Try Not To Get Anxious Challenge #2

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dear ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome back to the try not to get anxiety challenge I failed us miserably last time because as soon as you show me anything got to do with Heights and people fall now four people came in really high objects I'm done I'm out I'm gonna whoo I'm okay rules still apply same as last time if you get anxiety during any part of this video then you fail most of us probably have anxiety all the time anyway over various different things so this probably won't change anything so this is just going to be me feeling very uncomfortable for about 15 minutes 1,500 feet with your brother you guys just high OH oh no that part was fine cuz I can't my brain doesn't understand that but as soon as you look down don't do it yet don't oh god he did it again stop oh really straightaways something got to do with Heights I hate it stop it high objects should be just decimated from humanity at least you're wearing safety equipment at least you're you seem like you're actually just working that you're repairing a tower you're building the tower that tower is just something that you guys do I don't know maybe it's for shits and giggles but the important part is you guys didn't seem like you would have fall off at any moment and that lessens the anxiety so big fat failure on that one no I just reacted strongly but that doesn't mean that I actually got anxiety okay okay this one's slow speech speed up please no-ho-ho Jesus oh my god it was way higher than I thought it was oh how does anybody do that how is a human do you look at this do you stand at the top of that board and go not only am I gonna jump off this I'm gonna twirl and discombobulated myself as I do it that's horrible Oh nailed the landing though so good for you glad you're doing it not me let's speed it way up there you go ah see it's not that high they hit the water really quick guy dodges a boulder flying downhill is he flying hers the Boulder flying holy [ __ ] oh my god I thought the boulder flying past this guy was him missing it what's so close can we see that how close that guy is lucky to be alive oh my god oh go home and do the lotto or something oh god you feel that the clammy clam the sweaty palms are coming I now have a new fear just walking by a nice steep incline and worrying that a boulder is on a frisbee itself or is my face okay that's it that's it I'm sitting down for the rest of them that made my legs go all tingly all right so so far I have failed miserably any of the rest of you or any of the rest of you holding your breath during that moment oh okay okay that's fine just relax compose yourself okay breathe in and breathe out oh that's good that's good stuff okay oh man why do people why do people go up this high why you're not wearing safety equipment oh wait yeah sorry hard hat on for safety thank God you have the hard hat you wouldn't want anything to happen if you fell why I feel like this video should go on for so much longer either there's no safety standards where they're working or he just doesn't care sorry the hard hats there I forgot to I forgot about that part I don't care what job you're doing none of it is worth any amount of money to do that without safety equipment these could roll at any second this is just a whole video of me being a concerned parent for all of these people that I don't know stop it go to pain drink water your homework I had a good ol sweaty pam's moment myself recently by going to the dentist because I have to get I'm getting Invisalign soon and I had a you ever had those teeth that just don't fit in the gap anymore and it came out the side so it was sticking out the side here like a rogue tooth trying to escape my mouth and I had to get that tooth pulled because busily wouldn't sit on it properly or would just take too long and move all the bones around in my head I don't really want that but I was sitting there just clenching my hands and he pulled out the two things like okay Aldo and I'm like what I didn't feel anything it was great Oh bikers on cliff sides is that the sky or the ocean at least you're not barreling it down this cliffside that would have made things worse okay it's picking up speed now uncomfortable uncomfortable uncomfortable but not unbearable and that's important that what wasn't so bad Villa has to were much much worse I didn't realize that my fear of heights is also magnified or equalled to my fear of being trapped underwater you know to very human emotions I don't think I'm the crazy one I think the people who go up onto these things without any safety equipment on except their hardhat don't bunk those are the crazy ones oh this one I saw already this one is already and I audibly out loud that's what that means I literally said [ __ ] off as soon as I saw it this is this is the worst more come on that's how people die that's news articles written about you for dying like an idiot that's how people die that's like a foot away from being a headline of