Which Class Is Right For You In Baldurs Gate 3? - Baldur's Gate 3 Class Guide (BG3 Tips and Tricks)

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12 classes 46 subclasses do you know which one you're picking in Boulders Gate 3 you do well no point watching this video but if you don't then boy have I got some content for you so today we're going to break down each of the classes talk about their subclasses their strengths weaknesses and more let's go let me know in the comments which class you're picking so first before we get into the classes I just want to give a brief sort of I guess mindset thing that you should think about while you're watching this video so in general there are so many options and it's definitely going to be hard to find the exact perfect option right from the start but don't worry because you can respect your class during the game so even if you're not happy with your initial choice you don't have to worry about that there is also multi-classing with the full game as well so you'll be able to choose multiple classes if that's a route that you want to go on so when I'm breaking down these classes I want you to think about two things the first is does the combat play style sound fun to you and the second is does the role playing of that class sound fun to you most games like class systems are really just combat focused but in Boulder's Gate 3 your class is going to give you access to Unique dialogue choices and consequences and it's definitely going to be a core part of your role playing experience a really good example of this is in one of the first locations in the game you'll come to The drude Cove now if you're playing as a drude it's definitely going to give you action access to different conversation aspects as well as unique interactions or insight into things that may be happening around you because you are a certain class you have that knowledge to understand these things now in the full release as well there won't be race modifiers like there is in the Early Access you'll still have those ability score modifiers but they will no longer be tied to your rates you'll actually be able to choose where you put those modifiers so you can really play as any race with any class whereas in the early access to like min max I guess you sort of have to pick specific races with classes but let's start with the Barbarian the strong embrace the wild that hides inside Keen instincts Primal physicality and most of all an unbridled unquenchable rage and the playstyle for the Barbarian is they are one of the highest starting hit point classes so they have the most health they are a very merely focused class really leaning into that High Health pool and the ability to trigger the rage mechanic which essentially gives them bonuses as long as they are either dealing damage one turn or receiving damage themselves one turn so because of that they make a really good sort of a a tank slash Milli hybrid sort of a class you will definitely be charging into the thick of things and just swinging around some big weapon to deal as much damage as possible the barbarian's primary stat is strength now they do also have unarmored defense so while you're not wearing armor as a barbarian your armor class equals 10 plus your dexterity modifier plus your Constitution modifier so that essentially means that as a barbarian you probably won't be choosing to wear armor in favor of getting these multipliers just because you've got a high dexterity and Constitution so you'll be able to sort of tank hits that way now we already mentioned the range mechanic but essentially what this means is that while you're raging you'll deal extra damage with Millie or improvised weapons when you are attacking enemies you also get some resistances because of that and then depending on what sort of subclasses you choose that will change what the effects of Rage do but that's essentially what it works out to be and you will also get an extra attack as you do level up with a barbariance you'll be able to attack multiple times as a barbarian you are proficient in the light armor medium armor Shields simple weapons and Marshall weapons now just to quickly break down what that means if you don't understand d d proficiencies in DND mean that you can actually use those specific types of things right so if you are light armor efficient or medium armor proficient that means you can wear light armor and medium armor effectively same as Shields simple weapons which is a category of weapons compared to martial weapons which is a bit more advanced sort of category of weapons for the subclasses for the Barbarian at a higher level they are different ways to either enhance your Rage or some sort of class specific mechanics so as a Berserker Barbarian you're really leaning more into that rage and aggression aspects whereas a wild heart it changes your rage into be a bit more of a bestial aspect in allowing you to trigger different creatures say like a tiger aspect in terms of your rage a wild magic Barbarian will enhance your Rage with wild magic allow you to cast various spells the fighter is another type of melee class now the fight I have mastered the art of combat wielding weapons with unmatched skill and wearing armor like a second skin a fighter is a very consistent martial focused classed and they are really beneficial in either ranged or merely combat because they have an array of proficiencies across all types of weapons they can be great tanks because they can use armor and shields with a higher Health pool and survivability as they can also use Second Wind