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when you replay the first game you ever played and it still brings you the joy it brought so long ago thank you old friend what she thinks she looks like what i think she looks like me after i finally complete all my assignments and pass all my tests even though my year was crappy i wish i was clever like you you're definitely clever how how so clever people surround themselves with cleverer people did you just compliment us both at the same time clever right you're smarter than you know delivered a 450 gram baby told she was too small had no chance she kept stopping breathing so stayed up with her for two nights rubbing her chest for every breath consultant said i was wasting my time she just performed her first ballet as a healthy six-year-old it's a long story i'm all ears sylvester stallone still has the turtles from rocky and they are currently 44 years old i'm in a very bad mood so nobody better mess with me today boy here i got you a new comic book why don't you just sit on the couch and i'll make you some peanut butter crackers are you comfy um i guess so mom knows everything i'm a fifth grade social studies teacher today i spent two hours on a google meet with one student to help him get caught up on assignments in every class not just mine poor kid is usually home all day alone while his mom works he introduced me to his dogs and ate lunch encouraging yourself encouraging others my dad has been telling me for years about various friendly encounters with mike another resident of his apartment building he really likes and i found out yesterday that mike is a dog look dad a chameleon let's wait and see if it changes okay from now on i'm going to stop and think before putting hateful shoes on the internet way to go nice when my wife says she feels unattractive since giving birth what your eyes don't see is very clear to me ending my life because i always feel bad and unwanted [Music] practice self-care and going to therapy to try to feel better look at how happy my daddy's he just started baking school and i'm so proud how you think you look when you open your front camera how i think you look gayle offers boy a compliment boy remembers it for the next 50 years a core memory don't forget drink water get sunlight you're basically a houseplant with more complicated emotions blood donors in sweden get a text message whenever their blood is used to save a life the program hopes to recruit and retain more donors by highlighting their importance and getting them excited about making a difference somewhere on the internet just imagine it if latvia and lithuania were one state then their silhouette would form a heart shape baltic states when your game crashes but the autosave feature actually saved your progress in case you're having a bad day here's a raccoon sharing his art with you he's very proud of it and wants to know what you think shame has value too because failing means he challenged something that's hell of a lot better than a life of doing nothing and laughing at other people when i'm showing my grandmother prize i won with her quarters at our favorite restaurant [Music] oh i just jog every once in a while i do crossfit i lift competitively i share my feelings with people i care about and encourage others to do the same me whispering to myself in the lowest voice humanely possible i would love an orange right now my mom 30 minutes later [Music] world's strongest man contest i open up to people so strong 14 year old me legos for my birthday my mom what do you get when you cross a mentally ill owner with a society that treats him like crap actually you get free care and support so you can find happiness in life joker canada edition therapist we get in we get help and we get out [Music] are you winning son dad i won we are so proud of you son we made spaghetti and meatballs to celebrate me winning against a random dude online also me after hearing his girlfriend saying she will sleep over a few wins you drive past a car there's a dog inside the dog makes eye contact with you the dog is smiling [Music] do as i say and no one gets hurt really no one daily recycling masked person permanently ends suffering on earth now what do we do when you had a bad day but you get a text from a friend you haven't heard from in a while look at that you've helped me find my smile what can i get you can you hook me up with some oxytocin yeah that's the stuff when your squad has that one friend who's pure-hearted and trusting and so the rest of you have an unspoken agreement to protect them at all costs don't be afraid of losing people be afraid of losing yourself by trying to please everyone i was the poor kid growing up my mom used to send me to birthday parties with no present just so i could eat i definitely got to a point where i understood and was embarrassed as hell in fifth grade my friend's mom invited me to sleep over the night before the actual birthday party when her daughter was in the shower the mom laid out the toys that she had bought her daughter for her birthday she let me pick one to rap and put my name on i'm 37 now i'm still grateful to that mom that one act made such an impact on me hi oh you're back yeah sorry it's okay you're a part of me stay for as long as you must okay thank you strong people don't put others down they lift them up darth vader philanthropist i love this a teacher in south carolina wanted to do something for boys who don't have a father in their life so he started a gentleman's club where he teaches the boys how to properly shake hands make eye to eye