Try Not To Laugh on The Graham Norton Show | Part Four

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was it a honeymoon couple on a plane yeah there's a couple they were on a honeymoon and the plane hadn't yet taken off and the um the the woman who had just gotten married uh just became violently and horribly ill on the plane i mean it was not like a pretty little like sick bag kind of thing it was just like i'm going to paint with my organs like it was just crazy and people were freaking out all over the plane and there so they brought a stretcher down and they put her on the stretcher and they're wheeling her away and like the the uh her her new husband is just kind of cruising along with the thing and he sees me and he's like deadpool no way high five and i you know like you know like he's like let's touch eyeballs no no and by the way your wife is like half dead help her man so it's just a very surreal moment i'm i'm sure they're fine i'm sure they're on their second uh anniversary now yeah just kicking it somewhere that's such an embarrassing thing happened to me yesterday on the tube so is it i've obviously got like oh anyway right basically what happened more so i stood on oxford tube platform yeah and i've always got um so you know like a glass keep cup you know like rather than going to a coffee shop and getting a new cup i i carry a glass one that i then wash and re-get my latte and and so i got i got me empty cup and i just stood down and stuff and an elderly gentleman was walking towards me on the platform and i was just uh god i'm i just i just want to get on the tube i hate getting recognized he started to walk towards me but then he had his arm out and his arm came in some space and on the tube on the platform it's crowded and it's a bit i don't know i just got the kind of light oh what are you doing a bit aggressive unnecessarily and actually what he was doing was he went oh sorry i thought you wanted money and he was trapped [Applause] oh i just like sat there and i was like someone make eye contact so i can tell this story i was like understand i was like now we've got a really good story because dwayne presumably you can't hide you can't put a hat i've seen you in a gym like a public gym so do you get to get bothered all the time all the time yes but how do you feel out the window how do you work out in the gym if people are constantly giving up to you uh just be nice say hello get them moving get the movie lift them but fame is a funny thing right so that story for you well that will be like the constant anchoring reminder right of like how cool fame is but also never like i don't have the stress you have though because i think the thing is if you if you are five or six and you've got a hat on and you're dressed like a most the time a teenage boy in a baseball cap headphones on head down i catch the bus and i catch the bus on the subway every single day because i'm not in anyone's eye line like that but i imagine you there is something about if if you're you you can't you're not you're seven feet tall so yeah but kevin's kevin's had weird you've had weird fans what happens if you're three foot two like that how do you do it what are you talking about no how do you deal with that you know that hey i don't think well first there's two we're we're skipping around some points here first thing she's saying she's dressed like a teenage boy that for somebody to put money in your cup it's got to be a lot worse than that something within your parents said i need to help this person make sure they eat today something happens uh for me i mean it's it's bad um and because i'm a big deal uh it's it's just it's it's the guy followed was in a restaurant where he followed you oh my god i had uh i had a guy actually follow me into uh uh the bathroom was a true story i'm in a stall you know i gotta go and you know yeah while i'm in the bathroom is that kevin can i get a picture and i'm like you know cause i'm obviously a very big guy i i stand up for myself immediately i say hey not in here you wait until i'm done okay so you go outside i take it with you when i get outside um and i go on the stall you close the door and you know you would expect whoever that was to have left they're gone and i you know i do what i got to do and it was a it was one of those situations where i had to be in there for a while you know i'm in there uh and you know literally you know when you when you get comfortable you start to take your time and i'm on my phone i'm scrolling i'm you know it's just it's a it's a it's a comfortable inventory what you do with the mall that's it i get done and i like get out the stall and close the door he's right there can we get the picture i was like i meant outside the bathroom man out the bathroom i'm not taking a picture with you in the bathroom but the fact that he stood there like very nicely the whole time it made me feel obligated and i was like hey just just come on selfie real quick don't tell nobody you saw me in here friends with jason statham every day but i'm distracted by the makings of a cocktail oh yes it's a cocktail at christmas everyone yeah shall i yes please now what okay well i like to give britain a little tip every now and again so you need to find yourself a sheath right now this is just a minute hold on hold on i don't know