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it will sit on my steps and howl until I opened the door and technology also it is not my dog if you ever call me cute I will think about it all day and when I go to sleep I'll just be a little burrito of blankets and I will whisper quietly they called me cute the search-and-rescue dogs on 9/11 were literally becoming depressed because they only found dead bodies the handlers started taking turns burying themselves in the rubble so the dogs could actually rescue someone this is the purest thing I've ever received bless my mom proof all dogs go to heaven whoa what is your wish mortal well I wish I would stop second-guessing myself really you're going to wish for that hey it's my wish so I get to be the hey only packing the essentials the homeless man's rabbit was thrown over a bridge by a passerby and he immediately jumped into the river to save her and resuscitated her he won an award was given animal food and a job and the passerby was charged with animal cruelty man I hate this job hands up also a leg third position tim's stanky leg moonwalk now go pursue your dream as a dancer okay but you sure are a strange robber yeah well that's because I'm your dad NASA brings Curiosity rover back to life after it slipped into safe mode NASA's Curiosity Mars rover went into safe mode after it ran into issues while booting up the rover which touched down Mars in 2014 was brought back to life and are trying to understand what went wrong I feel suboptimal I'm not trained for this nonetheless I will place my hand here yes feels like you require validation sit I will prepare the hot bad water my healing commences Swedish prison guards forget to lock cells during Friday night the guards - naughty old prison in Sweden forgot to lock six prisoners into their cells three of which was sentenced to murder the prisoners took the opportunity to bake brownies and watch television one of the best evenings we had had in a long time says one of the prisoners they had us in the first half not gonna lie this lady in the washroom looking at me said I remember when my girlfriends and I will get rest up and go out I miss that so I said why miss it we are all out right now aren't we story short we have a new friend they've been dating for more than a year now one last hydration cylinder okay ingest it now please keep the corridor illuminated okay imagine Pleasant nonsense okay the purest love in the world is the one between grumpy dad's and the pet they said they didn't want I found this great it's vibrating that means it's working what does it excel at scratching also hiding an ideal companion my dog's best friend is a brick orders pizza what a night phone buzzes and a text killing it checks phone okay that was the pizza confirmation but still cruising did you know the late PBS art instructor Bob Ross received more than 200 fan mail letters per day when regular letter writers fell out of touch he was known to call them at home just to make sure they were okay they were making fun of me every night in Providence Rhode Island skyscrapers tugboats hotels and police cars flash and blink their lights on and off at 8:30 to tell kids at children's hospitals good night so I was at Walmart earlier a lady was looking at frozen turkeys but she couldn't find one big enough she asked the stock boy do these turkeys get any bigger he replied with a straight face no ma'am they are dead made my week my dog baymax is a pretty unique guy within less than a year he went from all black to white I was concerned so I took him to the vet after seeing a few different veterinarians we finally had an answer and found out that he has vitiligo which is what Michael Jackson had so yeah my dog is pretty cool ah our baby is saying his first word with with with with with with with with with worth he knows all the words oh my god Steve Irwin best day ever pack up all of your cookies I'm taking them all so y'all can get out of this cold this man bought five hundred and forty dollars in cookies so these Girl Scouts could escape the cold - laughs mangia he cut down a mountain single-handed for 22 years day and night to ensure no one else dies without medical care like his wife reducing the distance from 70 kilometers to just one kilometer from his village to hospital got the evie game kid wanted to pet Eevee ended up falling asleep petting it Eevee fell asleep to staying at an Airbnb and I woke up to their kitten this morning licking my face instant five-star review I was in foster care for 924 days but today I was adopted super dad creates beeping Easter eggs for blind children to hunt today I asked a kindergartner if Friday was his favorite day of the week and his response was I don't know I don't know a lot of things I'm confused all the time same little man same my dad still sleeps on the floor because we can't afford a medical bed or he sleeps are sitting up on the couch and we rent a three bedroom house with five adults living in it I run his appointment schedule bail payments and do all his banking I also respond to emails for him sometimes it's been hard on him and not fair but now he laughs we work together to do most things and we are trying to get to the point where we can buy him a new house my sisters and I are all working but the most important part is that we still have each other I'm grateful for that hello I have a medical bed that you can have but it is located in southeastern Florida I sent a PM and we'll see what we can do I own a moving company and would love to give you free transport PM sent you know an American Staffordshire Bull Terrier who works as a video game developer a very good boy my mum went to the grocery store today and there was a woman asking them for 39 cents chicken the butcher explained to mom that she has dementia and comes in all the time with really old sales papers so he sells her meat for that price so he doesn't confuse her someone has turned the red light at my favorite traffic lights into a heart why do you have favorite traffic lights because there's always a duck next to it got my nails done and picked this cute ass lavender color my mail guy goes that was my wife's favorite she passed away 15 years ago today this morning I woke up and asked for a sign that she's still here with me so I guess this is it thank you I'm King crying mr. wheeze was always my big chunk after a year of diet and exercise