to heal themselves in combat as well as a fighter you'll be picking a passive of how you want to specialize your combat whether that be an archery defense dueling great weapon fighting or protection or two weapon fighting style it's really up to you into what you want to specialize and you'll get additional modifiers based on that specialization but the martial skills of a fighter is definitely their key focus and they also get an extra attack at level 5. proficiencies they come with light armor medium armor heavy armor Shield proficiency simple and martial weapons and they also have subclasses a little bit similar to the Barbarian in that it allows you to focus on specific aspects of their kit a Battle Master fighter really focuses on the Tactical superiority of their kit allowing them to deal additional types of attacks while using these superiority die and the Eldridge night subclass allows you to enhance your fighter with magical abilities and the champion leans further into their martial aspects of physical prowess the sorcerer is a natural spell cluster drawing on inherent Magic from a gift or a bloodline the sorcerer is primarily a ranged magic spellcaster with very low HP but they do have more HP than some of the other spellcasting classes because of one of their subclasses which we'll talk about briefly in a second their main stat is charisma and while they do start with dagger quarterstaff and light crossbow proficiency you're really going to be leaning into your care trips and spells as a sorcery you won't be using those sort of weapons very often subclass wise you'll need to pick one as soon as you start as a source right now you'll start with either wild magic which gives you an advantage on your next attack roll ability check or saving throw but you can also trigger wild magic effects that can either help or hinder you it's a good sort of fun class if you want a little bit of Randomness into your spell casting draconic bloodline gives you a higher Health pool and armor class because of your draconic bloodline and it also allows you to enhance a specific element or damage type depending on what you lean into with your draconic ancestry storm sorcery subclass typically allows you to enhance your storm capabilities say like thunder and lightning effects as well as allow you to call upon gusts of wind to allow you to fly around the battlefield to avoid opportunity attacks the Warlock is bound by a pact to an all-powerful Patron warlocks trade their loyalty for supernatural abilities and unique Magic the playstyle for a warlock is a bit more of a flexible class than some of the other spell classes because you do have access to a lot of simple weapons plus the Spells and can trips you could consider them to be a little bit like a battle mage sort of type just like based on how they play but that's dependent on how you choose to play the class but it fits a little bit more into that sort of an archetype the primary stat is charisma now warlocks have warlock spell slots which mean that they recharge on short rest and you have a limited amount of spell swords compared to some of the other spell casting classes you are proficient in light armor and simple Weaponry your subclass choice as a warlock will give you different benefits depending on certain actions so as a fiend you you will heal when you defeat enemies as a great old one every time you critical hit against a character you will frighten them until the end of the turn and Arch Fey which isn't in the Early Access allows you to charm or frighten enemies but essentially as a warlock you're really leaning into your Eldridge blasters all the warlocks use Eldridge plasters it's a core part of their kit it has a heap of force damage it's a can trip so you can cast it as many times as you like you can enhance it with different abilities it is a great skill moving on to wizards now the wizard is the master of Arcane by specializing in individual schools of magic combining ancient spells with modern research they have an extremely low Health pool and no armor proficiencies and very few weapon proficiencies simply only in dagger Quarter Staff and light crossbow which you're not really going to use at all really as a wizard you're a glass cannon that heavily leads into their large spell pull and flexibility of that spell pool to gain an advantage now you also have Arcane recovery so once per day out of combat you can replenish your expanded spell slots allowing you to cast even more spells which is obviously the main core part of a wizard now as a wizard with your subclasses we won't cover these in depth but essentially you will pick a school of magic and that will give you additional benefits to Magic of that specific type of school so if you want to lean into aberration magic or evocation which is the two that are in the Early Access but all the schools will be available in the full version of the game but essentially it's dependent on what sort of spells you like to use and what you want to lean into as a wizard further whether that's damage or some sort of divination or conjuration it depends what it is exactly but that's a choice that you make as a wizard moving on to the ranger now the ranger are unrivaled scouts and trackers honing a deep connection with nature to hunt their favorite prey as a ranger this is sort of a flexible class really you're a hunter is sort of like the general archetype here and you've got access to range weapons and Millie weapons and even bees to hunt your prey Rangers can also use some basic spells as well so you really have a whole lot of