a tragedy of a tourist dying on holiday it's not worth it how many people looked at that well 26,000 people up voted this so are you happy is that what you wanted I'm sorry I get very aggressive when it comes to the [ __ ] I don't want people putting themselves in harm's way for enternet points it's not worth it then again Here I am reacting to it but I'm coming with a message stop it this is fair enough back here was fair enough just being on top of the rock was fair enough more come on I don't buckle to peer pressure I'm very upset oh then they take their hands off as if they learned how to fly right before doing this stop it get off the rocks and get onto the ground which is just one big rock when I get upset I get more Irish ah [ __ ] halt go back to mass will ya who's with me who is lost already who is this upset as I am am I overreacting maybe just a small bit they're just videos on the internet but I'm very concerned for these peoples health and well-being really though it's more of me projecting myself into the situation and then really hating myself for being in that situation you know it's like i scary high things are already scary enough when you're in a controlled environment going to like tokyo skytree and looking down in the glass even though it's like 19 inches thick and the whole Tower signing and no one has ever gone through the floor and died I'm still terrified of it oh boy Jesus top card even the shark was like oh I didn't see you there yeah it's just it's too cloudy down here who knew that clouds could come underwater he's like oh excuse me sir coming through he said oh [ __ ] was that a snack damn it well I'm already swimming away alright that one wasn't so bad that would I've done that in subnautica I'm way worse okay people doing it in real life thinking that they're cool again again these people oh god I didn't even see the thing wobble oh my god why would you do that I really hope that some of these are like a trick of the mind like it's a perception thing or there's some sort of like cabling holding this together and that's some sort of attraction for that area there's like ten hundred people that's a thousand all waiting in line next to him next to a barrier and this is just like cropped to make it look worse cuz the only other option is that he's up on top of a cliff wiggling Iraq that is centimeters away from falling off the edge of the cliff and killing him and that's horrible and I don't want to think about that I always think these videos are a good idea until I get into them and then my my heart rate is literally elevated right now okay well it took a long time for the mate watch so I actually calculated so and had gone back down since then stupid [ __ ] watch a my heart rates at 69 hell yeah how's this for sweaty pants I don't know oh Jesus wait okay my mind was all over the place there for a second I thought that he was really high up I thought that this was miles away and the thing was him hanging over the edge waiting to fall off with that I didn't know that it was an alligator crocodile there Jesus so that's why it was ready Pam's I had a completely different reasoning for it oh my god yeah you are very lucky that you do not have nut sack in mouth of alligator right now they love that [ __ ] it goes down like a fine frog wah whoa what that's scary man I mean dudes make its head and ripping 20 let's [ __ ] dope but I'd be very scared that I fall in on the dude with the paddleboard behind it doesn't seem too bad maybe it's not as bad as it looks it looks really bad well I want to know what's underneath it this is all sand here so maybe they just dug out sand to make the water flow like that to create this because maybe it's all sand underneath oh no man as long as you can hold your breath I don't mind a few broken bones and a bit of pride loss should be fine not that scary come on he says at the comfort of his home in his chair as he's holding his own legs cradling himself because he's [ __ ] terrified the world what oh my god I probably won't even be able to get my legs out of this position of the chair without hurting myself and this guy is out here defying gravity like Hank from The Last Airbender how are you doing that I mean I know but that's crazy that's so cool so he like jumps put sticks his legs out at the same time so creates an illusion to think that he's actually gonna fall he's defying gravity I was I think I've seen this guy before this neither dude it like falls over things in a funny way ow are these our bloopers [Laughter] oh man only a hurt man how she don't stop see this is the thing everyone looks at a master after their 10,000 hours and thinks are amazing but you don't see the 9999 other hours where you break bones and hurt yourself and look bad damn this is so extra it's like wait everyone has that one friend if where is that one friend that like rolls into the party and like flips over a table while cracking a beer off somewhere lads head and then downs it all at once you're like oh great Bobby's here world record car jump which is brewing out