High limit coin pusher $49,000 Profit episode 14

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hey everybody welcome back to the coin pusher so today the casino had given us a 400 dollar credit for being loyal to them and we've lost quite a bit recently yeah so they gave us 20 quarters they got it packed up pretty good there's a great big tower in there they've got the uh the red car and the white truck and some gold bars and some silver and some earbuds and bitcoins and cash a bunch of coins or chips i'm sorry so there's a bunch in there so we're going to do this 20 quarters here on the house and uh we'll do a buy-in if necessary let's get to it come on big push nice oh the cop car just fell so they got this thing pretty full that was the last of our 20 quarters i'm not sure if we got anything so cool uh oh wait it's moving let's see no all right so we'll do uh um i got to go see what they're charging all right so i just got with them had to do a thousand dollar buy-in they gave me 50 quarters so not bad luckily we already played those 20. so hopefully that'll that kind of filled it up a little for us let's get some stuff pushing off get our thousand dollars back should be pretty easy there's uh quite a few things on there that are gonna make a stop come on big push nice oh second wave alright so we got one of those earbud things y'all know i don't really care for them but they're in there but anyway we got the cop car in here it's gonna oh the truck just fell over that's nice truck's got the dice on it hey there's several dice on there it's not just one so the dice are the multipliers the truck's a multiplier the red car is a multiplier the cop car stops the multipliers so we won't be able to use any more multipliers after that if the cop car falls in and the white balls if one of those goes in i'm not allowed to do another buy-in [Music] wow that was a nice push didn't get anything good oh looks like we've got silver some silver nice sweet so we got three of the silver coins and uh what is that 50. so 50 bucks it's pretty nice we're doing pretty good on quarter still you get that big old tower to fall off those uh gold bars they don't look like they're gonna move oh nice big push sweets so i gotta get that earbud again it just jams up the slot oh wow we got wow this is doing really good it's too bad we could have done this with the free money they gave us but yeah we ended up with two more the silver quarters another earbud and another fifty dollars and oh well i guess there's another silver silver coin in there too so three silver coins yeah we're doing awesome we gotta get our money back though oh that's a nice bush holy cow that tower is moving good everything's moving good the money's quite away his back though i mean we get that tower to fall over rogue we doing good that was a good push oh look at that second wave nice all right let's clean it out a little bit we're just too cool so we got 200 bucks and like 12 of the silver silver uh 50 cent pieces that's what we got on quarter probably oh 75 i guess 75 quarters there [Applause] wow holy cow that huge gold bar oh my gosh you guys hear this the uh coin pushers struggling like you barely could push that thing we got a bunch of stuff just barely hanging on all right all right it's got a bitcoin oh big push oh we got a bunch of silver over there on the right let's get that the gold bar let's knock it down oh man a little wet oh oh my gosh look at that it's pushing so good wow oh my god another earbud big push nice we got another one wow [Applause] holy moly i've never had the coin pusher push this good before okay get that big there's so much in there we're definitely we just get one of those multipliers and we'll be set cop cars getting close so yeah i guess we probably won't get the multiplier let's stay super right maybe oops i went left stay left or right see if i can't get that dice [Music] on the white truck i don't want that cop car falling oh there's a dice right there on the left too next to the right to the red car so we're going to push even all the way across come on big push give it to us let's make that movie all right so i got two quarters left let's see what we got come on all right let's see what we got so we got 845 it's pretty sweet so we're we're uh i think we're almost broke even now look how many silvers we got wow so we got 22 of the silver half dollars it's freaking awesome my dad will like those i got five of the bitcoins so they really have no no value or anything i don't know why they're still sticking them in there i guess just to catch people's eyes i don't know um i mean obviously they're cool and all but i got four of the earbud things that four yeah there's four uh i didn't even see it but we got we ended up getting the ball so we can't do any more buy-ins which is okay because we got lots of quarters uh we still can do the multipliers until the cop car falls i don't i don't need to do another buy-in anyway so i'm not worried about that that gold bars getting close got another earbud cop car is getting super close which is not a good thing but oh we got the red car so that's that's our first multiplier nice so everything we just got times two i'd go right but i should probably try to go right