The Impossible Journey - A RimWorld Movie

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so if you watch episode one where you just kind of forget what happened there was a huge update for remore and it's now compatible with the empire mod and our main goal for this series is to make a thriving empire as for difficulty we're playing with the hardest storyteller i know void on 500 threat scale and to make things even harder we're at war with most factions in the game as for our scenario it's basically lost tribe we were able to pick five random colonists from eight and we got a really good draft kangaroo and asave happen to have really good shooting traits deadshot and trigger happy both lower aiming time by 50 and at the end of last episode we sent these girls on a quest to clear out this legendary viking tomb which they were successful at doing they got a bunch of loot including some gold and a full set of crypto gear it's all tainted and really low durability but we can still use it they're heading back to base with all the loot and they're currently being chased by a scouting party we're gonna try to outrun it and back at our base there's a trader caravan that's gonna get there very shortly and ideally this caravan can help us clear out a couple of these mech clusters we got one over here that has not been activated yet somebody needs to step inside this proximity activator or in 11 days this countdown activator will activate and then it will automatically wake up all these mechs anyways northeast of that there's another mech cluster and this one's particularly annoying as there's a sunblocker here which is doing exactly what it says it does it's blocking out the sun and because there's no sun we can't grow any plants the traitor showed up it's a shaman merchant and they're walking right through this mutagenic material in episode one a mutagenic ship crashed and it's slowly killing all plants in a expanding radius and it's turning them into these alien plants and if you walk inside this material you get mutagenic build up and if you sit inside it for too long you can start getting alien body parts like this person has some hair on their arm and this person now has a monkey tail which this monkey tail actually increases movement by five percent and it looks like these guys are actually walking right through this mech cluster which is gonna be good for us they do have some goods on them and we're gonna hope that like this alpaca that's carrying a bunch of stuff um and then this one's carrying actually even better stuff we're gonna hope that these alpacas get taken out potentially mainly though we just want to clear out this mech cluster that's all we care about really and there's a fireworm that really really want them to take this thing out if they take out these two mechs the fireworm and the lancer we might actually be able to get an angle behind oh very nice this turret's gonna blow up and this thing might blow up too yeah it did create a chain reaction so it looks like they've cleared this thing out for us for the most part boro got knocked out she's gonna die in seven hours it would also be nice to save borrow if we do saber then we can get some positive relation with these guys the question is will they take out the fire worm it looks like their trade goods are leaving their alpacas are running along with these animals so yeah it looks like we're not gonna be able to do any trading with them which is unfortunate we do have a lot of gold that we could trade off we don't have it here yet but our trade caravan should be here shortly but yeah this fireworm is super tanky they've hit it a bunch of times and it's pretty low on hp overall i don't know if they're gonna be able to finish it off oh and that dude's dead and green's gonna run so yeah the mech cluster is not fully cleared out but for the most part it's cleared out we just gotta finish off this fire worm it doesn't have that much range actually as well so we could have come out here and maybe just rescue borrow she's still got six hours left we sent out colbrin and we're gonna try to have her out maneuver this fireworm we don't really care about you fireworm just let us get over to boro to stabilize her up and save her she's got three hours left now looks like cobra might actually be able to rescue her this thing is kind of unaware right now and yeah cool let's try to rescue her she's got like two hours left i think and in fact she's only got three hours left let's just attempt to stabilize her up right here she's got two hours not three police fireworm donut mess this up for us yeah it's coming we're gonna have to abandon that plan okay we dragged away from the firework bra bar actually has better medical she's got four medical so hopefully she can stabilize borrow up here please fireworm do not come any closer this thing is so annoying we stabilized up another injury she's got four hours left now can you just go away dude you have no reason to be over here just protect your sunblocker that's your only job right now this thing is really gonna chase us into the base okay we're gonna stabilize that boro another one of our injuries and this thing keeps coming that's gonna be annoying it's gonna keep coming actually i think boro's got eight hours though so yeah we can just rescue her and bring her back into the base and this thing should be aggro i think or it's just gonna break down our base that's perfect all right well that's slightly annoying we got mono out here with a recurve bow we do have the recurve bow tech and we were able to upgrade our short bows and we're gonna just start shooting at this thing it really has no range basically this thing should be going through our maze oh mono got hit that's not ideal she's burning now yeah run into the rain don't run into this thing in melee though do not melee this why are you running towards it oh no of course oh she stunned it how did she stun it run though run mono do you know what run means it means go the opposite direction of okay now she's on fire again and it went out okay perfect okay we just sent mono back to base because she's in major break threshold and we're just gonna let this thing run over our spike traps there's three wooden ones hopefully that's enough okay one was enough okay well on the bright side isabe and kangaroo made it back to base and isabe is not in a good mood and she just collapsed due to exhaustion we had them force march all the way back home through the night they were not allowed to sleep because there was a scouting party on their tail kangaroo's mood is actually not bad even though she has zero rest and that's because she's soaking wet because she's a ocean lover and she loves being in the rain but yeah isabe and kangaroo ate their meals and now they're gonna rest and hopefully they will not have mental breaks oh it looks like we've been here for enough time kangaroo wants to now name our faction since our faction is comprised of only women they agreed to name it brabar's barbarian babes and then here's what i guess they called a local settlement but yeah mano woke up she's not a good mood she has a smoke leaf dependence she's going through with jaws right now it's giving her a negative 20 mood we would like to plant some smoke leaf for her but currently nothing has been growing which that's actually about to change isabe is also in major break but we're just gonna have her wake up and then we're gonna hope okay well she's gonna meditate this anima tree just seemed to get her out of minor break and okay she's good phew no mental breakdowns for anyone yet but yeah we now we're finally able to leave the safety of our walls colbrin destroyed the sun blocker and as you can see it's actually now not dark out we're gonna have colburn uninstall this mechanoid interface cell and we're going to have rabar who has higher construction deconstructed and then this gloom light is a pretty terrible light like yes it does self power it doesn't require any electricity but for some reason they decided to make it lower beauty by 20. i wonder if there's actually a mod that fixes this because i think this is a really cool concept and like the market value is actually pretty high for a light it's 200 i couldn't find any mods for it but this guy says on this post works really good if you put a couple of them in a room with a tortured artist that's all i use them for though that's actually a good point the only issue though is the market value is just so high like 200 for a gloom light that lowers beauty of a room by 20. if anything i think it should increase the beauty of a room for that high of market value that's the only thing that makes sense to me but yeah we're going to uninstall this thing i don't know if we're going to put it in the room with bra bar while she's making art because you don't want your artist to be working in light as that will increase their work speed but i just don't know if it's worth the 200 like a regular light only cost like 30 bucks i think you have to power it and we have no electricity right now but i don't know i haven't made my mind up if we're going to deconstruct it or not yet another thing we need to do is send kangaroo to the south east over here and we need to take out this mutagenic ship part before it covers our entire map in this mutagenic material because it will turn our colonists into animals basically and we will not be able to control them the only thing is we have to get inside the material to shoot at the ship part and kangaroo is going to start getting some mutagenic build up if she sits in here for too long so i don't know how this whole thing's gonna work out yet she has mutagenic buildup already initial she might actually get a mutagenic body part of some kind okay we can't have her take it out i guess we're gonna have to find a different way to take it out so we currently have no way to take care of that mutagenic ship and kangaroo is getting more hairy by the way this mutagenic buildup is not going away which is unfortunate oh and leopard slayer actually joined us so leopard's layer this cobra is a former human that got transformed from the meteogenic ship and we were able to convince her to join our faction i'm wondering if we can send this cobra down to attack the meteogenic ship if she can take it out because she's already been transformed so as we were sending down leopard slayer to attack this mutagenic ship part we got a man hunting pig event which actually could be nice that's going to be a lot of bacon and some skins maybe but yeah leopard slayer can attack this mutagenic ship part and she's not getting any type of mutagenic buildup so this is perfect this is the only way we could have actually done this i will say leopard slayer is about to have a mental breakdown because of a lot of negative moodlets we just hope that she's going to destroy this thing before having a mental breakdown it's down to 10 percent and very nice whoa there's a lot of stuff that dropped oh and there's a mutasarum reverter which can turn an animal pawn back into a human or it can remove all mutations from humanoid ponds so like if kangaroo ended up getting some negative mutations then we could revert those and we got achievement superior technology acquire a mechanoid interface chip from a cluster or ship part and that brings our total amount achievement points up to 45 if we get 150 we can get a man in black the other achievements we got are this is where the fun begins to get rated for the first time first blood kill another pawn and this one's bugged i might need a shrink you get this one pretty much for free have a single pawn spend 24 hours total mental breaks we haven't had anyone go into mental breaks yet so there's no reason why we have this but that's a whopping 25 points for free so yeah we'll take it okay we got another legendary quest i'm just gonna not pause before we get these legendary quests just so you guys know i'm not like spawning them in which i don't have access to the dev mode right now you guys wouldn't know if i did go into the dev mode because we'd have this achievement cheater cheater enable the development mode for 75 achievement points but yeah that's the second legendary quest we've gotten so far we've intercepted messages about the location of an old ruin complex near our base these runes can contain anything from crypto sleep caskets and archotec artifacts to rare weapons and armor i think this is basically just like an ancient tomb i'm not sure if there's anything special inside of it but we should definitely go check it out we need to devise a plan to deal with these manhunting pigs though the only thing so cobra is not affected by the pigs and this thing's going to knock on this door for a little bit when it sees us open the door but there's a wooden door here that's held open we need this cobra to close the door and of course the pig goes inside when we close it we want to lock all these pigs out basically go out yeah good piggy no don't come back in no not in this door no don't attack us why are you attacking us not the cobra don't attack the cobra i think we attacked the pig i think that's why it attacked us we led a couple of pigs inside which may have been a mistake please there we go we hit it we killed one of them very nice let's kill the other one too oh we one shot the other one we hit it in the head we're now having a sabe just hunt these pigs and they're just wandering outside of our defenses they won't try to attack us as long as we're safely behind our embrasures and so this should just end up being some free meat for us well not free it's gonna cost us some arrows but that's a small price to pay for the amount of juicy bacon that we're going to get from these things oh and we got a summit crab event and it's going no it's going for all this good stuff okay we're kind of pressed for time here we're just gonna let these pigs inside just hold that door open and then yeah we're just gonna let them in i don't know why it's going that way we could just go it's the wrong way to get in here maybe we won't hold the door open because yeah they're gonna get in here pretty quick we got kangaroo over here too and then mono as well and we can shoot at these things as they're trying to knock on our door i think we shoot on this one yeah we can shoot that one too very nice but yeah we are kind of pressed for time here we really want to take out that summit crab as quickly as possible because we got three people in here now we should definitely be able to finish these pigs off come on we got a vested ship chunk by the way that is in our base i think oh that's right inside of our base right on top of our animal tree it actually hurt the animatry the thing with the ship trunk is if we attack it insects will come out of it i just wonder if people are going to automatically attack it while they're walking by if they're in combat and i'm wondering if they walk too close to it will it open but yeah so we dealt with the great pig invasion now the question is is this summit crab gonna walk over all this nice stuff i don't think it will i think it has a path that just goes straight through the map i really hope that's the case anyways like i don't care if it destroys like this beer and like these dead bodies i actually would prefer it and then maybe don't destroy the mechanoid we could smash that eventually it's actually destroying it it is destroying it slowly but it's actually not destroying it that quick okay phew i just was worried that i was gonna destroy all this really nice stuff but yeah we got kangaroo and asavi out here and we're gonna start shooting at this thing and okay it's going to turn around i don't think we can chase it into this mutagenic area pretty sure we'll start getting mutagenic buildup if we go in there i sent kangaroo back home because she was not a good mood and this thing does not like getting shot at that's for sure we don't want it to go to this mech cluster i mean we wouldn't care if it destroyed it really but yeah we don't want that we're just gonna let isabe go home it's gonna go and then that cluster isn't no maybe not just gonna keep going north i guess the summit crab is currently heading for our base it looks like or it's heading for the north west corner of the map i'm not really sure which but yeah we hit like three times and it just blocked all those shots and it just killed the boomerang the boomerang actually exploded on it didn't do any damage i don't think but yeah we don't really care too much about killing this thing i think it just gives a bunch of stone chunks oh summit crab revenge oh okay wait that's actually kind of good that means that these guys will automatically fire at it and it will automatically chase us just makes it easier to fight and yeah that hair is pretty dead yeah it's dead we sent kangaroo inside to grab some more ammo and the manhunting crab is oh it's destroying our walls which is not ideal i mean it's okay they're just wooden walls it's just really annoying because this thing is really tanky and it's blocking like four out of every like five arrows we shoot at it it's not something that you should be usually taking out with bow and arrow there we go we finally hit it again hit it again two in a row very nice okay there we go we finally killed it there's actually an achievement for that no sherpa needed kill a gargantuan summit crab before it pulverizes your whole colony for 15 achievement points very nice all right so we killed the dreaded stomach crab and i did a little test to see if we can walk through this muted grass without getting any mutagenic buildup and we can as long as we destroyed the mutagenic ship part and we can pick up all this nice stuff and she brought it back to base as you can see our storage area is looking a little bit cluttered and that's because we ended up butchering up the summit crab and it dropped a ton of chunks and a bit of meat as well i didn't see how much we also had a lot of meat from killing those pigs earlier we made probably too many meals we got like 40 meals that we can't refrigerate so that was a little bit of a waste i don't know what this rotting gazelle is doing in here but right now i kind of want to test to see what would happen if we reverted leopard slayer back into a human with the muta serum because here's her stats as a cobra i guess she can shoot yeah she can equip a bow and apparently she can shoot with the bow that's a little bit weird which obviously makes no sense like a cobra using a bow but i was actually thinking about this and what if she wasn't fully a cobra she was just some kind of human cobra hybrid i mean it looks like she's a cobra on here but that's just the limitation of the game it's hard to imagine what a human cobra hybrid would look like but i'm not sure if the intention here is to fully transform them i don't really think it is because the mod author even added this special moodlet for naked why do i feel weird out and about oh close which begs the question how would a cobra wear like a helmet i guess it can't it needs to wear animal gear so maybe it is fully an animal i don't know how is it shooting bows then either way i do want to kind of do a test to see what cobra's stats would be if we use the muta serum reverter on her and i'm actually going to say before i do this and yeah all right i saved and we're going to have cobra try out this mutaser inverter which turns her into okay that looks more like a human cobra hybrid the particles look a little bit weird though like this tail right here is not fully connected there's like a little gap here oh and she's also got a lot of modifications so she's now animalistic conflicted which makes it so she's really bad at researching but gives her higher tame and trained animal chance sapien's recoverance factor is plus one and she has a sapience meter if this gets too low she'll become feral possibly irreversibly i'm not sure if this is going up or down like we can still control her she's also got a ton of modifications that end up giving her 140 percent sight she's got these alipine eyes her eyes have turned to glaring yellow and her pupils have become small vertical slits and that increases sight by 20 for each eye so yeah she's gonna be really good at shooting she also has a fang snout and that can apparently inject toxin into the target and then she also gets some extra manipulation from i guess her claws she's got naga claws that gave her 10 more manipulation each overall i'm not sure this is someone we'd want like yeah she's good at shooting though but she's a slow learner so she's actually going to learn shooting really slowly one thing i will say she could do aside from planting is since she gets more global work speed and general labor speed and she's got six crafting she could make stone blocks like we could just have her do that full time and she'd be really good at that so maybe that's what we'll have her do we don't have stone cutting research yet and in the meantime we can have her just plant and then do