his face doesn t want to be known for the world record oh my god it's like a Hot Wheels track that's awesome all blazes flight [Applause] I don't put away I want to see the actual uncut angling that's crazy Oh is sponsored by Hot Wheels - Jesus that must be scary that's easy I could do that come on what else you got I'm not anxious anymore in fact it was rather dull I'm actually ready to fall asleep hey spider-man it was so cool I mean stupid don't get me wrong whenever I say cool that's pretty [ __ ] cool done I feel like there's a lot of people watch my videos I have a responsibility to say how dumb these things are and to not try them at home but I kind of feel like that that's a given for a lot of this [ __ ] if you suddenly look at this and go like I'm gonna dress up a spider-man and go on a tram downtown and stick my hand out the side of it and run along the side of a boats already there's probably a deeper issue there but yeah don't do this [ __ ] it looks cool but I can also go really wrong you could break both your legs oh god is that class oh god that's not class is it just stop and stop it right there stop it right stop bouncing oh why would you laugh in the face of creation like this okay it stopped good okay the comments are saying it's like acrylic and polycarbonate or Plexiglas that's not bad so it's just me to look like glass oh and if you think about it and the guys that I was yes I thought it was glass and I was freaking out oh boy oh boy that was fine I even want to try this one although I would be dead at the top of this I would not have the Grace and composure to this gauges that looks awesome I want to do it on a track I don't want to do it on like bare sand because the side would turn to class under the heat of my speed but I want to on a fly off like I wouldn't go to a water park let's do it and it's all gonna water park together I rent one out if you guys give me the price of the tickets to get everybody in you know I'm just a hero like what is happening holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what was that did a tanker or something gets us right cuz he moves out of the way and then this guy moves back oh my god and somebody was getting out of that car that's so scary I really hope everybody's okay characterized over spilled liquefied petroleum holy [ __ ] okay according to this article everyone survived okay that's the only thing I really care about when something like that happens don't be a show-off be a show-off don't do it you're already doing it it's like one bit of Turek away from being all over and you're not wearing any pads girl on your chest back back I knew it don't be a show-off oh you went from looking so cool and so much a master of your craft for like 15 seconds and now all it takes is that one second to [ __ ] it all up there's a lesson in there God the fact that he was even able to get the bike under control for that long is one thing I can't even get out of bed in the mornings without stumbling over something and hurting myself but he I'm comfortable that one's cute Hello Kitty in the middle of all the dogs oh he's so stealthy oh he's so sneaky you could do it go he thinks he's the biggest badass in the world right now that's so cute he did it he made it yeah oh man maybe it's the fact that bb's in the house now and I've just changed my ways but it's so cute every time I see a cat now I'm just like yes more oh no how high up are you oh gods oh very high no stop it stop make it stop oh my god no US job you know I can't make it stop look oh it's gone it's gone forever Rhea I figured it out okay he made it off okay thank God okay I'm gonna leave this episode here because I cannot handle any more of this are you always come into it and I'm like it's not gonna be that bad and then some of them legitimately get that like fight-or-flight in me from Mike I gotta get out I gotta go somewhere I gotta lay down on a couch covered in blankets to make sure that I'm connected to the world a nothing's gonna hurt me well thank you guys for watching it don't forget it leave a like if you got some good old fashioned anxiety during this video I made your heart palpitating you got those sweaty pans and your feet started dangling cuz I sure did and don't forget that if you made it this far into the video you're legally obligated to subscribe to this channel I'm sorry I don't make the rules [Music]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 5,885,776
Rating: 4.9537868 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, try not to get anxiety, try not to get anxiety challenge, try not to get anxiety jacksepticeye, challenge, challenge videos, try not to anxiety, try not to get anxiety heights, try not to get anxiety impossible, anxiety challenge, impossible challenge, try not to, scared, reddit, sweaty palms, crazy challenge, try not to challenge, jacksepticeye challenge, funny, funny videos, funny try not to get anxiety challenge video
Id: bzs_l5-Emzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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