i had a good run it was nice knowing you too way too young sometimes the student becomes the teacher [Music] you gotta admit we have come a long far away from when we started studying the machines learning the machines [Music] and a lot of that a lot of that success is backdoor backdoor success through failure so once you lose enough you go okay don't do that again now let's see another way well everyone learns from their mistakes no not everyone does i think there are plenty of dumb people in the world who have shown us that they don't learn from their mistakes well in our in our scenario you mean you you mean you learn from your mistakes [Music] i don't need your permission [Music] [Music] where's my loafers [Music] where's my mommy my name's benjamin benjamin buttons it was my mummy [Music] have you seen the skyscrapers move at all no no i have not [Music] but i have seen the hails of a lot of ammunition falling in that shoe going from 50 cents to 50 [Music] i don't know how broke every rule to do it what what a hails of a comeback you never know what the hell is going to happen i am still in awe i am still in awe [Music] so am i i saw you looking at me with defeating your eyes the puppy and dog eyes like the water and the watery eyes yeah i really thought a tear was gonna big alligator tears you were looking at me like uh uh what do i do what do i do coach what do i do that was desperate there that was the hail mary of all hail mary's if this was an olympian sport [Music] do you think we would go and represent the usfa i think we have a great chance of representing the ufc what what if there was a coin pushing regional states then national and the national winner went to represent the united states for the world title who do you think we would have to be i think for regional you'd have to beat yourself five months ago would it be me versus you and then for state it would be me versus you or you versus me and then for national it would be you versus one of your other personalities and then for the world it would be you versus all of your other personalities personalities or alter ego you got both [Music] my alter ego versus your alternative nobody beat basic vanilla grandpa not even you [Music] not even you i think once you get all this ammo you can start from one of these towers don't you there are no towers i mean sky's great for skyscrapers [Music] we are okay with skyscrapers though [Music] you're trying to cover up what you just said don't sweetheart me tell me what you said have you been eating broccoli again yeah broccoli is good for you that ain't good for me because you eat it what's wrong with broccoli oh it might be okay broccoli it ain't okay coming out [Music] everyone that i know loves broccoli except for you my son loves broccoli my parents eat it my siblings eat it my nieces and nephews eat it you're the only one that's smart all right down to two corners [Music] if everybody ate avocados would you eat them too i love avocado all right best scenario check it out 210. even in quarters and the beautiful mystery bag mystery bag as well where do you go from here george you got all that money now i think it's safe to play the right the right has been the most challenging thing for you because you always play the left you you literally are switch ruin everything this time around i am you went straight for the structure it looks like it's opposite day or so we really should play this whole video in reverse we should play the whole thing from the beginning to the end what if we did that what if we took one and we put it on the asmr channel the what the asmr and we just played it from from reverse to beginning in super speed we could try that you know what i mean yeah i'll follow your lead on that one the whole chipmunk reverse thing isn't going to work but i always thought it would be so cool to watch a whole game superspeed in reverse that would be fun or it would be cool if we let's say we posted this one and then we took it and we edited it and we did it in super speed reverse and you get to see all the structures come back the whole game back i mean you're really flipping everything on it on his head anyway right yeah i think it'd be neat because one of the things that i like to do just for fun is to watch a waterfall in reverse reverse reverse [Music] so there's kind of there's kind of two pawns here number one you go for the left or number two you go for the right but if you go for the left if you can get it to fall towards the right that might be able to take down the right power as well or if you go for the right and you might be able to get it to fall towards the left and take down the left tire george is just [Music] have you seen that that uh that right skyscraper move at all no but it's definitely up against the glass the way you like to put your nose up against the glass well i know the left one is but what about the right [Music] okay so you know it's moved forward [Music] yes you know the nice thing about going to the right if it does fall to the right it's like something there's another giant tower i don't see a tower i mean sky's great uh skyscraper to the right that could be like you know like when you go bumper bowling it pushes the bowling ball back in the lane [Music] [Music] that would be a tragedy that would be a real tragedy i would cry for me too but i just don't see it moving at