ULTIMATE Beginners Guide To Baldurs Gate 3! - BG3 New Player Guide For 2024! (BG3 Tips And Tricks)

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Boulders Gate 3 is now on all consoles except switch so to celebrate this game of the year I've put together all my main guides into one super guide that covers everything a new player needs to know about Boulders Gate 3 without spoiling anything let's go so the very first decision you'll make is are you playing as An Origin character or a custom character and this is pretty important because the origin characters make a lot of choices for you in that their race subrace and their class as well as their background are all different find for you you don't actually get to make these decisions now this is a good thing if you are new to DND or to any of laran Studios isometric RPGs and that it makes that initial decision process a little bit easier for you they will also come with a background in that you can learn about what their past is and things that will bring up that will definitely happen during the story as these decisions sort of come about themselves but it is dependent on whether you want that sort of story told to you in that way or whether you want to make a completely custom character now I would suggest to make a custom character if you do want to sort of imprint your own view of the game whether that be role playing as your own character or imprinting your own thoughts and feelings so if you're going to choose a custom character you can then pick all of these options yourself and really imprint your own views onto the world the one exception to this is the dark urge in that you can Define their race as well as their class into how you like now this can be a mistake if you do choose the dark urgin it's not something they actually want to do because this is definitely a very evil origin and if you don't want to I guess play as a very somewhere I'm trying to avoid saying too much about this based on my experience with the dark urge but you will have a constant urge of wanting to cause violence and Mayhem and maybe you don't want to do that maybe you want to give into those urges maybe you don't but it can sometimes be restrictive if you know you're just trying to have a grand old time and your character is constantly thinking about murdering people in blood so it's just definitely something to think about if that's not the direction that you want to go but let's assume that you're going custom here because you want to make your own hero or villain or something in the middle for that purpose here your Race Choice is just as important as in the Early Access but for different reasons so in the early access all the races ability score modifiers were tied to the race whereas now you can actually customize these based on the choice that you want to make yourself so this gives you the freedom to pick a race based on the looks if you want to choose a race that way but also based on either the racial features or the role play which I think are the two main things to consider because some of the races especially let's say the GI Yankee will have a much different role playing experience because not a lot of people like gith Yankee but also if you come across gith Yankee they will act differently towards you in the game so it's definitely a big thing to consider but if you're thinking about it more from a minid maxing perspective the main thing to consider here with these racial features is the movement speed so some of these classes things like the smaller classes like say the halflings the dwarves and the Gnomes have have a lower racial movement speed now what this means is if they're playing a mil class like this example here with a barbarian they will be able to travel a shorter distance and because you need to get into that Mill range to attack enemies it'll be harder for you to get there there are ways you can do this like it's not an end of the world thing but it's just something to consider if you're considering some sort of a min max by focusing on those aspects another way is to think about if you're playing as a ranged character whether that be some sort of a rogue or potentially a ranger depending on the options there but if you're looking at say this option dark vision is something to consider because in lots of areas in the game and I mean like like lots more areas than in the Early Access there is plenty of dark areas where having characters that have dark vision is so valuable because they can actually see in the dark you don't have to cast a light just so you can actually have a higher chance of hitting enemies which definitely occurs throughout the experience in the game so paying attention to say either the elf tling Dr dwarf half elf or half orc are the main ones to consider here because these are the the races that actually have dark vision so these are the ones that you want to think about if you're looking at some sort of a ranged option and you want to have dark vision which definitely makes a difference but there are other racial features that these classes have if those are the options that you choose to but picking an option here based on looks or something like that is absolutely something you can do as well the next decision you'll make is a class now all 12 classes are available now including the Monk and if you want a full breakdown of the classes I would highly recommend to check out my classes breakdown video but just at a high level it's really up to you what you want to pick here but as sort of generally very broad Strokes here do you like magic then potentially go something like the wizard The warlock or the sorcerer do you like Millie then the Barbarian the fighter and the monk are probably for you do you like supporting your team well the Paladin the drew the cleric and the bar definitely fit that sort of a bracket but do you just straight up like animals then definitely the drood is for you once you've picked your class the next will be a couple of different choices depending on the option here you'll get some either can trips or spells or subass that you'll need to choose from now this is an important decision but I wouldn't worry too much about making the wrong choice here as you can always Respec your class you can remake these decisions and the default options aren't actually that bad either so it's not too bad but one thing that I will mention here that is definitely a mistake that you can run into is if you choose the Paladin class now paladins are a little different in that their subclasses are Oaths that they have sworn and those Oaths are actually tied to some of the role playing aspects of a paladin so to sort of simplify this right if you're playing as an oath of the Ancients you have these tenants that you have to abide by so you need to show acts of kindness you need to show love to people and you need to like bring that sort of forward same as in devotion you need to show courage and compassion and Duty or if you choose Vengeance then you may want to show a little bit of evil towards you and and you know potentially have some sort of wickedness in the world but those Oaths are actually important because if you break those Oaths you'll get a fourth subass called the oath breaker which will then change your subass option so say if you wanted to play as a good Paladin and you know you really like healing radius or something and you make that choice and then you break your oath that will change your subass features which will then in turn change some aspects of your subass and your class and the way it plays in general which maybe you didn't actually want to happen so it's just something that worth mentioning as it definitely affects the roleplay for the Paladin specifically but some of the other classes are much more freedom based around that like you don't have to follow these directions and my main that I'm playing as right now is a paladin so I've definitely been sort of stuck in some of those restrictions where I'm sort of in the game right now your background will come into play occasionally in dialogue but it's mostly important in two specific things skills and inspiration points the first being inspiration points now inspiration points are earned by performing actions in the game that align with your background so for example say if you are a soldier and you're fighting with a bunch of allies and all the Allies survive you might get an Inspiration Point for no one left behind and those inspiration points can then later be used to reroll dice if you fail like a specific skill check you can then use that Inspiration Point to then say potentially pass that dialogue or skill check because you get a chance to roll that dice but the skills is definitely one of the important aspects as well and because there are hundreds of skill checks in the game like literally hundreds skills will become a huge Factor so the skill aspect of the background definitely matters but you will also get to pick some skills based on different decisions as well now every skill in the game has skill checks that you will need to pass or potentially fail if you do fail them based on different things that happen in the game now just some general things to consider you want to focus on skills that are relevant to whatever your primary Stat or ability point is so depending on what that is say in this example if we are a rogue then our primary status dexterity we want to lean into the dexterity based skills because we get additional modifiers for them not only because we are proficient in that skill so we get benefits for that but also because our dexterity is so high that gets added to any of those checks as well so you definitely want to specialize in that way but there is options depending on what sort of a class or subass you pick or even your background if you want to focus on other things some general things to consider is if you want to be a character that talks a lot wants to sort of immerse themselves in the charismatic aspects of the game than picking say something like a bar that has Charisma as their primary stat and then focusing on those Charisma stats like persuasion performance intimidation and deception is an option to go say if you want to be super sneaky and steal a bunch of things and maybe do some sort of Nefarious actions then say a rogue with dexterity as their primary stat for things like Atria slide of hand stealth uh potentially an option that you may want to go if you want to interact with things in the world like move things around then a character that focuses on strength say like the Barbarian and then you can have something like the athletic skill but for the most part strength will just sort of either impact the athletic skill or just moving things in the world which you will do sometimes for certain puzzles you might have to move things around if you want to find a lot of hidden things in the world like hidden cases or say be very perceptive about things that may happen like hidden buttons things like that then something like a cleric which is main stat is wisdom maybe the option for you for skills like survival perception medicine Insight animal handling as could be the option that you do pick if you want to know more about the law or essentially just be like significantly smarter than everyone else which does also again like all of these options in my experience have played a part like actually understanding different characters things in the law will definitely play a role then you may want to pick a class that focuses on intelligence like the wizard and then focus on those skills Arcana history investigation nature and religion may be the option that you do choose but also remember that you've got three other members of your party that you can specialize in the skills that you don't actually cover so you've got that option as well if you're just honestly not sure but you want to just pass every single skill check in the game the B is probably the best option because they have a wide breadth of skills that they can learn because they get extra skills as they do level up but also they get Jack of all trades which adds half of their proficiency bonus to any skill checks that they do have to try and pass and the final option that you will choose is your ability points now this is definitely an important decision but you do get to assign those bonuses so something that I will mention here is depending on the options you pick it's important to try and get all of your abilities to be a even number why this is important is because you don't actually gain benefits from a stat being on an odd number for example here if our constitution is on 13 our overall HP is still 14 and we're not actually gaining anything from it where whereas if we go to 14 it also increases all of those aspects and our health is now 15 so having everything on a positive number is the main thing you should