he's now my small medium chunk he looks so proud in his little bowtie hi world my name is spike me finished my time machine friend you gonna go back and kill Hitler me no I'm gonna do something more important 13 years ago in Australia me in lifeguard outfit sorry guys you can't be on the reef today Steve Irwin sad to not swim with stingrays tomorrow's another day my husband was downstairs making tacos he sent our dog upstairs to let me know they're ready he peed on the floor and tried to clean it up himself responsible is 10 out of 10 good dog oh you can't be mad at him definitely should give him a treat got your nose my parents cat inexplicably loves peaches and it's the most delightful thing they send regular picture updates to the family group chat of this cat just chilling with the peaches it's the most important notification I get to my phone [Music] husband saves wife's life by donating kidney after spending a year dieting and exercising to get his blood pressure low enough for surgery this is [ __ ] weird but I remembered the name of my best friend on Halo Reach back in 2012 found him on Steam because he probably used the same name as his Steam account and added him oh my god kiwi yeah it's me so it turns out that he's lived seven minutes away from my house in the States for the past six years he's never seen himself in the mirror so I tell him how handsome he is at least 20 times a day you really gonna scroll past without saying meow d for those curious this is what a baby Corgi pool looks like someone once told me if you stress too much about something before it happens you basically put yourself through it twice and I feel like someone needed to hear that to be happy there is a biker gang from Arizona who helped keep child abuse victims safe while the child's abuser is prosecuted including guarding their houses at night if person is not yet in jail and attending court with the child shielding them so they don't have to look at their abuser young kid at skate park are you a professional me yes then but you're a grown-up me I know it's weird then I have a skateboard me I hope you never outgrow it just a reminder that your parents don't determine what you become my dad has been a meth addict my entire life growing up I always felt like that would confine me in what I would be able to make of myself recently I was accepted to my top choice medical school loved a short story never again I guess one more time won't hurt to be honest this was one of the nicest things I've ever received hello I just wanted to inform you that I find you to be very attractive thank you and have a nice day please be environmentally responsible and reuse this card on the next attractive person you see fit oh come good boy teenager saves for two years to buy bestfriend electric wheelchair I'm so proud of this community I have named it will it respond to this name never is a collar for a leash the collar is for the name give me all your money I I don't have any money I'm in debt well give me all your debt now you go home and you get your life together it's that time again doctor sings happy birthday to every baby he delivers I got up this morning to get ready for Capitol pride my grandma walked into my room looked at my bi flag and said oh the sleeps to be pressed out such a simple gesture but it holds so much love and meaning for me a bad dog owner dumps this wolf dog at a kill shelter when he got to began too much to handle luckily a sanctuary took him instead and saved his life his DNA testing came back as a T 7.5% gray wolf 8.6% Siberian Husky and 3.9% German Shepherd Randee Bryce my twelve-year-old son is a Bob Ross fan scott ross i will let my dad know when you have nice hat and someone mentions it and you feel nice this elementary school principal reads books on facebook to ensure her students have a bedtime story my favorite story so far an animal shelter posted something along the lines of if you are an adult and don't want people to know you are playing pokemon we will rent our shelter dogs to you for five dollars an hour so it looks like you are walking your dog haha right here are some of the results so far they now have a waiting list of people who want to pay for the privilege of walking a dog they have made so much money in rental fees that they have waived adoption fees when the people renting the dogs are out walking they post pictures of themselves playing the game on Facebook and Instagram people are then coming to the shelter asking to adopt specific dogs on at least two occasions people have called the sheltered and said hey I didn't think I wanted a dog but me and this dog get along really well I'm not bringing him back the shelter currently has no dogs available to rent and there is a waiting list because all of the dogs have been adopted they are currently bringing dogs in from a different shelter to be rented one of the best Pokemon ghost stories so far our local weather man's costume today have you felt unsafe on campus discriminated against threatened afraid to walk around campus we will walk with you customer pulls into the shop today and literally hear crickets when all the air tools and employees stopped and shook their head and discussed on what they saw this unfortunate customer had racist remarks with spray paint all over the vehicle I looked at the driver and told him that you are not leaving until I fix this literally my guys dropped everything and attacked this truck like a pit crew and got the job done I told the owner of the vehicle this one's on me and I wanted him to know that buffalo nians will never stand for this great job and many thanks to the team at collision masters the last molecule asar rotten in in my brain doing its best to make sure I have a good day mop it took me nine months to form your heart don't let someone destroy it in one day a shark can hear a struggling fish from up to eight hundred feet away honey we can't afford groceries this week but at least we could afford your father's pills whenever my parents lips out and gets angry I say hey in this soft comforting voice and then talk to him gently he calms down within seconds I just got frustrated enough at something that I went argh my parrot said hail softly and sweetly like a dozen times over the next minute it made me feel better instantly my parrot is better at conflict de-escalation than most people I wish I had smoother skin I wish I