Try Not To Laugh Challenge #73 - No Props!

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- So let me just see if I got this right. You (beeps) and (beeps) so hard... (all laughing) (bell dinging) (all cheering) - Welcome, welcome, to another episode of Try Not to Laugh. But we're doing something special today: TNTL, no props. Us six will be seated in a half circle. We will be attempting to have one conversation. During that conversation, we will each attempt to make each other laugh. We'll be playing characters, being ourselves, saying random stuff. If you laugh, you will get a strike. Three strikes, you are out. In the end, there will be two people head-to-head, attempting to make each other laugh. There will only be one person left standing. So we'll see how this plays out. - Yeah, every strike we get, we gotta rip off these wristbands. - Don't forget to like and subscribe. All right, team, you ready? - Yes. - Yeah. - Yes. - Let's take our seats. Our first prompt. There's several reasons why you're wrong. First, there's no way that E equals M-C-squared. I just don't believe it. Listen, it's very important for me as a famous mathematician to really believe these formulas that you come up with, Mr. Einstein. And I'm gonna be honest, E equals M-C-squared, that's ridiculous. I need you to explain how you came up with this. - Yes, I have no problem explaining how I came up with this. Let me just call my wife real quick though, for some encouragement and not because, historically, it's thought that Einstein's wife actually did most of the work. That's crazy. She's just my wife. She doesn't even... - Hi, honey. I found my journal in a spot that wasn't where it normally was, where I put all my notes. Oh, it wasn't you? Oh, okay. Yeah, no, I trust you, babe. It's totally fine. I had this other theory. Oh, it's stupid? Okay, that's fine. I'll just go put it in my journal then. - Hey, mommy? Excuse me, mommy? I figured out the quantum pieces to the universe. I know that you like taking credit for it, but- - Damien! (all clapping) - Oh! - Ooh! - Now you'll never get in to Coachella. - All right, this prompt is, plan a potluck. All right, everyone. Thanks so much for joining me today. I wanted to organize this potluck, which we can all acknowledge is probably the hardest job. As such, I will be bringing napkins and Dixie cups. If anybody else would like to offer any main courses, like duck a l'orange- - I was thinking duck a l'orange would be great for maybe Richard to make. Richard, I know that you're a great chef. I noticed that you mentioned Dixie cups and napkins, and I thought, "Wow, Dixie cups are small. "Maybe I'll bring larger cups "so we can do two sizes of beverages," right? - I was thinking maybe I'd order pizza. I'd order pizza for the potluck. They can put it in a pot probably. It would fit in a pot. A pizza fits in a pot if you wanna put a pizza in it. - So I just wanna talk really quick about why we invited Richard. I don't think anyone is related to him. I'm actually concerned that he brings a pizza to every occasion: my wife's funeral- (bell dinging) - Noah! - Oh! (all clapping) - Ah! - No more VIP. - No! Summer Olympics. There's the prompt. - (groans) As the best international speed walker, I'm representing the country of Canada. And I have to say that, every other sport here is freaking garbage. I don't care who I meet. If you're a freaking normal runner, that's good for you, but I don't care. I'm a speed walker, try that. - I motion for a new sport in the Summer Olympics, the Hot Girl Summer Olympics. Everybody be hot, and we fight. And whoever wins gets that pretty necklace with the stripes on it. - Thank you, Barbara, for your submission. All right, so we're going through the list of suggestions for the Summer Olympics. We've got slapping the bag. (Courtney laughing) - We've got- (bell dinging) - Courtney! (all clapping) - Slapping the bag! So many parties, but which to go to? - Kh-kh-kh-kh-kh. I don't know, babe. Jeffrey, babe, you're my babe, Jeffrey. I'm not sure which party I wanna go to tonight because there's 34 different parties I was invited to: one that starts at eight, one that starts at 8:02, and one that starts at 8:06. But the real party- - Is in the bedroom. Ha, ha, ha, just kidding. I'm trying to get ready. It's 8:15, and we're late for all of these. One, two, three, damn it. Okay, one second. Starting over. - Here, let me help you. - Oh, thank you, thank you. - You always do these buttons wrong. - I kind of just wanted you to help. - Ooh, boy, I really hope that Jeffrey and Carol come to my pool party today. I have about 1,000 rubber duckies. And if they don't come, then what was