Try Not To Laugh Challenge #79 - Hard Mode

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Love that Shane got Sven & Eddy to up the ante in this one. I would have died laughing once The Chosen walked out tho, that character is so damn funny.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/grawktopus 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2021 🗫︎ replies
- Bro. Like, freaking bro. Okay, so. Dude, last night Brittany and I were hanging out, oh my God. We drove up to look out point, dude we got in the backseat of her car, and we totally- - [Phone] read the Bible. - It was insane, man. It was insane! And then she was like, "dude, flip over. I'm going to show you something you've never seen before." And I was like, "okay." And then we totally- - [Phone] Gus it's me. Your brother, Sven. (bell dings) - Welcome back to try not to laugh hard mode. - [Everyone] Whoa! - It's try not to laugh except it's fricking crazy and hard and today we have our most hardcore contestant, a legend here on try not to laugh. Gus Johnson is back. (cheering and clapping) - Now, as you guys know, even on regular, try not to laughs, Gus is always playing hard mode. He has never laughed on this show. The rules are simple. If you make someone laugh, you gain a point and they lose a point. If you don't get someone to laugh, you lose a point. And they gain a point. Everyone starts with six points and it just goes on from there, all right. I won last time, finally won and you know what? I'm going to win again because today is the day I'm going to make Gus Johnson laugh. (crowd oohing) - A big assertion. - So make sure to like and subscribe or else. None of us laugh. Anyways, Kimmy, do you want to start? - I would love to. I'm already here and I hate moving. (heavy breathing) - So I know the whole ankle situation. I haven't really been fully candid about how it happened. It's like basically this guy, punched it, broke it, but it's getting better. And I think like, I think I probably have like a few days left and it's going to- (screaming) No no no no! (punching) (screaming in pain) - Damn you! Damn you! (laughing) - (wailing in defeat) That's an evil trick, I had to. - I don't care that you broke your ankle. (piano notes playing) - Thank you all for coming to the funeral of my brother, Mario. (laughing) As many of you know, he was struck by red Koopa shell cart on the way into work last Tuesday. And he was always a beacon of light and truth in my life. And before he was hit by the koopa shell cart, I just wanted to share what were his final words. - (screaming) Wahoo! (laughing) Ba da la bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum. (group shouting and clapping) - Oh that was so good! (piano playing beat) - Hold on let me speed it up. What's up everybody. It's your, it's your favorite radio host, - [Phone] DJ Floppy Boobs (horn sounds from phone) - That's right, your favorite DJ has found out some crazy news. They are getting, - [Phone] D-D-Divorced. - That's right everybody, you wanna know why? You wanna know why? Because I - [Phone] Cheated on her four times. Ch-ch-cheated on her four times. (laughter) - [Phone, Two Different Voices] Cheated on her four times. - Not the harmony! (laughter) - I forgot how to be funny. (laughter) I don't remember at all. Hey kid, can you help me with this audition I got coming up please? Hold this. Hold this. All right. I think we got the line memorized. I (bleep) smell fruit, you guys smell that? You got some fruit on you? We should get some cereal. Wait, hold on. Can you hold this real quick? Hold on one second. Hold on real quick. Give me one second. (maraca shaking) You guys smell that? Smells like some fruit. I should follow the trail. You guys got some cereal? You guys like cereal? Hold on one second. Give me a second. I think I got this one second. Give me one second. (two maracas shaking) I smell fruit. You guys got that? You guys smell fruit? You guys like fruit? That's my nephew right here. - That's time (buzzer) (group aww-ing) - Man, Kimmy is stone cold today. - I've called this all hands meeting today, nyan, because the company is going under- (laughing) Ooh ooh! Effective immediately. Oh oh! Everyone is fired and me letting go. Okay, please collect