Are You Smart Enough To Pass This Game? | Brain Out

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there are a few certain truths in this world we're all gonna die we all have to pay taxes and jacksepticeye's brain is greater than or equal to stink so let's play a game that's designed to trick the brain because maybe that'll be a quiz that I can actually do because my brain works differently than everybody else's the game called brain out and I think it's like the impossible quiz that it's trying to trick me into picking certain answers because it says find the biggest one now the screen would dictate that that Apple right there you see that beautiful Apple that that's the biggest one but no watermelon biggest one thank you thank you very much if you're very published how many ducks how many ducks what how many ducks in this picture how many ducks does it take to screw in a light bulb wait one of those is not a duck that's it that's it chicken 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 ha ha ha I'm telling you this is the this is the game that helps my brain alright it might be a children's game and it might be full of colorful beautiful pictures but you know what that's fine who is the tallest one ha hmm I want to see giraffe giraffes are pretty tall have you seen a giraffe they're not short lads you think giraffes make fun of each other as well as like ha ha look head Garibaldi over there not even 19 feet tall he's only a stupid 12 oh what a dumbass um it could be the Sun like which are you saying which ones the highest it's the Sun the Sun is the tallest in the sky can you find out the different one God is one of these have less seeds than the other one okay hold on they all look the same to me I don't have to count see this one this one this one this one this one this one what click everything it's none of them oh I can move them there is a house I hate my chunky fingers they're a beautiful rectangle you're welcome all the shapes you can just cut off a part the square elongate it oh I hate this game how many triangles are in a pentagram one two three four five six six okay seven and eight a five three nine okay in a pentagram it offends about okay five but that's not what you're telling me and that's not gonna be the answer that's in a pentagon not a pentagram ah that's the size of it not how many triangles are in it oh I see so there's one two three on the top four five six six and all the wait know that middle one at the bottom is not one so one two three four five and six seven eight nine I already tried nine though I mean I could just keep guessing until I get the right one I feel like that's cheating though because it's all the other ones that intersect and make different triangles find out the largest fire okay I'm just clicking all them clearly is not gonna work so I'm gonna stack them there we go create the biggest fire yes okay what's the number under the parked car nine [Laughter] I'm so smart I brainley good don't you even worry about it what mark would you give for this game full marks that's cheating rate argue come on Ches silly right now okay wake up the OL wake up didn't work can I shake the tree there I put the Sun over him surely that's gonna wake up oh oh cuz it's oh I get it this one needs to go away cuz I always come out at nighttime they're nocturnal oh my god I can see can you see my head getting bigger can you see my head getting larger as the game goes on big stretch brain it might explode from too much stink 1 + 2 21 2 + 3 36 3 + 4 43 4 + 5 ok this one is being an ass 45 no 50 No ok so 2 + 3 should be okay and I'm not the best mathematician here should be 5 so there the first one is the last one and then the secular and then the first one the next one then is the last last one 2 times 3 is 6 6 times 6 is 36 so 4 plus 5 is 9 9 times 9 is I don't know 81 okay that doesn't wait am i overthinking this the answer is just 9 oh I'm gonna throw my phone at the wall it's coming right past your face you better watch out you better be careful alright I go away cut fruits from left to right then tap the hexagon circle and rectangle [Music] okay it's trying to trick me and say to tap all the top ones but that other one was not a fruit it looked like a potato and I know about that you have to win the game okay I'm circles so I'll go Oh oh no matter where I go I lose my move one of these come on surely I can move one of these out I didn't click that anything hidden around can I change the game at all okay damn it Zoe now I can tap with two fingers at once ah I'm gonna kill this game find the chick okay clearly it's not any of you haystack you all on top of each other then make a chick there dude do the good lovin make a chick you guys are chicks huh it worked I just had to shake the egg out of them I don't want to find the darkest color on the screen it's it's the black on the white text can't fool me this ain't my first rodeo okay I've done quite a few of these games before I haven't been very good at a deism but I've done them count the numbers of hairs oh come on I don't want to have to count this I'm gonna go cross-eyed look and I wonder three or my 33 damn it oh I could pull his hair off he only has three I was close I was very close I need to stop playing this game so seriously I need to stop doing exactly what it tells me to do I need to start using the power of the mind and the easiest way of getting to the mind is to start taking clothes off [Music] everyone knows the quickest way to the head is through the chest hope the baby duckling drink water okay so tonight good night okay there drink that no ass is so hard alright see it's working already hey I want to see it's to wait oh god what okay nothing else moves so where do I put this ah yeah I was gonna say it's too but I couldn't type into and I made it too clearer okay find something you can eat I can eat all of this if I'm brave enough you can eat anything you want eat the table eat your dad doesn't matter you shouldn't but okay clicking on all of them clearly isn't gonna work so oh we turn it into meat very good very clever I go animals are having a sport meeting you know as they do classic animals bunny monkey and pony are racing now help Bonnie to win go bunny start okay can I kill these I want to kill something don't do me I just have to tap really fast okay you're about to see the fastest fingering in the West damn it Bonnie ah I got it I can do that but now I need up no I need a third there we go I'm plate finger twister my fault I got three fingers up I'm a legend I'm the greatest quiz master the world has ever seen help where's my ring is it in the dog food give the dog food to the dog the dog I'll eat that and then we're gonna find your ring inside his [ __ ] I still don't feel smart enough I don't feel biggie brainley enough so it's time to put on the exo specs O's this is going to make