shooting she's also bloodlust too so when she sees people die then she's going to get huge mood bonuses oh we got a mech cluster is that in our base no it's not it's a psychic suppressor that's going to initiate in 21 hours oh no it's going to affect males and this thing is going to reduce the consciousness of all of our males wait we have no males this is awesome this is actually going to help us a ton if we get raided all males that rate us will have really low consciousness and one thing about this psychic suppressor is it affects everyone in this region so like if we raided these guys for example they would be getting affected by the psychic suppressor all their males would be pretty much useless and then whatever's at this ancient ruins would also be affected we should maybe plan for a raid this episode before this thing gets taken out i will say both these nearby factions i think are kind of high tech so i don't know if we'll be able to do that all right we loaded up kangaroo asave and leopard slayer on a caravan and we did train up our cute little donkey here as you can see asave is riding this thing and yeah we sent them northwest again and it is confirmed that the direction you select on the map is the direction they leave the colony from so that's good to know we're gonna approach the ancient ruins and there is a bunch of impassable mountain tile on the way so we're gonna have to go near grace village and i'm not sure if they're gonna send out some kind of scouting party to stop us hopefully not okay and that's odd we got through most of these meals and brabar got food poisoning so i'm wondering if one of the meals inside that stack of 30 was food poison i'm kind of scared too because we brought a bunch of meals on the caravan and i really don't want any of those guys to get food poisoning that'd be really annoying maybe we'll just not allow them to eat the nine simple meals and we'll just force them to eat the pemmican should we just destroy these maybe that's a safer play because one of these could easily be food poisoned that 350 pemmican should definitely be enough i kind of want to send them on a trade mission too and wait what happened to this colony over here it got destroyed by a scouting party i think it was from this tribe or something that's crazy those guys were pretty high tech but yeah you guys made it to the ancient tome and i kind of messed up here i should have let them rest on the road before they got here because they can rest outside and they don't care and they could also have done some recreation like isabe's recreation is really bad right now we'll have her make a hoop stone ring and we'll force her to do recreation while leopard slayer cuts down a bunch of these trees because we do need to make some ammo i didn't even forget to bring along ammo this time we are just out of ammo our main base was completely out of wood and that's actually another reason why it was good to bring along leopard slayer because she does have good plant cutting she's just mowing through these cactuses like they're nothing and yeah that's enough wood to be able to make a stack of 10 arrows that's all we should need for the most part if we just force isabe to do recreation she will play hoop stone very nice and she really needs that recreation boost much more than she needs to rest even right now meanwhile leopard slayer actually is about to go on a mental break she needs a lot of stuff recreation she needs rest okay after not letting them sleep the whole night because if we would have let them sleep the whole night they would have got slipped outside so i kept waking them up every few hours everyone's mood overall is pretty okay leopard slayer is gonna need some rest pretty soon but she's playing hoops on right now which is good we're gonna load up all these beds on the animals saw they're gonna grab some ammo but after doing all that we're gonna deconstruct this wall okay there's a bunch of mechs there's one really close by that's kind of unlucky instantly mount though i think we can outrun it hopefully oh that was actually really close that was just unlucky that the thing was way down there i will say these mechs are actually really easy though they're both melee and we have horse archers so do the math on that one that thing's already dead and yeah there's actually a lot of stuff in here archotec teleporter i actually don't think that thing works there's a psychic animal tamer though which we can use to tame an animal there is a chance it gets brain damage though but yeah that's actually a really cool item especially because there is an animal on this map there's a syllabarium somewhere some giant giraffe somewhere oh it's way down here in the bottom right corner of the map it's this massive giraffe that has a market value of 1800 and the damage i don't know if that's actually good damage it is a pack animal though it's not that quick it does have a lot of meat though i'm wondering how tanky it is yeah i'm not sure about this thing is it something that we'd want to use a psychic animal tamer on so we can tame literally any animal with that thing i don't know if we want to waste it on that there also are legendary animals that spawn from a quest so maybe we want to save our psychic animal team or for one of those i've actually had that quest a few times it's not that rare like in my last playthrough i had it like three times i just couldn't do the quest because we had no way to take them out and then somebody's not running gunning that's why we're not killing this thing as quickly as we could be but yeah melee are just a joke for us right now anyways so inside this tome there's a bunch of nice stuff arcotec i as well wow okay leopard slayer doesn't need it she's already got a really good eye but we could give that to like a sabe who's a dead shot give her even more shooting accuracy or kangaroo maybe who does have the god trait there's also some empty infusers in here which is really nice overall this was just a really amazing loot table for an ancient tome let's grab all this stuff how's leopard slayer's mood oh it's actually good we're fine yeah we grabbed everything and we could also open up these caskets there's probably some sleepers inside we probably want to open them up from the north up here though wasabi deconstruct this wall she has a long bow which has a good amount of range we'll get at max range and then we'll shoot inside the tome just to lower the risk of whatever waking up just owning us there's a chance to hit this oh okay we open it up and there's what looks like two hostiles in here this dude has a meter rifle which fires balls of jelly to mutanite which mutate on contact it does no damage basically it has one damage but yeah it will make whoever gets hit by it and mutate so we do not want to get hit by that thing the range is not that long 26 range and then how's this guy looking he's got a ton of gear as well as an incendiary launcher and then he's got some random stuff his inventory and we got four dudes knocked out here and they're all gonna bleed out pretty quickly like wilkinson only has three hours left actually geo's got seven butchers got eight and oaks has eight how good is wilkinson that's the question i mean he's got a compulsion for art and he's a fast learner you'd learn it really quick we already do have an artist though broadband is a tortured artist we already do have someone that can do social as well although like this guy can shoot and he's a jogger and he's brave he'd be really good for just doing caravan runs because you want to have someone that's good at social on your caravan i just checked his stats first because he's going to bleed out in three hours we kind of got to decide like how we want to play this oaks is not so good we don't really need any of her stats it also doesn't seem like we really need butcher as well and then geo yeah we don't really care about geo the only person we want to save here is wilkinson and of course he's the dude that's going to bleed out in three hours he does only have three injuries though so once we get to him we can save him pretty quickly so eppinson's mute rifle actually has pretty good range oh is she just gonna run she's gonna dip oh wait no she's coming back her mirror rifle actually is just as much range as our reeker bose if not more so like the only person that can hit her is save with her great bow really glad we brought that thing along don't hit us with that stupid thing do not want to have to use our mute injector and actually let's just pull kangaroo and leopard slayer back they cannot fight here oh we killed this girl very nice and then we can just mob this dude i think he just got an incendiary launcher and actually doesn't have that much range i think our recurves have a little bit more range than it or maybe it has like the same range it's got a really long warm-up though i think yeah it's got a huge warm up nope we hit him a bunch of times by the way we can get someone in there to stabilize up wilkinson oh okay and then we killed him very nice after he got the shot off are we gonna be able to say wilkinson he's got two hours left still who is our best medic here it's gonna be a save for sure she's got the god trait of course it's gonna be a sabe we got some herbal medicine on this horsey we'll drop that and then a save i don't know if she can actually use it to stabilize yeah she can't we'll just have her stabilize he's got one hour left but yeah we should be able to save him for sure he's got three hours left now seven hours and yeah he's good so we picked up wilkinson along with a lot of weapons and armor most the armor was tainted though except for like this builders jacket which does increase construction speed by ten percent so we'll give that to bradbar builder wilkinson is making our caravan really slow and as we were heading back i was thinking do we really want to mail in our colony when our strategy right now is to have only females who are not impacted by this psychic suppressor back at our base i'm thinking maybe like a strategy could be to try to wall this thing in and not allow raiders to destroy it and just do a run where we only have females and whoever raids us is going to have their consciousness reduced by 50 unfortunately for wilkinson since he's not a female we're going to strip his pants and we're just going to leave him for dead so we made it back to base where we have kind of an issue this auto mortar is going to initiate in 1.6 days we need to take this out right now because this other nearby mech cluster is going to initiate in 12 hours and this thing is going to be blocking our path to get to it we currently don't really have a safe way to take it out but we do have a couple quests manny's prisoners this guy wants us to watch over two of his prisoners for 19 days and they have blood rot there's gonna be some pirates sent after us it's gonna be three raids of 16 grenadiers and one smoke grenadier but they will send us three mercenary gunners to help us out and the reward is actually not bad it's this tough skin gland that increases armor by 35 the only drawback is lowers movement by 5 and it does have a thousand market value but that's all right we're gonna take this reward for the tough skin gland that quest was gonna expire in two hours this one's gonna expire pretty soon as well safeguarding bagos and boa it's gonna send a mech cluster at us of two times size but these guys are gonna send us i believe five people to help us out here the reward for this quest is also pretty good it's a psychic shock lance that we can use to send somebody into psychic shock and while they're in that state we can either capture them or if they get brain damage there's a 30 chance and like that turns them into a vegetable we could still steal their gear so yeah we're gonna accept the reward for this psychic shot glance and we're about to pick up a lot of dudes in our calling yeah they all just showed up here the tribal sent us five dudes and the settlers sent us three along with two prisoners that we gotta take care of so the tribes people sent us five men four of them can die without consequence though this dude actually had a steel hatchet we can give that to our planter and that will increase his planting speed by 33 and then hessel also had two weapons a good hand cannon which we will be stealing as for the rest of their gear it's all locked so there's nothing we can do about it we're not going to sacrifice these guys to the great mechanoid gods as yeah they're not going to be that useful we would have to feed them anyways and no one's going to care if they die really so the main thing is we just need them to take out this auto mortar and as long as they can do that then they've done their job and okay yeah they're all pretty dead why does this goliath look like it's going yeah where are these mechs going shouldn't they be protecting their mech cluster or maybe they were protecting a mortar and once the mortar dies they charge us so here comes the mechs there's a couple pikemen coming in and we just finished a inner wall defense here we're gonna now open up these infested ship chunks by attacking them oh crap hit it please there we go we hit it and yeah this pikeman is it aggradon assave no okay it's now being mobbed on by these insects and pikemen again do really bad damage in melee yeah this one's already dead and this goliath i think it was set fire to well it's not on our trees yet but this fire is probably gonna spread to these trees we're just gonna hope this whole thing does not last that long and this fire does not spread to all these trees we also would like these mechs though to take out a good amount of these insects because i think the insects will win here like i don't know how long this goliath can withstand this much punishment the centipede is actually free to just spray at these insects so this might be good like the goliath is still pretty healthy for the most part they got it down to like half hp it's just got so many injuries it can take a lot and the pikeman for some reason is going in melee because i guess it's out of ammo the centerpiece out of ammo too so it looks like the mechs do get affected by the ammo mud the goliath still does have five shots left in its infernal cannon but i think for the most part it's probably gonna go down we're gonna have kangaroo try to help these insects here and taking all this goliath that's the only thing we care about getting killed because we just don't want it to be burning our whole base down basically oh there we go we killed the goliath i believe and someone got a infection oh that's one of these guys that's dying looks like the insects are for the most part are going to get taken out here there's how many left it's just one centipede left and one spiel p left and the centipede's got no ammo and yeah here comes the centipede we're gonna try to have people beat out the fire and by the way some more mechanoids woke up whoa that's close we can't really check that out right now but yeah there were some mechs that were gonna wake up and when did i say like 10 hours but yeah the centipede is really injured now it's super tanky and like our bows do not do very good damage to max they just don't have that much armor pen i think recur bows have 21 actually that's not terrible oh and it looks like the fire's down very nice good job to all of you guys amano is going to help us finish this thing off and i saw these out of ammo oh and there we go and meanwhile over here this is where the mechs woke up so there was this infested crash ship module and i guess an insectoid queen popped out of it i think it was linked to the infested ship parts that were in our base because when we attacked that i think it opened these things up and yeah we now have a bunch of insects that are going to be actually probably helping us here they helped us take out this mech cluster which we didn't really care about them doing that but if we get raided they should prioritize these insects before they attack us so after researching quite a few useless texts like we got heating in the dubs bad hygiene mod which allows us to make a log boiler which apparently can heat rooms and it can heat up baths we also researched food condiments which allows us to make all these various condiments for food i've never used them but i'm assuming they'll give like a mood buff or something and then we also research cheese making for 1125 tech not the most useful one and then we also got farming techniques which this allows us to make a animal feeder and a scarecrow i think it also allows us to till oh and then we also got organic structures and blue jelly mixing mantodean text after all that though the random tech gods are giving us electricity which obviously that's going to be a really useful tech it's not the main one i want right now and we got a quest by the way our tech level is still neolithic though which is basically tribal and electricity is going to be way more expensive to research in this mod settings you can adjust the amount of text required in order to advance the next tech level and what i'm thinking is maybe we'll try out 25 and so if we research 25 of tribal texts then we'll advance to the next tech level which is medieval oh and actually that did advance us to medieval which is i'm cool with that actually electricity is still going to be 2400 tech but yeah i was thinking about it and my justification for making it easier for us to advance the next tech levels are that we're playing on a really hard difficulty scaling so we need to be able to get the higher tier techs we got three visitors from the koala people we're gonna hope they don't run to the insects there are quite a few on this map because the queen has been reproducing she's been making insects but it looks like they're not gonna aggro on these guys which is great these guys also do a request for us if we have enough silver to be able to do the quest and whoa okay this guy is actually amazing it's a female archer and she's got a minor passion for shooting okay yeah this is what's up this girl's really good she gets 50 less aiming time and more shooting accuracy and more armor so with her we're going to try to entertain her we're going to try to create friendships and i think for that reason we're definitely going to want to do the goodwill quest with these guys we're going to have mono prioritize engaging with her and making friends with her and we charmed her times too which is good and then if we have 200 silver which we did start out the game with 200 sober we can do a quest let's do an item stash quest and there's a psychic suit pulsar on the map that's not what we were looking for really it's really far too it's all the way up at their capital so i don't know if we're going to want to do that i've got a neck cluster oh this is the met cluster from the quest that said view related quests safeguarding bobbin or whatever and yeah this thing is freaking massive this is a mech cluster that's two times the size of a normal one and we do have extra people here so that might be increasing it even more because yeah there's a lot of things here to look at there's a mech assembler that's gonna make four goliaths glycer i think the strongest mechs we got some phalanxes here with so much range it's not really in the best spot too it's kind of right in front of our base area so if we want to leave our base that's going to be preventing us from doing that when it does wake up which it's not up yet the countdown activator is going to make it wake up in 4.1 days though which i mean that's fine as long as these mechs don't charge our base so our legendary guest caddocks has been enjoying her stay she's been chatting some people up and she now has two friends which is going to lower the amount of relationship damage we get with her faction if we recruit her not by much though it started at 250 and for each friend she has it lowers it by 25 down to a minimum of 150 and i test this out even if she goes over the cap and gets like five or even six friends it still caps out at 150 relationship damage which is crazy their faction really doesn't care about like this guest bear we get 20 relationship damage if he gets enough friends scio over here is only 35 and basha is 40. i'm not sure exactly what impacts the relationship damage it's not market value because scio is worth a thousand fifty and we get less relationship damage when recruiting her than recruiting botcha who's only worth five and ninety i don't know exactly what's making chaos factions so reluctant to let go of her but if we do end up recruiting her it's pretty much a war declaration and if we do force recruiter their faction will become hostile immediately before we decide to irreparably damage our relation with their faction and piss off their guests along with bogus and boa he's a part of their faction and we're supposed to entertain him for a quest we're gonna make a little sauna for these guys and this sauna is gonna get very hot you can also do