your things. Oh oh ooh woo woo. (laughing) And make sure to evacuate the building. Don't take any computers like, like Tommy did when Defy closed. (laughing and clapping) Ooh woo! Woo woo, woo-ily. Ooh woo, googie goo. (clapping) - Okay, Tommy, coming at you today, nothing too nuts. I just figured we play a prank on the teacher today. I got this, uh, It's like a whoopee cushion, except it's not regular, it's actually a Whoopi Goldberg cushion. I'll show you how it works here. Okay. (heavy breathing) I was in sister act one and two. (laughing) I actually really hate Meghan McCain. (laughing) I haven't really had a hit movie in about 20 years or so. (laughing) (group shouting) - That was so funny! - Wow. Wow. Oh my God. Wow. Wow, what a specimen. In all of my years of being a therapist, I've never had the opportunity to directly sit down and have a session with a mental illness. (laughing) I have so many questions for you, but first and foremost, oh my God. Do you ever feel like a plastic bag? Drifting through the wind, wanting to start again? Do you ever feel? (groans) (laughing) - Y'all gotta stop pulling the real tears on me. That's so scary. - Hey, big guy. You remember me? You were my bully in middle through high school. And well, we went to a Montessori school, but you were my bully for five years, and I've been training for this day. Ask me how far I got in Wii Boxing. These are the gold ones. That means I beat Matt. It means I got pro and I beat Matt. And now I'm going to tell you what I really think of you, (bleep) All right, okay, no. Wii Boxing ain't it. I didn't think I'd have to do this. I've also been playing the failed Nintendo series Arms. (laughing) - The failed Nintendo series Arms. - Oh I'm sorry, is that news to anyone? - No it's, it's well known. (laughing) - I used to be in the sassy leg infantry. Bucky! Hypnotic on the rocks. (laughing) One time they dropped me in behind enemy lines, no parachute, just pointed down, landed, big toe left an impact crater. By the time they got there, (laughing) by the time they got- (screams) by the time they got there, (laughing) Everyone was in a coma. Hypnotized from my sassy legs. (cane clacking against floor) This Dave and Busters is nice. (laughing and clapping) - Breaking news down at the science lab, there was an explosion from an obscure science experiment involving the DNA merging of two animals. The parrot and the bull terrier. Dr. Blobinson was on the scene and should be here for an interview in a few moments. Hopefully everyone is okay. (groans) (bangs against wall) (laughing) - (groaning and screaming) Hello. Dr. Blobinson, care to comment on the recent referral? - Everything's fine. No one was hurt. - You seem very, very hurt. - I do not feel hurt. And I am not, merged with a parrot and a bull terrier because I did not get a little chilly, and want to sit in the booth to get warm. - Why do you think one would merge themselves with a bull terrier and a parrot? - I don't know, maybe to fly and to be beefy, I don't know. (screaming) (piano playing beat) - Gotta speed it up. (piano beat speeds up) - [Phone] Wheezer, Carl Wheezer. Carl Wheezer. Jimmy's mom, jimmy's mom my scapula, my scapula, my scapula, I want you to park that big mac truck right in this little garage. (laughing) (phone moaning) (phone moaning) - That's time. (laughing) In the morning, I intend to create an assortment of waffles. (comic rimshot plays) I like that boulder. What is that, shale? (comic rimshot plays) You know I (bleep) the dragon, right? (laughing) Well, what is another iconic donkey line? (laughing) Damn it! I was gonna (bleep) like donkey, but Shrek says donkey. - You boy, what day is it? - Why, it's Christmas sir. It's Christmas day. - Christmas day? - Yes, Christmas day, sir. (screaming in pain) - Ow (bleep) Christmas! (screaming in pain) (buzzer) - No! (clapping and laughing) - God damn, you died bro? Boom snap clap ba-boom snap clap snap boom snap clap ba-boom snap (whoopee cushion farts) (laughing) Boom snap clap ba-boom snap clap snap boom snap clap ba-boom snap Shh! I have no more noises. (shouting) - Kimmy that was so good! (laughing and clapping) - I know this is very hard for you. I know that you've just been through something