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if people acted like dogs at this ode one hey take a doughnut Thanks you gave me food this means we are best friends now I would literally die for you bullied seven-year-old finds cat with same rare eye condition and cleft lip and it's like destiny exists I ride my bike to and from work 50-plus miles a week I don't enjoy it but it is a necessary part of my life almost got hit yesterday took a digger bike was wrecked I was in a mood stop to the cafe as I was walking my bike five miles home mentioned at the counter what I was doing as I ate two female waitresses and their son sat outside next to my chained up broken-down bicycle they put enough love and duct tape into it that I was able to at least ride it home albeit carefully to my dog a simple beautiful gesture by a total stranger all three generations of Godzilla suit whereas walking down the street together that Street must be huge I wish I could share my joy with someone hello but making friends can be hard sigh until I do I'll share it with myself dear friend bloop bloop oh thank you maybe it's not that hard just married this is live in 91 and Alice 90 and they just got married they've been dating for 72 years and together they have visited all 50 US states all the provinces of Canada and been twice to England quote Alice we've had a good time entire school learned sign language to welcome first-ever deaf pupil the statue dog's nose is worn away from all the people who pet it monastery adopts adorable stray dog who now lives like a friar wholesome 100 she wouldn't stop biting me so I got out of this hat you have only made her stronger I shall grant you three wishes I wish my dog could talk done hey buddy you've got two wishes stray Japanese cat who spent two years trying to enter museum finds forever home this does put a smile on my face princess I have come for you there is no princess in this castle but dragon you are my princess please can you write a silly joke on the pizza lids my six year old loves jokes and is feeling and well thanks what is a dog's favorite pizza Papa Roni when I was twelve I babysat this girl for a few years and she would come to me and show me her art dragged me by my wrists and point at the pieces she'd made during the week and she'd be like do the voice and I'd put on a sports announcer olympic-style voice and be like such form this level of coloring why I haven't seen such perfection in Crayola in a long time and what is this why Jeff now this is a true risk it seems she's made a monochrome pink canvas I haven't seen this attempted since winter 1932 and I gotta say Jeff it's absolutely splendid and she'd fall back giggling at the end of every night she'd check with me did you really like it and I'd say yes and talk about something I noticed and tucked her in she was just accepted into three major art schools she wrote me a letter inside was a picture from when she was younger monochrome pink thank you it said to somebody who saw the best in me I trust live action Snorlax with my life and my only wish is to one day give him a big hug he's shaped like a friend his father left when he was three he dropped out of high school because of dyslexia his best friend overdosed and died when he was 23 his child was born stillborn his girlfriend died in a car crash shortly after he has avoided serious relationship ever since he took care of his sister when she was sick with leukemia he donated 70% of his earnings from the matrix to charity truly breathtaking the girl I babysit has made me watch warmly at least ten times so I assumed it was her favorite movie but today her mom told me that she watches it because she thinks it's my favorite movie me and the boys planting trees to protect the world from climate change I was crushed when my hair fell out from chemotherapy my beloved husband not only accepted it he walked in our door last week with his own head shaved he didn't want me to think I was going through this alone after I cried my eyes out he took me to Supercuts where the stylist gave me a high and tight hairdo that actually looked trendy no one gave me a second glance when we took our bold selves out shopping I went from a crushed zero back to a human being I love my husband so much that's so beautiful to hear character development mother cat meow and hisses at me mother cat person trusts me my girl made me choose between her and my dog happy John wig noises you have 1 million dollars for 24 hours but everything you buy will disappear after that time what do you do if by disappear you mean just blink out of existence I would try to obtain legal ownership of all trash toxic waste and pollution more than Turkey let's straight-on sleep inside after closing hours sheep dog puppy herds entire flock into owner's kitchen a pretty G you missed the best part they weren't even there sheep this good Papa gathered up a bunch of random sheep they'd found somewhere on the countryside and brought them home for its human a Valencia fan had his season ticket for years he ended up going blind in his 50s but kept his season ticket because he wanted to feel the atmosphere at the games when he passed away two years ago the club put a statue of him in his seat so he would forever be at the games when I came out to my brother as trans I complained to him about our dad thinking it was a phase he said something that had stuck with me ever since whether it is or isn't doesn't matter we live our life in phases and we just have to try to be the happiest we can be at any one time even the moon lives in phases and that's about as natural as it gets and honestly I feel like some of y'all really need to hear that the second officer on the Titanic stayed on board until the end and got trapped underwater until the boiler explosion blew him free he survived by clinging to a capsized raft later he volunteered in world war ii and helped evacuate over 120 men from Dunkirk you're not half bad at creating universes yourself kid an actual text my mother just send me no I am just not in a good mood okay maybe have a banana and sit outside for a while family gathering mobile aren't careless here and