had a stronger core I wish more people liked me it's hard for me to open up I love all of you I was having a bad day and this dog walked to my bus stop sat on the bench and asked me for pets got you're an amphibian frog what does that mean got it means you can breathe on land and in the water frog oh my god you mean I'm a mermaid got no that's not what I frog whispers I'm the littlest mermaid Tetris was created by a Russian has Russian style music and teaches you how to fall in line or maybe it's trying to teach you that not everyone is saying but if we work hard together we can fit in just fine a trailer in a movie theater ended with November 20th and a guy loudly said that's my birthday and a random guy said happy birthday have I ceased to exist deception I have not to the teenager who came into my shop today with your mom your mom came in today asking for my help to invade your private life she even brought you with her I can't imagine how embarrassing that must be she asked me to go through your phone and computer and find any apps or photos that she wouldn't approve off because she was too technology illiterate to do it as or the while making you watch I work at a tech support shop personally I think this is an invasion of your personal space and privacy so when I found the folder where you'd hid all your movies and games I made sure to pretend I didn't see them on your phone I told her that you didn't have anything but the default apps and Angry Birds and then I showed her a place where she could look on your phone that would only show her the default apps not the ones you downloaded so hopefully when she invaded your space again she won't find anything was I wrong to do what I did probably but you're only a year or two away from adulthood and I don't think it's right that anyone be that intrusive mother or not humanity Restoration 100 whenever I see a penny on the ground I pick it up my mom always used to smile when I was a kid and say find a penny pick it up and all day long you'll have good luck does it work no but for a second it's like having my mom back my girl wanted a piggyback picture on the beach and a random biker watching the sunset said he wanted one too instead of destroying the tree Pluto sits calmly underneath it because he knows he is a gift to this world he is absolutely right shout out to everyone making progress that no one recognizes because you never let anyone see your darkest moments you've been silently winning battles and transforming yourself be proud of every step you're making in the right direction keep going because you got this my hopes and dreams don't worry that's a recycling bin not a trash bin your hopes and dreams can be recycled into new and different ones that can sustain you my cousin is an artist and he just recently lost his golden he painted this portrait in honor it's called bull halwa now you possess this so unnecessary I want to observe concealment destruction now destroy the concealment it's so beautiful destroy now I want to observe okay the first bath with more this guy got on the bus and just stared at me and Lulabelle on my lap for a solid 30-second cinders are you allowed to have dogs on the bus and I just shrugged thinking he was gonna give me [ __ ] or something but then he pulls out a chihuahua route of nowhere this took an unexpected wholesome turn when you check in on actors from your favorite childhood TV shows and they're doing just fine do you want to trap carbon dioxide in a femoral spheres for what purpose enjoyment I put an orange on my cat and now he looks like an egg my friend doing weird shoes me not fully understanding but happy to be there you two know you can come and write No thank you we are waiting for someone bullied seven-year-old finds cat with same rare eye condition and cleft lip and it's like destiny exists welcome to duncan dental may I help you can you validate me you're a good person no I meant can you validate my parking Oh a new being weighs 9 pounds weighty such heft but how long significant a lengthy being accidentally played that instead of dead when I encountered a bear and now it can ride a bike without training wheels james fridman is a dude who takes photoshop requests but usually trolls and doesn't take them seriously I have a skin condition vitiligo just want to see if normal is prettier can you remove white spots please your skin condition doesn't make you less attractive do not let it ruin your confidence people will see past it once you stop concentrating on it collect brushed fur of your pets into a back and put it into a bird feeder the birds will take away this fur for their nests and chicks turning dog shedding into bird nests husband said he was going to make a bed frame I thought it was for our new mattress it was for the cat we welcomed our firstborn five days ago our dog Lucy has been on watch ever since he cried slightly this morning and she immediately went to make sure everything was okay and stayed until he fell back asleep love them both my grandmother was complaining about how she couldn't use a remote so I Grand Moff I did for her my dog was terrified of the fireworks so my cat went and cuddled up with her my heart is crying still super market keeps retraining employee with dementia so she can continue working my daughter and my puppy fight over who's going to warm their butt on the vent in the morning the baby won today the puppy is pouting about it I 24 now know that my girlfriend 19 female is lying to me we were chilling in my room when she said I just thought of a lie that I tell you sometimes I paused my game and asked her to go on sometimes she said I say I need a hug from you when actually I think you're the one that needs a hug she's a keeper 2008 a young Joseph meets his idol Michael Phelps 2016 Joseph beats Michael Phelps in the Olympics never give up on your dreams my tow truck driver has a cap named Dixie with a matching safety vest if you are singing along to a song on the radio there is a good chance you are singing along with thousands of people or that's kind of nice once a little boy sent me a charming card with a little drawing on it I loved it I sent him a card and I drew a picture of the wild thing on it I wrote dear Jim I loved your card then I got a letter back from his mother and she said Jim loved your card so much she ate it that to me was one of the highest compliments I've ever received he