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today was mean day at mild high school for homecoming week I appreciate this science teacher even more now rhinos are out of shape unicorns change my mind if you know me you know how much I love my hair but I love my dad more you got this homie someone said post Malone's mustache looks like two dogs kissing and my life hasn't known peace suits best story of the day South Dallas middle school started a breakfast with dads program but many dads couldn't make it and several students didn't have father figures the school posted a facebook request for 50 volunteer fathers 600 fathers from all backgrounds showed up so I sold my daughter slide yesterday on Facebook marketplace I asked the buyer how old are your kids she giggled and said no it's for my pugs they'd love to go up and down a slide we are all mothers in our own way made my day my dad passed away at 12:34 p.m. every time I'd see that time on a clock which wasn't as we're Lee Ostin I'd think of that moment and it would put me in a terrible mood I decided that I didn't want to remember him dying just to remember him so now every time I see that time I think about my dad and say hello to him in my head 1234 has always been my favorite time maybe I'll say hello to him too the first time I ever did stand-up in the high school talent show my teacher was like I'm gonna see you on The Tonight Show one day so I flew him out comedian Josh Johnson hashtag black pride reblog for the teachers who believed in you this culture of digging up everybody's past to find ways to invalidate their current success is so sad as if people don't grow and evolve I swear it's the quietest people with the best personality it's this kid that used to sit at a table by himself will quiet and used to have his jacket zipped all the way up to cover his face with his head down we invited him to our table and he's one of the nicest people ever I came to the table today and he was like I made y'all some cookies never judge a book by it's cover always give people a chance who and his friends were given as gifts by author I am ill to his son Christopher Robin Milne between 1920 and 1922 who was purchased in London at Harrods for Christopher's first birthday Christopher later gave them to publish our EP Dutton who in turn donated them to the New York Public Library oh my god this is some guys Wario why are you so greedy I'm a paying for my friend's chemotherapy wow they look Phinney's this one's looking at you and this one's looking at your firm Ferb this one's looking at both of us at the same time I didn't know this origin story but it makes me happy on so many levels UK airport sniffer dogs good at finding sausages but not drugs let him have the sausages I almost scrolled past this like some kind of idiot asked my dog to be my best boy at my wedding anonymous person buys 1 million worth of remaining toys at Toys R Us to donate to children I'm speechless for this kid he wins son of the century thirteen-year-old boy trades in Xbox does yard work to buy his single mother a car did you know MMA fighter Justin Ren left the Octagon and for the past five years he's been fighting slavery and depression in Africa Ren has helped dig wells for clean water grow and harvest food and buy back land that was taken from the pygmy people he's also working to replant trees in areas deforested by companies seeking to exploit the minerals there Cody still gets the paper after all these years hope to all the hard parents I'm the divorced parent of a 9 and 12 year old always up against a steal and dad I made peace a long time ago with the fact they will always hate me for the chores homework and behavior rules I enforce tonight my 12 year old told me I'm such a good mom this after I made them on time for electronics by hanging up clothes and doing dishes I said I was sorry I'm not always fun mom my 12 year old said it's okay mom you are doing it for a good reason to teach us about life my heart be still has fall asleep maybe I'm not as horrible as I feel my dad is an electrician in a zoo and look how he spent his morning I'm crying your dad small as hell har I'm a piece of trash as someone who cares deeply about the environment I'm obligated to pick you up is 7:00 okay you smooth I wonder if an ape ever told a wolf you're gonna be my best friend one day what is it mom open it a puppy wait what kind of puppy doesn't have a leg what's the point of the sick dog this sucks I don't want no puppy I don't want anything I hate you you're not like the other dogs you can't play you're only there for people to feel sorry for you don't pretend you're happy give me that now catch and get out of here see you're not like the others it's no use right you don't care about your leg you're happy anyway okay let's play outside using the Drake format using forests to raise awareness about the alarming rate at which they are disappearing due to deforestation all jokes aside or the white people who aren't racist and actually love black people just know we love you too and I mean that [ __ ] from the bottom of my heart thank you all for not hating us for absolutely no reason my dad doesn't know how to turn off the heart feature and front-facing camera but wanted to show me his new stove surgeon Ted Rommel is paralyzed from the waist down after his illness even that doesn't stop him from saving people's lives when it's April 2nd and your crush's confession isn't a joke somewhere in the world at least one person is having the greatest day of their entire life congratulations with a life expectancy of 70 years and 365 days per year the average human leads 25,550 days in his life with only one being the best there are 7 billion 600 million human days lived each day seven billion 600 million divided by 25,550 approximately equals 290 7456 there are approximately 300,000 humans