me big Lee smart help the giraffe to eat the apple there you go mr. giraffe eat up no smoking okay can I just put it out no no if you put if we combine our forces together wait the thing you went out yeah I just put out my finger that hurt a lot putting three coins into piggy bank how many coins are there now I don't know I can't see inside piggy you what okay put the coins in there you go now smash piggy there you go there's one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirty forty fifty fifteen coins inside mr. piggy that's twenty-five because my fingers are also mr. piggles so hungry make something to eat I'm I'm just gonna go out and on a limb here cuz I have my glasses on now so I'm very smart and save that the moon is gonna be a banana and I can peel it or not there eat eat the clock eat the banana eat the banana moon come on I write about this I have no idea what's happening what is going on there eat the painting oh I made an egg a hole I told you guys moons are banana eggs God if only you weren't as stupid as I was ten minutes ago what is the minimum cuts needed to cut a circle into eight equal parts I know this because I love pizza and that is four okay eat that's my answer PETA is my answer oh it's one because you can fold it you said a circle you didn't say a circle of paper how am I supposed to know that come on you're withholding information from me now I'm not the dumb one anymore it's the game it's all the games fault it's the lag how many ants okay so I said seven and that's clearly wrong can I do anything with this Rock double tap okay so let's uh I got an idea look at this how many ants one I made a one there's only one ant damn it conduct a ritual conduct a circle ritual stand around summon the rock guard summon rock and roll Jesus I can zoom in on the rock oh Jesus that's so many more ants on duty 8 9 10 17 okay not a 177 let's go let's not go too crazy I keep failing some of these because the game introduces new mechanic suddenly you're able to hold the screen suddenly you're able to tap two things at once until you're able to zoom I need to keep that on my brain how the phone works I need something else to make me smarter a hat a hat makes everyone smarter everyone knows this you know what just just in case two hats oh you're not gonna beat me this time find out the rule and write down the answer okay circle is the triangle - okay seven one two three five six for mm-hmm just as I suspected today it's nine I don't know why it's nine but it's nine I think that was binary and I don't know binary but with enough hats I will another hat enters the fray okay three hats come at me game come at my brain tap the butterfly above the texts I don't I don't see a butterfly above the texts okay you're telling me that I'm wrong I picked that one now I want that one no okay secret hidden butterfly somewhere I can't move this butterfly but eventually I'll get it don't worry oh don't you even worry about me I've got three hats I know exactly what I'm doing zoom on the screen zoom zoom everywhere double tap everything tap all of it I'm tap above the text and the butterfly at the same time what do you want from me I use my tip I can drag the text see using a hint is also part of my big brain strategy if I if I use my head to figure out that the tips are there that's how I do it that's how I smartly go with this game doesn't even know what I got itself in for with four hats please turn on the fan okay okay okay nope okay this is the easiest one so far okay just spin the fan just there you go there yeah I did it I connected it with my brain point eight animals you have an ant a cricket a creepy bear butterfly bird bird cloud the cloud is raining which means that water is dropping on the ground the worm comes out and the lady is an animal of course she is see we didn't know it was actually a badger in disguise you would know this if you had as many hats as I do who do you want to play brain out together Oh lover let's share to him /her now stop getting weird and kinky brain out look baby fall asleep go to sleep tactics just don't work there you go I'm done hit him in the head with a ball he hit him hard enough in the head with the ball he'd go to sleep hit him hit him keep poking the baby can poke at the baby and he'll fall asleep eventually get rid of the tears get I don't know what I'm doing I'm not a father this [Music] okay clicking the baby doesn't do anything so something tells me that there's a secret in this baby can I turn the baby the baby you make him go see I just shake my phone if I shake my phone the baby will fall asleep [Music] I don't know what to do okay I just watched an ad for that baby because all of my hats are not helping what's the answer hold your device top to bottom and then sway your device gently into the baby falls asleep I did that I I tried wait what I did this already I watched an ad for a baby to go to sleep okay it's fine a cliche question who would you save your mom or your girlfriend save both ah I have to fingers drive the car to the road sign okay Kara's gonna crash explosion everyone's dead got it so how do we get rid of you [Music] why can I move this does does that work I can move what ah to move the thing out of the way to get the Sun out to melt the ice cube in the road so I could get to my car to get to the roadside at the end of it I knew it all along because of all the brain I have how to eat carrots okay I have a clock okay I kill it what if we just bring the carrot to him I knew it when all my hats my heads are falling off I can't what about my brains I need I need the smartness okay smartness comes at the price of great fashion there you go I knew it I knew I'm so Brainiac now what three numbers add up to 12 all of them know God my brain it's all over I've lost my brain too stinky I thought that adding hats upon hats would show the world how smart that I really am I thought that I could fake it I thought that I could force it but once a stink always a stink oh brain make off watching my video I hope that you really liked it and I hope that you learned something here today learned that you can never trust anything in the world and I have to watch a billion ads to play a game for free and mobile device these days thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 5,907,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, brain out, brain out game, brain out gameplay, brain out quiz, funny, funny moments, solution, brain out levels, brain out level, brain out all levels, brain out jacksepticeye, brain game, quiz, hard quiz, hardest quiz, brain teasers, brain out walkthrough, brain out answers, brain out solution, walkthrough, brain out all level, gameplay, iq, iq test, riddles, funny riddles, impossible quiz
Id: 2Ae7iLKH53w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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