this with an incendiary launcher it's just a bit more messy and there's a pretty good chance you end up killing them with superheated air with heaters you can control the temperature and we're gonna want to put the temperature we're gonna put it just as high as it can go pretty much like 400 is good for now which i don't even know if two heaters can bring the temp up to 400 we're not even going to try to go that high though once we get close we'll lower the temp down to 300 i think we want to cap it out at but yeah so these heaters have gotten this room to 180 degrees which is pretty toasty and it's going up not that quickly though they're kind of struggling they might not even get it past 190 it looks like i think that's where they're going to cap out which is fine i think that's going to be enough bago sinboa has 39 heat stroke scio's at 44 only it's kind of dependent on their gear that they're wearing like scio's max comfortable temperature range is 190 degrees whereas bear's max temp is 97 and his heat strokes actually getting really up there it's at 60 now he should go unconscious pretty soon oh and the power actually went out lost power with this heater which is fine the temp won't lower that quickly and it should kick okay yeah one dude already got knocked out bear if we let all these guys get knocked out then they'll try to leave and at that point we won't be able to force recruit catox anymore so yeah we're gonna force recruiter now and that's really gonna piss off her faction they're gonna go to war with us and wait why did she just attack our dog don't attack the dog now the dog's attacking her i don't know why she did that that was weird because like she's not hostile with us we could have like leopard slayer try to arrest her where's mono at mano's right here 90 chance to arrest her i think the dog will de-aggro off of her if we arrest her there we go i think the dog de-aggroed we got a mutagen ship by the way in the same area that the other mutagenic ship was at boyd can you just chill for a minute we're trying to showcase what happens when we make a super hot sauna this dude's heat stroke's only 55 which i don't know how long it's going to take for this guy to get knocked out botcha went down we may have to make more walls here i'm not sure if this guy is going to go down in time so i always heat strokes getting there it's at 60. he's gonna wait he gave up what's he doing so i went down and bogus and bo is now going to try to tunnel south that's not the way dude and yeah he went down too but yeah we knocked all these guys out we're now going to capture them and as you can see they dropped all their gear they were doing a bit of shopping with the hospitality mod they always bring silver and they bought a bunch of random stuff so i didn't actually mean for them to be able to buy these tainted ballistic goggles because they have a really low value of six dollars and they're actually solid they're tainted though so they'd give mood losses to whoever wore them but yeah overall we got some gear some silver and we now got a bunch of prisoners we're gonna strip them all for their gear we're gonna release them all now and doing this is going to actually repair our relations with their fashion a little bit and yeah after releasing baka we got 12 relation back with these guys so each of them is going to be 12 relation i think yeah that's what it looks like so we might actually be able to get back down to not hostile with them when we let bogenson boa go but we got no relation with that guy i think he was kind of bugged because he was part of a quest like all of his equipment was locked and we couldn't strip him or anything so yeah so while that was going down you guys saw that we got the mutagenic ship part and we're gonna want to take this thing out asap because as you guys can see this thing can spread really rapidly and it can cover the entire map if you leave it unchecked as we did with the last one we're gonna have a savvy shoot at it and wake this thing up and then yeah we did and we're gonna back off okay it looks like they're aggroed on something else so they should be good here just to run there's insects oh yeah it looks like they're aggroed on these baby mega spiders i guess it was one baby mega spider and then a mega scarab the reason why there's baby insects on the map is because the insectoid queen has been laying much of larva and after some time the larva turns into insects of a certain type it looks like the insectoid queen has made her way down here to fight these things and okay she's down that might be the end for the insects on this map it might just be mechanoids now which is kind of unfortunate oh these yep they're fighting so the insects have been fighting these mechs there's still a few of them on the map they haven't been doing much but they have been draining these mechs of ammo they're all out of their ammo actually and i really like the ammo mod for that reason because it makes mechs a lot less op when they have a certain amount of ammo and yeah these guys really suck at melee so we can just kite them we also do have a sawed-off shotgun i don't know if i want to waste our industrial ammo on these guys i have a sabe out here doing this because she's a dead shot and she has much more accuracy than our other shooters and yeah we actually don't need to use that just use a record bow it's also going to get a save shooting skill up too the more she shoots so we'll just use these mechs as target practice she's taking out most the mechs and she ended up getting i think a full level of shooting she's now at 14 but she just got a level up in medical too because she's a natural genius at it so she just gets medical skill over time and i guess she's out of primitive ammo we do have a bunch of trees back at our base we've been planting and very nice we took out the last mech now we're gonna have hers try to melee down this ship part it's gonna take a while though i bet because she doesn't have a good melee weapon and maybe we send someone else out here oh wait she actually could be getting mutagenic buildup thankfully she didn't get any mutagenic buildup but yeah i was not paying attention there at all she could have got quite a bit i thought you get a bunch if you go in melee of those mutagenic ship parts but maybe it hasn't expanded that much yet one of our visitors carlotta has 10 melees she has this steel knife as well it's a good one and we'll see if she can take it out before getting any mutagenic buildup if she gets some that's okay i don't really care about this girl yeah she has initial mutagenic buildup i don't know how much i want to let her get because she is actually doing stuff around base and crap she's up to moderate mutagenic build up oh no the thing's almost down though it's at seven percent so yeah we're just gonna let her and there we go she does have some light hair on her torso and left arm but we do get some mutaserum reverters so we could actually use this on her if we wanted to so my goal for this episode is to try to conquer this nearby faction of grace village i believe with the empire mod we can actually just take it over before we do that there's a few things i want to do first so i want to explore this castle ruins it's got 18 days left so we'll definitely be able to make it over there we're sending over colbrin and isabe the cool thing about sending out cole brynn is she forages a lot of berries we get 85 berries per day so we didn't have to load them up with that many meals it looks like we got some company we got a scouting party here we're gonna have to fight them i guess they only have a combat power of 50 though and i think their combat power is based off of the fact that we only have two colonists on the caravan they want our crypto hatchet and our sawed-off shotgun no way it's just two tribals and one of them has a melee weapon one of them has a ranged tomahawk so yeah this should not be too difficult and we killed one of them now we gotta take out shrobo where is he going by the way okay he's coming back we've hit trouble a few times and we hit him again one more hit and okay yeah so we're getting sieged and i was thinking we wouldn't be able to get out because we have this manhunter pack of a bunch of sheep but it looks like they're gonna actually aggro on these wait what are these guys fighting oh they're fighting the insects there's still some insects left but yeah the sheep are going to go for these guys they might actually take these seeders out which would be good for us they have some guns and stuff this guy's got a heavy sng they're wasting all their ammo though oh this guy's got a sniper oh nice we just picked up a sniper rifle from this guy that's awesome [Applause] we're just gonna hope that these guys don't waste any more ammo 77 special industrial ammo dropped on that guy unfortunately the seizures didn't have time to bring in their mortars would have been nice to be able to steal a mortar and this guy actually got knocked out he's gonna die in six hours any good he's dexterous actually which is a good trait he's a coward which makes it so he runs from fights his leg was destroyed though he's gonna bleed out in six hours how about this dude ewan he's got 17 hours and he does have a burning passion for shooting these traits aren't that good though it's not really worth trying to make some kind of epic push onto these rams and stuff to try to save those dudes this mechanic countdown activator is gonna activate in five hours by the way which is good these mechanoids should fight these sheep so our caravan made it to the castle ruins and it looks like that's indeed what they are just ruins somehow there's nine freshly cooked meals here and some fresh desserts along with some parisian medicine which is a part of a medicine what i've stalled that adds extra medicine between regular medicine and glitter world and we could actually use this to install the archotec eye we picked up earlier on someone there's also some wine barrels that are currently fermenting i think we could actually grab these and bring them back home yeah we can uninstall them and in this stockpile room there's a huge rhino horn which values 100 bucks some feathers i don't value that much some mutinite which has a 50 market value and there's like a huge bear pelt that values at 150. we can turn this into a rug i believe and we can also turn this wolf pelt into a rug it has a value of 95. overall nothing too crazy here there's some blocks we could bring back home i don't know if we want to though it's going to slow us down and then 61 silver i think the most valuable thing here was definitely that medicine oh there's also a bunch of orange trees we can actually harvest all these and then there's a bunch of these armor rolexes which can emit very hard light bright enough to grow other crops around it i don't know if it's even worth harvesting these it says it's a mushroom though oh and it has nutrition okay cool yeah let's harvest all of it meanwhile back at base the mechanoids did end up waking up and these rams are charging them i don't know how effective rams are going to be against really high tier mechanoids the main thing though is they are dumping their ammo on these things which is good not much though it looks like this goliath still has five inferno cannons left oh they are actually splashing themselves though like this thing has frostbite from the cryogenic gun the siege breaker dumped both of its siege turret ammo on these guys which is good oh they're chasing these insects why are they going out though i thought they just tried to defend their mech cluster area and crap i hope that fire is not gonna start burning up like the sniper rifle for example hope it doesn't spread to all this stuff which i think it's going to probably knowing our luck okay it looks like these mechs are on a crusade to wipe out all the insects off the map which means they're probably gonna go for us the next closest enemy when they're done with the insects so we're gonna have to reach into our little quest log over here and activate our trap card which is gonna be this quest the deserter we get this dude ninus that's gonna join us it's a male unfortunately which goes against pretty much everything our colony stands for but this dude will join us and then there's some enemies that are going to be chasing him so yeah we're going to accept this quest we're going to hope that he heads in from a side that we can save him okay let's see is he near mex not really we should grab the sniper rifle too with him since he's out and yeah these mechs okay this phalanx actually is aggroed on him that's not good like it's definitely heading towards him he's also moving really slow because he's got psychic suppression also he's got a death acidifier so if he dies all this equipment just gets evaporated and he's got some really nice stuff so we got to send someone out to save him so people are coming out and actually what i'm hoping is maybe he can take this thing out with his assault rifle that he's got he hit it twice just now and this thing is moving at 89 it's not really wait what the heck is it going wait it's leaving or something i don't know okay this is really good maybe we can go back for the nope we're not going back to the sniper rifle it's turning around oh and we got the turret over here i forgot about the turrets crap okay uh there's a wall here that's good oh we got the siege coming in okay that's good where's the sea jet it's way down here okay the mechs are probably gonna aggro on that actually eventually but yeah right here there's like a blind spot for these turrets this is really sketchy i'm not sure we're going to play this because we got the valleys coming in we're just going to tr oh that mini slugger turret had an angle i guess that thing hit the wall i'm really not sure how we play this like we hit the foulings a few more times but like did we just run in front of these turrets and just hope for the best like nina says have some armor there's also two mini slugger turrets in here too like this is just not looking good for us oh crap he's got actually good traits like i don't even check his traits dude he's got shooting enthusiasts which gives more shooting accuracy he's freaking tough though which lowers incoming damage by 50 and he's iron willed like this dude's amazing we really don't want him to die but i don't think we can help him here like i think if we send somebody out to try to save them they'll put themselves in danger oh crap this is not good like he's stuck here i don't know what to do just duke it out with this guy i guess don't get hit by this mini turret oh he got hit by he absorbed that shot like he actually takes very little damage maybe he can just tank the cryogenic gun it does two damage but it does cryo damage which i think means it's gonna start freezing him or something i don't know just run that way a little bit you got a little bit of room to run hopefully you can just okay he's gonna try to set the put the fire out maybe the cryogenic gun can put the fire out just keep shooting uh there it goes he's gonna start freezing he's got frostbite it's actually not that bad so far he's getting more frostbite though oh and here comes the freaking goliath and the phalanx okay this is not good the dude's screwed he's done for rip ninus we're just gonna have him run oh yeah he's done bro i didn't see these guys coming just try to run up north i guess i don't know he's got the psychic suppressor on him he's so done we should have him try to drop his gear but like there's no way he's gonna be able to drop in time he's not gonna die here he's probably gonna get knocked out yeah he got knocked out he's actually not bleeding at all well he's got one gunshot injury this means though he's well he's gonna burn up that's the thing this fire is gonna spread to him actually already has it spread to this plant and it's gonna start burning him soon yeah he's screwed man that sucks meanwhile at our base it looks like they mortared our donkey it is now burning somehow it didn't take that much damage and then also our heel roots burning we're having people come out and put this fire out apparently they hit our walls over here i think they're using incendiaries that must be the case because it did not damage the walls and did no damage to the donkey earlier either it just set it on fire wait it's raining so this is good it starts raining randomly if there's a lot of fire on the mountain oh we got achievement we obtained 420 smoke leaf i guess we've been harvesting our smoke leaf but yeah as you guys can see i don't have the cheater cheater achievement still so you guys know that i'm not spawning in rain adidas actually might survive here like he's burning pretty good burning fire size 106. it actually was just 110 so it went down i don't know how he's not in more danger it says well his hp bar right here looks like it's really low so maybe he'll just get to zero hp but it says like he's in no immediate danger and the fire is going down it'd be really good if this guy survives because after this whole event thing when the mechs get taken out we could potentially come out here and save him at least save his gear oh and down here the mechs are engaging the seizures and we're gonna help the mex kind of win here yeah we want the mex to win for sure i think well it doesn't actually matter that much because there's another mech cluster we can wake up if they don't win that centipede got destroyed the goliath is kind of getting obliterated as well this is not good holy crap he's got a freaking plasma saw good lord one of them got taken out already okay that's good holy crap though it'd be amazing if we could pick up that plasma saw wait and they're assaulting our colony this is amazing and one of the elephants okay one of the elephants revenged not all the elephants unfortunately there's a quite a few albums on the map i think still well i guess there's only five elephants left so there's not that many but this is actually really good that they're attacking because they will get aggroed on by the turrets anna has triggered a proximity activator oh wait okay this is really good there's another metal this thing's got five turrets on it wait this is not ideal though we want them to take out the mech cluster that's near our base these guys are probably gonna run too if these mechs take them out which it looks like that's gonna be the case here i hope the guy who had the plasma saw gets taken out though i don't know that guy went he was a beast though oh here he is zero i don't know where he's going he's all on his own they might be able to take this thing out which should be good this dude has a oh it's bio-coated that's unfortunate it's a zeus hammer which does all really good damage to mex and dude has a shield belt oh that's gonna blow up in their face no maybe not okay yeah they defeated that mech cluster and they're gonna keep going very nice meanwhile zero up here is gonna just one man charge these his mech cluster i don't think this is gonna work out too well for him we hope this dude takes out these turrets and stuff but it's highly doubtful why is this thing not agronomy by the way okay he's just obliterating the slugger turret and he's gonna keep going very nice take this one out too if he takes this out this is really good sorta okay it's gonna blow up but i think he actually is smart he's playing it really good this guy's a freaking beast dude he knows how to not get hit by explosions and the dude's shield belt is actually pretty full and he's okay just gonna tear this thing up too okay i was really unprepared for this i was not expecting these dudes to make this much progress we're sending kangaroo out and we're gonna have to have her take out zero she does have a fine hand cannon though and it's an excellent one the settlers that came earlier gave us this weapon and this shield belt recharges so quickly we've hit it a few times but look at the freaking rate of the recharge though on this thing we broke it maybe yeah we broke it it's good getting good progress here and then we're just gonna kite zero i guess he's really slow if he catches us so we're dead oh nice good tag on zero just now oh no wait go back inside oh this could be bad oh we knocked him out wait that's really good he's got 12 hours to live still and he's got a shield belt we could definitely use that and we can obviously use this plasma saw this thing's freaking massive as you guys saw market value of 2k it does 20 dps it has like no armor pen but it can set people on fire that's the main thing that's a sick freaking weapon we just picked up for i guess our thromkin now we got to make a decision do we save the ninus we could definitely save him he's got two infections though is the only thing which he's actually beating the infections without any tens somehow this one's at seven point seven percent his immunity's at fourteen this guy is a freaking beast okay this infection is pretty bad it's at 22 as i mean he's