CRASHING TOWERS Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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[Music] something nothing is better than cheddar [Music] you did promise no towers no towers lucky mac 5.0 is looking a little dingy starting off with 25 dollars in borders we don't have any towers necessarily in our field it just so happens we are smack zach surrounded and everybody is at the machine this was the only place left okay what's the strategy strategy will definitely be to the left because i want to get some quarters to drop i thought she was coming up with something new i mean [Music] there is a massive hundred dollars oh nice did that thing just jump forward it sure did hopefully they fall backwards there is a massive 100 roll up on the top of i mean that's a sandwich that's a damage if i've ever seen a sandwich that's one of them the bundle of joy you mean um why do you keep getting hits that you're right that ain't funny i joke about having baby fever but i've never joked about being pregnant and now bundles of joy yeah the money of is that's why you want to move to florida well the florida dream was established way before i even met you and then when we met in person on day one you had shared with me that one of your dreams is as well and i was like oh no way something we have in common already 20 21 will be that year 20 21. yeah there you go there's what it is you have not seen george's nephew's video on how he loves 2020 2019 29 no 2020 he wrote a song about how much he loves 19. so not everybody and then he switched it up to 20. not everybody hates 20 20. kids that didn't have to go to school oh my goodness right there on the edge that was nice oh oh yeah it's the leaning tower of money it's the leaning tower of pizza how did it start moving to the right i thought you were playing to the left let's lean into the right i'll take it lean right lean right and the other [Music] [Music] so [Music] here we go with the like and elvis again really like i'm not right there like i'm not right here i'm literally right here remember that one time you try to come to the casino to see elvis without me yeah you guys needed a little separation in my opinion you know how i get i get separation anxiety i have no idea what she's talking about she just called me something i'm not sure what it is [Music] some new words than crazy kids [Music] it's ready [Music] the mystery bag [Music] all right i'm down to two quarters honestly she probably didn't push off that many this is gonna be a tough one but i have faith in you george thank you it's a really good start george 300 dollars and anytime 23.75 anytime you can start with 300 that's a really good start it is a good start not in the profit zone yet no we got lucky on this one buy-in was only 500. this is one of the cheaper ones we've played recently but whenever there's gold in there it's always going to go up but this is a low this is one of the lower risk out of the eight fields in this machine we still can't get her to play the monopoly see the mystery bag i do it's right on the edge [Music] a wild sleeper over here what's what's the craziest nightmare you've ever had you know what for two months straight i would have the same recurring dream and i would i would wake up and what startled me in the dream was a loud gunshot okay are you gonna tell me what the dream was or are you gonna just leave me i don't remember what the details of the dream but i do remember the the loud gunshot which would wake me up for two months straight [Music] oh look at the mystery bag oh nice now it is it's back there doing push-ups so was this a dream since we've known each other no this was years ago this was when my son was four or five no he was eight [Music] that was your scariest one ever yeah i would wake up startled every single time have you ever woken up but you couldn't move sleep paralysis yeah i've had that happen many times yeah that's not that's scary because every time i've had sleep paralysis i would see a demonic black figure in the background and so once i would see the black figure i would just close my eyes and say a prayer and then the sleep paralysis would go away you know you know that was me right the dark figure would go away that was me i'm the dark one in the relationship well this is before i met you i've never i haven't experienced it since i took some of my employees up to iowa to a conference once and we got there like 4 00 a.m i was speaking at a church beforehand and so we drove all night we were in columbus in ohio speaking drove all night up to northern iowa no wait wisconsin it was in wisconsin and then we had the we had to literally break into a cabin which they wouldn't find it but the cabin's had a lock on it so i got a couple hours of sleep and then i had a paralysis dream that they caught us and they had a gun on us in the woods of wisconsin and i couldn't speak to say hey it's us it's us everything's okay and i couldn't move to save myself for my employee and you're just stuck and i had a gun pointed on me oh my goodness it might be the same gun that you heard going off [Music] what do you think it could be yeah i'm just throwing that out there could very well be do you think there was a connection it's up against the glass of lucky bag [Music] you're doing better than the person to the right of us they are out that's what happens if you go if you go for the structures if you guys ever play this game you need to strategize that's one of the things that george and i really learned probably if we were to give if we were to coach on this would be number one go for ammunition not for structures right would you be verbally coached huh what did you say i can't hear you what did you say look at making the money what did you say firmly coached verbally verbally what um okay i have no idea what she's talking about so what you're saying is hoax the the money but number one would be always always always look past the big prize you can't get the big prize with big eyes you gotta go smaller if you want to be a hot baller it's easy to feast your eyes on the prize and go straight for the prize and that's how the house wins trudeau that's what they want you to do it's all