flexibility as a ranger as a ranger your primary ability is dexterity and you will have to pick a favorite enemy which will give you either specific proficiencies or access to new spells depending on what you choose here as well as their natural Explorer so this will either give you some type of skill or resistance depending on what you pick leaning into that Hunter aspect of the ranger you will also get access to an extra attack at level 5. now proficiencies here you've got light armor medium armor Shield simple and Marshall Weaponry so you've got access to a bunch of weapons the subclasses at level 3 for a ranger is when it really starts to expand as a Beastmaster you'll gain access to summon companion allowing you to summon some sort of a beast to fight with you in combat as a hunter you double down onto your Hunter aspects of the Ranger giving you different Buffs when you're fighting certain enemies and the Gloom stalker further enhances your magical abilities of the Ranger while the Rogue is flexible like the ranger it definitely is different focusing more on the stealth and uncanny reflexes a rogue's versatility lets them get the upper hand in almost any situation now the Rogue has an average Health pool and it's definitely more of the stealth base class with you gaining additional bonus actions and movement in combat allowing you to either disengage or move further than other classes and attack from stealth much more better or more efficient than some of the other classes one of the key aspects of the Rogue is the sneak attacks which allow you to gain an additional dice of damage when attacking from stealth using that sneak attack attack proficiencies here you are proficient in light armor simple Weaponry hand crossbow long sword Rapier and short sword now you can also dual wield as a road which is absolutely something that you'll probably do especially using that extra bonus action because you can attack with one weapon in one hand and then use your bonus action to attack with the other in your other hand but you could use rage weapons or any sort of other things with a rogue at level 3 you'll pick a subclass the Arcane trickster allows you to gain access to some spells the thief leans into that Thief sort of stealth aspects giving you an additional bonus action and gaining you resistance to Falling damage and assassin leans further into that stealth giving you advantage on attack rolls against creatures that haven't taken a turn in combat yet so at the start of combat you can really deal insane amount of damage from that stealth aspect as an assassin let's take a break and listen to some music and that would be the bar now The Bard is a support class that uses the power of music to either heal or buff allies debuff enemies or even damage enemies as well Charisma is their primary stat so they are great Talkers in combat if you are choosing a bar to be your main talker for different skills like persuasion bardic inspiration is the unique part of their kit which will allow you to add a bonus dice to allies next attack roll ability check or saving throw they are proficient in light arm a simple Weaponry hand crossbow Rapier and a musical instrument which is a core part of their kit is their musical instrument and what you choose here the subclasses at level 3 allow you to expand your Bard into different aspects a school of law Bard will gain your proficiency and Arcana intimidation and sleight of hand as well as the cutting words reaction to debuff enemies the school of Valor is kind of a tanky subclass giving you medium armor proficiency Shield proficiency and martial weapon proficiency so if you want to lean more into those sort of weapons as a bad the school of Swords leans into melee combat as a bit more of a milli fighter with medium armor and scimitar efficiency and you also gain access to Blade flourish and an extra attack at level 5 really leaning into the sword aspect of The Bard's kit clerics are representations of the gods they worship wielding potent Divine magic for good or ill now the cleric is similar to a Bard in that is a supporting type class with healing spells as well as Buffs and debuffs for enemies and allies depending on what you choose the primary stat here is wisdom so they are a little bit different and you will pick a deity as a cleric now the deity is basically a God that in Baldur's Gate 3 will give you access to Unique dialogue options based on your choice here now the proficiencies are light armor medium armor shield and simple Weaponry as a cleric you'll pick a domain subclass at character creation Now this domain will enhance a certain part of your kit and essentially what you're leaning into as a cleric say for example if you're leaning into the life domain or enhance your magical healing abilities the light will enhance like your you know light aspects of your kit giving you access to different light spells trickery like Shadow heart gives you access the Charmed person disguise self War enhances your War ability say your you know combat ability with sort of Martial weapons and heavy armor same as Tempest or nature which gives you sort of like a druidic style to your cleric which we'll talk about tourism a little bit but but as a cleric regardless of your domain choices for the most part you'll be in some sort of Miller Range you'll be buffing allies you'll be healing allies you'll be debuffing enemies and you'll be doing the occasional swinging of a various weapon or attacking with some a couple of can trips paladins are fueled by the oath that they swore to uphold Justice and righteousness