having the greatest day of their entire life remember to take your meds meat early he's the curly one he hugs every other dog he sees during his walk sometimes you just need two men Cory and Craig we are two men we are burly we'll do what you want yes our bodies are strong but our friendship is stronger we have been friends for over 14 years of course there have been ups and downs but we always come to terms with our differences because friendship like this comes once in a lifetime by hiring us you will receive not just the strength of our bodies but the strength of our emotional bond as well friendship 100 concerned dog refuses to stop hugging his owner who was injured in a fall I'm literally in love with the fact I get to see how my little cousins interact even with language barrier on my mum's side I have a three-year-old little cousin who only speaks French and on my dad's side I have a 2 year old cousin who only speaks Spanish when they play together it is so funny to see them blabber on and on to each other until one of them hears a word that sounds familiar and then they just repeat that word and not like they are totally connecting like today the one that speaks Spanish scent Venga Apollo's pantaloons and la Ășnica and the other heard pantaloons and was just like we pant alone they are best friends and it's the cutest and funniest thing I've ever seen hey you ok not really want to talk about it not really [Music] a nurse discovers that the premature baby she cared for 28 years ago is now her colleague I've been waiting on this couple 94 and 95 years old at the diner for the last five years yesterday Bob lost his wife of 77 years today he invited me for cheese wine and crackers and I think I learned more about love and life today than I have in the past 23 years my grandma made me a sweater and the left side is bigger than the right but I don't care I love it so much she is so wholesome and pure and this is my new favorite sweater the success kid mean saved the kid's dad life after it became popular because the mean was so popular many people donated for the kidney transplant you suck you're right I shall improve my dad is recovering from an operation mum went out and left the door slightly ajar my parents do not have a cat police officer throws surprise party for bullied boy after no one showed up on his birthday no body cares until you're dead sorry to break it to you but nobody cares then either Elmo cares man Elmo thinks you're a good person people on the street lose their minds when pancake wears her raincoat [Music] her name is pancake her name is pancake her name is pancake record 4855 people queue in the rain for hours to see if they are a stem-cell match for boy 5 battling rare cancer after his parents launched desperate plea in hope of saving his life I hope the first image of black hole appears as predicted by my theory don't worry Anne's time it will we all trust in you I had a student who was late to class come up to me afterward I'm sorry I was late he said my mom died this morning and I didn't know where to go so I came here and that was the day I decided to treat every single student as if I have no idea what they are going through he's cured actually if you look at the heart monitor he's flatlining he's cured a miracle check it out Winston fell asleep how I'll get a marker quiet please map in progress in June 2005 a 12 year old girl was snatched by four men in rural Southwest Ethiopia as she made her way home from school a week after the kidnapping her captors were attempting to move her with police in hot pursuit when three lands chased the men off the lands remained with the terrified girl until police officers arrived to escort her to safety she told them that although she had been beaten by her kidnappers who it is believed had been attempting to sell her into a forced marriage the lands had not touched her this is Maggie my granddad's old girl she doesn't get as much attention anymore but she always brings you a leaf you can't have the leaf she just wants you to be proud when someone says your sweater is nice and you feel nice me come to Ontario Terry Fox can't it's five thousand three hundred and seventy three kilometres away me people will donate to cancer research if you do Terry Fox being a boy must be hard like they have to text us first and buy us food and always look cute with no makeup and have nice cars and a steady job and be tall and impressed parents and friends and brothers and sisters and hi boners and be good at sex like automatically and be a gentleman always and never be in a bad mood like I'm sorry men you have it hard I love you all carefully she's a hero unfollow IG models and influencers start following artists and designers your entire outlook on life will change you will be reminded less about your insecurities you will be reminded more of what you love about what humans are capable of creating people been telling me I look like Ryan Gosling what y'all think my man's posted two photos of Ryan Gosling like we wouldn't notice an American woman never learned what happened to her husband whose plane was shot down over Levin's France during World War two she finally got her congressman to reopen his case in 2011 she was shocked to learn the town had been memorializing him and his sacrifice for 67 years I'm gonna start a street gang of friendly thugs who jumped strangers with compliments and assault unsuspecting homeless people with hot lunches and hugs to find buried treasure man digs 12 feet deep hole without realizing his metal detector was picking up his steel toe-caps safety boots the treasure was in him the whole time what is the best part of your day coming home from work to cuddle my newborn son did you know you can't breathe in when you smile just kidding I just wanted to make him smile my mum always made me a birthday cake every year for 44 years