A Better Save Our Ship 2 Guide

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[Music] welcome to our save our ship 2 guide today we will be looking at the save our ship 2 mod by kennington and thiaxin and revol sonic thri karim and someone called k don't worry i didn't butcher any of those in vanilla rimwill the spaceship is no more than a really hard to get win condition as the goal is to get back to traveling the stars kind of like no man's sky but a lot harder but let's say you are already a few years into your playthrough you survive the worst of it all mechanoids savage tribals scheming pirates rabbit animals and tableless meals you want to see what happened next you don't want your story to end after all the best sci-fi stories happen on ships save our ship 2 is here for that you can go to space way earlier in the game too the bare minimum would be a ship bridge few chem fuel engines to launch it into orbit and a shuttle bay causes shuttle bay now before we start explaining how to even get to space here's what the mod adds besides going into a space on a ship you can construct and expand it mid-air as long as your pawns have the needed equipment you will need eva gear this gear allows your pawns to survive the harsh environment of space even if pirates drilled a hole in your ship those suits can help maintain life support for just enough time to survive from there on you can salvage destroyed ships for loot travel around the planet easily store resources and colonists and a launch point for orbital quest and epic ship battles let's cover all the new parts and important stuff in the mod as besides what we mentioned shellcrafts are a better transport pod because they are not single used not married they can be used multiple times they can join caravan as pack animals a special shuttle bay allows shuttlecraft to land on your ship without damaging whole integrity life support supplies are shipped with oxygen so your pawns and animals can still breathe should it be disconnected from the power grid you better have some suits to repair it or everyone will suffocate shipbridge comes in two sizes from small and large ships respectively needs to be manned by a colonist to pilot it if you want to launch a ship in orbit your researcher can use the bridge to attempt scanning for bullet quest sites is it just me or this really looks like ftl faster than light comment down below if you get some ftl vibes out of this game capacitor array late game guard to your battery godly energy capacity levels clean and efficient discharge and immune to the curse is it hmm when it reaches full charge it can deliver the massive energy requirement of your johnson tanaka drive there's also improvised cradle sleep casters critter sleep arrays can store from 8 to 32 small animals in a single building you can even make a crydo nest restart that chicken farm you had going on some basic information delivered let us move on to the ship construction sadly we can't create wood ships or normal steel ships if you want to construct a ship you will need lots of steel by stealing components you will have to hold for a while if you actually want to build a proper ship and the thing you'll need for a proper functioning ship is the hole itself the bridge to operate the ship the computer core aka ai brain of the ship life support to exist in space sensors to sense engines to go bear shadow base to leave the ship without landing it power because duh heat sinks heaters vents and radiators let's begin with the whole stuff you are given two versions of the whole walls powered and unpowered the unpowered is just a reinforced plastine and steel wall that protects you from the cold dead garage for space the powered versions also require a component per segment so it's a little expensive but it has conduits for power and cooling inside of it so it's worth to have those after you have created room made out of whole walls you will be able to draw your whole plating and make sure there are no basic walls or buildings such as nutrient-based dispensers for example in the area you are building your ship in the ship will not be fully closed which will not allow you to complete the building process roof is also applied automatically so don't worry about that minimum on one ship bridge there's one for large and one for small ships the smaller is less good at everything but cheaper both material wise and power wise you will need the bigger bridge eventually for more quests and combat maneuverability and increased scan rate now the ship bridge is important as it is used to enable the disabled shields and weaponry land on the planet move to another and move the ship around after that you will need a ship computer core it can fly the ship for you giving you one more pawn to work with life support system not actually required for launch but colonists will die in space without a powered life support do note that pawns and eva suits are not affected by zones with no option it also allows to farm on your ship using a solar lamp hydroponics or instead advanced artificial soil you can also build it in some cool dome shapes sensors short-range sensors grant you the option to detect other ships in orbit various horrible emissions and aid in the landing of the vessel when needed engine time in order to go burr out of the planet you will need to construct some engines there are two variants large engines and small engines big burs and little bears you will need to constantly provide chem fuel to your engines if you want to move around small engines are more fuel efficient and are more well armored next to another rather than merge large engines are more fuel costly store a bit more fuel and provide two time speed and combat for more fuel remember to place air locks to be able to access them if you need to go for small