The Most Overpowered Mods on a Journey Through Time | Rimworld: Generations #1

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uh this is ohm a narco seed entrusted with all the knowledge in the galaxy or at least he was with the knowledge now dormant home was no interest to the mechanoids or the empire and was left as the most advanced caveman in the galaxy throughout our journeys as ohm will go era to era experiencing every age of development until eventually we rediscover the greatest technologies ever known but while we're currently harmless to orbit a few tribes frightened of a green man who fell from the sky as we progress and our technologies become more advanced will draw the attention of more powerful enemies and maybe even things better left undisturbed 307 mods seven technology levels one mod pack welcome back everybody to a generation spanning rimworld campaign unlike any we've ever done before and depending on how it goes depending on how long it takes certainly unlike anywhere ever gonna do again the modpack details scenario seed everything will be available at the end of the episode because i'm sure you're more than eager to watch me suffer at this point we're going to start with my arco seed scenario bit of backstory you can read that if you are really that terribly bored we will have nothing but an arco replicator and a single technologyless person and i think this time around we'll let randy around him take the wheel oh no why have you done this and there he is ohm the arco tech trauma savant with absolutely nothing at all i mean except for this hyper advanced magical archotec replicator but don't worry about that and when i say we have nothing i mean we have quite literally nothing no technologies available to start things off not even the most basic of remote technologies we can't even build a wall so before we dive in let me explain a little bit more about what exactly is going on with this mod pack everything is about technological errors this time around i wanted to focus on every last aspect of the rimworld technology progression going from neolithic to tribal medieval industrial spacer and then eventually archotec well ultratech then alcotec assuming we lived that long of course we have access to some of the most overpowered mods i've ever played with rumor science never stops void glitter tech industrialization all of them are locked behind that technology tree to get from neolithic to uh tribal and from tribal to medieval etc we need to complete all of the technologies at that level we need to survive and learn what it is to be a tribal civilization a medieval civilization to keep things a little more balanced though so that we're not immediately sieged by void we are limited to what we can use and who we can fight by our tech level as a neolithic settlement we can only use neolithic weapons and armor even if we find a space attack weapon in base game women of course you can play as a tribal colony if a trade caravan comes under attack and drops marine armor you can get your triple warriors armed with power armor essentially in this we can only use what we've researched but to keep it balanced we'll only come under attack from the people who are the same tech level as us think of it as drawing attention as we become a more valuable target what benefit would the empire have of raiding well a man who doesn't even know how to build walls right now to keep things a little bit more interesting though i have a combination of two things to help up with the difficulty firstly we're going to be playing only on savage maybe merciless depending on how we do i won't give myself that much credit quite yet we'll be starting on cassandra classic savage we have the hot seat mod enabled which will cycle us through either cassandra classic phoebe celex or randy random with the occasional chance to end up on the void storyteller so even though things are very massively balanced for the technology era we're currently in there's still a chance things are going to be very very difficult not to mention we also have to be a little bit strategic with the research that we go for given that we have the semi-random research mod allowing us to choose from four of the research in the current era to pick from which are the most useful depending on the situation we're in and to say that the research tree is dense would be somewhat of an understatement i've fleshed out every single era in rimworld the medieval and the neolithic era in base game remodeled are actually fairly shallow that's a very important research devil strand for example the things that you will need going forward into industry but nothing that allow you to specifically focus on and survive for a long period within that era and i won't lie this was very heavily inspired by the robo daddy series i wanted something that allowed us to get all of that crazy high level tech some of the most insane things we've ever seen in remote going on simultaneously but with that key balancing feature of course in robo daddy series it was we had one colonist and only one colonist incapable of violent this time around though we've got all of these technologies but with the limitation of tech itself and a little twist on things ohm poor poor om after his experience at the hands of that lancer that turned him trauma savant