try and focus on it's not you know the the biggest deal if you don't actually get that but it's just something to think about as you're trying to either apply these points and then apply these modifiers obviously focus on whichever one has the star as that's your primary ability but some classes like the Paladin may actually have a spellcasting modifier that's different to whatever their primary stat is right as a paladin you want to be swinging a Millie weapon so you're strength is important but their spellcasting modifier is charisma so you definitely want to be have a high amount of Charisma as a paladin so just make sure that you check what your class's spellcasting modifier is as it'll either be intelligence wisdom or Charisma and make sure that you've applied that depending on your class option as well as thinking about dexterity because that is linked to your armor class but otherwise just using the recommended you can't go wrong with as will definitely point you in the right direction for whatever your class's general specifics are we'll start with some World exploration stuff now the world is filled with secrets and this also means that your character is going to make a lot of skill checks now anytime you see your character make a skill check there is going to be something there like if you fail the skill check you know that there was something there everyone in your party can actually make that same skill check so you can always change the people that you have with you if everyone else failed and they can potentially pass that check so you can actually see what's there whether it be a chest or a trap or a burrow hole or something else entirely now you will only ever roll a dice next to a chest if that chest is trapped or if it's a mimic so if everyone in your party fails a perception check the moment you walk up next to a chest you know that it's going to be trapped even if you can't actually disarm it cuz you didn't pass the perception check but if you do pass the check you can obviously disarm it if you don't you can move your party away from it and then just have one person there and sacrifice them to the Trap so you can still get what's actually in there now all of these skills and everything are sort of relevant to Something in the world so strength allows you to move objects which is really useful for certain puzzles dexterity skills like slide of hand it used for like lockpicking and stealth wisdom is used for like perception survival finding things in the world like hidden chest and like Burrows intelligence is mostly used in conversations and understanding different elements of law or getting more information about things like racking your brain to say oh you know I totally remember about this random character from X or you know this sort of a thing like it definitely comes into play in that way the map is filled with a lot of burrow holes and Tiny cranes that larger creatures can't fit into so having a drw in your party that can wild shape or a smaller character like a halfling or a gnome or something that can fit in some of these crevices is absolutely worth doing now if you don't have a drud or you don't want to play as a drw you can just summon one from Withers as a hling and then have them wild shape into a cad or those sort of smaller creatures so you can still do those things if you want to and then just dismiss the companion afterwards and just just like leave them at your camp and then use them for those times you need it but droids and essentially the high Lings in general are a great way to get access to different spells or different mechanics that you don't necessarily have as part of your core party like using the Druid example again you can teach them fly to access like high areas but I will say even with this sort of mechanic that you will miss content you will make certain choices you will fail skill checks it's just part of the journey like lean into it embrace the chaos and have fun new to the full game is alchemy which is a massive buff to your overall Effectiveness inside and outside of combat so all over the world now you'll find ingredients that you can use to craft various things in the Alchemy menu now the most common thing that you'll craft here is definitely going to be healing potions and the purpose of those is pretty obvious to what they sort of give you in terms of Buffs but there are other benefits as well not only in terms of potions like being able to say you know animal speaking but you've got Elixir which are potions sort of like potions I guess that you can take which will give you various Buffs I like the bark Skin Potion here because essentially or Elixir sorry essentially what you can do with this is on something like a mage character you can have them consume this and it will increase their armor class to 16 until the next long rest so if you'll say running Gale or you're yourself are a mage character it increases your armor class so you avoid getting hit more often grenades can be thrown at enemies to deal some AOE damage and then you've got Coatings as well that you can put on your weapon so you can either coat them in poison to deal extra damage or you can coat them in things like oil of accuracy to give you a higher chance of hitting with increasing your overall attack role but most of these action that come from these Alchemy potions are actually bonus actions so if in combat you have a character that say doesn't really have a way to use their bonus action every single combat turn maybe something like a barbarian or something like that that's mostly just going to attack with their action and then not really use their bonus action having these options to say you know coat your weapon in oil or do something like that is really beneficial into combat just so you're not wasting those actions but also to give you benefits in combat as well which is definitely well worth having by the way the boulders Gate 3 Community Wiki B g3. Wiki is a great resource for things like this and any other sort of information that you may be looking for they've got plenty of good stuff on there so moving on to Withers and the hings and respecing now Withers can Respec your class in the full game just by talking to him you can ask him that you need to change class you don't actually have to change your class here just by doing this and using up that 100 gold cost it seems like it's always 100 gold based on my experience but you can then just pick the same class and same ability points and everything but you can then just go through the leveling process again so you wanted to change something like if you maybe you want to change a feet that you chose or something like that you can do that but you can change your class in that way as well but you can also hire hirings from Withers now these are just like other people that you can hire that don't have back stories or really care about what's happening in the world they're essentially just like party members that will fight for you in combat and there's one of these for each of the classes which helps like we mentioned with that drw example earlier if you need someone to say talk to animals or get into crevices or you just want to help in that regard then you can definitely do that but to get Withers from a location very early in the game called the Dank Crypt just near the overgrown ruins you will see this very very early in the game you need to go down here and you'll be able to perceive a button press the button open the Crypt Withers is inside that Crypt now you will if you don't do this he will pop up at your camp at a later Point as well but it's just worth pointing out like if you want to get him earlier and also just to make sure you have him is to go and do this this is super early in the game so it's not like a massive spoiler if you just go here and grab him for your party let's go through some quick combat stuff to make sure that you are covered across all of the things that happen in Boulders Gate 3 which is a little different to other games now firstly something that if you aren't sure what's happening or say something happens you're not sure you can click the little option on the bottom right hand side to bring up like the combat log and you can then hover over anything like attack rolls damage rolls saving throws and all the other nonsense that happens in the game just so you can kind of keep up with what's going on because there's going to be a lot of saving throws and critical hits and misses and various things and statuses and stuff that's like being thrown around and it's sometimes hard to keep keep up with now what you will need to know about attacking in Boulders Gate 3 is just like in D and two things happen you have attack rolls and then damage rolls the first that happens is the attack roll now this will roll a 1 D20 plus any modifiers that you may have against the target's Armor class now if you roll above that armor class the attack will hit if you roll below it the attack will miss and it may critically Miss if it rolls a one or critically hit if it rolls a 20 now after that point then you'll roll the damage dice now the damage will actually determine how much damage that effect actually does so when you're looking at any weapon that you may have it will always say like 1d6 or 1 d8 plus whatever types of bludgeoning or slashing or what have you sort of damage and it's the same for spells as well on top of this there are saving throws now anytime certain effects or spells are used against you a saving throw will be made now depending on the type of spell it will be a saving throw based on an ability could be wisdom intelligence what have you and then you you'll either pass or fail that based on that spell and the parameters and then if you fail it you will take those effects if you save against that then you'll pass those effects the same as if you walk into like a poison cloud or something like that you'll see these saving clouds saving clouds saving throws throw up as well a couple of other combat things I highly highly recommend that you examine enemies whenever you're fa them enemies especially like higher level enemies or enemies of all sorts of different types will have unique resistances so paying attention to those resistances whether it be slashing bludgeoning damage or even certain types of Mag will help you determine what type of effects are actually better to be used against that Target because it will definitely come into play like I've had it many many times that I've used like a fire spell and then realized oh great you know like I've just hit fire on something that's immune to fire I've wasted my action so definitely be considerate of checking what enemies are actually efficient against and stealth is just as op as it was in The Early Access stealth attacks obviously have Advantage a rogue like aaran actually having stealth attacks will gain like heaps of damage from that so just paying attention especially if you're like thinking oh you know maybe this encounter is going to end up in combat you can use the character select to switch to a different character line them up and say stealth them a little bit further away so then if the combat doesn't like start then you can sort of walk up on your own and actually have them Engage The Encounter and get that first initial strike before the real Combat actually breaks out now there's a couple of things to consider when making a party there's obviously combat and the other side of things is the social aspects of Boulders Gate 3 which is a core part of the role playing experience so we're going to talk about mostly combat here but this is going to be a bit of an introductory video to a little bit of a series that we're going to do breaking down some of the different roles in Boulders Gate 3 but I wanted to talk about social first now social is important because in Boulders Gate 3 and DND as well the roleplay aspect and the skills are a huge part of the game and you know a clear example of this right just to simplify things is the charisma skill in dialogue and being able to persuade enemies with the persuasion skill now if you are proficient in Persuasion you'll get a proficiency bonus to add to the dice roll along with your charisma modifier so this will happen for all skill checks right so you'll always get a modifier added based on the ability that it's actually using and then if you're proficient in the skill it's using you'll get another bonus on top of that so when that comes to like the social aspects really you sort of want a relatively good breadth of skills covered by your party now you could essentially go and try and like mid Max and cover every single skill in the game which is probably possible but there is some fun in failing so you know not always passing every check you know you obviously want to be proficient in some things and succeed in some ways but sometimes it's okay to fail and I