Um, Actually Ep. 6: Monsters, Moogles, and Side Mirrors

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- Um, actually, are you doing some fucking shit with the difference between the movie and the book? - Um, actually, I am, yes. - Yeah! - Oh! - Fuck you, dude! Fuck you, dude! (upbeat electronic music) - Joining us today, we have Emily Axford. - Hey. - [Mike] We have Ally Beardsley. (exhales) And, of course, Brennan Lee Mulligan. (exhales) I have here a stack of statements, false statements, about the franchises that you love. It's up to you to find the thing that's wrong with it, and correct me. All your corrections must be preceded by the phrase, "Um, actually." If you don't, I won't give you a point. Let's jump into our first statement. In the Chronicles of Narnia, the human visitors to Narnia are also united by their death. A train wreck kills every human visitor to Narnia simultaneously, including Diggory Kirke and Polly Plumber, Jill Pole, and the four Pevensie siblings, and, of course, their cousin Eustace Scrubb. (bell dings) Brennan. - Um, actually, Susan does not die on the train accident. Susan, really sadly, and for almost no reason, is excluded from the events of the last battle. In a weird kind of judgey way, it's kind of implied, that she like, got married or had a family. Maybe reading into this too much. The important thing is that Susan does not end up going to the Narnia-upon-Narnia's at the end of the last book. - Can I give my guess? - Uh, that was correct, but you can if you want. (laughter) (bell rings) - Um, actually, it was a plane crash. - Uh, no-- - And, um, actually, the show is called LOST. (laughing) - Oh God, yeah, you really backed me into a corner here. I guess if you change all the nouns, it could be something else entirely. - Are we allowed to change all the nouns? - Please do not change all the nouns. Please don't do that. Brennan, that's correct. When everyone dies, there's this implication that's like, "Oh, they're basically going to heaven." Susan, doesn't die in the train wreck, she doesn't get to go, it's implied, because now she's into lipstick, and boys, and going to parties. - What's wrong with parties? - Yeah! - I get the other two. (laughing) - Yeah, lipstick for sure keeps you out of heaven. - Lipstick for sure. - You painted whore! It's like, "Aslan, calm down!" (bell dings) This is about monsters in Dungeons and Dragons. - Ugh, you put us up against the DM? - Hey! - It's going to really hurt, not only me, but my brand, if I don't get this right. (laughing) - Monsters, they're scary, and often they are just two animals crammed together. And the monster manuals of Dungeons and Dragons feature many such monsters, including owlbears, duckbunnies, skunk cows and spiderhorses. Yes, Brennan. - Um, actually, owlbears are-- owlbear is the only one I recognize, but I also buzzed in early. (laughter) I have never heard of a duckbunny before in Dungeons and Dragons. - Hm, well I'm sorry to say that duckbunnies exist in second edition maybe? (buzzer buzzes) (bell dings) - Um, actually, there are no, uh-- - Pokin' around. - Duckbunny? - No, I'm kidding, I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Uh, the one after duckbunny. - Can you tell me what it was? It's literally just repeating what I said. - Um, actually, there aren't any skunk cows. - That is correct, there are no skunk cows. There are however stenchkows, uh, spelled with a K. (laughing) - Whoa! Running circles around the DM! - Wow! The person that brought me into D&D! (laughing) Didn't blindly guess-- - Looks like Ally knows a lot more about D and-- - It's a list of four monsters, and you can by process of elimination-- (laughing) All right. - This is gonna ruin our friendship. (laughing) - That is one point for Ally, one point for Brennan. Hi, Emily. Uh-- (laughing) - Honestly, zero is kinda like a beautiful, voluptuous number, so if I end on zero, like, that's honestly one of the most fuckable numbers. - Sure. - I mean, not as fuckable as eight. - I was gonna say. - I was just gonna say! - But eight, baby. - So I'm shooting for eight, but if I settle on zero-- - Okay. - At least I'm, you know. (bell dings) - This brings us to our game's shiny question. Now, shiny questions are just like shiny Pokemon, they're worth the same amount, but just a little bit different and a little bit rarer. This is a game called "What's Wrong With This Picture?" - [Announcer] What's wrong? - There's an image here. Something is wrong with it. If you can be the first to identify what it is, ring in and tell me, you'll get the point for this round. Yes, Brennan. - Um, actually, the fuck is Hoggle doing in The Dark Crystal? This dude should be in The Labyrinth where he fucking belongs, and not here with Aughra, or the skeksis, or the mystics or these gelflings, or the little pod people. - [Mike] That is correct, Hoggle belongs in The Labyrinth. - Um, actually, where's David Bowie? - That also belongs in The Labyrinth. This is The Dark Crystal. - [Ally] Ooh! - Motherfucker. (laughter) Hey, man, just keepin' that zero nice and polished. - Ooh! (laughter) (bell dings) - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a beloved story about a group of children who are-- - Um, actually, it's not beloved. (laughter) I didn't give a shit about Roald Dahl when I was a kid. - Well-- - Or Sesame Street. - Don't at me. (laughter) - No, I won't give you the point. - Yeah, no, I don't deserve it. I don't deserve it. - Charlie and the Chocolate factory is a beloved story about a group of children who are gradually maimed and deformed by a loner in a candy factory. Augustus Gloop is sucked through a tube in chocolate river, Violet Beautegard turns into a blueberry after eating experimental gum, Veruca Salt is sent down a trash chute after demanding a goose that lays golden eggs, and Mike Teavee is shrunk by television chocolate technology. (bell dings) - All those are events that I know happen in the movie. - Mm-hmm. - Um, actually, are you doing some fucking shit with the difference between the movie and the book 'cause the movie's called Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory? - Um, actually, I am, yes! - Yeah! - Oh! - Fuck you dude! Fuck you dude! - These are all events that take place in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. - You know what's devastating is I was in that