careless freaking ribbed reblog if you love aunt Carol aunt Carol is a cougar I like to leave as much of my hair around the house as possible it is my confetti I'm a party this is the kindest expression I've ever seen in my life no one has ever looked at me with this much m40 and understanding I would die for this cat a German circus is using Holograms instead of live animals for a cruelty free magical experience and it's cool I support just washed my cow tell her she's cute stand up for what you believe in my son has autism he loves video games he has been playing spider-man ps4 for the last month he's completed it back to front he said to me today he looks up to spider-man why because when he gets knocked down he always gets up again just like me video games change lives just so you know there's like a lot of dogs in here we've got a house to visit cleaning my phone and remember that time I bought a tubs plush at comic-con and the maid service of the hotel tucked him in while we were away my brother to his online friends I gotta go my pizza is here one of his online friends where's my pizza everyone laughs my brother logs out of chat me you know you could order them pizza my brother what you know his address we live in Canada they are in the States so you can order it online and pay with credit card 20 minutes later online friend how the f did you get me a pizza from Canada I gave a little kid some frozen yogurt today at work and his mom says okay what do you say and he looks me dead in the eyes and says I love you my neighbour felt bad about me not hittin 100k so he made me a 95 K play button me and the boys cleaning up the beach to prevent pollution do you read this is an open mouth smile or a smile with teeth friend this still cracks me up like can you imagine you're 130 years old and suddenly a gigantic alien baby starts following you around I found this lizard and I put him on my shoulder then when I went in for my math final I put him outside by the door and when I got out he was still there behind almost every crappy meme is a person that tried to make you smile this turtle lost both his back legs so veterinarians used a Lego toy car kid to build him a very fancy wheelchair she's beautiful and way out of my league no worries I'll be your wingman I'm late to work cause I followed this dog for three blocks in the wrong direction world record 633 divers in South Florida broke the Guinness world record for the largest underwater cleanup in history collecting thousands of pieces of trash from the ocean floor when someone calls you handsome and it isn't your mom redditors have read it what is the most strange wrong number call you've ever received I used to get calls from a sweet little old lady trying to contact her grandson it usually embarrassed her when she realized she had a wrong number but when I explained to her that I was a trucker she loved hearing about all the different places I wasn't where I was heading I'd always tell her now she wasn't bothering me I have a headset and nothing but time on my hands she chat for a while and it always seemed to cheer her up made my day - haven't heard from her in a year or so and have lost her number saddened me to think she may have passed on that I still smile when I remember her andum calls my little sister's boyfriend is moving and their goodbyes were the saddest thing ever when you've been depressed for a while now and finally decide to see a therapist with candor will no longer watch from the shadows whenever I'm on the toilet my cat holds his pour on my foot to make me feel safe I work as an actor at a haunted house and this little girl who was dressed as a cat came through she saw me and was like no thank you please don't get closer I'm already scared and I was like all right I appreciate the good manners I'll back off so her dad picks her up and starts going down the rest of my dark Hall and I just hear her yell everybody wait I dropped my tears so I find the man give them to her dad and she goes thank you but I hope I never see you again goodbye and waved over her dad's shoulder I waved back and she gave me a thumbs up honestly this kid has a lot of guts props for being so polite when she's terrified I hope she gets a lot of candy this year at any given moment there is a shark behind you it might be a thousand miles away but there is a shark behind you and that shark is totally behind you it is supporting you in whatever you do and wants you to succeed my grandma is in the hospital but it's their 57th anniversary so he showed up in a tux to surprise her with flowers a pelican befriended a stray dog who was often spotted hanging out all alone along the Botox the man who took this photograph has adopted the dog but brings him back every day to see his friend Petey the pelican me showing mando minecraft house I spent hours on mum saying wow that's awesome but even though it makes no sense to her why are you playing with your food but she's my best friend I know this kid who was leading pride trying so badly to rub off the rainbow paint on his cheek because his dad was abusive and didn't know he was gay or had pride I was on the bus with him and he was close to tears his cheek red and I had my makeup back and there was a packet of wet wipes so I went up and sat next to man helped him rub it off we have been best friends ever since my dad just built a neighborhood library in his fence and is so excited that books have been taken some have been taken how can lawyers argue without crying I'm a lawyer and let me tell you it gets like super close dude today Elmo got to see the sweater of one of Elmo's favorite people Elmo loves you mr. Rogers they say that every third person is not attractive I'm attractive me too stats are lying again is there honestly any better feeling than hearing your dogs we paws tapping off the floor after you shout their name to come see you I think not a world where a baby elephant has a fluffy ostrich as a pillow is my kind of world so my sister adopted her very first dog and his before and after pictures have me crying adopt don't shop what's that in my wallet you asked just a little something for the ladies