Reacting To The Scariest Videos On The Internet #1

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guys guys guys guys it's scary scary videos time are you ready i hope you are i've been getting ready all day i've been psyching myself up for this video do you have your glasses ready put it put on your glasses if you you don't have glasses oh no this is going to be very hard for you this video is going to be very tricky for you to get through if you don't have glasses on what i want you to do is sit down somewhere turn off the lights close the curtains just get real dark and moody grab yourself a drink maybe a nice hot beverage wrap a blanket around you get all nice and cozy in the dark and have this video open in front of you right now and just feel the energy you got that i tweeted that i well first of all i said quarantine club ding ding calling all quarantine club send me the scariest videos you can find now i don't want this like tick-tock stuff i don't want this like oh i banged my toe on a table oh scary no i want the good stuff i want atmosphere i want i want dread i want terror i want to not be able to sleep tonight i've been sleeping too much in this this social distance quarantined world i'd i'd rather just stay awake for 24 hours for a change let's see what you guys came up with quinn sent me one this one spooked me pretty badly the first time i saw it no through road oh god this is a nine minute video okay just sit back relax get into a nice comfort zone just really relax turn your headphones up and get ready to get scared december 15 2008 four 17 year old boys from stevenage heard for sure okay their bodies were found at the broom hall 10 miles outside of stevenage and the car they had been driving the residence was thought to have been long abandoned from an investigation police officers found signs of okay all right this is this is intense let's get into it i'm ready i don't know why we're doing this me and ollie in the morning but we're driving about his car absolute [ __ ] that doesn't actually take many times just wait for it [Laughter] that's a classic move whenever you're young and you have a camera for the first time back in those days you just yelled whatever you wanted and the camera was like this is content wait don't i do that for a job whatever moving on judging me is he all behind your behind whatever snack you have if it's a crunchy bar double points for you you're you're syncing up with this one oh god [ __ ] so badly i don't think we should be here it's like it's like a road or something that was just a regular clutch down a roll back it was just an air switch i thought that was like a tunnel i thought that was going like way deep far in i thought you guys were going into a tunnel and you just weren't going to get through yeah i'ma turn on auto-generated subtitles i don't know if they're actually going to be accurate but just in case we want to know what's going on because there's a lot of talk and a lot of accents we please agree that we don't ever go back to this archway all right okay agreed nothing that's full beams what about this do it again turn it back on do it again there's like a bloke in the middle of the road oh stop saying that because it will actually happen it says we need stevenage it says walking bennington there is no i don't even know where that is there's nowhere near us oh it's like perfectly preserved as well it's really weird oh ollie don't oh god this feels like an actual found footage movie it's from 2009. damn we're reacting to stuff that's over 11 years old sexy little [ __ ] isn't he look at the house where's he stay look at that hours in the in the subtitles oh god oh there's someone there was something and he was like wearing some sort of mask oh no have you not got a cigarette no no it's inside it's the side oh i thought those are lights what is it bedding's gonna get no no we haven't it's been it's been left i swear absolutely swear we didn't take any turns it doesn't matter if the road is curved damn that's cool do you want to go to bennington to prove it man it's like that's like your [ __ ] man there's so many horror movies that do that kind of thing that oh there was a doorway here and now there's not a doorway here or you're going through the same place over and over again i always wonder what i would actually do in that scenario what what do you do just stay in the one place and wait clear the sun's not coming up boys i think the sun is setting on you guys tonight the radio on yeah as well what is this [Applause] oh that's creepy what station was that that was [ __ ] fm and you guys were playing like where are you guys that we haven't seen another car for about two maybe three hours now look guys look oh my god stevenage yes ha i didn't actually think they were going to get out jesus hello steven stevenage welcome to stevenage oh they're back how did we get here we were just on the phone just reversally reverse go on what do we do just just does it here i don't want to say oh boys you're going to drink a lot more stella we doing turn it back on don't go through the archway [Music] what's wrong with his face [Music] what is happening oh he's wearing a mask [Laughter] oh don't go through there dude you know that's bad oh [ __ ] [Music] oh that's creepy he can't see me oh god damn oh jesus oh that's messed up [Music] oh that was so good holy hell that was just made by some guys who had a camera and a car i'm like let's record something fun and it was done in 2009 we've seen so many movies over the years that actually replicate these types of scenarios and i've seen i can't remember what the movie it was where they smashed the person's face in with the camera and it's so effective good for you guys i got some legit scares out of that i hope that you went on to do actual movies like proper budgeted movies and everything because that was clever that was smart right i'm feeling it i'm into the zone now are you scared yet are you drink some water hydrate okay this one isn't like a a story driven one this one is just a creepy broken tornado siren [Music] wait is that actually a thing that's so cool don't get me wrong that's very creepy but i would have loved to hear that in real life hearing the echo of that go out i told