Animalities, Maple Street Monsters, Mutagen Ooze

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from morlocks to warlocks nerds are passionate about a lot of things but there's one thing they love above all else that is correcting people this is um actually [Music] joining us today we have brennan lee mulligan hello next to him siobhan thompson hi and adam conover hi there adam and siobhan are returning returning champion did you win last time uh let's just say i did i'm a returning champion that's the white male spirit i don't know if i won but let's just say i did hey if i was there it was a victory for everybody uh well spotted out of our returning to the game fred and this will be your first time appearing on the game but uh bretton has been behind the scenes of writing many questions for other episodes this episode he's written none of the questions i will be surprised as anyone else as to what i'm about to ask oh i have here a stack of false statements about franchises you love the most when you hear what is wrong with it it's up to you to buzz in and correct me all corrections must be proceeded with the phrase um actually and you can interrupt me whenever you want just like in real life um you've all done this before how do you feel feel great yeah i hadn't made a five-course meal just before the camera started i had a potato chip stuck in my throat now i'm ready to go let's do it the nuttiest thing that you could say just before going into a correction corner um all right let's play um actually our first question today is about tabletop games in the tabletop game warhammer players command armies of miniatures representing different races or factions including four distinct races of elves high elves blood elves wood elves and dark elves brennan um actually i don't believe that wood elves are one of the elves in warhammer you're incorrect well damn siobhan i'm actually blood elves and not elves in warhammer that's correct blood elves are not else in warhammer can you tell me where they're from uh somewhere else i'm still gonna give you a point but what is it uh um actually blood elves are from warcraft that's correct specifically i think warcraft 3 i think you could first be a blood elf in the expansion of the frozen throne i can't speak the latter half of it but yes blood elves are from warcraft it was probably true yeah what's up i'm actually i just i i [ __ ] you know uh they're the elves that are ally with the horde whereas the night elves are allied with the alliance you guys know so much about elves why'd you get the question wrong siobhan raises a very good question i had i thought of it at the same time this show doesn't have the smartest people but the people who get the questions wrong are the angriest of oh i should have known i devoted hundreds of hours of my life to this when i was 14. what was the point of it if not then it's all been building to this our next question is about teenage mutant ninja turtles the universe of teenage mutant ninja turtles is populated by dozens of animal human hybrids created by coming into contact with mutagenic oohs this includes the turtles themselves their allies like the mutated alligator leather head and enemies like the human fly hybrid baxter stockman adam um actually leatherhead was a crocodile no he was an alligator i thought about it it was a pretty good guess i feel like uh the fly guy did it to himself and it didn't the ooze didn't happen to him i think that he was a scientist that made himself tied into one it was like a cronenberg thing right it wasn't the ooze that's close enough that i'm gonna give it to you that's correct well the ooze yeah what's up [ __ ] um actually baxter stockman did it to himself oh that's someone he's a scientist it wasn't from the youth he didn't do it to himself but the the main thing is that he did not mutate from ooze so which one of these [ __ ] do you want to give the point to i mean i i'll give it to brennan since he said um actually he stumbled his way into it wasn't the ooze although he started with he did it to himself which is not true this doesn't feel good i just want to acknowledge that it doesn't feel good i think we all know that this feels bad it's a dirty point all right um we'll give that point to brandon and we will move on i will never move on our third question is about the twilight zone one of the series most famous episodes the monsters are due on maple street doesn't actually feature monsters or paranormal creatures of any kind the true monsters are the people of maple street giving in to paranoid violence brennan um actually that is the main thrust of the episode but there are monsters in that episode that's correct in the end it's revealed that aliens have been um manipulating electronic devices and even though like it is the paranoia that is like the main concern there's still aliens behind the whole thing which weakens the allegory a little bit right yeah it was hard for me to answer that because the version you pitched was a superior better version um okay we're moving on to our next question in the philippine dick novel blade runner rick deckard uses a voice yes um actually the novel is to android stream of electric shield that's correct everyone's so furious i'm so intimately familiar with everything you've mentioned so far i'm sorry adam you gotta you gotta be on that buzzer i saw monster do a maple street as a child i played warhammer and warcraft i didn't play warhammer my sister played warhammer i have very tight i came in the figurines man i was down there with a little paintbrush what army did you play orcs because it came with a box and i didn't have a lot of money ah that was always the pro i could never get into warhammer because it was the same oh it's a racket yeah it's the same thing with magic the gathering was i was like oh i like magic the gathering and then my friend got into it like two years after i did and a week later had the best deck of that release and suddenly i was just getting stopped you