play when I was in sixth grade. And if you had asked-- if you had something wrong about one of the kids, I could've gotten it. - Well, so here's the thing, also Veruca Salt in the books does not encounter a goose that lays golden eggs. It's squirrels sorting nuts in the nut room. They weirdly changed it to one thing-- I have to assume it was easier to get geese to waddle around on camera than it was to get a bunch of squirrels. - I've tried to write a squirrel into something before, and production came back and was like "No." - Hard no. (Mike laughs) (bell dings) - Installments of the Final Fantasy franchise tend to be standalone games, each involving different characters and settings. However, certain specifics recur across the series. Since Final Fantasy II, every game has featured or depicted Chocobos, Moogles, and a character named Cid. (bell dings) - Um, actually, they didn't introduce Moogles until Final Fantasy VI. - You're right about the Moogles. You are wrong about the number. - Um, actually, Moogles don't appear until a Final Fantasy after two and before six. (chuckles) - That is correct, but is too general. - Um, actually, moogles don't appear 'til-- I guess I just seen him being-- I don't play those ones. Are you confusing-- are you using the US one? They don't appear 'til Final Fantasy III. - They don't appear until Final Fantasy III. - But are you-- oh. - Is correct. - You got it! - I only played six and seven. - It feels only fair to give you this point, because no one else knows, and you got the closest. So they appear in Final Fantasy three, then they don't appear in Final Fantasy four, and then they're in everything after that. - A Moogle was on the cover of Final Fantasy six. I thought maybe it was like, "Hey--" - Introducing! Yeah, yeah. - That point will go to Emily. - Ooh! Sorry about it. - Oh, no! - You got a nice slim one. - You can't fuck a one! - You can get fucked by a one. - But you can't fuck a one, yeah. - All right, all right, we don't need to go into those details. (bell ding) - This brings us to our last question which, as always, concerns real life skills. - Aw, damn! - [Announcer] Life skills! - One of the most dangerous things most of us do on a daily basis is drive. Safety on the road means awareness of yourself and others, so it's important to check your mirrors every five to eight seconds, scanning a half mile to a full mile ahead of you, and mentally recalibrating the image in your side mirrors that are closer than they appear. - Um, actually, you shouldn't check your mirrors every five to eight seconds. - That is the recommended amount. - That is so scattered. Just like, live in the moment. - Um, actually, driving isn't the most dangerous thing I do on a day-to-day. You don't know me! - That might, that might be true. - The things I do, Trapp! (laughing) - Um, actually, things in the mirror, don't appear closer than they are, because you-- the brain has the ability to adjust for data so me knowing that, I already-- (exhales) The center of your brain that controls vision is the same-- - Can I piggyback off that? - Listen, no, no, no, no, no, I'm not losing it, I'm not losing it. - Brennan, you've already clinched the win. - Trapp! (laughter) Reality is a projection that your mind places onto prior experiences, um-- (bell dings) - Um, actually, um, actually-- - Simulation theory! - Um, actually, they only may appear closer. - No. (buzzer buzzes) You found the clause that is the problem clause, and that has to do with the mirrors. What I was going for here was the fact that in American cars, only the passengers side side view mirror says, "Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear." The driver's side is a different shape and doesn't do that. - Weird! - That's so fucked up because I've been assuming they are closer on the driver's side. - They are on the passenger side. - Just kidding, I haven't been that passionate about it. I've been listening to podcasts. - All right, well I'm not gonna give you the point for that. But, uh, that is our show. Three points for Brennan, one point for Ally, and one point for Emily. - Just me, huh? - Can you make that one look as fuckable as possible? - Can you put actual boobs on the one? - If you guys at home wanna create a numeral one with boobs on it, and tweet it @EmilyAxford, go ahead. - Don't at me, unless it's a one with boobs. - Now of course, we're not perfect either, and we make mistakes too. If you notice something we got wrong, you can correct us by tweeting @UmAtuallyShow. If we like it, we might even give you a point. Now, some of you spotted mistakes we made in our previous episode or episodes. Here are some of our favorites. @Captain_Lee writes, "Um actually Representative, not senator, Binks "simply proposed that the senate grant emergency powers "to Chancellor Palpatine in order to deal "with the threat of the separatists. "Also Padme Amidala was not Queen "of Naboo during this event." Several things wrong there, corrected by @Captain_Lee. @Helixd121314 gave us our favorite fuck you with, "Um actually, the mascot for Honeycomb cereal "is named Crazy Craving and not the Honeycomb Monster." @DCHShadow4 says, "I don't think anyone mentioned it yet, "but in episode three you said Knuckles "is the last surviving echidna. "Um, actually in Sonic Chronicles: Dark Brotherhood, "Nocturnus Clan survived in the Twighlight Cage. "Notable character, Shade. "They were in number 191 of the comics." Unfortunately, @DCHShadow4 spelled echidna wrong, so I award them no points. That's it, join us next time for the game of nerdy corrections, Um, Actually. Bye! (upbeat trumpeting music) Hi, it's Mike Trapp from College Humor. Click here to subscribe, click here for more fun things, and send help to keep me from sinking. Please. Please help. Please help.
Channel: Um, Actually
Views: 954,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Collegehumor, CH originals, comedy, sketch comedy, internet, humor, funny, sketch, nerds, game shows, trivia, superfans, poindexters, games, books, movies, monsters, video games, fantasies, chronicles of narnia, dungeons and dragons, mike trapp, ally beardsley, emily axford, brennan lee mulligan, um actually, CH Shorts, nerdy trivia, dnd, narnia, aslan, latest
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 28 2018
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