if i want that drink if you go to the really posh cocktail bars you get these incredible ice cubes that they hand carve oh no no no we go get a water bomb right and we just split it and we peel it off and we get a lovely round bear with me bear with me this is what they do in the posh places then we're gonna make a christmas negroni i think of myself as a christmas negroni [Applause] um so negroni i want you to think of it as medicine right okay if you've got every one of us has someone a bit boring a bit sort of dodgy coming to the christmas party there's always one so then what you do is you take this negroni aka medicine medicine right and it turns people that are a bit problematic and boring mm-hmm into interesting people whoa so is twenty trying to say know and he's pouring three drinks this is uh 20 meals of campari 20 mils of vermouth rosso which we've scented uh with a little cinnamon and christmas fair yes and then we have a little gin a little bit of clementine to get you going are you ready for this i'm like come on man now once you said this if if you don't become more interesting i don't know what's going to happen okay okay he's going okay lovely one pass it down it's like school yeah go home we have four we have four we have four no no where are we cheers merry christmas merry christmas this is a bit like a christmas carol and we are scrooge because like merry christmas everybody it's like 600 tiny tims okay oh come on come on oh that is just how come the world's changing although not being a judge of whether or not it's delicious no i like that it has just enough christmas in it here's the thing no that's very good that's right you wanna sit you wanna sit hold up here we go oh i drank from this side so you can drink from that side you can drink from the other side you gotta get it you know you see what you think is this like feeding a gremlin after midnight how's that that's good that's good [Applause] cocktail yeah a christmas to remember that was the christmas oh the underwater sequence yeah yes uh that looked hard oh dear that was that was pretty difficult it was a really technical probably about a week at pinewood um because we shot film here uh in in london and it was all under water it's a sequence where this sphere falls off a cliff and she and another actor by the name of justice are stuck inside of the sphere and i'm on the outside of the sphere trying to rescue them as it sinks and uh water is filling up the gyrosphere and at one point we're completely submerged in water and yeah we we spent what i don't know uh a week or eight days or nine days we spent in water yeah and it was boy i'll tell you they put a lot of chlorine in the water because you've got a crew of 85 people just pissing this pool like no one ever got it no no no no no people we didn't have time for people to pee so you knew people were peeing oh i'm certain though people would suddenly just i don't have senses that was good that's a good yeah i don't mind doing that again yeah she just made me tinkle a little bit because it made sense yeah i tinkled a little bit when you i mean it you pee you're not supposed to pee in the pool but no one got out and and i know cause i was i had to be underwater with my eyes open of course uh as if i could see with my eyes open under water chris did you pee i actually myself time is money on a movie like this chris you were in the water well i was trapped in this gyrosphere right your defense it makes sense i just felt this freedom as i was working you know what i mean i just was like really present um you didn't feed claire p yes claire claire was panicked yeah every time you've said that for the last like seven months i'm like i wasn't happy i'm just so deeply ashamed um and that's when we team up and we sort of become best buds on and off screen [Laughter] and uh and we fight these elemental creatures this but now filming together like jake tom it sounds like was quite unsympathetic to you while you were filming when would didn't you get a little a little peaky oh well uh yeah we were shooting well we were shooting a scene and i uh i got a i got i i got sick i i i was very nauseous throughout the day and and in the middle of the one of the takes i i i threw up in the middle of the take and uh kept going you know but that's how that's what acting's all about i was sitting opposite him and i was like how is he doing that he is so good he looks so tortured and so unwell and so and so like like hurt and then he basically just had a stomach bug and they actually cgied the vomit out of the shot but if you look in the movie in the movie my mouth is just partially open at one i'm kidding [Applause] you know [Music]
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 5,716,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton, The Graham Norton Show, Graham Norton Funniest Moments, Graham Norton Funny, Graham Norton 2019, Graham Norton 2020“ Graham Norton new season, Graham Norton new series, Graham Norton best moments, Graham, Norton, show, 2020“, dwayne johnson, kevin hart, tom holland, jake gyllenhaal, will smith, ryan reynolds, thandie newton, dwayne johnson and kevin hart, dwayne johnson kevin hart graham norton, try not to laugh
Id: 08ewotcsPqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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