20 TIPS & TRICKS I wish I knew when I started playing Rimworld - Rimworld Guide

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[Music] hi i've been playing the new roommate dlc a lot on twitch lately and i've had a lot of new players stop by and ask for advice so i thought i would make a video these are 20 quick tips and tricks that i wish that i knew when i started playing roomworld without further ado let's get into it number one if you're mining in a mountain you risk infestations infestations can only spawn in an overhead mountain towel if you go to the bottom right and click this button the game will highlight the overhead mountain tiles in dark green in the thin mountain roofs as well as the man-made roofs and light green this way you can easily check if there's a risk of infestation near your base number two you can drag your pawns in the top bar of the screen with your left mouse button to reorder them i always like to have it ordered based on shooting skill but it's up to you number three hold shift to queue up tasks for your individual pawns this way you can make them complete several tasks without them getting distracted by sleep recreation or leveraged cannibal meals number four you can steal insect jelly at night while the bugs are still sleeping insect jelly does not only fill the pond's hunger bar but also the recreation bar besides there is a great trading good that is wanted by a lot of different kind of traders number five every time you claim something it adds the area around the object to your home zone your pawns will fight fire in the home zone but also clean you can turn this automatic home zoning off by going to the buttons in the right bottom corner and clicking this one now your palms won't waste time traveling across the map to clean spot of dirt number six the different stone types actually matter a lot in room world look at the chart on the screen for example granite is the strongest one it has the most hp followed by limestone marble might not be the strongest but it has the most beauty so making your walls furniture or art out of it will increase beauty in the room sandstone is the quickest type to work with so great for example with laying flagstone floors outside and then there are slate blocks they are the weakest and also lightest stone type in the game so use this to your advantage number 7 talking about stone furniture do not make a bet out of stones look at this wooden bed of normal quality for example it has a rest effectiveness of a hundred percent the same goes for plastil silver gold jaden steel stone beds however have a rest rate of ninety 90 at normal quality so it takes you longer for your pond to sleep and get fully rested meaning they can do less work than ponds with a non-stone bed number eight you can use one chair for multiple stations look at this setup for example the chair is used for the table for stone cutting and for the chest tail at the same time two pawns can even use one chair at the same time number nine different ground types of different walking speed hold your cursor over the ground and have a look at the left bottom corner for the walk speed you can use this to your advantage by standing up behind a slow type of ground like sand or water so your enemies will take longer to reach you number 10 talking about movement speed you can check the movement speed of any pawn machine or animal by clicking on the info tab you can then check the move speed and compare it to a prey or enemy to see if you can outrun them or not keep in mind that the move speed changes accordingly to the damage you have taken to the clothing your palm wears the tracer pawn has and many more factors number 11 when you spawn go to your health tab and change the mats to herbal medicine or doctor care this way you don't waste your good medicinal minor injuries like bruises or so you can also enable self-tend but it does come with a penalty to the tenth quality so only self-tender you have no other choice or if your other pawns are a lot worse than your doctor number 12 staying on the topic of tending the tent quality will be higher if you have a light source if you don't have a light source like a torch or lamp you can remove the roof tile above the pillow on the bed this way you'll have the same brightness in the tile as outside you can check the brightness in the left bottom corner number 13 since the 1.3 update was dropped you can drag drafted pawns by holding right click number 14 this is a basic trap hallway at the end you need at least three sandbags pawns can't stand still on sandbags so this way you force them to enter your kill box with the doors set up like this your pawns can reach every individual trap without having to cross over another trap and potentially triggering it as you can see forcing enemies to go through a trap hallway is an easy way to weaken the wave before it hits you steel traps are fairly expensive to keep re-arming so i recommend using wooden traps if you live in an area with a lot of trees number 15 when you make a freezer you build a room with at least one air conditioner the issue is that if you face it outwards it is a weak point and raiders can easily get through but if you place it inside like this you will warm up your hallway warming up your hallway isn't necessarily bad if you live in a cold biome but in the normal and warm biomes it can be deadly or warm up your fridge beside it if you remove the roof tile here the hot air can escape and the air conditioner is on the weak point in your defense nor will warm up your hallway number 16 you can smooth stone walls and stone floors for beauty without using resources smoothing marble even gives you extra beauty compared to other stones see it went up from negative one to two number 17 if a room in your base is on fire do not just hold open the door the open door will indeed let some heat out but is not enough as you can see here the heat still rises the intense heat will injure down and even kill your pawns so instead destroy the door or wall to the outside this way the temperature inside and outside will be exactly the same as the room is no longer considered a rune by the game but part of the outside now you can safely send firefighters in to extinguish the fire number 18 you can check the chance of your shot hitting its target by hovering your cursor over the target here you can also see what influences this number like skill weapon cover or weather or many other factors this also works with raiders shooting at you and you want to check his chance of hitting you number 19 the room on the right is dirty while the one on the left is clean if we check the info tab we can see that the dirt decreases the research speed to a final value of 68. the room on the left has sterile floors so it is as clean as it can be if we look at the info tab again we can see that the final value here is 79 it actually gets a small bonus due to the cleanliness of the room so research is faster in a clean room and finally number 20. when i just started playing my storage room always filled up way too quick one major tip is that you don't have to store everything inside store raw resources outside as it doesn't deteriorate keep in mind the plans matter and wood do deteriorate but wood does so at a very slow pace so i store it outside anyways in the early game i often also make a separate storage spot in the walls of retaining the pirital and rotten corpses so it deteriorates faster and that's it 20 tips and tricks that i wish they knew when i started playing room world if you are a more advanced player i got the perfect video for you it's on the left side of the screen right now and i'd love to hear if i was able to teach you something new or if you got any tricks yourself so let me know in the comments or tell me on twitch i stream there are way too much remote anyways you can find a link in the description below anyways i wish you all a great day and i'll catch you in the next one
Channel: SpartiniMartini
Views: 227,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, randy random, tips, tricks, beginner, guide, experienced, twitch, 2021, ideology, royalty
Id: lLaxQ2v4M_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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