Being as evil as possible in Baldur's Gate 3

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hey there friends how's it going today we're playing Baldur's Gate this game blew my mind it is actually amazing so open-ended that you can play the game any way you want which is great for me because I want to play it as a terrible terrible person which led to a lot of hilarity but without further Ado let me introduce you to our character I guess this one kind of looks like me plus he's descended from Devils of the nine Hells it's a good Icebreaker and I'm gonna pick the coolest outfit it's definitely Bird plus with this I can insult a creature with vicious mockery leave the creature prone with laughter without the ability to get off excellent oh and I can get a friend's spell to enchant people yeah get rid of the combat one and make friends I like how I have two super powers and I think I'm gonna go with the Quick Change act hand drum flute loot oh the loot looks cool looks like he's on his way to band practice and he can even rest it on his tail it's perfect background I could be it charlatan an expert in manipulation prone to exaggeration and more than happy to profit from it he may be descended from Devils but he's going for that e-girl look it's like it's Snapchat filter or something that changed the solid color and now he just looks like some normal dude in face paint like he's in some Nordic metal band that's better all right I can even change how horny he is you can put it like a little or a lot all right I think I'm done with our demon bird I'm gonna put his name as Carol I don't know why I just I think it's funny to point over at him just go yeah that's just Carol no I don't well actually yes I do need a guardian it's court ordered wait can I edit this person too it's mainly just Cosmetics so I just made him really aerodynamic wait are you running from me oh come on man he's bald so what it's not that scary oh no he was running from that thing all right yeah no that's understandable now there's a big battle going on where dragons are attacking it and I'm nowhere to be seen I feel like all the characters should be saying where's Carol has anybody seen Carol wait is that Carol what why am I just standing here Carl you're so stupid man you can't even stay in the Pod correctly what's going on Carol come on he's not doing his animations my character's stupid okay I think we're inside that big monster mind flare okay all of my knowledge of dragons and dungeons comes from stranger things but even I know that guy is a bad guy is this a door well when I hover over it I'm gonna guess that's a door in another language maybe Latin yeah let's go with that neural apparatus what the where the hell am I we are trapped we are trapped um I think it's a bit too late oh no wait he was also just being lazy not doing his animations you've come to save us from this point oh I'm talking to a brain I think you're past the point of saving tell me what to do that sounds reasonable break the Skull Dice roll must meet or exceed the target number okay so in order to smash the skull I need to get a 10. oh I wanted to fail it yeah come out you brain oh no he got the Brainerd Grace the brain lifts from the skull but you notice an opportunity you could [ __ ] the strange creature making it more subservient should it prove its right yeah goldfish mutually hit the brain and said difficulty class 15. I got a four what was that was he trying to punch it all right yeah Jiggle It that'll show us oh I dropped the brain on the floor oh Jesus Christ it's evolving perhaps I uh I shouldn't have done that the brain's running away right well that brain has wandered off into the Wilderness so we'll forget about that for now hey yeah whoa whoa I'm not an Abomination I'm just Carol what is this [Music] yeah I'm just Carl and who are you your only chance weird name all right let's get going our first combat we're being attacked by imps all right I'm just gonna make him prone with laughter I'm gonna joke with him look what I'm standing there with this loot all right let's use it power cord meanwhile she's acting away at them oh I don't think my laughter thing works she's getting torn apart out there I'm going to use it again yeah they're laughing all right there's only one left and he's stuck on the ground laughing yeah you proved surprisingly adequate are you sure is make it laugh and then shot it in the face not now we must go to the hell but I want to talk hard not to ask questions why the hell hey I'm just making medium talk all right I want to get to know you but I can't really say it's small talk because this seems like quite a serious situation don't touch nothing without knowing its purpose no I'm just gonna start pushing things oh no oh God we're getting acid thrown at us am I bad maybe I shouldn't have pushed that I'm gonna push another one is that treasure all right oh no there's brains sorry this also might be my fault she's like who is this bird and what has he been up to okay let me free this person well consider freeing this person there's no time I need to get out of here wait help me this [ __ ] is crashing do you intend to die for a stranger I mean that's kind of what you're doing