Filipino boy shielded mother cat from raging typhoon as it gave birth you're breathtaking blind people have read it how did you read this question my friend and I browse read it together we basically share this account this is currently the blind fella talking they read and tell me what posts are about and we both makes replies sometimes good friendship most happen loneliest man in the world speaking is a mr. handsome their first initials I am I am handsome Thank You Bart I really needed that today if they served for our country we should step up for them this is the least we can do man travels to all 50 states to mow lawns for veterans for free everyone like that some squid are very bright during their checkups and others pretend to be rocks my name is squid I am NOT fish I might be sick so I'm in dish the doctor touch it give me shock I do not trust so now I'm rock my sister has been in this world for 18 years and today is the first time she has been offered a menu at a restaurant mom cooks anything me this is some serious Gil Meche my brother is a low functioning downsy he used to love to hold babies but it's rare someone let in now my wife and I let him hold our baby today and here is his look when we gave her to him and then the way he held her without movement for five minutes I almost cried went to a convenience store on my way to skate approach encounter with water and Advil I'm old Clark sees me you look like someone me oh yeah then what's your name Tony last name for you are yes no charge but you owe me a selfie no matter how old I get I will always be at least slightly convinced that I'm capable of hurting a stuffed animals feelings suddenly memories of trying to fit all of my stuffed animals on my bed because I don't want any of them to feel left out Toy Story mentally F a generation of kids to whoever keeps singing songs in Chinese above my flat you're killing it and I'm proud of you my dad six year old me leading my dad to see the new Lego set I want for my birthday Usain Bolt posing with his winning tortoise at a tortoise race are you telling me the fastest man in the world spends his free time racing slowest animals and his is the fastest of those slowest animals why do we use you as the symbol for potential energy is there a hidden meaning behind the year like K years for kinetic energy because you have a lot of potential this would be a man that loves going to work and does not dread it the night before upon entering the Magic Kingdom one of the security guards said to the girl excuse me princess can I have your autograph I could see that the book was filled with children's scribbles as a guard asked the same question of many little princesses the little girl could not get over the fact that the gods thought she was a real princess the gym is full of Matt's attitudes today and I was on the middle bench in between guys effectively benching my body weight anyway I'm doing bent over rows and set a new PR I do a small fist bump and celebration then one of the massive dude strolls over and fist bumps me do you even lift bro do I even lift yeah bro on lift I'll lift your freaking spirits up how have you been everything okay I miss you let's grab lunch sometime what does Lionheart mean it implies courage what about Dawg heart perhaps that suggests an endless supply of cuddles last night my husband was drunk and kissed me and said you're the hottest girlfriend I've ever had and I was like I'm the wife and he was like oh my god that's awesome I know we all think our dad was the coolest but my dad was the engineer behind the inflatable flailing tube man I miss him so much but I'm reminded of him every time I pass by a car dealership he was the coolest okay what if I put a little curl in it like this my goodness PAH where did Clark go well paint me green and call me a pickle I swear he was just here excuse me young man have you seen Clark you can post a side prevention phone number all you want but if you really want to help prevent type depression and self-harm stop being such holes to each other online and in real life nearly extinct pink dolphin gives birth to pink calf you're breathtaking coworker why are you always cutting up the plastic from the six-packs me I like turtles how can people say cats don't have feelings like when my cat got deadly sick she refused to eat a single thing and it had been days but when I started crying she ate just a little bit and upon seeing how happy it made me kept doing it whenever she could now whenever I'm sad or crying she finds wherever I'm with a mouthful of food and eats the pieces one by one every time looking but me making sure I was watching her eat at all because she knew it made me happy and it does make me happy one of my best friend sent me this depression me having great friends like you using know you to respond to an insult using know you to respond to a compliment psychologist discovers that dogs dream about the humans they laugh we don't deserve dogs 100 the closest I've ever come to having a personal relationship with God is when Amazon sent a package to my dress for someone who didn't exist told me I could keep it and inside were pants exactly my size girls will adopt other scarole babies if the parents die or are unable to care for them take your time Margaret I got your bag there are so many caps and dogs on the internet that we forget about baby alpacas I love saying of course instead of your welcome like of course I'm helping you that's what I do you were foolish to even consider an alternate dimension in which I'm not helping you you idiot you absolute buffoon I may not have the best body but it's orders held all my organs in place this is a type of positivity I need I can smash anything buildings mountains can you smash my sadness boot when ships pass through point Nemo in the Southern Pacific Ocean they are 2,700 kilometers from the nearest land that means that at the right time of day the nearest humans are on the International Space Station 416 kilometers are actually the closest humans are always the ones you keep in your heart so jot that down there is this 81 year old woman on YouTube who uploads videos of herself