the (beeps) point of buying 1,000 rubber duckies? - Gee, I hope the two people that I invited to my party where I have 3,000 rubber duckies in a pool party come. My party's at 8:19. I really hope people show up because, otherwise, my invitations, all two of them- - Hey, I got a boat load, about 1,000 rubber duckies back here. You got a place I can unload them? I mean, I've been (beeps) driving around all day with these duckies. Quack, quack, squeak, squeak. - Kimmy! - Oh! (all clapping) - Yeah! I'm sorry, say that again? - I'm sorry, can you say that again? You're gonna have to speak up because I talk very loud and take very little breaths. What, what? I'm sorry. Can you speak up again? I'm a very annoying person, hi. - I said we're out of the fajitas. Again, the fajitas. We're all out of them, sir. - Vegeta is my favorite character from "Dragon Ball Z". Oh, you don't even have him? (bell dinging) (all laughing) - Ah! - Oh, no! - No! I will not laugh again. I'll make it to the end. Our prompt is, well, what do you know? - Well what do you know? A zombie. I never thought I'd see a zombie in real life. But there it is, walking towards me. - Hey. Hey. Hey. - (laughs) God damn it. - Courtney! (all laughing) (all clapping) - A little too New York with this and that. - Ah! (laughs) Okay. The prompt is, let me see if I got this right. - So let me just see if I got this right. You (beeps) and (beeps) so hard... (all laughing) - Looking- - Shayne and Courtney! - No! - Looking directly at me as you say that. - I'm out. - Courtney! - Oh, no! - No! - Here we go. First vaxxed gathering. - Oh, hello, everypeople. How are you? I didn't know I could sweat from the back of my knees, but I can. - It's all right, you can look. I know we're having a very large orgy, me and 39 other people at the Holiday Inn. It's all right. Feel free to join in, everyone. If you didn't see the sign at the opening, we're having free buffets, free eggs. - I came in a full tuxedo. I thought it was a nor-gy. That's where we all wear clothes and don't do anything sexual. I am assuming that this is not the right place to be, so I'm gonna get back in the car. - Actually, I would love it if you joined in. You don't have to do anything. It's more of just a group... I use orgy, but it's actually an acronym. - How many times has this happened to you? You're trying to go out for your first post-vax gathering. It turns out to be a (beeps) carnival. Well, now you can. Introducing Phone a Friend. That's right. For $5, I'll call you and say you got somewhere to be. Now you've got an excuse to get out of that (beeps) carnival. - Now for $1 million, the question was, what is the capital of Poland? And you chose to phone a friend. Their response is- (bell dinging) - Noah! - No! - I'm gone, I'm gone. - Aw, conventions. - Hi, everyone, yes. If you could all form a line over here, I very much appreciate it. Mr. Elephantitis will be seeing people very soon. If you could all just form in a line, that's perfect. Now Mrs. Huge is over there. It's quite an interesting convention. I know, I know, everyone. - I just gotta ask, is there a Mr. Huge for the Mrs. Huge? How much to pay for her hand in marriage? I would like to offer $1 million. - $1 million, okay. Well that'll get you about five minutes with Mrs. Huge. I do notice that you are quite huge yourself, sir. I would like to say that you should prepare, maybe stretch a little. Maybe get ready to be thrown quite far. And that will be in hall number two down the way, if that's okay. All right- (bell dinging) - Kim! - Uh-oh. - Oh, down to one. - Down to one. - "Space Jam" 2021. - Listen, guys, all these aliens are coming to try to take all of our J Balvin meals. We gotta work together with all these Hanna-Barbera characters, such as Magilla Gorilla, Grape Ape, Adam Ant. - Hey, Boo-Boo, I'd like to play point guard. I think I'd do pretty well. Check it out. Ho, ho, right in the pic-i-nic basket. (Tommy laughing) - Oh! - Stupid. - Tommy, Tommy. - So stupid. (laughs) Oh, no. Ian versus Anthony. Anthony, I just... You got a lotta rings. You got a lotta rings. I don't know if you need anymore rings or less rings. I did notice that your whole face is pierced now. I thought that was an interesting choice. - Ian, buddy, look. Listen, I just spent a day with King Kong, all right? The day before, spent a day with Cleopatra. Day before that, spent a day with Trisha Paytas. Every type of person, every type of person. Hold on, I'm just loading up more of these bad boys. - Hi, I'm Anthony's ringsmith. The individual stacks of money that I'm making keep getting so tall that they fall over. Do you have a rubber band I can borrow, maybe some