Baldur's Gate 3 - Most Players Will NEVER Get this Legendary Weapon & Armor - House of Hope Guide!

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hello and welcome back to raised gaming videos and a new bolder's gate video today I am covering an absolute pile of incredible pieces of equipment we're going to be talking about four legendaries and a pile of very rare goodies they're all very strong through this we're going to be getting the silver sword of the astral plane which is particularly good when wielded by a githyanki it's already a legendary Greatsword which is awesome with its own unique attack but if you have a gif actually wielding it you get some extra perks of more psychic damage advantage on intelligence wisdom and Charisma saving throws resistance to psychic damage and the wielder can't be Charmed it's quite strong an interesting detail about this sword is you could technically get it in act one if you disarmed Vos when you first meet him but that's not too relevant here an important caveat to that then is that yeah a gif can get these benefits right but if you disguise yourself into a gith Yankee you can get those benefits which is maybe worth it on this save I can show you that I've got the gloves of Soul catching were incredible for monks unarmed attack steel extra Force damage and once per turn on unarmed hit you just get 10 hit points which is crazy or you can choose to get advantage on attack rolls saving throws until the end of your turn it also gives you plus two Constitution so these are absolutely awesome the legendary armor the hell dusk armor is 21 AC but what's really cool about this is whenever you wear it whatever class suspect you are you are considered proficient meaning even though it's heavy armor anyone can wear it like a spellcaster or a rogue or something which is really good it also provides you with infernal retribution when you succeed a saving throw the Caster receives burning for three turns so extra fire damage there and you have resistance to fire damage and can't be burned at all as well as taking three less damage from all sources ridiculous the fourth legendary is of course the orphic hammer a really important story weapon but is a good weapon in itself still a plus three weapon Enchanted Weapon It's versatile as a Warhammer you have advantage on saving throws against spells and it has its own unique attack which is really cool then we have the very rare items like the held dusk helmet for example providing infernal sight for the ability to see in magical and ordinary Darkness up to a range of 12 meters but you cannot be blinded while wearing it you have magic durability so plus two bonus to saving throws against any spell and you cannot be crit while wearing it it also has its own class action emulating gaze to sear and frighten targets for fire and fear over at the returns then we have the hell dust Gloves Plus One bonus to spell attack rolls and spell save DC you get infernal touch so your weapon attacks deal one extra one to six fire damage or if you're on arm attacking you get to deal bonus necrotic damage and maybe even inflict bleeding plus one two strength saving for us it has its own cantrip in the form of rays of fire next there's two incredible pieces that just set your stat levels so the gauntlets of Hill giant strength increases the wearer's strength to 23 while wearing them just massive for a massive amount of builds and then the Amulet of Greater Health setting the whereas Constitution to 23 so a huge Health ball again anyone can wear that lastly we also have the staff of spell power which gives you plus one bonus to spell save DC and spell attack rolls but it's all about Arcane battery meaning you can alleviate the burden of a spellcast the next spellcast you use doesn't cost a spell slot so you could actually cast say even a level 6 spell and it not consume the slot very strong so all of this is incredible it's all found through one questline one main place that is the House of Hope however to do this truly you're gonna need to beat one of the hardest fights in the entire game so you want to be prepared for that going in this involves the Fantastic character Raphael and potentially concludes his storyline in the game of course there will be spoilers in regards to that then so be warned about that to begin with then we'll be pre-house of Hope and will be entering act 3 with a big Choice ahead of us it starts by meeting both Raphael and Vos in the room above charesta's caress found next to the South span of worms Crossing Waypoint here you'll need to make a big choice will you finally accept or reject Raphael's offer by signing the contract you'll agree or disagree to make a major choice at the end of the main story this choice I leave to you but it'll cost two different paths in this guide and ultimately will overlap either way as a heads up though part of this guide lets you choose to double cross Raphael and break your contract so there's actually little consequences if you're gonna sign and personally I did that signing the contract and then breaking it is actually the easiest way to get through all of this and put you in the best spot to take on the House of Hope so you signed or didn't let's first cover if you did sign you'll in exchange be given the legendary Hammer the orfit camera just like that it was that easy this will be used for a major story detail but will be important in the House of Hope as well in regards to the legendary gloves we want After exiting the room with Raphael you can now go speak with Vos and simply show him that you have the hammer he'll