Cyborg Cops, Shai'Hulud, Sci-Fi Substance Abuse [Full Episode]

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from ewoks to star fox nerds are passionate about a lot of things but there's something they love above all else that is correcting people this is um actually [Music] we have jared logan coming back hi daniel o'brien hello and haley mancini hello i have here a stack of statements these are false statements about the franchises that are nearest and dearest to your hearts if you find a thing that is wrong with what i've said it's up to you to buzz in and correct me now your corrections must be preceded by the phrase um actually if you don't use a num actually you will not get a point also you can interrupt me at any time doesn't matter what i'm saying you can just steamroll right over me because what matters is that i've said something wrong and it's important to prove that you're a better smarter person great great let's jump right in the first prompt is about robocop it's always it's always funny saying the first topic exactly sometimes you can just you know wiggle your way into a correct answer who knows we'll see all right robocop officer alex murphy is killed by gangsters and run down near future detroit where he is resurrected as a cyborg police officer robocop by the weyland corporation um actually it wasn't the weyland corporation that is correct can you be more specific uh i cannot uh all right i will give you the point unless someone here can tell me the name of the corporation jared is confidently buzzing in um actually it was the weyland yutani corporation and then later they sent uh sigourney weaver to space uh that is you're correct that the weyland yutani corporation is from alien and they sent uh sigourney weaver into space river robocop that is not the name i mean actually it was the wayland smithers corporation this was before the merch it was all part of a big malibu stacy campaign and yeah that's definitely who it was go on um the adventure in aliens just like like yeah we'll send all these people to die in space needed a side project for being an assistant say this what are you up to um uh jared you have two seconds to get that name off the tip of your tongue i don't have it i don't have it then the point goes to daniel o'brien hey tell me what it was what was it omni consumer products ocp ocp ocp this is about dungeons and dragons [ __ ] cool i smell blood in the air of the playable races in d and d most hail from a familiar tokenesque background such as elves and dwarves however in more recent additions the game has added playable races such as tieflings janasi and asimar descended from demons dragons and angels respectively um actually jannazier descended from elementals that's correct from elementals sorry i'm sorry i i don't see d and d races oh oh you're one of those okay it makes a difference right whether you're a janaz like the way you're raised you know like it affects your outlook on things just like just like in our world how different races have different powers right exactly wait wait hold on hold on hold on hold on that is that's always like a weird thing i've found about like like fantasy stuff like they really gloss over how much like elves and dwarves hate each other for no reason other than race and like everyone's just okay everybody's like this is just part of this is how it goes yeah it's like it's like i will not work with him he is a dwarf and it's like no one's like come on yeah like ella roll [ __ ] roll with it and there's like justification is like dwarves aren't good looking yeah they live in the earth and elves live in a much cleaner place the trees all right this is about dune shy hollowed meaning old man of the desert is the fremen nickname for a house of tradies vassal the grizzled warrior gurney hallock that's how that question ends that's how it is that's like the thing sometimes they're long as [ __ ] sometimes they're just descendants jared um actually his name is duncan idaho uh no that is not what we're going for here that is a guy in dune though right i think so i don't know it's been a while since he asked a question about doom the original pc first person shooter we're just gonna slowly tweak the questions please start just bending them towards me i would love that but no this is uh this remains a strictly dune question any more final guesses all right we are striking out here i'm actually shy hello is the fremen word for the massive sand worms that uh that roamed through the planet it seems like an irresponsible nickname to be like ah the old man of the desert this giant like menacing worm that will eat you if at a moment's notice that's going to cause confusion call a man eating worms yeah let's call it like it is like the first the first like people who are out there was like oh cool the old man of the desert he sounds nice like let's go see what's up with that it's in the the zagget guide or the the lonely planet here like let's go see what's going on that's not the worst thing about the arrakis guys the moisture suit you're drinking your own pee through your nose yeah that is pretty bad that's the thing you're going to dislike the most about arrakis i think uh star trek the different colored uniforms of starfleet represent different departments red for engineering blue for science and medical and gold for command and security actually red is for instant death uh tell me i'm wrong that is essentially true aha i get a point can you tell me he hasn't said that yet can you tell me the department that it's in i don't know infantry engineering like what you said the point is they die that is true i will i'll give you the point unless unless unless someone can tell me um actually it's red for command and security gold for engineering it is red for security that is the part that we're going for here oh so i added too much well let me ask you are we talking about tos or tng mike because you weren't specific on that particular you just keep adding specifics like it's gonna get you a point generation is is it the 42nd century or the 24th you don't get to know i'm done haley will get your points all right this brings us to our first shiny question now shiny questions just like shiny pokemon are basically the same as every other question they're a little bit different a little bit rarer and worth basically the same thing only one person is going to get a chance to answer so i'm going to give you the topic the first person to buzz in will get the question the topic here is star wars daniel [Music] now these are some droids from star wars we've got some scattered letters and