Try Not To Laugh Challenge #32

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[Music] [Music] it's the og it's a good old-fashioned classic smash fam tried to laugh regular one hot seat no touching basic rules we're back at it all together you worry a lot about right now what you know with all the hand movements oh yeah make sure you know your safety exits are guys punch that belt you don't miss when the next video comes out because apparently it sends messages to your phone just like the message that you should love you stated data rates apply and if your phone make sure you have notifications on YouTube turn on you dingus all right Keith you wanna go first I do wanna go first it's been a long week already I know it's only like what this is hey don't gimme there's your problem how we go back for more but uh is this yours all right I gotta call someone about that I mean unless you lookin for someone to find bread in the gutter with [Applause] the way she transition one day oh sorry hi can I get a daiquiri but with instead of rum could I get you're in retro [Music] [Music] looking for someone to eat ocean floor [Music] that is a cow because I was unsuccessful fine we all know I've only had five concussions she forgot about the other six welcome to Hawaii so we can't really step on sand anymore because Santa's big turned to lava that's why I went on these floorboards called Mahalo boards and here I made my friend Tom yo sup guys are playing tricks on you I am the one from frozen Elsa is that my name you know that's like I'm going through my Britney Spears 2007 Juno situation right now yeah do I look hot do one please look I tell you what buddy I've been trying to divorce my wife for a year and a half turns out she's the birdhouse some arugula to mimic the backpacks gosh where do I start you know it's just maybe it's just because like then I grow up with my parents and I'm just just feel like you know just just say it I really want to be a yeah you see during that halter tie it's weird I know I know I know but like you know Ben's not around anymore I just feel like she needs another man in her life you know just like oh and Ontario will be 42 degrees this afternoon followed by a light brown I want to get your jackets on and now into sports which I also do Noah even if your joke wasn't funny I still I had to spit on you like had to test it we're now so it's a nice night to do some fishing [Music] [Music] do you hear about the Baker family that had sex with each other they were in breads so did you hear about did you hear about the tennis player that did the Old Town Road remix little tennis X and now on the sports Oh Hmong sales for sale you there boy you look as though you have coin to trade for my herbs and potions these fingers and return of the pool [Music] oh now I know what you're thinking you're thinking yeah this man's a trump supporter well I am dammit I am and it's wrong what everyone was magical everyone's really really funny Olivia you killed me the most do you want to go up next so I just want to fail you can talk about your divorce if you want my name's Gary and these are my children Gary Harry Mary Mary and the kingdom of chips on this day our news for young Bachelorette looking for a young handsome prince I know just the thing this is my son David they graduated from Brown with a minor in telekinesis and his major and Women's Studies poof that means whopper truth he's gag reflexes 100 [Applause] I'm telling you once again I did not prepare anything I don't have my novel written I don't even know that anything please all right fine I'll do it hello my name is Dimitri baba I'm going to tell you about my new fantasy novel series the chain-link criteria are you ready to witness the most intense martial arts master ever now the behind-the-scenes director's cut edition of Mission Impossible for how they did the stunts you gotta unzip and infiltrate design yo so today I'm gonna do a hood interpretation of one of my favorite movies Finding Nemo but instead of Finding Nemo is finding negro we got a little fishing right here and this is the daddy fish right here he's nine months she may be able to do that by now little concern he's also really nice he's got something with a house the guy's a joke grouchy and it really is quite a revolutionary restaurant you know whoever thought of all you can drink Moltres okay you know it really has an earthy tone to it here mm-hmm well anyway um how about the happenings in Syria when the crazy cuckoo chicken hut my name is Corey all right we've got one [ __ ] special one bad pun that was all they wanted to order [Music] you know what I'm feeling a little tired I need a little pick-me-up before I laugh Hemi Oh what's this my favorite coffee guess what that's right we made a coffee you can get it in two whole ass flavors you get the fade and you can get the brave you can get it in my favorite coffee calm oh yeah that's my favorite coffee good day I have my donation for the spoon beans don't look to keep your eyes closed don't look don't look just keep your eyes look then you will die daughter so if a secta me went okay there were some complications hi I'm a nurse but I'm also a mother and to do that I'm going to be doing a monologue I remember the planes coming by at night Wilford Brimley shows up and says diabeetus we all get it all at once flashback Quentin Tarantino is there he's peeing and crying all at once just an enormous amount of fluid leaving his body Oh justice hey you ever on the go and sometimes we sure you tell anybody can now that your waffle utility belt it looks like a waffle inside you can eat the waffle while you're fighting crime and killing people Plan B by chance nope this is a waffle utility belt [Music] Wow sure used to be a lot of snakes around here not many snakes nowaday oh here's one I have a knack for finding them and that's why I skimpy jegos junior I'm gonna run for Senate of Haiti pops hey anything for dinner don't worry he'll know how I got your number anyway I'm just wondering like where the hell you've been it yeah yeah no yeah no no okay I'll let him know anything he's never coming back [Applause] all right I'm gonna start up really quick huh [Music] okay bullets all right yeah all right announcer and now it's the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show construction edition all right hello class today with it being read living week good to be a Red Ribbon Week today we have a very special guest to teach us about drug awareness everybody give it up for Wonder Woman [Music] just kidding it's me space cop I'm here to talk to you about drugs kids are facebooking in now we do the day burn [Music] [Music] you know it's just it's just really hard just going day by day really the only thing that keeps me going is my favorite coffee damn it is my favorite coffee it's better than Aunt May my favorite coffee all right this is a character I've been working on it's if Jeff Goldblum was your grandmother well hello sweetheart cookie hot Miller they say chivalry is dead but it's not because I wanted you to know that I suspect I will do anything to be your man you gotta come pick me up then I'm a good man I'll work sometimes sometimes when was the last time we did a uh like a try not to laugh like this like just it's Benson illa 2018 come on boy it's probably been before but it's probably hasn't been that long and what that long ago we didn't have my favorite coffee yeah my favorite coffee calm and cold brew and in two different beans guess what it's better than Starbucks come at me come at me coffee while wearing a shirt about videos on so the pellets and hit for know right yeah technology thank you guys so much watching this video and if you want to see us scare the crap out of Olivia we made her face her greatest fear butterflies or if you want to watch a video selected just for you click the box below that also my favorite go up you don't call them you can get it right now [Music]
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 6,572,254
Rating: 4.9260268 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, try not to laugh, try not to laugh challenge, tntl, smosh try not to laugh, ian hecox, courtney miller, shayne topp, damien haas, keith leak jr, noah grossman, olivia sui
Id: RB06wp8RrHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 24sec (1524 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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