think that in a game like bers Gate 3 it's actually a lot of fun in say maybe your main talker who's going to be in all conversations has like Zero Charisma and is a bumbling idiot you know it sounds like a good time in a way but when you're thinking about these checks you want to have someone in your party that is proficient in the dexterity skills potentially someone who's proficient in the intelligence and wisdom skills and then definitely someone who's proficient in the Charisma skills now you can break this out in different ways like you can say just have a rogue like a star and just know all the dexterity skills and focus on all the dexterity stuff you can have a wizard like Gale focus on all the intelligence things or you can just have a character that's sort of a breath across the board but something that I would consider when making a party is having some sort of a main talker someone with the Charisma skills that you can use for say persuasion or intimidation those sort of a things then someone with the dexterity based skills someone that can lockpick or has slide of hand is really important and then someone that will cover say the intelligence and wisdom skills sort of in your last sort of two characters but there are other ways to buff yourself as well like there are skills that can increase your chance of getting a success on a role even animal Whisperer which is a great skill so you can actually talk to animals so there is different ways you can think about this but just sort of broadly speaking you want to think about those skills and trying to cover as many as possible and I guess another Point as well is the approval ratings with your companions because the companions in the game will have approval ratings based on what you the player character do so obviously if they don't like you they can leave your party or potentially even attack you so that's worth thinking about but you can obviously just have H Lings as well that you can hire and said so they don't actually have any sort of ratings towards you but the main Crux of this video and of the reason to have a part of composition is for actual combat now a couple of tips before we get into the nitty-gritty ranged combat is very advantageous in Boulders Gate 3 as many any combat encounters are spread out and mages and sort of range characters using bows and crossbows have a huge Advantage because they can actually attack from range and just immediately start attacking enemies at the start of combat generally speaking as well I would try and avoid having two characters that are of the same class or using the same equipment types say if you've got two people that are using great swords and you find this amazing great sword who will you give it to you know there are plenty of different weapon options and spell options and different sort of setups in Boulders Gate 3 that you shouldn't really be having characters use the same sort of weapons unless you're specifically going for some sort of bombastic build so generally speaking talking about party composition you want to have a mix of classes and Arch types that fill different roles in combat encounters what I mean by that is you want to have a character let's say a tank now this would be a high hit point and a high Armor class character Armor class is determined by the character's dexterity as well as the armor they're wearing and anytime a character attacks that character they have to roll an attack dice which is then compared to the armor class of that character so the higher the armor class the less chance they'll get hit but then if they do get hit they have a higher chance of surviving that hit right because they've got a higher amount of health so it fits sort of like a tank archetype but not necessarily a tank it doesn't have to be specifically But A Millie character is definitely the focus there now generally the classes that fit that sort of a mold is a fighter a barbarian and a paladin because they have good armor proficiencies other than the Barbarian that gets un armor defense as an alternative but they have good armor proficiency so they can wear armor have that higher Armor class and take some of those hits with their higher Health ball a monk could also fit this role as well because they are typically Millie focused with unarmed combat companion wise you've got lail as a fighter and carlac as a barbarian that can fill this role for you as part of the companion party members that can join your team the second role is a sort of support healer SL buffer now this can be either Millie or ranged but the role of this role I guess is to be a support character now that doesn't necessarily always mean healing your party members when are low on health as there are other ways to do that but the main focus here as well is on buffing and debuffing enemies buffing yourself and debuffing enemies is a huge part of DnD D and also Boulders gate it's actually more beneficial than you may realize because if you say debuff your enemy with something like Bane or give them disadvantage on their attack rle it essentially means they have to roll two dice and take the lowest figure of that Dice and then compare it to the armor class of the character that they're attacking so you've got a extra chance of avoiding that damage right and by Versa say if you're using a way to buff your characters and increase their chance of hitting by like adding extra dice to their attack roles or advantage that sort of thing then you are giving yourself a more guaranteed way to deal damage it's a very important part of DnD and boulders Gate 3 in general so it's worth considering now this is really filled by a couple of different classes so you've got the cleric that can fill this role you've got a drude especially a circle of Landrew that can fill this role BS with their Bic inspiration and other spells can absolutely fill this role and then there's some other as well depending on the way that you build them like paladins and Rangers and that sort of a thing but for the most part this role is filled by someone that can do some spell casting to heal and do the debuffs and and Buffs but in terms of companions this is currently only really feelable by shadowart as a cleric she can feel the healing role plus the buffing and debuffing though the chances is that hon the drw may also be a companion in the full version of the game so if they can they probably can it's also worth mentioning as well that chances are there are going to be more companions that we don't necessarily know about like maybe one or two secret ones so maybe there's more when the full game comes out but obviously at this stage we don't rightly know moving on to the ranged damage dealer now typically this will be some sort of a mage character but you could also absolutely run some sort of a Marshall based with a crossbow that sort of a thing character as well but essentially this role is like an allout not necessarily glass Cannon but definitely a high damage dealer from range this in terms of classes can be covered by the Warlock the wizard and the Sorcerer typically as your Mage based ones with a lot of can trips that can deal damage as well as spells slots that they can use to do damage from range and then in the Marshal way you've got things like a Ranger a rogue or potentially a fighter if you choose to specialize in archery but those are the sort of the key ones that you've got that you can look for this sort of a role now this isn't a requirement to have a role like this but it is absolutely worth doing because of how beneficial range combat is like I mentioned earlier in Boulders Gate 3 because of these massive Arenas that have these huge Landscapes as well as a lot of verticality and when you're up on High Ground you can get advantage on some of those attack rols so it's Absol abely worth considering having someone like this in your party in terms of your companions you've got Gail that fills this role as a wizard you've got will this fills this role as a warlock and aaran can fill this role as well as a rogue if you want to keep him on sort of a ranged basis but there's plenty of options that you can sort of fit there now other than those three as the main primary I personally think that this fourth slot is like a personal preference Flex slot and what I mean by that is you can sort of fill this role with anything that's sort of fun to you and I think that this fits where your player character can go if you don't want to specifically have your player character as either sort of the tanky or the Healer or the range damage dealer you can just sort of have them as a fun character that can do anything and everything or something in between that sort of fits neatly into this role now if you don't necessarily want that like if you want to know what I would suggest to have as that fourth slot I would either be looking to have the other alternative say is your range damage heer you've got a mage you could have some sort of a Millie Rogue that can deal damage sort of from a stealthy position or you could even just have another range Marshal dealer like say having a ranger that can deal damage from range with a bow specializing in the hunter aspects of that kit and then having the Mage specializ in the spells from range gives you that flexibility or you could just have two Millie Fighters you know something like that but I'll also give you some examples of some like General party setup so if you want to play like a support role let's say a Bard cuz bards are great talkers because of their High Charisma as well as their great skills and jack of all trades skill that they can get as well let's say you're playing aard as a support character you can then run Lil as your tank setup you've got a Darian as a rogue playing that sort of flex role and then you've got gaale as the Mage damage dealer another alternative is if you want to play as a Millie Barbarian or fighter or padin or something in between you could then play that sort of a tanky role you could bring Shadow heart along with you to play that support role and then in this example you can run will as a flex damage dealer that can do a little bit of Milling but mostly focuses on spells and then you've got gaale as well as your wizard damage or you could then switch out either will or Gale for a Starion or something in that sort of flex position but I hope that helps helps you think about your party composition in Boulders Gate 3 now I will also say that based on sub classes and specific ways you can build out these classes and even multic classing these classes that I'm giving you as these specific like archetypes and roles aren't necessarily going to fit that role like you can build them out in different ways if you so choose to right you know there's nothing stopping you from using the Wizard's Quarter Staff to just Millie enemies all the time right like if you want to make a Millie wizard you could do that and just whack people in the face with the staff like there's no worries that you could do that or you can mul class them into different ways right there's a lot of flexibility there but I just wanted to give you sort of a broad overview of things to consider when building out your party I've just updated my membership program here on YouTube to include Early Access to practically every video so if you like these sort of builds or any of the other content that I do on the channel consider joining the membership cost you literally $1 you get early access to basically every video plus access to the members only Discord a bunch of other benefits as well so if you like what I do here please consider checking that out but enough of that onto the video so firstly I want to talk about proficiencies especially armor proficiencies and a couple of other things you need to be aware of so generally proficiencies aren't all built the same and in terms of armor what I mean by that is even if you have characters that may be proficient in medium armor or heavy armor it's often not the best case for them to wear the best example of this is obviously the Barbarian with their unarmored defense when you're not wearing armor you can add your Constitution modifier to your armor class but there are several other things that you need to consider so the main reason that you're wearing armor or should be wearing armor is because of your armor class and what this does is that anytime a particular role is made that attack role will then be compared with the character's armor class to determine whether that attack hits or not so obviously the higher your characters Armor class is the better because they have a higher chance of avoiding any damage coming towards them but that isn't necessarily just increased by wearing light or heavy armor or what have you and just putting on that armor in a lot of cases you don't want to do that so something to consider here is that the different types of armor so