Try Not To Laugh #80 - Luck of the Dice

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- Knock, knock. - Who's there? - Fish! - Fish who? - I'm going to hit you in the head with a fish. - What? (cast laughter) - Drake Bell get up. (cast laughter) (Bell chime) - (cast applause) - Yay, yay! - Hello and welcome to another episode of try not to laugh, luck of the dice. - Uh, oh. - That's right. We have a (beep) episode today and it's super special because we've got Saige, in your first ever try not to laugh - Yes! (cast applause) - First of many and if you don't want to miss the try not to laugh's that are coming out in the future, make sure to click that subscribe button, click that notification bell. You know what it is? You're so nervous already. You're going to kill it. - Oh, terribly. - If you want to know how luck of the dice works, let me explain it to you. So, we've got these three die here that each have pictures of us. Whoever's in the hot seat will roll the die and they'll see the faces of who will then be going in that round. Those are the performers. All right. So, those three people will try to make the person in the hot seat laugh. It doesn't stop there though because once the performers are picked, they will then each individually roll a die themselves, numbers one through twenty. Which then correlates to the props behind us. (angelic singing) - You see that? Uh, maybe I'm in the way. - Brenden - We got cameras - Yeah - So, uh, here uh, I rolled a four, so, if I rolled a four the prop that I would have to get would be, Cheetos! - Nice! - Good prop! - I love that one, I really hope I get that one. - So, once the performer has rolled their die and the person in the hot seat is ready, they will go back. They will use whatever prompts they would like, but they must use the prop that they rolled in their joke. Yeah, let's do it? - Yeah! - Cool! - Sorry. (cast laughter) - Well, Noah, let's start with you in the hot seat. - OOOh. - All right. I'm already sitting, I'm already sitting - Haha, now you have to sit down. (intensive transition music) - Time to roll, let's see who's going this round. We've got Damien, We've got Saige, and we've got Keith! - Yay! (applause) - Good for three of them. - Those three are the best of the three. - Uh, let's all get Matt twenties. - Okay. (laughter) - All right, two, one. - Uh, I got seven. - I got a one eleven. - And I got an eleven. - So both of you are going to share a prop. - All right, well good thing that Damien and I got cups, party cups because we can definitely share these - Share these, but we won't, but we could. - I have, the sandcastle kit. (applause) - Ladies and gentlemen and gentle thems of the Westminster dog show. I present to you, Something I've been working on for a long time. (quiet drum beat) (laughter) - Go get it. (erupt laughter) - Nice - Thank you and I hope you'll vote for us. (applause) - My favorite day is when they serve us - Come over here kids. Come over here. - I love when they - Stay right here. So, I want to give you a valuable lesson. Drinking and driving is terrible, but they never said you can walk and drive okay? So here take this and you take this. - Take a sip - But I'm only six. - And you're a crossing guard. - You're sixty six. I'm seeing double your sixty six. I'm seeing double, take a sip. And your thirty three. - What is this gasoline. - Something unleaded. - This foster family. - Hold your nose, hold your nose, hold your nose. Here, do this. Do this, look at me. - Look at me. (cast laughter) (applause) - Olivia, I'm telling Olivia to do something and she's not looking at me. Like do this Olivia and she's like. (laughter) - Oh God. (laughter) (calm quiet jazz music) - Thank you for coming to my birthday party. - Aww. - Nobody showed up last time. - Aww. - It's okay, I bought a bunch of sandcastle supplies, they're mine from home. My mom said that I could have a party today. And these are my friends. - Hey. - All these are mine. - Hey. - I own them, they're mine. - I'm not here for your birthday party, but I think you stole my sand castle equipment. - Oh no these are mine from home. - What? - No, it's fine. These are. - Hey, hey I'm not here for the sand castle building but did you steal my baby and four piece hat set? (Laughter) - Whose birthday is it? (applause) - Crawl, crawl. - Yay! (applause) - Okay Ready? - Yeah. - Three, two, one. - Oooh. - Two Damien's and a Courtney. - Then I have the power to choose. Uh, Norbit you're good at making Olivia laugh. - A oh. - Yeah - Let's move on. - Let's make it happen. - Okay - Okay, grab the die. - All right Norbit. - Come on give me the good one. Twelve. - Ooh, I got a