contact and he even buys shirts and ties for the kids who can't afford them i have done the same thing with young girls at my schools he is changing the course of these boys lives god bless him [Music] are you winning son it's a close one but just about thanks for asking dad i love you a bit lost over tired crying a lot and handling it my toddler slipped and spilled her cereal all over herself at the carpet instead of telling at her and flipping shoes i picked her up changed her outfit and then she helped me clean the mess up no tears no shame and no yelling my parents would have hit me and yelled i refused to be them when you finally meet your idol and are unable to contain your happiness [Music] reporter wears great costume to defend boy suspended for banana suit today is the day i be who i truly am oh no i can feel everyone's eyes on me maybe i can't really be me hi sheep what can i get you or maybe i can to all the people who don't have loving supportive parents the fact that you recognize that means you will break the cycle and i hope it all works out for you you deserve love and care walked into the shelter and asked which cat had been there the longest came home with a deaf toothless senior love bug my bike was stolen last week and yesterday i saw it for sale on craigslist so i messaged the seller met him at mcdonald's and when i noticed it was 100 my bike i dumbly asked to take it for a ride he said yeah just don't ride off which is exactly what i did i stole my bike back [Music] me a coffee from starbucks homemade frappe from grandmas god creates the kangaroo angel that's a cute animal got thanks it has pockets i love you mr fbi or i love you too kid now go back to microsoft paint you creative little guy when you have a dead arm and a face full of hair but your significant other looks too cute to wake up i don't want to be part of a world where being kind is a weakness love language one did you eat is your brain being nice to you today did you get enough sleep not not love language too here are a hundred memes and gifts for you when you're not as cool as the gang but they still hang out with you are you winning son no i'm not but thank you for taking an interest in my hobbies even though you might not fully understand them you're a great dad maybe not mind-blowing but sometimes dogs and wolves in movies need cgi tales if they are supposed to be acting mean because they are so excited to be doing a good job acting that their tails can't stop lagging just in case you were having a bad day here's a fat cat and a sink you came to the right neighborhood bro when someone who is not your mom calls you handsome in heaven there's a black and white dog taking care of seven golden lab puppies daisy the dog lost all seven of her puppies in a barn fire at the end of february and wasn't the same afterwards spending most of her days going to the remains of the barn to look for them her owner posted a desperate appeal on facebook asking if anyone had puppies she could foster the next day an owner of adolf and puppies contacted her and daisy took to caring for them straight away my sister has been in this world for 18 years and today is the first time she has been offered a menu at a restaurant [Music] mom can i tell you something weird me sure i really can't wait for martin luther king day me that's not weird it sounds like you're really inspired by him yeah because if it wasn't for him i wouldn't be able to play with my friend ah our baby is saying his first word woof with with with with wolf he knows all the words can i have a name for the cup please let's call him cuppington when you ask your crush out and they say yes that wasn't part of my plan this teacher from a remote village in kenya has been crowned the best educator in the world peter tabichi gives away 80 of his monthly income to help his poorest students now he has been awarded a 1 million global prize beating 10 000 nominations from 179 countries you know who i don't see enough appreciation for nanny my girl was only 19 and working hard left and right to raise and support lilo on her own after their parents died she is every bit the hero all the other disney princesses are and we need to treat her as such they're all gonna laugh at you darla comedy place i knew you could do it darla me when my grandma says she will only give me a cookie if i give her a hug i wouldn't have it any other way hello we've seen that you've placed your order from the hospital hope you're keeping well your order is on us the mcdonald's uae team master bruce i made steak mashed potatoes and coffee busy sai how about some bat steak and mashed potatoes alfred can you get some batch up right away sir i'm this tall this fall [Music] i built my dog a doggy bed what do you guys think lol when you land a sig fig shot and everyone in your team starts praising you the perfect tattoo doesn't exist i'm not ready to die no man is truly ready death comes when you now i'm ready [Music] me with my trusty playlist a friend sharing a song with me a real banger me now adding this song to my playlist and listening to it on repeat for a whole week please god any god help me finish my math homework i'm the mighty cyanides the god of beans sai you don't need help with beans do you okay we need signs so opposite over hypothenuse i know things are dark but i just watched the fedex guy pluck a snail from the sidewalk cradle it in his gloves and find just the right size tulip in our front yard to set it inside it is time to go thanks for picking me up from the slumber party did you bring treats of course thank you dad me at