you guys i love sound design i love sounds creepy sounds what if siren head just walked across at the top just across like you just saw him behind one of the buildings in the fog that'd be cool hollywood hire me let's do a siren head movie this one made me quite a bit uncomfortable enjoy this is not the emoji of somebody who's quite uncomfortable but how uncomfortable can you get in 45 seconds let's see like a little bird okay already uncomfortable ew sorry are you okay come here guys come on come on [Music] oh my god do you have water you want some water why is her face look so freaky is she smiling i don't know what happened there i don't know if she was crying or smiling i don't know what she's saying i get now why you're so uncomfortable that's just weird what is this from it's clearly part of something a lot longer i want to see what the whole thing was i thought her face was like contorting and she was actually smiling she was just actually crying i don't know what's going on i'm very confused this be some creepy no-no [ __ ] okay i'm standing in my chair because i'm scared already it's raining very heavily outside the wind is blowing there was a dog barking earlier because they heard me recording my windows open that's why i don't just live in some paper house [Music] what what what just happened are they are they just dead is this the whole video oh no we're going back in oh reese [Music] all right not that scary didn't really didn't really scare me those types of ones where it's just weird don't really make me that uncomfortable nice try josh you're gonna have to try harder than that okay i never get scared a 15 second horror film how can you do horror in 15 seconds i'll wear your candy bags and and what are you supposed to be oh heck okay you actually can make something horrifying in 15 seconds we get so much information it's halloween they're trick-or-treating they're dressed up as ghosts they're real ghosts oh very good but still not that scared get out of here with this baby back [ __ ] i want to be terrified this is horrifying all right sophia i see what you're up to i'll be the judge of that let's watch this what's it called just beyond the golden arches damn three and a half million views look you look cute when you eat those fries okay no what last thing i want is weird creepy tic tac teeth chiclet ronald mcdonald telling me that i look cute eating fries why don't you eat this dick now go ahead get a taste of that big mac it's really good is there drugs in it ronald come on in the water's just fine oh come on i won't bite at least not that hard you still haven't tried your big mac is something wrong yeah you go home hungry our bathrooms are very clean are they mixie clean will you see mixie again i've been in plenty of mcdonald's they're not that clean you look like you have to take a tinkle come on ew stop this is worse than angela seen the big job i got a 93 toyota paseo in the parking lot let's get out of here i don't want to i used to like logic you know the rapper yeah but the needle dropper views him so poorly i just don't really care for his music now all right well this is my pad that ain't much but i certainly call it home wait ronald mcdonald doesn't live at mcdonald's or on some sort of farm i've been completely lied to my entire life here have some water there you go oh god made me want to vomit no no we taking drugs there's some straight lsd in there we're tripping balls right now i just don't know why you didn't try the big mac was it me yes don't you want to know how sucky that it can taste i feel like the fbi are going to kick in my door any second and arrest me don't you want to know how succulent tastes how beautiful life can really be don't be afraid when you come to your senses i'll bring you back up where are you bringing me easy with him now we really need him to try this big i'm sorry what what the hell did i just watch i am never going to mcdonald's again i mean i can't right now because they're all closed in england because of quarantine but i never ever want to go near one again especially if there's a ronald around i actually have a picture from when i was a kid sitting on ronald mcdonald's lap like a plastic one that was on a bench outside that you could take pictures with that was creepy i'll give you that not bad and meet canyon you have a new fan in me in fact you know what me canyon right now i'ma go and i'ma click subscribe there you go and all of you should go subscribe to them as well a ton of people sent me this one ton of people sent me the bells a scary short horror film um derek sorcerer sent it to me thank you shout out dark sorceress what up what are you a direct sorceress of i may never know is it like the yu-gi-oh kind like dark magician because he's pretty tight somebody's gonna have to go by and start going through his things the service is next week i see all right he'll be coming right here jim the whole thing is freaking me out to be honest the bells why are they saying it has to be a closed casket did they ever say what happened uh oh you're near a church or something what no i'm at my house jim's hearing the bells you don't hear that hear what it's like a full-on movie all right okay i'm into it let's let's get all cozy i don't know why i keep like shuffling in my chair like i'm more comfortable that way but i'm ready we're hearing the we're hearing the bells you hear those jim quarantine club shout out oh oh i don't know jim strange jim are you there hello yeah i'm here hello oh she can't hear him [Music] she's not there anymore jim put the phone down and get some earplugs get some noise cancelling headphones get some sonys or something [Music] oh or do that this bang in your head helps this is what it's like to have tinnitus by the way not that you hear bells all the time but it's just it's like nah stop shut up oh jesus christ now that's tinnitus that's how you get tinnitus oh he's completely deaf oh god one of my fears [Music] can you still not hear anything or did that go away i'm confused those are moving oh can you really not hear anything oh that is really weird maybe that's the blood that came out of your ears from all the bells exploding your eardrums get a mop clean it up or just step in it and drag it all around