two months since she died and my old dad tried his hardest and my heart melted who is this you tell me I don't know I don't have this number saved me neither you just texted me a question mark so I responded with one oh I had a miss called from this number earlier today hence the question mark wit I have no outgoing calls today hope I'm not hacked if you're the hacker please reconsider well I'm glad I didn't answer could have hacked me anyway sorry to bother you friend have a nice evening sorry to bother you we've come a long way together take care friendly anonymous stranger have a good one well she and I have made it 30 years today there have been some touch-and-go moments but we are closer now than we have ever been her motorcycle accident nearly put it into things it changed a lot and it clarified a lot now she forgets our anniversaries and I have a lot of fun reminding her I'm no longer in trouble for slipping a day or two I love you girl even with your wonky eye and gimpy leg looking forward to another 30 anonymous person buys 1 million dollars worth of remaining toys at Toys R Us to donate to children this photo is from 1955 it was called a few seconds before happiness after needing 13 liters of blood for a surgery at the age of 13 James Harrison pledged to donate blood once he turned 18 after discovering that his blood contained a rare antigen which cure aise rhesus disease James Harrison for six decades donated his blood and saved the lives of over 2.4 million babies this picture is of his last blood donation he is surrounded by mothers whose babies he helped save when it's bedtime but you remember it's weekend happiness noise when you come home from a stressful day at school and your mom already made soup to warm you up this is some serious film a [ __ ] I didn't put monsters under your bed to scare you I put them there because I know you get lonely at night thanks Satan a cold room plus a thick comforter equals then turning the fan on to add a little razzle dazzle literally any monster in existence my dad tucking five-year-old me in bed he's not even remotely sorry my mom just sent me the send it seriously lifted my mood wanted to post it here in case anyone else needs it what are you throwing away oh just some old ideas and beliefs that were taking up too much space arm extension because t-rex needs hogs for at least 13 years rain or shine this little old man spends every morning walking around our tiny town picking up trash every morning in Frankfurt Germany you might catch a glimpse of Jenny a horse who goes on a long walk every morning all by herself she has been taking the same route every morning for 14 years ever since her owner now 79 years old became unable to ride she enjoys greeting all of the familiar faces along the way and she stops and gets treats and pettings from some of her favorite humans the locals treat her like a celebrity and happily clean up after her a piece of paper is attached to her halter that reads my name is Jenny I didn't run away I'm just walking thank you but the police get calls frequently from people who don't know about the arrangement they are very familiar with the horse and the owner and there have been no incidents in 14 yes a local veterinarian gives her routine checkups and continues to find her to be healthy and showing no anxiety about her unique lifestyle what would your 15 year old self be the most surprised about you now that someone actually married me she donated 30 inches of her hair to make wigs for children with cancer cried because he was cold so I gave him an extra blanket cried more so I tucked him in got himself comfy settled it cried again because his fish got lost in the comforter got him his fish went right to sleep who's the coolest kid on the playground say it Bobby I can't hear you Bobby that's right I want to see that self-esteem up by lunch recess tomorrow Bobby when you see a baby crying on the bus and make funny faces at her till she stops crying this will be the end of war our our what information you want none i'm just donating three dollars in 2013 george clooney surprised 14 friends with 1 million dollars each there were friends who helped him before he became famous some were living paycheck-to-paycheck at the time he also paid for the taxes I just got an email from my 8th grade biology teacher congratulating me on my PhD she helped me to a science fair project on the antioxidant content of honey that made me believe I could be a scientist when I grew up mentorship and representation really does matter [Music] definitely had the most handsome date at prom I love you with all my heart save the dance for me up there in heaven cool advice from dark souls age only effects appearance and has no bearing on ability gender has no bearing on ability everyone has imperfections prejudice birth smell contents become a dark spirit time for crab be 11 year old me minecraft 1.0 comes out want to get it mom doesn't get me it at first feels bad PNG Easter rolls around mom hands me a paper it see user name and password mom got me an account for Easter thanks mom play Minecraft all the time make lots of memories and friends playing minecraft fast-forward to now redownload minecraft for the hell of it look around for paper with username and password find it username is my name spelled backwards long password love mom love you more the man pet the dog you should not hit dogs wholesome 100 what's your dirty little secret I secretly watch my friend streams and support him without him knowing by using a different account he gets very few viewers so I talk to him throughout the stream to keep his spirits up we should make more memes in dark mode so you don't get blinded browsing at night this town ain't big enough for the two of us fraid you're right partner I have now been alive for more than 1 billion seconds which one was the best the 