like we just met as well anyway we're nearing the hell once inside do as I say I'm not about to start listening to you now come on let's go wait what the hell is going on in here [Music] who is with me am I with the Mind flare I guess so all right I'm gonna make this Commander zalek guy laugh I'm gonna try anyway I just run over in the middle of the room yes I wonder what his humor is his love is great he'll leave him to me he says he's already dying of laughter on the ground reach the transponder before the night light crashes uh well I just run straight through then here you go on right hand through the middle there oh no she's getting attacked I'll try and make the boar laugh this time play tune to attract and Delight those around you yeah I will okay here you go mine Flair this is something from my Planet it's called bad dance I don't think he appreciates it although the other guy feels threatened so I guess it is working [Music] oh no oh no the Mind player died and I'm like right next to this dude all right I'm gonna do what I do best and run away I'm using my Dash so just get out of here okay I think I'm making it there oh wait no I mean hey it's on the way here we go we made it to the transponder how do you fly this thing I wish I moved into the final space with Carol because now she's getting to do all the heroic stuff No One's Gonna Write About Carol no one would believe it if they didn't the way he was playing music right next to that guy well apparently they didn't know how to fly it either why are these people smiling about this crashing I guess it does look pretty evil it's probably good that it's not doing well hey mind flare I gotta ask did you like my music no one liked Carl's music in fact it was so terrible that some believe it was the cause of the crash as you wake the tadpole squirms in your skull oh yeah I forgot in the intro they put like a thing in my head I just didn't include it because the cutscene was long and also it's kind of gross but I think they've basically planted Something in Me Like A Parasite that's gonna take over me the time the clock is ticking well thanks for that optimism but yeah we should probably get going imagine you stumbled upon this wreck and the only thing you see is this guy running from his with his loot still intact there's a lot of dead fishermen around here perhaps this person who's attacking that door my money's on the door the door's doing a good job you're the one who tried to free me on the ship oh no no you have me mistaken with someone else at least you made the effort no I didn't suddenly you see what she sees feel what she feels did you feel that you've got the same thing I do in your head no idea what you're talking about the chase through hell the creatures what they did to us no can't remember these things are going to consume us from the inside and turn us into mind flayers we escaped we survived there's no need for Dramatics you can call me shadow I'm Carol all right we're going together an unlikely team Carol and the person he abandoned earlier you like this fighting music she's the one having to do the kill and Carol's just standing behind playing his song you want to attack no you're you're playing the song I don't want to interrupt you don't worry she'll think oh no okay better attack let's do a little attack yeah good job Carl all right let's get you up come on up you get stop being lazy Carol can't do everything oh [ __ ] me you can kill it can't you like you killed the others I was hoping for a kind soul he asked for help and I just told good luck do it yourself wait what the hell no dude don't kill me I'm just a music maker dexterity quickly roll away her strength push yourself to your feet do nothing just enjoy this I mean he looks a bit uncomfortable maybe he'll just back off now let's quickly roll away we need a 10 19 okay excellent this is gonna make you look like a fool haha now kill him where's the other lady in all of this little all right we have a new friend as well just picking up everyone I come across oh there's a mind flare hey what's up buddy you could end its life here and now if only you didn't feel compassion try to hypnotize me to feel compassion no you should be furious it's possessing your mind forcing you to love it oh maybe marriage is on the agenda then considered that a divorce did you think no okay uh I don't know what that is we're just gonna ignore it a nest trap what happens if I just go around it and someone else stands on it oh nothing it's not a very good trap then is it oh it's broken okay hurry please the Goblins are on us I think you're hallucinating there's nothing here oh no the Goblins are here they're being attacked Oh I thought I was gonna be the hero to save them but no it's it's someone else someone Cooler Than Me and My loot there we go I frightened the monster and I'm gonna Inspire my friend Shadow heart with my music and then you just play your music all right have a good time they're having this big fight in this case dying while I'm just playing my loot over here hey what's this shove shove this guy that was it so it failed okay oh oh no I just told him to run into the middle by accident all right well best of luck all right push