Baldur's Gate 3 - 10 IMPORTANT Things You Need to Do Early in Act 1 - Best Weapon, Secret & More!

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hello and welcome back to rage gaming and welcome to the first days of Baldur's Gate 3 and it's full release with everyone finally jumping in for real including lots of new players for the first time I want to talk about some important things to not only know but do pretty much right away for example we actually finally have Alchemy to play around with in the game that can be really helpful you might actually want to respect or get strong in a short amount of time there's many things you should do sooner rather than later so I put together this list of 10 things you should do as soon as possible as you begin your journey we begin with the important and quick one how to Respec as you can see I'm speaking with this character here named Withers who's quite Undead and old Withers can not only respect you for 100 gold but you can also get higher links from him which is quite interesting but being able to respect for 100 gold is obviously a very important thing especially in the early days as it will let you experiment yourself to find Withers and get him in your Camp so you can get a respect you'll need to come here to the ruins of the overgrown ruins this is to the east of the roadside Cliff's Waypoint if you've got that or behind the ancient door on the beach at the very beginning of the game now inside the ruins you'll find a centerpiece main room of the northern point with the Statue and some light coming in and as you can see there's skeletons that will attack you when you go here at the back room there is a button on the side of the wall which will open this secret room and by interacting with the sarcophagus here you will reveal Withers but first you'll have to defend yourself to the skeletons that spawn by having a positive conversation with with us he will then show up in your camp at a certain point at which point you can talk to him to Respec a second thing you need to be aware of and do pretty much immediately is alchemy because crafting and Alchemy itself is in the game in the full release with this you can obviously craft potions which is going to be amazing when it comes to specifically potions of healing especially in those early days through this we can also make powerful elixirs useful items like fire bombs even oils that you can coat your weapon in to get benefits with at very least you should be using Alchemy to make potions of healing to begin with this will require some materials as you can see and it might seem more complicated than it actually is essentially a potion of healing requires Rogue morsel salts and any suspension now Rogue morsels are actually just a mushroom that you can find as you can see in any woods in fact just to the east of the blighted village is a whole Woods that you can explore and find a bunch of Rogue muscles in a neat trick then is to hold alt while you're walking around and it will reveal items and things you can interact with such as the mushrooms you're hunting once you've got some of those you can just go to the salts Tab and pick rogue's morsel to make some second to that is any suspension as you can see we can make suspensions whenever we want I have two options of the bullywood trumpet and the Mur grass and the Mur grass is the much easier option here Mur grass is actually found on the coastline exactly where we start the game in the waters by the beach you'll find some Mur grass growing then with the Mur grass you can turn it into a suspension as you can see not too hard to do and as you make more of these things you will unlock new options like hey I just got a potion of mind reading alternatively you can hover over the thing you want to make and click extract All In ingredients so you'll turn what you need into this and then again because we're interacting with the system we're unlocking more options for example now we've got potion of healing grater which is much better which requires some ashes and some muscle to make but to begin with anyway we have our Rogues more sort of suspension so now we can craft some potions like so and this is so good because these from a vendor will cost say a hundred gold or more whereas this is costing us nothing at all so a very important thing to know and do as soon as possible now speaking on gold here is a quick tip especially in the early days and it is to loot everything if you open a chest a barrel whatever there's a chance there's going to be junk inside of it many times that will be food which is great for long rests but it'll be like say a rag or something you can sell in general once you have a pile of these things you can take it to a vendor and just sell them all and get your first Hefty pile of gold the thing is from any point you can take any item in your inventory right click it and choose send to camp and this will send it to the chest that is in your camp that chest is Mass seemingly endless and we can store everything we want in there to then pull out whenever we want to go vendor so there's no loss as to carrying it around because you don't have to carry around weighing you down it just goes straight to your chest do this enough in the early days which really doesn't take much and very quickly you've just got this pile of gold to spend this is how I reached my first 1000 gold on my first day of playing and at that point you're able to buy equipment that you might want more potions perhaps or you'll have that 100 gold to respect whenever you need it next on the list of things that you want to know and do ASAP has got to be your companions I have my little group here my party of my selection but if you don't go and find them and interact with them and unlock them as companions well you can't have them there are six companions you can get in act one so here's the location of all of them firstly on the beach where I'm standing next to this ancient door on the beach that you crash land on in fact head north and you'll come to the ancient door here you'll find Shadow heart and you can speak with her and have her join you she's very easy to get an incredible early game companion as they sort of heelbot and buffer next