a little bit the gold bar's smaller though either one of them would be pretty cool they don't look like they're real gold to me i think it's just another one other things to catch my attention i've never seen a build bar in life don't look like a gold bar name oh did you guys see that oh wow that was a lot of chips that was heavy cop car is about to go as soon as it if it falls i'll stop and we'll find out oh we just got one of the dice nice oh there was a dice inside of that big stack of uh that big tower of quarters too that was pretty neat i didn't i had no idea what was in there oh we just got the cop car so we're gonna stop and uh get out however many multipliers we got because we don't have any more we can't do the multipliers anymore so we got 900 there so we're definitely made a lot of money already we've got uh the red car which is a multiplier of one or two sorry i got two dice so we'll get them roll those here in a little while and we got the cop car so we can't do any more buy-ins and we can't do any more of the progressive dice the multipliers but uh we're we're doing fabulous we're gonna be up so much money uh see what else we got eight more of the silver 50 cent pieces we got four more of the wireless earbuds another bitcoin and tons of quarters we got lots of quarters let's clean the house let's empty that thing that big tower quarters falls i don't i don't think we have to worry about running our quarters whoops old butterfingers nice towers moving moving pretty good oh the tower is like ripping apart just shredding it wow so so good yeah i was kind of disappointed on that last game we did [Applause] whoops of i don't know i just i don't know if i just pushed it wrong like put them in the wrong place or what this is definitely making up for wow what the heck are those are those gold bars do you think they would really have gold bars in there that big i don't know how much that'd be worth but [Applause] gold's expensive we'll find out i guess looks like we're about to get it we're about out of quarters but there's a bunch more down there all those hundred tips just right there about ready to go come on we need a big push oh my god a little bit quarters left no there's the last of them oh big bush big push oh man this is oh i'm so excited i'm doing so good wow so we got a thousand 1075 right there whoops i got the old bitcoin i got three more of the dice but they don't mean anything because the cop car already fell we only got we only got one piece of silver still got one at least that's better nothing i'm not complaining oh wait i was picking up a quarter there's another one i got two all right so we got so many quarters this there's only half of them we got i got another stack just like that the whole tower is working its way off so we shouldn't have to worry about running out of quarters [Applause] [Music] [Applause] give us a big push again come on there it is nice all right earbuds are about to go that gold coin their big bugle bar moving pretty good this is amazing absolutely thrilled oh yeah look at all nice there was a couple hundred bucks and we got those multipliers so we're talking lots and lots of money i was kind of worried when that first 20 quarters they gave us didn't push anything i was kind of worried to do a buy-in boy am i glad i did so here's out here's the rest of what i said i had i already went through all that other so oh my goodness want another earbud whoops stacked a couple quarters up there didn't i we'll get him out of there ain't no biggie hey my first rodeo might take a few minutes but we'll get it we got so many quarters it don't matter there we go that'll get it wow [Applause] we've got two quarters left let's get him in there see what we get oh wow that was a good push holy moly all right let's see what we got holy cow 2150 right there wow you gotta know one of those bit or uh earbuds oh yeah and uh two more silver coins quarters not gonna believe that look at that there's probably 200 or more i've never done this good i'm i wouldn't doubt it if i don't get a bunch of comments saying oh that's fake there ain't no way you'd win that much i'm doing it just got really lucky today okay i had a new person uh [Applause] stacking stacking this up today all right well i've seen her around a few times but she doesn't normally work the floor i'm guessing somebody didn't train her right how to oh whoa whoa whoa gold bars falling let's get that wow yeah like the only thing i could guess somebody just didn't train her right to set it up so i failed and i've been i've been telling them hey [Applause] i'm tired of losing i money they got to make their money too but they can have somebody else's mind if they just keep stealing it well i ain't stealing it i mean i'm the one putting i'm the one over here pushing the quarters in here it's not anybody's fault but my own but i do have fun entertainment costs money come on let's get that gold it's so close i don't know what's holding it up there we'll get her though oh yeah it's about to go [Music] it's gotta make it rain a little bit middle yep i was right wow we'll get that here in a minute that was really cool hopefully that's a real gold i'll have to ask him [Applause] that was that's gotta i don't know how