kind of binder clip? Do you got a staple gun that's strong enough for a bunch of stacks of money? - Hey, how's it going? I'm Adam Sandler. I'm gonna be portraying Anthony's jeweler in a movie. (all laughing) What's the freaking deal? A scoobity-booby-doo. Oh, I'm gonna (beeps). (all laughing) - Kimmy! - It's happening. - I just can't stand that, dot-dot-dot. I just can't stand that, but I have to in order to talk for this game. That's right, I'm getting meta with it. So in order for one of us to talk, we have to stand up, meaning you guys have to sit down until you're ready to talk, and then you can't stand, unless you decide to. - Ha, ha, great thing, Damien. (all laughing) I'm Tommy, the gay one. (all laughing) You may recognize me from some Try Not to Laughs, not the Smosh main channel. - Ha, ha, great point, Tommy. Hi, I'm Shayne, the straight guy, white guy. (all laughing) Oh, well one of us is gonna have to change. - Ha, ha, great story, Mark. You seem to be the expert with the ladies. (Shayne laughing) (all clapping) - Shayne! - Climate change. - Hi, I'm a goblin. And I get to live under- (Shayne laughing) (all laughing) What? What? - Yeah, it's funny. - Your prompt is... Vidcon 2021. - Hey. I'm a huge fan. I've been watching you for a long time. I have a full-size body tattoo of your full body on the back of my body. It's a little smaller 'cause I'm really short. - Shane Dawson, what are you doing here? You're not allowed to come here anymore. We said not to, on account of the all of it. Listen. I, an un-problematic YouTuber, Trisha Paytas, need you to chill out. - Okay, yeah, no, that's fine. That's fine, Trisha. I just was kind of just trying to get back in the zone with you, with my full body tattoo. Cat's doing great, cat's doing great. Yeah, how's your podcast? - So good! I just left it and started my own. It's called Trisha Pa-Taytas. And I find all these different ways to cook root vegetables by myself because I don't need a partner. Won't it be crazy to see how much has changed in the time between when we film this and when it comes out in terms of that drama? Hi, I'm Trisha Pa-Taytas. Would you like some french fries? - I'm breaking, I'm breaking. - No, I was too. No, no! - I'm breaking! - Don't throw in the towel! - Yeah. - I'm breaking. - I'm breaking. I was just sitting there like... - Okay, and your prompt is, dating in person again. - I have big wiener. (all laughing) (bell dinging) - Damien! - Oh, my god, this is it. This is it. - The last round! - Rikku! - It's not my fault. I was told... - It's not my fault, okay? I was told that scaling your building would be a romantic gesture. I was told that bringing you a bloody heart of a goat would make you live life deliciously. I was told that if I took your mom, just took her, took her, she's gone, I was told that you'd fall in love with me. - Christabel, it's not about the fact that you took the goat's heart. It's about the fact that you haven't taken mine. Which is why, today, the final rose will be going to the bloody carcass of Mr. Rand, the goat which you done killed. (Tommy bleating) - I'm in love with you, Jennifer. (gags) I'm so glad you've chosen me. (all laughing) - It was the blood spit. - The blood cough? - The blood did it for me. (all cheering) - Look at that! The first-ever Try Not to Laugh no prop champion. Tommy, do you know what you win? - What do I win, Noah? - You win something that I've had for this entire episode. That's right, hiding in my pants. - A medal! - It's a medal. - It's the pretty necklace with the stripes. - Yeah. - We should say goodbye. - I was gonna say, that's what you win, Tommy. You get to do the outro. - (laughs) Well that was fun, wasn't it? Thank you so much for watching this new format of Try Not to Laugh. Please let us know in the comments if you loved it. I know we did. It was phenomenal, so much freaking fun. And now, someone's gotta dethrone me and take my little medal away. We've got dos videos. I took three years of Spanish. We've got one over h'mwa and one over h'mwa. - Love that Spanish. - Thank you so much. One's really funny and one sucks, but you don't know which one's which until you watch 'em both. Tricked ya. And then, we also have merch in the store. IF you wanna check, we got it over here, bap. We got it over there, boom. And best of all, Shayne's wearing a new shirt.
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 1,773,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, Try Not To Laugh Challenge #73 - No Props!, try not to laugh, tntl, improv, 2021
Id: -tBw_lWi7Mw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 29 2021
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