we have a sterion who's another one we can get right at the beginning of the game and he's also incredible as a rogue with stealth it's so valuable stereion can be found here on the West side of where you begin the game in between the crashed ship simply walking over here you'll interact with him and very quickly you can convince him to join you just north east of that we can get our Mage our wizard we can get Gail who is quite literally in the Waypoint the Fast Travel Waypoint of the roadside Cliffs so he's going to be a very hard one to miss because you want to touch the sigil to actually unlock the Waypoint next we have Lazelle who will be found in a cage here currently caught by tieflings this is just North of the roadside Cliff's Waypoint very close in fact and you'll need to get her out of here hopefully without combat ideally she'll join you without much convincing considering the situation companion number five will be found here which is just in front of the emerald Grove the Druid faction this is just North of the roadside Cliff Waypoint just beyond where we just got our last companion keep heading north and you'll hit this immediately where you'll encounter a goblin attack on the town within this cinematic will will actually show up and you'll help him but you'll need to actually go inside the Grove after defeating the Goblins who you'll just find if you follow this North Road pretty much to this point by the buildings he's training a young tiefling and again he'll join you very easily lastly for our companions in act 1 we have kalak here you can find this tiefling Barbarian right in this exact spot which is here on the map just north west of the actual Emerald Grove South of this in building with a bridge which is just south of the Risen Road Waypoint you'll find her having just been in combat and she'll happily join you especially if you agree to help her with the quote-unquote Paladin situation in the in building just to the north from here you'll have your at one companion options and you can choose what party to run depending on what you're playing and what your goals are next up let's talk about compound loop as you can see I've now got quite a few blue items and in fact a good chunk of these you can find in this town pretty quick at the very beginning of the game you can come to the blighted Village North West of where you begin the game to the west of emerald Grove be warned when you enter the blighted village you will be ambushed by a small group of goblins but once they're dealt with you can head to the right into the cellar which is actually a hidden blacksmith sort of Forge inside here in the chest is the steel forged sword a one-handed sword that deals 5-10 damage that has a plus one weapon enchantment on it to get this early we'll certainly help you with your damage output and can be great in a number of characters who can use a sword in the middle of the town is a moss covered chest though and when you unlock it you're going to find the haste Helm the haste Helm gives you the smooth start bonus at the start of combat for three turns you gain momentum meaning you can move a little bit further than normal great for melee characters who want to arrive at a Target as quick as possible heading just west of that is a windmill and behind the windmill is a trapdoor if you go down that trapdoor you'll find a seller and a chest is in there in that chest you'll find the Speedy light feet boots which provides you with Speedy Sparks meaning whenever you dash you get lightning charges which increase the damage you do with a bit of lightning damage further even gives you plus one Athletics which is a very nice pair of boots to have in your party in the early game finally if you head north from the windmill to the small small hill next to the barn there'll be a dagger in some cooking meat and if you can free the dagger from that cooking meat you'll get yourself a green dagger with again A plus one enchantment so much good loot in one Village and very compound you should be able to get this very early and hopefully now you know that there you won't miss them yourself next let's talk about lumps Warhol an item we can use to summon lump's frenzied band of ogres a very powerful group of ogres that you can summon at will when you're in a dire situation and you need to win the combat scenario to get the ogres you can also come to the blighted Village just to the Southwest right here and this building will be three ogres that if you are very confident with your persuasion skills you can convince them to join you potentially you'll agree that they can eat the bodies or you'll pay them or they can keep the gold but whatever way you get them to join you you'll then have the warhorn to summon whenever you're in a tough fight this can be unbelievably helpful in the early days when you're under leveled and facing something a bit deadly the thing is you can summer them multiple times up to three times as long as you can keep convinced them to come fight for you again although do be careful you don't push your luck too much our next point is also in the blighted village this one's a big one though in the shabby wooden doors into the blacksmith's Forge and the underground Cellar you can loot this wooden chest and it'll have a blueprint a Masterwork blueprint for some weapons this leads to sucer weapons which are as you can see incredible they're blue weapons with reasonable damage but most importantly a passive where they silence Targets on here meaning those affected cannot cast spells with any verbal component to them which is incredible when dealing with spellcaster enemies I use this when facing the hag and oh my God was it helpful however be warned that this will require you to go to the underdark which has enemies of level 4 and even 5 in bad scenarios but fortunately you can avoid all of them except for the final pack of enemies that is a sort of group of level 4 enemies but even in that scenario we're talking about enemies that are also mid-fight with another enemy so you can turn this situation to your advantage I would suggest be at least level three as a minimum anyway you come to the forge with a blueprint and you'll need to get to the underdark to do this