The Best Celebrity Reactions | Part One | The Graham Norton Show

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the the big thing panzer of course is fan art and sarah pascua i know you have had that accolade of people sending you fan art i mean yeah so i've got one piece and i think fan art is a strong word um yes okay so it's actually it's worth saying that it's all of you it is this is the the fan art of sarah pascal now the reason i think fan art is a very loose term is i was given this at a gig in lieu of payment don't brag about my career but that's because the guy who ran the gig had spent too much at the bar to pay me so he painted that yes after being at the bar what are those bits i just think they're just free biscuits donuts or something you can send pictures of people who tattooed your face on their bikes oh no i'm not there yet have you have you got yeah one day i get them in my twitter feed all the times guys who have whole calves the calves or a picture of jewels on their chest or wow nick fury people love the event and now tom middleton you have found out but such specific fan art this is a lot yeah does it all come from this one scene it was it the first thor movie with the spear right right yeah yes um there's a there's a scene in a first thor film where my i'm trying to attack thor chris hemsworth as thor with a spear and i jump in the air and he dodges out the way and i bring the spear down and it wedges itself into the floor and then i use the use it to spin myself around and kick him in the chest which has been interpreted by fans as a demonstration of my hidden talent at pole dance pole dancer yeah no actually there's so much of this but this is just one example of loki really going for it on the pole is that japanese and that's what you wear in the movie yeah have you not seen it yeah that's loki's oh really we'll print it out you can take it home wow uh moonlight and the oscars it is now kind of stuff of legends the the end when they write out the wrong name and we've talked about it on the show before and warren beatty's been here we asked him what would have done everything um but you were in the middle of it so you did end up on stage you did go up in the end eventually yeah i mean yeah it took me a while because i was kind of glued to my seat in just shock and then our producer dragged me on stage so but is it a nice way to win to have disappointment first and then go oh no yay i think it is in a way because there's never been a moment like that before all since at the oscars so i think it's kind of cool and whenever i always remember that moment everyone remember well when you're on stage you were looking out at the audience and we've shown this picture before it's a great picture it's everyone like matt heyman like a fly could find me shell wouldn't look shocked but i don't think anyone is quite as concerned you seem really really taken by i really was i and i remember yeah like meryl seems less bothered than you do meryl is composed i i honestly thought i i'm seconds away from running up on the stage and kicking somebody's ass because i thought some [ __ ] was going down so that's what i thought you know i thought like we were in the middle of like somebody trying to hijack something yeah and now and then i knew she had already said yes by the way to rampage so she was on stage i was like you don't mess with my girl that's my girl fantastic this i find unbelievable that jason when you were filming with jennifer you did not spot her jewelry in this scene you didn't know who here knows what that is oliver's uh is it a [ __ ] green no i've actually been like honestly yeah is it really that's what that is coke no one here knew that right so no one here knew that did anyone know that no no no that's a good answer did anyone smell it during the day yes they did that well not everybody else kept saying that's a really nice necklace that's gorgeous and siddakis of course walks right up to me and he goes is that a [ __ ] ring and i said really well you've just given me some insight into your sweet personal life yeah all i knew what it was too it's so embarrassed right now oh poor ollie yeah i know why'd you do this to me i guess no one told you life is going to be this way [Applause] we've been here since five o'clock rehearsal has just been you guys have been rehearsed that's adorable that was really good do that again so i guess no one told you life is going to be this way so actually so here's the game now i'm not going to say it again but if anyone else wants to feed it into conversation don't let me down you did really good so far don't spoil it what is the line again oh uh no one ever told you life's gonna be i look like look at me i'm trying to remember it i told you so my life was gonna be this way you guys are good [Music] you do this all night i'm going to wear dame judy dench out on that ring on one of the things i found really moving in the book was the way you paid tribute to the achievements of your children was it sam who helped you with a bit of online trolling with the virtual world uh within the whole online thing so my daughter see my instagram they're doing my instagram posts and my son is there to kind of troubleshoot for me and uh very early on and i was i was my daughter explained to me what fomo meant because that was my whole life i was fear of missing out because i couldn't catch up with everybody and uh so i i i she taught me that but then i got in trouble on twitter somebody who said something nasty about parkinson's and i usually let that stuff just go by me it doesn't happen that often when it does that don't really care about it but i just i wanted to answer this guy in some way so my son said just do this do smh and i said why don't he ask me just just trust me do smh so i answer the guy back smh and he answered me back that's the funniest thing i've ever read in my