didn't care that it was an original Maurice Sendak drawing or anything he saw it he loved it he ate it what is the loveliest thing a child has ever said to you would you like one grandpa okay it was not my child but my three-year-old granddaughter that I still think it counts I had read about the marshmallow test you give a child a marshmallow and then say that if she Lalor in this case could keep from eating it for ten minutes you will give her a second so I tried that test with my granddaughter not with marshmallows but with chocolate which she likes much more according to extensive experiments children who passed the marshmallow test are far more successful in later life they have learned a fundamental truth in life that delayed gratification can lead to a far better long-term outcome she sat and watched the chocolate the ten minute hourglass finally emptied and she had succeeded she asked for her second piece of chocolate I gave it to her and she now had two in her hand that's when she looked up at me and asks would you like one grandpa needless to say from that moment on I would readily give my life for her man in Nebraska orders pizza for his grandma in Florida to make sure she was all right after he couldn't reach her following hurricane Matthew police and fire couldn't do it but Papa John's got there in 30 minutes and put the cell phone to her ear krusty krab pizza is a pizza for you and me when you run into an old friend and y'all have been riding two different waves but the love still there I never want my kids to mess up and think dad's gonna kill me I want their first thought to be I need to call my dad parenting with fear isn't parenting at all it's tolerating a child's presence until they are old enough to mind themselves dog is scratching hear me now this looks like a job for me so last summer I randomly met this 80 year old woman on words with friends we played 300 plus games together and she actually ended up becoming a good friend of mine today I got to go to Florida and meet her in person Viera thrush I'm 60 years old and have searched my whole life to identify the sound of this bird not only have you identified the bad with the song but with the video as well you have given me one of the most precious gifts I've had on my bucket list since I was a child thank you okay I have a story for you guys be me walking home from work see homeless guy asking for some change for food I tell him I'll buy him some food in the 7-eleven he seems super happy about it we walk into the 7-eleven and I start buying him some food I asked him if he is thirsty he says yes so I take him to the cooler but he says do you mind if I get something else I was hoping he wouldn't ask for alcohol I haven't had chocolate milk in years he sad I buy him his things that feel when I go home and start crying in my living room over what just happened I'm not kidding I cried because of what he said about chocolate milk my dog ran away and wandered into the local Home Depot this is what I ride to when I pick her up the man in the chair is mr. L mr. L lives in the assisted living home next door to the shop he has a memory disease that if you tell him something today he forgets so if you tell him again tomorrow it's like new information to him his brother used to come to the shop and pay me every week to cut his hair then later mr. L would come and ask me that his brother pay me so he can get a cut I would always say yes sir your debt is already paid mr. Al's brother died five years ago and he doesn't remember he still comes every weekend always asks me as his debt paid I always still say yes sir your debt is paid and cut his hair I know mr. Al's brother is in heaven looking down watching out for us that's payment enough some things are better than money there is a festival in Nepal dedicated solely to thanking dogs for their loyalty and friendship an Indian flight attendant named Neerja Bhanot hid the passports of American passengers on a hijacked flight to save them from the hijackers she is credited with saving 360 passengers here is a new challenge for all you bored teens take a photo of an area that needs some cleaning or maintenance then take a photo after you have done something about it and post it sex workers have read it what is the saddest experience client wise you've had while on the job not my story but I knew a girl who did rent a night type of stuff guy asked her if she could come over doesn't talk about sex over the phone just if she could come over and to come hungry she thinks he is into feeding or some shoes she arrives at like 6:00 p.m. pretty early for her work she asks what he would like to do he just cooks for her a really big delicious meal later he starts to open up a bit his wife had passed and always loved his cooking but he hates cooking for himself my sister-in-law has this massive aloe and when she brought it in to overwinter this gray boy came in with it he doesn't wonder just sleeps in his hidey hole in the soil and comes out to Sun himself on a tentacle every now and again she mists in with a spray bottle and feeds him waxey's from the bait shop took my six-year-old to a classmate's birthday party today he was the only other kid there his parents thanked me for bringing him and said he was the only one their son wanted to invite because my son's the only one in school who's nice to him teach your kids to not be [ __ ] in college I smoked some weed with my neighbor in the dorm I got so high that I had a panic attack and to calm me down he basically had to cuddle with me and then put on Animal Planet no joke sounds like a sweet dude turkish bride and groom distribute food to 4,000 syrian refugees instead of their guests on their wedding day it took my new cat a while to realize that kissing the top of her head was a gesture of affection but I think she's finally got it the downside is that she now thinks the best way to signal that she wants cuddles is to come charging at me and mash the top of her head against my face it's like a very affectionate punch in the mouth doctor takes break from giving birth to deliver another baby a gynecologist and us was preparing to give birth to her own baby in the hospital when she heard that another expectant mother was also close to giving birth as the doctor on Cole was still on his way she stepped in and handled the delivery she then went back to her warden gave birth to her baby still