only at 14 on that one but we could for sure save him because kangaroo is good medical the dude's traits do not help him get over illnesses quicker so i'm not sure why he's able to get over that first infection so easy but regardless the enemy raiders are coming melissanos actually only has a limestone hammer but then the rest of these guys have guns for the most part they actually are pretty much out of ammo it looks like both these guys are out of ammo i wonder if we could have kangaroo wake up these mechs and save ninas that would be the dream or do we even have to wake up the max maybe we don't have to wake him up because the raiders don't have ranged weapons so yeah we should be able to save him kangaroo why are you going that way why would you walk down dude holy crap she made it out though but like that was so close for no reason wait they're fleeing okay i don't know why oh this ram actually knocked one of these dudes out it's a thromkin by the way it tore off this dude's left ear or it's a female female thrombkin wait is she good she can craft she's eagle-eyed and she's green thumb which uh she's got the crappy green thumb she's also lazy too which lowers her glove work speed ooh that's not ideal also thrumkins i think are bad at range yeah they get more aiming time and you want less aiming time we could give her a range weapon though that has a really low aiming time and that aiming time won't matter that much because eagle eye is actually pretty good it increases shooting accuracy by five that's definitely someone we should try to rescue for sure she's also got some good gear bulletproof vests too very nice this dude melissa knows up here is trying to get away he does have a death acidifier though so if we kill him all this gear goes poof i think the ranged weapons in his inventory also go poof he's also got this gun link which increases shooting accuracy by three it just provides no protection of the head that's something we'd really want as well we're gonna try using the meter rifle i don't know if you guys remember this weapon that we picked up earlier but it requires industrial ammo and it does very little damage it just gives a bunch of mutagenic buildup and sky already has oh we've already raised his music build up to moderate that's not good for him that's gonna be really bad it's that serious now this guy's gonna turn into something freaky it's probably gonna happen soon too oh yep it knocked him out okay wait we'll capture him wait we should strip him first because i don't know what's gonna happen when he mutates like it might be disastrous for him so we got all the gear which is great that weapon's op dude you can take prisoners basically because it knocks them out oh that's so healthy i mean it's part of a mod let me know what you guys feel about the weapon because yeah i'm just not i'm not sure about it the dude's actually good too like i checked his stats it's just that he's a male so i didn't even talk about it because i was like okay well we knock him out we'll probably just end up killing him but i'm not sure about it this girl by the way is gonna die in seven hours so we gotta banish her up there's a lot of people we gotta bandage up and yeah melissanos is already wait he's not even bleeding that bad he's turning into something crazy though but yeah we gotta stabilize up this dude zero dude's got eight hours left he's good like he's got ten shooting 11 melee which resists does he have 24 that's not terrible melissa knows has 71 okay yeah we'll probably end up not trying to recruit this guy he is a part of the shattered empire though and if we release him we'll get relation with them as well as zero like maybe we should just release zero too like the dude's industrious he can do art but we've already got a tortured artist and it's a guy like if it was a girl i would consider it more i think the main thing is we got the dude's gear so we rescued ninus who by the way had one hp left on his torso i believe that gets down to zero he dies so that was very lucky for him he does have two infections this one's probably gonna be okay but his left leg infection is not looking so hot it's major at 43 percent the immunity is at 26 and we're gonna have kangaroo tend it and we got a quest and i believe this one's from the new empire mod update which i did just do a video on armor inspiration a armor that should be an armor in one of your settlements contacts you he explains that he has been struck with a great inspiration and request silver for supplies to create your armor worthy of your empire aw crap we don't have any silver he plans to give it to you as a token of his loyalty oh no well that's a bummer we don't have any money that is a really cool quest though i wish we had the 2k silver that we needed maybe later on we'll get it again but yeah we're gonna have kangaroo tend up nina's and we're gonna hope she tends up the infections she got the one on the leg with a 66 10 quality it's not super crazy good but it's okay and the other infection was tended with the 65 10 that's gonna be enough for nina's we might have to operate on his leg to save him but we should also strip him for his gear just in case he does die while i'm not paying attention that gear won't evaporate anymore that gear would have evaporated due to his death acidifier meanwhile on the map oh okay and this goliath did end up getting assembled i thought we might be able to make it over there in time but alas no we were not able to make it and we're gonna hope that kangaroo and luxanna can just take this thing out if we get in melee then it can't hit us with its heavy charge blaster and we're kind of on a time crunch here because there's two people currently bleeding out and very nice we're doing good damage to it kangaroo did get hit though she got bruised pretty good on her leg and she is using decent gear like she's using this hardened crypto armor which protects pretty much everything except for her head and then she's got this crypto helmet that's protecting her head but yeah kangaroo does have 12 melee so we gave her the plasma saw it's our best melee person that we've got she hasn't got hit again she's kind of mowing this thing down we got carlotta out here who's gonna help out she's got a battle axe she's got 10 melee and the goliath is switching to her i think kangaroo got a level up in melee too very nice and kangaroo also got bruised on her shoulder for eight damage it's not terrible and this thing is seeming like it's gonna go down momentarily it's hp's are really low it's getting sun locked too i think like it's not hitting anyone really right now this plasma saw is kind of op it does very little damage though because it has no armor pen so even though we're cutting it like we cut it 51 times on its leg we finally knocked it out 41 cuts on its other leg 32 cuts on his foot yeah so that's not the best met killing weapon but it did end up stun locking the mech and that was all we needed it to do we're gonna look santa and carlotta destroy this mech assembler and we got a neck cluster has been defeated for another mood boost for everyone wolf carlotta now go home her mood's not great and luxanna is going to help us here so this girl liskaris is banged up pretty bad she's going to die in two hours but kangaroos should hopefully be able to save her she doesn't have that many wounds while kangaroos doing that we're going to have luxana go down to the bottom right corner of the map where there's zoe down here who's unconscious and zoe has recon armor a recon helmet and a recon chest piece with a good chef's uniform and we'll give the chef's uniform to our cook i guess because it increases cooking speed and butchery efficiency and speed and cleanliness very nice yeah this girl's got seven hours we don't care too much if we savor i haven't really looked at our stats too much but the main thing is we want to save that armor so a bit earlier i talked about the empire mod update and it added a lot of features to the mod the mod now gives you eight starting trades to choose from i wish we had these at the very start of the playthrough because this one expansionist is really nice your first settlement is free once per year starting after your first year the cost to create a new settlement is reduced by 50 percent and settlements that you construct start at level two with this trait i was able to form our first settlement for free i settled it two tiles away from our colony just because i'm not sure how the enemy raiding mechanic works and like if we got raided here and we were able to help out we wouldn't have to go that far to do so like we got a grassland tile here and we move really quick through that grassland also leaving this direction on our colony is generally safe as we can pretty much always count on being able to leave our colony through the northwest everywhere else is kind of sketchy but yeah for those reasons we founded our settlement here we could not found it at this grassland it has to be two tiles away and it was really quick i sent out that caravan like point three days ago i think it took and again it was free to do because of this expansionist trait our first settlement's free and it also starts out at a level two settlement and as you can see here upgrading the settlement level is pretty expensive to upgrade to level three it costs 3k silver upgrading the colony increases the max worker count by three workers and the military level of the colony by one so because we have a level two settlement we get some extra workers here i'm guessing over here on the right we got a production tab where we can assign our workers and we got six max workers right now because we're on grassland tile it's looking like the best thing we can put our workers into is going to be animals and like if we put one worker on animals our estimated profit is 125. let's do it again another worker double that to 250 another worker is going to add another 125 to it and if we put all of our six workers into animals we get an estimated profit of 750 we do have an upkeep cost per worker though of a hundred so we're only going to end up getting a total profit of 150 it looks like in order to boost that income we got some building slots over here and if we scroll all the way down we can build a wilderness guild for 500 that's going to give us 25 extra animal production and we actually can't build that yet because we don't have enough silver on the current map to construct that building but we will actually be able to get that if we just trade with these guys so colbrin and asavi if you guys remember earlier they cleared out that castle ruins and they have a bunch of goods on them now like they got two fine desserts we'll sell those we don't really need these packaged survival meals anymore we'll sell all those and then down here we got a bunch of random stuff like albert feathers jade chitin plastiel mutanite owen would you look at freaking that they have a psychic pacifier on them so this is one thing i didn't really understand is like why these guys are so high tech like they even have industrial ammo down here and they got some other nice stuff down here too like an advanced power arm i guess the settlements have nothing to do with our tech level so maybe we employed someone else from a different faction to make this settlement and like they're way smarter than us i guess i'm not sure if that's how it's supposed to be but i guess that's just how we'll justify it so they had some other really nice stuff we'd like to buy so we sent our caravan home where we're gonna pull everything we can together to sell and this is gonna help by decreasing our wealth which is something we've been needing to do for a while as they were heading home i noticed that nina's over here is not doing so well his infection is now 89 extreme and his immunity is only 77 so if we don't chop this leg off he's going to die so we're gonna have to try to amputate this thing with herbal medicine not something that's ideal by any means as herbal medicine has not the best success chance if this operation does fail it's definitely going to be due to the medicine though because our room's nice and kangaroos got good medical skill and we did cut it off very nice it worked now we just got to stabilize up his left leg maybe with one of our mods we actually can't install a wooden peg leg in him anymore we have to research some kind of basic prosthetics tech and yeah with the expanded prosthetics mod we have to research basic prosthetics which is really cheap to research but it's going to be completely random when we get this so until then ninus is only going to have one leg he should be able to tough it out though as he is tough i'm not sure how this happened but nina's infection on his left arm is that now at 98 percent and his immunities only at 96 he was beating the infection before we tended him okay the infection's at 99 that's not good we got the parisian medicine so there's pretty much no chance this fails if we can get the arm off holy crap this can be really close infections at 100 but we saved him so the infection actually can get to 100 i guess that was a bit too close for comfort and i think what happened is someone else tended him because his bandage quality was only 36 percent and yeah now the dude does not have a left leg or a left arm we're going to get this dude some bionic parts so recently this message popped up settlement in danger hat bond is about to be attacked by the tdm faction i did a little bit of testing and i believe what happened is these guys already sent over a hostile force and they made it to hapon and at this point there's really nothing we can do we can't send anyone over there to help out i believe we can intercept them on the world map though and so we're going to try to do that i'm going to try to be more aware of the world map because there was no message that popped up that a force was going over there and then when the message popped up it was too late i couldn't help them out whether or not we win this is pure rng as our defense level is only level one and their attacking level is one i'm guessing there's like a 50 50 chance and i think we're gonna prioritize making a barracks here for 250. it does have 150 silver upkeep costs though but yeah i think it's gonna be worth it to build that thing so yeah for now we're just gonna pray to the rng gods that we do win that battle i did some testing and i lost twice one once i'm just gonna accept whatever result i get though at this point because it's not really the hugest of deals like it's cost i think 2k silver to re-upgrade it to a level two settlement which is annoying but it's not something that we can't get back and okay i thought that was the event but it's just mad hairs which are gonna be promptly taken care of by this new mech cluster we have it's got a climate adjuster that's lowering the temperature by 10 we don't really care about that though this is one of the easiest mech cluster buildings to deal with so a bit later it hasn't even been like a full day yet our barracks has not yet built this nearby thrumkin colony sent a massive raid to us it's a 2269 combat power raid and here's what a 2200 thrumkin raid looks like so these things are very tribal and wait what's going on with gazer over here this dude's already knocked out because i guess he's got a bad back and he's frail which it says that lowers manipulation oh and on here it says frail lowers movement as well by 30 and then the bad back loaders movement by 30. the tooltip on here doesn't reflect that but yeah since his movement is below 50 and then he's also lost 50 of his consciousness he can't move right now like he can still be aware of what's going on like he's not knocked out he's got 50 cautiousness he just can't move so that's kind of funny and the dude actually has some good armor like he's got some durable steel plate armor that we could use good quality and then he's got some other stuff these drum kits are going to run into these mechs and i'm not really sure who's gonna win here like it's a pretty powerful thrumkin raid but they don't have the best weapons in armor and there's quite a bit of mechs here this goliath is kind of a beast and okay we got some mechs that have been assembled this mech assembler made a couple more mechs and yeah i'm really not sure who's going to win here so the thrumpkins ended up winning and they're now beating on our walls they don't have any more ammo left though so this should be pretty easy good shot on that dude and yeah they're running now this actually gave up the slayer a good boost to his mood or her mood we kill these things so yeah we're gonna have her run these guys down another mood boost for killing someone it would be nice to knock out one of the females maybe same for a bowl of goblin she's not actually that bad she's okay she's dead actually another kill we just killed three four people for a 33 bonus mood for a leopard slayer that's gonna be pretty big i think it's worth wasting all this ammo um just for that mood boost and yeah i killed someone times five for 37 bonus mood for four days that's gonna be huge those mood bonuses are gonna be really helpful because we're gonna send leopard slayer and colbrin on a pretty long mission we're first gonna hit up hapon to trade and then we're going to head down to this outpost before we do that though i don't know if you guys remember earlier we picked up that arcotec i and we're going to install it into asave who is our dead shot and i did some testing on this doing this is going to give her about 10 accuracy at pretty long range and we want asave to be really accurate with the sniper rifle for a mission we're going to do later but yeah there's pretty much no chance this fails the surgery success chance factor is actually only 93 because the room is not clean that's actually a fail we're having broadway desperately try to clean it up the success chance went up to 96 after cleaning up a little bit of dirt cleaning up some more the success chance should be like 100 99 okay yeah it should work and yeah she has the article take i know but yeah i was able to do that because we had that parisian medicine that we just picked up pretty recently and i'll show you guys her accuracy once she wakes up right now she's sedated so we can't actually see her actual accuracy meanwhile on the map colburn leopard slayer and we sent out caddocks as well because catox has five social and that's gonna give us a bit of a trade price improvement while we sell off all these goods we have a lot of just random stuff that we don't need all these advanced components i don't know if we need 19 components right now and maybe we'll keep them we'll need components later on solve all these leathers so we have some thrombo fur we are actually able to get from shearing our thrumkin that's one cool thing about the thrumkin race is you can shear them vertical fur and it's really powerful material it's really good for armor against like bullets and offers tons of insulation and it's really beautiful we don't have anyone that's all that good at crafting though right now so we're just going to sell it off it's just increasing our wealth we've been making some smoke leaf joints so we'll sell those we got some uranium plastial a bunch of just random stuff these interface ships we don't need right now this teleporter i don't believe it works so we're going to sell that too this mechanized slurry we're going to sell that and then this triton plate armor actually has a value of 600 and the chitin material is really not that good for armor it only has 67 armor versus the steel plate armor at 65 and the chat and plate armor has almost three times the market value so yeah we're gonna want to sell both those chess pieces these leggings and we got a ton of gold 200 of it was from that legendary viking tome we rated earlier and then i don't know where we got the rest but yeah that's going to be 6.4 k silver total but they don't have 6.4 k silver but they do have quite a few items like this krypto shield we already have one but it wouldn't be bad to get another one for one of our tanks as it gives a ton of protection against bullets to the neck torso arms and hands pretty much everything that's on the head or legs so that'll be good for one of our tanks we'll pick that up for 2k and then two psychic shock lances and psychic shock glances now have two charges so that's gonna be four people that we can send into psychic shock and we can steal their gear or take them prisoner or both there's a 30 chance that whoever we psychic shock gets brain damage though and i think that 30 chance also applies to the psychic pacifier that instantly converts someone to join us but yeah with that we're gonna have 500 silver left over and we're going to take that silver home i was going to send catalogs home with the silver and we could use that silver to upgrade hatbond except we got a manhunting feralist event and we cannot go home right now because these things are going to be blocking