has a terrible crippling phobia of firearms and as the colony leader not only will he refuse to use firearms everybody in our colony will refuse to use firearms as well that means no turrets no embrasures no kill boxes cold hard melee and if you're thinking that sounds absurd you're gonna die in no time of course i've got a few mods that will help balance things out and not to mention of course if we survived for long enough we've got a lot of a lot of very very powerful multitude backers up in terms of production and defenses outside of firearms we'll get creative with things but you'll see as we go ahead here and with that let's get started now ohm is an arco seed one of the most advanced life forms in the galaxy despite the fact it does say volcano there you don't have to worry about that so even though given the lancer incident he's forgotten everything and become a trauma savant he is still extremely advanced with arko lims and anarcho-tech cortex giving a bonus to pain resistance learning research speed not to mention he has some pretty good foundations for building off of here double passion in everything ohm does have a form of double-edged sword here with his psychic hypersensitivity arco technology is psychic based the psychic lances the psychic soothers are all archotec the same archotec powering um this can be a blessing and this can be a horrible curse if we get a psychic drone and even though own was destined for greatness as an arco seed of course since his accident he's lived amongst the trees as a caveman so he's perfectly in harmony with nature that means he doesn't really care particularly about eating with a table i know the greatest of all war crimes and he's barely a seat when it comes to sleeping arrangements and living quarters which is pretty handy because we can't even build walls right now and finally his deep fear of projectiles and grain itself deeply in his arco technology giving him transcendent reflexes the ability to dodge incoming melee and projectile attacks now all he needs is well hopefully some friends or maybe an ancient danger yeah i was about to say that actually well this map seems um pleasant i was kind of hoping we could find somewhere to live in i guess we could go for this structure here or maybe this one just to kick things off because like i said we can't actually build walls right now let's get this archotec replicator installed somewhere safe we're gonna have to be very very careful with this thing because it's what's the only other arc tech thing we've got right now perfect there's absolutely no way anybody can ever get to that now why don't we go through the architect menu and actually see what we've got access to to kick things off it's going to be very very thin on the ground we've got a little bit of a selection of beds there basically no culinary some decorations oh that'll come in handy ah ah there's always one that slips through the cracks isn't there you know i'm not entirely sure they had dynamic relaxation chairs in the neolithic era very little under lighting nothing under factory nothing under power nothing under archotec production we have a thinking spot that's our basic research table i would assume and that is that we can build these exotic doors walls columns etc if we had the right chunks if we were on the correct biome we're not we're in a desert well om i suppose we'd better get to thinking then we have carvings crude limbs obelisk or spark of science here we are unlocks research so it doesn't unlock the actual well thing but it's a prerequisite to more advanced research agriculture fire making primitive butchering burial rights this sounds incredible think home think harder oh damn he's thinking he's thinking pretty fast although that was only a one point research so i'm there we are we've thought some incredibly hard we have access to new things now obelisks carvings domestication of animal grass or agriculture as much as i would love control of all things psychic power i think agriculture is probably a far more sensible choice more importantly what have we got going on around the map what are these ancient boreholes allow us to extract n16 gas can be used as a gas converter to create chem fuel we've got fosarium a rock containing bitter for cereal that's colored up and we have about a dozen anime trees too nine nine anima trees it's gonna be a nightmare when the meteors start rolling in is that another ancient danger oh god oh oh i'm so sorry well stop thinking about agriculture wow that's a that's a huge amount of thinking has to do that's been a solid 30 seconds of thinking so far it's a new record for the channel whoa hang on volcanian heat isolation blood filtration five percent you tell me the warmer he is the better he does well the desert might have been accidentally incredible for us i can't help but notice the poor boy is getting a little bit hungry um i also can't help but notice there's nothing to eat what is that an ostrich oh no oh no please be careful please kick the ostrich uncanny reflexes he's done it i hope you're proud of yourself now the astute of you might have noticed not only do we not have a butcher's table but we don't even have a butchering spot so unfortunately this our stretch is going down this is going down whole what are you complaining about i thought you didn't care