all it's like the right side always gives you problems but i always thought it was because you removed everything else from the field so everything goes the path of these resistance [Music] maybe you're just handicapped on the right isn't always right for me maybe you're just you got a handicap going to the right [Music] you know maybe you would let me play maybe i could knock the power down and you could be my coach will you remember that i let you play remember what i heard your eyes rolled did you hear the crunching i've heard of crouching in the back of your head no remember what [Music] that [Music] do you sing the songs in your sleep at night like i do [Music] too but now it's weird too i don't feel so weird now [Music] i think it's not moving at all quarters [Music] [Music] that thing looks like it's actually moved [Music] i'll stand as still as possible let's see if it moves [Music] don't sneeze don't blink [Music] [Music] wow that doesn't look like it's munching either [Music] everything everything yeah you did so i think you got too much oxygen pumping at your hosts there are two gold bars [Music] how i can win these [Music] [Music] you got this i have faith in you anybody that could have a great comeback like you just did something's gonna happen [Music] are you doing coin confusion she is now doing coin confusion pick a strategy and stay with it you are definitely i'm doing left left left center left center left left center there's a pattern [Music] [Music] come on baby [Music] do you want to switch and see if i can repeat oh yeah let me do one more handful all right get a handful are you gonna remember that i repeat for you once you win are you sure you're going to remember you're not going to come back and be like i want it i'm the champion i'm the greatest olympian i am this is universe i'm the koi pushers me and elvis [Music] are you sure [Music] yeah we'll see if uh your flick of the wrist could do some damage compared to mine [Music] i don't know your flick of the wrist is pretty strong i've been flicked by you before when among other things [Music] definitely not fun for me then why do you laugh so much when i do [Music] that's what i want to do i want to run in terror but you can't wipe off your face [Music] elvis is sick so you've gone both left and right well i'm going i'm a man after my own woman's heart okay you broke all the rules i'm breaking them [Music] that was pretty impressive not gonna lie never seen anything like it i'm gonna be dreaming about it all night [Music] um i wouldn't go to that extent but it was epic there's no doubt about that it deserved a pbj [Music] [Music] okay let's see [Music] the one on the left do you think i want to have fun yeah really i think so okay [Music] what's your favorite side to play [Music] and i'm the one with the bad memory [Music] did you just call me look if i if i wiggle [Music] if i wiggle the placement wiggle wiggle wiggle oh my goodness we just made the skyscraper [Music] did you see i'm wiggling the placement piece did you see that are you [Music] that's fair serious i was just it's just reception from side to side security or one that's just the piece that slides side to side there i did nothing illegal [Music] who doesn't rock him back everybody rocks that piece back and forth did both skyscrapers move are just the one just the one the one on the right never budged at all but the one on the left was shaking right yes it [Music] this might be the time [Music] [Music] so if it falls if you can get it to fall i'm pretty sure the gold bar will be safe will it knock down the right tower if it falls you're sure you solid wiggles now [Music] you would have to fall sideways to knock over the tower on the rain or not the tower of the skyscraper [Music] i really want to shake the placement piece again can i shake it one more time sure go ahead all right are you going to remember [Music] it's definitely that gives us that gives us an idea how ready it is to fall don't worry that piece gets played by everybody it's where you aim and then you put your quarter in [Music] completely fair shake shake [Music] okay i got one more handful one more here we go [Music] i don't know wait wait i got one more quarter two more quarters two more [Music] and too soon well i guess i'm not as good as george wow nice try 220 quarters you're the master let's see it happen master the queen of the comeback this will help me out i'm gonna go to the left the greatest show woman in history the comeback queen of the century there is none other there is only one it is the george i should name my rename my youtube profile to the infamous comeback kid [Music] for the infamous comeback you and your comebacks it never never really ends [Music] [Music] so that's the plan straight left i'm gonna go hard left that's the way i get it done [Music] rapid fire when in doubt left it out [Music] i like that i just made that up you did it for the cloud i did it for the lols i did it for the lows people i did it for the wolves come on skyscraper anytime you want me to come back in with a rapido you just say okay okay cuz i'm ready how about i do half this bag and then you can take the other half i'm cool with that i'm good with that are you good with that yeah [Music] give you half the bag to try and knock it over then give it over to me and i will knock it over okay i like your confidence [Music] i don't care who knocks it over as long i'd like to [Music] get the goal i'd like to get the goal i'd like to get the gold for you [Music] oh my goodness the biggest comeback ever and just lost oh my gosh oh man the guy on the right just the skyscraper on the right what do we do what do we do now just wait just wait just wait there's nobody there's nobody to our left and to the right there's nobody else on the machine so oh my gosh i knew that would have happened you want to pause and get the buy-in probably a it's good idea to be a bad idea i don't know what it's going to cost but all right let's let's pause it wait wait wait look at all these falls oh my goodness yeah i think you need to get the buy-in over there we can't you we can't walk away from that go get the buy-in [Music] [Music] [Music] so do you want to tell him or should i you go ahead i'm just so annoyed right now one of the most disheartening things that ever somebody was watching and we didn't know we were paying attention [Music] come [Music] i am not happy at all [Music] or should i be happy that [Music] they're gonna get it maybe i should be happy for them [Music] [Music] we'll see what happens with this bright skyscraper and if i lose the gold bar again i give up i'll never come back to the casino again really [Music] now you're happy again [Music] you know you could spend as much time as you possibly can with me yeah that's the plan spending a lot of time with my basic vanilla grandpa that's a given [Music] no i meant scratch my toes that's what i meant scratch my toes like [Music] yes i got it god i didn't lose it nice that was epic all right calm down see what happens see what happens don't rush don't rush that's where we keep making mistakes every time we make mistakes sometimes technique is a dangerous move don't do anything yet [Music] what do you think [Music] [Music] so remember those bars like this surf they do like this way back and forth if you can kick it you can take it old-school style [Music] oh [Music] yeah look at it just look at it i'm so relieved i didn't lose this one that was awesome miscalculated that it's slowly rotating like it should [Music] i'm bad [Music] you're not mad anymore are you [Music] you actually twisted and i don't know how you did it i got it you grabbed it you dropped it you actually dropped it got it oh wow all right get it baby get it look at you come back comeback in the world i have never seen anything like it before me neither racer i definitely have got to say and [Music] look at you getting extra ammo too might as well right wow get that far don't let it get away from you oh it's not going anywhere i got them where i want them [Music] day three it didn't scare you did it a little bit you wanted to be trapped it was cuffing season i like needy he loves clingy [Music] much rather have somebody clingy and needy than somebody that doesn't respond to texts except two days two weeks two months later i've never done that are you referring to other females that you're dating when we met [Music] really you've never ignored any text or call from me if i was busy at work working on a project or something or in a meeting at work really work work work i'm the boss woman i'm my own boss for all of those who just got offended those are what we like to call what do we call those george offended jokes we call them jokes they're funny times three even if you don't find them funny we do [Music] life is about it i love it you do so well on the left [Music] is my best oh elvis is your bestie yes yes indeedy where could you go on the left about to get it it's fine get it get it get it [Music] break up some of this fish scale over here and then we can go over to the right and rescue my gold bar i gotta say it would have been okay if that guy would have won it but he went straight for the golden hot [Music] you're the biggest [Music] she's raring and ready to go it's so close you got it so close you think you can get it yeah i'll just put a kabasha and winning game like no no no you can do it with just one buy-in no pulls that gold bar belongs [Music] they like surf on top but i still think you might be able to do it [Music] at this point it'd be nice to get the extra cash but the reality is she's the comeback kid of the universe she wants her forward back [Music] it's the quality she's after no it really isn't it's not moving at all oh there it goes [Music] oh my goodness my heart is pounding if you can pull this back as well what a comeback this is by far the greatest comeback in the world you're jamming up [Music] it just moved again [Music] [Music] you have got to be kidding me if tonight isn't your night i don't know what night it is this is insane oh my god [Music] [Music] holy george washington 615 dollars and 75 cents one in shiny pails of a comeback that was an unexpected bonus today sixteen hundred dollars in benjamin right from [Music] 500 chip here we go buy in chip oh my god no way oh nice another gift card you are taking me out for can i get a whoop i'm not going out for whoa i want ice cream [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 318,807
Rating: 4.8932505 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: FSm5gOPMsdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 39sec (3639 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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