our way into our base potentially like i've noticed sometimes you'll come in from this side when entering the base but i've noticed sometimes you won't and we don't want to risk it right now so we're going to have caddocks follow cobra and leopard slayer and meet up with them they're heading north a bit to try to intercept this scouting party that's heading to hapon but yeah as long as we run into their path we should intercept them and yep they do wanna fight us there's a group of one mechadroid from north eastern medallia they want our psychic shock lands no we're not going to give you that because we could actually use it on you and knock you out why would we give that over to you you just use it on us and knock us out and okay i said we won the caravan battle instantly where's the mecha droid i wanted to fight him because we could have potentially used our psychic pacifier on him we're gonna have that caravan wait up for a catalog she's moving really slow right now because i don't think she's mounted or maybe it's because the donkey she's riding is pregnant meanwhile back at hatbon our query finished and we're getting a ton of profit from doing mining here and what i found out is we actually have an 11 worker cap it's just that if we go over this six cap it starts costing us more per worker but since we're getting so much money from mining it actually is going to be worth it to go over that cap like we're getting 34 37 income and our upkeep is only 1500 so yeah we're gonna be rich pretty soon i think so we're almost done with this quest we accepted a while ago manny's prisoners there's a shuttle that's gonna pick up some prisoners that we've been having to feed and we've been having to treat their blood rot they're gonna be picked up in 3.6 days and supposedly we were gonna get three raids which i don't know if we've had any of those raids yet so we might be getting three raids in three days that's a little intense cause yeah these guys look like they're not messing around wesley over here has a chain shotgun for the most part looks like yeah they have like flak vests black pants and we got borgenovi over here downing some go juice jones is doing some magic dust and yeah these guys aren't messing around thankfully we do have a little bit of help here we got some feralists that are man hunting they're not actually going to be much help it looks like this one's already down and then this one's going to do very hope never mind actually it killed two of them well the feralis didn't actually kill them and there's another dynamite that's about to go off by the way kidwell is about to walk over i think nope he's not gonna yeah it missed them up here at our base we got a bunch of traps and we're actually gonna move them this is definitely a situation where we're gonna need our traps and unfortunately it's raining by the way so we're gonna be less accurate i think that's a bad thing for us i mean they have guns and we have guns but i don't know and okay there's some fairless over here which they might kill each other like they have grenades and stuff they're throwing nevermind that didn't do anything but yeah they're gonna run into our maze we might just use all these steel spike traps just because overall this is not gonna be an easy way to deal with like they got explosives guns and stuff kangaroos probably gonna want to get out of there and yeah overall i think we just wait for them to go wait what why are they grenading our base they can get in oh it said they're gonna be unusually clever with their tactics they'll avoid your turrets field of fire and notice some of your traps so i think they're just gonna avoid these traps let's actually back off they're coming through our traps okay that guy's dead it should be one kill per trap because well we're getting something else oh yeah they're raiding us again but we killed two already which is good three dead i don't know how many of these guys we have to kill but these steel spike traps are really good bra bar is now is not the time to be beating the fire out another one dead we don't have any more traps those only thing wesley's going to be dead stevens as well and they're running perfect that was completely calculated as you guys could see we did not need a single more trap than what we laid down but yeah we got another raid coming and these guys are looking like they're less high tier which is good this is definitely an easier raid it's not going to be an easy raid though by any means and like actually lawrence has a freaking sniper rifle okay so yeah i don't know why this quest manny's prisoner sends you three raids at once on the pretty much the same day like back to back if i knew that was gonna be the case i probably would not accept the quest for one tough skin gland like this type of quest should probably solo kill your colony like there should be some kind of warning in the quest log like yeah it's gonna send you three raids at once it's not even three raids basically it's just one raid of 50 dudes pretty much oh and that's nice these guys want to use sappers to tunnel around our defenses so i guess that's why they're not as strong i was looking at their gear and stuff and they just aren't as strong as the raid that we just got and sappers just usually tend to be that way and by the way we're gonna have to have people go out and just fight because they're gonna try to tunnel into our base let's actually grab this wake up that's on the ground and then these chook morphs eggs we could give that to okay we keep moving go over the bodies quick so you don't you're gonna go that way you're gonna see a bunch of bodies okay that's fine i guess and yeah here come the raiders one thing i completely forgot about is the fact that we have that psychic suppressor so the males are all way behind and yeah they're trying to tunnel into our mountain we did get a tag on ke2 though which is nice and they have rapid aging okay that's really nice we gotta sometimes raid goes wrong 20 event where the enemy raiders are gonna be aging very rapidly and that dude's already dead very nice we don't have to hit these guys that much like i'm pretty sure okay nevermind we ended up destroying his torso so yeah that was definitely a kill on that guy but rapid aging does lower consciousness eventually i think i guess moderate does not but i think the next stage of it does lower consciousness but yeah we're gonna keep having a savvy take pot shots these guys 57 chance to hit at this long range in the rain is really good oh yeah and i never showed you guys a save shooting accuracy so right now she has a 99.5 shooting accuracy and when you start to get close to 100 it starts to become really hard to improve it anymore like it caps out at 99.9 but essentially her shooting actually does fall off by quite a bit once you get to distance like 40. but 82.5 is still really good and the way we're able to get so much shooting accuracy is because her sight is improved with her archotec eye she's also a dead shot for for more shooting accuracy and we gave her this gun link that increases it by three and again this thing offers no protection to the head and by the way we might be able to give her goggles because it does not cover the eyes and goggles lower aiming time i believe by 10 percent oh another kill on brendan oh and this is awkward our caravan on the map made it to the outpost pretty much like they're 0.1 days away so this is gonna be kind of awkward i think i'm just gonna have them chill for a bit and we're gonna try to have a sabe take these guys out which i mean she's doing a good job of it another kill on phoenix very nice and yeah just keep aiming for the males we only have to hit the males like a couple times sabe isn't a bad mood though she's one percent below minor break and she observed two corpses she's hungry another kill though and let's get her some wake up maybe i put the wake up and the chuck morph eggs on luxanna and i forgot that since they're not a part of our faction and they're just here for the quest their stuff is locked but if we do consume the chocomorph egg and we put them in combat yeah she'll drop it we're gonna have isabe consume this chookmorph egg i think that's gonna boost her mood and it looks like that did nothing she's got chocomorph partial which lowers sights movement and manipulation and increases pain why would you want that okay that was completely pointless we're gonna never take the wake up now and she is hungry i don't want to have to have her eat without table but we might have to do that like she took the wake up her mood's still not great i don't know what we do here exactly like i think maybe we just risk it she's not been in minor break for that long and there's only a few more of these guys we have to kill like we just took out that dude we got an angle on these guys over here who are tunneling really hard into our base or trying to one of them does have a sniper rifle so we're gonna stay right out of range of that dude and we knocked out reinhardt very nice but yeah we'd really like to take out lawrence i think we'll aim her and we'll just hope that she does not retaliate and hit isabe with something we're gonna have to get a bit closer here we have 57 chase to hit her she's not oh i think we killed her actually yeah we did very nice fritz actually has a hunting rifle we're gonna really hope that he doesn't hit a sabi in the head or something what's the chance did we kill that guy i think we did we shouldn't need to kill that many more people they are making some progress into our base but overall not much we need to actually speed this up savvy because they're tunneling okay we hit betty how many more people do we got to knock out here i feel like they just don't care oh there we go they're running now meanwhile our caravan with colbrin leopard slayer and catox made it all the way down to this outpost it was a pretty massive journey and they were getting pursued by the scouting party it's a really small one but yeah so we made it here and leopard slayer is again in a great mood she's actually at 100 percent mood cat ox on the other hand the legendary archer that we recruited earlier i haven't really been talking about her because she's had this negative 20 moodlet for some time now it's gonna expire in 5.3 days she's also got serious pain from i guess food oh she got food poisoning okay well she's gonna be completely useless for this fight so at this outpost there's only three dudes but like pelagia is actually pretty epic she has this charge lmg and she's tough which lowers incoming damage by 50 and she has some recon gear like yes it's poor oh and she also has a bio-coated fine charged smg and the cool thing about bio-coated weapons is they don't increase their market value as far as i know like they don't have any value it looks like so i don't think having a weapon like this around base would increase our wealth now like this charge lmg which has a market value of 2100 holy crap the thing about this charge lmg with our ammo mod is i'm pretty sure it would just eat through spacer ammo because yeah it only does nine damage but it fires in burst shot counts with 12 and it shreds armor it has 35 armor pen and by the way she does have a death acidifier so if we kill her then i think all this stuff goes poof i'm just wondering if we want to use our psychic pacifier on her and just straight up convert her over to us because yeah like her traits aren't bad and she does have an inspiring interest in shooting so she's going to get shooting inspirations pretty often she also can do animals too like she has 11 animals she does get bored and randomly falls asleep while dealing with them but she's also a animal friend that increases team and train animal chance by five percent and animal gather speed and yield i think it might be worth it to pick this girl up because she's going to be a good fighter she can do animals and no one really can do animals right now the question though is do we want to use this psychic shock lance on her and knock her out or do we just want to straight up converter to our faction with the psychic pacifier i think we want to use the psychic pacifier just because we'll have to carry her back home as a prisoner and that's gonna really weigh our caravan down so yeah we're gonna have colburn activator on her right now there is like a few second cast time on it and the other people are inside okay she joined us she did get brain damage i think never mind there was that little sound effect that went off that i thought that means she gets brain damage but i guess not and okay awesome she joined us somebody's coming out of this door by the way okay you locus is coming out i was about to say wait is this dude better because i actually didn't check his stats no he's not for sure i don't think then we have leopard slayer and colburn come over here and try to help out but yeah she's gonna have to duel oh crap and we got crotis over here we're just gonna hope that leopard slayer and colbrin can get over here in time to help out okay that seemed like it did not make them aggro like it says they're attacking our tribes people oh crap this person's aggroed on us and she's about to get shot off yet to get hits should i hit again i guess just duel just go 1v1 and yeah that did a ton of damage to a locust ploggia just run i guess and then leopard slayer just start shooting um oh very nice we knocked out locus actually who does only have four hours left we shot off her left leg but yeah she's got a set of black gear so we can steal that and she's not terrible but i don't feel like she's good enough to try to capture and bring home do we want to waste more spacer ammo by the way i don't think so i think we're just have plagues back off and then colburn can just melee karatus hopefully and not take damage nevermind took a little bit of damage but not too much and yeah that should be game over for this whole thing anyway there's supposed to be some psychic amplifiers here there's nothing in this room there's just a meditation thrown we could actually use that i think well it only has 12 beauty it's not something crazy that we really need let's also have leopard slayer stripper locus before she bleeds out and in here yeah there's two solid neuroformers so this outpost thing was a part of this the deserter quest where you turn against the empire nunes joined us and then we got those two silent nero farmers and these have a really high market value if we wanted to straight up buy these from like a trader which i've never seen them in traders but yeah we can use them to i believe just give us silent abilities and we can do something with that once we get back home before we leave actually can we take this turret with us that'd be really nice because we don't have the turret technology yet we'd like to take the solar generator too like we can claim it wait if we claim the solar generator in the battery the turret should just power off right hmm it says this thing's still getting power i guess just because we owned this battery doesn't mean that this turret's not getting power so let's uninstall the battery we need to do this fast too because catox is in a bad mood ploggia does need to get bandaged up too we could have leopards layer bandager up but i think we're just gonna wait because we have some herbal medicine on one of our donkeys if we can just uninstall this battery and this turret turns off okay there we go yeah we can claim it now okay cool and yeah we're able to reform the caravan instantly we actually have a mount for everyone even palagi is gonna have one cause we brought along an extra donkey who is pregnant yeah we got a battery which is nice we actually don't have the battery tech research so that's gonna be really useful we'll grab all the weapons on the ground they had an accurate carbine this is a really good weapon it does fire in burst shot counts of three though i'm really not a fan of weapons that fire and burst shot counts anymore not after installing the ammo mod because yeah you burn through ammo really quickly meanwhile back at base we are getting rated again please say this quest is gonna help us no it's not but there is a legendary animal i think oh yeah i think this is something that we could use our animal tamer on that could be pretty hype if we do survive this next raid we got we got a black hive attack which is great because we've only had about half a day since our last two raids that wasn't enough we needed a black habitat so i've done a bit of number crunching and i've decided the best way to fight this is to in fact not actually fight this we're gonna have a save head out and hopefully be able to outmaneuver these bugs here they do have range some of them okay it looks like she's okay she got hit who got hit we got the achievement for getting toxic build up but it doesn't look like she got it i don't know why we got the achievement there but yeah we're gonna have her just kite these things away from our base and yeah these black spiders there's a bunch of them they do have range so we're gonna try to stay out of their range as we pass by these mammoth worms which are really slow we're gonna give them a few blasts with the pump just to tickle them a little bit now here's the insects on the right over here i've kind of highlighted them for you guys and in the bottom right corner of our map we've had this infested crash ship part and we've been waiting for a good time to open this thing up and i think right now is a good time we're gonna let these bugs get a bit closer we're gonna take a few more shots of them um and nice get one of the black spiders those are the main things we want to kill and we hit another one and now we're going to open up this crash ship part very good and now run and yeah as you can see there's a bunch of insects that popped out of this thing and what's interesting about these insects is they are a part of the loyal hive which do not like the black insects um so yeah we're gonna use them as kind of like a meat wall shield type of thing and we're gonna try to take out these black spiders they're way more terrifying than these insects down here and these insects only want to guard this crash ship part they won't actually charge our base one thing about asave though i will say is she saw a bunch of corpses so we might have to send her inside yeah i think we should do that because we're actually gonna get raided pretty soon here there was some beer on the ground and some royal jelly we had to save consume that and it boosts our mood above minor break and she's now going to be able to hopefully get some more shots off on these insects there's not many of them left and the ones that are left are pretty injured so for the most part we've repelled the insects there's still a few mammoth worms outside of our base and unlike normal man-hunting animals these things will actually try to attack our walls and stuff as this one is right now it's destroying our wall but since there's no way into the base like they don't know how to get in they'll just randomly attack our walls and like this one's actually bleeding out pretty bad it's gonna bleed out oh okay it's unconscious this one's gonna bleed out nine hours this one's only a seven so yeah we've cleared out the bugs for the most part one problem though is we have a scouting party coming in and this one has a 3200 combat power and the scouting party actually came from the south we set up a camp here to narrowly avoid it if you're in a camp then they won't attack you but yeah this scouting party is gonna have like a thousand more combat power than the last one that we had to deal with and right now at our base there's literally nothing that's going to help us i mean there is some mortars down here we could go down and grab these i guess and we have i think six incendiary shells and here we go the raiders made it here they are seizures and that means we're gonna have to go out there and fight them on the field it also does mean though that their force is not as strong as it could be this guy actually has an emp launcher which is good we could use that for fighting mechs desiree has a sniper rifle someone would have to look out for and then we got like a engineer power armor on hula we got the mortar set up and kangaroo is going to man one of these mortars it says we have a really good accuracy with this mortar i'm not sure if that's actually going to be the case i didn't see where ours hit but they're just hitting the mountain i think okay our mortar hit on this guy ventario and it shredded his torso and bruised it i guess and okay we hit philly not really the place we wanted to hit though we're trying to hit more in the middle of them we're just gonna try to hit a shot here and this is our last high explosive shell it's gonna be coming in in 20 seconds meanwhile we got isabe coming in here with her sniper we're gonna have her just try to snipe at these guys oh there we go we killed one of them and they're assaulting us now we hit sonia too very nice