Ryan Reynolds 'Free Guy' On The Graham Norton Show

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ryan martin beautiful blake sexiest man in the world all those things and yeah she is the sexiest man yeah yeah he's doing well there that's a good shot right there look at you look at you beautiful and happy yeah so annoying yeah no but to cheer us up when you started kind of being interested in girls you weren't as that cool or smooth with it no no no not at all i don't believe it no no i really i went through puberty at like 27. this is a freak thing yeah it was not good yeah who's the girl who's the girl in school the first the first girl the first well i was obsessed with this this girl uh uh fiona gorczynski um she said and she used to actually she used to take the bus the the the opposite way of my actual home and i would get on the bus just to sit next to her wow for 45 minutes the wrong way oh there's something wonderful about there was something when you're young it's so cute when you're older it's just stalking you're like on some kind of watch list but i remember when i was i couldn't have been more than i don't know 11 years old and i and i i was just about to get off the bus because enough is enough i'm about to enter like seattle or something so i'm starting to get off the bus and i decided to like kind of hit her with like this cool look or something like this like one of these like real sort of don johnson miami [Laughter] and i sort of delay a little too long and the bus doors close on my backpack with my backpack and the bus just starts to leak i'm sort of like like banging on the side of the bus the bus driver finally stops opens the door let's releases my you know idiot bag backpack and i i could never look at her again yeah that was terrible yeah she's looking at you now can you imagine she's like he's the guy with the backpack he's the idiot with the ren and stimpy backpack it's welcome back to everybody apart from you jody yes never been here before i feel like i won a competition well i mean because it is incredible you know because obviously everyone got to know you and dr foster but then killing eve at something a global superstar yeah it's been a good year someone has been binge watching have you watched the whole thing i haven't watched season two yet because i've been traveling uh when it came out i'm already into season two oh yeah i've already seen he got one off but jodi and i'm not gonna lie when i found out you were on the show i was standing up and i just actually fell to the floor i was so excited that you were such a fan thank you that's so surreal have you watched killing eve i've already apologized for not having watched it i said that we'd let him live yeah first of all you can ask the questions later yeah i've never seen the goonies what and and we did a film together i think i might have pretended that i had oh i know is that really shocking to you it is shocking only because i've met one other person who hasn't seen or at least admitted wow [Applause] actually a lot of people are lying because that was like half yeah no these two people not no idea no never seen them they've never seen this show they don't know who anybody is you should see the goonies you should have some access to outside information yeah you should just go now and uh google it yeah excuse me very good do you get this recognized do you know who he is you know you know you do oh you're fine then you stay and the whole thing that bill because she is quite an extreme character presumably you get extreme reactions from fans and things when you when you meet people in the street yeah i mean a lot of people just look at me and think is it hair but i had one recently that was really strange someone asked me um for a photograph and i was like yeah sure and was um posing for a photograph and then she quietly just whispered in my ear will you strangle me and i was like mobile the sisters with me at the time and she was like no miss comey will not do that no betty she does yeah talking of air pumped up you get to wear the suit yeah which is a nice you know kind of like i'm wearing a suit yeah yeah well it's like a big red body condom yeah but yeah sure but call it a suit whatever you want but josh like that it's really you that like hey hey hey i'm really in the suit okay i'm sorry you could like put the suit on sort of like like it's just a team of people to get that thing on like i'm always like so terrified i'll like throw up in the mask or something you know all these weird oh yeah one of those like scratches that you just yeah no nothing there's nothing that can't there's no space in that thing at all when i put it on i can actually taste my own genitals it's disgusting do they roll you in talc or something uh i do that's just that's just when i get home from my wife you know there's something about him that he oozes that he's worked out even though he has a suit on and all that when i went and did avengers you know i saw those guys put on suits and i saw underneath like i was like you're not working out at all and i won't say who it is and they put on the suits and they looked fantastic they looked amazing whereas him his suit doesn't really have any bumps and stuff that's not there so i know that he's back in his thing because he's kind of like the daniel day-lewis of comedians you know what i'm saying very method whereas me as a 50-year-old man who gets sore i put myself through torture for you and boy did it pay off it really did i got shredded i know incredible it's crazy and what was nice was you kept your fans up to date you posted uh videos of your of your workouts here's one of the videos of you working out [Applause] [Music] [Applause] were you involved in that ryan no i had no idea no for sure you did because it was very indirect you were in that bathroom admit it i was i filmed it that was me did you run it past uh josh that you were going to involve his his stepmom in the movie oh yeah barbra streisand no no i didn't talk to josh about that no idea he just said yeah yeah and i was like no you didn't yeah i think he thought i was kidding i was like no i did and then there was i can't really talk about there was a point where i heard the song can i say one yeah the song coming out of your mouth yeah the papa papa can you hear me right coming out of your mouth keep going no no i i papa do you see me it's like can you find me in the night [Applause] dental it's right you've seen yentl not goonies come on [Applause] and the plane hadn't yet taken off and the um the the woman who just had just gotten married uh just became violently and horribly ill on the plane i mean it was not like a pretty little like sick bag kind of thing it was just like i'm going to paint