eight years old when my grandma give me 10 euros in terms of money we have a lot of money how it felt like getting picked up early from school by your parents my wife and i went out to dinner and left our oldest daughter to look after our youngest we got home late and found them like this i have a hard time taking compliments then don't take them borrow them tuck them away for the next person who needs one brock from pokemon finally got a girlfriend after 20 years of being single [Music] okay time to sleep memories um sweet dreams ah a classic haha sleep tight buddy gave my dog a hat now he thinks he's the shiz i'm a sneaky fox sneaked in your house sat on your couch ate your pasta attended the online class for you so you can sleep peacefully for one day my crush kissing me after i confessed that i love her me frozen because i didn't expect that when you make a nice painting and your parents hang it up and you feel nice three-year-old me helping my mom cook my mom enjoying every second of it even though it's taking twice as long my friend i hate myself so much me why you're such a great person my friend oh yeah name some good things about me me [Music] i hope parallel universe me is doing okay me chats with grandpa about my day and asks him how he's doing my grandpa thanks for giving this old man the best day of his life dad why does hate exist why is the moon out during the day sometimes what happens to people when they die dude your questions are so on point today keep them coming my brain is buzzing right now come get some food with me i'm broke did i ask if you had money when you're having a hard time but your best friend is there for you real men don't cry real men [Music] play with me and sacrifices win loss ratio play with his other friends who are better than me my friend my awkward and increasingly desperate attempts at an interspecies friendship neighborhood crows when both teams type gg in the chat instead of complaining are you winning son i'm not i just got a game over it doesn't matter i will always love you have a hot chocolate as you have fun thank you dad when the jock and the weird kid hang out after school because they found the common love of gaming breaking good news alert new zealand has announced it no longer has any patience in hospital being treated for a virus it comes on the fifth straight day where no new cases have been reported this is what winning looks like high five guys come on anyone don't leave me hanging 150 million years later [Music] caught buying 80 worth of toys for my dog so we can play together on my day off why are you just floating there hey oh wow [Music] this makes me so happy there's a very good clear message here that is surprisingly hard to articulate you go dragon you go when you're extremely stressed out but you keep a positive attitude because you know this to shall pass need help my dad and step dad who don't really like each other both ultimately wanting what's best for me another painting done looking great i still love it late spring 2020 mood after cutting off all the toxic social apps and news if you were a triangle you would be a cute one you are cute oh um thanks so are you break up and move on stay in a toxic relationship [Music] toddler dresses up as her grandmother on halloween this is sloth he's my running buddy you guys run no not at all yuck no way but we are both really good at coming up with excuses looks like it's gonna rain yup better stay in woke up to leonard freaking out jumping on me trying to lick my face at 5am which he never does before i realized the fire alarm was going off and there was smoke in the hallway of my apartment complex we evacuated and everyone is safe 13 out of 10 very good boy [Music] is that a star bunny scarf yeah haha rat oh thanks i was worried someone might think it was silly no you know what silly not being true to yourself my mom telling me she enjoyed the lunch i cooked for my family me who isn't a great cook but tried really hard my mum why do you call every dog you need a good boy me it's the law anyone who would sit and watch leaves fall off a tree must be pretty stupid i'm happy women are so adorable when you compliment their dress and the dress has pockets lol hey that's a really nice dress woman thanks it has pockets and then she puts her hands in the man show you lol the rarest things on earth black rhinoceros moon rocks splitting an arrow you yay a care package from mom stay warm and secure love mom i love it to the person going through our trash for their next meal you're a human being and are worth more than a meal from a dumpster please come on in during our operating hours for a pb and j fresh veggies and a cup of water at no charge no questions asked your friend the owner jimmy has separation anxiety so he holds on to you when you walk in the door waiting for my husband to see the meme i texted him from across the room pbs kids show this program in part is brought to you by viewers like you thank you four year old me one awesome thing about euro is that even though he is basically clinically depressed he still gets invited to participate in adventures and shenanigans with all his friends they never expect him to pretend to feel happy they never leave him behind or ask him to change they just show him love my girlfriend ordering my starbucks drink me not knowing the name of the drink i liked last time my niece drew me holding hands with a burrito and i've never felt more understood my wife doing anything me hey can i come in and listen please i'll be quiet i won't touch anything reasons why i'm polite to waiters because