got a long way to go but progress is still progress right it ain't much but it's honest work draw stick figures sing off-key write bad poems so ugly clothes run slowly flirt clumsily play video games uneasy you do not need to be good at something to enjoy the act talent is overrated do things you like doing it's okay to suck I used to be self-conscious about my height but then I thought that I'm Harry Potter this girl in my by-election asleep and the guy beside her took her clicker and answered all the questions so she still got credit I hope they get married me acting shocked after a little kid tells me a fact I already knew so they feel smart and thus encouraging them to continue to share information they find important with people got my nails done and picked this cute ass lavender cover my mail guy goes that was my wife's favorite she passed away 15 years ago today this morning I woke up and asked for a sign that she still here with me so I guess this is it thank you I'm King crying this is probably the best thing I've ever seen me vegetables' at the grocery store getting mustard me he took up two spaces but bought two tickets in 2017 a dog named Odin refused to leave his flock of goats behind during the California tubs fire as his owners fled to safety days later the owners came back to their property to find Odin survived and managed to keep all the goats alive me thinking about suicide Stanley from heaven don't make me come down there you punk show / 19 year old dog is taken into the lake every night by his owner John to help soothe his arthritis and help him fall asleep there is a Dutch nursing home that provides rent-free housing to university students in return for being good neighbors interacting with older residents attending parties etc to ward off loneliness and depression common in the elderly Willy a parrot alerted his owner Megan Harwood when the tub is she was babysitting began to choke Megan was in the bathroom the parrot began screaming mama baby while flapping its wings as the child turned blue Megan rushed over and performed the Heimlich saving the girl's life 1998 when I get bigger I'm going to be my dad's partner and bad guys and burglars 2018 hamsters doing a snooze this nine month old tiger was so sick she weighed 30 pounds when she was supposed to weigh around 120 when she was rescued from circus her bald spots covered almost her entire body and her skin was dry with cracked darkened areas and bleeding every day twice a day I would go in and give our medications and spend time with her told Kihei at first Kihei would have to chase sasha to get her into medicated bathe but the cub soon started to like the man her condition improved drastically within eight months she looked like a real tiger Asha was then introduced to a bigger tiger named smuggler who went crazy for her and was always showing off for her now the two live in the same enclosure together and Archer is a healthy and very much loved tigress a thing I've started doing with my class is giving them a secret mission where they have to do something and if another staff member tells me about it the whole class moves up my reward chart last week was holding doors for people this week is asking people about their day me at 5 years old standing outside my parents bedroom after a nightmare debating on whether or not I should wake them up this Indian man and I have an identical commute but we have never spoken to each other like we get on at the same platform spot and everything I worked from home yesterday and today he jokingly said where were you I was lonely it was a joke but I almost cried lmao to quote my friend I couldn't tell who was happier to see who dad is back home five-year-old jean dresses up to help Street cats because it makes him feel like a superhero for animals a bar of iron costs $5 made into horseshoes it's worth is $12 made in turn evils it's worth is $3500 made into balance Springs for watches it's worthless three hundred thousand dollars your own value is determined also by what you are able to make of yourself personality eight out of ten looks eight out of ten legs one out of two breaking news local stingray in great mood the water is nice and warm and his sloppy parts feel very flatly indeed probably the dog enjoys roaming his town just to bark at strangers but one day in 2013 he suddenly brought something home with him he'd found the white plastic bag with a newborn baby inside dragged it to his porch and barked as loudly as he could until help came he not only saved the girl's life but many families including his own offered to adopt her getting ready for bunny school the best part of the day is getting texts like these from my mom back home funny flower in the garden this is Cronus after a life of protecting sheep from wolves he is retired and enjoys his days chilling in the garden and eating massive amounts of kibble off-duty firefighter helps old lady down the steps at a bull game then carries her back up when she's having difficulties later they were inseparable my dog took care of my kitten as her own with her puppies and then later helped take care of her kittens as well [Music] punks not dead I almost took a girl home yesterday until this guy showed up Musil and gang members peacefully stand side by side police anthem a slim community to show support to those killed in the mosque shootings my mental illness is somehow my fault mental illness can happen to anyone because the human body is a tup mess God has to nerf me because I was too powerful I met an 84 year old Don over watched today who said his grandson lets him play on his account to help his reflexes get better and that's the most wholesome thing I've ever heard everyone on the team gave him a shot-caller endorsement and he got all emotional and thanked everyone these blankets are not lost if you are cold without shelter and looking for comfort then they are for you please take one keep warm and know that you are important eminence lose yourself was the first rap song to ever win an Oscar for Best Original Song however he didn't attend the awards because he didn't think he had a chance of winning instead he fell asleep watching cartoons with his daughter at home officer is reunited with suicidal man he talked down from the Golden Gate Bridge ten years ago to find he's now happily married with two kids my mom be cutting up fruit and bringing it to me in my room