about raw food ah okay raw food yes but that's just like that's just a that's a straight-up corpse do you think we could prepare ostrich sushi well i suppose if nothing else we can bring it home for a rainy day now while we wait for om to think harder why don't we take a look around the world and see what we've got going on here see who our immediate neighbors are killer desert good good we have a hostile medieval faction but those won't be any bother until we get up to medieval as well we do have a friendly that's quite nice tribal nation to our south west and nora fort another hostile kingdom that's good uh we've got hostile cowboys that's good hostile forsaken that's great whatever those are the avian dominion these these are an industrial settlement hostile good what is this hostile obsidian imperium of the sun blue moon corporation is also hostile division n hostile you know home i really would appreciate if you were to think faster there's a there's a lot of people on this planet that really doesn't like you now because at any time we could be ready by a very angry tribal nation with their bows and arrows and of course we're not allowed to use firearms positioning and using the indoors to our advantage is going to be key to survival so to help us out with that and to help us plan things through we have the minimap returning which is something that i didn't know i needed until we used it last series so now we can see with fair warning the people who are still probably going to wipe us out you've done it home you've thought so hard you've remembered that plants exist i think we'll get to growing some desert rice before we have to go and kick another ostrich to death and i suppose we could start working on anima grass he has the natural backstory because he is in harmony with nature that would be a very very good weapon against those early writers who say have ranged weapons when we don't in that case in between your very busy schedule of thinking all day why don't we replace the eight hours of sleep that he doesn't need with meditation now let's do a little bit more thinking and i'm thinking that we should be thinking about some basic furniture ah our first alco fragments those are incredible and we can do absolutely nothing with them oh ohm we didn't even finish your ostrich aha good work with the thinking now we have basic furniture anima drugs succulent sowing herbalism or crude limbs wow um how can i not how can i not domestication of animal grass and allow us to build staffs crowns war masks or alternatively we can make a skirt excellent we will make the finest ostrich leather skirt oh whoa whoa do we want the ability to cook or the ability to build very basic rudimentary walls this is a hard choice give me primitive cooking and at long last we have access to a crafting spot as well what can we create right now neolithic tools cigarettes um not quite quite sure about that one so many of these things need ladders to produce and of course we can't use firearms or ranged weapons so we're gonna have to make ourselves quite a hefty weapon if we want to go out there hunting animals maybe a heavy club what about a purple heavy club perfect now all we need are some oh no a pair of quagga critically endangered have wandered into the area not for long they haven't i'm sorry fancy zebra this hurts me more than it hurts you oh god no you know it seems almost more cruel to kill one not to kill the other incredible oh our first animal grass oh god a raid already and an animal transport crash a yorkshire terrier named sammy join us sammy blooding out in seven hours the raid can wait no harm will ever come to you sammy the yorkshire terrier mark my words unfortunately not quite ready to fight this right on account of home still being somewhat damaged from his endangered animal hunt now we are somewhat outclassed even though they are just a person there with a much smaller club both tribal characters and the empire have access to psy powers tolbert has chunk skip luckily that one's not too bad when they start turning up with berserk we we might we might have a problem gonna fight scipol with cypower or in this case club with far bigger club get him home oh this is horrible oh this is absolutely horrible oh beer and surprisingly they survived that silent level one groundbreaker gourmand volatile cooking of six and passions across the board maybe welcome to the team well regardless of what we do with you i am going to take your hat and your old team of fabric hand wraps or whatever those are we can't wear the helmet unknown technology literally too stupid to put a helmet on his head do we have anywhere we can put the prisoner unless we crack open that ancient danger no oh what am i doing we can't build walls okay what can we build um palace saids oh don't make me use my arco mass on palisades concrete saloon door sure sure there we are one rootin tootin cycaster prison feels like it's been a long time since we've done any thinking shelter will this allow us to build walls simple walls simple walls or walls as far as i'm concerned after a hard day of not thinking it's unfortunately time to get back to thinking oh oh no oh no that's an endangered animal unsurprisingly tobra has gotten food poisoning from eating a raw unbutchered endangered animal it being endangered isn't really pertinent