Ultimate Save Our Ship 2 Guide (SOS 2 Tips and Tricks)

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another day with nothing to do i'm so bored maybe i'll take a walk hello slaves i mean hey guys how's it going any interesting research lately [Applause] perfect all right guys get to work we'll go with this project so what exactly is save our ship too in a nutshell it's an expensive rimworld mod that builds on the vanilla game ship escape win condition how much did it cost i said expansive as in massive not pricey gods send that guy to the meat grinder anyway the mod also abbreviated as save our ship too turns the wind condition into a fully fledged space exploration mode with multiple features in save our ship too you can commandeer a ship with some of your colonists as you zoom around space and encounter friends and foes while also searching for new planets to explore there is lots of stuff to be as discovered out there including ancient alien tech to give your colony a significant advantage hey what's this beware of spiders [Music] what's going on oh no run as you've probably noticed there a two in the name this mod is a major overhaul of the save our ship one mod and has some improved features while also adding new ones one big improvement is that you don't need to start a new game to access the mods features just load it up and voila the creator has also tried their best to integrate it with other mods so it shouldn't have any major conflicts though a modification this big might induce some bugs here and there first up let's take a look at how you can get started exploring the save our ship to mod content before we begin remember to like the video and subscribe to my channel so you can be updated on all the latest awesome vids i release oh yes indeed save our ship 2's content is accessible at any time as long as you have a spaceship or the resources necessary to build one unlike the base game ships in this mod are much easier to build and cost less too all you need is a bridge sensors a shuttle bay and chem fuel engines to launch your colonists into orbit alpha 10 you are cleared for takeoff no how could this happen it's such a tragedy all those resources lost all my money and precious metals well that just happened it's fine i have more expendable pawns if you want to make the most out of your spacecraft you'll eventually want to research other optional technology modules like cryosleep pods and weapon systems i'll talk more about those later though once you launch a ship it plays a few roles firstly the ship serves as a mostly raid-free place to store loot ponds that can fit in your planet side colony you can also use it as a resource sink as you expand the ship into a full-fledged space station with way more storage and utility capacity also if you need to quickly visit any location on a planet having a spaceship is highly useful most importantly the monitor produces orbital quests which require the ship as a launch point and orbital quest mean more loot while in the space you'll need to manage your shields when under attack energy fuel and heat to strike a balance and make sure your colonists survived the trip just like the planetside county and vanilla rimworld except with a new spin on it alright now that you've launched your pawns into orbit what you gonna do they're not just there to admire the view right thing is you're not the only colony on a faction to explore space no the universe is a huge place and there's a lot of other ships out there too some may be traitors peddling their wares peacefully and trying to survive maybe you'll find some good stuff to buy from them or you can take it by force some are like us right now shut away in our houses and refusing to communicate with anyone else some are even hostile oh looks like you're in trouble for these types of combat situations you'll need ship weapons hmm that guy seems pretty pissed off i wonder why you stole something who me i'm totally innocent anyway before we continue here's a quick reminder for the audience don't forget to subscribe to my channel it's awesome and there's lots of great content like this here so don't miss out here just to click on this button and oops oh my bad save our ship 2 features four different weapon types each coming in three sizes small large and gigantic which affects a weapon's damage and overall stats the four weapon categories are torpedoes laser turrets plasma turrets and railgun turrets which each category being most suitable for a specific range wait range yep you heard that right ship to ship combat relies on a distance mechanic on the right side of your screen there is a distance gauge which shows you how far or near your ship is from the enemy your ship will always be on the left side together with a flight direction whether it's advancing or retreating the range makers indicate distance for both your weapons as well as the enemies lasers are a close range weapon marked red plasma weapons are medium range to mark green and railguns are long range and marked blue railguns are technically usable at any range but will lose accuracy the closer you are to an enemy torpedoes can also be fired regardless of range but they're limited in supply so don't go wasting them on the distance bar you can also see the enemies flight direction if you want to stop them from advancing or running disable their engines you can then slaughter them i mean negotiate for their surrender and their stuff we surrender please spare us we'll give you half our loot i accept you surrender but you're still gonna die anyway that way i get even more loot note that weapons also produce a lot of heat and require power and won't fire if either of these conditions aren't suitable you can check your heatsink's capacity as well as the ship power reserves above the distance bar to fire weapons just click on your bridge select the blue weapons button force attack targets and click on the part of the enemy ship you want to attack you can also make ship to ship weapons attack by selecting them individually and clicking force attack space combat isn't all about the weapons you also need defensive capabilities which can be either shields or point defense weapons shields are pretty straightforward and you can raise them by clicking on your bridge like you do for weapons and selecting enable shields just remember to watch out for your power usage as for point defense weapons contrary to the name they aren't exactly offensive weapons these are anti-projectile defenses which you can install on your ship to shoot down incoming projectiles like raygun chills torpedoes before they hit your ship their fire rate is limited of course so they can be overwhelmed there are also spinal weapons which