Ultimate Rimwar And Empire Mod Guide (tips and tricks)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] quiet i know we all have uh different desires and ideologies but we also have something in common we all love war so let's work on that together recently remora released new updates that are completely compatible with the empire mod if you are already familiar with the empire mod i suggest you to swipe right on remove mod the two modes go together like pb and j oh yes one big improvement they made is the map combat more dynamic enemies can send scouting parties around and trade caravans can attack each other very good stuff in this video i will tell you more about how you can get the best out of these two well-matched mods the empire mod allows us to create our own faction with multiple settlements on the world map that support our colony both economically and militarily rimmore on the other hand introduces global conquest where factions vie to become the dominant power across the world map the factions can even interact with each other to form alliances and declare war let's spread our influence far and wide with our faction and build settlements that will bow to our will we can collect taxes from our settlements and tend to events that plague the county we can manage our own empire and reap the benefits or we can stay divided and fall sounds fun huh without further ado let us begin the show there are no research or other requirements to start so technically you can start creating your own colonies straight away the only barrier to becoming a rimworld superpower is silver your first settlement will cost you 1 000 silver though i recommend having around five thousand on hand to upgrade your settlement and build the appropriate building and remember the silver needs to be in a stockpile zone or it won't be considered available for use in rimwar player settlements will be recognized as vassal factions first thing you have to do when creating your factions is the faction policies and traits from here you can set how you would like to get your settlement taxes collected and create your tax delivery map all in the action button i hate taxes shut up after you have done that then start to create your factions this will allow you to set the name title an icon of your new founded faction once you have done that you'll see the create new faction button change to create new colony button clicking on it will bring you to the world map where you'll now choose where you want to place your new settlement when you choose the place for your new baby settlement there are two things you should consider number one is the resources production number two is the distance and path from the new settlement to your current settlement let's talk about the resource production first your main consideration will be the type and amount of resources that the new settlement can produce the nine types of resources that you can produce are food weapons apparel animals lodging mining research power and medicine yeah medicine and the production stats are influenced by both the biome and the elevation i suggest you choose between a flat tropical rainforest or small hills of temperate swamp rimwar uses a unique resource to a point system assignment for every map object and every faction has a power rating based on the cumulative power of all map objects in their factions the events are driven by the combat power associated with the map objects yeah all right you understand good rimmore also added some new global map objects such as warband scouts trade caravans and settlers now before we move on to the second consideration i'd like to remind you all to subscribe if you haven't already making these videos takes a lot of work and it makes us happy to know that you want to see more so go and show us this is a good video and hit that subscribe button also hit the like button and comment down below do all the interactiony thingies that makes the youtube algorithm happy that brings more people here yeah that's what we're looking for good work good on you mate okay the second thing to consider is the distance and the path between your settlement both the distance between the two settlements and the terrains that connect them determine the travel time the travel time affects the duration it takes for your settlement to be built and how long the taxes will take to arrive at your base be mindful that the researching transport pods will need maximum travel time of 0.5 days no matter the distance or terrain make sure you don't go too far or too high on the hill or you will make your colonists unhappy now since you have built your own settlement and spent your precious resources on it it's time to get some money back in order for your settlement to turn a profit it has to start producing first to do that you need to go back to the colony setting on your new settlement this will bring up your colony colony-specific interface on the right side you can assign individual workers to different resources keep in mind that every worker costs upkeep that upkeep goes up the more workers you have assigned the total profit is going to tell you how much silver you'll get to or have to pay during the next tax cycle so what do you think is more important silver or resources by default all your settlements will give you silver regardless of what resources they are producing if you want to change that you can check the is teeth column for that resource this means that the obtained resources will be given to you directly instead of being counted as profit and given to you as silver let's talk about upgrading your settlement with each level it will cost more silver but in return you'll get extra workers to assign your resource it will also give you a military level which we will discuss a little later after your settlements have been billed for their taxes you'll be informed via a blue letter once that happens you can go to your settlement tab again and click on bills here you can pay or get your taxes if you have to pay silver because you have a teeth set up click on the resolve build this will take the silver right from your stockpile at that point the settlement will send the resources over and it works the same way for the silver too you can check the events tab to see when the taxes will arrive no one will win a war without power so now let's talk about power for power you'll need to construct a faction power generator from the power section in the architects menu this is where produced power will be sent to the power will be given to you during the duration of the tax cycle in five days time caravans are associated with map objects so you can always notice raids or caravans coming and even raids or caravans between ai factions it is a dynamic diplomacy and occurs as a result of actions performed by objects we discussed this earlier on the map now this is where your diplomacy abilities comes handy in the game you need to set up policies and traits in addition to the individual improvements you make your settlements by upgrading the settlement or construction buildings but you can also set up policies and traits that affect your faction as a whole it is free to set these up and they give some nice bonuses so there's no reason not to do it in order to set these up you have to head to your faction tab and