to the food poisoning it's just oh no is there any way we can make this indoors just to help speed things up a little bit absolutely outstanding wha sammy you traitor what are you talking about you got fed an endangered animal you're not joining and the worst part is because home is trauma savant we can't even tame sammy if you're not with me sammy you're against me oh no oh that is so sad um puts on the hat and then he remembers he doesn't know how to wear a hat so has to take it off again that's so sad and finally walls never thought i'd be happy to have walls in room world simple stone cutting for the ability to build reinforced structures rather than houses built out of concrete saloon doors and i'm not saying i don't enjoy our avant-garde concrete cowboy mess it's just there's a very good reason we don't do that in real life ah the rice harvest is in congratulations tobra you no longer have to eat the raw corpse of an animal oh well unfortunately for tobra it was already too late tolbra how did you we could just walk out of the prison concrete simple walls or archotec symbols you know in hindsight you make it a very easy choice no more wandering away well now what do we think about simple religion um wow that uh took a turn i think before we do anything else we'll go for domestication of anima grass prisoner tobra is escaping how tall bro don't make me use this club i didn't claim the door [Laughter] ah good you can't blame me for that one we're playing as a green man who doesn't know how to wear a hat climbing doors is at the bottom of my list of priorities oh whoa strawberry salvation your colonists receive a psychic signal mentioning an entity named stropras and feeling an intuition of the signal location she's a recently awakened forsaken and is unable to move without your intervention she'll be reached by another faction in some days potentially ending in the indoctrination and corruption of his inner core it's not far away and we get to we get to recruit them okay tell bra be good we'll be back soon strew prize straw prize friend or for ah there we go you've rescued strew prison she has joined your group oh wow cargo pods and caravan animals still another 1.4 days before we get back to the base well i don't know if you can call it that oh poor poor tallbra i did kind of expect that to happen though and i mean look at the bright side here we've traded tulbra for another glowy boy celium and city on the meadow that's a real that's a real iceland greenland situation huh for the time being i'm happy to leave it out is and i will give the honor of naming this colony this faction to you the comment section i'll choose my favorites from from down there and there we are fisherman clumsy acetic i didn't look at her skill set but it's actually very good construction 10 single passion mining of 11 single passion social nine double passion plants five double passion two is incredible supers is the romantic and relies on her feelings sooner or later stupid overwhelms everyone with being naturally temperamental she become weirdly more empathetic when bored good now this is all from the newly released 123 personalities module the first of the modules which gives them distinct personality types i believe it also affects animal behaviors as well certain animals will be more temperamental than others but in this case om is the companion uh what we can make him a side character in his own story and relies mostly on his feelings om is unbearably possessive and can be astoundingly comforting after hours oh dear i need me someone astoundedly comforting after hours you're really going to do turbo like that really had to rub it in that you were chosen over them now the downside is we're going to need beds all of a sudden probably i don't think we have anything to build beds out of we can build a simple bed out of concrete well sure you can ascend very literally from sleeping on a concrete floor to a slightly higher concrete floor in fact if i'm not mistaken right now stupid is better at quite a few skills than ohm it might even be beneficial to take home completely off of harvesting growing like stupas deal with the entire farming aspect of things and with that home schedule is completely open to both thinking and well not thinking well it isn't a huge improvement but you're doing okay no i've never actually played with a forsaken colonist before maximum comfortable temperature 26 degrees c well that's going to be a real problem minimum comfortable temperature 16 degrees c that is a a real problem yeah they don't care about eating raw food though by the looks of it which is helpful because we quite literally haven't invented fire yet oh storyteller change phoebe chillax fine ah an emu has gone mad though and immediately savage strew prince sake luckily ohm and his giant bird smashing club has dealt with it i think this more or less confirms the home is australian as well living in a horrendously oppressive environment filled almost exclusively with prisoners most of whom get murdered by emus are you okay though living out five hours my god you actually were about to be don't use the glitch attack medicine you we really were about to be murdered by emus dany's ancient catacomb now the last time we left someone lying around to go and hunt down something entirely unrelated they died