5 it took to write this response to you my mom gave me her own baby blanket when I was born to be my baby blanket she told me that one day if she wasn't feeling good to bring it back to her I gave her her blanket back tonight and she said you remembered help someone smile today oh my god my brother went on his first date tonight this makes my heart so so happy so romance is dead after all I'm out having dinner and this woman outside was being blinded by the sunset so her date propped a menu behind his head on the color of his shirt to block the Sun from her eyes and I'm sobbing our year awake I found you unconscious in the woods and brought you to my heart let me make you something to eat [Music] wanna have some candy my very first customer Wow today I saw an elderly man sitting outside of his car spoon feeding his wife ice cream Swiss billionaire donated 1 billion dollars to save the earth happiness noise just look at me now just got my Fiddler's cap fits perfect I just love it very comfortable and good-looking my new favorite hat of all time Anchors Away matey I went to lunch with friends and saw my husband at the restaurant I was going to say his name but he was staring at his phone so I watched him he was smiling he typed then my funding and it was a video he forwarded of a dog wrestling a water hose stop don't shoot nice try this morning I went to chick-fil-a for breakfast and my total came out to six dollars and 66 cents so the cashier changed the total to six dollars and 26 cents and gave me a large lemonade for free the devil be working hard but damn do chick-fil-a employees work harder observe my dangled strings so ceremonial I'm going to throw my hat this will be emotional stand behind me because of traditional litter sequence I remember this lesson my knowledge surfaces we smack our hands I just really think we should normalize sword gifting as a romantic gesture again can you imagine having someone go to the finest blacksmith they find to completely customize you a blade showing their undying love and respect for you like when everyone is laughing at you except your crush this is fine two gorillas pose with the anti-poaching Rangers who guard them first picture I see as if we being real my husband was such a huge Marvel fan he made me watch all the movie in order when we first started dating he was so excited to see endgame he had so many theories about what happened he passed away six and a half months ago and one of the hardest things for me is that he won't get to know what happens to the Avengers it breaks my heart over and over but I'll be there I'll be there with my tissues on April 26th seeing it for both of us because he would want me to be there give me all your money I I don't have any money I'm in debt well give me all your debt now you go home and you get your life together you can read memes because you're hard-working teachers have taught you English maybe he didn't want to go to the dance with you because your hair is too red what that's so mean don't get mad at me I'm just playing devil's advocate whoa whoa don't blame this on me I think your hair looks great just how it is all thanks Satan drunk got the Domino's guy to buy me McDonald's in the special instruction section my faith in pizza guys has gone up 123 percent growth is messy growth is slow growth has setbacks growth takes work growth takes love growth is worth it I work at a small family-owned Italian restaurant and my boss lets me study when we are slow so he brought me a small pizza and said snack while you study I worked a 12-hour shift today and he fed me three times and made me a sandwich to take home he's an angel walking among us his shell was badly damaged so a group of volunteers made him a new one with a 3d printer the group call themselves the animal Avengers and as you can see their skills are superhuman the new shell fitted Freddie perfectly but it needed a little color so the team hand-painted it to look as natural as possible it looks just as good as the real thing the animal Avengers Assemble includes four vets one dental surgeon and a 3d designer the real Avengers are nothing compared to the superhero team when you're mad at your wife but no she's a good woman and she deserves nice stuff you got everything keys wallet yes friendship happiness reasonable amounts stability on and off snacks yes my grandmother promised all of us if she made it to 90 she would get a pink mohawk well she made it to 90 rock on grandma for the very first time in my life a tall person stood in front of me at a concert looked back asked can you still see and then answered themselves with of course you can't I'm like six feet tall and then moved I wish so many blessings on their house my sister is an Egypt for work and had no mates to see the pyramids with so to Cuba driver with her instead for all depressed people out there you are not alone I did it saw a little girl with a fold-out table in her front yard I asked her what's she selling she said drawings I said pick one and I'll buy it she handed me one and said it will be 25 cents I almost caught a manly tear in one I gave her $20 and said follow your dreams [Music] when you realize now you can be used for complimenting people a little girl from China covered a cat on the street with leaves because she was afraid that the cat would catch her cold I hope this girl is having a grape eh I think about her a lot sat next to a young guy on a flight to Chicago who was using the most broken and busted old iPhone I've ever seen I asked if I could send him my old iPhone 10 and he looked at me like I was crazy but I'm a man of my word Merry Christmas boss guy I sat next to on Southwest flight two-year-old needed a twenty thousand dollar wheelchair but his parents couldn't afford one and insurance wouldn't pay for it so local high school Robotics team got to work and built in one