him yeah I push them up the rocks oh God right next to my friend all right I killed that Goblin and now I own this rock how does this guy Miss every attack even if he's right next to them just run away oh no they're following him okay Carol save your friend yes he actually hit them and now I'm playing on a song to make him feel even better just realizing now that this character doesn't really have much range that I brought them up onto the cliff okay another one of them is dead I don't feel like I'm doing amazing he missed he's right next to him come on man all right keep running oh he missed him as well all right was that it oh there's one more over there yay Carl finished the fight let's get out of here what oh I fell on Greece can I get back off or okay I can I like that that Greece was just an enormous amount of blood from my enemies as well and my friends alright I found my first little settlement oh is this a shop or a pig's head I could use that I've never wanted anything more I have this many money I have three money what can I buy I'll take a shovel please and I'll give you this Jade that I found all right good deal now the proud owner of a shovel you need anything else there was an option to ask him about a Healer but now it's gone right I'll ask someone else they must be really pissed off like we have these weird bugs living in our eyes and I'm here buying shovels strange Ox oh cool character would you like to join my quest Akana the ox makes you an easy try to discern why yes I've outsmarted you Ox this creature isn't what it appears to be okay yeah it's definitely uh got something wrong with it well time to punch that Ox oh no oh no they've all got pissed off now oh no I'm in a war with their livestock oh no that hero from earlier is not happy that we're killing their oxes board Ox is now attacking me I killed the strange ox and everyone around him yeah this is he had a shape-shifter's ring take oh he's still just staying at corpse I thought he turned back we're just knocks even wear a ring and then he just nukes us it was this day that young Carl learned that oxen were not to be trifled with a greater foe than any Goblin or devil he would not make this mistake again well good thing I saved before I attacked their livestock what are you strange arcs I wish I could pickpocket that ox and take its ring I want to see what it is yeah that's that's a legit Ox that's the noise an ox makes I could also disguise myself right I have that spell haha I'm a gnome there we go I'm an orc now I'm such a versatile artist hey can't say I've ever seen someone like you before neither have I Take This Ring it's lucky oh okay I'm gonna come back to someone else and get another one heads or tails heads tail the pocket yeah pocket the ring hey hold on you gotta pay for that no it's mine you said I could have it you're getting paid and experienced the ring is mine now fine but you've got to at least look at the other Rings okay I don't have to do anything goodbye you'll be sorry about this scab count on it did they just call me a scab the thing is they'll never know because I was disguised when I did it so I'm just gonna go behind this rock and I come back out of this I don't talk to dead scabs wait how did you know it was me and I'm not a scab leave me alone I'm sorry for taking your ring here you go no leave I'm just gonna put it on in front of them it's only worth three all right well I'm gonna put it on anyway keep moving I don't think I can use this shop anymore this was a bad idea I'm sorry for your ring here you go you know what we're Square oh okay excellent I thought it was valuable my mistake ring of resistance to ants this feels like snake oil the Ring of infinite wishes this is an awful store but I'll take the Ring of resistance to ants who knows when that could come in use your office has been refused what do you mean I want to give you your asking price oh I have no money all right never mind goodbye you suddenly feel something moving against your back and turn wait were you trying to pickpocket me I'm gonna kill this child oh they're crying ignore theatrics and grab her yes epic roll grab the child I just showed up here how no were you going Come Back Kid in here wasn't it I'm pretty sure they went in there can't use this right now what I punched it but it didn't do anything wait could I disguise myself as a gnome and then go in there yes tiefling Hideout all right I'm gonna figure out what's going on in here it's actually really big in here I don't think I need to be a gnome anymore well look who's come to visit I'm gonna read this person's mind well I'm gonna attempt you anyway look how wise my gnome looks okay never mind regards what you did everything you did did I even do anything no don't shake me again I'm terrifying all of these kids I feel like I've made a lot of enemies and they just showed up here all right back up buddy oh you look actually kind of friendly no it's it's all right she seems cam you step back go join the other tieflings ignore them and proceed I have a good idea force my hand and I'll show you its claws a moment Gianna I understand apparently corger wants to see you oh okay well that's lucky I wish I knew who Pogo was but