be so pleased to offer you his sword yet the silver sword of the astral plane you'll also get it just like that this is a big part of why signing makes the process of getting these items a lot easier however let's say you didn't sign for now then you'll get nothing later though you can get the silver sword and find the offic hammer in the House of Hope so let's go to the house heading to the lower city of Boulder's Gate will find on the northwest side a little shop called The Devil's Den here the shopkeeper helsick will provide you with a way to get to the House of Hope first though you'll need to successfully Identify two items on display in the shop walk around and you'll be given perception checks on the items when you interact with them you'll have to pass an Arcana check and if you successfully identify the truth behind two items you can go speak to helsick and request a full showing of what she has to offer after that speak to her again about the House of Hope to open the portal she's gonna want 20 000 gold or you can convince her through speech which is obviously what I did supervise you then with a pouch of ritual items that you take upstairs to a bloodstained circle standing in the middle of a circle then have the camera facing north open the pouch and place the items in the same order as this place the skull on the western point of the circle place the coin of Mamon on the North West Point Place the diamond on the North East Point which means you skip the North Point Place the in incense on the East Point finally you can place The Infernal marble in the middle and that'll open the portal leading straight to the House of Hope upon entry you will meet an image of Hope who is actually a little character she'll warn you that you really don't want to be here but you can pledge to save her gaining her trust and in so she'll help you by granting you disguises which allows you to pass through the Halls unharmed by the various creatures and debtors this is where your choice matters if you sign the contract you can go straight to Hope herself but if you didn't sign you're gonna first need to get the orphic hammer I'll explain both versions but let's start with the hammer version where you need to go to the west side of the house in the archive by going here before saving hope you'll have to deal the archivist head to the archive entrance on the west side then and you'll meet hope again who appears before you convinced her to tell you the archivist weaknesses apparently there is an Inquisitor who works with Ariel who comes here who we can impersonate after that conversation with hope through this impersonation and intimidation you'll end up with an invitation to the north room head to that north side then and you'll enter and meet this magic pool if you use it it'll provide you with a long rest buff you would struggle to get here otherwise so keep that in mind whenever you need it progressing into the main room to the north though you'll meet halip who you can fight or convinced to help you and by convince I mean you need to successfully offer just your body and not your soul and you'll get the key to the save through this however I do think fighting them is better because you do get some important gloves we'll mention one way or another though we will press the button under the portrait of Raphael revealing the safe anyway in the safe you'll find a note that you need to read which will then reveal the phrase needed to get the hammer return to the archive using the phrase you'll basically bring down the bubble that's protecting it and you can take it this turns the house into a combat zone though so also in the archive you'll find The Amulet of Greater health and the gauntlets of Hill giant strength on pedestals I was able to Simply take these when I freed hope so maybe wait until after you've done that but potentially you can steal them now since you've stolen the hammer when it comes to the combat though be aware that defeating Harlem and looting them will reward you with the hell dust gloves so that's pretty important now it's time to travel to hope you can find underneath the house via one of the trap doors like the one on the east side of the building so sneak or fight your way over there down here you'll find her chained to two crystals you'll break with the hammer but first you'll need to defeat all the guards including some observers with them defeated though use the hammer break the crystals and free hope she'll join your party and she is very useful here at this point on the other hand what if you did sign the contract and already have the hammer upon entry well this is gonna be a lot simpler upon entry to the House of Hope speak with hope herself and tell her you're gonna save her she will give you the disguises needed to move through this area with that we can head to the east side of the Hall of the House of Hope find a trapdoor that leads down to Hope's prison basement we'll defeat the guards that protect this area and then smash the crystals with the Arctic Hammer straight away now you'll have hope in your party which really helps because she's great but now you'll actually have to go break your contract if you want to do that by leaving the prison to the East and climbing up the Rocks head with the party across the Rocks until you reach the the Boudoir balcony jump teleport or fly over there press the button that you see under the portrait and break into this safe stealing the note inside and again reading it for the words that reveal the contracts break fight or sneak your way over to the west side of the house to the archive