can't do it well this brings us to our very first shiny question as you all know shiny questions are just like shiny pokemon they're basically the same they're worth the same amount they're just a little different and a little bit rarer this is a little game we're calling yeah but in the book we're gonna look at the differences between books and movies comic book movies are so much more than just superheroes in fact all of the movies you see on the screen have been adapted from comics except for one the first person to identify the one movie not adapted from a comic book will get the point adam uh do i have to say i'm actually you don't have to but you can if you want um actually weird science was not based on a comic that's incorrect science is actually based on a comic book yeah i'm actually the fifth element is not based on a comic book that's correct the fifth element is the only movie up here that was not based on a comic book i actually watched that two days ago cool i would watch the fifth element anytime it comes off i don't even know what i mean what do you want you want to talk about monkey bone about yeah monkey bone first of all the movie poster looks like a comic book but also only a comic book writer would come up with a character that's stupid looking i feel like if you otherwise looked at all these movies you'd be like these movies have nothing in common the thing in common is comic books all right that point goes to siobhan where are we looking at right now we got three for brennan two for siobhan adam knew all the answers but just has zero i'm as baffled as you are this has never happened to me before oh we made some mistakes and you spotted them here are three of our favorite corrections from the last episode at zale 1 zanevier says um actually a chimera is from many mythos and has many forms so unless the mythos is stated your task is flawed and thus cannot be answered that's true that chimera has come to take that meaning we were of course referring to the original greek chimera we'll still give you one point at padfair says um actually the kamehameha wave is not a magic spell it is classified as an energy attack which uses focused key there is magic in the world of dragon ball but key is not considered magic saying kamehameha is not a magic word you've said it several times it's not magic i'm gonna believe you one point for pat bear at salty socialist says um actually you have used shiny pokemon far too often in your games the odds of you having three out of 13 shiny questions assuming that they have the same probability as shiny pokemon 1 8192 is under 0.053 so please fix it or state that the odds are rigged well the odds are right we're gonna put three shiny questions in each episode because we like them thanks salty socialist one point for you this question is about x-men in the x-men series super-powered mutants often have aliases that somewhat describe their abilities some however have names that just go with the x motif including professor x crusader x stacy x x-man x-stream mage x and x-23 adam um actually none of them other than professor x are real um they're all made up i would love for that to be true but that's incorrect um actually stacy x is her original name and she has a different x-men name um stacy x is both real and that is her x-men name um actually it's actually pronounced ex treme he's a new orleans jazz themed mutant who plays the trombone actually that's gambit brennan um actually it's mayjax is not real that's correct magex is not a real x-men all the others are uh professor x crusader x stacy x x-man x-stream and x-23 uh stacy x has the power to exude pheromones to make people either vomit or orgasm at will oh god why not both you know what i'm talking about see this is why comic books are the only geeky thing i do not partake in because they're by far the worst of all the geek medias i feel like you can get away with [ __ ] in comics that you can't in any other medium and that makes it both exciting and wildly confusing i feel like what is the hubris of the guy whose name is x-man that's all in a way we're all x-men but i am the x-mas i'd be like coming into the avengers after everybody else and being like i'm captain avengers the avenger is that taken no one's taken it officially i should have known it was magex because magic is a real other thing other than a mutation in the marvel unit it's always so funny whenever it's like yeah we've got superpowers and mutants also there's wizards oh you can mutate you know some weird things can happen with your genetics that might just like you know give you the ability to light on fire but also magic exists yeah and we don't understand that at all you have to learn magic i guess yeah you're born with your mutation you've got to learn it from bald tilda swinton stay in school learn magic from bald tilta swinton don't wait for that but like go to med school first like have a fullback you don't want to be like those harry potter kids no magic but don't know like math or how to write an essay yeah all right our next question is about discworld in the first book of terry pratt's discworld series the color of magic readers learned that the color of pure magic is octorine a color visible only to wizards uh uh adam um actually the color is called [ __ ] that is a racial term for someone who is one-eighth black yeah that is not that's what i was well that is a color in a sense uh it is a racist uh color and not the color of magic um actually the color is visible to non-wizards as well you are the closest so if someone can come in and be more yeah so if siobhan come and be more specific i'll give her the point otherwise i'll give you the point i'm actually also cats concealed um actually cats can also see octorine that was a good job all right our next question is about dungeons and dragons yes i honestly just get excited when i hear the words yes it's for me and i've answered none of them correctly hey i don't know what to tell you man we're lobbing them up