yeah let's go they're all casting spells in this Idol can I take this oh what is that done what's gonna happen remove The Outsiders no don't remove us wait who are you what what is going on I feel like I've really messed up the story here oh God whoever that is is getting beaten to death for some reason I was the one that stole the statue what did he do what the hell is going on all right we're all fighting now all of a sudden everyone's running away it's just me by myself it's only worth 350. it's not even worth stealing they killed me in one go your turn it says and I'm just lying dead on the floor I'm dead stop lighting me on fire oh I left the others back of the hole I was wondering why it was just me the threads of Fate pulled at him drawing Carl closer is some unknown hand reached for the f8 key time collapsed in on itself and Carl had the strangest feeling he had been here before all right alternate timeline where I don't steal the idol I love that this game allows you to do that stuff though we gotta find out who that tiefling was who they beat to death because I'm guessing it has something to do with the story judgment must be passed judgment must be passed oh the kid oh it's one of those thieves and steals almost holy Idol in thanks wait she went to steal the idol that monster she remains here until the right is complete all of these options to try and not get this child jailed but I'm just gonna keep silent no oh no she's running away oh God the snake is gonna go oh Jesus yeah I think she's dying if not I'm sure I'll meet her later and she'll be like oh thanks for trying to save me just like my other companion say it you think I'm a monster another the guy who said absolutely nothing during all of that not at all that was quite a show can I steal stuff from these people like they're children Killers don't feel bad about it there won't be another warning okay I better stop doing bad things around bad people well those people want me to get rid of all these refugees by offering to take them to safety oh and this is the kids parents unless you have news of Arabella I don't want to hear it yeah I get killed your daughter she called her a parasite and a dress what no because it's just looking at her as she's breaking down like Tommy was so from the room anyway how is your sex life here leave me well I didn't do anything well actually that might be the problem yeah I didn't do anything to save their daughter is this the guy I need to talk to hey I'm your new leader see I'm here to escort them out like oh I can help but I kind of want to stoke the Flames a little bit I'll just say you have to resist The Druids are too powerful damn it come on man you can do this Rebel we'd have to get close to Koga within Striking Distance yeah we should do an assassination what's it worth to you everything okay all right that sounds good all right how am I gonna kill her because she seems pretty powerful it seems mull was as good as her word what she's reported that you've been threatening children oh no the person from the candy I forgot about that oh those kids they're playing a joke on me we always joke like this we're friends actually oh oh wait do I have enough no I'm just falling short your lies only inflame the matter further no it's even worse surrender and go to prison or attack I guess I'm not gonna make it out okay attack so let's try and go to prison I didn't end like this if you want your freedom back you'll have to break out of your cell it told me okay it's locked though mushroom why can't I attack the mushroom let me try and shoot that thing oh wait no they didn't leave me I have weapons that makes sense what if I disguise myself as someone else I'm just a dwarf I got locked in here by accident somebody help me get out of here all right I'm just gonna punch the thing man see what happens I should have thrown it if I threw the mushroom maybe at that it might have broken open all right I'll throw flame at the door that doesn't do anything can I lock pick it oh no okay please work I need a 15. I've got plus seven here so I really only need an eight eighteen epic why couldn't I've gotten that when I was just lying that the kids were telling a joke all right it's open but now there's these two people all right I'll disguise myself as an elf and hope that'll help and then I'll just try and walk by oh no a battle is beginning what no I wanted to take that as a weapon not just extinguish the flame all right I'm gonna pick up this Barrel oh no I didn't mean to do that oh good I found some sourdough bread though did they just I think they just threw me off the cliff oh my Lord they did they just keep shooting me when I'm already dead oh now I'm Dead Carl had the sensation he was flying but it was over before it barely began just Just a Dream pondered Carl contentedly as he opened his eyes once again all right let's try this again okay I still failed the role but my bonuses got me through it this time your words may be false but they ring truer than mole's tails you're off the hook oh thank goodness this parrot is too pretty for jail wait commenced battle what do you mean why am I being attacked I don't understand what I did okay I'm being annihilated I must