instead if a random stranger walked up to you on the street and said I'll now do absolutely anything you tell me what would you say have a great day tell me your deepest desires I want to support my family by doing what I love while making a positive impact on the world my four-year-old son thinks he's a ninja so my wife took a before picture and showed him he absolutely thinks he's completely invisible in front of our black appliances man helps pay for girls medical school after earthquake eleven years later she saves his life me he's a good boy my dog well of course I know him he's me our ex-marine teacher has a student draw a cat of the day on the board because he likes to he was gone Friday and wasn't able to so this morning he took out his phone and opened neko atsume draw a substitute cat I love this teacher Burger King releases unhappy meal because no one is happy all the time McDonald's I was at the gym today and heard this middle-aged guy running on the treadmill next to me whisper speed I'm speed and he started running faster speed 100 me does literally anything my grandma incredible job little-known historical fact pharaohs were buried with their hands crossed over their chests because it was a popular belief there would be countless water slides in the afterlife breaking deaf man adopts deaf rescue puppy and teaches him sign language this random kid waits for me on the side of the road every single day so he can race my car I let him win until he gets too tired after about three minutes this is now a little tradition it's the highlight of my day every day a woman trying to commit suicide from the Eiffel Tower landed on a car and later married the owner of the car so she fell in love restauration 100 if you see me looking homeless in walmart it's because my boyfriend has up my confidence to its max level and you can't convince me I don't look bombers can be B Q source stain sweatpants I'm in gun post off Korea I found the guy in Montevideo Uruguay already the exact opposite side of the world today we made an earth sandwich 8:00 a.m. for me 8:00 p.m. for him I love the Internet [Music] Sweden is so good at recycling it has run out of garbage and now must import garbage from Norway to fuel its energy programs DJ Khaled suffering from success the train station that stayed open for a single school girl finally closes down carefully it's a hero most of you know cheddar has medical issues and tears through his bandages pet clothes are expensive so I made him a fan out of an old sleeve what is a dirty little or big secret about an industry that you have worked in that people outside the industry really ought to know I work with kids at a daycare and we see babies take their first steps sometimes but we never tell the parents because we don't want them to feel bad about missing it customer with a full shopping cart in front of me you go first me with only two items only advice you'll ever need be the person your dog thinks you are man allegedly bench presses goose for ten minutes of La Park goose allegedly loves it accidentally played dead instead of dead when I encountered a bear and now it can ride a bike without training wheels my daughter volunteering at our local shelter helping feed the puppies if you are feeling sad here's a husky on coconut tree me talking about something boring that one friend who always listens to what you have to say and actually cares how come all good things have to end why can't they last forever time is an illusion that helps things make sense it's up ninety six weeks and thousands of volunteers to clean up Versova Beach in Mumbai India the payoff hundreds of thousands of sea turtles hatching this week first time in decades anything can be cleaned before after dog climbing on top of me here I shall slumber me why it's Sun comfortable dog must protect me there's nothing dangerous here dog loneliness is dangerous street singer was ignored by everyone then four kittens came to show their support when you play Minecraft on PC for the first time in four years and see all the new updates me I'll have the fries wife I'll upgrade to a salad food comes out but it's okay because I love her and support her attempt at making healthier food choices my dad has just figured out how to use the front camera this is the first picture he sent guide gives up subway seat for pregnant woman she gives him a trophy number one decent dude first man to offer subway seat to pregnant woman through our two pregnancies when I was younger my friends would ask me how to say all sorts of profanities in my native language what I told them actually meant I love you they thought they were insulting each other but I knew Porat had everyone from the Marvel Cinematic Universe to sign this Captain America shield it sold for fifty three thousand dollars with 100% of the proceeds going to Children's Mercy because that's what heroes do when people start making shark memes to spread awareness that they're on the verge of extinction happy shark noises this boy was quietly watching a man play a game on his phone as soon as he noticed he let him play I was wondering why my husband wasn't cuddling me [Music] my grandma spends 4 or 5 hours each day learning English so that it's easier to hold a conversation with me if this isn't love then I don't know what is being happily married is like having a sleepover with your best friend every night for the rest of your life giggle behind blanket so who do you have a crush on wife fourth sake before and after I sign good boy to my deaf dog one day you'll wake up at 11:30 a.m. on a Sunday with the love of your life and you'll make some coffee and pancakes and it'll be all right fact I tried to kill myself when I was 18 and yesterday at 26 I woke up to this exact thing this gives me so much hope I asked my five-year-old to keep an eye on his sister while I served him