horribly but i could be persuaded it's not that far away why don't we wait for stroopers to actually you know be capable of walking first 22 oh 22 days oh yeah we'll be fine and there we are a successful day of thinking about grass i guess the plan is to split this in half because we've already got kind of an absurd amount of rice none of which we can store we'll allow something on this half of the rice and then with the other half of this field we'll grow the anima grass now this animal grass isn't for psychic purposes well it's all this you craft psychic gear out of it doesn't have the same effect as the anima grass around a anima tree cotton plant cycloid um cotton plant ah cycloid oh walls not actual walls though unfortunately stacks of pebbles wait [Laughter] i feel like of all the uses for the most one of the most advanced materials we can possibly get stacking up chunks of arco mass into half a wall is probably a pretty terrible idea oh perfect so let's put our psycho i mean rice now from what i remember about primitive food storage we need an abundance of hay grass sorry cycloid and a way to build clay jars and i assume a clay pit is exactly what we need for that what do i put a clay pet place on the ground near water ah there is water right there oh there we go a long last some bricks to not build walls out of we still don't have walls well we might not have walls but we have ketchup sure you know this is a perfect example of why i wanted to do exactly what we're doing right now the beekeeping from vanilla expanded vikings i've had in pretty much every mod pack since final expanded fight kings came out and i've never once used it om you're a beekeeper now my friend oh hello there we could dismantle some ships into something that we then can't use raid from the elders this could be tricky if we're not careful ignite teleport a piece of a nearby star into a location setting it on fire no no i don't think i'm a fan of that at all actually here's the plan we hide behind a wall and before this guy can light us on fire with a piece of nearby star we hit him over the head with a very big club get him get him get him now yes destroy look at the parrying his reflexes they're beyond anything oh you've killed him you know how useful it would have been to have a man who can light things on fire with his mind oh god he's still screaming finish him off for god's sake we've also got a quest yoloja do a kid baroness of the shattered sovereignty recently lost a scouting party to a pack of four man hunting rats she wants to lure them to us to be killed to uphold her honor she's offering us glycerol medicine limestone double bed or a persona chain sword hey of course it's an arcane technology we can't use it we need persona bounding first damn oh cursed is the day where i take a limestone double bed over a persona chain sword no we'll take them we'll obviously take the medicine here i think the bed is probably arcane technology too ice usage that sounds like a good idea for our metric ton of rice we have right now and if you're curious there is a frightening amount of technology left to go for the primitive era dare i ask what exactly do i need to research to unlock walls ah that narrows it down there it is reinforced structures under the medieval technology so what we've got right now is the best that we can get for quite some time maybe we should start working on an actual base now we can use the clay pit that we've got to get as many bricks as we need to build some very basic ceramic walls and in terms of floors we have well actually nothing unfortunately we don't really need to build anywhere new yet we already have this incredible clay table on this incredible other clay table if we get a little bit more archotec mess we can build ourselves a martial arts target to help train up our melee characters we can build ourselves an archery target out of one of the most advanced materials we could possibly ever get oh my god the rats are here and the game didn't pause ah yeah that will do it get out of there get out of there please your arms only friend living out in five hours they can't have done any permanent damage they're rats of course they can walk through the door because i haven't claimed it kill them home vengeance and now we can use that girl to take medicine we've got to patch up stroopers i'm so sorry indoor flooring fantastic i don't think we have any resources to be able to build indoor floors out of but it is something oh my god finally primitive butchering the coveted ability to draw a square on the floor and butcher things in it and then primitive cooking two primitive weapons also unlocks basic traps for us wow he's getting through this research so fast 13.66 intellectual to be fair has sat doing research and nothing but research for quite some time we've got the important ones cooking was essential butchering is essential at this stage let's go through it automatically oh make storage pop there we are and we can even cook some meals that way we don't have to eat raw endangered animals nice let's get that linking ritual underway burden please burden give us burden some sort of long-range combat ability we got stabilizing touch what the hell is stabilizing touch stems the bleeding of a creature for a limited time oh that's actually really good primitive weapons is