have taken a wrong turn Carl had in fact taken a wrong turn he closed his eyes and spun around Thrice but the angered guard was still there oh no I'm going to jail wait this guy got locked up oh because they told on all of us not just Carol it's locked can I just like not play as him oh excellent great all right he's just been locked up that's Canon I don't know why he was told on he didn't even go into their little cave but I'm gonna go over to them and see can I do anything I'm here to pay bail she didn't kill your brother ARCA you're better than this oh there's something going on here these weren't even guards these were just people interacting with this Goblin I can step between them um no I'm gonna do nothing oh all right well they're leaving now so that's good are evidence chest stick oh there's nothing here wait I think is this just my stuff all right I'm taking it anyway all right that did nothing let me get this open for it I can't reach it why can't I reach it but can we lock pick from this side oh he's got a lot of bonuses towards lock picking we gotta get a 15 but we already have all these yes and a 20-sided dice we got a 30. perfect we're out all right let's hope we don't get spotted because I imagine breaking out of jail isn't allowed I'll just go around the long way so that they don't see me I've been noticed outside of yourself what no try and talk your way out of this haven't I been punished enough I'm very sorry or I could say I've been summoned to stand trial better not keep them waiting would this character have better deception or persuasion oh they're both the same I'm gonna say I've been punished enough I'm very sorry and assume this person has the authority to make this call oh 14 but I get the plus four you words are compelling you're being allowed to leave fair enough okay I'm talking to a rash now hello he's still staring right past you see nothing out of the ordinary oh no oh no I've oh no I've just been pickpocketed I knew as soon as I clicked turn around that he was gonna rob me what did I just lose all right well I still love my shovel oh my God it's the parents of that kid again complete save Arabella yes totally completed I'm just wondering and this might be a bit stupid but I could try and push her off the cliff I don't know if I can Shuffle that hard though I'm gonna give it a try oh it failed no what was that for I don't know I tripped seems like an absolutely terrible idea but I'm just going to attack and see what happens sevlar wants you removed I'm here to see it done Circle two arms wait what oh no the people outside are attacking as well I thought this could just stay in the cave oh my Lord okay that was bad my teammates nearly crying I pushed her away [Music] yeah there is no way I can win this fight straight on there was in fact no way that he could win this fight straight up oh what is this she has a chest back here it's locked though I can buy some thieves tools and then I can try and break it 64. right I can buy one for 32. uh what can I sell to make that sort of money well they already have one oh wait it was this guy who has the lock pick okay let's try and lock pick this I'm gonna have to get used to this character swapping I just love being Carol a book a note and a malachite whatever that is okay take them Gaga swamp docs tree meet me alone oliden okay well I'm going there I can't win in a fight so I have to figure out another way I leveled up I get a new spell Thunder Wave that sounds great that's a proper power chord in fact they can all be leveled up I should probably give the weapon back to that guy after he escaped from jail I never actually gave him back his stuff Carl decided to leave his life of crime for a slightly less crimy Life Of Crime to we're back to where we were a while ago and I've decided to just lock pick this door that she was beating up someone doesn't like visitors uh oh some dark Crypt that's something perception failed oh that's not good what did they just miss looks like a trap oh they missed all that trap yeah okay look at the Trap oh God there's traps everywhere oh there's like a spear here and a key I take them all what what just happened oh my God what oh my Lord Jesus what happened get out of here go go go go go go go go go go go go go go you think he's dead he's definitely dead what happened oh silver necklace nice does it ever stop so I can go back and get him or what's the story oh that looks bad who's this supposed to be religion failed oh that sucks I found this button that unlocks this door oh no and it also made the dead rise guaranteed it won't let my dead friend rise though will it let them come the darkness can be to our advantage fate oh the chest is giving out to me it wants me to kill the things first I just wanted to lose it and leave I feel like that guy is just gonna be dead forever if I don't reload it so maybe I should just use this turn based mode to explore to avoid the traps alright we made it through that room oh no maybe not I don't know I think we just got clear of that look how close she was I don't know why that triggered though maybe it's a time thing yeah the explosions are going off again so we avoided that somehow I'm not even sure how I'm gonna