we had a saba use our back entrance and there's no way into the base right now so philly is gonna try to knock down this door isabe does have a pump shotgun so we should be able to just obliterate philly here oh crap nope that was not good get back okay pull way back actually she got hit and on the head thankfully meanwhile down here kangaroo is trying to open this door if we can get that door open these guys will use this entrance to try to get the base and yeah savvy got really injured there looks like like her hp is really low i guess it was just some big hits on both of her legs nine damage to both of her legs as well as her tibia and then her left hand took six damage she's still okay to fight a little bit longer but yeah that just wasn't ideal we've opened this door and on second thought that might not have been the smartest play because these guys actually can come through on this side i forgot to put a wall here these guys are all grouping up though and we have one more high explosive shell we're gonna try to drop in the middle of them and then we're gonna have these mercenaries we're gonna leave us in 1.5 days so we don't really care what happens to them we don't actually lose a relationship if they die we're actually going to pull them back behind this wall oh no she got hit already that's not good that's not my intention to allow them to get hit oh did we hit anyone there i don't think so i think we just blew up some of our wall but yeah kangaroo over here did get a 10 on a save which is good oh man this is messy we got people coming in from behind and okay carlotta get over here start tossing dynamite and kangaroo get ready to start chainsawing people like desiree who does have a sniper rifle and we're not doing much damage to desiree i will say we got a good hit oh this is the perfect dynamite too please don't blow up instantly though good timing on that one and luxanna and carlata are about to get screwed here we're gonna just try to have them hit some more dynamite i think we kill like two more people i bet they'll run oh yeah right there that's perfect oh yeah and what is that enchant by the way thermal 10 chance to fire projectile which explodes in flame dealing 30 percent of the damage we'd like to pick that up and put it like on our sniper rifle we do have some extractors i don't know if we care that much though to the point where we stopped throwing dynamite in this area although i guess no one else is really coming through they're kind of coming around this way let's have like santa and carlotta start mailing luna and get her to stop hitting us um oh and then who is attacking us through the wall of course okay maybe what we'll do is we'll just pull a sabe and kangaroo back and yeah look santa and carlotta are pretty dead they'll just fight to the end i guess r.i.p those guys then the kangaroo is going to grab this trap move it over here who's getting hit by the way there's something getting hit oh up here to the northwest riku is actually knocking on our sandstone wall but that's okay they're already in anyways yeah we're gonna pull kangaroo and asave back kangaroo you run there's a trap here that should get hit by a wow uh the door actually closed which is fine we'll just move this trap over this direction that'll give us time to set up another trap and yeah we'll just move these traps into a better direction i guess okay and these guys are going to kidnap who they can and leave so that's good we won hey i'll take it i honestly thought there was a good chance we wouldn't win that but we pulled out the victory there and so yeah these guys are going to kidnap our hired help which that's completely fine we're going to have a sabe head back inside because her mood is horrible she saw a bunch of corpses and she's also not feeling too good she's got some injuries so yeah she's going to go inside and then kangaroo is going to head up here and try to take these emp grenades from raiku which it looks like we're going to be successful doing that and yeah they're actually fleeing they saw that plasma saw and that was enough for them we could have kangaroos try to sweep around here and try to take some of these guys out because she does have a shield build on it would be really nice to steal that power armor from hula but i don't think we're gonna be able to can we maybe like they're gonna yeah they're gonna shoot at us is the only thing we'll just hide and kind of wait i guess oh they have a shot at us we have cover though the kangaroo actually got hit but just her shield and then hikum is on the open here nope um oh and we got loud down here he's trying to run with one of our hired helps and or it's a she i guess and yeah i don't even know if we try to save carlotta here it doesn't seem like we need to because we're only going to have her for another 1.4 days i think it's just kind of a waste let's just have kangaroo head home we got a mech cluster holy crap okay this is a massive one and the reason why we're getting such a massive one is because our caravan just got home and there is an auto motor here but it's going to initiate in 14 days and i'm actually kind of glad to see this mech cluster because if we get rated again then we can send the raiders over to this thing i've kind of missed the mech clusters actually i never thought i'd say that so as our caravan was heading home there was a scouting party chasing it and it was kind of a weird thing where they spawned right in the middle of our maze area it was some kind of bug i don't know but yeah we're going to take out irotin and we're going to have leopard slayer do it because leopard slayer is going to get a mood boost for killing people iron actually is not bad like she has 14 shooting 14 melee compulsion for art we already have a tortured artist though so i think we will leopard slayer just kill her for the mood boost because we're going to send leopard slayer out on a little mission and there we go and we killed that dude and that dude's dead too and they set a fire in our maze area so we have to have everyone come out here and put the fire out we've been housing two prisoners for a quest and the shuttle arrived of course it arrived right outside of our maze area so bravo has to see even more corpses rubber is in an awful mood and there we go we lured in the prisoners and boom we sent them away for the quest manny's prisoners which was one of the harder quests because yeah it sent us those three raids and we had to house prisoners although i will say the hired help they sent us was really useful they grew a bunch of this anima grass they were doing meditation full time because they couldn't do anything around base and we have 50 anima grass now mono's also been meditating with this anima grass though we can give someone side casting abilities i think we're going to do with kangaroo because for the most part she's usually in a good mood she's the master of caesar and sofia and she's a transhumanist if we give her artificial body parts it's going to be really easy to keep her in a good mood we're currently having kangaroo do the silencing ritual it does take a while and meanwhile on the map hatbon is getting attacked the attackers already made it there but hapon's military level is now level three and the way we got there was we built an adventurous guild there for 500 silver which lowers production to food weapons and apparel but we're not making that stuff anyways the guild does increase base tax by five percent though and adds one to military level it just costs 250 silver per tax period upkeep oh and then for 250 more we also ended up building a quarry which adds 0.5 to mining production and we actually lost the bonus that we had the crazy i think was like a one bonus to mining so we're not getting as much but we're still getting like a 391 profit so the main thing is we just don't want to have on to get taken out by raiders really we lost okay well i don't think i'm gonna mess with settlements for a while it's just not worth the effort i think not right now at least especially when there's nothing we could do to prevent them from getting attacked the second time like there was no scouting party on the map or anything it just randomly got attacked and we lost a three versus their one attacking power raid like what are we supposed to do about that it's just pure rng later on though when we're just rolling in the silver then yeah we can definitely try to do that again so kangaroo did two side linking rituals at the anima tree it costed 20 animal grass for each ritual we now only have 10 however she did get pain block a level 1 cycaster ability then neural heat dump a level 2 cycasting ability which allows her to dump neural heat this is actually a pretty good ability because once we start getting better abilities like we're about to actually we're gonna upgrade our sonic level to three we got chaos skip which teleports the target to a random position near where he started not sure how good that one is could be very situationally useful i guess we got that ability from using this silent neuroformer we have one more and we're gonna get a level four ability and we got focus psychically boosts the target's mind boosting their sight hearing and movement capacities that's really useful imagine using that on the sabe and we could get our site up really high or kangaroo too it could be really useful on her meanwhile on the map okay we got another defense successful wow great thank you game for giving us good rng i was about to say we're sending over leopard slayer and pelagia to go to this lother hunt with our psychic animal tamer and we're going to hopefully be able to tame that legendary animal i don't know how many they're going to be but yeah if we look on the map we can see there's a scouting party heading to hapon down here and then there's another scouting party heading to hatbon and this stuff's all happening by the way pretty much in like the same day like defense successful on september 13th defense successful on september 12th defense failure on september 12th i wonder though if these scouting parties would be heading for us if hatbond was not here and like they'd be really fat in terms of combat power so maybe hatbond is actually providing a distraction i'm not really sure either way our caravan is about to make it to the lother hunt they're going to get there in 0.1 days and this is kind of exciting i don't know what a lothar is all right so our character made it here and this is the lother it's man hunting right now it's a gigantic dragonlike creature of unknown origin the lother is peaceful by nature but extremely dangerous when enraged its fur and armor plates are incredibly resistant to damage and cold while its majestic antlers fetch a huge price many legends surround the lottery some say it is a manifestation of old nordic gods while others claim they are truly alien species other tall tales claim the beast is able to vanish and rapidly reappear elsewhere at will let's hope it doesn't vanish before we can kill it and holy crap 75 armor and does good amount of melee dps and 40 armor pen okay we're really going to hope that we can capture this thing using the animal tamer and not give a brain damage part of me kind of wants to save scum this if we do give it massive brain damage because i really do not want to pick this thing up with you to get it no it did it okay so we wouldn't have to save scope i'm pretty sure most of you guys out there would not have wanted me to continue if i got the bad rng where it got brain damaged because yeah this thing is insane as a mount it's not that quick though it's only 3.82 movement speed oh by the way these things aren't actually that hard to tame they only have a handling skill requirement of 10 but then there's only a 1.3 chance of revenge on tame fail some of the other legendary beasts have way higher chance of revenge besides our caravan with leopard slayer pelagia are two donkeys and our new lother were heading home i saw a traitor caravan on the map we tried to attack them multiple times and there was this bug where we would win the battle but we wouldn't actually win anything and we wouldn't see them on the map i figured out what was causing the bug though so if we attack them it's gonna say generating map for a new counter and then it's going to say we won or never mind okay well i was doing some testing and a fix the bugs seemed to be after winning the battle just dismount them and don't let them mount it back up and then redo the battle it seemed like there was some kind of bug with mounting but yeah we're actually here fighting this trader caravan and these guys have four wargs and then a bunch of tribals guarding their alpacas now their apaches do have oh we got some spacer ammo very nice and another psychic animal tamer okay a lot of silver to 1186 silver a psychic shock glance all really good stuff there on that alpaca i'm guessing this other one's not gonna have too much a psychic pacifier okay this is like the perfect trader caravan meanwhile in the world map we have a caravan coming in with a lot of backup colburn kangaroo and asave are coming to help out i just don't know if they're going to get here in time is the only thing like it's going to take point four days to get over here there's a mountainous tile on the way one thing i will say though about this layout is it is really nice we got this 300 style epic choke point that they have to funnel through if you guys know what i'm referring to it's basically the gates of fire where the 300 spartans were able to hold the tens of thousands of persians in like a narrow pass they're actually making really good progress so we have them forced marching so they can travel through the night because yeah it's currently 2 am and i think they're going to definitely be able to make it here which is going to be good we might just start engaging them while plugging us are using her meter rifle and we can start giving them some mutagenic build up maybe we can mutate some of them into something really good we got mole over here who's a female thrumkin very nice let's try to knock her out actually i don't know if she's any good she's got three burning passions and she's got a minor passion for intellectual i don't like mad surgeon though especially on someone that's not good at medical she gets a mood penalty for not doing surgery after a while and yeah obviously you're going to want someone that's good at surgery to be having that trait oh and then our caravan made it here they are in an awkward place though they are behind these guys which is kind of good we want to cut off their escape of the alpacas we don't want them to be able to get away i'm just not sure if we play this like maybe we just have pelagia take out her charge lmg and then just start blasting light bird oh okay we knocked light bird out and then told's coming in here with her recurred bow toll's actually not bad she's got a minor passion for intellectual she's a natural genius at melee and she's neurotic so she works quicker so she'd be a really good researcher for that reason she's also a workaholic so she'll be researching quite a lot i'm not sure exactly how this trade works but that's a good trait and then she's also kind so she can brighten other people's days so we're gonna try to knock her out with the oh our author was heading in there i'm pulling it back i set an area for the author to be and we hit toll a few more times she's got only a little bit of mushank build up though and if we pull back like they actually won't chase looks like then plug is out of ammo we're going to grab some from this sawed-off shotgun and then yeah just load it all into this meter rifle we'd really like to knock out toll i don't know if the other guys are any good and they're not anything special i think the only person we want to capture is toll we're just gonna unload some charge lmg on these guys we knocked another one out bringa is a male that's why we were able to knock him out so easy oop and pelagia got stabbed and they're gonna run right into the lother they can attack it moe was like nope not gonna attack it we have 52 shots left with the meter rifle we're just going to try to aggro them south and then these guys are going to try to help out a little bit oh here we go toel's coming in this is good we need to hit toil a bunch though hit her twice more she's got still initial mutagenic buildup we hit 12 more times so i got mutagenic buildup okay i went to minor now i actually don't want to kill tol if at all possible i just want to hit her more with the mute jack rifle she's in the open which is good she's got moderate mutagenic build up now she might go down soon hopefully and we're out of ammo with the mutagenic rifle hmm i think we just go in with the rest of our guys we killed another one we need to kill the alpacas in the uppers i don't know why they're not charging us by the way except kangaroo going and just start mailing this org it's now burning bill goes burning swords burning swords burning we knocked out the alpaca good okay wait we hit toll told a serious mutagen build up i'm pretty sure she's gonna go down soon so kangaroo go for this org and then we'll just kind of focus these wargs down and then what's cheetah doing down here okay we still have leopard slayer and pelagia they're gonna come in and hit cheetah from behind then there's still this alpaca that's up oh and these guys are running crap we need to get onto this alpaca do not let it get away do not let the alpaca get away holy crap that was close it almost got away with the psychic pacifier and then tolle's now running with her moderate mutagenic buildup we're gonna save a drop her pump shotgun eject the ammo out of it and then we're gonna give a sabe the mutagenic rifle and then she's gonna reload it oh crap toe's gonna get away knock her out oh we killed her like we did everything we could i feel like so i'm not upset about it but that's a bummer i tried really hard there but oh well so three of the tribals got knocked out and we grabbed them and i got this weird bug what the heck is going on bringa is no longer incapable of walking okay that's great i've never seen it before and i thought it was kind of funny we ended up dumping the prisoners anyways because they were slowing us down by a lot and we're kind of on a time crunch here there's a few things i want to get done and i don't want to have some crazy mech cluster attack our base to the point where we can't leave so yeah after dumping the prisoners we were moving pretty quick and we headed over to hat bond to trade and on this trading mission we have a lot to trade off we have all this insect meat that's just gonna go bad soon it doesn't even value it that much only 27 cents we only get 244 silver for selling them 916 of it for a bit more of a profit though we can sell off this black hive insect jelly if you guys remember earlier we got that black hive attack and whenever you get those they spawn in with these black hive mounds that pump out a ton of this black hive insect jelly and actually this gave us an achievement since we did pick up 250 of it and yeah we can sell this for that bumps us up to 3k actually just for selling the black have insect jelly it sells at five silver pop and we have 567 of it this neutral means actually useful later for making medicine but we don't have that tech research yet so we're just going to dump it hive data we're going to dump that the advanced component cloth pig skin we want to get rid of like everything that we're not using this black insect chitin we got this from skinning those black hive insects the mammoth worms gave us like 100 each i think thrombophir we don't really need that right now we have a bunch of psychic tea as well we don't really need half of that although all of our psychic plants are dead right now so maybe we want to kind of hold on to maybe like 30 of it because it is really useful to have it boost people's moods and recreation maybe we'll see these smoke leaf joints too and like all this other stuff i'm not sure what we want to buy like we want to sell the plastic for sure we don't need plastic right now i think one thing we should prioritize buying is this bio lab sun lamp they actually have two of them it might not be about to buy two because it's basically a buffed version of the sun lamp i think because it only consumes a thousand watts of power doesn't the sunlight consume like 2 500 this thing lights a large area briefly enough to grow crops as well as providing heat for the area whilst consuming only a moderate amount of power never turns off at night and will not short-circuit in the rain this thing could be really good to counter mech clusters that block out the sun and like recently the temperature in our area got cold enough to the point where crops were not growing so maybe we pick up both of these just because we have a ton of stuff to sell like we're not gonna sell to flat gear but like we just have so much random crap that was just lying around the base like all