fortunately the wall right here is breakable as you enter it will reveal a passage that ultimately leads to the underdark as one way in throughout all the ways to get down there though if you find another option you'll need to come to the sushi tree itself which as you can see in the underdark is on the very Western Point there's a waypoint near the middle called the underdark beach and a waypoint of the southeast for the actual outpost on the map you can see you'll need to make your way up the hill and along the actual branches to the tree to then grab some of that bark that you're after to craft your own weapon as I've mentioned though this is protected by one mad Mage and a couple of his hook horror pets which again are all level four my advice is to get up high and defeat the Mage as soon as possible and then clean things up with The High Ground the bullet which is down below and very scary can actually distract the hook Horrors for a while and even kill them for you once we win the fight we'll head up the branches of the tree and make get to where we can grab some of that bark with the bark in hand we can then go back to the blacksmith seller and Forge our weapon to do this you'll need a common weapon as a Baseline and of course that tree bark put the back into the forge and you'll turn the Flames blue then you can put in the normal weapon and turn that into your perfect blue weapon based on Wiki information you'll be able to do this with a dagger a sickle or a great sword this essentially unlocks the ability to craft your own blue quality weapon and again A plus one weapon that has a silence property on it making a major difference in act 1 as a whole and for the rest of the game until you change this weapon out having a raw silence like this is incredible and that's why I really want to recommend you do this as soon as possible but obviously when it is possible for you but what if you want more blue weapons incredible weapons that increase your damage you can get them in pretty easy as you can see this Quest reward has us choose between three blue quality weapons tied to lightning damage to get this you just need to come to welkin's rest which is Northwest of the Hall map just north of lighted Village you can cross the broken bridge and head Northwest and get the Waypoint and by coming here into the courtyard you'll find a building that is under attack and on fire there'll be a pile of people trying to break in and if you go help them you can enter the building very quickly they'll tell you their leader is stuck upstairs and you need to help them so head up the stairs immediately you need to cross over to the other side of the rooms and break the door that is trapping the leader but you should be able to do that without too much problem exit the building with the group and just like that you'll be given the reward for saving her life a choice of three incredible weapons which personally I chose the jolt shooter as an incredible ranged weapon that is getting lightning damage on those ranged attacks next let's talk about scratch the dog who is a very cute companion and a dog you can get in your camp but more than that he can actually be a useful summon if you summon him out of combat he'll actually find items for you which is pretty neat to find scratch the dog you'll need to come here to the woods which is just Northeast of the blighted village you'll find a body which scratch is protecting by interacting with scratch and calming in him down and make him trust you you can have him smell you so that he can actually identify your smell and follow you back to your account from then on he'll appear in your camp and you can interact with him and pet him if you find a way to speak to animals though such as drinking a potion that can give you animal conversation skill or maybe have an ally that can just do it you can make friends with him to a higher degree with enough time he'll even have a ball that you can play fetch with basically you improve your relationship with scratch and eventually he will become a summon you can put on your bars and pull out and hey have him in the open world which is not only neat but useful because again he will find items for you also I imagine he's going to be a very popular companion so why not finally our ironic last thing that I think you need to do straight away is do whatever you want and when you want I don't think you need to rush this game especially big picture it's going to be an incredible long-term experience my advice is if you can avoid safe scumming everything that ever goes wrong you'll actually end up with a unique and fun Journey which in turn means you can replay the game and make different characters on a new class and character and have a different experience after role when it comes to act one you're probably gonna want to be at least level five before you move on as a concept so take your time and enjoy it I hope these tips can help you have a smoother initial experience but there's absolutely nothing wrong with doing it in totally different orders in different ways for now though I do hope the video was useful and you learned something and if you have any other bonus tips to help people in their initial days of playing you can drop them in the comments for now I've been Hollow you've been new thanks for watching we'll see you next time Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice to look into your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the Whole World a Stage yes uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 681,768
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3 side quests, baldurs gate 3 magic weapon, baldurs gate 3 scratch, scratch, baldurs gate 3 act 1 guide, level up guide, feat guide, feats, baldurs gate 3 combat guide, baldurs gate 3 magic items, camp, combat, combat guide, best class, best build, build guide, companion guide, act 1 guide, new player, baldurs gate 3 combat, baldurs gate 3 gear, gear guide, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, gameplay, guide, best, sorcerer, subclasses, gold, level, xp guide, ragegamingvideos
Id: mYLBheFzDkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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