firstly there is clothing which is essentially no armor and for characters that are in this sort of category they have the base Armor class of 10 plus their dexterity modifier whatever that is for most of these characters this is going to be sort of your spellcasters and that sort of a thing that will increase their armor Class via other methods that could be via the elixir of bark skin or by Mage Armor what have you light armor is that next level up and this will have the armor class of the stated piece on the armor plus whatever your dexterity modifier is so any character that has a high dexterity say for example aaran as a rogue or any character that uses dexterity as one of their primary modifiers light armor is the best option especially if you can get your dexterity up to say 20 and give yourself a plus five in that category medium armor is similar to light armor except that dexterity modifier is capped at two so using aarion as an example again he shouldn't be wearing medium armor even though maybe you have have a rogue or something that is proficient in it because their Dex modifier is Cap to so essentially it's actually less armor class because you're not actually gaining as many benefits say the medium armor might initially have like a base Armor class of 13 and that line armor might only have a base Armor class of 12 but it's actually going to be less because the Dex modifier is capped at two so it's worth considering that when you're looking at the armor and the next level on top of that is heavy which gives you no dexterity modifier for that armor you only get whatever that Armor's actual rating is if you're wearing heavy armor you want to increase that armor class even further you can equip something like a shield as a way to do that and you can also do this on characters that don't wear armor as well if they are proficient in Shields you can whack one on CU it doesn't technically count as armor and they'll just get a plus two or a plus three to their Armor class depending on the shield now this also relates to weapon usage a lot of classes and characters in the game will have simple or Marshal weapons and have access to basically all the weapons that they you know are available in the game but in some cases there are weapons that they shouldn't be using because they're not finesse weapons now what a finesse weapon is is it will use either your strength or dexterity modifier when attacking with that weapon and whatever is higher so in some cases you may look at a weapon and it be like oh you know it's damage is 2 to9 and this one's is say 2 to7 but ultimately the one that's 2 to7 may actually work out to be more damage because it's a finesse weapon and that character has a higher dexterity then they do strength whereas the 2 to9 weapon is actually a strength weapon so also consider that when you're looking at those different weapons and your different proficiencies the last thing I'll say about this as well is that even though some characters say majors and everything can actually wear armor even if they're not proficient you can't actually cast spells when you are wearing armor you're not proficient in so just be mindful of moving on to number two is that your allies need work you should be respecing them in most cases now when wither shows up at your Camp either he will just randomly show up one day or you can free him in the Crips in the First Act which I'll show where that is right here but essentially when you go to Withers you can actually ask him to respect your class now you don't actually have to change your class here what we're really interested in is the last option in the menu which is your ability points a really good example of why you need to do this is aaran now if you don't want to build aaran as a Arcane trickster like personally I didn't want to he has a bunch of wasted points into intelligence so you can actually get rid of those points and put them into something useful like dexterity or Constitution that he's actually going to use it's also worth pointing out here as well that on this screen you can actually change their skills so say if you're using a certain you know three companions that have a little bit of skill overlap and whether that's with yourself or even just with your other companions you can use this menu to change their skills as well that they're proficient in so then you know you don't have that initial overlap and you not say using aaran as an example again you know I'm not I love a staran right like I'm not hating on the boy he's great but he has a bunch of skill proficiencies into the Charisma skills which you know if you're not playing as a staran and he's not going to be your main talker it's sort of a waste and you can move those points to something else that maybe you don't actually have coverage of to sort of better like fit your party in terms of a minmax perspective better also you know while we're talking about Withers you can actually hire hings from Withers as well so when you're here essentially you can hire a highing of any class if you don't want to use the companions or you want a different sort of a class in your party you can do that as well and the hings can be completely Respec as well so you can change their class and all of that stuff as well reactions are amazing and you should be ticking the ask option for basically all of your reactions so every combat turn you have an action a bonus action and a reaction now the reaction system in Boulders Gate 3 is a little bit hidden in that in some cases things will just happen if you don't play around with this menu at all you may just initiate an opportunity attack or something without even realizing and wasting that action or maybe not wasting that action cuz sometimes those effects can actually be useful but in some cases using my Paladin as an example I have a ton of different reaction options and there's a chance that maybe I want to save my reaction for a specific action that is occurring you'll see when looking at the reactions that they say that they recharge once per turn but there are some reactions like say Reckless attack that don't actually recharge once per turn it's just an effect that is triggered as long as you can actually trigger that effect so by ticking the ask it will tell you when it does have the option to trigger and then you'll be able to trigger it you can then make sure that before that reaction just actually triggers you can make sure whether you actually want to use it or not whether you want to react or not this information even just by ticking this even if you want those reactions to go through it actually gives you a ton of valuable information that you wouldn't get beforehand you using counter spell as an example counter spell is a reaction spell that anytime a Caster casts a spell within your radius you can counter that spell as a reaction to cancel out its effects now essentially you may not want to do this every time that this happens but just by enabling this ask option if you do have a spell slot and a reaction available it will ask you if you want to counter it so it will tell you that this character is casting this spell and it hasn't gone off yet so you can decide whether you want to react to that or not the same thing happens with say defensive jeus one of the feed that when a character makes an attack on you while you're holding a finesse weapon in your main hand and nothing in your off hand you can choose whether to react to that to increase your armor class by two so in the same way if someone makes that roll on you and say that's going to hit like their attack roll was say you know 17 but you've only got a 15 Armor class by adding that plus two you'll get 70 the attack will miss but maybe they rolled a 20 and you're adding that plus two when actually do anything for you you can sort of avoid that from actually happening so there's plenty of reasons to tick these options there's also a ton of gear in the game that will add reactions to your characters like defensive snaring or something like that so reactions really really important can make such a difference giving you valuable information for the encounter allowing you to act while it's not your turn which is just like a huge buff in any regards and it's just a really valuable thing to do backgrounds are more important than you think they give you experience and inspiration points so when you're picking a background now I've been saying this for basically all of my class guides that you should sort of pick based on the roleplay elements and I still stand by that but something to consider here is that you may have noticed in the full game which was different to the Early Access is that some characters will like outlevel others like some characters May level up F like first before others will and this is because of the inspiration system so so when you do certain actions in the game you may actually get an Inspiration Point this will also come with some experience but if you have four inspiration points which is the maximum that extra point will just be turned into straight XP for that character specifically so in some cases you may notice that some characters have slightly more XP than others now in the inspiration menu here you can actually see what the backgrounds of all the characters are and what you've actually got inspiration points from it's also worth noting that when you've got four inspiration points you should definitely use up at least one of them by any like skill check that you come across you can actually use an Inspiration Point to roll that Dice and you will get heaps of inspiration points like they come pretty thick and fast like just as you're doing that sounds dirty but they come pretty they come pretty often when you're just like doing things so just pay attention to when you've got that for you use one or two of them so you can actually get the next ones unless you want it to go to your experience for that character but in most cases that Inspiration Point to sort of save you from a dice roll that you maybe you definitely don't want to fail is definitely worth doing gold is great but what about free gold and free items so I wanted to cover this because I've seen some questions with a lot of you know my friends and stuff that like they're streaming like what do we sell like can you just like sell anything and I mean for the most part you can sell like anything most of the items that are linked to any sort of story things or anything like that they will tell you when you pick up that item like your character will be like hey I should you know hold on to this or whatever so anything that doesn't happen for it you can get rid of that's like any any bottles and cans and what have you any of the general clutter you find gems weapons armor all of that stuff that you don't want you can sell all of that start with the best can trips and we're going to start out with the best can trip in the game and that is elderidge blast now eldri blast allows you to deal 1 d10 damage or Force damage to targets and at level five you gain an extra beam and 11 you gain an extra beam as well so it essentially becomes sort of like a mini magic Missile in a way because it gets the extra beams and as a warlock you can add your charisma modifier to these beams as well as other effects based on the decisions you make as you're leveling up so eldri's blast can be cast as many times as you like because it doesn't require a spell slot and it can essentially do up to just like 20 damage if you crit with it with a roll on a 10 or even 30 once you hit to like level 11 That's not including any of the Charisma modifiers any other modifiers like that it's a fantastic cantry for warlocks and any other class if you wanted to spec into this say with your feat or something like that next is vicious mockery which is a b focused cantrip which deals 1 D4 damage of psychic damage which isn't the main reason you want to use this it's more for receiving the disadvantage on attack rolls that a targets get if it passes its check now this is great for say just using this basically on every turn on targets that you know maybe they are you know a high damage Target that let's say a boss or something and you want to avoid taking damage from them having them have disadvantage on their attack Wells is huge it's also beneficial to say counteract The Reckless attack of a barbarian like carac or something like that chal will imbue your staff or club with Nature's power giving it an additional 1d8 plus wisdom modifier of blooding damage to the attack roles this is also a bonus action so you can cast this and then use your action to attack in the same turn just for that extra damage that you get off from it so it's really valuable in that regard and just like some solid fallback options like especially for the wizard Firebolt Ray of frost are both pretty okay ray Frost probably gets a little bit of an edge