you gotta spike them down in dungeons and dragons spellcasters can learn dozens of undeniably useful spells as well as some of more questionable utility including otto's irresistible dance which makes enemies dance uncontrollably quincy's enchanting gourmet which lets you imbue food with magic and guys of the yak man which makes you appear to be a yak man britain um actually quincy's enchanting gourmet is not a spell from d it is well [ __ ] adam um actually quincy's enchanting gourmet does not imbue food with magic that is correct uh so you all know uh quincy's enchanted gourd may just makes a bunch of food and also lets you clean up the kitchen afterwards that sounds great i want that spell that sounds like a great the opposite is useless incredible it's definitely useful in real life but like if you're playing a d and d campaign and your dungeon master's insisting you clean up the kitchen afterwards even if he's just like okay where are you guys eating tonight you thought about provisions on your quest like god damn it why do you think we gathered together on a sunday i feel like you gotta if you're the dm you gotta read the room you know like if you were watching lord of the rings and you know samwise is like i can't carry the ring master frodo but i can't carry you and like fails his strength check and like can't lift him that's a [ __ ] bummer just let the guy lift the dude it's a cool moment i can't carry the ring mr frodo but i can sell these honeydew melons for twice their cost across the lines four silver pieces go back to town and get some hirelings and they can carry this brings us to our second shiny question uh these are time travel maps [Music] on the screen in front of you you will see six different timelines it's up to you to identify the property that is being depicted by the time travel on the timeline the first person to identify all the properties uh depicted by these timelines and buzz in will get the point if no one gets them all right the person who identifies the most will get the point i'd like to say that this is very fun and i like this very good i think this is great this is a really good question all right and three two one begin uh brennan is buzzing in all right what did you say the first one is back to the future two first one is back to the future two and the second left blank third third the time machine hd wells the third is hd wells's time machine the fourth uh terminator that's correct and then i said donnie darko that's incorrect we'll skip it for now all right siobhan what do you have okay so i have the three right that brennan go right okay this one i said terminate to three it's not terminator three no uh this one i said the simpsons that's incorrect sorry and then this one i said that book that stephen king wrote about killing jfk i should have thought of that one but no that's not what that is uh okay i wrote very stupidly regular back to the future but there's a point they go to 2015. not in the first at the end of it they do they right away but we never see them arrive even if they don't even if they do frown goes even if he comes back he says your kids even your kids like bernie sanders your kids just your kids are in the top one even if that were true it wouldn't follow the correct order of how they've traveled okay so i wrote bill and ted because i was shocked that bill and ted no billington is not one of them i wrote the time machine i got that original terminator for this one i wrote a primer type movie yeah like a type of movie where people go back in time to the just these are all a type of movie where people go back inside i know i just wrote looper because i was like what's another time travel movie looper and i was looking around for it i think you have two that were correct there brennan and siobhan i think are tied with three so the ones that you missed here the second one is 12 monkeys then uh we have groundhog day it's february 1993. i just want to say that is not time travel he is stuck in a time loop very big difference depicted by the loop in the timeline but he's not traveling and of course everyone's favorite time travel movie austin powers the spy who shagged me we're going to give both brennan and travon one point uh for that tie now of course we're not perfect either and you may have noticed something that we got wrong if you would like to correct us and get a point for yourself you can tweet us at um actually show remember points aren't worth anything except bragging rights all right here's our next question this is about star wars as a powerful sith lord darth vader can harness the power of the dark side of the force to conjure force lightning and use the power of the force for evil means like when he uses telekinesis to choke adversaries brennan um actually darth vader can't use force lightning that's correct it is canon that darth vader cannot cast forth slightly because he's metallic because he has mechanical limbs what cannon is this in some [ __ ] novelization honestly we are in very real danger if you start making fun of the star wars camping on this show um actually telekinesis is not used for evil means every time he chokes someone out that dude deserved it the dude is talking back to him in the big conference that guy needed to be put in his place that guy he was being disparaging about someone's religion that's just good human resources to force choke that person at that moment anyway horse lightning is also a shitty power anyway it also betrays a really terrible aesthetic morality in the star wars universe where you're like bad guys use lightning because that's scary the good guys use mind control because that's helpful and fun but like those jedi's were saying to me the other day mind control is great you're like it [Laughter] okay we're gonna move on to our next question which is about video games in mortal kombat characters perform animalities as a finisher in which a character temporarily transforms into an animal and dispatches their opponent for example