psychology and once they get to buy it there's typically two buy-ins and then they're in the profit margin which typical person they go straight for them oh my goodness [Music] well somebody just actually went for the big prize and got it that wasn't us unfortunately all right so forget roll number one [Music] that is a horrible rule just do what you do [Music] new we would have been fine [Music] i need to go left center i got to get the bundles to rotate [Music] and get that mystery bag off you think you can get it yeah i'm feeling confident are you feeling froggy feeling froggy yeah are you sure you're feeling froggy i sure am i don't feel like i'm gonna lose like i have lately even when you say you're gonna lose [Music] is [Music] [Music] drop any minute now bag maybe you need to do what your neighbor to the left is go straight for the tower [Music] it's almost like it's stopped on one of the borders maybe it is yeah yeah it definitely looks like it's probably stuck not bad 20.50 a little bit worse than what you have been pulling yeah my numbers are getting low no no but i'm still in the game what's the plan are you really you're going right now [Music] [Music] the tower and now you're going to the center instead of playing smart and going for the ammo just wait 100 are you gonna play smart or are you gonna play [Music] i might have to retire at your coach i might have to throw in the coach towel here [Music] that or you know what i could do i could go play to the to the right of you [Music] forget coaching i wants to be in the game i ain't gonna i'm gonna warm this bench no more i got skills i got skills that pay bills are you tired of parting on it and warming it up well i mean that doesn't get tiring but [Music] i don't know anyone that gets tired of winning this is very funny yeah very funny george you're better why you don't call me why are you not calling [Music] that that 20 that 20 bundle is pinned in there good huh yeah it is that's why i was trying to get it to rotate so that i could get mortise to drop dropping on [Music] oh do you know that song what was it i do know i call that one dropping on elvis explorer the remix is singing three bigs already down to three quarters three do some damage come on any better my numbers are still going low 15.50 but i'm still in the game nope you know that mystery bag looks a little thin it looks dehydrated [Music] maybe you can spit on it looks a little dehydrated maybe give it a little spittle maybe snot on it like you like to do on me that happens when i laugh occasionally come on tell the world what else happens when you laugh i snot and i laughed [Music] don't cry over no my parents never used like american cliche do you know any egyptian cliches [Music] like smack you with a ship but my shoes are up take them off that's that's uh yeah you should always take your shoes off when you enter someone's house it's a sign of disrespect if you don't remove your shoes and i've been entering your parents house for two years now and not picking my shoes off and this is the first time you tell me that yeah you're just a real person why would you not tell me that i have but you're like do they even know who i am do they [Music] why are you just telling me this this could have been really important information the very first i don't know thanksgiving and that the dehydrated mystery bag still holds on so really why didn't you tell me this before [Music] i have told you um no this is the first i have ever heard of this like ever your memories get really bad i think it's your memory that struggle right i remember you're like what do your parents think about us moving to florida and i was like remember we did personal tours at their house in front of them you totally forgot all about that because i had my shoes on when we were at their house that's looking slim i'm starting to question lucky bank 5.0 my numbers are still going down 10.25 starting the question lucky bag yes um i don't know maybe uh when we started this i told you it was all about looking drawers and all about lucky socks and guess what i'm not wearing neither no i'm not wearing your lucky bag therefore it's not lucky it's only the things that i wear that are lucky so if you want something to happen you need to let me wear lucky bag i will swap you bag for lucky doors so what are you trying to say i need to put on lucky doors no you need to put your quarters in lucky drawers or lucky sock and i will swap you and i will wear lucky bags and make it lucky sounds very tempting would you like it on my left foot but it sounds like a trap my right foot or around your face i thought you were gonna wear like a hat [Music] the netherlands how about neither oh did you just say the netherlands i like your pronunciation it's got a little bit of a flair and flinging the bundle of joys on the right are about to come down oh nice oh my goodness i can't believe you just got that default time no more quarters i'm out are you serious [Music] the coin is just getting tight i'm down to eight dollars and 25 cents man you were doing really good in the beginning and then you went this just proves the point you went for the middle i went for the structure nothing happened [Music] i went to the center i've even gone to the right [Music] the dehydrated bag yeah is still hanging on okay so plan what's the plan i'm going right once you go right you finally went right did it fall it fell off it fell off maybe that was the miracle that you needed although it looks like it's folded over like a limp piece of bologna why is bologna spelled the way it spelled why is tonight spelled the way it's spelled it's the proper pronunciation for bologna should be beloved someone's killing it that's it one quarter that's not gonna be good two hundred dollars and quarters are going down eight dollars even in quarters uh-oh eight dollars that's not good starting at 25. she was getting 23 things like that my strategy to get the one bundle to rotate didn't work well you got the other bundles to fall i did and then i got the dehydrated uh mystery bag to fall as well [Music] it looks very parched do you think you can save it the goal is to always rescue everything on the playing field no mystery