five. - And I got a seventeen. - Wow (applause) - I've got a little fish. - Yay! (applause) - I got a very low res picture of the chosen. - And I've got the, uh, eat it or yeet it silver platter. It's called the con, con. - closh. - closh - Hey Olivia, here's a special birthday gift from Sam. - Hello, (laughter) - Ugh, anyway, he blew up. (laughter) - Sorry, sorry. (whimsical music) - Welcome back to Tinder in real life. Today's handsome bachelor is sexy big man, holding fish, fish man, so big, so strong, provides for you, good sex ed Jackson. He has no debt, no illness and no ass. If you want to have a good happy life, good time, handsome boy, gosh man, swipe right. Hit em. (erupt laughter) (intense spy music) - Um, don't mind me. I was just looking at this picture of my baby boy, son. I can't wait for him to get back from fricking war. He's absolutely destroying the UK right now. (laughter) He made them do a brexit. (more laughter) - He absolutely learned all his techniques in the ninth level of fucking hell. Hmm, but it seems he's trained enough, I assume he'll return to me in one piece. Until then, - I'll be doing a technique to pray for his safety. (upbeat tango music) - Yes, yes. - Gonna make you right. - All right. - It's gonna be Olivia, Noah, and Courtney. Dammit - All right so we got Damien, Noah, and Saige. - Yeah! (applause) - One, two, three. - I want a six please. - Okay, so I got eight. - I've got nine. - I've got two. - OOOh. - Uh, so I will be replacing my party hat with number eight, which is, ow. (laughter) - Ow - That hurt. - Cowboy hat. - A piece of pizza. - I have an empty cardboard box that says free. (cast cheering) (Intense western music) - Ye haw, come on Bessy hang out over there. - Hm, this looks like a great camping spot. Well, I hope you don't mind if I hang out with you here on this mountain top, maybe camp for a little bit. Wow. This view would just be great. We can make a little campfire. Oh, ow. Oh my back, oh, oh my back. Oh my back, oh, oh this mountain top. Oh help me! Oh, back on this mountain. Oh. (laughter) (fairy music) (laughter) (cheering) - Yeah! - That was an easy one. - What up wiener face, it's me your older brother. You might be my younger brother, but your also wiener face. So anyway, mom made me bring you dinner up in your stupid room. Can you guess what it is? - Mmnhm - It's a bunch of farts. (laughter) - Cha, cha right as if, it's cast a nets. (laughter) (applause) - You got it! - With everybody's dice aside and let's see. Okay, uh, the dice rolled Courtney and two of Noah. So Noah, who do you choose? - Uh, Olivia, you're joining in on our round. - Yeah! (applause) - Three - Roll really good! - One - Oooh. - One, I got one. Which apparently sucks in role play games. - Yeah, I got seven. - I got sixteen, which is like really good in role-playing games. - If you rolled an eighteen you're all decimated. - I have a shirt that says, guess I'll die. - Wow! (laughter) (applause) - What is this, is this ours? - It's, it's your natural one. It's your failure - It's me, wait! (laughter) - I got a, um, head. - Ooh. - Actually goes to the whole body Olivia. Technically you can use just the head or you can also use the body if you'd like. - And then, uh, seven it's time for me to get Saige back for your, uh, sand castle materials. - OOOh. - All right, good. (applause) (upbeat mystery music) - Mom are you sure he's coming? Oh, that's true, yeah he did tell us. That, to meet us here, on this mountain top. And, uh, he's so, ah! Ah, my back. ah it's broke. Mom! Mom, no! (laughter) - Ah, very scary. - Okay Rufus, we're in position. Okay I got eyes on the target. Looks to be five hundred meters south, of the state building. All right, let's check the wind. Okay, got about eleven miles per hour. - Hi, little Billy Brugens? I'm the captain of the FBI. You're under arrest for planning the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, thereby leading to a world war (erupt laughter) - Air time law, I can do that. - No. (applause) - Wow, after everything we've been through. You break up with me over text. Looks like you rolled a three on my heart, buddy. But guess what? Bae's got a new bae now and looks like she's calling me, so, I'm good riddance. I'm over you already. Hey babe. Yeah? (bear noise) (laughter and applause) - You're so nice, that's were I'm going. - Thank you Olivia. That's why I'll roll you, Courtney, and another Courtney. And then she'll do they'll say a seis. Oh, it's two me's and a Saige. - Oh, no! - Wow - I will make me laugh. - No. - I'm going to go with a Saige, I'm gonna go with a Keith, and I'm going to go with a Olivia. - Okay. - Yeah (cheering) (applause) - Let's