i realize they're human beings trying to make a living not my servants my dad fixing his car six-year-old me watching my dad fixing my car 21 year old me watching when you don't have much to offer but she stands by your side anyway i want you to take care of fat tony you got it boss me in the middle of teaching my lesson student frantically raise his hand me yes student i like your socks i want this moment to end i bet they would stop if i smashed this bowl against the wall i could totally do it but then i would be the kind of dad that throws balls and i'll never be that dad my grandma when are you getting a girlfriend me grandma i have a boyfriend my grandma that's all right what matters is that everyone's happy elders before having cats if you bring home a cat i'm gonna throw it out the next day elders after having cats who is grandpa's favorite sweetheart yes you are wholesome twist on a classic this is fine ah good day note that's right anyone whose name you write in this notebook will have a fantastic day when you go into deep conversation with someone who understands so far you've survived 100 of your worst days good job i wanna be able to fly granted you're no longer colorblind you're hired when the teacher is passionate about teaching and you genuinely enjoy the lesson [Music] i can't wait for tonight i can't wait for tonight i can't wait for tonight perfect you're a wizard harry pitbulls aren't smart pitbulls aren't good with kids pitbulls aren't meant for families [Music] healing doesn't mean the damage never existed it means the damage no longer controls our lives nobody is born cool except of course people who drive fast cars but still stick to the speed limit because they are responsible and care about the safety of others i hate being a box everybody only cares about what i have inside the best thing to have with tea said big panda is a good friend my mother always loved spiders when i was young she taught me how useful they are she asked me to give them names oh hi elena and i did this quickly helped me not to be scared of spiders we should get wasted wake up early anticipate a productive day stay hydrated take a multivitamin exercise don't stay up too late are i feel terrible i didn't get you anything oh wait yes i did dracula what a cute valentine card this was so thoughtful well it's the thought that counts and it's the count that thoughts thinks dang it when i was your age i defeated the aziz in holland on xbox or playstation you're such a joker jeff i'm glad you visit me every week i love you grandad when you're a kid and a grown up thinks you're cool and likes talking to you when you're an adult and a kid thinks you're cool and likes talking to you [Music] me playing with my two-year-old and making a legit dad joke to make her laugh my dad watching me knowing that this is how it starts my crack addicted dad my alcoholic mother me who became a doctor too tried to help them six-year-old me explaining the awesome imagination-filled adventure i just had outside my grandma then now me to myself after washing drying folding and putting away all my laundry you did it you crazy son of a [ __ ] you did it welcome aboard experiment room please enter why are you experimenting on us we love dogs but we don't have any on our home planet we have managed to replicate every piece of human technology but not dogs why don't you just take some dogs back with you we have studied dogs we know that to take them from their owner would be a terrible crime i have an idea dog shelter [Music] bop it yeah twist it too easy forgive yourself what i thought would make me productive hard work what actually does exercise healthy eating sleep time off hard work i hope this works i heard you guys were looking for a new dungeon master this is the best adventure ever thanks new guy success meow stop the villain destroying the world in the main storyline me collecting 10 flowers for the garlic farmer so he can make it up to his wife that shirt makes your eyes pop really i can't make it tonight why not my dog fell asleep on top of me can't you just move him no society then blue is for boys and pinkies for girls definitely society now that's a lovely sweater you have there thanks your dress is awesome too enjoyment of my 35 year old dad when he watched tom and jerry with me enjoyment of my 30 year old dad when he watches tom and jerry with my five-year-old daughter when you run into your cosplay sister at walmart and you're so happy to see her [Music] hey sweetie are you all right you don't look so good i'm feeling nauseated high feeling nauseated i'm dead me grandma can we get breakfast at mcdonald's grandma no i have breakfast at home breakfast at home dad look at that smelly old dog yikes someone needs to put that animal out of its misery on it when you meet somebody new and hit it off immediately [Music] when i was in grade school i proposed to a girl in my class but for six years she made fun of me in grade school this guy proposed for three years she made fun of me in middle school to me for three years she made fun of me in high school even now she makes fun of me during dinner you know your father me my future wife he's so ugly got i love him 2020 my grandma who always says thank you after talking to alexa a robot army attacking the world now playing black panther that's me today i did one thing it may not seem like a lot just one task but it is to me it's more than when i could do nothing i'm getting better why do you ingest incorrectly the gas rising in the liquid entertains me when your little cousin runs to you and says he needs backup