complete we're moving on to tree summing this is going to be massive because it's about the only way we can actually get flaws right now by growing cactuses and then using that which in hindsight sounds just terrible why don't we also make a weapon for stupras as well how about a nice concrete spear sure sure why not now the domesticated anima grass has a minimum growing scale of 12. so one varieties just to take every patch of dirt in the worlds and grow some rice in it oh we could grow something like tall grass that we wouldn't have to worry about going over there and harvesting it as well oh a new recruit potentially if they're any good oh eleven mining holy crap underground a two martial artist in a colony that hates firearms that could be incredible we finally finished tree summing which means we might be able to build a floor i suppose we can replace all of this grass i was growing with just tons of cactuses oh the deserter a loyalty squad consisting of two troopers i don't know that i'm brave enough to take that out two silent neuroformers two empty cortical stacks technology that we cannot use a person equipped with technology we cannot use to fight two troopers who are ages above us oh the lottie squad was from the elders that's basically a free colonist just home about to casually club some nips did they just trying sidecast and what was that it was be careful be careful what are you sad about why sad corpses death is just leaving the stage long enough to change costume and come back as a new character what no we didn't have to kill them both now we do have the technology to wear that animal war veil and the anima tribal wear both give heat recovering psychic sensitivity offset let's go ahead and strip some nips are you upset by that you are it's only a minus two though and hey we got a free person arcadius hello arcadius annoying voice iron stomach slob and kind arcadius is the perfectionist and relies mostly on his instincts i suppose we could train you up to be a good crafter and that gives us a quest out here in the world there it is to get our silent neuroformers that would take ohm up to level three we've also got an ancient ruins there and the legendary viking grave where do we even begin that was fast we're here already what are we up against oh god oh god oh no all we have to do is get within melee range without them shooting at us and we're set oh oh this is good the shuttle's gone this is good this is good get in there plop them nice nice come on home god this is so dangerous please for the love of god you can do this i hope you're ready to get slammed hopefully you have to buy me dinner first hey there we go a gun that we can't use but more importantly behind this door i assume oh look at that two silent euro formers there we are silent gained and we are now up to level three stabilizing touch healing touch as well doubles the natural healing process of a creature and finally clean skip teleports all the filth in the selected area to the core of a nearby star destroying it wow those aren't bad i don't think clean skip is incredibly good although om is very quickly becoming an incredible healer not only about their best medical character anyway stabilizing touch and healing touch and the ability to sterilize the hospital instantly this is pretty impressive and we also have two empty cortical stacks what those are used for we'll never know if we're too primitive unfortunately oh a storyteller change again goodbye phoebe chillax you've been very generous to allowing us to get a lot of research in oh no oh god i just want to build my clay houses oh and so it begins so we will call it there for today for the adventures of om stroopers and arcadius you have any suggestions for this modpack in terms of ideas mods anything that is safe to throw in of course let me know i'm all ears tomorrow we got our ass handed to us by void himself and after the credits i'll be talking about all the necessary mod settings you'll need to adjust in order to get a similar gameplay experience with what i've got going on with the kind of eras of technology and things like that in the meantime of course i have to give a massive thank you to the patrons for that which i would not have time to throw together mod packs videos other content across three different channels you know how it is thank you in the meantime to biv matthew vivala fight me jester naught silence sentinel xylo syphon virgo of doom mr moosh shotgun diplomacy dq ex doctordon md jtj2jt brady and dirty mike and the boys for their sport the executive producer tears over on patreon big thanks to you guys for making the channel possible in the first place annie thank you as well to cendy salakin j tofu 10 astro muskrat full rave pirate rendul dion blackman zero zero lady cerulean kyle jordan sync9 acero and marcus absent now i will write up as many of these mod settings as i can remember to write up in the steam workshop description as well so that you can quickly and easily copy it from there if you don't want to follow along with what i'm talking about right now but i give a little justification for some of it too why certain settings are set up in a particular way so going from top to bottom alphabetical order we'll start with arcane technology now for the arcane technology settings the very important one here is to