because it lowers the target's movement speed though firebol often does a little bit more damage but that's sort of up to you if you're looking for just some fullback options the best offensive spells we'll talk about now and chromatic orb is definitely a must have now this can often seem misleading because it just says it'll either do Thunder damage or you can pick the damage type and the Damage amounts aren't that high you can upcast it with a higher spell SL but the real reason this is good is actually because it can allow you to avoid enemy resistances because you can cast it as any Elemental type so say that the target is immune to acid damage right it's got high resistance then you could cast chromatic orb as fire or it's immune to thunder and you can cast it as cold what have you right it gives you that Elemental damage type flexibility and it creates a surface on the ground so say for example if you throw some grease down put some fire on there you can then blow up that fire or you can even use coal to create sort of like ice on the ground that enemies could slip on moving on to magic Missile this is again a staple for any of these casting classes now this will send out darts of magical force that will deal Force damage to the targets depending on how many projectiles you put out and if you upcast it there's more projectiles and this will always hit the damage will obviously be different depending on the role but you cannot miss with magic Missile that what makes it so strong cloud of daggers is a great area denial spell that will conate cloud of spinning daggers that last for 10 turns and anyone that is inside the Whirlwind will take 4 D4 slashing damage each turn while they're in that area so say if you can set up like a choke point and put this down and then have everyone sort of like walk through it or even just stand in it it'll deal heaps of damage moon beam functions basically exactly the same as that except with moon beam it's a bit more damage as it's a 2d1 and you can actually move moon beam it's a Dro spell so it's a little bit harder to get say if you wanted to go down that route but moon beam is also a fantastic option and even if the target passes its save will still take half of its damage Fireball is my favorite spell and that's all I want to say about that no no but it's like what Fireball is like a big AOE spell it deals an insane amount of damage if you buff it in various ways which we talked about in the wizard video it can do heaps of damage and it is great and I like blowing things up with Fireball okay moving on ice storm is also good now ice storm is sort of like the ice variant of Fireball ice will crash down and deal damage it'll also create an ice effect on the ground that enemies can slip on and defensive spells now these are a little bit like harder to sort of cover cuz there's not heaps of them right like you've got the healing spells like healing word which will allow you to heal a Target now this won't heal the target for heaps but it's better than cure wounds as cure wounds is a Milly spell so you have to be in mil range and not all of your say support characters will be in mil range so healing word gets the sort of the value there a little bit more you've also got Bane which is probably one of the best defensive spells as you can Target up to three creatures and give them a 1 D4 penalty attack rolls and saving throws so a little bit like how earlier we were discussing vicious mockery how it gives disadvantage on attack rolls this operates in a similar way and that it lowers the target's attack roles so hopefully there's a more chance that they will hit Aid is also great to bolster your allies to give them not only Health but also increase their hit point maximum so you can do this say before a fight starts increase their overall hit points so then you've got more Health that they have you've got more Health to heal Shield of Faith increases one character's armor class by two anytime you can do this is also valuable because the higher the armor class the less chance they are of being hit by those attack rolls let's say you've cast a shield of faith on a character and then another one of your characters has casted Bane on another not only are they going to have a lower penalty to their attack roles they're also going to have a higher Armor class so they're even harder to hit and then Mass healing world is also worth calling out as it's just like healing word except it hits everyone utility spells is a category that I'm sort of like including things that don't fit in these other categories we'll start with Mage Armor which will increase the target's Armor class and you should absolutely be using this on any of your spell casters like after every long rest it lasts until the next long rest and is absolutely fantastic command is also great Now command isn't as useful in combat like you can obviously make enemies flee or gravel on the ground or something like that but the reason it's great is because you can make any enemy drop their weapon and you can steal it so let's say there is a particular person that may have some sort of a legendary sword or maybe there are other people in the game that have incredible weapons and you only have a limited amount of time to to get them you can just tell them to drop that sword and pick it up and away you go Misty step is also great now Misty step as a bonus action you can move to an area that you can see and this is great to not only avoid damage let's say someone's coming towards your caster and you want to like Misty step to another location but you can actually use it to get in range like if you want to locate yourself at like a certain High Ground away from targets you can use it for that as well tash's hideous laughter is a great control spell that will make creatures lie on the ground prone and essentially laugh I prefer this to some of the other control spells as it's easier to get off and it doesn't require like the target to have a certain amount of like Health pool so for example like sleep see invisibility is super useful for actually seeing creatures that are invisible this actually happens more than you will think in Boulders Gate 3 so just having this as an option so you can see creatures when they turn invisible is important and also the invisibility spell can also help with say your stealthy boys so they can either steal stuff or actually get themselves in certain positions counter spell is incredible and you should always have counter spell so this will allow you to as a reaction interrupt a creature's spell now what's not only benefit about this is because you can just cancel out their spell it gives you information so when they're say casting the spell before that actual effect happens you can see what they're casting because it will tell you and make the decision is if you want to counter it or just let it go through right so if they're casting some big massive spell that you really need to avoid you can counter it get rid of it and then you can move on or if it's just like you know some py little Ray of frost you don't have to worry about about it polymorph transforms a creature into a harmless sheep for a limited amount of time this is great to get a character that is maybe a little bit stronger or larger or just generally like a bigger threat like how we were talking about vicious mockery before you can get that creature out of the encounter for a period of time and the last couple I'll mention is conjure minor element and element it's great to just have some sort of a summon like this to not only take hits for you but also deal damage out especially if you've got a party that doesn't have a lot of like tanks in it and heat metal as a drw spell is incredible so practically every enemy like most enemies in the game except for certain like creatures and monstrosities will be holding a metal weapon you can heat up that bad boy so that they take fire damage and they also have a chance to drop it which is also incredible again just like command drop you can just go and steal that weapon if you want or it also just stops them from attacking with that weapon for a period of time guidance is also an incredible CR trip that can be added to almost any ability check and it just gives you a straight 1 D4 bonus so if you just need that little bit extra on top of whatever you're trying to do here you're going to add that bonus and then it will give you that bit extra to hopefully hit that ability check picking the best feet so it's very dependent on your build and your class and what you're overall focusing on and what I decided to do for this video so we can sort of cover everything in the one video was break it down into the major Arch types so Millie Marshall so Millie characters that use Marshall weapons ranged Marshall so range characters that use like bows and crossbows and general spell casters now if you have picked a feat that you're not happy with with you can just pay the resp cost to Withers of 100 gold then just pick the same class and it will reset you back to level one so you can go through that leveling process again and then at level four and eight and so on you can actually just change your Feats again so let's generally talk about the best option for every single class regardless of your class and that is really just the ability Improvement what this does it will increase one of your ability score by two or two of your ability scores by one across the board this is typically going to be one of your feet if you don't replace it with something else that also gives you an ability pour into your primary stat so the main reason you do this is because in character creation you can only get your primary stat to 17 regardless of what you do and getting it to 18 will then give you an additional modifier because with all of your ability points you only actually gain benefit from the even numbers rather than the odd this is the same for any Millie characters that might be using strength modifiers for their weapons or even spellcasters that might be using intelligence wisdom or Charisma for their spell casting modifier so getting it to that next even number is actually really important now in some cases you might not actually need two ability scores right getting two might actually be Overkill because everything's on even except for the one actual ability point that you need so what you could do in that case is pick up one of the other Feats that only give you say one ability point and some other benefit a good example here might be like athlet so you can increase your strength or dexterity by one so you could then say use this to push your dexterity to 18 or strength to 18 but then when you are prone standing up uses last movement and your jump distance is also increased by 50% so you still get the benefits of getting it to that positive number but then you get an additional benefit rather than wasting that extra ability score into something else but there is a couple of these options sort of throughout the feeds like resilient is another one you just will increase one ability by one then you also gain Proficiency in that ability saving thrs which is always a solid option as well so across the board you're probably going to pick up this ability Point Improvement or something similar for basically every class it'll either be like the first feet you pick up or maybe the second end or something like that but you'll definitely want to grab this or one of the other options in this category as one of your main Feats and now we'll move on to the more specific stuff so we'll start with the Millie Marshall now I think the most consistent or say like best overall option for a sort of Millie character is definitely Savage attacker so when making weapon attacks you roll your damage dice twice and use the highest result so you can't go wrong with getting essentially advantage on that actual damage roll and getting the highest amount of damage out of that I've definitely noticed with my Barbarian that getting those massive attack rolls makes a huge difference I would also consider picking up something that maybe is more specific to say the weapon that you're using something like defensive jewelist so when you're attacked with a Millie attack while wielding a finesse weapon that you're proficient in you can use your reaction to increase your armor class or say duel wielder so you can use two weapon fighting if your weapons aren't light and you also gain one bonus to your armor class it's good for say like a duw wielding Barbarian or something like that and great weapon Master is another one of that that fits this category so when you attack with a M weapon it lands a crit or kills a creature you can make another weapon attack as a bonus action that turn so for classes that have say like a fighter or a barbarian or even a paladin that have an extra attack let's say that you use those two attacks