numbers around here put the appropriate name underneath each droid by arranging these letters and numbers are you ready i'm ready all right and begin [Music] is that your final answer daniel's been practicing on his bridge at home yeah i mean i would just do a different scramble of those letters and number all right uh let's look what you got here this is this is in fact ig 88 r2d2 bb8 c3po and i'm afraid that it is k2so not kos2 sure you got more than half though so i'm going to give you the point no this is i'm going to get the [ __ ] kicked out of me k2so k2 potassium sulfur the newest one you've only had a year to learn we made a few mistakes in our last episode let's see what you winers had to say at paul robelino says pharamir was injured during what is more commonly called the battle of australia i called it the siege atmosphere tells us that while oz does sort of commit an act of infidelity that's not what causes them to break up oz's werewolf nature had become more uncontrollable and he abandons willow to find a cure this is about it stephen king's itch in stephen king's it the members of the losers club get lost in the sewer after battling it and only managed to escape by calming their nerves with the ancient power of the ritual of chud um actually don't they have a uh uh an underage sex orgy that is correct they have an underage sex organ after the ritual of chud yes it's the uh big underage sex orgy it never really rang true for me because they all take turns having sex with the one gal in the group and then one of the kids is like oh you know what i remember we turned right back there it's like sex on every hbo show you're not totally sure why it was even necessary but like they definitely put it in there you probably just that was the only way to have character development for the girl well stephen king's official explanation for it is that this is supposed to signify the kids growing up they've lost their like they went through this thing together where they they actually girls grow up when they get their periods they don't need to have sandra sex with a bunch of guys uh question seven it's about the simpsons oh thank god it may seem like a job that requires no training but krusty's past present and hopeful sidekicks all attended ivy league schools sideshow bob went to harvard sideshow mel went to cornell and cecil seijo bob's brother went to princeton [Music] um actually cecil was never in the running to be his sidekick he he actually did uh he uh yeah he auditioned to be his psychic that he didn't make he has his shoes he has uh he has small feet um oh no he does have big feet he actually has big feet crosstalk he doesn't have the gravitas yes he doesn't have to take the pie correctly sideshow mel went to yale i think that is incorrect damn it oh my big chance um actually sideshow mel went to yale uh i like what your mind is thinking uh you did not say him actually but it remains incorrect well at least i was able to needle haley about her rules that's the most important thing um actually sideshow bob went to yale not also i was i had yale and i just put it with them with the wrong sideshow yeah look wouldn't have counted anyway just saying this question is about the name of the wind um actually it's paint with all the colors of the wind i've seen pocahontas i know this oh right this was this is something else entirely you're just answering topics now i'm sorry are we talking about going off topic and just adding information jared i mean it's it could be worth a point sometime name of the wind both learns the beginnings of magic from the scholar named abernathy including the rudiments of sympathy as well as arete the willpower that allows one to power their magic you know you read a novel and you don't know that someone will wait for you to tell them the specific correct names later i still think it's about pocahontas um actually eritae is not the willpower used to power magic that's correct can you tell me what it is i refuse to refuse to stand yeah very well um erete is from mage the ascension alar is the term used in the name of the wind holy [ __ ] can we just talk about mage the ascension for a little while guys can we um actually no okay i have i have forums online where i can get that out of my system okay we're moving on this is our second shiny question the topic is monsters [Music] jared fairly loaded no matter what [Music] this is a little mini game called hear me roar so what we're going to do is we're going to play uh some sound samples of famous monster roars we want to see if you can identify the monster from the roar itself all right let's hear that first sound [Music] don't insult me that is godzilla that is godzilla and i will continue to insult you [Laughter] all right let's play that next cue kind of like listening to it um i have to guess after godzilla you're going to go straight to king kong that would be a correct guess that was king kong all right all right let's hear our next one i mean it's either frosty nixon um this is killing you this is so we know this this is so mean haley help me out you want me to help you yeah you know what this is it's gidera isn't it you think it's definitely ghidra or is that are you trying to trick me who knows this is my shiny question and i'm saying rodan that is incorrect that was a nazgul from lord of the rings oh goodness all right well this was franchise we switched franchises moved away from kaiju okay all right let's play that next roar ah that is a xenomorph from the alien that is a xenomorph from alien correct uh let's play the next roar [Music] wow all of that all that was uh were all uh roars from the same creature hayley has something to say go ahead what do you want to say okay thanks uh it's a velociraptor it is a velociraptor oh that's jurassic park thanks no this is great yeah this is great for everybody yeah sure you know what that's fine with me i can't just go without answers and i'm a big enough man that i'm not too much to ask for help all right look at that cool thing see we now we've we've become a union i i love it this is this i'm again brought down by my machoness your masculinity let's play that next roar [Music] [Laughter] do we need to hear that again yes i do all right any thoughts about that one good baby from the television series dinosaurs is that your friend are you doing a bit are you doing a bit are you [Music] oh charmander it does it does have the same musical cadence of not the mama i i didn't know charmander i only knew that pikachu said its own name do they all yell their own names most of them do yes i had aged out of that