set up the method by which this mod will calculate your tech level as actual colonist tech level so normally the way it works is your tech level is determined by the amount of research you've done right but if you have a mod like tech advancing which is another one we'll set up in a second that gives you an actual tech level that that can be a kind of sliding system depending on what you have and have not unlocked you'll need setup like this you don't have to set up like this but if you do this it makes everything a lot more cohesive and a lot tighter you won't have like one mod thinking you've got neolithic with different rules for that or another mod thinking that you are say medieval because that has slightly more generous rules than the previous mod this is also particularly important because say through some of you had it set to the highest tech research which i believe is it by default uh you would be able to get say spacer tech uh technology even though maybe you've only unlocked one space attack or you say brush down some uh research prof calls or something like that now this is optional but highly recommended for any larger mod packs this being the largest small pack i've ever built it's quite intensive the mod frame rate control allows you to change the target frame rate for rim mode beyond a certain point sure it will look slightly nicer assuming you've got a higher refresh rate monitor but it is mostly pointless and if you're rendering a shitload of stuff at 200 frames per second it can get a little bit uh jarring when you get kind of larger dip so i personally set that to a solid 60. you can even set it lower and throttle the game engine as well if you are running on a weaker system i would recommend that you're trying that if you're looking for a little bit of extra performance so the next one we're gonna set up is ignorance is bliss there's another one of the three tech mods that we'll need to coordinate here uh alongside arcane technology and tech advancing ignorance is blessed is the one i was talking about that allows you to under be targeted by raiders that are close to your own tech level that way you're prevented from being raided by uh division and from antimatter annihilation or void from well void so the way this works is you want to also set this one up to actual colonist tech level that means both this one and arcane technology will default to whatever tech level is set up by tech advancing all three mods are unified at that point otherwise again you could potentially have variation between all of these different mods so the way i personally got it set up is there are as you can see there are seven tate levels in the game by default there are no medieval factions so i've added in the medieval factions to make up for that i've set it so the maximum difference between our calculated set level and any enemies factions for zero ahead so you can make a bit more flexible so say for example we said it one ahead that would mean in a tribal colony you would be able to be raided by medieval factions so for me i've set it to zero because we're already playing on a harder difficulty we've got void storytelling to concern with as well the big problem with that is if we're industrial that the gap between honesty industrial and space attack is pretty significant we're talking the difference between cataphract armor and flak vests so i would rather not risk that uh and again similarly medieval and industrial is the difference between crossbows bows and arrows play armor and full-on firearms and while we're here we'll take a look at the hot seat mod as well hotzie i have set it up in this particular way um somewhat arbitrary but with a fairly high chance to swap between storytellers fairly dynamically i've only got cassandra classic phoebe chilex randy random and void enabled it's entirely down to you of course you could throw in uh eagle would be safe to throw in freya would be safe to throw an oscar perry i've put them in the mod pack as options for you guys to pick if you really want them to for me i just wanted these for keep it simple either base game remote storytellers or something that we're gonna dread and it's probably gonna annihilate us the next one powerful sidecast ai now this will allow the tribal factions the elders and regular tribal factions alongside the empire to use cycas in combat as it is in kind of rumored law quote unquote this is pretty essential to get a bit of early game challenge particularly if you are medieval and the only people who can rage you are other medieval factions or tribal it means that the tribal is still a force to contend with but in a kind of different way to the medieval faction right so i thought this was kind of fun to throw in i believe i triggered on uh allow ais to aggressively push heat above safe levels and i increased it so that they could gain faster levels of side car so i believe it's normally they increase by one level every six months you play i changed it to one level every two months that we play because we are also we have things like meditation freedom um mods that make it easier for the player to do side casting too like for example the adam and gear mod so i thought giving the eye a little bit more of a bonus in that regard would also help her quite a lot that's only for neolithic which i set to 50 