dinner I peak out of the kitchen and find him like this I have been using Spotify to secretly spy on my friend one of my closest friends names her Spotify playlist with specific names one of her playlists is called sat Lady hours and every time I see her actively listening to it I shoot her hopefully inconspicious texts asking what she is up to that I love her etc I hope she never notices the pattern dad son your adopted kid at the adoption center people who declined the proposal why did you do it we were on the verge of a breakup when he asks we'd been having problems for a few years his idiot friend told him it was a good idea to propose and that it would make everything magically better I told him now we broke up and I moved away for a while as they say absence makes the heart grow fonder it was true in our case we were able to work things out I moved back and two years later we got married we've been together for 24 years have two daughters and one grandchild in a private Cemetery in small-town Arkansas a woman single-handedly buried and gave food wills to more than 40 game and during the height of the AIDS epidemic when their families wouldn't claim them lemon sharks may occasionally get possessive of divers giving attention to other sharks and try to chase off any tiger sharks of whom the lemons might be jealous when you got a nice hat and somebody mentions it when you accidentally open the front camera but you're cute so it doesn't matter I just found out that my husband fills the dog's water dish not from the tap but from the fridges water purifier feature she'd do the same for me he said in 1981 a pediatrician saved the life of a 3.2 pound premature baby boy by working around the clock and beating the odds to stabilize him in 2011 the same pediatrician was pinned inside a burning vehicle after a car collision but was saved by a paramedic who turned out to be the premature baby he saved 30 years earlier whenever I'm sad I text this girl to show me her cat I'm sad can you show me your cat hey yeah sure what's wrong I know Gina's don't have feet but you left some big shoes to fill rest in peace Robin and thank you love the artwork Will Smith being a bro I know we give the new Jeannie a lot of crap but in reality will is probably trying seriously hard to make Robin Williams proud and I respect that drug dealers and cartels could make a lot of money if they could figure out a way to manufacture insulin and sell it for cheaper than pharmacist men what cute thing has your significant other done recently in the middle of the night she turned to me and asked in a quiet voice would you like to hear some facts about the hawksbill sea turtle I didn't even know she was awake that's hilarious got your a fire ant fire ant what does that mean got when you bite something it burns like fire fire ant gasp you mean I'm a dragon got what no fire ant I'm the teensiest dragon thank you strange neighbor now none of these three things will dry well a couple weeks ago I was at Starbucks and a homeless guy came in one of the employees apparently befriended him she greeted him like a friend and already knew he wanted water it's free today I was at the same Starbucks and the homeless guy was working at the cash register I love how dogs do stupid things and look so proud my grandpa has built laughs my pot of gold under the rainbow this viewpoint in napple has a handrail that describes the view in braille Japan thus drivers in Okayama have gone on strike by continuing to drive their routes while refusing to take fares from passengers Japan is on another level of its own strike that won't affect the people but the corporations that own the buses good one this pretty girl turns 15 today so we took her to the beach pranking women in public by respecting their distance and not bothering them an ice cream cone ordering an ice cream cone from an ice cream cone reddit what is the most intelligent thing your pet had ever done my cat Jordan so I stuck a finger in his mouth he sort of stared at me curiously as he shut his mouth but didn't bite down hard a few minutes later he's sitting on my chest and I yawn he proceeds to put his whole pour in my mouth so I call an uber and the guy drives a really fancy car and I'm confused turns out he's a senior exec at Goldman Sachs and he's German moved to New Orleans five years ago so why Yuba it's the best way for me to learn English and I meet wonderful people while doing it the greatest character arc of our generation zero subcriber speckle it finally came my friend has been trying to start a YouTube channel for a few months now every couple months I make a new account to subscribe and like his videos to keep him motivated it ain't much but it's honest work my new life goal is to be hugged by an otter with no education no father no training and few role models they handed this young poor dirt kid four hundred and twenty thousand dollars per week at the age of 80 married his high school sweetheart never arrested never Youth drugs never humiliated his wife with outside girls stories no outside babies like many other professional athletes never in the news with so much as a parking ticket excellent father greatest player on the planet 15 years later same dude same maturity same chick same family reputation intact now learning over two million dollars per week has sent eleven hundred plus kids to college fully paid for ladies and gentlemen LeBron James small cloud is in a whoa thank you for visiting little friend I love you I'm not lost just visiting be walking to my desk in the exam hall knowing damn well I don't know [ __ ] blind people have read it what do you find sexually attractive I'm not blind but my wife is she says she doesn't know she says she finds me attractive she just added strong arms I like feeling the muscles in your arms she added that prevision lost she would have not paid