you kill something then you as a bonus action you can make a third attack on top of that right and with that same feed with a minus five to your attack roles you can also just increase the damage of that attack by 10 and you can't really go wrong with just increasing your overall weapon damage so definitely pick up something that's relevant to the weapon you're using or something like Savage attack Millie ranged options now there's a couple here but the main one that I would absolutely pick up for anyone using any sort of a ranged weapon like this is Sharpshooter so your range weapon attacks are not penalized by High Ground rules meaning you can attack from the low ground without penalty and you can toggle on the passive all in so your range weapon attacks get a minus five penalty to their attack rolls but you deal an additional 10 damage this is fantastic for range characters because a lot of the times you will actually be attacking from High Ground giving you some sort of an advantage or even from stealth in a rogue case again giving you advantage on that attack roll so even though you're losing minus5 on both of those two dice that you roll for an advantage like that you still have a much higher chance of actually hitting and then just getting 10 damage for free because chances are while you're you know hidden and sneaking and in High Ground you're definitely going to hit that shot anyway so it's just free damage you could also consider something like mobile so your movement speed is increased by 3 m when you use the dash action as well difficult terrain doesn't slow you down and if you move after making a Millie attack you don't provoke an opportunity attack from that Target so say if a creature is like within your Millie attack range let's say you're du wielding daggers or something like that you could use an offand attack on them and then you can move out of their range without triggering that opportunity attack if you want to say get away from them so then you can use your actual weapon in those sort of instances there isn't heaps of like ranged weapon specific options like this but there's one more that I would consider but we're going to talk about that in the spellcasting section as well because I think it's relevant for both but so talking about those spellcasters the best overall here is is probably going to be Elemental adapt so your spells gain resistance to a damage type of your choice and when you cast spells of that type you cannot roll a one and the options here are acid cold lightning fire and thunder fire is definitely the easiest one to get off cuz there are so many good fire spells in the game like Firebolt Fireball scorching Ray Etc there's plenty of good options there there is in the other categories as well it's just I find fire to be the most consistent but the benefit here not only is that you cannot roll once you'll always do slightly more damage but also the fact that it gets rid of the resistance of that from the enemy so say if an enemy is resistant to fire damage you can still actually use fire damage on that Target and still get a solid amount of damage on that plus you can't roll one on that damage so it's still beneficial there this is really good just so you can consistently get damage off especially of a specific type because can't tell you how many times in this game like you use a spell on an enemy of a specific element it does like no damage and then you check the exam and you're like ah they're immune to that type or oh they take less damage right this really helps with things like that it also helps just not only with your consistency of damage but say if you're built for a specific damage type like a using armor and stuff that gives you benefits to a specific damage type that also helps for that as well spell sniper is another good option so you can learn a can trip here which if you don't have it you should absolutely pick up Elder blast and the number you need to roll a critical hit while attacking with spells is reduced by one so if you roll a 19 or a 20 you'll then actually critically hit that Target so you get benefits from that plus an additional can trip which can be beneficial say if you are a wizard or sorcerer or something and you want to pick up alridge blast in that sort of a way another common option that spellcasters look at is the Mage initiates now these are okay essentially what this gives you is a couple of cantrips and a spell from a different spell casting class here but the one thing to consider here is that the spell that you do cast and the cantrips will actually be using whatever that class of spell casting modifier is so for example if you're a wizard and your spellcasting modifier is intelligence and you've maxed out your intelligence you pick up say like a b spell or something it's going to use Charisma as its spell cting modifier it won't actually change to intelligence so you won't actually get as much benefit from that spell you're basically better off multiclassing into that class than using the MJ initiates unless there's something specific you're looking for but in most cases I probably wouldn't recommend using the mjor initiates unless you're one of those classes like say a Bard that has a matching Charisma spellcasting modifier with a warlock so maybe you'll go into the Warlock line to pick up Eldridge blast or some other spells in that line as your feet option but it just sort of depends it's just worth noting that if there is something specific you want just pay attention to the spell casting modifier now the one that I wanted to mention that is in both the Millie and the spell casting is alert so you gain a plus five bonus to initiative and you can't be surprised now this is good sort of for like any class really but it's really good for those classes that have a low HP and a low Armor class because you can sort of get destroyed in a single turn if you are ambushed and surprised and also if even if you're not surprised right right if you just start a combat encounter and your Mage is like in the middle of all the enemies they're going to attack them first especially if they're like your main torer because they're like the player character so getting that extra bonus five to initiative means you can not only attack first but get out of the way first and then you also can't be surprised so you won't actually be snuck up on so firstly let's talk about how to multiclass so anytime you're on the level up screen in the top right of that window you'll see an add class option and by here you can just add any class that you haven't already added and you will gain the first level of that specific class so from then on any time you level up you'll be able to pick between those classes and choose which one you want to level up you'll only gain a level in the class that you specifically choose now because of how complicated this is and that when you level up you don't necessarily gain a level in both of the classes you have to pick which one you're leveling up there is a lot of careful consideration that needs to go into why you're multiclassing and the reasons and and because also there is no restrictions in Boulders Gate 3 lar and have removed the D and specific restrictions for multiclassing so here you can just do literally anything you want but I guess the caveat to that is that you can always Respec at Withers for the cost of 100 gold if say you've messed up you can just Nick back there and Respec your class and just start again let's go through the major tips and consideration you need to think of there's three things I think to put into this category the first is the level break points the second is the Spells casting and slots and the third is proficiency so by level break points what I mean here is that the main consideration really should be for multiclassing your essentially at the top of things locking yourself out of level 12 so whatever your main class is you'll never get to level 12 being the max level and also the level you gain your final feat as well at level 12 you're locking yourself out of that but you in turn if you multiclass at weird points you'll also lock yourself out of class features because let's say for example with some of the martial classes like the Barbarian The Fighter the Paladin or the monk they all gain a extra attack at level five right say if you multiclass at level four into something else and never take another level of any of those martial classes you're missing out on a core element of that class because you multiclassed one level early and you never took that level five in that martial class to gain that benefit which is a huge benefit for those classes I should mention as well the ranger also gains an extra attack at level five the next is the spellcasting slots so spellcasting modifiers are different for certain classes so for example it may sound fun to be like a source with meta magic and then add a wizard to get like that massive spell pull that Wizards have but they have different spell casting modifiers meaning sorcerer spells will be cast using Charisma and wizard spells will be cast using intelligence and this can in turn be very confusing because they have an overlapping spell pole in terms of the spells that they could use but depending on whether you took those spells as either a sorcerer or a wizard it will use those as your spell casting modifier which in turn means that your ability point spread will be stretched pretty thin if you're trying to balance both of those spellcasting modifiers and on top of that you also won't gain spell slots in the same way so you know just like you won't gain the level 12 feet you also have different break points in terms of when you gain different spell slots depending on the classes that you're multiclassing with and that'll then change that as well and on top of that each class has its own section in the spell book so they don't share spells so if you are using the Sorcerer And wizard example again sorcerer spells can't prepare their spells whereas a wizard can so Wizards can actually use this menu still to prepare spells but your sorcerer spells will always be prepared and on top of that some classes just aren't built to be spell casters like the Barbarian for example cannot cast spells while raging which makes it not a great class to multiclass with for a lot of these classes that are very spell orientated I know that's a lot of information and it's a little complex but I've tried to make it simple but we'll go through some specific spell like builds and stuff in a little bit but firstly proficiencies so classes gain proficiencies inherently like when you pick them just a character creation as as well as when you're multiclassing but some of them won't always gain the same amount of proficiencies that you might get say when you create them a character creation a good example of this is the fighter and when at character creation you will gain heavy armor proficiency as your default class but if you multiclass from a wizard say to a fighter you won't gain that heavy armor proficiency you'll still gain light and medium armor but just not heavy so just pay attention to that but also if you already have Proficiency in something like let's say if you're multiclassing from a barbarian and adding a fighter you've probably got most of those proficiency anyway except the armor one so it doesn't matter that much in terms of proficiencies so I wouldn't consider multiclassing just for proficiencies unless it's a very specific build you're going for but as mentioned if you mess up just go back to Withers and Respec and it is a okay but if I haven't turned you off multiclassing with all of this nonsense let's go through some of the best multiclassing options so keep in mind here that you can do whatever you like right like these are just some simple options that I wanted to sort of cover for anyone that's considering dabbling in multiclassing as it is very fun and there's a lot of cool like unique things you can do with it and just because of the freedom with Withers and being able to Respec any time you like you can definitely change things so we'll start with the stealth God Rogue Ranger now this is a great pairing because they are both dexterity based classes you could do something funky with strength if you wanted to but using asarian as an example here I would get asan's Rogue to say level four and grab assassin and then get into Gloom stalker Ranger and get that to Max Level being eight that you can there because these two pair so well as the Assassin being the like stealth orientated class for the Rogue and the benefits you gain not only to your initiative but also to actually attacking from stealth and the Gloom stalker is essentially the Rangers version of this where on the first turn of every combat encounter you gain an extra attack that does exal damage so you attack from stealth and then you can also deal like