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you have been visited by the holy dog Oh like this video and subscribe for a good luck if a girl is always laughing at your jokes she may be into you girls I talk to everybody's talking about Karen's but nobody mentions the original the porn after going to the last Square and becoming the queen ken was the most normal and sane character in the entire movie The Four Horsemen of Bethesda but since shooter games bots in chess the eating food to heart are hot hot hot also me thirty seconds later I'll frickin do it again try the rain on the Instagram filter [Music] friend how did you understand quantum mechanics me Scott eNOS urinals there are either two or three urinals we won't know how many until someone starts using one friend why do you reply general Ken abhi every time I say hello there me it's the law sunflowers during morning sunflowers during afternoon look how dark these are I like my man like I like my grace have a good one 25 at a time okay Wow user named Beavis Sinatra has been terrorizing me since 2004 by sending me pictures of cups that are too close to the edge of the table when the hero of the movie finally shows up to save the day chess be like stop excluding the B from LGBT I'm frickin sick of it British people should be proud of who they are trick you Wizards of prohibited you know what you did if you're referring to the incident with the Dragon I was barely involved me tries to read Latin Satan yes skipping school in 2090 skipping school in 2020 US intelligence shows how Hitler cold hidden himself I may have committed some light treason this app removed all of the one two and three star reviews a couple days back to give it a four and one half star rating at about four million reviews a few days ago and now it's down to four hundred and ten K something seems off here let me guess tick-tock this aside disourage my cat you're so disgusting when you smoke weed also my cat gamers after buying a $2,000 PC which has better specs than a $300 console five minutes in online classes me 0% interest Motorola what a terrible data have eyes Germans making cars Germans naming them don't buy nights lies global day of action against night ironic disappear discipline do you ever think you're special to someone but then you see this person acting the same with everyone else and you just kind of oh alright sometimes I feel like a total loser then I remember that I am me too kid when your dad marries another woman your mom your sees your bro you castles and real-life castles and chairs honey tell me what's wrong a refrigerator in Antarctica would actually warm your food when you join your home is in discord but they start having a heated argument meet the for psychotherapy versus me after psychotherapy we aren't against tick tock we are against a community that sexualizes underage girls promotes dangerous trends steals music and makes people done tick tock the guy who said that everyone who used to be eight women before 20th century why can't we vote and have the same rights as men have men you simply have less value random animal another random animal what the hell is this every animal in avatar last airbender Americans water deep-fried grilled cheese soda the only Karen that never spoke to the manager get a freakin dog in space give people food Soviet Union leaders in China 600 ad I'm the son of the sky 2020 ad someone called me Winnie the Pooh the school bully who called my mom gave me my dad my other dad honk if [ __ ] is falling off the entire course of 2020 10 years old me Iron Man after getting all the Infinity stones and now for my next trick I'm going to freaking kill myself [Music] what does this symbol mean to the Japanese maybe a sports brand logo adult everyone age is just a number me being the only one who knows that age is actually a word security robot given the gift of intelligence chooses to drown itself tasks failed successfully me excited to go to Chuck E Cheese my parents about to tell me they are getting a divorce that moment when you realize your mic was not muted and your video was on the whole time dr. 1620 I have a goth icon and prescribe coke doctors 2020 I'm scared of apples one of put some meat on the fire why the Frick should we do that 200,000 years later it's freaking raw me an online class paying absolutely no attention at all if spiders work together they could eat all humans in a year 2020 write that down write that down a man who had a stroke in 2004 permanently lost the ability to feel sad [Music] elderly Catholic woman has mistakenly been praying every day to obi-wan Kenobi from Star Wars a very wise Jedi once said nothing happens by accident Anakin Skywalker not Jedi Master Japan mid-1900s world domination at all costs Japan after 1970 you woo UK in 1800s the world is mine UK now Europe mean to me when you listen to your favorite song from five years ago and all the memories of that time start flooding back in come join us speak to our manager today Caryn's don't mind if I do cameras now cameras in the 1900s I got black I got white watch II want go guys with fast cars have small DS me educators designing the Western education system make it hurt people America is the best country in the nation well you're not wrong what German sound like to others what German sound like to other Germans when your favorite pen begins to run out of ink so long partner Virgin Islands 69 ironic young Stu mistakes jabs ecstasy pills all Knollys chairs them at school I'll frickin do it again humans when they see a tiny harmless spider time to burn down the house also humans when they see a massive bear that could easily eat them nice I remember when I first had to use 100% of my power it was to separate to flat LEGO pieces what if the Soviets won the Cold War there is no food there is no privacy and there is no I Disney movies exist main characters parents Adeus I'd like a Pepsi we have Coke okay I'll take a gram of added a Pepsi Japanese voice before 1940s after getting hit by atomic bomb explaining to my little cousins why they can't play with my 2000 dollar gaming PC you simply have less value media games are bad for health gamers may add three around when I found out there was homework due at midnight climbs an in spongebob yes I'm pretty despicable plankton and real-life okay so basically in very small Caryn's in 1944 let's work while our men are at war we can do it Caryn's now but i need two parking spots or i can't get out of car yeah rhint annette I love minis I especially love when they are juice girls pockets boys pockets me explaining to my kids why they can't play with my Bionicle collection you simply have less value life is the worst pay2win game ever invented changed my mind courses in real life forces in chess me watching Spongebob in 4k my dad wondering why the Wi-Fi slowed down when your mom decides to introduce you to the people in the party his name is garbage another celebrity ruined by depression and would be if video games make children more violent why do they keep losing fistfights against me me when the person I need a favor from tries to tell a joke and it's not even funny That awkward moment when you spawn in the