traumatic. Unfortunately, we, we have to do this, so I know that your wife was murdered in cold blood, nearly moments ago, but we've got, they've got the five suspects lined up in the, in the room through the glass here. If you could take a look, if any, if any one of them (laughing) You know, let me tell you a little bit about 'em. This guy is the brains. This guy is the assassin. Now this one. Ooh, he probably did it. But this one, he claps. Oh he probably did it, huh? Hmm, which one could it be? Is it this guy? Is it this one? (laughing) - Oh my God! - God. (bleep) (piano notes playing) - Kids. Welcome back to the Jerry and Mike fun hour, Jerry, how we're doing? - [Jerry] We're doing pretty good today, everybody! - Jerry, now, we've got a special announcement today that we want to make in front of everybody. And I'm actually really glad that the cameras are rolling. Folks, last time in our studio audience, we had a bit of an incident. Didn't we Jerry? - [Jerry] Um, I thought we weren't gonna bring this up- - We're gonna bring this up right now, Jerry. Unfortunately, Jerry bit a small child on the face. And while the rabies situation in the United States is largely under control, I feel as though risks have been brought to the table, and just to take precautions, folks, here in front of the live studio audience, Jerry are you ready? - [Jerry] I don't know. We didn't discuss this. - We are going to have to actually euthanize Jerry. (group aww-ing) (spits water) (laughing and clapping) - Oh my goodness his face, so god awful! - Hey, I just need you to be real with me. Do I, in theory, look like Courtney Cox? (laughing) I have to (bleep), I have to go. Cause I'm doing this whole thing where I can't film Friends today, because I'm the goddesses chosen, (grunts) and I'm Courtney Cox though. But that's the twist, 'cause I'm Courtney Cox, I'm so like, so neurotic about cleaning. (high-pitched giggling) Chandler! (giggles) Chandler stop! (giggles gradually deepen) (giggles gradually deepen) - That's time! (buzzer) (clapping) - Right there you look like Courtney Cox. - Yes! (bells jingling) - Hi. I know you are a pregnant and expecting mother, and I just got your vibe from across, you know, the way, I'm not a medium, but I'm acting like it. So here's the deal is I want to prepare your child for the future of living in the world. Okay? So I'm going to just go ahead and sing some modified nursery rhymes to your pregnant belly. The wheels on the bus don't stop so you should get out of the street. Three blind mice don't have it as easy in America. (bells jingling) So try your best. (laughing) (clapping) - Damn it! - Hi, sorry I just need to take a few selfies first. Ooh! Just get like, Ooh, Ooh, Ooh. Didn't that look good? Oh, let me check on that real quick, one sec. Yeah, yeah that's the shit. Oh look at that one! Oh wait, look at my ass in that! Hoe shit, I'm on the hoe shit. (laughing) (footsteps) - Hello there weary traveler, so, looking to enter a Chili's, ey? Best be careful. Hey, check it out. This is just how I actually walked now. That's character development if I count. Hey, Gus Johnson. Where the hell have you been, loca? (laughing) - [Gus] Wow - Oh my God. - Facebook if it was in real life. Hey everyone. I'm engaged. I'm engaged, aw. Oof, I'm having a baby. I'm having a baby and the baby, don't tell me the baby's ugly, because I think it is. Here's this link to scientific study. It says science isn't real it. Cause it's not. And so the website is www.45bigtimescienceresearchguy .net/mightnotbereal, but I think it's real. (buzzer) - That's time, Courtney. - Damn it! - Oh, Daddy! Glad I caught you. (laughing) I'm honestly really glad you did that, Cause I think I'm choking and getting (indistinct) (laughing) - Hi. Can I, can I pull you for a chat? It's okay, I brought me own beanbag chair. I'll just sit right here, don't get up, don't worry I've got it, anyways, I just feel like things have been a little, little weird between us recently. So I wanted to clear the air, um for example the other day, when I was in one bed and you was in the next doing bits with me mum, I didn't like that. I didn't like the, I felt real mugged off by that, I never knew, but in a couple it's weird to do stuff with my mom. I don't know