without saying nothing that's when it hits me nobody ever gonna love me this much high school cross-country team invites shelter dogs on their morning run I'm not sure who was more excited what simple things get sue to laugh in an instant my wife laughs a lot and does this thing where when she finds something really funny she can't even get the whole story out she'll say like three words and laughs so hard she cries it takes her ten minutes to tell me why she's laughing and it kills me every single time a father in China spent 16 years studying law so he could sue a chemical company that coated his land he couldn't afford to buy law books so he gave the bookstore owner corn in exchange for letting him read and copy information by hand he won his case and got compensation for all the families in his village had my six-year-old slowly and painstakingly reading a Nazi a book about otters to his stuffed otter because I wanted him to know about his family when they say in the credits of the game and you my granddad has a hat for each university his grandchildren attended and today I got to give him mine for the last time wake up you have to go to school dad you're yelling at a pinecone he actually delivered me at home himself we decided to reenact this moment 21 years later happy birthday props best advice from my dad you believed in Santa for eight years you can believe in yourself for 10 seconds husband was in another city and I was hungry and out of credit so I told him to call McDonald's and order food for me he said the writer will be there in 45 minutes and when he said your order is outside I opened the door it was him with my food hi I miss that creature just flew with this mother daughter flight crew on Delta from LAX to ATL awesome my dog escaped from the yard today and about 30 minutes later my neighbor sent me this picture there has been a spider in my bathroom for one month I refused to kill him I named him Phillip every time somebody uses the bathroom they tell me to kill him but I make excuses and won't do it he is like my roommate but instead of paying rent he protects me from the other gross Florida creatures like mosquitos Phillip if jory doing this thanks man my daughter went to my husband and said dad have you ever heard of Pokemon and I have never seen him so happy loll he busted out all his old cards and is in full education mode not every place you fit in is where you belong going through a very hard time right now but my dad calls me a few times a week with computer problems that are clearly not real once I fix them we chat on the phone for an hour so that's nice boyfriend you don't have to do anything for my birthday girlfriend does something boyfriend the only thing I like about working at the movie theater is seeing this dad bring his daughter to Disney movies the whole squad walking away while you tie your shoes that one bro waiting for you when you put something in the shopping cart and hope your mom won't notice I like having conversations with kids grown-ups never asked me what my third favorite reptile is the moment my dog and husband realized I was in the car beside him when I was younger I got my make-a-wish and wanted to meet the Red Sox I got to meet a bunch of the man sit in the dugout a few years later we come across them in a hotel and they still remembered me that was the most special I ever felt this is Ramen he visits the pond every day and tries to kiss a turtle hasn't had any luck yet 13 out of 10 would console what's the weird childhood ritual you still do today when I was younger I'd help my mum fold bed sheets you know we each grab an end put the corners together twice to fold lengthways and then walk towards each other to fold whit's ways I used to always give my mom a hug at the end of it with the bed sheets pressed between us this would repeat for as many sheets as we needed to fold one or two or three you know now I'm 33 years old and when the and my wife fold sheets together we ended with a hug not the best car but happy to be able to buy my mama car not the best buying your mama car a godless is so so kind see how social media won't accepted unless it's immersive Salang you're terrible at this that's why I keep practicing others are much more successful than you those guys work hard they inspire me but you want to throw it all away and give up right Oh several times a day but then I push on I'm trying to discourage you ah my own brain says much worse stuff to me this man waits for his wife to get out of class every day so I found this caterpillar on my way to class we are bros i named him chicken nugget ah he's turning a duller color I hope he's all right so apparently chicken nugget is a spicebush Swallowtail and they turn yellow before they pupate he was making little silk things everywhere brothers cater pies going to evolve to Metapod today my boy isn't messing around he's been chillin like this for a couple days he's been in cocoon for ten days now chicken nugget is a chicken wing now baby we have liftoff this guy kept his hand in this position for more than 45 minutes so his daughter could sleep well three-year-old can we have a birthday cake me it's not your birthday three-year-old the cake won't no my dad has never had a cat but loves mine when he comes over to my house he found a kitten crying outside a couple days ago who prefers sleeping like this I hope he keeps it a few weeks ago one of my students started singing every kiss begins with then a boy yelled consent and I haven't stopped thinking about it since if your boyfriend doesn't know how to change a tire you should teach him or learn together because that's a very important life skill for anyone who owns a vehicle when I was a very small child my mom used to bury coins in my sandbox leave huge footprints in the sand and tell me pirates had come in the night and buried treasure I would be out there happily for hours with my little suit and my mom got a quiet morning to herself for the price of a handful of pennies I was always kind of skeptical about scent of the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy because visiting every kid in the world did not seem reasonable but the Pirates only visited me so they were probably read so that's the story of how I ended up being an archeologist how about you it's time Chester life two of nine good Katti I saw this beautiful man holding a phone with both hands looking