with my organs like was just crazy and people were freaking out all over the plane and there so they brought a stretcher down and they put her on the stretcher and they're wheeling her away and like the the uh her her new husband is just kind of cruising along with the thing and he sees me and he's like deadpool no way high five and i and i i'm like i don't what do you like what has she got like what's happening you know like you know like he's like let's touch eyeballs no no and by the way your wife is like half dead help her man so it's just a very surreal moment i'm i'm sure they're fine i'm sure they're on their second anniversary now ryan the thing about you growing up i love the the you told stories about growing up because your dad it was like he was training you for paparazzi he was very snap happy yeah he was i was actually the saddest moment in our childhood and these are uptown problems was when they switched from film to digital because to my father that was just like every day was the lottery i mean it was amazing because you could just take pictures and pictures and pictures thousands of them it could be like thousands of pictures of just a meatloaf that's blurry and what he would do is at the end of the night he would email everyone in the family all the all the photographs as well yeah but the the thing is this is back when like the internet was made of a fax machine of wood like it was just and then you would download all of these things and like you like it was so much material to download you'd feel like the lights dim in your home like this must be costing a fortune and i got i used to say them i was like dad can you stop you don't need to on every phone like we don't need to see the blurry photo of the ceiling you took when you like just edit yourself never did so after a while and i i i mean i deeply regret this now as an adult male i have deep regrets of what i did but i would take the camera sometimes in the middle of dinner and i'd just go in the bathroom and i'd just i did just grab a quick shot of my penis and then he'd email it to everybody nana and kathy uncle tim uh gramps got a few of those they think it was his though um no i well that was his concern which is what actually in a weird way made the whole thing work for me so after that he became a strict editor so you'd get just two lovely family photos at the end of an evening not sixty thousand shots of a of a you know mashed potato yeah no not a penis out of peanuts yeah i thought you would say it looked like a mashed potato and i was like oh but actually very quickly before we say another thing i should just say uh if you are a zane malik fan i'm really sorry and he's not here zane malek's really making me regret this zayn malik tattoo i have on my back he's making it difficult ryan ryan treated when he heard the news of the cancellation zane isn't on the great norton show with me anymore i'll still go but obviously i got my lips done for nothing [Applause] [Laughter] i could feel josh falling deeper and deeper there that is like your honeymoon picture it really is like it looks sort of like cgi in the background like we didn't we weren't actually outside we weren't actually in yeah well like this morning i mean i i told him this this morning i wrote a text to him last night and i said you know i've really had a good time like these things can not be so fun and then sometimes they can be fun and i said you could have no idea it was a love letter it was a lovely love it was a very intimate love letter that i felt really good about not only how it was written but the heart behind it and then this morning i went down to the gym and the first person i see the only person i see in the gym is him and you want to do nothing but avoid the person that you wrote the textbook we both barely made eye contact very awkward but you you had feelings for ryan before you met ryan are you telling me this or is this something about you something you said you said no i have said it i saw the proposal and i have no shame in saying that even though i saw it alone all three i times a fan wow i am a fan i just can you not not wrap my head around you sitting and watching the proposal no no not at all [Music] i can see you watching and just being like this guy no no no no i felt that when i saw green lantern okay ryan we don't think of canadians as having accents and yet you do you've lost your accent you would say yeah i've i sort of trained myself out of it but you know i go back home and it it pops up again it's uh that's all i hear that's all ottawa oh yeah stay about uh it's a well in canada it's a boat that's what i'm saying say it the way you say what do you talk about what are you talking about but it's all my everything is i it's a bad word but i'm sorry so you handle everything with buddy and is it something about the canadian accent that makes you a really bad liar um yeah well yeah we're not we're not good at it lying or fighting really i mean that's all slappy it's not very sexy oh yeah yeah i was i i my wife is a foodie she she loves these uh apple pies that they make at this at this place in vancouver where i grew up so we grabbed a bunch of them and headed we were driving back down to the states and we were across the board you're not allowed to cross the border with like that's illegal right yeah and this guy knew something was going on and now we get up to the border crossing yeah pie smokers most like hollywood actress they have like a kilo of cocaine in there you know uh so my voice always gets really high when i'm when i'm like lying he was like he got anything any fruit any vegetables anything like that i was like no oh and he's basically he ages had me on the hook and he looks at me and goes hey i remember that you know that movie you did that movie just friends and i was like yeah yeah yeah he was like you know that song at the end of it where you sing this i swear by all for one and i was like yeah he was like yeah go ahead basically you're saying dance monkey i bet you dance i in dance by the next stop [Music]
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 2,531,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton, Graham Norton Show, The Graham Norton Show, The Graham Norton Show official, The Graham Norton Show new series, Graham Norton 2020, The Graham Norton Show 2020, The Graham Norton Show new, Graham Norton Show Best Moments, Graham Norton Show new series, Ryan Reynolds, Jodie Comer, Ryan Reynolds Graham Norton, Jodie Comer Graham Norton, Ryan Reynolds Free Guy, Jodie Comer Free Guy, Ryan Reynolds best moments, Ryan Reynolds Interview, Ryan Reynolds Deadpool
Id: -j7aRXmdMWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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