engines even put them one tile inside and cover with hole in an airline because remember they eat chem fuel shuttle bays and shuttlecraft you will probably need at least a few of those on a ship there is three variants of shuttlecraft's a personal one a cargo one and a heavy cargo one you can place four personal ones on one bay or two cargo ones or one heavy cargo one there's no bigger shuttle bay though power the ideal generator would be a ship fission reactor but if you want to cheese it you can use a chemical generator for a really small ship but you can also use solar cells those alone can be strong enough to power most small vessels and are overall good for any ship but they will compromise armor with weak points on your outer hole you can use normal batteries in space but larger ships and ship weaponry requires ship capacitors and as batteries often run out of power in three shots now for temperature control and heaters first you probably saw all those heat sinks temperature related stuff thinking what let me break it down for you see this yellow cable running with the power conduit that's a thermal conduit they transfer heat now heat sinks store heat inside of them and bleed them out over time place one in a closed room with thermal conduits connecting to it and place a vent leaving the space now heat in the heatsink will bleed out of your ship heat is generated from your reactor weapons and shields not taking care of heat will turn your ship into an oven even a miniature sun if you screw up bad enough and know on another note heat will not bleed out if ships are active so make sure to drop shields if you must lest you will be cooked like a cod in an oven and for the love of god after you launch the ship forbid the exit door of the ship oh man he died that's too bad colonists with eva gear can exit the ship and roam around in space but they are also stupid meaning if you don't notice they will literally run in front of active engines and just burn themselves to oblivion there's also those foam walls which honestly i'm not sure what they are for yet comment down below if you know what they do lots of stuff just on shipbuilding now for the part most people are here for probably chip combat first things first let's look at the turrets you can create their big struck laser turrets are short range and are capable of destroying torpedoes aka point defense plasma turrets are mid-range ouch balls of self and rail gun turrets are long range space sniper rifles big ouch big big ouch there's a large and small version of each turret here is a pawn to scale now when you enter combat all kinds of bars appear so don't panic heat is for judging heat obviously energy is well energy aka fuel for everything and then there's this weird ball with red green and blue arrows on it these are gun range effectiveness blue only railgun can fire and is most accurate at this range green plasma cannons and railguns can fire medium accuracy for railgun red all weapons can fire railguns are highly inaccurate here this icon is your ship that's the enemy ship and this is the distance between you two what about spinal weapons though well those are capital class mega weapons created from segments final capacitor is the base the spinal amplifier increases damage by 25 but increases energy cost and heat creation by the same amount and you can choose which head you want plasma railgun or laser they are all devastating in their own right here look i'm a fire in my laser another note the ships do not come in contact what happens is this it's artillery you shoot from your world map to their world map like ftl in fact you see this red icon on top here next to your colonist boom enemy ship view now you can select your weapons by clicking on them select force fire and destroy parts you want meaning you can target their turrets if you want heat sinks or just go for the middle you also can't see the inside of their ship which is not when you will start firing or taking damage to your shield provided you have a shield generator your heat level will rise keep it under max and you are fine it goes over max there's also torpedo chips shoot torpedoes at your enemies even anti-grain ones and those do a lot of damage if you have a shuttle bay you can drop onto the enemy ship using the shuttlecraft you have now you can board the ship and destroy its core the core is the enemy computer ai if you destroy the enemy ai you win the battle and the ship is yours for salvage but how do i salvage construct salvage bays on your ship each one of those can transport up to 1 000 kilograms of loot from the enemy ship have four against a small ship and you will gobble up everything it has it also brings back corpses and prisoners from the other ship if there are any however make sure to remove your own crew from there before you salvage as it will hurt them or just outright kill them overall this mod is great you can actually pilot a spaceship have battles do so much cool stuff it's awesome why didn't we cover quests so you will go check it yourself we explain the basic of how to play with this mod now you go play with the mod tell us your experience in the comments with save our ship too remember to subscribe like and share this video with your friends so let's see your soul and there's two one plus one package deal join our discord and patreon don't look at me like that it's the end of the video i can show them for myself as much as i want to oh and click on these videos in the side
Channel: Noobert
Views: 67,100
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Keywords: Noobert, rimworld guide, save our ship 2 guide, save our ship 2, rimworld tips, tips and tricks, rimworld mods, save our ship, rimworld
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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