click on the policies traits tab from there choose your policies and apply them keep in mind that it takes five days till they go into effect you can check the remaining time in the events tab how about setting up a military troop the good news is each settlement has a military score this score can be increased by upgrading the town constructing certain buildings or adopting certain policies the score has three distinct effects or uses number one is defending your tower from time to time your town will be attacked you will be informed about this via a red letter the text in the letter will tell you how strong the enemy force is if your own military score is high enough the defense it won't be a problem and nothing bad will happen an unsuccessful defense however can result in losing buildings or even a town level at a the particular settlement furthermore it will result in lower happiness loyalty and production for a while this is of course quite annoying when you have a settlement that's just starting out you are however able to send your military from a different settlement to support the settlement that's being attacked for that reason it is recommended that you have at least one settlement with a high military score in order to send your military to a different settlement click on the attack settlement on the world map and choose defend settlement where you can find an option to change location of the defending force number two is attacking settlements just like other factions can attack your settlements you can attack theirs if the attack is successful you'll get some items as loot number three is supporting your troops you are able to create custom squads which you can call in via drop pods to support you in a dire situation to start creating your armies click on the military tab under the faction tab this will open up a new window with three tabs at the top you have to go from the right to the left here start by clicking on create units tab once there click on the select a unit button this will allow you to create a new soldier from there you can start customizing your new soldier to equip your soldier simply click on the label equipment slot the game will show you a list with possible items you can have in that slot keep in mind that the availability of certain weapons or armor is dependent on research or tech level for example to give a soldier marine armor you need to have researched it yourself before going to war you better write a note or a letter to your loved ones ask for blessing or good luck so let's have a break so you can start thinking of any comments or requests or questions in the comments section or if you are afraid you can flag your white flag and surrender now so please give any comments to create different soldiers just click on the select a unit button again which now shows the name of the unit you are making you can edit your soldiers at any time once you have created all the soldiers you want it's time to put them in formation for that go to the create squads tab again click on select a squad to create a new one nice squad from there you'll see a 5x6 grid in which you can place your soldiers in order for your armies to be supported by a village they need to fit within the equipment cost the equipment cost is determined by the military score of the village you want to assign your squad to you can also set a village as a reference point for the equipment cost for that simply click on the set point reference button now that you have your armies you have to assign them to a settlement for that go to the designate squads tab find the settlement that you want to assign your squad to and click on set squad from there you'll get a list of all available squads click on the one you want for that settlement if the equipment cost is too high for the military score of the town you won't be able to assign them you can assign a squad to multiple settlements when you want to use your army simply click on the deploy squad button once you have done that you can choose the landing spot for your soldiers during combat you can use the controls that pop up on the right of your screen to give your soldiers basic commands keep in mind that once you use a squad it will go on cooldown before it can be used again which kind of sucks if you really really need them speaking from experience here but if you have the same squad in a different settlement you can still call it in from there usually unless you don't have to click like me the order fire support button next to the set squad button you can use this after you construct an artillery outpost building in that settlement once you've done that fire support will cost you 3 000 silver which to be honest if you really need it it's pretty cheap 3000 ain't that bad when you need the artillery overall faction power is composed of settlements warbands scouting parties and settlers and the amount of faction power determines the size and strength of armies caravans and settlers their eye fashion can generate defeating an enemy army gifting or trading with other factions directly affects their faction power faction interaction matters so you should form alliances subjugate the weak and destroy dangerous enemies across the world to create winning conditions factions will interact with each other to form alliances or declare war take advantage of warring factions and strike while they are weak or declare an alliance with friendly factions to fight your wars for you from here i think you can have enough fun to win the war of factions yeah what you got there what they updated right as we were about to finish this video well i mean i suppose i can't complain about a good mod that actually updates so in order to actually have this video come out at a good time and also save on effort to redo everything let's quickly go through some of the changes that they just recently updated now we have the ability to send a caravan of colonists to help in defending settlements under attack they also added proper base generation for settlements similar to that of a normal basis within the game so defending or attacking them feels similar to the base game finally they allow you to actually draft assigned defense squads within the baseline colonists so finally you can coordinate defenses finally no more brain dead pawns walking in the obvious death traps i mean they are still brain dead but they hey controllable brain dead pawns are better than just uncontrollable brain dead puns alright then outside of some bug fixes i think that's all of the new stuff good to know we caught on to that right before we finish this video enough all for now i need some love i hope this video will make you win and conquer the world of factions and you can sleep well all night not hesitate to drop some peaceful comments or questions hit the subscribe button down below be sure to click on another video thank you very much till next time
Channel: Noobert
Views: 42,044
Rating: 4.9610863 out of 5
Keywords: Noobert, RIMWAR, EMPIRE, rimwar guide, empire guide, rimworld guide, how to, rimworld mod, rimworld tips, Rimworld Mods, Rimworld Mods 2020, Rimworld Mods 2021, Rimworld QOL, Rimworld Guide, Rimworld How To, Rimworld Top Ten, Rimworld Best Mods
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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