aren't a specific weapon type per se but more of an upgrade for capital ships that allows them to wield multi-part weapons alternatively if you're some kind of hippie or pacifist you can engage your thrusters and run from the enemy but where's the fun in that live a little go ahead and raid those helpless civilian vessels and become a true space pirate now that we've talked about combat let's take a look at some of your spaceships other possible features that aren't about killing people if you ask me that's no fun but hey firstly the ship bridge aka its command center from here your assigned ship pilot commands the ship and issues orders it's also where researchers can discover new orbital quests earlier on i mentioned the ship being a sort of storage point the main way to ferry goods and colonists back and forth between your spaceship and the planet via shuttlecraft which are miniature transport ships that can be reused and they don't just work in space you can repurpose them for ground transportation by setting them to hover mode if you've ever watched sci-fi movies i'm sure you know what life support is if you don't well it's basically an oxygen generator nothing fancy but obviously vital to keeping everyone alive do not let it get destroyed or shut down let me repeat do not let this thing get destroyed you got it you got it all right once you have a spaceship available and aim to tackle orbital quests you'll also need eva gear for your pawns which provide portable life support they'll need these suits to survive the vacuum of space and the suits also come in handy in case your ship loses action eva suits have two variants the basic one which only provides environmental protection and has no defense value and the power armor which is also usable in combat but noobert you say what about my beloved pet mega spider bob can i bring him along on the space journey sure in case you need to transport animals or colonists on long journeys through space there's the cryosleep module from cryosleep nests for storing eggs so you can repopulate animals quickly to quit asleep for large and small animals to colonize cryopods you won't need to worry about maintaining the needs of these passengers while in transit just make sure you have enough power to sustain the deep freeze sorry i had to take a quick nap all that talking makes me tired but you know what i'm not tired of hearing from you guys in the comments if you got any feedback suggestions or even questions about this video feel free to drop them below i'll try my best to reply to everyone and before we get back to the video i'd like to call the action all you guys go and join the discord you join the discord i'm in there every now and then i try to be in there more often you can hang out with me and the crew and we can play games together so go on join the discord it's a great place link in the description link in the description link in the description yeah that one the one you look click on it yeah you found it yeah that one now back to the video lastly ship ai upgrades each ship has an ai running it in addition to the human crew members which is capable of managing the ship's basic functions welcome user newbert it does get boring after a while though with all its limitations so if you're finding your ai lacking you should seek out architect upgrades architect is basically ancient alien technology that you can use to upgrade the ai and unlock really cool features unlockable tech ranges from psychic weapons to genetically modified and optimized animals [Music] and if you manage to find enough architect to fully upgrade the ai you can even evolve it into a fully fledged architect ai with highly improved capabilities give it a try that's not all for the save our ship 2 mod content there's a lot more optional stuff to do with the spaceship you can do more than just zoom around in space and slaughter everyone for shiny loot you can also planet hop in order to do so your ship will need a capacitor array which is a vital part of the johnson tonica drive that allows for hyperspace jumps they're essentially huge batteries so capacitor arrays can be used to power and other stuff apart from the ship too though it's not recommended due to the risk of short circuits just build the array plug it into the ship's drive and you're ready to go assuming you've got all the other resources prepared so what exactly happens when planet hopping think of it as starting a new rimworld game except within your current save file and with all your current resources a bit like an adult going back to kindergarten maybe your previous colony worlds are compressed and stored in the database which means you can revisit them at any time and move back and forth between plants when departing a planet you can transfer colony ownership to an allied mpc faction if you decide to return it may even have become a thriving settlement of that faction in your absence makes sense since you're not around to ruin their lives and torture them maybe the descendants of your original colonists will even feel grateful enough to give you gifts fun fact scenarios aren't carried over between planets so it's possible to change or swap out scenario parts when planet hopping scenarios are saved alongside worlds so you can experiment with new things and new frontiers like the cowboys in the wild west tired of living on the planet where every corpse explodes just leave things on that planet will still be exploding when you decide to return this means you can maintain multiple colonies across the galaxy albeit not entirely under your control except for a main county it's definitely worth checking out this mod and following its further development if you want a massive add-on to your rimworld experience there you have it a brief guide to the save our ship to rimworld mod it didn't go very in depth on some of the features like ship types and weapon stats but those are things you can discover of yourself in the mod anyway and honestly you should really give it a try it's a great mod especially for those of you who are bored with the bass remote content i hope you guys enjoyed this video again don't forget to like it and subscribe to my channel feel free to leave your comments and feedback down below click on one of these videos this one that one too here's all the great patreons that support the channel see you next time
Channel: Noobert
Views: 69,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Noobert, rimworld guide, save our ship 2 guide, save our ship 2, rimworld tips, tips and tricks, rimworld mods, save our ship, rimworld, rimworld xbox, rimworld ps4
Id: kz0-rDmeE0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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