and the ultra faction npcs so empire it's entirely down to you how you want to do this you could say that only medieval or only ultra have it for example i'm keeping it as default but i give it a higher chance that the half of all neolithic raiders will have tribal writers that is will have a side cast i've also enabled them to use every single one by default berserk pulse manhunter pulse berserk regular and mass chaos skip i believe are disabled i didn't mind that i i think they had a good amount of challenge semi-random research i adjusted very very slightly i have increased the amount of project count available because there are so many technologies in this game you can end up getting a lot of crap so i've increased that to four then i've also set it to be restricted to faction tech level otherwise you could potentially random tech from the slightly higher tiers as well again to keep it in line with tech advancing and to unify with all those other mods that we've got going on then i suppose we better get onto the star of show tech advancing itself uh that's only available while playing a map well that's frustrating so tech advancing looks a little complicated but it's not quite as bad as it might seem at a quick glance here so you get the option between two different ways to progress technology either rule a if the player has researched all text of tech level x and below the tech level rises to x plus something so if we research what that means is let's assume that tech level x in this situation is neolithic if we research all neolithic texts and below the tech level rises to neolithic plus one making it medieval that with this current rule makes us neolithic so that's very very helpful this one here is if the player has researched more than 50 of the text of tech level y the tech level y rises to that plus whatever so that one is if you would prefer the kind of base game i believe that's how it works in base camera mode right where is it 50 of the technology so to be counted as a spacer tech faction you have to have research 50 of all spacer tech technology i kind of prefer rule a in some ways it does make things a little bit more difficult you get kind of peaks and troughs of difficulty in that the difficulty becomes the easiest at the end of the research tree and then as you flip over into medieval suddenly medieval factions can raid you and you've got to try and fend for yourself again using everything you picked up from the previous age i quite like that personally if you prefer the way base game room works so that you have to you know when you're 50 of the way through spacer tech only then when you get spacer raiders that might be more for you that'd be much more balanced approach to things and would be a little bit easier i think than roulette and outside of that i would encourage you to have a look through all the mod settings yourself all hundreds of them and have a look see what works for you see what suits you and if you're curious about how i made them a melee only faction if you go into simple sidearms there's an option to change under the spawns tab the colonist default weapon mode to melee that should as it says there the default weapon preference mode for player control pawns is melee that means unless i specifically force them to equip a gun or any ranged weapon they won't do that and of course well i'm not going to do that because that's kind of part of the challenge really so if you want to do something similar quite simply all you have to do is is enable that if not don't worry about it i would highly recommend just looking through all the mod settings yourself you might find interesting ways to play mods that you've played with a lot before that you might not realize you can you can adjust to get to that for those of you who don't know options mod settings quite literally that simple i would recommend doing it within a save for some mods and outside of the save for others graphics mods for example require you to reboot uh things that affect the research tree can also sometimes require a reboot things that affect the way they work as well will require a reboot so i would go through them all in the main menu first see what you can find then load in afterwards because that way you're you're reducing the risk for the amount of time it's going to be closing or opening room world and then as per usual the install instructions and everything will be available on the steam workshop page let me know what you think if you've got any suggestions throw them at me and uh let's see what we can do with this an era spanning reward campaign
Channel: Mr Samuel Streamer
Views: 361,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld gameplay, rimworld game, rimworld royalty, rimworld mods, rimworld mod, rimworld let's play, rimworld 1.2, rimworld best mods, rimworld update, rimworld ep 1, rimworld challenge, rimworld modded, rimworld 1.0, let's play rimworld, rimworld guide, rimworld how to, rimworld pc, rimworld playthrough, rimworld speedrun, rimworld 2020, rimworld 2021, rimworld tips, rimworld review, rimworld hard sk, rimworld hardest, rimworld 1.1, rimworld lets play
Id: 1zMpSunMlek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 51sec (2691 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 28 2021
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