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[Applause] is this sort of stroke is hello and welcome to try not to laugh the gauntlet it's like your usual try not to laugh except the pressures been kicked up a notch instead of one person sitting in the stool while everyone else takes a turn trying to make them laugh six five people will sit in the stools and one person will have to try to make them all laugh at the same time everyone gets one chance one opportunity and the winner gets to be on SNL guess we got our meal or two the smart social media [Applause] if you ever see like a meme on the Smosh Instagram or Twitter like what that tell Rob avoid him it's probably the ones that are especially troubling are especially me whoever wants to go first they will stand here have 90 seconds to mate the rest of us laugh I'm not going first do you guys find them interesting that we're all dressed like the Power Rangers right now means wearing green in his lungs in later I Power arranged by Ian are you ready yeah alright it's ready engaged water and sea Here Come wake up okay mom oh no oh no mom I can't I can't right now why well I I just I have I have a woody what do you mean I just I have I have a woody you guys seen this who's left let's just you it's just so rare it's just it's a rare little beach just like a little weenie Oh woody [Applause] do you want to go next pudding you ready yeah everyone welcome to the stick stage Courtney oh boy it's it's so good to be this in the city of Amos thank you oh man so sorry that's so good [Music] [Applause] I'm gonna bet Damien is gonna avenge he's gonna single me out he always resorts to his character is hazing he does this one character that always makes me laugh one please women huh I tell you what buddy I've been talking with my girlfriend it doesn't work iCarly zucchini but that's one superhero name are you by chance my daughter's you know what having the other day if I sat down on the floor and my got split down the middle and I've never felt more powerful because it was like chewing gum that just got plain right it's like chewing gum a brain who I really want to see go right now probably Tommy Bo yeah sir where do we put these sir it's us are you us I did it can I use that mark o'meara an anti-roman commercial take one alright you can come in now come in and say anti rogue a commercial jetliner and in our office like what thank you very much [Applause] [Music] so yeah I was talking about how Rogaine ruined my life but Tim robbed so last but not least shame we now return to the season finale of The Bachelorette [Music] well fantasy suites were all great dannion I connect with you on a very real level but when you saw that fire hydrant me to death aney Padilla you managed to somehow blow bubbles into my [ __ ] which was just really charming [Applause] next up we now return to or covers your netball wow I guess guys that's all we did the gauntlet and I got it all of us did a much better job than I was expecting and uh not a single person didn't laugh yeah yeah we all failed wow this was no idea anyone they laugh I very much enjoyed the gauntlet that was yeah that was actually really really cool twist to try not to laugh yeah it was it was really fun guys thank you so much yeah I'm living my dream right now yes and let us know if you want us to do the gauntlet more often I loved it it's right alright bye guys bye who is powerful enough to survive the gauntlet well apparently we all are because everybody laughed hey I hope you guys enjoyed this try not to laugh experiment that we did if you want to see what we did the last time click this video over here to the left otherwise this video over on the right is just for you from YouTube
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 5,164,768
Rating: 4.9640074 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, try not to laugh challenge, try not to laugh, funny, funny videos, ian hecox, courtney miller, damien haas, shayne topp, olivia sui, tommy bowe, smosh 2nd channel, comedy
Id: K7t8dxZsOQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2019
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