life you're the king of the internet i apologize for anything i said to you blah blah blah and i said to my son what the [ __ ] did you say and he said shaking my head i mean you don't have to go far on the interweb to find uh quite extreme reactions to that scene but you know shirt on here's what somebody tell michael b jordan that my ovaries are ready for michael c jordan [Applause] there's more there's a lot more here's another one does michael b jordan make anyone else want to rip their lungs out that doesn't seem an erotic reaction that's creative that's so creative you are so sexy i'm gonna eat my lungs i would sell three toes and one kidney to be in the same room is there a market for toast yes but uh yeah i don't this is sweet right so the fans because the fans who go to do it they then of course want to blog about it because they've had this amazing experience but when they blog about it it's borderline confusing on whether they had a good time or not so here are some of the blog things so we were asked to go to the living room sit down not know how much i was sweating during that moment i was like the [ __ ] is gonna happen i could not keep up then all of a sudden she just pops up out of nowhere she appeared out of thin air like david copperfield and we all died like for real wait there's more this one so she said she'll be playing her album first let me tell you the noise that came out of my mouth was not human i legit almost told mama swift to call me an ambulance because i wasn't gonna make it [Applause] i love them so much because they always talk about dying you're like rest in peace me all right me i died dead we took a little break we did a little break as she was passing around rice crispy treats and cookies and i was talking to her mom for a little and then i walked back in and she was like hey babe thanks for coming do you want a treat and i was like i would but i think i'm dead [Applause] this one oh this is brilliant mid sentence she stopped talking and pointed to amanda and said amanda i'm so glad you're here amanda died right there [Applause] and finally finally uh guys just wait for the one she did with imogen heap because damn that one slayed everyone to heaven and back while listening to the song i literally had to plan my funeral arrangements so yeah when i was um 17 maybe 18 uh i went for a hand modelling job i thought it's all right i'm only five foot one they i don't this this doesn't work for modeling but hands i can do beautiful hair beautiful plans i can do went into a room full of very it was a very white room it was a very english room walked in i thought it'd be fine it'll be fine i'm used to this i can go in a room and i'm usually very different so it's absolutely fine went in thought nothing of it and then she she kind of didn't even pull me up to her side and just said i'm so sorry but brown hands don't sell jewelry and i was like oh okay that's amazing that she said that out loud out loud in an entire room of people uh yeah and and um since then got married and i can wear that that's great um and um but you know since then i've worked with swarovski loads and and and i got to do my hand modelling so yeah lady you sort of think of other things to do with your hands for that lady yeah i would have been like oh does this look good yeah does this go with what you want to sell that was my exact that was my instagram post that was my favorite it was my exact instagram post it was like this that's when i first wrote your husband i saw it that day and was like i i like you but i like him better and he's fine olaf you can't talk like this [Applause] okay just go back to uh the hot priest for a second twitter obviously went mad for the hot priest and it was one scene between the kneel scene with that there was a gasp over there [Laughter] so what was it about that scene that drove people so crazy i don't really know i don't really ask her uh yeah i think uh it's quite strange because uh the the it was just on phoebe that scene yeah you know the camera was just on her you actually never see uh the priest in that scene so i did think that there was a touch of the l oh no oh no you know it's it's definitely you know transgressive and everything yes um so uh yeah i think just the priest thing does does it for people i don't know i don't get it yeah i've been a confession and yeah okay yeah yeah you got it licked that's all i can say everyone here just honestly there's just a couple of treats these are mild these treats between 7 hours and 15 days and i'm still thinking about hot priest and flea bag i like this one i was at a catholic church for a wedding today and honestly it was too soon this this woman went to a lot of trouble for this one look at this she was so happy with herself saw real life art priests today they do exist and look it does actually look a bit like it looks like a vegan sub salad i see i know and also it's bit weird wearing a leather jacket right in front of a vegan sandwich and then this last woman she really went for it people want a bridge appreciate it people actually used to [ __ ] hell when that pre-said kneel my vagina exploded the way a man has never quite been able to achieve that's rising very good [Music] you
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 1,266,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton, Graham Norton Show, The Graham Norton Show, The Graham Norton Show official, The Graham Norton Show new series, Graham Norton Show Best Moments, Graham Norton Show funniest moments, Graham Norton Show new series, talk show, british talk show, funny celebrity moments, celebrity interviews, best celeb moments, taylor swift, dwayne johnson, samuel l jackson, tom hiddleston, michael b jordan, jennifer aniston, graham norton reaction
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Wed May 11 2022
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