stealth attacks from there and then once that combat encounter starts you've got the access to the dread ambusher so plenty of synergies there plus when you multiclass these classes together whether you're starting as a ranger or a rogue you get additional skills because one each class will gain additional skills especially the Ranger with favorite enemy and natural Explorer the benefits you get from there but also as a rogue you get expertise in two skills as well so they're great skill combos to combine together plus also if we're thinking about break points here the ranger does gain an extra attack at level five which is something the Rogue doesn't so you've got that additional benefit by combining these two classes the next I'm just going to call Charisma combos because there's a lot of Charisma classes that can all sort of mesh together I wouldn't do this like all of them together in one build but you can combine them in interesting ways right so that would be the Paladin The Bard the Warlock and the Sorcerer these four classes all share Charisma as their spellcasting modifier which not only makes them good talkers for say like you know being the player character to pass a lot of spell checks they also combine simply together because they all have that as their spellcasting modifier and they are spellcasting classes but then that varies a little bit in terms of what that means so to give you a couple of examples here you could combine a paladin with a B at level two as a paladin you gain Divine Smite which is honestly the main reason you would go a paladin because of the extra radiant damage you get from those attacks at level five you get that extra attack and then if you combine it with a B you can pick a subass at level three and then gain the benefits there from either going low to lean more into spell casting potentially go swords to get those extra sword flourish attacks or something like that but that's an option to combine plus the extra skills you get as a b you could definitely go Warlock and sorcerer together as that's a combo that everyone has talked about before and it's a fantastic combination because the Warlock is lacking in spell casting elements but you definitely want to be a spellcaster as a warlock and combining with the sorcerer gives you that plus because their matching Charisma modifier you get access to eld's blast plus the benefits you get from it if you're combining these two classes I would be getting the Warlock to at least level two to get the Eldridge invocations so you can buff your Eldridge blast and obviously sorcerer to at least level two as well for meta magic and the sorcery points which is the main reason you play a sorcerer as well but both those classes pick their subass at level one so you'll get that initially just by going that class I'm calling this the battle mage and it is a wizard and a fighter because for one I you know I wanted to put every single class on this list and The Wizard is a weird one because they don't share a spellcasting modier with any other spellcasting class because there is intelligence for them you could consider pairing it with say like a level three eldrid fighter or a level three Arcane trickster cuz the Arcane trickster does share an INT modifier with The Wiz but it sort of fits weirdly like if you're looking to multiclass as a wizard you're probably considering picking up something like a fighter for the proficiencies more than anything else so those proficiencies allowing you to wear light or medium armor while you're actually still able to cast spells to increase your overall Armor class just to make you a bit more tanky and you could get into Mill range then if you wanted because you've also got some weapon proficiencies from combining it with the fighter a couple of things to consider here if you're making this sort of a combination fighter gains an extra attack at level five and an extra extra feet at level six if you want to go more the fighter route than Wizard and The Wizard gains its school or its subass at level two and then it gains level three Spells at level five level four Spells at level seven level five Spells at level 9 and level six Spells at level 11 so those different like higher level spells that you obviously will want to be using as a wizard just keep that in mind when you're sort of balancing those two classes together that you probably if you want to go in the spell casting route you definitely only want to pick up say one or two levels of the fighter and then stack the wizard because the spellcasting element is still your main sort of goal there Nature's demon is a drw and cleric combination now they share the wisdom as their spellcasting modifier combining these two classes allows you to use chal as a cleric which will add that bludgeoning damage to your Millie weapons as a cleric which is great you could also go something like a war domain cleric for the Marshall weapon proficiencies here the trud isn't a great multiclass option again because it is a really unique class being that it's got so much going for it on its own it's it's sort of like a multiclass class on its own right like there are so many different ways that you can take the drud whether you're going a spellcasting route maybe a little bit of Milly route with chal potentially wild shaping or you know necromancy there's a lot going for it anyway but just to give you a bit of an option here if you are a drood or a cleric you can combine these two to give your cleric wild shape or give your drood some more proficiencies and maybe a bit more Malay prow West you've got options there as well the Berserker Barbarian fighter is probably the best for a barbarian because the Barbarian as mentioned earlier isn't a great multiclass option because you cannot cast spells when you rage so combining with something like a fighter especially Like A Champion fighter that's a very sort of simple subass is a perfect combination here because Fighters gain action surge which essentially gives you another action so you can attack again and second wind which is something that barbarians severely lack is a way to heal themselves which second wind will allow them to do so keep in mind here that the Barbarian and the fighter gain an extra attack at level five if you are a level five barbarian and a level five fighter you won't gain an extra extra attack you'll only get that extra attack once and worth pointing out here as well both the Barbarian and the fighter pick their subass at level three so you want to make sure you get both of those to level three so you can pick a subass for the Barbarian I would either be going the Berserker or Wild Heart depends on what you sort of prefer there and fight a probably Champion though you could dable in Battle Master the fighter class also gains an extra feat at level six so if you're worried about say missing that feat you get from level 12 if you get your figh to level six you'll still gain that feat as well lastly on this list is the healing monk now again the monk is a weird class to multiclass with it has such a good Marshal kit based around it it also doesn't want to wear armor a bit like the Barbarian and as a monk you don't really want to use weapons either so like multiclassing as a monk is a bit weird you could maybe combine it with a cleric to give yourself some say healing properties for yourself and your allies because monks will use wisdom not only for their unarmored defense to increase their Armor class but also for their spell casting modifier for the Spells if they go the four elements route potentially you could then combine it with a cleric to give yourself some more weapon proficiencies if you do make weapon attacks and maybe a shield but I also wouldn't be wearing armor in that case but it's not clean I'm not telling you this is going to be a great build I just wanted to include something for the monk because I've included something for every other class so just to give you Monk lovers out there an option things to consider here is that monks gain a subass at level three and an extra attack at level five so just make sure you're hitting those break points as the Monk and then before you'll say picking up the cleric but the monk is definitely a hard class to multiclass but you can combine it with something like a fighter or even a thief to add additional actions and bonus actions to outweigh the fact that you have a little bit less key points because you are multiclassing I've done this in a build video which I will link here for you guys if you want to go watch that build if you want to try something else for the monk start with one of the most common annoyances I think for or at least for me and that's Inventory management so you're going to pick up a ton of things in this game there's just constantly things to pick up and you're going to be moving it between all of your characters and just like make sure you're not over incumbent and all that stuff one of the really good tips like the best tip across the board is that things like your keys that you pick up or any you know food and supplies as well as any Alchemy items will automatically go into the keychain the supply pack and the Alchemy pouch however this doesn't doesn't always happen and sometimes they can get like pulled out because of various quests or you know they just like don't happen what you can actually do is move a keychain the supply pack or the Alchemy pouch into a inventory and it will automatically scoop up any of those items that within that inventory and put them into that pouch now this only works for these three specific things so Supply pack for all of your you know your supply items that you would use for your long resting so all the food and everything keys are obviously for keys and Alchemy pouch is for all of your Alchemy stuff the alchemy One is definitely one of the better ones that this works for because you'll pick up a ton of like herbs and everything throughout the playthrough and being able to scoop these up into a pouch very easily is super valuable something else to point out as well is that any of like your camp supplies that go into like that Supply pouch that they should actually just go into your traveler's chest because your traveler's chest will be accessed when you go to Long rest so anything that's there so you don't have to actually carry all of that extra weight and they can be pretty heavy especially all the food items and stuff when you've got heaps with you so putting them in your Travelers chest is a good way and not have to sort of worry about that whole process you can also like pick up the containers that you find like say backpacks or any sort of pouches you find throughout the world sometimes you can just like pick them up and just use them as carrying containers I like to do this for things like Scrolls and that sort of a thing because they just take up a lot of space in your inventory it would just be nice if you know they didn't for one but you can sort of put them all into like one backpack and like whack them on Gale or something like that just so you don't have to carry them and see them all of the time you can also pick up chests and store them at your Camp say for example if you are out of lock pics or you just like fail the check on everyone you can just pick up the chest and send it to your camp and do a very similar thing right you know you can just then pull it out at your camp and then be able to actually lockpick it and in this way you may have also noticed that your Travelers chest has unlimited carry away so you can just fill that bad boy up with everything that you don't necessarily need to carry on you so any armor weapons supplies Etc you can just dump it in there and speaking of that carry weight if you press tab you'll be able to bring up everyone's inventory together it's just a great way to manage your inventory when you are on PC you can move things between them now you don't actually have to move something into a companion's inventory in order to actually like use it right if you have someone else selected you can actually still use something from someone else's inventory just pay attention to the name that it says in Brackets right like say if you're trying toip potion or something like that and if you click the equipped symbol on the inventory screen you can actually see all of the items that can be equipped into that specific slot so you don't have to hunt through your inventory list to try and find specific things this doesn't include inactive companions or your Camp chest like this should absolutely include your Camp chest though right larion you're listening please make this include your Camp chest like I don't want to have to carry 20 pieces of armor around just because I like to change my build every day but but this is like super helpful right so I use this all the time when I'm trying to like figure out what I want to use for my