much gold is but wow [Applause] we got we got one of the gold bars if it is gold [Applause] that might be enough i could retire off that i don't know [Applause] so all right that was the last several quarters it gave us a nice good push too let's see what we got so we got a thousand twenty-five dollars this is freaking fantastic got another one of the silver coins we got another dice it doesn't do us any good though this is where the uh cop car already fell oh here's another one i guess we had two of them we got the gold bar i'm not sure what that is we'll ask them later on you guys got any ideas uh leave a comment let's see if we can guess it right uh well there's another [Music] there's another one of those silver hot dog too many quarters to hold get my basket my bucket [Applause] that's all we got in quarters probably 250. if i had to guess so [Music] [Applause] oh that was a nice push everything's pushing good that's for sure definitely can't complain [Applause] i love i love how they got this machine set up where i can just make it rain quarters so much better than setting them in there one quarter at a time [Applause] the only bad thing about it is that one quarter i got stuck on that shelf over there so i'm not i'm not careful i can do that really it's kind of hard to do it it's more of just on accident i get [Applause] kind of too much of a swing action going on when i'm laying them in there as long as i don't get overly whelming on my my tossing that's good so i don't see a lot of fallbacks on having it this way that was our last quarters right there see what we get all right all right let's go check it out so we got another 520 bucks tons of quarters i don't know 300 or something that's the most quarters i've ever had so we'll we'll put our uh extra quarters in the lock box so we're having for another game nice i still want to get some more of this i think that gold bar is just too big to push off so i'll try for a little while but i'd like to conserve some quarters for another game [Music] we're still making money i'm gonna focus on not double stacking that way when i decide i've got enough out of there i've got the maximum amount of quarters of back i can have i don't want to have a bunch of double stacked up there on the top shelf so i just ended up double stacking a couple right there yeah at least work till then work on getting those broke down push down you can't get them back i think we still got a good chance of making a couple hundred more dollars and we got those multipliers so a couple hundred turns into a lot of hundreds i've never been more thrilled this this is really really paying off i almost didn't come out here to play today i kind of got stuck at work a little longer than normal and it's such a long drive to get from my house to where i play this i think it definitely was worth it [Applause] oh that this 300 in the center is finally looking like it might pay that uh i don't know what you call it the lip or bridge or whatever it's so big just steph has a hard time falling off of it little big push i think i heard some silver i didn't realize there was silver still in there did you hear it this makes a different sound maybe it's a bitcoin down there those bitcoins got a different sound to them too those are lots of recorders so we got 225 bucks i got the white truck it doesn't mean anything anymore though this cop car fell and a bitcoin shiny pick going and uh oh a bunch of quarters i mean tons and tons of quarters so i'm going to add everything up see where we're at we'll roll those dice and we'll get back to you well believe it or not they said they were going to max pay at fifty thousand so that's what i'm getting is fifty thousand dollars so forty nine thousand dollars profit i would have been more than that but they said that's the most they're gonna pay as uh 50 000 it's like a jackpot max they just and so they couldn't afford to do it so 50 grand 49 000 profit we got [Music] we got tons of silver and big we got a bunch of bitcoins and those earbud things we've got a whole bunch of quarters left that we'll put in the lock box they'll keep it for us and play it on another game um i'm i'm super excited uh the google the gold bar they told me what it was it's pretty neat um we're gonna wait till the next video to reveal that so you guys so you all can uh leave your comments if you think that's real or not you already know what i think but uh leave it in the comments it'll be fun it'll be fun for everybody to guess maybe we'll uh first person to guess is it right i'll mail it out to them about that the very first comment very first comment that guesses what this is made out of gold or whatever uh if you want it i'll let you have it all right well it's nice playing nice seen you guys can't wait to do it again uh leave me a comment like the video subscribe if you haven't already subscribed and i'll i'll see you in the next video take care
Channel: Coin Pusher
Views: 268,698
Rating: 4.6410379 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coinpusher, high limit coin pusher
Id: 8Ynf9IIIZ3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 4sec (2704 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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