night wolf can transform into a wolf scorpion transforms into a scorpion and johnny cage transforms into a kangaroo i'm actually johnny cage transforms into a cage there can be no other answer to that question uh no johnny cage does in fact transform into a kangaroo yeah um actually scorpion doesn't transform into a scorpion that is the correct answer a scorpion's animality is he transforms into a penguin no [ __ ] that [ __ ] sub-zero is already an ice-themed well sub-zero turns into a polar bear no and shiva transforms into a scorpion does this reveal that scorpion still has some allegiance to his ice ninja ways hey maybe that's i like that as an explanation it doesn't explain why reptiles animality is a chimpanzee that's [ __ ] stupid it's [ __ ] stupid we now move on to our last shiny question this is a game called name that dragon [Music] you're gonna see a grid of 20 dragons in front of you the person who can name the most dragons will get the point so the property won't help us at all will it no so you need to name the dragon not the property that they're from um and there's definitely stuff from all over here there's stuff from movies there's stuff from books this is actually very hard oh for sure but again you only need to get more than the other contestants okay and pencils down uh here's what we're gonna do this i'm gonna go down the line tell me the names of them top to bottom left to right so brennan tell me what you got drogon smog which is the correct pronunciation falcor kohaku sparkle trogdor nickel bolas puff ryden the next one is screaming craig um oolong pete's dragon mushu toothless sleepy again i'm gonna say ged because ged does turn into a dragon that's what i do you wrote two the jabberwock jonathan dragon magellan and handsome purple heart all right siobhan tell me what you got so my game theory dictates that at least some of these dragons are just going to be called dragon so draconis mal dragon dragon dragon dragon dragon okay when you stop saying dragons let me know so i can catch up okay dragon dragon dragon beats dragon mushu dragon dragon dead the jabberwock dragon dragon dragon very good i got i'm happy to say 20 out of 20 right all right first dragon that is sean connery from the movie where sean connery was a dragon up next is dungeon the dragon the namesake of dungeons and dragons after that is nermal from garfield uh the dragon after that is a spirit of the river from spirited away uh that cute little cartoony guy is dorgax the eternal the pine evil creator dragon chogdor the berninator up next we have everybody knows this dragon the big guy uh after that is puff there's king ghidra or king ghidorah depending on how you transliterate the japanese after that is mr martian followed by dragon balls built with a z a lot of people get that wrong but that is how uh toriyama intended it pete's dragon some disney [ __ ] the next dragon i think the name is sif i just sort of took a winger at that one but i know it's right i think that's parthenax this dragon down here we never learned the name of the dragon because names in earthsea give you power over the thing and i bet he never even learns the true name because the whole point of the book is the jabberwock liu kang eureka and then this last one of course we all know this is mystique from the x-men but she's turned herself into a dragon and you can tell cause she's purple very good well there are lots of very good guesses here um 20 out of 20. all right let's see how you did drogon smaug falcor haku adam i counted it for you anyway because you were so pedantic you still don't have enough to beat brennan um that is of course spike from my little pony trogdor the burninator from homestar runner deathwing from world of warcraft puff king ghidra or ghidorah that is fin fang fume uh from marvel comics that is shenron uh you were all correct that this is from pete's dragon but pete's dragon has a name and his name is elliot uh none of you said elliot so none of you get the point dragons people just refer to them as the dragon they never say the name uh then is mushu i was right though it is some disney [ __ ] it is some uh disney blue that is mushu toothless parthenax from uh skyrim the wizard of earthy one is yvod then the jabberwocky that is liu kang's animality that is magellan from eureka's castle the final one here is um lockheed which is from x-men that is shadowcat's pet that's crazy that you got so close to it with a [ __ ] i'm being an [ __ ] guess that it was from x-men i think i should get a point i counted it uh but you still came nowhere near brennan's ten dragons as always our last question concerns real life skills these are skills for surviving the real world canada and the united states have the world's longest shared border so of course it's reasonable to assume that all of you living in america would know a few simple facts about our friendly neighbors to the north for example their prime minister is justin trudeau their capital city is toronto and their official language is both english and french brennan um actually their capital city is not toronto can you be more specific lake canada it is not like canada no adam actually the capital city is i believe calgary it is not calgary no is that in canada it is in canada i'm actually the capitalist ottawa the capital of canada is ottawa no that's a state thank you canada the queen thanks you on behalf of me a british subject hey that's not fair final score here is seven for brennan our winner five for siobhan and two for mr adam conover and that's it for this episode join us next time for even more hyper-specific pedantic corrections on um actually here's a fun fact there are four million people that live in ireland but 20 million people in america that claim that they are irish that doesn't surprise me at all
Channel: Um, Actually
Views: 281,329
Rating: 4.9620943 out of 5
Keywords: CH2
Id: J8ZuoNkkt88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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