5 MAJOR MISTAKES To Avoid In Starfield! - (Starfield Tips and Tricks)

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Starfield is a massive game with so many objectives and missions and things you can do and I've made multiple mistakes during my time with the game and I'm hoping that in this video I can stop you from making the same mistakes let's go let me know in the comments any mistakes that you have made so we can all help each other around so first let's talk about planetary hazards and afflictions so you ever wonder when you're like wandering around on a planet and your compass like randomly starts beeping at you it's because your suits like inbuilt protection is failing or it has failed and once it's failed you have a chance to gain an Affliction now there are multiple different types of afflictions from typical injuries like say if you fall off a cliff and break your leg you know something like that or if you get diseases from like plants or the different elements or like standing in corrosive puddles that sort of a thing now some of these will just lead to debuffs that you can view in your status menu but some of them will also actually deplete your health via environmental damage when your health will go into like an orange section this functions very similar to like RADS in Fallout so if you ever wondered why your health is randomly going orange and you can't like heal past that point it is environmental damage now what you can do to get rid of environmental damage is essentially just go somewhere that is like safe right so that could be your ship that could be like inside and output essentially somewhere where you're outside of the element and then eventually after a little bit of time that bar will then start to deplete and you'll be able to heal back through your normal rate now you can increase your overall resistances to things like this in the general hazards via the resistances in the spacesuits and armor that you're wearing there is thermal Airborne corrosive and radiation now when you take any sort of these types of damage they will view that specific icon on your compass so say thermal you'll have the thermal icon or Airborne that Airborne icon corrosive radiation Etc so when you land on a new planet or you say walk into something you shouldn't you'll be able to see what type of damage that is because it'll have that same matching icon so so an example being say if you land on a planet that is like extremely cold right like you might need to increase your thermal resistance so you might want to put some armor on that is for thermal resistance to sort of protect you and hope that you don't get frostbite right so you can actually see and match up those icons in your menus based on that now if you do get afflictions there is multiple ways you can heal them one is just by going to a doctor and asking them to heal you and they'll heal you but you can actually carry around Aid items that can heal basically all of the different categories so in your Aid menu where you can see your health and it'll actually show the status as well you'll have various Aid items that will match up with those different icon types of the different afflictions that you may have you essentially just need to consume that item and it will then clear you of that Affliction so because this shows it on the aid screen as well you don't have to tap back into your status menu but it's a quick way to sort of see all right I've got you know the red Affliction whatever that red reflection is and then you can clear it via using one of these eight items so anytime you go into a town or you need to get some eight items like if you're going to buy Med packs or something it's good to grab a few of these different items as well just in case you do get them while you're exploring on planets and you mostly get these sort of afflictions on the random planets that you'll find like if you go to different places that are sort of outside General territory like those different locations you might find that these often have a lot of planetary hazards so just be mindful of that now if you ever want more information about something like these hazards or just things in general one of the biggest things that I found is that if you pause the game and you can go to the help screen there is a list of different articles here that will give you so much information about systems and mechanics and they honestly aren't really explained anywhere else so it's a really good idea to pause the game and go to help and view this screen as well you can view stuff like you know the environmental damage that we touched on earlier or anything like that in this screen as well so highly recommend reading the help screen if you're ever stuck and you're looking for more information about stuff you are wasting credits or I was wasting credits we're all wasting credits let's be honest so ships are definitely the coolest part of Starfield and I have wasted a ton of credits just upgrading and modifying the frontier or like the basic ship you get at the start of the game without really knowing that I was going to ditch that year pretty quickly as soon as I either had enough credits to buy something that was better or just get a free ship there are multiple quests that will reward you a ship just for doing it or even stealing a ship so if you want to steal a ship you need to use the towel dining control system skill or just Get Lucky by knocking out the ship's engines then you can board that ship and kill the crew and then you just pilot that ship take it back to any sort of Spaceport register it as your own ship and then you've got that shift for yourself you can then sell the ship but you don't make heaps of profit off selling a ship that you've then had to register and then sell but the main products that I want to talk about here is that in the ship Builder ride like if you're spending a lot of time trying to like upgrade you know the frontier or like the basic ship a lot of the really core and best components are actually locked behind the Starship skill which takes a long while to actually get now you will need the Starship skill plus the piloting skill so you can get those higher class and higher quality ships to be able to use them in like the ship Builder and something that I was sort of stuck with is like I sort of Hit the plateau I guess with where I could upgrade the frontier but I'd wasted so many credits when I could have used those credits to actually just buy a better ship and the reason they should either buy a better ship or steal one is because those ships actually have parts that you can't craft at that point if you don't have the Starship design skill for example here right with the shield breaker you know I've got much higher quality parts for my ship and components that are using like Starship design Rank 3 and Rank 4 which I personally don't have but because I bought a ship that has them already I can then go into the shipbuilder and edit the ship how I see fit while actually maintaining those parts that I technically can't craft at the moment but because I've bought a ship that already has them I can use them freely in the Builder so you've got freedom to be able to do it in that way but it's just worth calling out that you know investing heaps of money into your ship in the early days is probably not the best and saving up to either buy a better ship or just like steal one and then upgrade that ship is probably the better way to go it's also worth mentioning as well that shipyards will sell different ships and then the higher levels you get throughout the game they will then start selling different ships as well so be sure to check back often at different vendors and try to find a ship that you actually like don't carry your burdens carry capacity is a huge burden in Starfield and you'll spend plenty of time wandering around carrying 20 cups and then wondering do I I need 20 cups am I going to sell them what am I going to do with these cups anyway