do it! - Ready? Three, two - Oh, Bleep - Three, two - I'm excited I like dice. - Two, one. - Okay. - Sixteen. - So, Olivia got three. Keith got fifteen. - Six, six six - Oh, right sixteen - I got fifteen - And fifteen. - These numbers please me. I pray the props do as well. - I have a giant pencil. - Ooh. (applause) - And I have the head or the entire mannequin. (applause) - Oh, now I get it. - I have a Wow (laughter) - All right. - I thought I took that home? Did we get a second one? (laughter) (jazz music) - All right, let's sit down. - Welcome back to maid for love, where we put two maids inside a coffin for three days and see if they will bleep. I I mean clean. - Whoa, whoa, whoa. - Uh, they have no brooms, no soap and no ass. Let's watch. (laughter) - What? - What? - There's two more words. - Let's watch (more laughter) - Move and I'll fill you with lead. (laughter) - Give me your hair. - Give it to me, I'm going to wear it and then I will be Pete Wentz. (laughter) (applause) (waiting music) (laughter) - Jessica? - Greg, Greg, oh, I really like you a lot. - Yeah? - But you know there's just one thing that I just can't stand. - Wha What? - It's fake bitches. - I don't, are you calling me a fake bitch? - Not you, it's just like your friends are big bitches. They're not like real you know? - Shhh, quiet those lips. - They, they're, it's like they're - Shhh, wha what? - I love when you touch my lips like that. - Oh, yeah? Just like this? - My soft real lips. - It's hard to hear you complaining over all this pretty. - Ah, pretty. (laughter) - I just never found anyone like you. You're like the realist thing that I ever - She can't stand. - Yeah she can't stand. Can't stand - I can't stand you - I can't stand - She can't stand - Stand (laughter) - Oo oo, oh we got a Saige and two me's. (laughter) - Wow (applause) - Looks like my hand is a narcissist. (laughter) - I want Olivia, and Keith. - All right. (Applause) - Okay. - Ready go. - Nice. - I got a - I got a thirteen - Mmhmm - All right, I've got a five, which is the the fish. - Yeah! - Nice! - I got a, like a skewer. (laughter) - I have a blonde wig. - Same. - Blond wig. (applause) - Blond wig. (laughter) - Knock knock. - Who's there? - Fish. - Fish who? - I'm going to hit you over the head with a fish. - What? (laughter) - Drake Bell get up. - Knock knock. - Who's there? - Lawyer. - A lawyer who? - Um, I'm the captain of lawyers, uh I represent the Amanda show in the Nickelodeon corporation, you have stolen this bit verbatim from the Amanda show. - Oh, uh, that's not true. It was Drake Bell's fault. - I'm going to Mexico. (laughter) - And that's how it actually happened. (applause) - God, ah, why do I have to explain so much? - Olivia. I don't know what I'm doing. (laughter) - Oh bleep. I can tell you. - What? (laughter) - You have no idea what's happening. - You just told me to kneel. - Yeah (laughter) - I really don't have time to explain it, just go with it. - Okay, okay, okay. Okay, I'm kneeling. - All right. Welcome back to hobby lobby monarchy on PBS. (laughter) - Today our queen, I threw up, will be traveling aisle to cashier, Jeffrey, to be. - Uh, clean up dog food on aisle two. Looks like another old lady crapped on the Butcher. (laughter) - Clean up aisle two. - That's it, that's obviously it. (knocking) - Hey queen, I heard it was your bachelorette party. I'm Sherlock bones and I'm here for a good time, to investigate a sexy mystery. Where were you on October 31st. (laughter) - Oh my god. - This is all that's left of her. - Oh. (more laughter and applause) - Oh, well this has been try not to laugh luck of the dice. And thank you so much for coming on Saige You literally, you Saige killed it. (applause) - Give it up for Saige! - Saige did, well done! This was really fun. I think we should do this again. Let us know in the comments If you guys liked this. Uh, if you guys have any other ideas for try to laugh, we have literally taken fan's idea and used it. We credited them. Of course. Uh, so, yeah. Let us know. Also we have sixteen videos down below. - Whoa! - Oh, sorry, sorry. - Divide by eight. - Oh, two, two videos. Right here? - What do you got. - I got an idea for TNTL. - We do this thing where people go to, right? Uh, and get these cases they're available now. - Yeah. - Do it! (applause) - Congrats Saige and well done. How do you feel that your first TNTL? I feel like I spit, congratulations. (laughter)
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 1,182,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy
Id: SjHHJi5Sz8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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