why she stayed past family day. That was strange. Anyways, And then when you went to (indistinct) you left like a giant shit in the bed, and I just, (laughing) I felt real mugged off, I was pretty (indistinct) but then I realize you left me something. (laughing) (clapping) - Some people think that princesses don't eat meat, but that's not true for me. (singing) (bird squawks) (snapping sound) And today on my show, I'm going to keep killing birds. So stay tuned and I'm going to walk away. Goodbye. Hey, see ya. Oh, (monkey yells) (snapping sound) (laughing) (buzzer) (clapping) - I am not going back to that office tomorrow. (spits water) I don't care how good the pay is. I'm done. I'm done. I can't keep doing this. Here, your share. Let's go to Boca. Let's just go to Boca, please. It's time for a score count. Things are intense. We have Courtney with one point. (clapping) Kimmy with three. (clapping) Tommy with seven. (clapping) Gus with seven. (clapping) Damien with nine. (clapping) And me with nine. (clapping) And it's Gus up next. Now Gus has an easy route to win. Gus has never laughed before that, he could easily end up with 12 points here. Are you ready Gus? - Yes sir. I am. I told you that I wanted boneless wings. What the heck is that. (laughing) Care to eh, maybe, maybe explain, maybe? If you didn't notice also, I am a crab and there's a human hand. Maybe care to explain that, maybe? I'm never coming to this Hooters ever again. - That's time Courtney, I'm sorry. (bleep) - My name is Scott, I am 45, and I like to think of myself as a typical LA dad. I've got a wife, three kids and the fashion empire, but I'm hiding a devastating secret from my beautiful family and if they find out everything will fall apart. What's my secret? Well, I'm filled with sand. And on this season of Life's a Beach, I'm going to make sure no one finds out I'm a human skin balloon filled to the brim with sand. That's right. A one inch layer of skin is the only thing keeping millions of microscopic rocks from exploding out of my body. I'm Scott Sand and Los Angeles is my castle. (laughing) - God. (group aww-ing) - Damn it! (clapping) - Wow. Sick, VidCon 2021. This is awesome. Oh my God, Gus Johnson! Dude. I'm a huge fan. I've seen so many videos, Make me laugh so much man. I have two dogs and they have different names, but in my heart, they're both named Gus. This is my first time out in like in a place in three years. It's not pandemic related. I haven't been outside in a while. Anyways man, aw, I didn't introduce myself. I'm sorry. Hey, I'm Kimmy Jimenez from Smosh. What's up. So nice to meet you bro. They don't let me out here much, but I'm here today. It's so good, bro. (coughs) Anyways. - That's time. - So close! - That almost got me. Aw, (bleep). - My cousins out fighting dragons. And me? Look what I get. Stuck with guard duty. Hard to think I ever complained about Riften being cold. Hail summoner, why don't you conjure me up a warm bed. You've come to Markarth at a dark time, friend. People have been having nightmares. They say a dragon attacked Helgen. I sure hope it doesn't come here. Did you hear a dragon attacked Helgen? If one of those horrors comes here, we'll be ready. My cousin's off fighting dragons, and look what I get. Stuck with guard duty. (laughing) Markarth's under my protection. Stay out of trouble friend. - That's time, Damien. (bleep) (group screaming) - I had like 13 more. - How did you know so many? - I memorized them for you, Gus. - That was incredible! - Gus Johnson. Nice to finally meet you in person. My name is The Chosen. I hear you've never lost this show before. Interesting. See, what you don't know is that I have proof that you're a cheater. Using spy equipment that I got at radio shack, I recorded some candid conversations, proving that you're a liar and a cheat. Need proof? I have the conversations right here. - [Phone] Reasons why tauren druids are the (bleeps) - Um, (bleeps) Okay. Okay, here it is. - [Phone] Okay, don't freak out, but I think I might be dragonborn. (bleeps) - Okay. Okay. This is it. This is it. All right, this is that everyone be serious. - [Phone] Sonic chuckled as he wiped the blood (bleeps) is that all you've got? Dominic Direto loomed over, his fist high in the