DO THIS First! Things You HAVE To Do First In Starfield - (Starfield Tips and Tricks)

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Starfield is here I'm about as overwhelmed to say that as I felt playing the game in the first few hours so Starfield being the massive game that it is there is so much to do and after putting in over 60 hours so far I thought we'd go through the things you need to do first to get that perfect start let's go [Music] thank you Bethesda ANZ for sponsoring this video let me know any cool things you've come across in Starfield in the comments down below so firstly let's talk about early game credits now credits is a massive function in this game and actually getting income and you can get a fair chunk of just like early game credits to either spend on different items that you want to buy or just like starting to build up that income stream so you can eventually buy a better ship so the first thing you should do once you arrive on new Atlantis is go to the gold bank now you can here become a debt collector and these are like short missions where you'll seek out someone who owes credit and in most cases you can either take those credits by force or persuade them to just give you those credits then you bring them back to Goldberg to get paid and you can keep doing this over and over again for different missions that are all slightly different so they're fun to do just to get some free like easy credits without having to do too much you should also go to the SS and end the settled system News Network building and talk to the receptionist here you can initially tell her about your escapades with the Argus Mining Company in like the intro and she'll give you some credits for your travel but you can actually continually do this throughout major events that happened at that Arc like considered newsworthy and go back to her tell her about those events and she'll give you more credits as well so it's just another free way you can make credits so just consider stopping by every time you go back to New Atlantis just to tell her what you've been up to or what's been happening around you and she'll give you some free credits for the information next I would suggest don't ignore constellation now it can be tempting to go off on your own and explore once you're given free reign and you absolutely should do that at some point but they aren't Preston Garvey telling you that another settlement needs your help they are a hugely useful faction for both story and outside of story purposes I'd recommend to stick with constellation through the old neighborhood Quest as it's like an extension of the tutorial it'll teach you pretty much all the like initial important things you need to know and at the end of that you'll get a consolation spacesuit and helmet you also get a boost pack which is great for some early game armor in order to use like the actual boost pack on the Boost pack you need the Boost pack skill in this Tech skill tree lots of words there but if you jump into the tech tree you can grab the Boost pack skills you can the Boost pack but there is also a workshop downstairs in constellation that contains all of the crafting stations as well plus there is a constellation Mission board here that you can use to survey planets and gain information about them for extra credits once you've completed that Quest as well you'll have a pretty solid understanding of the game's core systems plus a couple of companions at your back plus a decent armor and it sort of sets you up pretty well to like take on the game and sort of go out and explore and do other things but before you leave new Atlantis I would suggest to go to the Mast building and talk to the commander there as you can then join the UC Vanguard now generally speaking you should you know join all the factions that you want to join but you can join the UC Vanguard pretty early on and when you do you'll go through like a museum-like tour that will teach you about the world of Starfield and sort of learn about where the political players in the world currently are what's bothering them what's happened just sort of in the immediate past and there's a lot of law that comes from that it's a really interesting experience that really helps you understand and Starfield and these characters and these factions that are you know there's going to be a lot of names and factions and people that are going to be you know presented to you very quickly and I found that that really helps me understand what was happening in the world but at the end of that Museum tour there's also a ship combat simulation and I found this simulation to be hugely helpful to learn like ship combat in a like a safe environment right like in the early stages of the game you don't do heaps of space combat and if you do it's you know very sort of small scale so it helps you learn those mechanics nice and early and sort of play around without having to worry about losing your ship because you know you're in a simulation there's different challenges you can do from it as well to try and build up your tears but I'd recommend to do this to give you that lore information as well as help you understand ship combat and once you have got access to it now where to go after new Atlantis that is a big question you've obviously got the main story which you can go and do but there's also a whole galaxy there to explore and I would consider once you have that access to explore the world to go to all of the major cities so for example here Aquila City the capital of the Freestar collective in Aquila this is in the qian system or you'd go to Neon on vole Alpha in the volai system these cities as well as new Atlantis and a few others that I won't mention are major Quest and like location hubs that have plenty of content to do just like on those planets and with the people