in his nerf war [Music] oh are you cold well me too we have so much in common he a little confused but he got the spirit don't shoot i'm a noob no please check it out dude that girl's got legs for daves how nice wait did you say legs for days or oh with these cybernetic legs you'll finally be able to walk again david it's a miracle my mom picks me up from school i tell her how my day went boo here is school report card um that's okay let's do better next time you are not angry no and here is your home report card you do well hey nerd give me your lunch money here you go thanks nerd sorry i had to borrow from you bro next one is on me it's a deal small youtube channel haters this video sucks your mic is terrible do you even know how to record me posting nice comment because he is trying his best just because the past is painful doesn't mean the future will be human leaving me for his long night duty it's okay he's saving lives and he kept enough food for me i'm proud of my human are you winning son wrong me sorry could you tell me where mine is right down the hall thank you sonny no problem king what a great dad several women step forward to accuse bob ross of always believing in them which is more important asked big panda the journey or the destination the company said tiny dragon what's wrong tom mitter mommy there is a monster in the puddle there are no such things as monsters show me the puddle but what if it gets us it won't look there it is the ugly monster oh honey that's not an ugly monster that's a beautiful little dragon just wait the rebellious teen years are coming me and my awesome teen who is awesome can i sit with you sure my grandma with alzheimer's retelling the same stories over and over again realizing it's because she likes thinking about these memories another painting done looking great i still love it girls with hot bots girls who genuinely care about them boys i'll see you in hell counting on it later hey bill matt you came told yeah i would money can't buy happiness seven year old me with ten dollars going to the ice cream truck i don't know if i should post this art who would even want to see it just now friend liked post just now friend commented i freaking love this and i love you be kind even if no one is looking i need to work on asking for help from others so i figured i'd practice with you ducky i'm not okay and could really use your help that wasn't so bad thanks ducky i will protect you with every fiber of my being i took away my son's phone because he's depressed i realize that i'm a bad parent [Music] i give back my son's phone and he's still depressed i ask him what's wrong and he talks to me about it [Music] hey pete check this out if you're snuggling weapons under there i don't want to know yep oh my god when the oldest person in your friend group finally gets their driver's license i'm a killer whale whoa that's cool i'm a killer bear i'm a killer fox did we just form a club i'll design a secret handshake i'll need matching scarves me would you like to stay for dinner my brain grandmother would you like to stay forever the creature accepts gentle hand pads i was attempting not to appear desperate you failed thank you me my little brother the boss my little brother is unable to beat this is the happiest memory in the brain i play it every time we get sad i like your shirt you should have accomplished more at this age [Music] you can do it there hey bear getting ready for a marathon not exactly i'm trying to work out my seasonal depression go bear go my girlfriend when my alarm wakes her up in the morning let the potato rest for five minutes i think it's funny to see goth punks and so on with their completely ordinary looking kids how come you can just tell those kids are free to be whatever they want to be daddy daddy i want the pink one with the sparkles no and do you know why daddy can i please get the pink one with sparkles now that's a good boy gamers i'm really proud of you the game programmer who worked hard to let us pet dogs in the game thank you me praying every night that my boys will find the right women for them when you dancing and the homies hype you up realizing you got homies me driving straight at the sun on the way to work every day the one cloud in the sky my dad while i'm opening the xbox on christmas he swore he couldn't afford when i was 10. the smart friend the musician the funny one the ripped one the social butterfly the depressed one them doing their best dad why is my sister's name rose because your mom alex loves roses thanks dad no problem alex i have enjoyed gaining knowledge about you as have i your significance has crossed a threshold i reciprocate are you saying our emotional gauges are calibrated celebrating with a double hand grasp countering with intense eye lock scrabble go my opponent playing a smart complex word me adding an s i hate how stuffy my clothes feel when it's hot too bad you can't just wear a dress the airflow is great isn't it great so much airflow me trying meowing to my cat my cat wondering how i said i love you with the correct meowing grammar me who's only mimicking the meowings my cat always does to me when i saw a bee as a kid when i see a bee now let go of the remote never come on son this is the first in a long time that i had a day off in saturday but dad i woke up early so that i can watch cartoons hey but i was going to watch cartoons oh i thought you were going to watch sports no i wanted to watch spongebob spongebob squarepants who who lives in a pineapple under the sea hey grandma is coming to visit next week so you're going to have