playing Skyrim she opens her videos with hello grandkids and she's my hero May the child never died in any of us every year since I was little on my birthday my dad would pick one of our irises and give it to me and my sister with breakfast in bed this is the first year I haven't been home for my birthday and you thought I forgot your flower here at his birthday girl do you want to ingest with us thank you I'm unknown in this region is there a syllable sequence being used to address you yes but you may find it difficult to pronounce then we will just practice until we can instead of buying your children all the things you never had you should teach them all the things you were never taught material wears out but knowledge stays Bruce Lee carefully is a hero what gives people feelings of power money status going against the entire class and getting the answer correct dating a boy bigger than you his Hooters will look cute and oversized on you dating a boy your size you can share hoodies and they will fit and look nice dating a boy smaller than you your Hooters will look cute and oversized on him conclusion all boy sizes are cute and good what was the nicest thing you've done anonymously there was a guy in my company who just got hired in young kid very poor I noticed he was wearing two different shoes both very old looking sneakers I managed to find out his shoe size roughly by comparing his to mine standing next to him one day I bought him a new pair of work boots and put them on his workbench early the next morning so no one would find out I did it put a quick note that said they were for him I stayed away from giving anyone a clue it was me I did see him crying some happy tears made me feel really good [Music] how she thinks she looks versus how I think she looks Buster get that guy I'm on it hang on he's not wearing one of those arm things what those unprotect us you guys where during training he doesn't have one I know just grabbed him but I might hurt him when the teacher uses your assignment as an example for what to do right thank you for my gift I love it no dad you're wearing it wrong [Music] there is no day that can't be improved by seeing pictures of how they wear now [Music] penguin swims 5,000 miles every year to reunite with the man who saved its life I fix machine all day but I cannot fix my gay son because he is not broken honestly minecraft is a good game and I will never forgive the internet for making people feel bad for liking a game about freaking mining and building houses thanks for being my teacher for a year I might fail but it's not your fault possibly the most sincere end of year message I've ever received just grow things using Drake format using an arctic fox format to raise awareness of their endangerment do you know why birds sing just before dawn scientists believe it's to tell their mates that they made it through the night as a way of saying I'm still here maybe that's why we seem to why we create art as a way of saying I made it I'm still here Robert Downey jr. hits rock bottom in Hollywood with a drug and crime record Kevin Feige I'm about to start this man's whole career my dog during the day my dog when I get home from work we always see Kermit means where he's crying in the shower sadly touching his face or sipping tea but look at the growth I wish I could rescue you like a hero to stop your torture that I can't sometimes this is all I can do for you just learned our nine-year-old did an experiment on us lost tooth told no one for three days kept tooth under his pillow no money then he tells us he lost the tooth next night there is money under his pillow then confronted us with his scientific evidence that the Tooth Fairy isn't real science 100 that has to be one of the most gorgeous creatures God has ever made I'd like to take him home and just just keep him as a pet but that's not what he's meant to be he's meant to be free when your mom tells you that you're a handsome young man my next-door neighbours guinea pig comes over sometimes to ask for carrots how to be enough for someone FBI agents bro you good my goal was to graduate before I reached 100 years of age I made it with 33 years to spare you ever feel like you're not even a main character in your own life it's just filler episodes for character backstory don't worry it's still your show when you see your cat and dog sleeping soundly and you realize that they have an easy and relaxing life because of your tender care for them sexy singles in your area I'm the sexy single this dude letting his squirtle play on his phone while riding the subway is the backbone of our society would it be weird to go to Disneyland alone as a 27 year old single now not a joke post finally have enough money to travel somewhere and Disneyland has always been my childhood dream grew up really poor I don't have anyone to take since I'm single and I don't want to look like a pedophile I really want a hug Donald Duck and get a photo with him hell naw you go to Disneyland and you hold your head up high with your Mickey Mouse ears and you go hug Donald Duck and if someone give you a hard time tell him to take it up with me meet Alyssa Carson she's just 17 and is the youngest person to graduate from advanced space Academy she is the only person in the world to have completed every NASA Space Camp she's already started her astronaut training and aims to be the first person to walk on Mars in 2033 she is yet to complete her high school followed by PhD in astrobiology but has already started preparing for her dream this soldier carried his service dog down a mountain because it was 117 degrees and the rocks were burning his feet my little brother made a YouTube play button on my birthday to celebrate my forty thousand milestone he's only 12 years old hi this is my 85 year old physics teacher him and his wife just had a lightsaber fight don rickles intended to reprise his role as mr. Potato Head in Toy Story 4 but died in April 2017 Rickles family then contacted Pixar and asked if there was a way to include him in the film by reviewing 25 years of material including unused lines from the first three films games and other