themselves so if you're feeling a little overwhelmed by the size and scale of the game which I really was at my early stages I found that spending time on a killer City and just doing the general side quest here and talking to the people and spending time in that environment really helped ground myself in the world these major locations have heaps of experience to gain because there's a lot of missions to complete there's also a lot of resources in these systems because they are inhabitable by people which means there's a lot more resources in them so you can gain those resources to farm and those levels and XP and just general gear that you get I will also mention that if you're wondering what mission or quest to do they don't actually have level requirements so a good way to check this is if you go to your missions and choose the show on map option it'll show you the system that that Quest is actually in and systems actually have level requirements in the top left so you can see that okay this mission right is in this system that is a level 25 system maybe I'm not ready for that yet so you can sort of decide what you're doing based on that as it's very easy to stumble on areas that are maybe a little higher level for you so it's just good indication that next I would recommend to start a resource farm so resources are a critical part of your success in Starfield if you'd like to do any sort of crafting or Outpost building it's really important to start that collection as early as possible a common hurdle that I ran into during my first 20 hours or so was not having enough resources to either actually just research any new technologies or upgrades at the research lab but also crafting any mods for my weapons and armor you can collect resources on planets just by wandering around and simply using your cutter but a great way to automate this process is with extractors at your Outpost I would suggest to start this process by some of the more commonly used resources when you're scanning planets and trying to find the different resources a couple that I would do look out for is iron copper but especially aluminum aluminum is used in practically everything and is a really hard resource to come by so in order to start like a resource Farm like this you want to find the resource you're looking for right so using aluminum as an example CODIS which is a moon of Aquila has this resource so you can scan the planet and find exactly where that resource is located and then you want to land your ship in that sort of general area so once you're on the ground you want it to find using your scanner where that resource is in the ground so you can extract it out if you get lucky and you have a location that has two different resources in the crown next to each other build your Outpost in the middle because you'll get access to both extractors so you can extract both of those elements out of the ground but by building an outpost you'll get access to the different extractors that are available in that area you want to build those extractors and power it with either solar or wind depending on the planet that you're on you can actually check what that power wattage will be for either solar or wind build whichever one is most beneficial here so I'm using wind in this example and then the extractors will start and you'll start getting those resources so you can return to this location often to collect up those resources or you can store them in like a storage container so the resource collector itself doesn't fill up but you can also buy these resources and materials if you don't want to go through this process right there are vendors in towns that'll sell them also there are mining outposts you'll find on planets and they actually have vendors that will sell you raw materials often as well so if you don't like to go to that collection route it's another option you can go and the last major thing I'll say is to take your time there is more to see and do on the major planets than you've realized there is a ton of side quests and hidden things to find characters to talk to and all sorts of stuff there guards will often tell you about potential quests or activities in the major cities but even outside of the major cities there is so much to see and do like this game is gigantic there's so much in terms of its planets and different things that you can find in space it's often feels overwhelming if you're in that sort of overwhelming state which I have definitely felt I would recommend to just stick to one sort of planet or sister them familiarize yourself with those locations and set yourself a goal of say what you're trying to achieve right like faction Quest say if you you know you want to join the freestyle Collective just focus on those fashion Quests for a little while to sort of get through that point and help you understand the game's world and how it functions because you can definitely get lost in the Stars let me know your thoughts down in the comments below thank you Bethesda ANZ for sponsoring this video thank you guys for watching this video till the end thank you to our members for supporting the channel my name is norza and I hope you have a great day
Channel: NorZZa
Views: 58,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield things to do first, starfield tips, starfield, starfield tips and tricks, starfield beginners guide, starfield what to do, starfield what to do first, starfield beginners tips, starfield guide, starfield gameplay, starfield how to, starfield things to know, star field, starfield starter guide, starfield resource farm, starfield credits farm, starfield best start, starfield starting tips, norzza, starfield help, star field tips, star field guide
Id: v5mQYZe-Xag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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