builds I essentially just like put everything that I have on all of my companions and figure out what sort of equipment I want to use and that's like the best thing to do with patch five that launch literally the day after I recorded this video you can now access your companion's inventories without needing to First add them to your party there's a new camp companions option in the bottom left when you're at camp now this will only allow you to equip and move items from their inventory but it doesn't change what I mentioned earlier in that when you're looking at those equip slots you won't actually see items from your inactive party members or your Travelers chest in the equip slots baby steps right let's move on to another massive topic and that's these hidden Buffs and it's really all comes down to these like ritual spells and and this concept of like Camp casters so every day that you go out you've got a bunch of companions that just stay at your camp and it's important that you can actually use them right like there's no reason why you can't equip them into your active party for a brief amount of time to say use certain spells that last until your next long rest what I would highly recommend to do is go to Withers and grab a high link that's either a cleric or a wizard and then multiclass them into the other one especially a transmutation Wizard and we'll cover WI a little bit but when you do this you'll be able to pick up these ritual spells now the main one here is really long Strider to increase your movement speed by 3 m until your next long rest but you can also grab a Aid to give you temporary HP and the when you upcast Aid you'll get more temp HP so the fur you get in the game this still becomes valuable and it's just like free HP right and because you're doing this on someone that's going to stay at your Camp you're not wasting any spell slots for that right so you can do that in that way so anything that has that until long rest like it lasts for that long and isn't a concentration spell you'll be able to use that and then once you remove that party member from your active party it doesn't matter because it's still being cast and it's not a concentration spell you can do this with other things like there are other wital spells like feather fall and enhanced leap and stuff but they don't last until long rest so they're not as useful but say if you need them you can have someone at your camp that you could quickly switch in and out of your party to use even dialogue spells like speak to the dead or speak with animals detect thoughts those sort of spells as well having a cleric and a wizard sort of combo for this is best because you get aid from the cleric line plus a few other spells there as well as the wizard picks up all the other ritual spells but the main reason you want to go to the transmutation wizard is because of their class feature that will allow you to craft two potions instead of one with Alchemy when you pass a medicine check now this is really valuable because when we talk about potions our next topic there are some absolutely insane potions that just give you so much value in terms of Buffs right like you could you know you can obviously do things like C like make grenades and that sort of a thing but the main benefits here in the early game would be the potion of speed which is essentially a free win condition not only does give you free movement speed it also gives you an additional action in combat right so we've talked about in a lot of my multiclass builds about how attacking multiple times per turn it's just super valuable now with the potion of speed it gives you an extra action to use so it's essentially a free acction surge every turn while it lasts now once it does expire you'll get lethargic which does have its own debuffs but you get this benefit very easy and but most times like these encounters end before that effect wears out alternatively as you get further in the game you've got blood loss which is like even better so when you defeat an enemy you get a temporary HP bonus as well as another action for that turn right so if you in like the later games when we're talking about these builds we can attack like eight times per turn with one action right you are obviously going to defeat an enemy in that turn if you focus fire on someone then you get another action and you can just you know attack another eight times right like these potions are absolutely incredible and there're just a couple of them right like there's bark skin to increase your armor class and plenty of others that just do these really valuable things so Alchemy is something to not be slept on right it was only added with the full release of the game and it's absolutely beneficial to use for crafting these sort of amazing benefits that really help with some of the those late game bosses so highly recommend another fun tip is about passives and their General like willingness to make things better so one thing to think of right is non-lethal attacks now you can do this and enable this to knock out enemies rather than actually killing them you have to like knock them out with martial weapons you can't like knock them out by smacking them in the face with you know a fireball or something right that doesn't really work but if you knock enemies out they will still survive those attacks which in some scenarios is actually beneficial there are certain boss encounters as well as different comes to quests that this is important for which I won't spoil but just you'll be thinking about that if something is important that you say no don't kill me for whatever reason but there are other reasons to use passives as well right like you can turn off weapons that have lights like some weapons just have like a massive light on them this makes stealth really hard because it's literally a light coming out of your weapon and in your passives you can turn this off and you can see that this actually changes how obscured you are like when you're stealth there are other Buffs and like class specific features as well that will show up in here that you'll often get as you level out your classes with your class features so just important to remember that you have that passives Tab and be thinking about that as you're entering boss fights and encounters because in some cases like some of the Monk class feates you can just get like free damage from enabling certain passives so just consider that as well with all of that gear in your inventory you will spend a ton of time talking to vendors now there's a few important things to remember here when you start a conversation with a vendor the prices will be calculated based off the character that you start that conversation with and their not only their attitude with that specific character but also their Charisma stat so in this example here you can see when I'm talking to this vendor with will that his Charisma is obviously a lot higher than aarian and you can see the price difference for this Longbow is significantly different even though they have different attitudes as well you can see that that stat difference just because of that Charisma difference is also different as well you can increase their attitude towards you by selling items for less than they worth or just giving them items for free and then you know that does calculate into getting you items back in terms of bartering for like less but for the most part you'll be moving through the game at a rate that you don't necessarily need to do this like I would really just be talking to people with your highest Charisma stat and if that fails you can just steal their inventories right like if you have a character that's quite stealthy you can stealth behind them and steal anything that you like and if you're also wanting to sell more items vendor gold does refresh when you either level up or you long rest and that gold level will refresh combat is the last key part of Boulders G we haven't really touched on now one of the key things to remember is surface synergies so if there's water on the ground you can Electrify it my storm Ward multiclass is absolutely brilliant for this so go and check out that video you can also put things on the ground like grease or oil and set them a blaze speaking of putting grease on oil on the ground if you have a backpack in your inventory speaking of the method we talked about earlier how you can carry backpacks you can put explosives and bombs and all that stuff in them throw the backpack and it will throw all of those items at once so you don't have to throw them individually and then with say just hitting them with one sort of range attack you can actually activate all those those effects at once now this doesn't do heaps of damage right it sounds like it should do like a massive amount of damage and explosions and all that kind of stuff and it it does do that like putting grease and fire in there is obviously great because you can create like a fire hazard on the ground but if you have a lot of bombs and grenades that apply status effects you can do this to apply all of those status effects at once so it's a great like fight start opener so you can apply those status effects to everything sort of in that surrounding area and then attack from there also High Ground is obviously amazing for range characters as it's always valuable you can create your own High Ground by stacking crates and climbing on top of them don't forget to examine enemies all of the time it's one of the best things you should do in every combat encounter because basically every enemy has some sort of resistance and you won't know about it unless you use the examin feature so obviously use that it will help you decide what types of damage to use against them what type of spells to use and it will explain any of the unique Buffs that any of these like unique enemies may have so make sure you're right clicking and examining on all of these enemies laran have been regularly updating the game since launch with a number of patches that have come out and they've actually added valuable things for you to think about if you're returning to Boulders gate or even playing for the first time one of them is that there is a magic mirror at every single camp this can be a little bit hidden so make sure you're looking for it either on the map or just like running around to find it this will layer to change your appearance now you can't change any of your race or any of that stuff CU it's all linked to you know the role playing aspects but you can just like tweak your appearance here if you wanted to you can also do this for hings as well which is a massive buff that you can now actually change these high Lings so they can look a certain way if you want to do that you can also change their name there as well patch 5 also added a brand new epilog with over 3,000 additional recorded lines that occurs 6 months after the main events from the game where you can catch up with your companions and other people that you've met across your journey and find out what's been happening with them this is in itself worth another playthrough or just booting up an old save to check it out honestly to see these different variations that can happen here but this is a massive addition to Boulders Gate 3 well after the launch just for free like it's it's huge and there has been just an insane amount of bug fixes and like dialogue fixes and just new scenes and Corrections being added like there's been a lot of new scenes and changes to say KAC and minara the two companions they've had plenty of fixes and changes as well so this and everything else that's been added to the game is absolutely huge right there's too much to go through and I wouldn't recommend reading all the patch notes cuz there is a lot there but you know if you are returning to the game you will notice some changes and things that have been updated still one more I have a class guide for every single class multiclass builds plus much more on the channel which I'll link here so thank you guys for watching this video till the end thank you to our members for supporting the channel my name is noza and I hope you have a great day
Channel: NorZZa
Views: 9,576
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3 beginner guide, baldurs gate 3beginners guide, baldurs gate 3 ultimate guide, baldurs gate 3 tips and tricks, baldurs gate 3 tips, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, BG3, baldurs gate 3 2024, baldurs gate 3 best tips, baldurs gate 3 mistakes to avoid, baldurs gate 3 things to know, baldurs gate 3 guide, bg3 beginners tips, baldurs gate 3 beginner tips, baldurs gate 3 starter guide, bg3 ultimate beginners guide, baldur's gate 3 ultimate beginners guide, norzza
Id: _CD13CJse3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 35sec (5015 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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