related media for the franchise and they were able to assemble enough to use within the film when I was 6 years old my dad told me he would give me $5 if I found a four-leaf clover I spent hours looking for one in my yard today I was watering my new trees and saw this my dad's no longer with us but I yelled at the top of my lungs dad you owe me five dollars after 24 weeks of chemotherapy I'm cancer-free my nephew grew his hair out for two years to donate to kids with cancer [Music] doctor you've been in a coma since 2012 patient I hope minecraft is still around it was my favorite doctor I've got a second round of good news for you today did you know that bees sleep between five and eight hours a day sometimes in flowers also they like to sleep with other beads and hold each other's feet my cat is cuter than yours fight me are my ruse was successful now I had hundreds of super cute animal pictures to look at when I'm down you stupid idiots fell right into my trap I'm going to have a heart attack oh my god my hopes and dreams don't worry that's a recycling been not a trash bin your hopes and dreams can be recycled into new and different ones that can sustain you my son has parked his bike by this lamppost just about every day for the last year this morning this sticker had appeared absolutely made our day people can be so brilliant thank you whoever did it if opposites attract why aren't hot people attractive to me the obvious logic here is that your heart that's the most encouraging thing I've ever heard Pink Floyd's David Gilmour sold his guitars for twenty 1.5 million dollars and donated everything to fight climate change everyone like that normal blood cells grandma's blood cells doc I missed you so much oh what's wrong I had a dream about my dog you know what that means right he visited you to make sure you're all right is one a lot depends on the context dollars no people who care about you yes when you meet a kid who doesn't do drugs or bully anyone but is popular because he is a genuinely nice guy this is beyond science they use the same think guy that they use on banknotes this makes the ivory unsellable and it can't be consumed the animals are not harmed and it is saving their lives because that's what heroes do butterfly lands on dad's hand as he honors late daughter I'm so damn happy I might crack a smile today if you choose not to find join the snow you will have less join your life but the same amount of snow look at your wrists see the bluish veins the blood flowing through them contains him ugh Liban a protein that has four iron atoms incorporated into its structure iron is only naturally produced in one place it can only be forged in the core of dying star every time you look at your veins remember that you are built wrong and kept alive by pieces of Stardust my priest friend transforms his church at night into a place where poor people and refugees can come and eat for free everyone like that I have no purpose in life thank you beam a minor depression major anxiety major PTSD cutting grass at 9:30 at night because I kept putting it off all day see a flash in the corner of my eye lightning bug lightning bug start having fond memories of catching and releasing lightning bugs with my late dad feels good man suddenly start running around like an autistic child catching lightning bugs most fun I've had in a while jpg remember having to call my dad over to reach the ones high up in the sky my face when I can reach them now haven't felt oppressed since thank you lightning bugs a couple years ago I was on vacation with my entire family and my cousin was like 11 and called him the chosen one and started dubbing everyone like chosen one number thirty seven thousand five hundred and seventy eight etc and one time we got a pizza and when the pizza guy got there my cousin got this thoughtful look and said you you are chosen one number two my second-in-command and the pizza guy looked so touched I've never been successful at growing carrots until today they may not be pretty but they are mine a homeless man gave this student his last three pounds so she could get home student raises over 21,000 pounds for homeless man who offered her three pounds so she could get home safely one act of kindness can change your whole life I was out with a bunch of people this weekend and this guy suddenly went man I miss my wife and went home like I want that ask pics a to sell a toy of the kid with the cochlear implant in Toy Story 4 everyone like that when you see a baby crying on the bus and make funny faces at her till she stops crying this will be the end of wire Jesus Christ what made the weird kid at your school weird I was in year 10 when he came up from primary school I don't know what was wrong with him but he'd always pretend to be a train and chug along through the quad people would chuckle as he went past but he didn't care and went his other weird mate would just scoot on by minding their own business when I was in year 11 stood the squatter kids a proper man through and through blocked his tracks and took the mick out of him a group of us shoved him out of the way and berated him for it and encouraged train boy to go on his way ours wasn't the best school in the district but goddamn at least the trains ran on time at 14 I saw my mom crying about our only car being repossessed this felt good Merry Christmas more men get depression men get anxiety men gets title thoughts men get mental illness maybe instead of saying man up say it's okay to talk about it when you absolutely freakin refused to give up may we initiate obscure and pursue okay restricting my vision creating a small mystery prepared or not I will discover you and when I do there will be literally no consequences wait this isn't pre-made what the freaking hell putting this together was actually a lot of fun and I'm glad I got it texas senior throws pizza party for homeless instead of graduation celebration everyone like bert always do your best and everybody's best is different you can't always be the best but you can always do your best the most delicious part of Girl Scout cookies is a part where you justify eating an entire box