you are a Beacon of Hope in dark times the Paladin is the last of these sort of support type classes now the Paladin have full armor proficiencies they also have Shields and martial weapons and they have a good amount of HP making them a really good option as a tank class but also giving them access to some sort of minor healing or Buffs and debuffs because of the different sort of spells that they have access to their primary stat here is strength now you get Divine Smite as a paladin which you can use a spell to enhance your weapons with radiant damage and you also pick a fighting style whether that be defense dueling great weapon fighting or protection similar to how a fighter does and you also get an extra attack at level 5. so paladins are a really good option if you want to be a little bit like a fighter but also having that sort of a spell casting a little bit of an aspect here but now as a paladin it's also worth mentioning that your oath is a part of the role playing of this class as you can choose actions in the game that will break your oath essentially changing your subclass to give you access to different aspects of a paladins kit because you've broken that sacred oath that you made but that subclass choice really enhances different parts of the kit say for the ancient enhances your healing devotion is a little bit more combat sort of focused or Vengeance which is a bit more of a gray not necessarily a good type of Paladin an oath breaker which is you know that oath that you have broken giving you access to different abilities as well darude's channel the elemental forces of nature and share a deep kinship with animals allowing them to Wild shape in into different beasts from all over the realm and they are a unique nature-based sort of Mage class if you wanted to stay on your human form but the key aspect of the drude is wild shaping allowing you to take the shape of different animals and you can use those animals in combat as well and those each animals have their own health Port as well as unique aspects like a bear that can roar to taunt or the wolf that can howl to give allies extra movement speed proficiencies here you are proficient in light and medium armor as well as Shields and simple weapon proficiency at level 2 you'll pick a circle which is what part of the Druid kit you want to lean into as a circle of the land you'll lean into the magic aspects allowing you to essentially get more natural recovery of your spell slots and as a circle of the Moon it enhances your wild shape abilities in combat allowing you to use a bonus action to assume the form of a beast during combat and it also gives you access to additional wild shape options for combat as well and the circle of the spores which wasn't in the Early Access is a necromancy themed subclass for the Druid I've saved the monk for last as they aren't in the Early Access but monks are unarmed patents leaning into their key points for special abilities now as a monk you'll either be using Millie or unarmed style combat focusing on martial arts as they're not currently in the game it's hard to give like direct specifics but the key part of their kit is actually key and you'll use that to give you access to different abilities or like Flurry of Blows different attacks that you can use now they also have unarmed defense like a barbarian to allow them to have natural body resistance to add their constitution modifier to their armor you've also got unarmed movement to increase your movement speed when you're not wearing armor and that key resource that we mentioned which you can initially use just to deal additional attacks but you can also use it depending on your choices to either enhance your defense or Dash or disengage just different bonus actions you do have subclass options as a monk being the way of the Open Hand allowing you to further specialize into that unarmed combat if that's the choice you want to go the way of the Shadow is a bit more of a stealth orientated monk giving you access to some stealth spells and can trips the devs have described it sort of like a ninja and the weight of the four elements gives you access to some ranged spells that you can use before you actually get into Milly range if that's the route that you wanted to choose but those are all the classes thank you guys for bearing with me as we get through all the 12 classes I've tried to keep this video pretty General because I know there's a lot of information with these classes and I don't want to over bear you with this information especially if you aren't like an expert in DMD I don't want to go too deep and just sort of bore you with a bunch of nonsense so I've tried to keep this really General and I hope that you guys have enjoyed it so thank you guys for watching till the end thank you to our members for supporting the channel my name is norza and I hope you have a great day
Channel: NorZZa
Views: 145,680
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3 class guide, baldurs gate 3 best class, baldurs gate 3 which class to play, baldurs gate 3 classes explained, baldurs gate 3 class tier list, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 classes ranked, baldurs gate 3, bg3, baldur's gate 3, baulders gate 3, baldurs gate 3 guide, baldurs gate 3 all classes, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, baldurs gate 3 class, baldurs gate 3 subclasses, baldurs gate 3 best classes, baldurs gate 3 tips, bg3 tips, baldurs gate tips
Id: a3vAUxbbtvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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