of this just garbage stuff that we're not gonna need then up here we even got more stuff that we are not using we're just going to sell all this we're also going to buy all these guys industrial ammo that's used for most industrial guns they have 209 of it that we can buy and they also have these muta syringes i'm guessing the iguana one's not going to be that good iguanas don't seem spectacular in any way but the royal maggot and spider weaver both have their own pros so royal maggots will yield royal insect jelly every day although they will leave a trail of disgusting slime and spider webers yield 20 spider silk every 3 days apparently spider weavers have really thick armor though and what i'm wondering is if we give this to one of our dudes will that give them a boost their armor rating and will it actually turn them into a spider weaver we're gonna find out as we do have someone we can test it on now the last thing we're going to buy is some medicine we need probably like i don't know maybe like 10 medicines should be good for now and then we're going to not sell off most of this black have insect jelly because they don't have any silver we'll sell them 124 of it and we'll keep the rest for later [Music] perfect holy crap though so these are pillagers and they're just going to take stuff off the map this is actually good they're just going to clean up all the garbage like there's probably some stuff like yeah this steel would be nice this mortar would be nice as well and we actually would rather them not take these incapacitated goliaths they can take the ones that are completely dead oh and we got a mech cluster right here got another met cluster over here it's a big one okay they're gonna run into it yeah they're definitely gonna activate it this auto motor is gonna initiate in 8.2 days as well so it is kind of good that we're gonna start getting some action on here and some of these mechs are gonna start getting damaged they will also get damaged by the massive amount of man hunting animals we have on this map so these things are gonna be our defense for now after they fight these raiders which they're not really raiders they're pillagers after they fight these guys though i think they'll aggro on the mechs oh and here come the rough plated monitors so these things have 30 armor built in so they might actually be pretty good against these mechs the mechs aren't very good in melee so if they can close the gap then yeah they should be able to do some work on these mechs which would be good because yeah we really want to take out that autumn water it's gonna initiate in eight days so pelagia has a really good chance to train up this foal it's a baby horsey our horses did have a baby now he's gonna try to tame up this lother and i don't think there's gonna be a very good chance of this working because it has a 99 wildness i don't even know that but i don't even know if we're gonna be able to train it and if we can't then it's just gonna return to the wild eventually and wow we actually got it 37 chance okay that's awesome if we train up its guard two more times then we can use it as a mount and that's going to be really useful for one of our final plans of this episode basically there's two massive raids i want to do there's this caravan stop down here that spawned in it's got 15 days left and it's gonna be a way fatter caravan than the one we took out earlier i also want to raid grace village and potentially take them out as i did put in another settlement over here it costed 750 silver and i think if we took out grace village they would get rated less but i'm not sure okay wait this person is literally a god she has mercury's blessing and it's actually a she and it's the mayor of the blue gorge settlement wait so is bastian he's also the mayor i'm not sure what the mayor actually entails but yeah she's got this god trait that increases her armor and then she's also tough so that right there it doesn't even matter what else she has even though like yeah she's not gonna be that good for our colony because well i mean she could cook i guess or do medical or do construction because mercury's blessing increases global work speed by 50 and global learning rate so she could potentially really kind of do anything well she actually can't do art or research and it's kind of a shame too because we really would like to have her do research with that extra global work speed but yeah she's a visitor from the blue gorge settlement the only other faction that's not at war with us right now and let's see how much res oh yeah 130 relationship damage when recruited and apparently we cannot force a recruit right now which i would do because yeah this girl's really good so they're down here and they're heading up here through these mechs there's still a bunch of turrets here we do not want them to go that way we're gonna try to make them go this way towards these sleeping mechs and we're gonna hope they don't wake them up we're gonna set an area over here and we're gonna make them go to that area we're gonna see if they will adjust oh no she's going in they wouldn't listen to me and yeah we're gonna have to go retrieve these guys i'm pretty sure which is really annoying there's a bullish shield too so they can't even do damage to the turrets so i have a plan to save these guys we have eight high explosive shells plus we just loaded two up in the mortars we're having mono and catox provides some supporting fire and then kangaroo is going to go out oh she got the shot off kangaroo is going to go out and try to retrieve them let's have her grab some medicine too she might need it we told the mortars to fire right in between these turrets and they did not hit anywhere what oh it got intercepted by the shield these guys must have multiple shields like i saw this mech low shield that intercepts ground projectiles but i guess they have another shield somewhere oh they got this mech high shield that intercepts aerial projectiles oh they got another one over here they got two mech high shields so never mind on the whole mortar thing oh it looks like these guys are actually gonna leave we don't have to save them i told them just to leave and they're going to come back later i think that's the most optimal play here we got a quest and lopez did make it out very nice she shouldn't die i don't think so the sun lamps were actually perfect timing because there's a weather controller nearby and it's making it snow in our territory i'll show you guys what we're doing with those meanwhile polagi is over here hopefully training up this lother hopefully she gets a 30 chance so we can mount it up never mind there should be fine i think there's two mech assemblers that made mechs and we're gonna have to fight this goliath kangaroo does have good armor on though okay maybe we'll pull back a little bit because there's a pikeman coming this goliath did not want any of that can maybe pull back don't get shot it doesn't really matter we have a shield built on so it doesn't yeah it doesn't really matter hopefully she can take out this goliath before this other mech gets here we're also about to do a surgery on her so we don't care too much if she takes some damage and yeah she's doing good work on this goliath she get hit though she got cracked maybe pull back a little bit and she can take a few shots that's fine we're gonna leave this door open actually oh and that was enough to break her shield that was quick she's actually kind of injured she got a pretty bad charge blaster hit on her leg we're gonna give her a pain block and we're gonna give her a focus that's gonna allow her to fight through the pain right now kangaroo is doing a lot of work how much melee skill she's getting oh yeah she's getting a ton for doing this i don't know if she's getting more than a normal weapon would be giving her because you get a lot of skill for mailing and how much more freaking damage can this goliath tank we're getting colburn up here though and then we're gonna have colbrin help they both have shield belts so they're not gonna be taking damage from the pikemen at all really and there we go now let's just finish off this pikemen and yeah kangaroo will be getting surgery so it's not gonna matter so kangaroo got her left second toe shot off and her right leg is also bleeding really bad or she should be bleeding really bad except for she's not and that's because she has this crypto armor on that stops bleeding that's actually really cool but yeah we're gonna busave try to operate on her and i say try well let's clean this room i yeah the room of course is really dirty i don't know why i always do this the last operation i did was in a really dirty room it's only barely dirty now a surgery success chance on this excellent pig skin bedroll though is 106 so that's all good asabe with her eight medical plus her extra sight has a 92 percent success chance on the surgery and the medicine we're using has around a 90 percent success chance maybe slightly lower with the saves a medical do i even say what we're installing in here by the way i don't know if i said but it's this tough skin gland we installed into her torso which increases armor by 35 percent and this is the reward we got earlier from that manny's prisoner's quest but yeah the armor bonus is going to stack with her god trait so she's going to have 95 base armor and that's going to add on to the crypto gear she's using right now which this chess piece actually is really low durability we might not want to use it at least until we can figure out how to repair it the helmet repaired itself somehow and i was noticing the shield was doing the same but uh armor does not so yeah we're going to figure out a way to repair the armor we do have recon armor we can discover but yeah installing that tough skin gland got rid of her negative four moodlet for not having an artificial body part and now that she has an artificial body part she gets a plus four moodlet transhumanist please this artificial part is cool and she wants more so he trained up the lother's guard to three and now we can mount it we're sitting on its head i guess kangaroo is on its head and we just researched basic prosthetics by the way so we can make needles an arm and a leg it's just that nenus is a guy and having guys in our colony right now is not ideal because we still have that psychic suppressor for males so i'm not sure if we want to keep nina's around long term but yeah we're gonna now try to take out goliath i think we're gonna have kangaroo just back off though and run with the lother maybe solo it if it can it's gonna attack it okay yeah it's gonna engage i think kangaroo will just back off because we wanna do a caravan mission soon and we want kangaroo not to take damage we don't want the lotha really to take damage either but this thing is actually really tanky and the holy crap yeah 450 out of 464 on its body it's actually getting hit on other parts too like it's front left leg has 348 hp that is so tanky i'm not sure how that compares with rumbo the goliath meanwhile is getting absolutely obliterated and yeah the goliath is one of the more beastly mechs but one thing you gotta remember about the goliath is that it does have a ranged weapon so it's not like it should win this battle and yeah the lottery took it out pretty easily it's got some bruises and stuff but we'll just bandage those up and by the time we leave hopefully they'll be kind of healed it's still moving at 88 so it's not slowed by that much so with this weather controller giving us constant foggy snow it's not really a huge deal except for a we get less shooting accuracy and b it takes forever to move anywhere as snow does lower movement speed down to 50 percent when it's thick snow for that reason and there's a couple other things we want to get done we're loading up our best fighters on a caravan and they're eventually gonna head down to this weather controller to take it out first though they're gonna stop at this new colony we settled chesswood and we're gonna do a bit of trading with these guys evidently these colonies have kind of a will of their own they're considered our allies and they can give us quests they gave us this one for the brigand camp and they're going to give us a excellent shield build if we do it we got to clear out a bandit camp of 13 enemies so we're gonna hope it's on the way and it's not it's kind of in the middle of nowhere if we have some extra time later where we're not doing anything then we'll hit that up but for now we want to focus on taking out that weather controller and there's a caravan stop down here so we're going to go for those two objectives but we'll do that after we trade with these guys and all right we made it over to chesswood so we still have 315 black hive insect jelly i think some animals ate it and i think we turned quite a bit of it into meals on accident but yeah we're gonna sell off all of that for 1500 still and we're just gonna start selling everything else that we don't need a lot of this mechanoid parts power cells don't need any of that right now advanced chips advanced components we got some thrombo fur down here as well oh and we got this persona core for 2k that we can sell which we got from disassembling mechs there's like an eight percent chance i believe oh and wow there's a mega sloth mute syringe we might want to pick that up because mega sloths are really powerful animals and we might be able to turn someone into a mega sloth or give them mega sloth like enhancements that meter syringe by the way is double the price of a normal one so it's got to be pretty good i think we'll pick that up and we haven't had a chance to test the other one because our test subject was being a bit difficult we'll go more to that later so aside from some extra industrial ammo we'll grab all of their 165 industrial ammo the only thing these guys have that i think we'd want is this mutagenic rocket launcher it's a single-use rocket launcher that fires a massive mutagenic explosive projectile it very rapidly mutates anyone caught in the blast radius which is a very painful situation to be in and this could actually be really useful for our caravan attack that we're going to do we could also pick up an extra psychic shock glance which sends someone into psychic shock it actually sends two targets in a psychic shock because it's got two charges and then they have a psychic insanity lance that can send someone into a berserker rage and this actually has two charges so yeah let's grab both of those we'll sell off our persona core and that will be enough so that they'll give us some silver and we'll be leaving with 1100 silver so we're not completely broke here so after doing that trade we're now going to intercept some enemy traders and we're going to hit up this caravan stop and then the weather controller which is actually not gonna take that long everyone has a mount so we're gonna get down there in point eight days meanwhile back at base we've had this quest lost drifters nine desperate refugees are approaching their leaders called gray they claimed to have escaped an organ harvesting operation grey begs you for permission to stay at our colony for 17 days so they can rest and regroup they will work and fight for free during that time and if we make them happy some of them may join us we're going to do this quest and this is gonna give us nine people that are gonna help us around camp and here's the nine people three of them are actually mantodeans this dude yukult is unfortunately a male the males are gonna be pretty useless and we're probably just gonna have to meditate so we're not gonna worry about their stats too much because even though yeah like he's got a burning patch for intellectual he's intelligent which increases his research speed that's all not really going to matter because he's going to have psychic suppression which is going to lower pretty much everything he does by 50 this mantodean is a female though and she has 14 melee so she'll be useful in a fight she'll probably meditate with the males we got a tortured artist down here who's kind of old 61 years old but she's pretty good at animals and intellectual that could be another researcher we got gray who's bloodlust masochist and cannibal all really good fighting stats she just can't fight she'll probably be doing meditation owen though actually has really high proficiencies and a lot of stuff unfortunately owen is 76 and she's frail which lowers her movement and manipulation although quick hands does increase their global work speed so that kind of counters it out i guess but yeah this girl's super old the rest of them are males like we got chalice here's chalice's stats nothing too crazy russo who has an annoying voice and a melodic voice interesting combo there i guess russo can just kind of control his voice so it can be either a positive or a negative thing we also got nelly who gets 20 less global work speed plus he's also gonna be affected by the psychic suppressor but the dude's just gonna be meditating time so that's fine the best person we have i think out of all of them is casey fur who is a female and she is trigger happy and she's got a minor passion for shooting and she's a tortured artist with a natural genius in crafting so it'd be really good if this girl ends up joining us she also dislikes men but that's fine we don't care about having men in the colony we're gonna try to keep her mood really good and we're gonna make her smoke smoke leaf and just do whatever we can just keep her mood in a great place that's pretty much the only person of all these guys that i really want to join us later so we've almost made it to the enemy caravan stop and apparently it's a tribe's people caravan which is kind of a good and a bad thing it's a good thing because it's going to be pretty easy for us it's just a bad thing because i don't think they're going to have much first i'm going to look through all the dudes and i'm gonna see if any of them have any god traits because we do have a psychic pacifier that we could use on one of them and we actually brought an extra amount too just in case camino is actually pretty solid he's bloodlust and tough with decent combat proficiencies it's just that it's a he so never mind on kamino let's see their gear now so the alpacas have a bunch of industrial ammo for some reason we can definitely use that some herbal medicine some explosive ammo too that can be used for dynamite grenades and stuff like that so yeah that's nice and then this alpaca has 900 silver and overall yeah just not that much good stuff i think that's oh no nevermind there's one more alpaca it's got yep garbage all right so the way we're going to fight this is we got three people with sniper rifles and we arrange these guys really hard we're going to just have everyone snipe it skunk i think if we kill one of them they'll start charging so maybe we don't shoot at skunk anymore maybe we try to aim like they're cougars for example those things might kind of be annoying or like this alpaca's actually in range too but one thing i also almost forgot we can do is we can have kangaroo use her focus ability on a save and caddox doing that increases sight hearing and movement for an hour and that's going to give them better accuracy this foggy snow so we have less accuracy on these guys and maybe we should have taken out the oh and they're actually charging it's about to say maybe we should have taken out that weather controller first before fighting these guys because yeah it's actually harder to hit than i originally anticipated we took out one of their cougars very nice pelagia has a carbine source never take that out and there's actually a lot of these dudes so we're just gonna kite them and run as best we can this all park is actually coming in this thing is aggressive which is good we want to take out the alpaca we don't want to have kangaroo take free damage though so we're just gonna try to kite as long as we can this thing is not that fast of author it's kind of slow and they hit their own alpaca very nice oh it looks like these all pockets want to fight so we're gonna have to fight rio talks bars getting chained sawed up and talks bar is now running okay let's just hard focus on this right now because we need to set each one of them on fire if we set them on fire they'll run like the alpaca's not running set the cougar on fire now i think the cougars should run and nobody's gonna run yeah we can just instantly set people on fire and they'll run away from us i think that's how it works nobody's actually still fighting and we've got this it's deodicarus ancient animal i think it's on fire it's going to run and oh nice we took out one of their alpacas this one's actually dead check it out it's also melee dove as well the cougar is actually kind of nasty okay there we go it's on fire it's melee dub again they should run pretty soon here i'm not sure what they're waiting for maybe the alpaca just take that thing out oh very nice the d o dickers