in one sitting because you're supporting the next generation of women business leaders to me you are trash side is never the answer you got are outlive your enemies during middle school my stepdad used to leave me a note on my door each day to inspire me well I kept those notes and it's been six years since then today I gave him those notes back happy Father's Day shout-out to everyone who still tries to get back into the swing of things after depression hit them hard there isn't enough recognition for those people you are fighting a daily battle with your own thoughts and you're still coming out on top you're all brave as freak observe greetings tiny being your young being started it we do not pose a threat to your Yuengling nor do we feel threatened those tiny arms cannot hurt us haha my young being greets every creature okay but we feel special still we were chosen Clark Bruce I can show you the world stop it shining shimmering splendid you promised tell me princess when did you last let your heart decide I was eight it decided on justice bro I need a scar to impress the wenches that is all I seek no quarrel he was a huge warrior I crushed him you're so brave you have the opportunity to kill Hitler but only when he is age 7 and with your bare hands no repercussions for yourself do you do it why kill him when you can raise him to be a better person I say a small apartment I see you alone and all of the people you made happy with you're me Jesus that's a lot of happy people today my son took his first flight to Oregon to see his dad I sent Landon with a letter to give to whoever sat next to him saying he has high-functioning autism so he might be nervous and ask you are we there yet a lot and please just make him feel safe and comfortable with $10 in the note and this is what I just received I'm so grateful to this individual and that there are still kind people in the world who make a difference like I try myself to do it well thank you so much then Alec sir my name is Ben I was Landon seat neighbor for his flight to Portland he did ask if we were there yet several times but he was a great travel buddy we had a good time and played a few rounds of rock-paper-scissors he's a great kid and you're lucky mom I appreciate the $10 but it wasn't necessary I donated it to Autism Society in honor of Landon have a great day boy creates bow ties for shelter animals to help them get adopted Abu lettuce are the best table climbing on top of me here I shall slumber me why it's Sun comfortable dog must protect me there's nothing dangerous here dog loneliness is dangerous do you ever imagine what if the universe were not so expansive what if I could gather all beings I love into one place can you imagine that sensation hey y'all do you want to see a dragon that I drew of course you do here here's hello beautiful this has to be a first a fire fighter gives mouth-to-mouth to a snake suffering from smoke inhalation and saves its life after his fishing buddy passed away 75 year old widower Ray Johnston posted a classified ad that broke hearts all over the Internet he just wanted someone to go fishing with and offered to split costs with anyone who owns a boat his dad got over 60,000 views and he had offers from people around the world including a guy who took him on an all-expense-paid deep-sea fishing getaway you're breathtaking my grandpa called me in the middle of my shift at work today and he goes I know you're working but this is important do you want to go to Red Lobster with me on Saturday my grandma passed away my junior year of high school a month before she passed she left me a voicemail wishing me happy birthday today I got that exact waveform tattooed across my heart and I'm able to play just by holding my camera over it someone out there loves you it's not me I hate you all but someone loves you so glad I grew up enjoying this and the younger generations will also be able to enjoy what they like regardless of what it is who's ready for sandcastle contest me woo begin and the winner is crab me why we heard that your home was taken by the waves these are yours welcome home or guys she stole five eggs to feed her children the officer brought her two truckloads of food instead of arresting her the Honourable member my three-year-old calls my gray hairs wizard hair I'm not getting older just more powerful issue your favorite princess - yes hey let's both be Ariel when I was in Mexico I saw a little sombrero and a little saddle and I knew I had to buy them for this reason no snake don't get too close to me I will only hurt you why because you are literally covered with pokey spikes no because I have a tendency to lose good friends due to my poor communication skills Wow I thought that was really good communication OMG my first subscriber was my mom if 99% people find you unattractive then around 75 million people on earth still find you attractive my self-confidence just shot up me telling my mom I love her randomly one time I called my boyfriend dumb cause he took the bus instead of the metro to work the steaks longer and he hit me with I take the bus so I can call you every day before work I don't get signal on the metro and then I realized I'm dumb and I think about that a lot when people waiting on your downfall but you a goat single mom dresses as dad so her son wouldn't miss donuts with dad day at school sometimes I feel like I'm nothing hey nothing really matters nothing really matters to me me streams on Twitch for the first time my one friend watching in case you've never seen five chubby foxes my 79 year old grandma has a mean framed going to grandparents house leaving grandparents house par I'm a piece of trash as someone who cares deeply about the environment I'm obligated to pick you up is seven okay you smoothaise yes X is cool but have you ever woke up from a dream and went back to sleep and the dream picked up where it left off Microsoft's halo themed prosthetic arm will make kids feel like Master Chief my dog was terrified of the fireworks so my cat went and cuddled up with her my heart is crying still a Californian care home that went bankrupt about 16 elderly residents were abandoned