give this death's promise guy to this fella I think we're being surrounded here I'm actually worried I won't be able to win this fight even with all three of them oh no I think Carl just died I did one damage that time I think I've done this little fight all wrong but Carl's the main character we should be winning so I'm gonna try this I'm gonna press this button and then I'm gonna run in here and make them come in rather than us going out let them come oh what is this Amulet of lost voices speak with the dead I like that I'm gonna take it and I'm gonna put it on maybe it'll help in this one I can calm them down I don't think they're coming over what if I perhaps played some music no it's not attracting them over no what what is Carl doing Carol just ran out there okay he's attacking I'm gonna try and run them all back in oh no they're running over to Carl Dash Carol Dash get out of here oh he just can't get in the door heal yourself then okay get inside the door count yes now make him just lie there and accept attacks this turn Undead pray to turn all Undead that can see you alright turned okay does that mean they're on our side oh I think it is that could save me even though they're all kind of running over to attack me now see if I'd area of attack things that would be great right now although I burnt one that's good I'm gonna put him out in front because he's the most useless okay I got it uh oh I don't have enough power to use it oh well I can just start killing them and then move behind this guy there we go I'm getting through them one by one top 12. the boring opponent that's the mockery he used that's gonna make that skeleton stop attacking us for two turns wait no I thought you returned no don't attack us I guess he's back now just give him a little bit of a slap and then we're gonna run back into the room I'm gonna make them run before they can attack me then I hope they won't be able to attack me by the time they get here okay I think it worked there we go there's one left may as well just run at him and give him a smack yeah we're awesome at this heavy key nice and other loot that I hope is nice was that a trap oh no that's just where I was going the circle that comes up every time you move now I get my biggest reward oh God I Don't Know My Own Strength oh no actually he's giving me a hand oh no this might have been a bad idea maybe I should just stay trying to kill Gaga I have a question for the what is the worth of single mortal's life oh it's just a test that's even worse I thought it was just gonna be a fight I'm gonna give a bad answer a life is worth only as much as the Legends remember it very well oh I am satisfied it was just one question oh that was great we will see each other again at the proper time and place I hope not you're terrifying oh there he goes okay bye see Jesus he's quite fast for you know a dead person oh I can get stuff okay great um I assume he'll be cool with this he seems like a chill dead body okay I can't go it that way can I go out the side door what how does it open oh how do I get out of here I'm lighting candles will that open it no I don't have any other ideas what are with these candles there's still more oh it was these cans oh my God I'm a genius oh no wait am I meant to attack this oh I think I am all right let me just see does this explode okay it did but I don't know that that really helped me oh I might not do it myself oh I'm in a terrible position now I tried to shuffle away but I'm not strong enough oh no maybe I shouldn't have yeah I didn't think that was a good idea but I already clicked it perhaps our survival isn't such a distant [Music] food to death and we're all so on fire this is awful oh man everyone get off this stuff can we take like a little rest or something but I think I'm nearly out of here it's giving him his goal but oh yeah he has realized we're here he just seemed to be standing there there we go burnt him to death and no friendly fire this time oh no there's plenty coming behind though I'm gonna hit the lever and just close the door will that work close the door can we just get out of here they're hitting the door excellent It's too sturdy you're not gonna get through at least I hope not this character was trying to beat down the front door for ages lucky for her she didn't get in yeah I don't think that door's coming down we're good the door is taking no damage but uh we're just kind of stuck in here so I don't know what to do I can't just leave the door's locked can I lock pick it I need to get a seven and my bonuses add up to more than that yes my plan worked I thought I just broke the game look how someone's coming from the Crypt oh no we've been spotted as soon as we stood out there that Crips ours think you can clear it out from under our noses you have awoken me for my Slumber and now I crave your blood let's get out of yeah okay well if they're that scared of this guy claiming that they definitely weren't meant to be going into that Cavern I'm very proud of myself for just closing that door can I shoot like environmental things oh that's cool oh my God it made a hole right through I think that would have just killed people that went down there damn it I could have