bags left behind no mystery bags [Music] somebody over there is killing it if only that left was on your side you're not gonna leave me here you only have two quarters left yeah [Music] oh man [Music] that's this is rough this is rough yikes my quarters are getting low six dollars and 25 cents more than low getting nervous um really nervous really rightfully so i'm afraid to go center because i'm afraid i'm gonna lose [Music] what's your fear about center that i'm gonna lose nothing will happen and i'll i lose center meant you were a mentor center is asking for a lose not everything has to rhyme you know yeah everything kind of has to rhyme that's what makes it awesome [Music] just saying rhyming is what makes everything better you know better than cheddar what's better than cheddar [Music] nothing nothing is better than cheddar [Music] jeremy [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my jeremy here i thought i was gonna lose when the house was gonna lose and a miracle just happened oh my goodness [Music] [Music] there's money crammed everywhere did you see the two 500 chips again so they have chips over there man that would have been amazing if we got gold bars [Music] somebody has been winning like crazy oh that chip just fell nice now get it to push something finally stuff is pushing and moving you're like bulldozing now i can't look at your look [Music] that was the bundle that was over to the [Music] i was just gonna say on top and as i said on top which again proves that manifesting does not work because it is on the ground as soon as i said on top holy jackpot this place is hot tonight [Music] everybody's winning [Music] okay so left left left are you going left right left [Music] i just saw it moving you definitely can get some things moving now you got money jammed to the left money jammed to the right money jammed in the middle but you got oh yes you got more than enough to make some magic happen tonight seems like magic is happening for everybody [Music] 5.0 is holding 58.50 not bad for you are you down to like six something six dollars no we have a little helping hand no doubt about it i got an idea i have an idea why don't you try and rescue those chips and since that pushed money into our side that was on the edge let's give it back to it okay i think he would want that all right see if you can get that first it's on your favorite side it's on the left i like that [Music] i like [Music] oh [Music] i think that's what fell off the top oh wow that bundle rolled all [Music] a lot of times we have elbow room and not tonight probably because of the cold weather rain overcast and what better place to be at when it's raining [Music] i didn't see that coming i like these surprises what kind of surprise the two bundles just fell at the same time [Music] that was a good surprise that was a good surprise [Music] got the two 500 chips to fall in that was a surprise but i'm gonna surprise the guy next to us [Music] i'm trying to rapid fire as quickly as i can to save those chips i might have to wrap it a little bit faster than that [Music] now this is [Music] i think elvis was pushing you were pushing and i'm sure everyone at home is shaking their 85 inch screen shake it baby we call it shake and bake baby shaking break shake [Music] [Music] i have [Music] [Music] wait [Music] getting that chip really close to the edge you definitely are edging it comfortable is there anything else you want to adopt that i'm going to be an adoptive dad i mean there are those jacksons down there too those little gurus [Music] so i'm going to be i'm going to be adopting those too yes and chippy and chippity chip chip family's getting pretty big [Music] isn't that what always happens i want it to oh that was a good place and another got that second wave [Music] you know you keep pushing like that people are gonna think you're actually having a baby named chip [Music] i think it's a good idea we didn't get any cups thrown at us there wasn't any signs of anger he definitely deserves it back [Music] [Music] are you looking forward to making 2020 a part of your past [Music] and that means i'm getting older but 2020 has been in an odd year i'd like to stay at my prime my time was probably 35 36 maybe just stay right in maybe 37 what if i just stay at 30 seconds 37 is almost i think i got it it's mine it's mine there it is oh it's still teetering on the edge how many quarters do you have it's teetering on the edge oh i got this you've got to get something to knock it i got all right there's one chip so far still have to rescue the second one it's dangling on the edge got these bundles to fall 1 680 right there [Music] what how much 1680. all right works for me 700 of that was there was 1400 bonus and then 158 in orders [Music] is that yeah it down there's a slide on each side and a divider in the middle so anytime quarters fall in so it doesn't overwhelm all that it goes it hits a well i guess you call it disperser divider i'm sure you guys have seen it and it will push everything to the left to the right and then everything flows down well everything slides straight down that thing is on [Music] you've come this far you're not giving up now are you well if it's [Music] to the left you're going to the [Music] trying new angles is always healthy [Music] [Music] i'll never know [Music] apparently she knows there's a lot on the table to still win i'm getting that that bundle on the left to rotate that's the way i want it to the crazy thing lose is it was it was going down down down usually under that part back up if you're gonna win you can tell if you keep if you keep going down down down i mean she's probably a couple bushes away from being out [Music] just luck this might be this might be one of your luckiest wins ever yeah no you've had some pretty ones you never know what the album's gonna happen at the casino that new coin pusher is loud over there yeah it is i think we should play it next okay are you going to play it or am i going to play it you can play if you want all right you play monopoly coin pusher deal you can play it if you want i'm gonna play the new one you can play the monopoly one that you've been dreading you're almost 40. it's time to