at the screen smiling I was drawn by his joy and asked for a photo he agreed telling me he was talking to his wife back home I asked if it was a video call he said no but I see her name on the screen [Music] if she goes outside we shut the door and she hates it so she keeps her butt inside to prevent this while she bird watchers meet Sophie when we were babies my dad was a stay-at-home dad while my mom kicked ass in the courtroom but he would carry my twin brother and me around with one baby on the front and one on his back in backpacks and women would come up and look at how cute I wasn't cool over me and be like or how cute well and my dad would be like you know what's cuter than one baby and then he'd spin around and bam there was my brother I love everything about this when my sister was 3 she would draw all over my walls now she is 12 and I realized she was just practicing this is amazing your stress level is high follow me to the lab I think between age 21 and 29 is a phase of hustle suffering and smiling depression overthinking wondering whether you'll achieve and make it in life nineties babies hope y'all alright you will be ok someday hang in there don't lose hope we can't keep it might add 10 months ago when my parents went to Ireland with my grandfather who hadn't been there in 25 years he took them to his favorite pub when they went in a guy at the bar said oh god he's back my grandpa has a date tonight and he's really old and in a wheelchair and has to drag around this breathing machine but he's just sitting there waiting for the hospice shuttle to take him to pick up his date and he looks super excited and it's the cutest thing I've ever seen update he came home and I asked him how it went and he said I should have taken an extra tank of oxygen because she took my breath away hey nerd nice sweater did your mom made that for you yes she did that's nice my mom made this scarf for me they sure know how to keep us warm I did this on a plane once watching Jurassic Park I noticed that the gentleman next to me was watching so I turned on the subtitles I was wearing an over-the-air headset rather than earbuds so I didn't offer to listen when the drink cart came by he ordered a water by typing the request as a note in his phone he also typed a note in his phone to thank me for turning on the subtitles it was a longer flight so I let him pick the next movie we watched both Jurassic Park and Fast Five together me hearing and him death both enjoying the film's honestly one of the best experiences I've had on a flight my nan has dementia and every day she meets my dog for the first time and falls in love with him over and over again when I stopped at a crosswalk today this guy pulled up next to me rolled his window down and stuck his head out and at first I was like oh no street harassment here it comes but then the guy was like dude look at that huge rainbow behind you the only appropriate thing for a dude to shout at me out a car window out of the over 400 episodes seated for his joy of painting series he never collected a salary this is PBS he said all the shows are done for free and although he received over 200 fan letters a day he read them all when regular letter writers fell out of touch he called them to just make sure they were doing okay I mean who says oh these orphan babies girls need a home hey they can live with me or no thanks I don't need a salary in fact all the proceeds from the sale of my paintings go back to PBS and hum I haven't received a letter from Betty in Idaho in a while I think I'll give her a ring and check up on her Bob Ross that's who a precious national treasure and the epitome of kindness and compassion bank visit our own department I'd like to borrow $2 what for the circus is in town it is why does this make me so happy every time I see it hey beat check this out if you're smuggling weapons under there I don't want to know yep oh my god may the fake computer so the cap stops King with me Harvard University wants to know your location this is actually a plus cat management mirroring is a big thing with cats it's why they will learn similar position several feet apart all will come and try to do things when you do them it's a sign that they love you and want to show this cat wants to be close to its owner and also wants to do what its owner is doing to be involved in some way giving them their own thing to use is a really great way to redirect them and allow them to mirror the behavior in a non destructive way that frustrates neither party this is a good idea made a fake computer so the cat feels loved and included in my life me did I have a pet see waiter is Pepsi okay oh my god I is getting watery finally me smiling through tears yeah Thor meets mr. Rogers [Music] just in case you were having a bad day look how happy this raccoon is with his stuffed raccoon my friend needed sweatpants in order to go in her lab and take a quiz so I'm just chilling in the restroom for 50 minutes with booty shorts on not all heroes wear capes some wear booty shorts bad sleeping please you saw the door love yourself our cow wasn't feeling good so last night my son went outside to spend time with her I woke up this morning and found this is your Pokemon and the now Mouse doing me a fascinate breaking the u.s. open to add purpose to the bowl person team at the 2019 tournament for the first time all breeds welcomed sergeant stubby the most decorated dog at World War 1 and the only dog to be promoted by combat he saved his regiment from mustard gas attacks comforted the wounded and notified his troop of oncoming artillery after the war led parades across the country met three presidents and became the University mascot my little boys in the process of being tested for autism he's three and rarely speaks the word that's understandable anyway but he always says love you that when I put him to bed that'll do me for the rest of my life those words mean the most out of any my granddad just called me to tell me how big his cauliflowers are growing and it was so cute they're twice as big as the ones you get in the shop I told my granddad this post has 3500 notes and he said who are they do I know them he wanted me to list every one and see if he knew anyone if you don't reblog cauliflower granddad then you're just a mean person when you wear a new hat and someone mentions it and it makes you feel nice I can lighten your