killed those people but realistically I probably would have died too so I don't regret not taking the fight hope I'm going the right way there are a lot of bodies here which is a little bit worrying I think I can bypass this area by going down this way I just want to get to the swamp I want to investigate this tree that was talked about in that note that might be worth a look wait what might be worth the look oh a little burrow I'm glad they noticed stuff like that it's cool a backpack yes Scroll of protection from evil and good and lots of gold oh what is going on here let's For the Love of All This is Holy I've never clapped ice oh she is an Irish accent I'm on her side hug just because she's an old woman in a swamp she's a hag lay off the fairy tales why is it oh no to be Fair the guy has a stick I'm pretty sure we can take these people watch out old lady I'm lighting them on fire terrifying this would be and then the second one goes the same way while he's still burning house they start talking the best tanks are paid in Gold you're a cheeky pup aren't you excuse me I don't buy my house okay I'll be sure to look after you I don't know what that means and then she disappeared was that normal yeah that didn't seem normal but I really want to figure out what it was now you're being watched I feel like I'm being watched and I have to roll a 20 to figure out what the hell it might be I got a four the place has a quiet sense of calm all right I'm gonna get attacked aren't I oh oh no I ate an apple load of this wicked basket and now I feel sick this is just getting worse what a trap where I can't take any more beating sheep's voice wobbles what you realize it's trying to say bar what's wrong with this sheep animal Handley drop your eyes and carefully reach out I'm gonna become friends with this sheep I got it too wheezing the Sheep backs away but that might be for the best there's something really wrong with that sheep we're almost there it's in this swamp somewhere can I jump over here oh yes I just need to make it there yeah we're almost there and now over here I don't know if this was the way I was meant to get over here but I did need to get over here oh no maybe I shouldn't have come over here this is where I need to be though I'm pretty certain okay if you kill the big ones all of the little spawns die but I don't think I'm gonna be able to do this of one person left in the cupboard in mud Carl and his friends decided to lie down in the mud where they drifted off into a pleasant sleep and nothing bad whatsoever happened to them okay maybe before doing this fight we should try and do a long rest at the camp Oh this is her little Camp wow look at my little Camp outfit that's so cute you don't sleep well maybe you wake up because you know something is wrong or maybe you just get lucky wait what are you a vampire I was wondering were you a vampire he was just talking about meat earlier in a weird way I just needed well blood the amount of blood we've spilled today and you want mine still I could attack him but I kind of need him for the next fight so I'm not gonna do that wait hold on I have like Teeth America's on the side of my head already please only be a taste and he's trying to convince me I mean it still looks like he's already taken some but I'm gonna just tell him no you watch him stalk away slumped sulking it just goes back to sleep after that okay friends trying to drink my blood aside we're looking pretty good now we can even level up before the fight wait is that that skeleton dudes just hanging out at her Camp I shall be here in my Camp okay for whenever thou Hast need of my services all right so you're like your Janet Junior that's awesome oh wait you just spawn in the same point Oh I thought I'd have to walk all the way back here that's why I wasn't going back to camp [Music] all right I just one shot one of them immediately okay how about this for an attack I can poison them now oh they're immune device and damage [Music] whoa okay they're all exploding again oh no I guess that's good overall I don't know I'll throw a heel his way I suppose I'm trying to frighten it with my badly Powers it's not working though keep lighting them on fire because they're trees you know you think they'd kill them pretty easy but they're still strong okay it would be great if I could stop missing because they're gonna kill Carol here oh no nevermind he turned on the other one thank goodness finally we hit him okay we won the fight that actually went really well after a little rest oh gloves just lighting things on fire I don't know where the thing is that I'm supposed to be finding oh wait there's something here okay letter I don't really know what this note means I don't know who this person is all I know is afterwards Kaka will be made the first Druid oh she's in League with the shadow Druids of course yes this is bad for some reason so now I'm gonna go confront her I know the truth you mean to take the Grove for the shadow Druids whoever they are what what wait what oh oh they were disguised as rats this is Lockwood no one's no one's saying anything oh here we go cool have you lost your mind yes okay at least someone will be on my side persuasion the Shadows