attention to this she also adds that she can't see me but them since when I'm looking at her lovingly I told her I was really scowling I read this to her before posting she approves here's Bob Ross holding a baby raccoon to brighten your day rare pictures of your smiling my dad's name is Aaron so when I was little and he said he was going to run errands I heard Aaron's and figured that adults just called the chores they had to do by their own name and to this day I still secretly think of my chores as Ellie's some random parents say thank you little baby thank you me I sent my parents a picture of the sunset in Japan they sent me a picture 20 minutes later of the sunrise from Florida this is why the world is beautiful maybe it's just me but I find this coolest your kid says hi the Sun I bought my hamster a little bed and now we do everything together I just want to know why my clothes only get caught on the door handle when I'm in a bad mood door nose and is trying to hug you hey can I come in and listen please I'll be quiet I won't touch anything when someone says haven't you eaten enough my cat is dead if love could have saved your cat from dying then he would have lived forever but he will always live inside of your heart and that is a beautiful thing to remember going to subway at 7 years old like that just point to what you want on your sandwich 7 year old me someone's cow just walked over and fell asleep on my legs and now I can't move or I'll wake her up this guy found himself on an empty airplane so he took a picture of himself in every seat and photoshopped them together Hey here's your ball back oh no don't worry I'll get it humans are so clumsy there's a restaurant in New York called inner tecum area that doesn't employ yes but employs grandmas every day a different grandma from around the world designs a fresh menu honoring her native cuisine it's okay if you fall apart sometimes Takas fall apart and we still love them the last two runners in the pits bramara for not letting each other quit there's this girl in my class who's been carrying the 6x6 Rubik's Cube since the first day of school and today she finally finished it so we all started uploading and she was so overwhelmed she ended up crying the Looney Tunes golden collection DVDs have a disclaimer at the beginning given by Whoopi Goldberg she explains that the cartoons are a product of their time and contain racial and ethnic stereotypes that have not been censored because editing them would be the same as denying that the stereotypes existed giving your lift driver five stars even when they because we all make mistakes someone just dropped me thus during my lunch break Corgi would like to share a photo if you're feeling overwhelmed and anxious today remember that this is Leland Melvin's official NASA picture by super distant uncle in Vietnam waves to me every month to check our [Music] cols camping in the woods say hi to Carl Sunday I found a kitten at the zoo and brought it home I was afraid that my parents would get mad at me but today I caught my father showing the family photos to the katana someone might have liked your meme enough to save it on their phone I love this so I work at Taco Bell today I was having a very rough day then this guy pulls up Thank You random citizen for making my day much better you may turn your back on the world but I won't turn mine on you if you can have the power to shape-shift who would you shape-shift to first not who but what I would shape-shift into my dog and try out all of her favorite sitting spots napping spots doggy bed water bowl and toys I'd want to see how these items feel and if they need to be improved I'd also be interested in knowing just how well she can see out of the window and if she needs a little chair to get a better view so my mom accidentally ordered an excess dog bed but he's still grateful boys need to be cuddled more put his head in your lap or on your chest spoke his hair scratch his back lightly with your nails rub his shoulders kiss him on the top of his head any time not just when he's feeling down or trying to fall asleep when I did this to my boyfriend for the first time he almost started crying because no one had ever done something similar to him before and I think that is awfully sad using the Drake format using the Pikachu format that I just made because he is adorable and makes you smile did boaty mcboatface teach them nothing counsel asks for names for its two new road critters and the public answers with bread see bitsy teeny weeny yellow and D slip matching me and David Chloe it's stuff like this that really makes me appreciate humanity as a whole still can't believe I found the same guy I took this photo with thirteen years ago [Music] when you return home from college for the summer and your dog greets you in the same loving way he always did before I'm still worthy what is the dumbest thing you believed as a child I thought Michael Jackson has to stop whatever he is doing and sing when I play his CD as a result I never played it at night to give him some family time when I hold doors for people kids teenagers thanks adults Thank You old people why thank you you're so kind everyone look at this young man helping out the community whoo this generation is so polite and kind I would play bingo with this young man any day god bless your beautiful soul what do you think happens when we die keno Reeves laughter I know that the ones who love us will miss us it sounds fake but you really do have a lot of silent lovers on this planet who look at you and wish they had your smile your hair your humor your manners your intentions your poise or are simply cheering you on some are just too shy to tell you that my you remember that when you feel alone when the chrissa's have a meeting and declare the one true superior Chris can we agree that Chris Pratt is the worst