to give up your room and sleep on the couch me a small price to pay for grandma what's wrong i feel i i understand when you play a game on easy difficulty because you just want to enjoy the story i'm not very good at it but it doesn't matter are you working out yeah i heard that you can slow down time by doing planks and i wanted to spend as much time as i can with you trapped in the bathroom because i ran out of toilet paper my little brother bringing me an extra roll let's take it slow okay [Music] when you buy a new accessory and wear it and you feel nice animal shelter look at this sad old dog you want a belly rub i'm the sad old dog genie i'll grant you one wish you really are the best friend a person could wish for me going to sleep knowing i'm going to find love someday and knowing i'm worth loving even if i struggle to love myself [Music] nice girl bike nice girl hair nice girl hormone supplements nice transition i'm happy it was successful thank you for all your support i'm not where i want to be but i'm proud i'm not where i used to be learn how to drive a hole teach me then freaking i will now change gear to three thank you mister how the crocs feel when steve irwin calls him a beauty your hair looks really nice today why thank you your beard looks nice too why thank you me fixing the router by restarting it my grandparents helping one person might not change the whole world but it could change the world for one person ah the grim reaper i'm not ready to die yet perhaps this will help what is it your dog is waiting for you all right let's go my boy some random me the wingman genuinely happy for my boy seeing human touch my bowl realizing my ball now has seeds it is your time to die what no there must be a mistake actually you know what you're right i made a mistake you can go thank you thank you thank you why do you always mess with humans like that sometimes i like to remind them of how lucky they are to be alive daddy you're hugging too hard you know you're not as bad as everyone thinks don't tell you have darkness within you everyone does you can't ignore me forever i'm not ignoring you then what will you do with the sharp edges of your soul chop vegetables no my toy that i lost when i was seven 23 year old you're as beautiful as a day i lost you this is bobo bobo killed three mosquitoes yesterday good bobbo when even doggo realizes that you can't move when someone is resting on you you a message in a bottle i wonder what it says do you guys wanna hang out me finally gets a girlfriend my mom who watches me in heaven do you even train legs bro you should try doing car phrases um not sure i'm doing this right girlfriend you're stuck with me forever now what you're gonna do me guess i'll be happy forever when the human likes your skin and you thought for sure you are going to get hunted but he just wants to adore it so he adopts you what happened i'm just tired not enough sleep tired or existential dread tired sad noises keep holding me we should sleep in the living room tonight are you thinking what i'm thinking floor mattress happy yeah dad's on christmas when you opened a gif they said they wasn't getting you [Music] sometimes you just feel numb so numb but every once in a while you see something nice and then everything is colorful again my mother who never fails to pack me a delicious lunch me who is always happy in school everyone runs away lion cub mama rided a fierce [Music] unnecessarily wasting money on fan merch during a time you should be worried about money no supporting small business owners in this hard time by purchasing fan merch you're excited about which brings joy to both parties yeah you're back i missed you i only went upstairs for like 10 minutes mom telling me there's no way i can eat all these veggies five-year-old me when music is playing in public and you see an older couple dancing to it five-year-old me watching grandma bake cookies 20 year old me watching grandma bake cookies finally getting up from bed and going to therapy depression and anxiety disorder why why why but really why dad who did all my chores so sweet that's why oh i get it mom are you hungry me no i'm brian dadden me freak my life freak my current situation [Music] me looking at my boyfriend while he talks about his hobby omg i'm late speed eat speed shower slap oh no almost forgot you brighten my life and i love you very much okay see you tonight my girlfriend does anything me why the frick are you so cute when a cosplayer finally meets the person that plays the character in the movie why'd you send me 30 pictures of yoshi instead of my goddamn spreadsheet breaking news things still suck lmao bro people there is not any living thing like santa claus someone's father [Music] i made cookies yay ah mommy i had a bad dream there there sweetie don't worry child dad is always watching at the foot of your bed shreks this is brilliant being loved but i like this guys getting love and support wait we are worth it always have been when you flawlessly execute a joke in front of four to five people and everyone laughs [Music] dad doesn't want a dog family get dog anyway dad and the dog this test is pretty tough care to help me a bit i believe in you all right now i can do this had over time and came home from work very late found my girlfriend sleeping while hugging a pillow with my shirt on it do you know hearing your name when no one is actually calling you is a sign of a healthy mind the ghost who calls out my name to make me feel healthy can we all just chill out and be excellent to each other nine year old me with the lighter