most staff left but the janitor and the cook stayed behind to care for the residents at their own expense because that's what heroes do the stars are beautiful tonight yes you know who else is beautiful come no food people who say Gee Gee even after losing the game my father said next year is a wonderful year there are many weekends with a beautiful date then pick one for your special day whoo-hoo I'm a spooky ghost I was thought killed to death in these very woods Odin that's awful do you want to talk about it what I really do today I was talking to my dad and I referred to myself as his son I'm gender-fluid by the way and he said today's a Sunday harp and I was like yeah and he was like I thought today was a Saturday not a Sunday and I just laughed for like five minutes diversity only makes dad stronger more powerful the dad jokes are evolving what's the story behind your scar I ran into a mirror as a small child thinking I had met a friend so much purer than I expected blind racoon saves two lost kittens and helps them find a loving human because that's what heroes do I asked my housemaid to look after my plants whilst I'm away for the next couple of weeks he sent me these me first hearing about the live-action Mir on missing key characters and songs from the original film versus me learning the reason being due to respect to Chinese culture and history I met this dog and asked its owner for a photo Baxter the dog saw my phone sat down and smiled again we do not deserve dogs mom can I color your arm please he's 19 years old bud still loves walks so he gets his own wagon cheetahs are so shy that zoos give them their own emotional support dogs happy cheetah noises the best way to get smiles on a motorcycle I love this backpack it looks great and it still has enough room to carry the stuff I need like my wallet my keys our phone charger and a couple of water bottles I wear it on my motorcycle and it always makes people smile or laughs just because you don't look like somebody who you think is attractive doesn't mean you aren't attractive flowers and Christmas lights are beautiful but they look nothing alike three years ago my wife broke down crying because we couldn't even afford a tree or presents for Christmas so I borrowed some lights and made this in our empty apartment now we make one every year along with a real tree to remember where we used to be dad there's a spider in my room get it quick give me that big blue book did you know that spiders keep the number of household pests like roaches and mosquitoes under control well nice work little spider I feel seen youth charges straight into fire to save his eight-year-old niece I'd do it again even if I died because that's what heroes do everyone leaving area 51 empty-handed realizing the real treasure was the friends we made along the way when you ask a girl out and she rejects you but you're happy you took a shot and it helped you gain some confidence mission failed we'll get em next time a line of kindergarteners wait to have a yearbook signed by their favorite janitor something about this warms my heart lucky bitin Brierley this little guy told his dad that he wanted to learn how to train his dog and his dad said there were lots of dog training videos on YouTube so here he is showing them to the dog instead of storming area 51 y'all should go out and plant trees Star Wars fans direct traffic with lightsabers during New York City blackout you are strong and wise and I'm very proud of you why here because this tree reminds me of you it's strong and quiet and always here when you need it Jaden Smith is providing clean water for Flint and feeding the homeless healthy food Will and Jada have the best parenting skills Jaden Smith launched his free vegan food truck for less fortunate in LA 13-year old me why is my mom texting me me now I'm gonna send my mom a picture of this grass cause it's super green I think she'll like it so we can vulnerable let's put it into his misery overheard conversation between second-grade boys do you think you'll ever fall in love I don't know I think if she likes pancakes then probably met this sweet man at Outback he saw us at prom and showed us a picture of him and wife at prom in 1949 if someone shares an achievement go out of your way to say well done if you like someone's outfit or work make sure you give them the compliment a few kind words can change someone's day with all the negative comparisons and bullying online we could use more kindness redditors with interesting hobbies what do you demand why I'm a male knitter I took it up in honor of a very good friend who died suddenly on the eve of her 31st birthday because of a Nautica nur ism she would spend all year knitting scarves and hats for the homeless and needy to give out at Christmas I inherited all her knitting stuff and kept up the tradition in her honor people make mistakes it's part of growing up and you never really stopped growing me one McFlurry please cashier the machine is down me or then one for the machine - this man I work with is a single dad with a 15 year old daughter who's recently turned vegan and every time I see him he asks me what I'm having for lunch that day and writes it down for her if he thinks it's something she'd like my heart my mental health that I have worked hard on improving me I finally ran into my mom at college and she took me to her class to meet her classmates and it was the cutest thing ever me and mom are having college adventures today the bus driver pulled up to a stop even though no one had requested it when no one got off he turned off the bus started walking towards the back and told us to be patient because he knew this was someone stop and sometimes she fell asleep he was right [Music] 2,400 lucky people got to hear John Williams conduct a program of his music on Wednesday night one who didn't was a security guard stationed in the stairwell leading to the musicians locker rooms Seth Lowe gave her a mini concert of Star Wars theme much to her delight fight for our baby's first word we recently had twins and my husband makes a point of saying dad at of the babies in front of me so I play along