load by carrying a small part of it antidepressant somebody grilled this piece of onion and left it outside in the rain and I honestly find it so inspiring roasted by those who claim to want it and forgotten and yet still it lives it persevere be like this onion the local teams who flocked to my dead-end street to smoke goobers in their cars have become as dear to me as the birds and squirrels i watch in the yard and I'm tempted to set out a feeding station for them too with bugles and Gatorade she fell asleep on me while we facetimed so I drew her till she woke up she need the sleep and I needed the inspiration friend wanna hang out tonight me sorry I already made plans my dog was extremely tired but just had to follow me into the bathroom in the middle of the night if you're having a bad day just know this garlic bread loves and supports you and is proud you decided to stay alive another day 9 year old me I need supplies for a project to tomorrow parents at 9:15 p.m. you knew about this project for a week and waited till the last day to tell me what you need for it go to bed you're getting a zero five minutes later parents what do you need I'm going to the store he small he brawl but most importantly he love you all what a good morning I'm gonna draw a dog April Fool's I drew two dogs they're best friends the only good April Fool's joke Shaggy and Scooby always run away side by side when fleeing from the monsters Scooby is a Great Dane and a running speed for that type of dog is 30 to 40 miles per hour that means that shaggy is the fastest human alive which means that Usain Bolt's top speed 27 miles is slower than Shaggy's that or scooby is purposely slowing down to stay near shaggy cause he's more afraid of losing shaggy than he is of the monster I don't know I'm drunk after an 80 year old man in England move into a retirement home his 98 year old mother moved into the same home so she could help take care of him she said you never stop being a mom my English teacher says we shouldn't refer to authors by their first names because they aren't our friends will you confirm our friendship and let me call you Neil on my American gods book report Neil Gaiman absolutely I have overheard my 11 year old planning April Fool's jokes for days instead this morning he decided to bring me breakfast in bed because he thought it would be more fun being nice I had a man come to me and he said Bob I could never paint because I'm colorblind so I thought today we'd do a picture in grey just to show you that anyone can paint if you throw a cabbage in the air he will always come right back down because he miss you so much nobody Canadians Halla Laura you look pretty fly hey sorry if that opening pun was a little plain no problem I was just winging it so where are you from ha ha I see none of those jokes really took off kino Reeves was on a flight from San Francisco to LA on Saturday and the plane had to land in backers field 100 miles short of LA because of a mechanical issue and instead of taking off like a typical celebrity the organized event who take them the rest of the way then he entertained the other passengers during the two-hour drive by reading facts about backers field playing country music on his phone and saying goodbye to passengers as they were dropped off too long didn't read life is weird try not to die on an airplane but if you almost do do it with kinu weeds hello human I've been assigned to guard you Skyrim grandma Shirley curry will be an npc in the Elder Scrolls 6 boyfriend was sad he didn't have a hat for the link he put together so I made him one out of embroidery thread anyone watch Phineas and Ferb remember that one episode when dr. Doofenshmirtz and Vanessa riding a scooter to the mall and some guy cat calls it Vanessa and doof turns and is like she's 16 and freakin shoots him with the guns that sends people to alien dimensions a plus farmer Netflix you little flirt top pick for me you I only label the important things you know what's wild remembering that children hear things for the first time without context and a literally like what I just said see you later alligator to a four-year-old band I think it was the first time they had ever heard that they froze in their tracks looked at me completely bewildered then replied see you later chicken and kept walking my friend's four-year-old put on a backyard puppet show for me the sold audience member halfway through the show she asked me if I liked it and I replied I can't wait to see what happens next I'm on the edge of my seat hearing this she carefully put down her puppets came over to where I was sitting and explained you can use the whole seat it's more comfy I'm a school photographer and we got to take a service dogs picture for the yearbook today [Music] not all dogs are good boys because some are good girls the smile this dog gave during his first swim is priceless a policeman noticed a sleuth who was on a highway he stopped and took it to a vet first and then returned it to its natural habitat [Music] sheep comforts dog after it protected there her from wolves Antoniou La Cava drives a portable library around town to encourage children to read books every one of us in the coop has a purpose we hens lay the eggs the rooster crows and then there's Carol at first glance she doesn't appear to do much she never loose and she cannot see but every now and then we are very grateful to Carol for the life-sustaining water she gives us but Carol herself Carol is a mystery we may never hope to unravel my boyfriend's childhood dog passed away and he was devastated I decided to get him a gift he could love forever they put a raincoat on the meji a tamagotchi outside the band AHQ in tokyo when it rains [Music] you have been visited by dr. dog Oh like this video and subscribe to stay healthy [Music]
Channel: Clumsy
Views: 6,558,131
Rating: 4.8878736 out of 5
Keywords: clean wholesome memes, memes, best wholesome memes, wholesome, dank memes, dank memes compialtion, best memes compilation, meme, clean memes, clean, clean memes for school, family friendly, ultimate, 1 hour, dank doodle memes, ddm, reddit, dog memes, cat memes, family, memes clean, interesting, satisfying, memes to watch with family
Id: Ie0OJEFl2Rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 8sec (3668 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2019
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