kaboom my dad finally letting me light a firework yes rico caboo introverts when they say a complete sentence to someone they met in public i did it i spoke totally normally with someone me being sad all day long that one dog when your dad says you're finally big enough to sit in the front seat hey bro are you a flower because i'm really into flowers like really into them and you totally look like one bro i love you when your team is trash but you still have fun when they say there's plenty of fish in the sea but she's your fish nine year old me being a tree in the school play my grandparents i feel like i can be myself around you you're weird and quiet around me yes grandma you need to eat four more bites since you're four years me but i'm five grandma oh well i don't think you can eat that much me eats five bites to prove her wrong grandma in case you haven't noticed you've fallen right into my trap teachers who genuinely love their job all of humanity my dad not sure how to tell me i'm adopted three year old me me telling him i knew the whole time and he'll always be my dad my dad sorry i don't mean to cry like this it's okay bro just let it all out i'm here for you my girlfriend explaining to me why we are perfect for each other me who has already decided to propose to her all men in trade driving past houses they worked on see that house i worked on that house what bird am i hearing man just a cardinal boring yeah snore let's go find some good birds welcome to oregon is that a cardinal no way that's so rare beautiful feathers wow it's gorgeous morning snuggles with the wife in bed it's saturday nothing to do today the kids are still asleep it's raining me having period cramps my dad trying to be supportive by talking about the time he got a kidney stone you and i aren't so different i finally found it after 15 years the scroll of truth it's okay to like cringy things your happiness is more important than others approval did you speak politely and treat everyone with respect yes what did it cost nothing my mom with 10 plus years of teaching experience me as child learning 2 plus 3 edition me with 10 plus years of it experience my mum learning google forms to create tests for her students online people who put trash in their pockets until they find a bin society teenage girl anxiously coming out to her parents her supportive dad you know i'm something of a lesbian myself when everything is going wrong at work and you're apologizing and a customer says oh honey it's not your fault me eating at a restaurant please thank you the waiter when you see your attractive bud socially anxious friend hit on someone for the first time what is he doing he's beginning to believe me jokingly flirting with a girl her flirting back me screaming internally my girlfriend wondering why i'm not responding me trying to spell georgius for five minutes six-year-old me in the supermarket wondering where mommy go mop where are you the guy in the information area come this is no place to die me when i tell my wife i don't want anything but she gets me an apple juice anyway reasons why i'm polite to waiters because i realize they're humans beings trying to make a living not my servants me a gaming veteran my friend a gaming veteran my girlfriend enjoying the landscape while we are protecting her today i did one thing it may not seem like a lot just one task but it is to me it's more than when i could do nothing i'm getting better when you close all your tabs after finishing a huge assignment finally inner peace my grandfather beats cancer my grandfather i'll freaking do it again this is a green pepper it cost 75 cents at the grocery store inside the pepper are enough seeds to make hundreds even thousands more peppers in a world where nothing comes free and it's profitable to control what people copy and create gardening is a revolutionary act my grandparents me who plugged the hdmi in things that are spooky i love it things that are cute i love it things that are spooky and cute [Music] hey everybody this guy is ashamed that he's seeing a therapist see nobody cares addressing your issues is key for long-term emotional health and as your friend i just want you to know that i support you and care about you quick mom tell me to clean something r clean the fridge sorry but i can't hang out my mom wants me to clean the fridge you're the best mom ever jesus love one another people but what if they are immigrants or gay or poor jesus did i stutter me looking up fashion terms so i can compliment the goth girl at school see my mom has the biggest heart in the world it's coming out through her head whoa when you're broke and your friend buys you food thank you i will never forget this i would fight for you my friend literally introduces me as his best friend to his other friends me be kind everyone is fighting their own battles why would i be kind i will be brutal and relentless and ride into battle by their side my boyfriend explaining the entire skyrim storyline me patiently waiting for him to finish so i can give him a kiss how you look sleeping with your girlfriend in a crappy apartment that you did best to afford but she loves you unconditionally and doesn't mind at all look at those crows they look scary believe in yourself you can do it chase your dreams kids they are gonna attack us run people get so motivated every time we cheer for them yeah we are so good at this skeletons who want to be friends with me be surprised but excited to be friends with skeletons one more more more enough never boys with a compliment they got seven years ago [Music] i feel you brother