but there are multiple ways to increase your carry capacity the first being the weightlifting skill which just increases your carry capacity the payload skill will increase your ship cargo's capacity which is where you should dump all your resources and anything you don't want to carry on you anytime you get back to your ship just dump them in the cargo hold or you can just add more cargo hold to your ship via the shipbuilder which we just touched on a little bit and you can also have your companions carry your burden now resources are sort of the big weight carrier here and resources are very heavy and you can move all your resources to a storage container via one button I often do this like as soon as I get back to my ship I just dump any resource I have just back into my cargo hold because anytime you go into like a crafting or research project it will use your personal inventory and your ship's cargo inventory as well so you don't have to be carrying all that stuff it will use the cargo hold it won't use your companions inventory or say for example a great tip to do is if your cargo hold is full you just dump everything on the ground and you know just have it just float around in your ship it won't count towards the way of your ship in that case you won't be able to use it in any of those crafting menus unless you put it into your cargo hold or your personal inventory but it's just worth calling out and along those same veins resources not junk is the big tip here so Starfield is filled with all of those miscellaneous items that you would be used to from a Fallout or a Skyrim and you know if you come from a Fallout you've got that same habit that I do where you pick up literally everything that is on the ground because you can then break that down into its core materials that you can use for like crafting and building up your settlement that sort of thing in Starfield it's a little different basically all of the miscellaneous items can only be sold you won't use them in any sort of crafting there is some exceptions to this rule as there are specific items that are used in crafting that you can craft these yourself as well via the industrial workbench but for the most part you'll find a lot of these out in the world and you'll be able to tell when you found them because they actually say like that this is a uncommon or rare crafting material like resource and that you know it can be used in that regard whereas the miscellaneous iodons just say what their value and weight is if you're looking to farm resources there's a fair few ways you can do this so you can Farm them on planets themselves by either plants or like Rock mineral deposits or the animals on planets as well this is the most consistent way to get different resources I found and often animals and plants will give you some of the more unique resources like say Cosmetics or something like that that are often hard to find so fighting animals that actually have those resources is well worth doing and remembering where they are in space you can shoot rocks as well to grab mineral deposits from them I haven't really got any rare resources from doing this but there's plenty of them to find if you say you just need like a bunch of iron or something like that and a really great way to do this as well is via extractors at your Outpost so if you build an outpost on top of the ground where there is a resource in the ground you'll have the option to build an extractor on top of that which will then once powered give you that specific resource over time as long as it stays power and it doesn't actually fill up but it's like an unlimited way that you can gain that so you find a rare resource that's worth a lot of money and you want to sell it or essentially aluminum is a great one to actually find because aluminum is used in like everything so it's a great resource to farm in that way if you want a bit more of a detailed guide on how to build a like resource Farm my things to do video covers that and I'll link that for you guys here but but if that's too much effort for you you can just go to a vendor that sells resources and buy them as well like mining outposts always have vendors that sell resources and then the typical traders that you find in towns can get you them as well it's also worth noting like on this junk and resources that Digi pigs actually come under the misc category so if you're like selling all your junk just don't sell all your Gucci picks by accident next is to do the factions now being such an overwhelming game it is hard to decide what to spend your time on and I didn't delve into the factions until well into my playthrough maybe 30 40 hours or so and I kind of regretted it because when you finish those story and quest lines they give you heaps of rewards for example as the Freestar Ranger you get a really nice armor set as well as a free ship which is like an amazing ship and I'll let you discover what happens when you complete the other ones I don't want to spoil all of the rewards here but just worth pointing out that they are really valuable rewards and also really great stories like there's is a lot of really good lore and actually interesting missions in these faction quest lines so absolutely do them they can do all four factions on the one character if you like obviously depending on your role play decisions but they are absolutely well worth doing and a bonus mistake I'll give you this one for the road as well because everyone I've talked to seems to be doing this one thing now do the main story I know it sounds stupid either like you're like oh why would I do a main story in a bgs game or you're like of course I'll do the main story it's a video game you always do the main story but like regardless of what camp you're in you should be doing the main story because there are multiple things that are directly locked behind your main story progress certain parts of the game even Random Encounters that do not start happening until you reach a certain point in the story I won't say anything more about what that is but I highly recommend for you to actually do that and you probably hit a point where the story will actually really Intrigue you like for me once I got to sort of past that point I was super interested in the story and I couldn't actually stop doing it so if you're like worried about locking yourself out of something like by progressing the story like too far too early or something like that that there is a pretty clear turning point where all the consolation members will be like hey we're going to go and do this specific thing you should join us and when they say that I'm obviously being super vague for spoilers here but when they say that you sort of know that that is a clear turning point so once you hit that point then you'll find a girlfriend just do whatever you like unless you want to continue progressing the main story but it's just worth pointing out that you really should do the main story trust me it's great content and it's also highly worth doing to unlock some of those different mechanics and systems in the game alright that's all I'll say let me know your mistakes in the comments down below thank you guys for watching this video till the end thank you to our members for supporting the channel my name is nausea and I hope you have a great day
Channel: NorZZa
Views: 69,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield mistakes to avoid, starfield mistakes, starfield things to know, starfield tips, starfield beginners guide, starfield guide, starfield, starfield beginners tips, star field, starfield gameplay, starfield combat, star field tips, starfield how to, starfield tips and tricks, starfield tips for beginners, starfield beginner tips, starfield starter guide, starfield things I wish I knew, starfield secrets, starfield best, starfield best build, starfield best ship, norzza
Id: H9Te7_az7tA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2023
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