of all Chris's Chris Hemsworth no he's the best of us Chris Evans he's better than all of us brain scans show that not only do dogs love us back they also see us as family men have reddit what makes you feel manly carrying my sister's kids two nephews and a niece around they always ask me to pick them up whenever I see them so I started lifting weights a couple years ago just so that I could continue doing it as they got bigger it worked out as I intended I got a lot stronger and now the boys are 9 years old and I can still carry one of them under each arm they love it since their mother can't pick them up anymore and their happiness makes me feel good to this 90 year old grandma in the Czech Republic spends her free time painting beautiful artwork on the sides of houses a male client jumped on me and started licking me everywhere I work at about those so it's okay they had us in the first half not gonna lie 2004 2019 friendship 100 when the squad are acting all tough but you're just happy to be a part of it she's beautiful and way out of my league no worries I'll be your wingman my mom worked hard today she deserves a microwaved hot dog you earned it mom my host mom in Japan referred to her room Burroughs room the Sam and when it would get stuck she would just look over it and softly say ganthet a Roomba Sam ganbatte a as it made distressed bleeping noises at her ganbatte a cheer up the courageous do your best best Halloween story ever I grew up in a college town and one Halloween our doorbell rang and we opened the door expecting to see trick or treater but what was in front of our open door was another door like a flan wooden door that had a sign that said please knock so we did and the door swung open to reveal a bunch of college dudes dressed as really old grandmother's curlers in their hair etc who proceeded to poo over rock costumes and tell us we were such cute trick-or-treaters one even pinched my cheek then they gave us candy closed their door picked it up and walked to the next house mrs. thanks for being my teacher for a year I might fail but it's not your fault possibly the most sincere end of year message I've ever received when I was in the city last week these three Irish men asked me to take a photo of them but none of them had funds you'll take the picture and we'll find it someday so if by some strange turn of events anyone knows these guys here's their photo me when I do something silly that makes my nephew laugh wanna see me do it again if you don't say bless you to your pet after they sneeze are you even a pet owner hey guys wanna know something cute my mom will text me 9 9 to say good night because 9 9 sounds like night night when you say in a Vietnamese accent wholesome gold for ya so 9 9 do you know why birds sing just before dawn scientists believe it's to tell their mates that they made it through the night as a way of saying I'm still here maybe that's why we seem to why we create art as a way of saying I made it I'm still here my mom ordered two different pizzas from two different places course she had coupons and they both got here at the same time so we had a Pizza Hut delivery guy and a Domino's delivery guy both standing by our front door and the Domino's guy looks at the Pizza Hut guy and proceeds to sing why can't we be friends while the Pizza Hut guy just glares at him just learned our nine-year-old did an experiment on us lost tooth told no one for three days kept tooth under his pillow no money then he tells us he lost the tooth next night there is money under his pillow then confronted us with his scientific evidence that the Tooth Fairy is green science 100 when she's the liter your [ __ ] endgame humanizes Thor as he went through trauma and depression after all that he was still worthy of me Olynyk depression does not take away your value as a god or even as a human a boy just ran up to the live truck and said can you report my smile yes we can Cameron my dad who doesn't want anything to do with the dog kitten won't stop smiling after being rescued on his way to make your day better this is incredible mother passed away nine years ago and she mentioned she'd be a yellow butterfly one day for nine years I have been mesmerised every time I see one but I have never been close enough to touch one today this happened happy Mother's Day mama my dad said he found a frog in the bathroom and needed me to get it this is what I saw lots of banging noises outside I find my Romanian neighbours have rebuilt my fence which had fallen down a while ago when I offered money and beer as gratitude they said it was better to do nice things rather than expect something bloody foreigners coming here and building fences help an old guy out what is a trina-- slang for trying to law that's what I figured I am just benefit in two year old needed a twenty thousand dollar wheelchair but his parents couldn't afford one and insurance wouldn't pay for it so local high school robotics team got to work and built in one instead I was having a bad day and this dog walked to my bus stop sat on the bench and asked me for pets the UPS guy doesn't know my other dog died so he still brings two dog treats whenever he brings packages you have been visited by dr. dog Oh LIKE this video and subscribe to stay healthy
Channel: Clumsy
Views: 4,701,304
Rating: 4.8748364 out of 5
Keywords: clean wholesome memes, memes, best wholesome memes, wholesome, dank memes, dank memes compialtion, best memes compilation, meme, clean memes, clean, clean memes for school, family friendly, ultimate, 1 hour, dank doodle memes, ddm, reddit, dog memes, cat memes, family, memes clean, interesting, satisfying, memes to watch with family
Id: WgancCxHwCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 7sec (3607 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2019
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