hulk will sleep now and maybe when hulk wakes up everything that has made hulk tired will be changed mum sad because she got fired me ready to return 26 years of love telling guys to just man up actually listening and giving them the love and support they deserve potential boyfriend better boyfriends a girl who i like my ugly ass that one's my favorite that's gonna happen when you get in a bed with freshly washed sheets after taking a shower my wife asking me to proofread her master's thesis me struggling to understand it but i still want to be supportive me watching my girlfriend cook a bomb four course meal while i stand there with my spatches patch ready to stir something how i react when someone comments on my post saying you made me laugh wish me luck guys when you put the spider outside instead of killing it [Music] what do you call a musician ah no wait what do you call a cow that plays in a band i can't imagine a musician got me again pal when the person you're trying to cheer up says you actually helped yes yeah hell yeah amazing me trying to get up without waking up my girlfriend you've changed we are supposed to when you move out of a toxic relationship and your ex tries to berate you every breath i take without your permission raises my self-esteem they still talk about you i know you meet a girl who laughs at your jokes she's funny smart and cute she cares about your interests and well-being she tells you that she loves you and you love her too she marries you and you feel like the luckiest person alive i like your makeup thanks i like your hair because around these parts we don't take kindly to putting women against each other when you win the game and the enemy types gg in chat don't worry i'm here don't worry i'm here thanks nancy when your man is passionate about something you don't understand but you don't care because you're just happy that he's happy [Music] you're late i saw a dog that's what you said yesterday he lives in my house me when i see a homie updated their profile picture him does something small but very nice hey i got you a new phone charger since yours is falling apart me uses this obscure moment to become overwhelmingly aware of how much i love him are you okay feelings taking a moment to give customer service reps 5 stars because you know those ratings are important and you appreciate them what's wrong with your show i'm going camping when you're watching your dog's nap and you realize how much you love them and how lucky you are to have them my mom wanting to give a hug in front of the school give my mom a hug in front of the whole school acting cool and not giving my mom a hug in me what does your tattoo say it says i love french toast that's the lamest tattoo ever years earlier her name is french toast when you tell your man all the tea cause he's your best friend [Music] are you sure such a look is suitable for the first contact hey dude nice costume feeling insecure about my masculinity embracing my feminine side me [Music] this is my perfect day when the total comes out to twenty dollars and two cents and you only have twenty dollars but the cashier says it's okay you're my favorite favorite what just generally across all categories me saying i'm going to bed in the group chat but staying for a few more minutes to read all the good night messages [Music] love everyone no matter what what if they have a different skin color yes even if they ask stupid questions today i learned 44 of adults have held on to their childhood teddies and dolls and as many as 34 of adults still sleep with a soft toy every night well of course i know him he's me italy michelangelo davinci caravaggio massaxio giotto america bob ross hey could you like this for me excuse me could you like this for me please yo i just hit 1000 likes i'm an internet star as long as you are happy son when you see your friend in public and you just and they just i should warn you i'm an animal in bed pet me and bring me food me you can't love me i'm a total failure who doesn't deserve affection my dog mother the purest love in the world is the one between grumpy dads and the pet they said they didn't want [Music] when there's a swastika card in the bathroom stall so you take out your pocket knife and turn it into a windows xp symbol it ain't much but it's honest work hey mister how do you learn to be so cool cool rules be considerate of other people's feelings when you absolutely freaking refuse to give up what would an actual godzilla giant lizard do eat all the mosquitoes find warm roofs sleep for an eternity welcome to godzilla park when you're the last one to finish the exam but end up scoring the highest healing powers coming out of a deep depression starter pack [Music] at long last i have found it the crystal which utters only truth hey you found me good job what if i get so fat you can't carry me then i can get just as fat and we can roll around together eat your greens so you grow up began strong yes granny granny can we play on the swings of course dears childish glee like the video and subscribe right now and watch my previous tank memes videos thanks
Channel: Clumsy
Views: 347,808
Rating: 4.947556 out of 5
Keywords: memes, dank doodle memes, best memes, dank memes, memes compilation, dank memes compilation, best memes compilation, clean memes, ddm, tik tok memes, memes clean, reddit memes, pewdiepie memes, family friendly memes, funny memes
Id: uVnb1FUY1Uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 0sec (3600 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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