again defeating Harlem and losing them will reward you with the held us gloves so keep that in mind in this case you will see the contract in a bubble instead of the hammer and again the amulet and gauntlets we're gonna want in here too break the bubble by speaking the words you learned in the note destroy the contract or don't it's your choice if you break the contract it's definitely all in here though so you might as well steal the amulet and gauntlets while you're here once you've made Raphael angry one way or another you may as well steal everything you can so the hidden room in front of the Raphael's room to the north before you actually enter behind you there's a lock that's revealed by passing a perception check this big infernal gem embedded in the wall you perceive it and then you need to be a 10 wisdom and 20 intelligence check to then expose the door upon entry you'll find a pile of chests which has the hell dusk helmet in it and on the side on a pedestal is the staff of spell power so of course we're going to want to get both of these with all that done and dusted it's finally time to deal with with Raphael himself so return to the way you entered via the portal but before you can leave you'll be interrupted by Raphael since you know you stole from him or you broke your contract or you tried to free hope or all of the above this is one of the hardest fights in the game it would seem you'll need to defeat Rafael his many guards potentially the demon jurger and Hope's sister as well ultimately this is going to come down to you your skill and your build but I do have advice firstly yogyo can actually be convinced to join you and help you if you pass a 30 persuasion check which obviously isn't easy but it is possible and really does help secondly hope will really appreciate if you don't kill her sister so when you attack her you can choose to toggle on your passive non-lethal mode to knock her out specifically but then we have the actual fight Raphael has an impressive 666 hit points and 27 AC you want to be fully healed and ready for the fight of course and there's going to be four Soul pillars around the arena which will increase his power so you want to destroy them fortunately they're weak to blunt and force damage so either one of the those will deal a lot of damage in particular and by breaking the pillars you seem to CC Raphael until he transforms which can be for most of the fight giving you a chance to clean up the many enemies in here and prepare to focus on just him maintain party Buffs and enemy debuffs to reduce incoming damage as much as you can waiting as long as you can to push Raphael into his form by basically avoiding hitting him now your gear when he's on your team has strong poison on his attacks invisibility and even lifesteal which you can really rely on he's very good I'd also suggest you full commit generally in an intense fight like this like both Shadow Heart and Hope might and should have divine intervention a one per play through cast if you pick the massive radiant AOE you'll do a huge burst of damage to every enemy in here and that can really turn the tide in a tough fight like this hope generally is super good in the fight though thanks to all her healing buffing and varieties of radiant damage she can provide then when Raphael finally transforms himself he'll go into this ascended fiend form at that point he's going to cast horribly dangerous spells so counter spell and silence is definitely going to be a friend here my own experience was pretty messy but essentially I summoned a ton of allies like magic summons radiant Guardians I took out all four pillars before pushing Raphael into his transformation and I managed his transformation with counterspell and again silences to stop him from going nuts he does seem to waste some turns as well when looking for the soul pillars that you've destroyed my advice is to make use of heels an AOE heal using hope and maybe your cleric like Shadow heart that I brought to keep everyone topped off and not get one shot finally though after winning the fight you can of course loot Raphael for the legendary Helga's gamma and by freeing hope you'll also be granted the gloves soul-catching by her now you'll be free to escape the House of Hope via the portal if you didn't sign the contract by the way you will need to go now see Vos and use the hammer to convince him to give you his sword he'll be in the undercity as he does tell you when you originally talked to him but there you have a full Guide to the House of Hope and the main details of it I hope this was detailed enough to help you whichever contract choice you made but for now I've been Hollow you been you thank you for watching and I'll see you next time Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice tool again to your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the Whole World a Stage is goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 129,130
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3 house of hope, house of hope guide, baldurs gate 3 raphael, house of hope, baldurs gate 3 act 3 legendary weapons, act 3 guide, baldurs gate 3 act 3, act 3, baldurs gate 3 legendary gear, baldurs gate 3 legendary weapon, baldurs gate 3 best weapon, best weapon, best armor, weapon, best class, best build, baldurs gate 3 gear, baldurs gate 3, gameplay, guide, best, best legendary weapon, gloves of soul catching, helldusk armour, giant strength, bg3, ragegamingvideos
Id: K-yzMechE7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 24 2023
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