the living room that's fine oh hell those are some sizeable feet walking around your house [Music] what is that they're dirty underwear someone just [ __ ] their pants and bleed everywhere ah gross and they're stunning and walking around your house disgusting [Music] what was that i don't know what i was supposed to be afraid of just now also it looked like invisalign inside that thing smart smart thank you jim every time something scary happens in these things no one picks up a weapon if i'm getting scared immediately i am grabbing the heaviest thing that i can i'm grabbing i'm gonna start throwing like this iron at people turn it on skull someone's face knock them out that's how they're going down don't put it down oh you can hear again what was that i think i closed whoa what the hell was that thing oh nice shot nice transition shot that thing ate him and now the kid's eating cereal nice it was the kid the kid's the killer murderer have you ever met children they're horrible i'm assuming this is caitlin oh he missed him all right he did jim stone cold day oh [Music] do you hear that hear what i thought the mom was hearing it but it's the kid who was hearing it and whenever you hear the bells jaws is coming for you shark face is coming to get you ah that was cool only 11k subs with three and a half million views on that good job that was great that set design and everything i mean the house is nice but the lighting is good let's see i want to get a good look at this thing again the hell is this thing it's absolutely gross it's really cool though the costume design is amazing good job what was really interesting to me about that though was that his hearing completely went and it's it's just now that i've realized that we never have that i want to see a whole scene play out with no hearing but the audience hears nothing as well oh a quiet place did that never mind i'll shut up now oh we got one from crypt tv y'all ever watched any [ __ ] tv stuff they're great uh shout out to kryptv as well they're great this one's called miss anity like my sanity oh god we're immediately starting off with somebody punching jake paul [ __ ] damn dude you got nine to [ __ ] out d pretend that it's a natural thing melissa cause it's not your opinion doesn't matter he's your son he needs you to be more sensitive no what he needs is someone to tell him to take that gunk off his face oh that's sad [Music] oh but he likes putting on makeup [Music] oh oh i'm sorry what what the hell was in your wallpaper okay let's see where that goes oh no oh no okay oh no no no what is that oh hell no oh it's gone oh my god nice uh doesn't matter hell no hit me what the [ __ ] hit me hit me nice oh but he likes it though what the hell is going on hit me hit me hit me damn she's skulking back in the wall you're not even going to check on jacob let him cry it out or whatever yeah shitty dad oh they're coming for you now though boy so that's her that's the that's the lady turned into the creature ugh i thought it was like james charles coming out to do your makeup all i could think about during that scene was the the meme horror clip that people do where he comes up and hi sisters also it goes completely without saying i think but i'm going to say it anyway if you want to put makeup on no matter your gender no matter your sexual orientation just do it do whatever it makes you happy easier said than done if like this your dad's being an [ __ ] but there are people who will accept you for who you are and you deserve to be accepted for who you are dad i want to talk to you oh dad got a whole chunk gun out of him that's creepy all the way through the floor [Music] oh jesus he's strung up with webs oh there's a ton of people down here is miss hannity just putting on a show [Applause] ew oh so many spiders came out of their faces ew i see you [ __ ] tv i see what you're up to very nice i mean the production value on that was really damn good so congrats to you guys also go shout out [ __ ] tv go help them out if you want to all right i'm gonna stop looking at these for right now but those were some really good clips that's what i was talking about i wanted to see some like really good stuff not just like little teeny tiny clips of like one thing happening or like a spider jumping at a screen or something i like these more atmospheric ones the ones that really like get under your skin um that first one is probably the creepiest one out of all of them just because it felt so real and it's a little hokey with somebody with the mask coming after you and whatnot it's that that part wasn't that scary it's just fun footage stuff man it just it gets me but you guys are okay you guys sent me some decent stuff this time do i will call on you again so follow me on twitter if you want to keep up to date with that if you got something in the bag if you've got something ready in the bar ready to shoot my way then twitter is the place where it's going to be because i'm going to call on you guys again also don't forget to like this video if you liked it and also let me know which one you like the most out of all these which one of all the clips that i watched got under your skin the most because i'm curious to see what scares you and then we might be able to get all that information together get some more clips like that and really just scare the pants off you next time but another successful session for the quarantine club comes to a close don't forget to subscribe if you want to be part of the quarantine club as well [Music] you
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 8,948,619
Rating: 4.9555416 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, scary videos, reacting to scary videos, scary video, scariest videos, jacksepticeye reacts, jacksepticeye reacting to scary videos, scary animations, jacksepticeye reacting, reacting to scary animations, meatcanyon, crypttv, scary, reaction, mystery, scariest videos on the internet, scariest videos on the internet 2020, no through road, horror, scary stories, reactions, jumpscare, creepy, creepy videos
Id: 0v7Sa_vEUxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 51sec (1791 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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