enemies base girls make out with each other society they're just friends boys makes eye contact Society friend there is no such thing as a perfect grill me YouTube recommendations in my free time YouTube recommendations right before I go to bed a Japanese drink company released a mixture of beer and milk that they called milk it is no longer made everyone at the bar me drunk on bilk my dad making a joke about something I shouldn't know about my mom me when I realize I shouldn't have laughed when your mom leaves you at the checkout Lane and the lines moving faster than you expected help little fort Littlefoot going down this boy how it locked how it felt breaking our Kelly has tested positive for she wasn't nineteen when Britain finds an island without a flag on it breathe in mine dad are you winning me robbing and killing an innocent woman for forty five cents and a silver earring sure the game in the trailers and III the game when it launches please do not finger the peaches finger the peach six-year-old me coming back from the beach behold my staff meter my French teacher may I go to the bathroom French teacher you must say it in French me meal RP ramen art agave she was one of the only 65 passengers who survived the fire and sinking of a ship in 1871 the mental trauma gave him nightmares for the rest of his life and kept him off ships for forty years until April 10th 1912 when he decided to visit the US and borders the Titanic life let's kill him properly this time grain of rice world's smallest computer woman's pockets how to sleep how to sleep faster how to sleep eight hours in one hour people with messed up sleep schedule interesting doctor what's your name Michael without a B but there's no B and Michael me that's what I said sorry I don't speak Italian kids watching Spongebob in Italy Naomi did you know that my name spelled backwards is I Mon that's just so funny because I love moaning Lana you can just freak off with your silly games when you pirate again but the credits still say thank you for supporting us what have I done me tries to tell a story my friends repeatedly interrupt me doesn't tell story cause obviously no one cares my friends you're awfully quiet me me fighting the case against Medusa he saw us feeding the Ducks and pretended to be one quack water splashes my ass when I take a ship everyone else at the pool the smell vanilla extract the taste of vanilla extract babe I want sushi me bone apple tea I told my dad that I bought the game risk and wanted to play it with him he said he'd never played I show up to his house and find him with printed-out battle plans and map strategies he is a man of focus commitment and sheer frickin will so glad I grew up with this SI MP and notice simple hero's work here whose work here when you open the book on the right page instantly and the rest of the class is still searching everyone is stupid except me what what time did you go to bed last night me early why would you punch your best friend for 1 million me and the boys you guys are getting paid when you're staying at your friend's place and you wake up before they do teacher why didn't you do your homework me thinking gives me stress so I stopped doing that youtuber you will just need some common tools the common tools your zodiac sign doesn't dictate your personality and compatibility with other people basic girls if those kids could read they'd be very upset when the whole world is in lockdown so you can trade Jerusalem if you don't want to get sight they're bullied then give them your address so they can bully you in real life are ya winning son hell yes dad I've got a light-up keyboard and dual monitors thanks for showing interest in my hobbies imagine running 4 miles every day and still being fat when an NPC and GTA starts a fight with me and I pull out my rocket launcher if every human alive right now was piled into the Grand Canyon what's happening it's annoying or not interesting I'm in this photo and I don't like it two dead found dead the news channel no need to thank me kid bullied to suicide teachers I sleep kid chewing gum to train dislocated jaw teachers Wilshire's kid falls asleep because he was up late finishing your homework teachers ascended how to learn history history lessons oversimplified [Music] six-year-old me dead can I get an ice cream that no me asks my mom mom yes of course dad therapist and what do we tell ourselves when we feel like jumping out a window me lead therapist no manager I don't have time for this Karen Karen a good manager would make time manager a better customer would deserve it TI l that in 2002 a researcher found that the average eight-year-old British child could identify 80% of pockemon but only 50% of common wildlife species common wildlife species don't normally yell their names at you I'm 6 foot 3 but say I'm 6 foot 1 to hurt people who are 511 and claim they are 6 feet in Japan girls buy boys gifts on Valentine's Day the rest of the world to Japan you had my curiosity but now you have my attention 6 year old me waiting for my hamburger tree to grow after planting one of the sesame seeds people with less when they enter a room full of steam uncie satan people who eat the core of an apple soldier boy not even a soldier dr. Dre ain't even a doctor keep it going French Montana isn't even French Paul Walker isn't even walking my dad isn't even my dad when you're in no condition to drink but your friends literally don't care if you die women it's for now time for a new wardrobe man how me and my friends look giving each other relationship advice counted clown conversation five hours sleep exhausted eight hours sleep exhausted 13 hours sleep exhausted 20 minute nap he's probably thinking about other women Tim since and navigate by smell if I fart on them will they think it's a flashbang that lets me sit in the front seat of the car my brother who thought only adults could sit in the front 10 year old me woman cuts all in face mask to make it easier to breathe your shoes madam at her funeral my dad was a sobbing mess and his stepmother told him it was rude to cry at funerals he replied don't worry I won't cry at yours I don't care what universe where you're from that's gotta hurt honey did I ever tell you that you cook well or no babe so why do you keep cooking the cat see I pulled a sneaky on you two-minute breaks three hours of working perfectly balanced mom as all things should be or how romantic all the candles and this beautiful floor painting wait a minute video games when they run out of skin ideas your avatar you people in quarantine introverts duck wearing bowtie walks into them drink spines fights dog losers the duck my goals are beyond your understanding like the video and subscribe right now and watch my previous dank memes videos thanks [Music]
Channel: Clumsy
Views: 1,034,484
Rating: 4.9581165 out of 5
Keywords: memes, dank doodle memes, best memes, dank memes, memes compilation, dank memes compilation, best memes compilation, clean memes, ddm, tik tok memes, memes clean, reddit memes, pewdiepie memes, family friendly memes
Id: j6jyA4M-QXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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