series question is lost on you this is kind of built for you i'm so sorry you and i just got a [ __ ] charmander we have we've won more here wow something tells me that i am listening to the predator that is incorrect i'm sorry to say i'm actually is robocop he's malfunctioning that was a zergling from starcraft you know what i used to do when i play starcraft is i would just play with my name jar jar binks and then i would just be like is some people gonna die people get very angry playing against me so you got one two three four five i broke some i broke some rules but i think that i should i mean this was so sad and unfair and tragic for me i'm putting an asterisk on this if you're not gonna do it because that there were some shenanigans that happened there there's definitely some shenanigans please you want to take the points away at the end of the game we'll show who the winner is i'm giving myself an embolism over here uh haley would you like the points for this shitty question yes i would very good okay we will give that shiny uh shiny question point to haley uh who uh we said we unionized it's only fair that's right yeah no you answered one of the three that i answered correctly that's cool when you did it it's true that's true and i knew godzilla and she got charmanders which is definitely the easiest one and i knew all the other ones yeah it's only fair jared all right it is and now he's gonna be quietly resentful now if there's something that we got wrong and it's driving you [ __ ] nuts right now you can correct us by tweeting us at the twitter handle on the screen right now this is on dc comics superman known originally as kyle was born on the planet krypton which was destroyed in a terrible cataclysm although the exploding planet would not have been able to harm the invulnerable infant carl the fearsome zod yes jared um actually infant kal-el would have been hurt by krypton's explosion because his powers come from the earth's yellow sun that is correct it is the powers of the sun that gives superman his powers enjoy your points haley i was just gonna ask you for that point can haley have your points give her that one too there you go cool all right you're being mean now you're just being like passive yeah i'm not quietly resentful i'm loudly resentful jared and i have gone through the full arc of like enemies to friends to frenemies meanwhile america's been watching this hard-working christian get points the old-fashioned way daniel's just slowly realized that he's really cool and has big guns this is about labyrinth sarah williams's life is thrown into chaos when jareth the goblin king kidnaps her baby brother toby and threatens to sink him in the bog of eternal stench unless his sister can rescue him um actually jareth's plan is not to sink toby in the bog of eternal stench jareth's plan is to make toby i believe the new or next goblin king i believe that's accurate yes can you tell me where the bug of a turtle says from the never ending story no uh real sadness what i think that's turtle sadness oh shoot it is where the horse dies that's the second time that's come up in a question not related to to that point because it's a traumatic it sticks in your brain it's horrible yes the bog of a turtle stage appears elsewhere in labyrinth that's what hoggle almost falls into um sorry it makes you smell forever all right we're moving on to our next and final shiny question your topic is drugs [Music] [Laughter] [Music] sci-fi offers us visions of the future and even though they disagree on a lot of things they do agree that the drugs in the future are going to be weird as hell so this game is all about these fictional drugs now bob the acolyte here is also going to be our drug dealer for this particular game inside his trench coat he has a number of drugs that are featured in books movies tv shows it's up to you to take the drug and match it with the appropriate person from that franchise you look a little nervous i thought i was gonna be drugs of the present i got it you know not drugs of the future no man what about this show has led you to believe that we'd be talking about drugs it was a reflex that's like drugs you know chemicals well i'm sorry i'm so sorry to disappoint you whenever you're ready let's go let's take a look what you got here this is a hundred percent correct um work guys you have slurm from uh futurama obviously you got that one right off the bat got this one right off the bat yep brave new world uh daniel was correct uh uh this is from uh hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy uh the pangalactic gargle blaster the molecule plus uh is from uh clockwork orange uh that's what it's from oh right i was like why is that so familiar yes uh the spice uh for the fremen is from dune dune once again rears its ugly head and of course the death sticks uh george lucas giving the lamest name to drugs ever death sticks uh it sounds like something that dare invented to scare children away from drugs as far as drugs go like it literally takes a year off your life every time you smoke it like that's the that's the effect it has it's pretty heavy-handed does it do anything else i think it gets you a little bit [ __ ] up a little [ __ ] up but a year off your life those are the drugs of the future thank you haley we'll give you a point this is our final question of the game and as always the last question concerns real life skills meat is delicious but also presents certain health risks because of the risk of salmonella and trichinosis the usda recommends that poultry and pork should be cooked to 145 degrees fahrenheit um actually poultry should always be cooked to 165 degrees that's correct oh wow oh gosh that's stereotypical of me isn't it even in yours you take it away oh my god betty crocker i'm actually gonna make a jello mole um absolutely it needs to be ready as soon as he gets home from work [Laughter] i will say the only one is like 100 all right well that's where we have to wrap up uh final scores here jared logan with four daniel o'brien with three haley mancini with four and that ends our episode join us next time for even more hyper-specific pedantic corrections on um actually
Channel: Um, Actually
Views: 197,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CH2, um actually, um actually full episode, jared logan, daniel o'brien, haley mancini, mike trapp, mike trapp collegehumor, mike trapp um actually, collegehumor um actually
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 58sec (1378 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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