and say mom as if I'm fighting back but I watch them overnight and when I'm alone with them I also whisper Dada to them because he's such a good dad and I want him to have the joy of being their first word don't shoot I'm a noob no please sixteen year old Jamie Harrington saw a man sitting on the edge of a bridge and stopped to ask are you okay that one little question saved lives after convincing him to get help they exchanged numbers and parted ways months later the man called and said his wife was pregnant with a baby boy they named him Jamie this hen hatched a clutch of ducklings after accidentally sitting on the wrong nest of eggs the farmer said Hilda doesn't seem bothered at all the ducklings follow her around justice chicks would garbage men taking a break they deserve it story time be made two years ago driving home from work because not neat want to get home quick because Amazon said my new Sonic game was delivered everything going fine until car in front of me gets sideswiped goes into median and rolled several times I pull over and run over to her old woman inside alive but hurt I opened the door and pull her out she's barely conscious but I check her out and she's not bleeding and probably not gonna die other people get out of their cars and come over I want to play Sonic so I leave her with the man go home fast-forward to two weeks ago be visiting super-religious grandparents they've got some weird TV show on where they interview people who've seen angels one woman comes on my face when it's the woman I helped out of the car my face when she tells the story of a handsome angel who pulled her out of a car after a bad accident and then disappeared my face when I'm an angel my face when a girl called me handsome this bike may look odd to some but this man built it so that his blind brother can feel the wind like he does that's quite the brother instead of storming area51 we should all storm a local beach and clean it up you have to have dark in order to show light it's just like in life if you don't have a little sadness in your life you don't know when the happy times come my mum broke her ass dad didn't want to go to her dinner party with an ugly cast so I broke out some brushes and painted van Gogh's Starry Night on it for her oh yeah no biggie LEM just without my brushes and paint a little something something easy my boyfriend always uses we statements whenever I'm stressed scared or having my own issues like we will figure this out or we will get through this so I know I'm never alone and that I always have it and I think that's really important well here goes nothing this is pretty high up there's no turning back now oh my god I did it I'm on top of the world small talk tip for people who hate small talk ask people if they have any pets this is light and impersonal enough to offend no one people who have pets are usually pretty excited to talk about the man show off pictures so there's a good chance that you will be looking at kitties and dago's people who don't have pets will usually talk about the pets they wish they had or have had in the past people who neither have nor want pets are pretty rare it's a neutral topic to talk about but be prepared for the weirdest I once spent an hour listening to a financial manager who kept tropical velvet earthworms that sounds like an excellent reason to try this strategy everyone leaving area 51 empty-handed realizing the real treasure was the friends we made along the way shout out to all the men going through a lot with no one to turn to because this world wrongly taught our males to mask their emotions this is a lab he's been my best friend since we were 8 a couple of days ago he risked his own life to save a mother and her daughter from a raging house fire he has burns on his face and around his eyes even burning some eyelashes he's my hero and has a heart of gold I'm so proud of him and he should wear his burns proudly after it happened he went back to his normal life taking care of his four younger siblings and living in the basement of an apartment I love you so much and you will always be my hero please take his story and try and spread love everyone should try and be more like him if we are dating I want to be your second priority I want your first priority to be you your ambitions your life and your future because my priority right now is me and mine finding happiness and security alone is crucial to finding it together when they were prepping me for the surgery the nurse put one of those cloth hats over my head to keep the hair out of my face she said here's your party hat and I was already tripping balls so I said hey party and wiggled around on the table like a gleeful slug they call him bagel Jesus he takes the old bagels from work and distributes them to the hungry on the street got chickens emptying a few cans of corn into a muffin tray adding water and then freezing it is a very small act of kindness on hot days it will mean the world to the chickens pecking away at an ice block to finally be rewarded with a cold corn kernel is a great way to help them keep cool girl graduating from kindergarten but her father was unable to attend the graduation because he died three days ago in a police operation mission so every police from her father's department came to the graduation on behalf of her father month ago phone call the sampling you gave us two years ago showing us that you got matched more than 80% with someone who has leukemia cancer we need you as soon as possible your bone marrow can save his life would you like to donate last week my last day of chemo it was tough but I was tougher you have been visited by the holy dog Oh LIKE this video and subscribe for a good luck [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 6,047,094
Rating: 4.9133816 out of 5
Keywords: clean memes, memes, clean vines, best memes, wholesome memes, best wholesome memes, dank doodle memes, reddit memes, funny memes, reddit, funny, interesting, clean
Id: lHLF1jRxZtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 54sec (3654 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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