won't save you they'll corrupt you stop while you can I just kind of need to say this because I don't think I can beat them all in a fight if she is moved by your police she gives no sign yeah she doesn't look too happy I am passing these checks though I'm getting the persuasion on I belong to the Shadows no longer wait that was it it was just two persuasion checks and she's changed her whole plan awesome now she's on my side can I just push them off the cliff okay I'm gonna run over there and shove I missed no why does the shop always miss oh my god he has an amazing counter-attack now okay we even have a giant wolf on our side this is a very easy fight there we go give him a little vampire bite on the bear okay well the boss is down that was easy we have them surrounded I'm gonna take their armor even though I'm not sure it would fit me all right and that's this we're done good job everyone we will grant them Safe Harbor until they depart all right okay everyone's safe here then everyone was not in fact safe for the infamous a mysterious child slapper was still loose somewhere in the Grove seems mull was as good as her word oh my God this again no I haven't talked to any children oh my God okay well best of luck with that all right and those people are helped I got gloves that's like the one thing I already have I guess the other person can have them I love how in the meantime I've just gone on without that woman first and last time she saw me was when she was a prisoner and I didn't help but I have one loose end to tie up and that's fine that old lady and see what her deal is oh this must be her house then I know she lives in the swamp somewhere not gonna lie this is a really cool house I trust her immediately I don't want a crumb left on that late again no no oh Jesus what's going on in here it isn't my hero yeah a guy who lit those two guys on fire keep that hole under your nose shut oh my God she's getting a bit rude oh that's the woman they were talking about that's their sister the two guys I lit on fire what is it what's going on uh nothing I mistook you for someone else like I'd be incriminating myself if I told her smart move sweetness look at regular swimming in your brain juice is a bit of an inconvenience isn't it wait how do you know about that that's a bit suspicious want me to take care of the little bugger yeah you seem very trustworthy one of your pretty little peepers what you want one of my eyes to get rid of it from your head kiss it for a look then back in it goes oh that sounds lovely okay so take it I trust you completely some valid questions here but I'm just gonna say you have a deal glorious one moment and he needs her real nails for this what oh god oh that's terrifying wait what what the hell we're going back into a Godzilla you already transformed wow what a beautiful lady I was even on a comment here a house reminded me of Shrek's house but now you remind me of Shrek pleasure that human skin is fierce restrictive yeah I know what you mean anyway cute am I supposed to be impressed no Jews which I will it be right or left this is definitely not a good idea but take the left eye okay I think she took my eye away check that your eye is still there no she's taking it you feel the creature rides as it's dragged towards your ear oh my God it's actually being removed is it working even deeper into your brain oh never mind it's gone back in yeah you can [ __ ] what you didn't tell me it was netheries what how am I supposed to know I thought you could remove this you're a dead Soul walking wait but you already did stuff to my eye hi guys what does that mean what about my eye it's not my tainted by shadowmatch I want nothing to do with you or that scubbing your brain which is your way of saying you're not powerful enough I might kill you for that well I lost one of my eyes what a horrible experience bye bye Loveless uh bye what a nice lady a good luck uh to the other lady that's a prisoner there and the lady who's my companion who's also a prisoner conditions paid the price I have more intimidation but a disadvantage on perception checks and a disadvantage when attacking hags well isn't that convenient and now that all the loose ends are tied up I'd call that a happy ending yep all the loose ends tied up so we will end it there as the hero I really enjoy this game I'm Blown Away by how much I enjoyed it because it just really didn't look like my kind of thing I hope you feel the same about my channel if you're new and you subscribe you can check out more of my content here and I hope to see you next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 952,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate, baldur's gate, baldur's gate iii, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldur's gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 ps5, baldurs gate 3 tips, baldur's gate 2023, baldur's gate 3 story, baldur's gate 3 review, review baldur's gate 3, baldur’s gate 3, Being as evil as possible in Baldur's Gate 3, callmekevin baldurs gate
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 49sec (2629 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2023
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