air, ready to kill. - Actually it's pretty sick. - [Phone] If you punch me, you punch the streets. Well, how 'bout we solve this like gentlemen, Sonic said. And, he looked over at John Wick. John Wick nodded. The game was on. - Okay actually, (bleeps) (laughing) - Bro, like, freaking bro. Okay, so Dude, last night Brittany and I were hanging out. Oh my God. We drove up to lookout point. Dude, we got in the backseat of her car and we totally- - [Phone] Read the bible. - it was insane, man. It was insane. And then she was like, "dude, flip over. I'm going to show you something you've never seen before." And I was like, "okay." And then we totally- - [Phone] Gus it's me, your brother, Sven. I don't know where I am tight now. They took me hostage and they've got me tied up right now. And they're holding up a sign for me to tell you that if you don't laugh, then you know what's going to happen to me, okay? They want me to tell you this, but no, no. Listen to me, Gus. You don't have to laugh if you don't want to, okay? No, no! Mister! Pwease? (laughing) - And then bro, it was freaking crazy bro. It was nuts, so then, after that, I was like, "No freaking way. No freaking way bro." And then, and then she's like, "but check this out." And then we totally frickin', - [Phone] Hey Gus, um, it's Eddie. Shane took me. I am currently locked in his closet. I know I was thinking probably the same, you were thinking right now, is this guy's (bleeps) pathetic to make a recording for the laugh. You know how (bleeps) Danny get you to laugh himself. And then I started thinking, and I'll be honest. I started drinking. I started thinking if I can't make him laugh, you know, what does our friendship mean? Can't make this guy laugh on a dime. What? Who would, who am I? You know? And so like, you know, like I mentioned. (spits water) (screaming and clapping) (screaming and cheering) (clapping) - Technically, Eddie was the one who made Gus Johnson break. So that's a point for Eddie. But still! Still! (clapping) - How do you feel? - I feel like that was a long time coming. Shane probably earned that five (bleeps) episodes ago. (group aww-ing) - Now wait, we still have the point tally, and we don't know who won still. So just because you finally laughed doesn't mean you lost. - The score is the closest it's ever been, in Try Not to Laugh Hard Mode history, Tonight, one winner will walk away with the goat. And the winner is Gus Johnson. (cheering) Technically you both had 10 points, but the judges decided that because you took three plus minutes, and also called in help from people who were not in the video today, that Gus would take an organic 10 to your asterisk 10 points. - That makes sense. - Yes. (clapping) - It was Eddie's point. It was Eddie's point. - I love you guys. I just, I love you guys. And it is so good to be back here. And I really, I just appreciate you having me over for these, honestly. Like this is some of the most fun that I have and I should've laughed. I don't know whose hand this is. (laughing) I should've laughed episodes ago with the Moby Dicks. (Courtney aww-ing) - All right. This has been Try Not to Laugh Hard Mode with, the one and only, Gus Johnson. (clapping) - There's plenty of other contents that he is in. We have other every blank evers on the sketch channel, just shout out right now, but we also have other try not to laughs, other things. We have many videos, if you want to start watching now, there's two right here. How do you feel as our new champion of hard mode? - I feel good and sweaty. - Good and sweaty! And if you guys haven't copped this new, Try Not to Laugh shirt, kind of new, not really, We've had it in the store for awhile, but if you want to go to and see if there's any left. We got it. It's made by @favpizzaplace on Twitter. - Hell yeah. - Bye bye! - Bye guys!
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 4,080,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, try not to laugh, tntl, smosh tntl, try not to laugh hard mode, hard mode, you laugh you lose, shayne topp, gus johnson, 2021
Id: io18tmBTOH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 14sec (1814 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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