is really tanky it's not taking much damage and kangaroo has taken quite a bit of damage so we're going to have her try to run if we can theodorous is not letting us run though set it on fire is it on fire now yeah it's on fire okay we'll run away it's running towards us which is annoying and crap tank kangaroo is getting hit more just pull back no one else is getting hit though which is good she tanked a lot for us and these guys are fleeing very nice we got an achievement mercenary complete five quests i guess we completed a quest because we took out this caravan stop and that was a quest but yeah it looks like they're going to run i don't know if we pursue like i don't think so these tribals don't really have any good gear like it's all just crappy tribal gear i mean they have pemmican i guess so we could kill them for that maybe that's worth i just don't know if it's worth anyone else getting hit is the only thing and yeah catox got hit that's annoying and then polagy got hit sabe got hit too okay wait can we just get out of here yeah we can just reform caravan we should have done that earlier we had no reason to linger there after taking a few extra shots that we didn't have to we had our caravan just rest for a bit and then we had our caravan head into the weather controller where there's 26 pirates i'm not sure how the game expects you to take out an outpost of this size i guess it's our threat scale because yeah these guys are not messing around i do have a plan involving the mutagenic rocket launcher and i did a little test to see kind of how it works exactly it's really powerful before we do that though we're gonna actually leave and give everyone more time to heal up kangaroo got some really bad injuries so it's gonna take quite a while for her to heal all the way up and i guess she won't heal all the way up because her left second toe is completely destroyed but for the most part these injuries will regenerate if we give them maybe like a few days they have a lot of food 723 pemmican and a lot of berries so while we're waiting for kangaroo and asave's injuries to heal up to full we had them head over to this peace talks nearby and it was a success we got 65 relation with the hefore kingdom which is this medieval faction we're still 25 hostile with them but it would be pretty easy to get that up to neutral assuming they are kind of close which they aren't really that close like there's a few medieval factions over here but it's not this one the closest sephora kingdom colony is all the way over here and that's really far so yeah we don't really care too much about the relation you do heal twice as fast for not moving but i think it might be worth to head over to this thromkin colony and they might have someone that's good enough to use our psychic pacifier on a decent thrumkin could really help us in this upcoming battle all right so going to that thrumkin colony was a waste of time now there is a caravan on the map and i'm not sure if we're gonna be able to catch up these guys okay no we were not able to they got engaged by a scouting party and i guess they won which is weird because the scouting party had higher combat power oh and they're actually returning home so they're gonna run right into us perfect but yeah we went to the thromkin colony there was no super amazing thumbkins there there were some okay ones but they weren't good enough to use our psychic past firearm but yeah we're going to attack these guys or they're actually going to attack us i think they're kind of coming in pretty hot see if any of them are oh grasshopper has sylvanas's blessing it's a he though unfortunately so yeah we probably won't care too much about that meanoka has artemis's blessing though we already have someone that has artemis's blessing but that's one of the better range combat traits also gorar has a burning passion for shooting burning passion for social as well and she's got mutation affinity so we could use our megasloth mutator on her and she would really like to get some artificial body parts the tycoon trait is actually really good it increases trade price improvement by 25 so yeah let's have catox drop her psychic pacifier on second thought i don't actually know if we want to use it yet because if we use the psychic pacifier on her while she's in the middle of all these people they'll all just turn on her right away oh got a headshot on one of them are they backing off oh yeah they are i don't know why okay that's actually good it's gonna give us some time to prepare i don't want kangaroo to actually be in this battle because she's still pretty injured so i'm gonna have her use focus on pelagia cat ox and asave which should cost quite a bit of heat and some side focus and then we're gonna have her with this donkey and this extra one we're gonna have them just leave they could help us for a bit but i don't want this donkey to get hit by something and if enemies get too close it will just fly in a random direction and might just run into them so i just want to deal with that and yeah these guys are to fight all right so we got catalogs pelagia and save with sniper rifles over here and these guys are charging in to us which is completely fine they're not going to charge into us we hit manoka by the way we did not want to hit manoka she's the one we want to capture and she's now bleeding from her leg at least we didn't give her any permanent injuries so that's fine let's start hitting maybe like these mufflers they're pretty big we shouldn't okay we missed the buffalo somehow we hit the obvious i guess they're in the way these aves are really fast but they're not going to be that terrifying oh we killed one of them surprised they're not charging it but yeah the obvious they're not very good in melee they don't take that much damage so it's actually one of the more optimal enemy animals to fight i think just because they're gonna be yeah really bad in combat i think they're usually just used as mounts oh and we got an achievement one of our colonists got level 20 in sharp shooting i'm guessing that's a save with her deadshot trait yep she's a fast learner so she was able to get to level 20 pretty easily tag dax so it's very nice this is actually a really easy caravan i think just based on the fact that okay wait i gotta watch the reload here comes grasshopper everyone is aimed grasshopper he's got a ranged weapon we're aimed wally we attacked wally don't hit manoka though whatever you guys do manoka's actually in a good place right now would be a good time to use a psychic pacifier on her please don't hit her by the way oh okay phew no one hit her everyone stopped shooting and oh did she get brain damage no she didn't yes we didn't give her brain damage which is amazing now hopefully she can outrun these guys maybe we have leopard slayer go in with this massive lother and try to distract we just got a research animal enrichment unlocks the paragon serum extraction table not sure what that does but yeah manoka just run oh the obvious are actually hurt but yeah she can't run them they're too you know they're just tearing her up it's not ideal she's gonna bleed out nine hours now we don't have a whole lot of time to do this because she's gonna take even more injuries and yeah we just chopped up those aves though and we're giving her some space very nice and these guys are not charging us how are they not charging us yet i'm so confused the other caravan charged us like instantly but they were just way more aggressive oh okay we won the battle crap though the mufflers are actually running i didn't even see what the mufflers had they could be really loaded so we're gonna start aiming them and we do have a psychic shock lance we could use that on one of them if they're good this one has an archotec teleporter a lot of silver or gold pemmican we would like that and then this one has a psychic pacifier okay we need to knock one of them out we need to send in a psychic shock right now so yeah we're gonna use that psychic shot glance on it can we yeah we can i think yep very nice we knocked it out and is that it though there's just two mufflers i'm pretty sure we could have definitely killed that one too like we've already hit it twice so i don't know if that was completely necessary i just didn't want to risk it because yeah i did not want to lose a psychic pacifier and the psychic shock glances are only 800 well that only costed us 400 to do because yeah we killed this one too so after winning that very lucrative caravan battle our caravan's gonna head down to thawwick because we do have another psychic pacifier and if anyone here is really good then we can just convert them before we do head down there though we're gonna set up a camp real quick if you guys do remember manoka has a mutation affinity so we're going to have her inject this megasloth muta syringe and we're going to see what happens it's going to be a process like it's not going to happen instantly but yeah she's going to start turning into a megamorph we got to keep an eye on her though as leaving the mechanites unattended could lead to them becoming far hairier than normal i mean it's fine if she becomes hairy i hope that she gets more than that though for such an expensive muta syringe so we did hit up thoughtwick and there was one person there with a god trait mercury's blessing and she was a tortured artist and she could do art it's just that we already have a torture artist and the girl couldn't really fight and we don't have a mount for her so we decided not to deal with any of that on the way though there is an item stash and there's a tough skin gland here this seems kind of scripted because it's like right on the way i will show you guys though we do not have the cheater cheater achievement yet so yeah you guys know i'm not accessing dev mode at all i don't think there's any other way to spawn in quests unless you go into the dev mode so yeah we're not being a cheater cheater and let's check out this item stash all right so the way these things work is in the middle here there's the item and potentially when we get close some enemies are gonna ambush us so we're gonna have leopard slayer just go in and we're gonna use her as a distraction and when she does start wheeling on this wall which it looks like okay there's no one here we just pick it up and i think we leave all right so we made it back to the weather controller and i believe the people that were here originally all changed because now apparently brabar's stepmother is here and also there's a lever of one of our refugees the layout also looks slightly different like i don't remember there being these pea plants here so i'm pretty sure everyone here is different so i'm gonna have to go through all of them again and see if any of them are really good because we do have that psychic pacifier still that we could use on emil holy crap okay look at this girl unfortunately she's staggeringly ugly so that's not ideal but she's got three traits that make her really good in melee and she's got 18 melee so definitely dodger increase their dodge chance by 20. ninja like increases it by 10 increase her melee hit chance movement speed and then she's also a brawler which increased her melee and melee hit chance yeah maybe we pick up emmy and use a psychic pacifier on her her gear is not that great and she has a sniper rifle which i mean we could always use an extra sniper rifle i just don't know about that staggeringly ugly trait though that's kind of rough everyone's gonna hate her so in the bottom corner of the map there is some ruins and we're gonna make a bunker out of these ruins leopard slayer does have really good plantings so we're getting some pretty good yield from chopping down these trees and all right the bunker is done essentially the goal here is we want them to funnel to the left and then there's a little gap here that they should try to enter through i also decided we're just going to wall the animals in i don't want to have to deal with them getting killed randomly or them just running or something stupid and i really don't think we should need them for this fight at least not the very start but before we actually do this let's have everyone load up their sniper rifle like caddock's only one shot left and all right i think we're ready to go we're just gonna people start firing and yeah they're attacking us right away we dropped some smoke on ourselves by the way we have this smoke launcher and we're just gonna kangaroo fire this on us a few times just to make sure that and this is going to lower their chance to hit us by quite a bit they actually can't hit us 2.6 a chance to hit us only i'm kind of worried though they're not seeming to want to go the right way like they're going to the right which is not super ideal just keep firing the smoke on us and yeah here comes some of them red leopard slayer just intercepts korboski and we're gonna take the suit out hopefully really quick it's a thrumkin though and yeah we're sawing him up pretty good he's running which is really good we killed one already very nice and these guys are just funneling anyway this could be really good like this dude's getting chopped up pierce scala crap abroad is not being accounted for oh we killed that dude now let's kill avro and leopard slayer's loving this by the way oh crap i'm gonna hit that guy oh crap this dude got by it's not good and then we lost our smoke here and then asave got hits it's not good we'll have her take out her charge pistol she does have a little bit of ammo in that charge pistol it's a really short range weapon and kangaroo is a carbine we're going to let her take that out as soon as okay wait hit skippy don't let skippy get in did she get the smoke off i think she might have okay i think she got the smoke off take out the carbine just yep we killed this guy very nice check out the smoke launcher again just in case we did not get it off and then drop some more smoke on us and then meanwhile leopard slayer is gonna continue to just not allow these guys to get in at all like this is actually awesome take out turner and wasabi got hit again i think and um there we go we're starting to hit turner i don't know why we weren't chainsawing there for a sec oh and then this dude hadley okay wait can we just oh crap they broke through up here this is not ideal i will say we have killed a few of them already so i don't know how many more we have to kill let's pull catox asabe and minoka over this way the door is actually gone too though is the only thing we don't have much cover anymore maybe we just pull way back like we go south west and we can also use a psychic insane lance on one of them like who's really good over here andres has an lmg with 36 shots let's make andres go insane we'll have pelagia cast that and then kangaroo's gonna drop some more smoke and we're just gonna pull back everyone just back off i think the second sandy lens worked i'm pretty sure that was the sound of the second cine lance going we also got brook in here we're gonna use the psychic shock glance on her just because she's too close and we're gonna knock her out yeah very nice she actually had a decorated marine helmet i don't even see that and some good decorated marine gloves a smoke pop belt all good stuff and kangaroo drops more smoke we're getting shot at from hadley down here we'll have leopard slayer come out and try to take out hadley and catox pull back we just need to do this tactical retreat here mainly oh and we also have this low shield that we can deploy it lasts for i think 30 seconds where's kangaroo going where are you going that way uh drop the shield drop deploy the shield i spammed her to deploy the shield and she wouldn't deploy the shield and now she's down okay that's really annoying let's just focus on leopard slayer taking out eddie if we can take out like a few more of them i think they're gonna run like they don't have much more um fight left in them they like they can't there's no way we took out hadley like how many more we have to kill man this is crazy i will say we're doing okay though yep they're fleeing okay phew we can't apparently just grab everyone right now which is not ideal because yeah people are bleeding minoka is about to have a mental breakdown she's stressed let's have her drink some beer okay they're running through us wait why are they running through us crap uh just start hitting them i guess i don't know like leopard player is really low right now the only thing so i don't know we just want to get rid of these guys just go away just let us leave please we don't want to hurt you but you kind of have to if you're not going to let us leave yuma just go down okay there's a psychic shock glance here on the ground let's have pelogia grab that when we research gunpowder we'll go more to that later now is not really the time to worry about gunpowder how's ricey did we just kill him i think we just tried to slaw him up okay nice we didn't he didn't get any shots off this chain saw him up and he's dead let's kill matthews and then let's start stripping people like paddling because yeah we can take his gear we can also take brooks gear i don't think we want to take brooke back to our base because yeah our traits don't seem too amazing but we want our gear and holy crap people are just in awful moods can we just leave like we got wishman over here wishman can you please just go down i'm making a wish that you will just go down isabel's gonna bleed out in three hours holy crap um does kangaroo show up it kangaroo is still up okay stabilize the wasabe and then once wishman goes down we should be fine cadx doesn't have any ammo so okay wait can we leave oh there's still a turret here crap i don't think we can leave until we take out the turret oh no all right well we're gonna hope that kangaroo can save a save she's got three hours left she only has three injuries though so she should be fine oh savvy actually got up after that ten okay it's always like let's do this let's take out this freaking turret leopard slayer just go in there and take out that turret before people have mental breakdowns look at our moods they're so bad sure should be going down here momentarily it might blow up too so yeah just gonna blow up crap don't get hit by that nice that should be it i think i kind of want to explore what's in the base though is the only thing like there could be some stuff in here that we could grab and like we could grab this battery in the solar generator i believe we don't have a solar generator yet and yeah we can reform caravan right now i don't know if we should do that or we should be greedy here we're just gonna be greedy and we're gonna hope that no one has a mental breakdown please no one have a mental breakdown just for like a little bit longer oh a weather controller that's the weather control we have to kill i think yeah i don't actually know if we even have to kill it like it's going to drop some stuff though so we kind of want to but it's more important that we just get out of here almost although we're doing some good damage to it 48 percent this is a safer play just to destroy it but like can people hold on people are bleeding like pelagia is bleeding she's got eight hours left nokia's okay leopard slayer is okay it's always got eight hours and kangaroo's okay 20 so we're just going to go for it destroy it [Music] so at last we destroyed the weather controller that was making it snow full-time at our base and since we destroyed this base we were able to leave instantly even though pilagi was trying to slaughter our animals and once we got on the caravan it doesn't matter what type of mental break you have they won't actually do anything so none of our animals ended up getting slaughtered by pelagia thankfully imagine if she ended up slaughtering our legendary lother that would have sucked we're gonna end the episode right there as i feel like we finally got something pretty monumental accomplished i do want to continue this but in smaller episodes and we do still have that mutagenic rocket launcher that i want to use on some enemy faction base and we'll be doing that in the next episode with that i want to thank you all for watching if you got to this point then that is truly amazing and yeah i will see in the next one
Channel: trmplays
Views: 407,578
Rating: 4.9208727 out of 5
Keywords: RimWorld update, rimworld mod update, rimworld steam workshop, rimworld empire mod, rimworld empire, Rim War, Empire, Rimworld Rimwar, Rimworld empire, Rimworld 1.2, Rimworld New Update, rimworld new expansion, trmplays, RimWorld best mods, RimWorld mod, RimWorld Speedrun, rimworld update, AGDQ, GamesDoneQuick, games done quick, speedrun, Rimworld Gameplay, Rimworld Let's Play, rimworld sseth, rimworld review, rts, sims 1, sims 3, sims 4, the sims, kenshi, mount & blade, rimwar
Id: _XBChEL9mbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 23sec (8183 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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