play some sort of monopoly in your life all right you know what i take it back i have partaken in monopoly when mcdonald's advertised it you know how you play the monopoly pieces on the drinks i won free french fries does that count i played monopoly in that format that does not count look at that bundle that doesn't count no no that doesn't count oh well i got free french fries out of it you get free french fries out of me all the time that's not playing monopoly that's playing your cards right oh yeah okay got that one all right now it's time to go right rescue mission to the right [Music] two bundles one mystery bag do you think you can do it [Music] in the corner we'll see what happens [Music] let's see what happens mystery bag is hiding and scared it doesn't know what to do [Music] i don't know about you my legs get tired [Music] i got three bad backs whatever it takes to get that thing rubbed [Music] i'll tell you what you scratch the legs of my toes and i will give you back massage okay fair exchange but you didn't let me finish you also have to scratch my armpits [Music] not light nice dig and stretch them good old big old nails because i'm if someone itchy my armpit or comes anywhere near the bottom of my feet i'm squirming and i'm so ticklish well you didn't let me finish you also not only the webs of my feet and my armpits i also i need you to scratch my inner ear canal because my fingers are too big to get in there i need that stretch especially with sinuses you know weather pattern changes and then then i'll give you a back massage whatever you say weirdo oh i'm the weird one you're the one always sticking your fingers in my ears and me having to slap them away i like to give you what lily you're the one always sticking your finger in my belly button and me having to slap you away because you you're the one always ripping my socks off literally and getting in the webs of my toes i like to crack your toes you like the pop pimples too sometimes i gotta be in the mood you're the one that begs to actually cut my toenails yeah cause you you don't even cut them yourself they get long like talons one forager looking at [Music] well my babies look just like that [Music] these bundles over here are pretty large [Music] the lucky bag hasn't even stopped is it premature to tell everybody that we put in an offer on a piece of property on kelly's island i guess not anymore since we've said it well we did it therefore it should not be premature the offer has been placed not accepted or counter offered but we did place an offer therefore it's not premature because we dig in someone can come up from underneath you and put in a higher bed and get it okay is it premature to tell everybody we're at the casino playing the elvis coin pusher because we're doing it right now my point exactly you haven't gotten the property there's a difference say we got the property i said we put in an offer it's like it's like baby announcements you don't want to announce your baby too soon you want to wait until you're like in the second trimester [Music] you're waiting for the second trimester to tell everybody yes yes i am you [Music] all i know is mama george has been dreaming of a little baby girl well it's too late now [Music] you've already mentioned it [Music] that's what editing is for you're going to edit that out [Music] all right have you seen it move at all i haven't seen it move at all it's stuck in the corner are we gonna have to walk away [Music] do you think my rapido can loosen it up maybe it's worth a shot do you think we should uh think we should trade off here well i don't know what he's are you thinking what i'm thinking yes grab another handful let's see what you [Music] got [Music] [Music] all right let's switch it up let me try repeat you game yeah you gotta really let me yeah for real are you gonna remember that i let you no not at all [Music] rapido 2.0 okay can i uh can i get that that toe web scratch if i loosen this stuff up yeah if that's what you like sure the bottom of their feet [Music] i'm your puppet master [Music] horrible you know you know if you actually let me play once in a while my replica wouldn't be so bad i do let you play you just forget [Music] what did i just forget exactly [Music] is it bunched at all no yeah i didn't think so hard part this is mystery bags up there too it's hard to walk away from history [Music] let me see what i can do that is definitely a jammed up mess [Music] that is a crazy mess yeah it i don't think i've is seen anything like it [Music] now if it was just one bundle then you can get it to rotate and fall but with it being two bundles [Music] [Music] one backed up into another which backed up into another which backed up into another [Music] come on what are you doing [Music] um i'm in the zone please don't interrupt there's nothing else in the bag come on maybe i don't know i just don't know i think that's a mess and then some i don't know that's nice thousand dollar chips we're gonna recheck [Music] and then i was able to push off 190 and 50 cents in quarters all right i think i think what do you say no that much we're right [Music] [Music] a few inches later i know but something has to work come on [Music] that's one now do you think i can get the other one a few inches later [Music] yes finally now the mystery bag do you think i can get it is there anything else of what [Music] never get enough come on i'm not good at many things [Music] you're doing better than i did on [Music] and of course we had a little help from our friend next door re-chipping the love so no chips we didn't have a tower but we have a tower lucky bag 5.0 is holding 249 249.50 wow and now we know that's what part of the tower was it's dehydrated a dehydrated mystery bag let's see to hydrate it and yay really that's what needed hydrated is our time all right well let's get some hydration into little baby george there [Music] oh [Music] you
Channel: undefined
Views: 450,564
Rating: 4.886004 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: vjKzh6VNRgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 54sec (3534 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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